>>2701nice. i need to get me one of those LBVs at some point so i don't have to stuff my magazines in my cargo pockets and look like a shoplifter when i shoot
btw in regards to the FAL feeding problem i'm not sure exactly how similar a FAL and a PTR are but muh PTR does the same shit sometimes if i've been shooting a lot in one sitting and spraying a little oil into it usually fixes the problem. you using steel or aluminum mags? i have both kinds and i've found the aluminum ones have feeding issues more frequently
>>2698the stuff i picked up was s&b. maybe something was up with their equipment and i just got a bad batch, none of the shit exploded the hi point so whatever
i'm definitely gonna pick up some of that liberty shit and play with it at some point tho
>>2701sick fam photo. need to get a new raifu at some point, but cant decide on caliber
>>2703oops my s&b are 12 ga. have some armscor too but not enough fired to say one way or another. visuals fine tho
hi point could be a picky eater
>>2704nah most of it was just the magazine it worked okay after i corrected that issue save for a couple of particularly defective rounds in that first box. apparently a lot of their mags' feed lips are bent in slightly too far
>>2702dont recommend putting oil in your mags in general
getting lubrication on your ammunition may result in excessive load on your locking lugs since you don't get as much friction between the expanded case and chamber wall
i imagine it would be less serious in a roller delayed action like a PTR but you might have excessive extraction speed and parts breakage. not sure if you could blow a case out but the possibility would increase
>>2706no i didn't mean oil the mag i meant spray some on the bolt area
as in take the mag out and spray a bit inside the receiver
>>2702>look like a shoplifterlel I feel that feel
>steel or alumsteel, they are all metric, the fal is metric too. idk if the problem is me firing 308 or 7.62 through it. will test that another day
up until now it hadnt been something i had considered No.2712
>>2709unless the springs and followers are shit then then the mags should be ok, steel ones are hard to fuck up unless you're literally throwing them at walls and shit
>308 or 7.62didn't think of that, were you using .308?
>>2712I was using both. The most recent times I’ve fired it I’ve had a bit of both, never paid enough attention to which was which though when firing. I will be next time I target shoot though
>>2713iirc .308 has higher pressure and there's a very slight size difference. they're still interchangeable obviously since you were shooting bith but FALs were built to use 7.62 NATO. maybe that pressure difference is causing issues?
>>2713>>2714the differences are probably similiar to the difference between 556 NATO spec vs .223 REM:
chamber dimension tolerances and case wall thicknesses etc.
on a modern firearm everyone just designs conservatively anyway so it will work fine either way
>FAL issuesDSA is notoriously shitty QC tbh. theres a lot of reasons why things might not be working quite right, all the way up to the receiver being built completely out of spec. sad but true. im still troubleshooting issues with my build on a DSA receiver
>>2705thats good
just got an ad for trueshotammo btw. forgot about em but their bundle sales can be nice, gud company
>>2717>200 rds for $470i know it's a gud deal these days but i really miss muh 1000 rds for $500 bulk deals at gun shows. now they're like $800 or some shit for that last i saw
>>2718 error post
that dots 400 but just looked and prices are back down to 35 cpr for neatos so my bad they will occasionally throw in free ear pro tho
>>2719u havin real bad luck with that filter aintcha?
>free ear prolike gud ear pro or just those shitty ones the military typically gets?
>>2720it was my first time uwu
snagged axil muffs n buds, both auto dampeners. i lik em better than peltors & shellshocks but got me a round viking head
>>2723im a fan of my sordins. i want to upgrade them to gel ears for maximum comfort
>>2726got that good good
lost 1/3 my hearing so w/e for me. hope eeeebro recovered though
>>2714>>2715Thx for the info budys havent been out again yet. I thoroughly cleaned Charlene though. Will post updates
In other news:
In case you ever need to know, goats will be your best friend if you give them tobacco.
>pix relatedThey ran up on me after lunch to get moar so I gave them the rest of my pouch then the land owner rolled up saying we broke his fence and I told him “lolno you have goats my guy gtfo” he called our office and my boss told him to fuck himself. I also got two help a couple of stranded motorists today too, Mr. Randy and his wife. They were high school sweet hearts and still are at it :D
I’ll post pix of my payphone I found a month ago when I get home.
>>2737i lik gote
wish i had a yard big enough for one
>>2737didnt know goats ate baccy fellow rollie chad. do they get a buzz?
>>2739>do they get a buzz?I imagine so, they certainly have been expecting me to give them more every day we pull up since I hooked them up.
>>2741test it out by denying them any once and see if they get mad and start being assholes to each other then you'll really be sure
>>2712Tested the fal a bit today. There was another guy out there with one, he was mentioning to slightly sand the edges of the magazine to smooth it out. Same mag had issues feeding with the 308
which overall performed much more poorly than the 7.62 got the gas figured out
2.5 is the sweet spot No ejection issues after that, and the only feeding issue was with the wonky mag using 308 again. I was having issues sighting it in at 25 yards with the iron sights though. It was firing way high. Tried adjusting the sights all the way down, finally hit the paper.
2 is the lowest # the sight has, and 6 the highest No.2755
>>2754>way off at 25 yardswas the FAL beat to shit when you bought it? is the front sight bent at all?
>>2754hmm that rear looks fucked. run it further than 25? new sight maybe cheaper than ammo tests and nigger rigging
fwiw handguard on my ayyarr is slightly off from receiver, moved
cants both to handguard and it pinholes but thats assuming you're getting an optic mount regardless
w/e tho raly kentucky windage is gud as any if you're used to it and not gonna distribute
>>2754probly easiest way to address your fucked elevation would be an extended front sight.
DSA's can be crazy wack tbh
>>2758so is the front sight bent?
>>2759how would i know?
just gonna guess no, tho. FAL front sight is chonky and hard to damage.
>>2760it was rhetorical, dsa's lack of quality control didn't answer that question.
if his front sight is bent even a little bit it could completely fuck up his aim. not being able to even hit the paper at 25 yards could mean he has a bent front sight or a warped barrel ime. if it's a newer gun then the barrel
shouldn't be warped tho, hopefully their quality control isn't that terrible
>>2761>the barrel shouldn't be warped tho, hopefully their quality control isn't that terribleits actually that terrible.
anyway, i find it unlikely the sight is bent, because its a CHONKY site.
>>2762>its actually that terriblehow tf are they in business if they're shipping out warped barrels lmao i would go on an autistic crusade if i spent $1k+ dollars or whatever on a firearm and the fuckin thing couldn't even hit paper at 25yds. hell i'd be mad if a $400 rifle couldn't manage that
>>2763because they're the only source of FALs these day
nobody importing IMBELs anymore
>>2763also for reference, theres a history of things like receivers having machining– to the point where magazines wouldnt even seat
like, just imagine that. entire production process and nobody even tried to put a mag in
>>2765missing machining steps*
>>2765>>2766that's fuckin infuriating i would leap at the chance to get paid to build guns and i would do it god damn well and these dummies just go and shit everything up huh?
there's a gunsmithing school/class or whatever not too far away from me actually i should go check that out
>>2767don't its not a profitable business unless you have a niche tbh.
>>2772how about i do it anyway just for the knowledge and also because not everything is about money? i just want spartman to have a FAL that doesn't shit the bed before it even fires a round
>>2781that place looks vary safe you should camp there
>>2868>first onesick finds. get you some wendussy budy?
>>2868why did that durr have a toupee
>>2870tryin to get that dussy
>>2869No wendussy ;_;
>>2870He’s a low t balding alpha cuck
now heem a high t ded beta chad