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/sp/ - Sparts

its a tampa kinda day


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Republican Donald Trump (1-0)
#Democrat Kamala Harris (0-1)
9:00 PM ET / 8:00 PM CT / 7:00 PM MT / 6:00 PM PT
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but he will be more entertaining. also libtard tears


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politics is the new bred n circus
except bred is $10 a loaf and the circuses are filled with unfunny obese negroes who educate you on white privilege


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chance at losing a little less would be a nice treat


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the niggers are eating kots now :/


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cat ladies are vary confused rn

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inshallah cirno shall be the queen of spee

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Sumo is here. Starting on the Sunday!
Gonna do the usual stream at 16:00 UTC, which is aboot noon on the US East Coast.
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Come on spartmans! Join us, watch soomow!


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That was it spartsmans.
No Teru. Health problems.
Takakeisho also has not recovered, he fights, but you can really see he is not well.
Asanoyama had surgery, he is recovering, but only will return in 2025.


fugged muh sleep schedule up budy how was day 1?
>teru out
oh damn, t's and p's big man. when does the title come into question?


Good opening day, had couple of surprises.
There was a guest who did not log in.
>when does the title come into question?
Well he skips some bashos, then back in with good score, then skips again. He does this for a while now and can go on. At one point they might call on him to retire.
However he is the sole yokozuna, for three years now. And doesn't seem any of the rikishis up for taking the torch over. For this, the elders might be more lenient.
Beyond this his health could force him to give up I think. I don't know about the process.


nice i lik teruformer

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shoulda backed isrul, spics - GHOST(ed) States of Weimerica
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when niggers talk about spices they simply mean copious amounts of lawry's


vaxxed? i hope they get some retarded AWFL and WH ascends into its rightful place as murrikwa's colosseums


only two i can think of. maybe kaotic is still around?


oh i didn't read your whole post but w/e

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Rays vs. Orioles
Game in Progress
>TB: 0 - BAL: 0

White Sox (32-111) vs. Red Sox (72-70)
>12:35 PM CT
<CWS +223 BOS -272

Nationals (64-78) vs. Pirates (66-76)
>12:35 PM CT
<WSH +137 PIT -162
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>yankees lose
>cubs win
>play that gay song



me to budy


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now they are very sad and will get swept by the mets

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>chink ripoff
of course


>barely 4 figs
gay nigga, u played urself


your dignity is only worth at most $1956? i've got $2k in one of my drawers come over and blow me


I need to be a scalper.


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Look at this smug shark

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lookin gud, bzzdotz!


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Dear Uncle Duddddder,
Hello, how are you?
Pleas, if you are free, would you come over to my house and get rid of a gay nigga who tried to kiss me?
I havn't been able to sleep and it is makeing me sad. I can not pay you much money but I will give you my allowence
Thank you
Peter Quincy, age 19


every day remembering for duddmen 🙏


@dudder, hope ur doin great 👍

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>no abazaba
>no whatchamacalit


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kill yourself


candy is for children


What cartoon?


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>red is good
>green is bad

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 No.1638943[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

TRUK & PULLR & TREN & PLEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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you should be ded rite now


lel ya but i didnt smoke the crack though tbh i rly srsly considered it


>i start to REALLY think about all my options
nobody wants to hear about your gay anal fantasies


more like tl;dr shit that never happened


nah it happened

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 No.1632877[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I'm traveling to America for the first time today. How do I stay alive and maybe even enjoy my time there.
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I will be in san francisco there to beat you up and laugh at you ha ha ha that is you

t. 1992 cricket world champions PAKISTAN


go innawoods and/or drive up the coast this time
vary pretty


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Thanks all. Dunno how much i'll goof around this time but i'll post updates whenever I can.
Also how do i celebrate 9/11 in america.


.>we americans typically run around in the middle of the street with our arms outstretched while making airplane whooshing noises


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kinda like this

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Pittsburgh Steelers (0-0) vs. Atlanta Falcons (0-0)
>12:00 PM CT
<ATL -3.5 TOTAL 42

Arizona Cardinals (0-0) vs. Buffalo Bills (0-0)
>12:00 PM CT
<BUF -6.5 TOTAL 48

Tennessee Titans (0-0) vs. Chicago Bears (0-0)
>12:00 PM CT
<CHI -4.0 TOTAL 43.5
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damn borker memefield cooked
>280 yds
>20 yds rushing
>4 TDS


Footcrik teams still cannot function properly lel


loins are doing a poopy in the bed


i love charli


duddder is a confirmed brat

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 No.1620733[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


kakasex in spee and fedocel in librejp

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reminder that all jews are pedophiles


fedocel in librejp


helo dudder sir librejp has pizza pls delet


poopslapper at it again
pls ban free vpns


fedophile seems to be hitting /librejp/ a lot more lately, he's probably trying to figure out more ways around filters

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u lik neger?


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uncle toms


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i hat nigers


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im killing them



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 No.1620841[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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frieren is the gayest shit. some bitch looking like a PSO avatar crying about some stabiloheads she never really gaf about for an entire season.
that 2nd vampire hunter movie did the lifespan schtick better in two scenes than the entirety of that pile of dung. fuck you.


her little cunt apprentice is even more annoying imo and her warrior love interest is the worst kind of simp faggot character
why do nips love that combo so much? bitchy shitty annoying chick with pussy omega male bf? is that what their lives are actually like to the point they can't even keep it out of their fantasies?


yes its so they can self insert


this is why i dont watch meme anime.
if its popular with normalfags and 4chan (which is kinda the same thing at this point) its usually garbage.


friren was good to watch as the top dog in its season we've been in a gud anime DROUGHT, but its definitely a 7/10, 7.5 MAX sorta deal other than looking pretty.

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