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 No.7557[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Just make a post here if you don't see a thread and don't wanna make a thread.
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Hopefully he learnt the futility of trying to appease twitter trannies, but probably not since the dude is kind of a fag


>Super Mario supermarket in Costa Rica wind trademark lawsuit against Nintendo


inwould love it so much if some spic supermarket got a billion dollar settlement out of nintendo for copyright infringement, the pottery would be exquisite and not gay like the tpaste kind


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Fritz knows his shit, that doll's ass is splendid.


imagine the temperature, she must be cold

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whats ur rig
do u like it
what parts u wanna buy


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A 10 year old Dell Inspiron that I added an SSD and a salvaged Nvidia card to over the years
Sure, it runs pretty much every game I care about
None until if/when something breaks (and I'm not installing shitblows 11 either fuck you microshart)


that screencap is almost physically painful to read, dude got ripped off as hard as best buy could manage
anyway my rig is a decade old with a 3.6 ghz amd processor, 8 gb ram, and a radeon 290 (i think, i'm on my laptop and just recalling from memory rn) and it runs the vast majority of modern indie shit. dunno if it would be able to run any AAA stuff at all, but i also haven't seen a AAA game that i was even remotely interested in playing in like 4 years
i like it tho it's served me well, but the gpu is probably about to go to shit and when that happens i'm gonna have to build a whole new rig because of how old all the hardware is. not looking forward to it tbh considering the gpu prices nowadays where even a mid range one is probably going to be over half of the cost of the build


*radeon r9 290
whoops forgot that bit

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 No.7509[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

general, modding, adventures, w/e
no tism too small

mods recs from other thread:
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Tim Cain? iirc he directed Fallout 1 but left during the development of 2 because he didn't agree with the direction that the series was going in. Didn't like FO2 that much myself either tbh


yah that guy, but it's probably not the same guy >>8194 was talking about tho since he left before bethesda acquired fallout. idk why i was thinking they had anything to do with the first two games


OG modder i coulda phrased that better
just remembered there was that bethesda mod store thang somewhere around 4 too, so ya i'm prob misremembering


*sips* …..Yup, Morrowind's still got it


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I still need to play this
Wonder what kind of specs that guy has for it to be running that silky smooth? For me I usually get like 20-30fps max in the big TR cities

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really this thread dies with op because killer bean will be the final good game ever made.
regardless, post about new games.
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looks neat
>for consoles


i've seen this on xwitter for a while, looks interesting but the cartoon style matched with non-cartoon violence is a bit jarring


ya i thought the same but on the same screen it lists steam as well as the consoles
the violence is alright to me but i do find the 3dcg world is hopefully not a jarring juxtaposition. maybe playing it i wont think about it as much as watchin vids of it


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>cuphead but fps
i dunno tbh


it's at least a more interesting concept than cookie cutter spess/modern warfare fps with generic sound design

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it's here
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Majority of the games on PS5 are also available on PS4 partly because for some reason making games take like 5 years so they likely started out developing on PS4. That being said, the few exclusives that do exist like Spider-Man 2 don't look too different from remastered ps4 games, except maybe performing better at 1440p/60fps than 1080p/30fps. Comparing 8th and 9th gen, the spec upgrades pretty much made games smoother to run incrementally than being full blown upgrades. I skipped the 8th gen but bought a Ps5 and have been playing all the 8th gen games I missed out on a systen that runs the games better so I'm content with it.


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>tfw the retvrn never happened
It was obviously fake and gay in the first place but would've been pure sovl


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those two pics look different but neither is necessarily better than the other, like when people show those RTX off/on comparisons i don't see what all the excitement is about


that lonk is bonkers, real cocaine hours
>consumers didn't know wtf to buy
for real it was always cool to look at but didnt know wtf i was looking at with three consoles stacked on top of each other
then dreamcast dropped and it was lik neat man they did some weird shit again hope one of my friends gets one never did bro out with fishy man :(
coulda had the keltech of vidya but ouya and the gang p much ruined that forever


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ITT: Post you're high scores, time trials, speedruns or whatever and other anons try to beat them. Stole this idea from fatchan /vr/ (RIPIP)
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i would but the controllers i have are ancient and mostly broken from repeated moves. as in more than the joysticks are messed up, it'd just be easier to buy a new one than try and fix any of them


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you can get one of the third-party n64 controllers where they make the layout more realistic and easier to hold


i like that first one. second one looks clunky af tho


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Looks like it's ripped off from those old Hori ones


>d-pad directly in the center
seems like bad placing tbh, but most n64 games didn't really use the d-pad anyway i guess. kirby 64 probably woulda been a pain in the ass with that tho

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>Gran Turismo series sold over 90 million units and is the best selling playstation exclusive franchise
>9 games in the series, averaging 10 million units sold per game
I don't get it. Why do these games sell so much? Despite being so big, GT doesn't have this perception as being a huge franchise for playstation. With sales like these, it should be playstation's mario, but it feels like it is brought up the least by fans when talking about PS exclusives.

I had GT3 and played it a it on my PS2 as a kid but never got into it. Racing sim wasn't my genre I guess, I prefered NFS and burnout. I can understand some people being into the realism and technological advancements the games bring in but find it crazy that it results in 10s of millions of sales. I hear more about Forza nowadays but even Forza never sold that well in comparison to GT.
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>I can't imagine that most car autists are gamers
why tho it stands to reason that carspergs would live and breathe their hobby. i'm not trying to say they're the only reason the games sell well but it wouldn't surprise me if they're a significant chunk of the consumers. it has enough in depth sim elements to it to attract them at least. also casuals are more likely play arcade racer type stuff like need for speed


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>Despite being so big, GT doesn't have this perception as being a huge franchise for playstation.
it certainly used to have that reputation
GT 1 and 2 and 3 were p massive in shipping playstations. they really pushed the gfx for the system in really impressive ways for the time, and thats something they kept up through the various gens. so it kinda became sonys unofficial tech demo game. a GT would come out at or around the new PSs release

and if you happened to be a really big sperg about racing sims, you ended up with some pretty serious bang for your buck
i remember taking turns with my neighbor grinding up licenses in GT2. dude loved that game. i memeber we always would try to cheese the crazystupid long marathon races by alternating between the autopilot mode and us taking lik 1hr shifts lol. the autopilot always lost the lead so we couldnt just let it run on its own and expect to win

i havent played any of them since GT4, but i think GTs biggest problem was that at first it existed more or less alone in the genre. as time went on it became slightly less relevant, as there were more racing sims available, and also more non-tism-oriented racing games. so an already niche genre, racing games, got split into a bunch of different franchises
its not this monolith like it was


>why tho it stands to reason that carspergs would live and breathe their hobby
i had a roommate like that
he used to just sit there and do races on GT4 every day after work. work HVAC, then play his hyper specific autism dream car in GR4
after about 5yrs, he bought the car irl
so thats EXACTLY the kinda guy GT is geared towards


gotta respect that tbh, dude knew what he wanted and got it


GT4 was surely the peak. GT5 is where it went to irrelevancy. There was big hype around it but massive delays led to the game being outdated when it came out, also outdone by Forza series. GT5 still sold well despite it. GT6 was disappointing and sold the least (still over 5 million units which is great). Another long dormant phase and GT sports and GT7 were a return to form.

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i lik crash
twinsanity is my favorite out of all the games even if it's a buggy unfinished mess, the music alone carries it. i also liked wrath of cortex and tag team racing even though a lot of people see them as weak entries.


Which ones would be best to start with for a newfag? I only had an N64 back then


the original trilogy hasn't aged too well from a gameplay standpoint, the remakes are actually pretty good though so you could start there.


Whatever you say bro, looks like they're on Xbox Gay Pass™ so I'll give em a try


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yuo too?


gud kaki

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why hasn't GAYMING on linux taken off yet?
windows keeps getting worse, wine/proton keep getting better, better frontends, better documentation, and gamerword cattleproof engines like Unity and UE5 are basically out of the box compatible yet we don't seem to be any closer to the tipping point
are we all just a bunch of CONSOOMERs?
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yeh i cant rly disagree with u
gnu/linux is like 3% of the desktop os market so most hardware companies arent gonna bother writing drivers for it
chicken/egg problem
but i think a lot of companies are moving away from weird ways of interfacing with the operating system
its just cheaper+easier (and prolly results in a better functioning product) when u just build on top of a standard interface description
ur always gonna have really awful dogshit os-dependent userspace software (like needing fucking razer synapse to reprogram my mouse)
but as far as core functionality goes nowadays i usually expect things to just werk (except for stuff on the leading edge of technology like gpus)


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yeah but how many GAMERS aren't faggots like Randy? that can't be the dealbreaker for many people. admittedly jack/alsa/pulseaudio problems are like making sacrifices to appease the gods but even on the higher end can't you sidestep most audio out problems by just piping it through a good DAC? idk audio in
btw don't forget the glowies that own audacity introduced telemetry so you've gotta switch to a fork like chuck's
if it's AMD I expect it to just werk


>finally got lutris+proton working
>wangblows games now run with almost zero issues on loonix
amazing, i can play vidya again
what do i play


What do you think SteamOS is?


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y- you play uh-uh-uhm…


anyone member that /v/ tf2 map with all the weird rooms and shit
gud times
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does anyone here still play group fort 2st


i haven't played in like ten years but it's probably still in my steam library. unless my account got deleted at some point


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now that the bots are gone it's a lot more fun again, every match is complete fucking chaos, add on the poltical shitflinging that occurs in every game and it's endless fun


>political shitflinging
hard pass. i can have fun with that on imageborts but i don't want to hear some nasally moron try and lecture me over shit neither of us have any actual power to change while i'm trying to play a game


last tf2 comic is out
valve finally finished a story

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haven't played an open world in years but this was fun
-looks way better than it has any right to
-avoids a lot of the minor bullshit design; can pause any time, watchtower map reveals are infiltration battles, all the side shit is worth it, fast travel is ez
worth a torrent/10
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>buying games
Also it is by sony so there ya go


you sunk my battleship


you had lifeboats right?


Sequel announced. Apparently it is DEI garbage. I don't even care anymore.


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lol, reminds me of when I recently replayed FFVI for the first time since I was like 14 or something

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Thoughts on this situation?
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>man sees an octopus on the beach
>"hmm I think I will fuck that thing"
Kek classic Japan. It's no wonder GF's games are all fucking broken when they're spending their time writing erotic fanfics instead of actually working.


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never really liked emulators tbh, when i have a collection of a gorillion roms knowing i can play any of them at any moment it makes me lose interest
really into modding consoles lately, got my xbox and 360 and wii all modded, the 360 was a hueg pain in the dick to get working and that was just to flash the disc drive to play backups and buying a speshul dvd drive to burn the later games but i'm actually playing the games i burn because of how much effort i put into it. really likin lollipop chainsaw and lost odyssey, also have the mgs hd collection so might play that too.


Eh I kinda get that. I'm guilty of downloading a fuck ton of roms and then not playing half of them. But it's convenient having everything on one device and buying all the OG hardware + flashcarts/modchips/whatever can be really fucking expensive.
Wii hacking is alright since you can still get one for lik 10 burgerbux and it doesn't require any hardmods. I also have a hacked NES Mini but it's kinda janky tbh.


>Japanese folk tales
im sure most of it, esp the fucked up furrybait shit, has some basis in jap folklore. jap folklore is wild stuff.
tons of weird/questionable design choices in the first few games were entirely that.

lik why was misdraevus only catchable in the postgame?
oh cuz mt silver is literally mt fuji and that forest at the foot of it is the suicide forest. hence the ghostly severed head mon

the whole unown thang was all based off of that one weird barrow thats in southern japan with ancient drawings and no one knows who made them


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Gen 3 and 4 had similar stuff too. The Japs probably think it's funny that dumb baka gaijin are shocked by these leaks since the folklore origins would be a lot more obvious to them.

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ps5 toddlers when you cant buy a machine that runs zero games lel


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>this is a 10/10 in burgerland
Also I'm pretty sure that dude has some kind of mental illness, no way is that just regular gaymer autism


>dressed like a toddler at 40 years old

yep, its a snoyboy
snoysisters, its over

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What ever happened? I hope that faggot gets bankrupted.


Nothing happened yet


gay buh is a multibillionaire nothing is going to happen to him regardless


ther case is actually prety fukn bad
theyre trying to say theyre abusing their monopoly position with the 30% cut and not allowing devs to sell the game for a lower price on another storefront, but theyre making some argument where it only applies to keys or something like that. and ya steam is a behemoth but its not a monopoly, you have epic and gog and gmg and a bunch of other storefronts. just that steam was the first big one and none of the other storefronts have done anything good enough to through gay ban off his throne so everyone still uses it
lik there are a lot of things to hate valve for and prolly some better reasons to sue them but this isnt one of them
now theyre trying to argue they bought WON int he 2000s and that counts as unfair competition but thats not what happened at all, they just updated the games using won to use steam instead when it was redy


Its pretty close to a monopoly, last I remember they had 70+% market share, which is a massive market concentration.
Valve is actually shrewd in the sense that they tried to stop releasing direct numbers that would make them look like a monopoly so you can't find anything new and up to date, but I can't imagine things have gotten better since then.

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>All Submissions other than News are permanently closed.

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>""advocacy"" for soulless corp execs that would repossess your pc(+) in a hearbeat
>hope you rike it but if you dont dont say anything teehee~~~
bout what i expected from "I, Benjamin, "
them notes at the bottom are peak CY+ doublespeak too. bet the fag does subs based within a year


yeh. hopefully at least one of the users is autistic enough to set up his own alternative because this ship is already halfway sunk. fuckin discord trannies have to kill everything


new romhacks site just dropped
no idea if its legit tho


Has the Eye been taken down ?


Was but apparently it's back.

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