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Post interesting books - fiction or nonfiction. Explain what makes them worth reading.


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These four books all have loosely the same topic. How and why we are influenced by others. There are ofc more books but these provide a solid foundation.

Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness by Richard H. Thaler, Cass R. Sunstein
>The first book that made the concept of nudging popular. Must read if you don't know what nudging means.

Big Datas Threat to Liberty Surveillance Nudging and the Curation of Information by Sætra, Henrik Skaug
>Book from this that describes how big data robs us of freedom and privacy and how information is curated to nudge us.

The Power of Persuasion: How We're Bought and sold by Robert V. Levine
>Popular book that explains different methods and techniques used to persuade people.

Resistance and Persuasion by Eric S. Knowles, Jay A. Linn
>More scientific (sociology) approach to the topic than 'the power of persuasion'. How does resistance work and how to overcome resistance.


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Inside the Aquarium by Viktor Suvorov
>Very interesting book by a former GRU agent who defected to the UK. explains why people in russia have nothing but praise for putin when they talk to the media. the training part seems a bit exaggerated but then again russia is know for it's old school approach to espionage.


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Annals of Gullibility: Why We Get Duped and How to Avoid It by Stephen Greenspan
>The first book to provide a comprehensive look at the problem of gullibility, this groundbreaking work covers how and why we are fooled in areas that range from religion, politics, science, and medicine, to personal finance and relationships. First laying the groundwork by showing gullibility at play in the writings of historic authors we all know, developmental psychologist Stephen Greenspan follows with chapters that describe social duping across the gamut of human conduct. From people who pour bucks into investment scams, to those who follow the faith of scientologists, believe in fortunetellers, or champion unfounded medicine akin to snake oil, we all know someone who has been duped. A lot of us have been duped ourselves, out of naive trust. It's not a matter of low intelligence that moves us to, without evidence, believe the words of politicians, salesmen, academics, lawyers, military figures, or cult leaders, among others. Greenspan shows us the four broad reasons we become drawn into gullible behavior, and he presents ways people can become less gullible.Greenspan takes us into the vast realm of gullibility from the fictional Pied Piper to the historical Trojan Horse, then through modern-day military maneuvers, political untruths, police and criminal justice scams, and financial and love lies. While there have been earlier books focused on liars and manipulators of all sorts, this is the first to focus on the gullible who are their victims, and how the gullible can become less likely to be taken again.


huge anal fan


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is this a good book? its expensive



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I wrote these TOP WEW LAD shiptoasts and compile them into book into poetry into sheer autistic ART and Aryan BEAUTY and MIGHT jej m8 just.. jej :^)


Nice b8 you need to relax budy


i liek crikt 2 budde :)


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wow fren this is really really good and ufnny funny thanks for posting :)


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Neil Postman - Amusing Ourselves To Death
A prescient view of how technology and entertainment affect the people and society in a negative way.


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i got this first ed. book by Jefferson Davis thats lookin pretty cool. just got through the first chapter it was basically clearing up potential misunderstandings concerning how much states initially gave a shit about the nigs, where they sovernty origin was and stood, and emphasizing that slavry expansion strictly didnt mean more nigrs in number but instead that nigrs as property could expand into new territories n states and basically the missouri compromise was the first cucking of new states sovern power. sum citations here and there which is cool i lik citation n stuff.
heres sum pics of pics n pics of words sorry if sideways i just batch stripped all pics of metadata and that fucks up vert oriented pics and only fixed the two text pics


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heres a letter homeboy wrote to sum indianafag for bein a real homie


whered you find that? i can buy it off amazog but im worried that it'll be tainted by revisionism instead of being the unfiltered version of his writing


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description of the four parties in the presidential election of 1860
i appreciate how salty President Davis can be at times.

abe books
unfortunate name lol. i spent about four hunnerd on the set, two volumes. there were cheaper options but really its not gonna be terribly cheap getting a 1st ed of a book nearing 150 years of age.


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Used to have a copy of pic related, trying to track down the guy I loaned it to because of its increase in value. Bought it for 50 bux in 2010 or something like that


thanks for posting this, didn't know davis even wrote any books tbh
be sure to post ur fave highlights


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sorry im a vary slow reader retarded and dont have as much time as id like to read books

also sry for all the pages but it was alotta words, dook, and i read em and thought they were interesting enough to share. if it keeps being this frequent im gonna stop takin pics unless is raly gud cuz this is to much lel.
>read 10-20 pages
>o shit this is guud
>*takes pics of half the fuckin pages*
<*new reply*

anyway this is davis talkin in the usgay senate session in dec. 1860 after sc's senators already said derica and meant it


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>so called "Republican"

i thought for the first time answering vary succinct and straightforward while reading this, simply that the response of the North justified the South in seceding. it seems so obvious now that ive thought it i wonder why i havent before and if ive just missed it when other people have said that same thing before. seems lik something that would have maybe even been a popular stance to state during or after the war.


this looks pretty interesting. is the symbolic stuff largely things like something spoken or an action taken that is symbolic or actual visual symbols like the handicapped parking logo or whatever
idk who ross is nor what his crucian intent is all about but sometimes i see a spartman mention him in some act of big brainitude that is frankly a grade or two above my reading level


Mungo parks travels into the interior is account of what arabs and Africans where getting up to before European contact


why are you being a faggot just post something you read instead of doing whatever gay 4gag shit you're doing all over the site rn i guarantee you won't get some epic reaction if you're looking for that there's less than 10 people who regularly post here and >we all get tired of dumbshit attention whoring after like three posts at most


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""The Hardware Hacker"" by Andrew "bunnie" Huang
>TL;DR: Read if you're interested in how electronic hardware gets manufactured overseas. Gets kind of reddit-y towards the end but otherwise a great read.

<Long version:

I picked this up thinking it was just some hardware cracking book, but it actually turned out to be a pretty interesting look at the manufacturing industry in China.
For example, it mentioned how the China's reputation as the "cheap shit" manufacturing base kind of creates a self-fulfilling prophecy where manufacturers are incentivized to cut corners in production as much as they can to keep costs as low as possible, leading to horrible situations like using roofies in aquadots or using tons of people to hand-craft zippers (since human labor is objectively cheaper than automation unless you're mass-producing something on a ridiculous scale)
Another interesting thing the book mentioned was how the Chinese tech industry has more of a focus on manufacturing ability rather than intellectual property, which leads to fun and weird situations where confidential datasheets and other documents are more or less shared freely to the public since the hardware companies consider it as free advertising. (tho this also leads to the situation where bootleg/fake products are fairly common)
Don't think that I'm simping for the authoritarian surveillance shithole that is China, (even if you read between the lines in the book it's p clear how shitty the country can be) but it's interesting to read an argument proposing that many of the issues that western countries see with China are simply due to a lack of understanding of Chinese cultural views on manufacturing.


china about to look like a fucking paradise compared to the mulatto banana republic the US is morphing into


china is the brazil of asia and is more like the end result of the usa that you describe than anything preceding it


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spro who mentioned RAW got me on a kick. this dudes got a few interesting books on things from spess to globohomo, to ayys
reddit brains 'waking life' lucid sleepwalk into babby's first solipsism, but i know you spiggas arent that retarded and not about to blame guns for blacks existing
also fuck descarte, still listen to Fritjof Capra's diss track on him occasionally



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#22 | CaptainBlackbeard Radio | To William, With Love





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imagine the ancient roman empire didn't fall and instead survived as a state, in some more or less unified form, across revolutions and reformations, collapses and restorations, invasions and conquests, civil wars and reunifications, throughout the ages, from the ancient world, via middle ages, the renaissance, to the modern era, the first world war, the birth of nation states, the second world war, until our own present days (inb4 alt history timelines: i said "imagine")
pretty wild, right?
well, that fiction above, about which i'm sure there are novels out there, is not fiction but normal history if you just switch out one detail

china is the rome of asia


>blatantly retarded false statement followed by cope
you are a pompous idiot pretending to be smart and every recommendation you make is probably going to be trash


a pretty fucking lame cope that
but still a cope
well done, otherwise a burger brain could just melt from the overexposure to world history and geography


this lying you do doesn't work when anyone can just go and look up videos and pictures of what china is like and realize it's africa tier. say what you want about amerigay it doesn't unpollute your rivers, recover all the history and culture you deliberately destroyed during your "gr8nleep 4ward :)", or suddenly turn your population into saoiens that don't cook their food with literal sewer slop that even indians would gag over

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