>>917this is based. congrats to that Russian.
during the summer
>>917this is p gud tbh
Hey this be breddy gud thread.
New seeds planted. 3 kinds of lettuce, radishes, beets, and carrots in the tub. Spinach and kale in the box, on the containers in the ground we planted peas, tomatoes, jalapeno, red chili peppers, habenero, squash, zucchini, dill, fennel, and cucumbers.
Never seen a trailer park outside of movies and telly shows. Nice cacti collection you have there.
>>951Couldn't plant shit yet, I dug up the garden, and did some pruning too, but the weather was below 0 Celsius last week, and while the weekend was mild, they say the frost might come back. I'm thinking I'll shit on it and plant some stuff, radishes and garlic, maybe onion.
I also have to do some more pruning this time on fruit trees.
Did you made that ladder? Mayhaps you could throw together some shelf system and multiple the space of your garden with that.
>>954Thanks. The snow killed s bunch of the cacti, the root systems might have lived. I guess we will see how bad the damage was in a couple months if they start growing again.
No i did not make the ladder, im going to get some trellis this week to set up for the tomatoes, cucumbers and peas to grow up. More pics to come. Im working on setting up an aquaponics system too. We will see what happens.
>>960Looking good.
>>962What's the purpose of the raised platform?
>>963Is the railing there for plants to run up?
>>964The raised platform im turning into a deck, then screened in porch. Im getting more material for it this weekend.
No railing, just the lattice. They are close enough to grow over to, then up it. Heres some more photos, rearranged some stuff this weekend. Almost everything is in its final place for the season.
>>966How large plots trailer homes have around them?
Also your shadow doesn't look fat enough. You are a disgrace of your stereotype and the ball you post with.
>>968>How large plots trailer homes have around them?It depends on where you park your camper. Mine has about 1000 sq feet surrounding it, including the land its on, I live in a rv park with 40 lots. Usually its smaller because they want to cram as many trailers in as possible.
Ill make sure my shadow isnt in anymore photos ;-;
>>973Do you guys own the real estate, or have to rent the spot?
How's the utilities? There are plugs for electricity outside? How do you heat the trailer? How cold is that in winter? Where the poop go?
>>976>How's the utilities? Not bad about 50 USD per month at most
>There are plugs for electricity outside? Yes, there is a meter out back and a power line running to my camper
>How do you heat the trailer? When its cold enough with a space heater
>How cold is that in winter? Its not very cold in winter here
Where the poop go?
Into the city sewage
I have all utilities provided by the city.
Did you get a good crop out of this year?
>>1085>>1086Dude I fucking love those peppers! What are the peach coloured? Well done all round, carrots are a little sad though, soil too dry perhaps? Those large tomatoes look delicious as fuck. You cooking anything special with them? Pizza?
cool thread glad somebody bumped it
you ever do any guerilla gardening? I wanna do a suburban guerilla grow watermelon patch next summer
>>1085are those pear/teardrop tomatoes?
>>975brandywines are so good. my grandpa would always send us home with some from his garden in the summer
>>1085>>1086Noice. Third pic looks great. Bon appetite.
I maded photos of tomato plants, I still have to the fruits before I eat them all.
>>1089>guerilla guardeningYou mean just shove some seeds all about? It could work. Places not used for gardening lacks the pests that kill/damage your crop, so at least that isn't much of a factor. Soil and nutrients is a question. Also your plants and their fruits, roots, leaves can accumulate toxic shit so look around well for trash and garbage dumps.
>>1088Thanks, the peach colored ones are habaneros. Not sure why the carrots were so weird. Maybe the heat did effect the soil. Im going to use straw next round to help keep the skills moist, and prevent root exposure. Im canning some of them as we speak to save for sauce later after it cools down. Running a stove in a camper in the summer is not recommended.
>>1089>guerilla gardeningNo I havent, though ive always wanted to. Might try it this fall/spring. Im planting seeds tomorrow. Will post photos.
>pear/teardropThose are San Marzano paste tomatoes. Im canning them for sauce.
>>1095Thanks fam, you never know when you might need it.
Pics are a Romaine, Beet, and radish bed.
Random lettuce and kale seeded
Pickling cucumbers, red cabbage, russian and red kale, red chard, broccoli, and spinach. Seeded them all today.
>>1097>>1099Looks cozy. Please keep posting OP
Nice mescaline collection you got there pal.
>>1104Pics related
>>1102Thanks friend
>>1104>Sorry I hadnt posted in a while. Itake your time my friend
>>1105give us a tour of that 240 gl(?)?
>>1109>>1108thanks bro, iata. love old turbobricks.
btw that joe walsh album is awesome, from start to finish. esp indian summer is super comfy
Oh shid, much postings.
>>1109I gave my cassette hoard to a friend of mine who still had player in his car. That car is gone now. I assume the collection too. It's kinda sad. Although all my players died on me, so nothing to listen with. (But I bet still can be bought from somewhere, and bit older ones are actually repairable).
>>1111?I gave my cassette hoard to a friend of mine who still had player in his car.
At least you could have tried and converting the tapes into mp3s.
File: 1637878648051.jpg (359.81 KB, 1308x1600, 327:400, erős-pista-ground-hot-papr….jpg)

>>1112Liek tabasco sauce, with vinegar?
Here we just grind it down and that's it.
>>1113I have all that in mp3s. No digitalization was needed.
>>1109Nooo fix that windshield
NOW No.1116
>>1115DON'Ttell him what to do
>>1114I blended it after cooking the ingredients. I think I used too much brown sugar, I wanted a more liquid sauce. Wound up with pics related. It will be good on smoked ribs or sandwiches.
If anyone asks ill post a step by step of how I made it. Its got a really good flavor and it pretty hot too.
>>1117>sugarYou guys really use it for everything.
>>1120>You guys really use it for everything.requesting for american cooking videos from kc to be posted here
>>1121Oh, the "Fello, Wildcats!" guy?
>>1120>you guys really use it for everythingMe personally only very seldom, French toast and oatmeal…now for hot sauce too. Sadly its found in almost every food you buy in either sugar form, corn syrup, or high fructose corn syrup. D: D: D:
>>1124Of meny thankrs budy
>>1124Oh shit, I forgot here could be real Japs. I see toshaki doing some cleaning occasionally on end/librejp. But otherwise I don't think the occasional Japanese posting there actually done by Japanese.
>>1125I'm sure it's tasty tho, I'm not saying.
I eat frenchie toast salty and with raw garlic, occasionally tomato and green/hot paprika. But Hungarians are divided, some eat it sweet.
>>1127Slightly salty french toast with butter (actual butter not that 90% vegetable oil shit) and a little bit of maple syrup tastes very good. Never heard of people putting garlic on it though I might have to try that. Without the syrup, I don't imagine garlic and maple syrup would mix too well.
>>1129>I don't imagine garlic and maple syrup would mix too well.Yeah, that sounds horrible.
Garlic with honey, and a bit of lemon juice is considered folk remedy for flue liek illnesses.
I don't put garlic on top of it but either bite them - dunk it in a bit of salt before every bite - or slice them up and salt them, and eat one slice for every bite of toast. Technically I can put the slices onto the breda.
Home grown garlics are the best, they feel fresh for long. Chinese import garlic is frequently sold in shops that is frequently nasty.
>>1127>I eat frenchie toast salty and with raw garlic, occasionally tomato and green/hot paprika.This sounds pretty amazing. Do you use an egg batter for the bread, and what kind of bread do you use? I am going to try this out.
>>1129Mix a bit of nutmeg with the egg. Its top notch.
>>1130>home grown garlicAny tips for this? Ive tried multiple times with no real success.
>>11321 smallish/mid sized egg for 1 slice of breda. Maybe little less. The eggs need a little salt and scrambling.
I use simple white wheat bread. Factory made, doesn't taste well (compared to the breda I bake meself, which is a delight). I dunno what kinda of bread is available in the US, so can't really give suggestions. Try bland tasting bread.
>Any tips for this? Not sure. We plant it sometimes, the results mostly bad in quantity, but they are very tasty. Our soil is quite dense, lotsa clay, so maybe a soil that's a bit loose could be better.
>>1136Thanks for the tips, I really liked the french toast that way. I planted a few cloves of garlic, hopefully it will take this time.
Pic me making hot sauce again. This time im trying celery salt instead of regular salt.
is your snowy car okay
>>1138>celery saltThat is salt with celery?
>>1139>pork bellyLook great. It was covered with honey or sugar syrup or something isn't it.
I can kinda recall of Nigella roasting a big piece of ham, covered in some sweet syrup, spiked with cloves, and bathed in coca cola.
>>1141Salt and celery seeds, it adds an interesting flavor to a lot of things.
As for the pork belly, no that was just its skin naturally. I want to put some kind of pepper jelly or honey on it next time to see what I can come up with.
>>1159you gonna eat them cactars?
>>1159how u keep the caterpillars off them bishes
>>1161>you gonna eat them cactars?When there are enough of them for a good trip, yes I will eat them out in the desert.
>>1162>how you keep the caterpillars off them bishesI have an organic bt rut spray that works amazingly. As soon as I see a one I spray them, unless it rains heavy it will keep them off for a week or so.
Did some transplanting this week. I mixing some liquid fertilizer ill post photos of later today too. Hopefully by mid-may everything will be in full swing and everything will be in its final place for the season.
>>1165Truck* bumper
Forgot pic
>>1163you should post your stuff in /h/ its cool
>>1169I thought about that. Ill make a new thread tomorrow and link this old one. I have to transplant some stuff after work.
Haven't followed, sorry.
I have little time these days to visit other places then End.
>>1184I think he's in the smol /h/ board only. Maybe we should post there
>>1184I did move over to /h/. So I'm not double posting I'll continue this thread as an IWO.
or should I start a new bread? I'm a land surveyor and today this is what I surveyed:
>pic 1Longhorn
>pic 2Snake skin that was shed. I think they might live in or under the stone wall
>pic 3Camel rock.
>>1205>I did move over to /h/. So I'm not double posting I'll continue this thread as an IWO. or should I start a new bread? I'm a land surveyor and today this is what I surveyed:Just do whatever man
>>1195I'll check it out.
>>1205You can continue here me thinks.
>longhornWe have similar just different.
>orange trousersAre you an escaped convict?
>>1206>Prickly pear cacti flowerNow you only need xander roots and can make healing powder.
>Yung buk They make bambi to lay still while momma deer tries to lure away predators. Have you seen her too?
Hereabout roe deer does this. Occasionally news sites publish an article about this and warn people not to touch them.
>Coors canCool.
>>1217Are those cows?
>escaped convictNo I like having bright colors on. It makes it easier for people to see me when I'm on the side of a highway.
>Xander roots to make healing powderHow is this done, could you tell more?
>have you seen her too?Yes, there are 2 other fawns out there. I'll try to get some more photos of them and the big deer today. Maybe a few shots of the river too.
>>1221The pics of many are cows, the solo one not sure, the one with the bloke (
betyár or
csikós or
marhapásztor is a type of cowboy essentially, herding cattle and horses) are bulls but probably neutered, they are harnessed probably pulling a wagon.
The cows have small udders, these aren't really kept for their milk, they graze in the open, and moved around frequently (since they eat a lot). It's an ancient type brought from the steppes.
>No I like having bright colors on. It makes it easier for people to see me when I'm on the side of a highway.That's what an escaped convict would say if he tried to blend in.
>How is this done, could you tell more?I think I mistook prickly pear with broc flower. Sorry.
>I try to get some more photos of them…Cool.
>…and the big deer today.How you fared?
>>1222Vegetation tends to be more dense around water, and both attracts animals. Stay safe with the snakes. We mostly have aesculapians, which aren't venomous. Even I met them in the woods nearby. But coupe of viper species can be found here and there, mostly close to rivers.
>>1224>I think I mistook prickly pear with broc flower. Sorry.I have broccoli I'm going to grow once it becomes autumn. I'll do some research and try to find out more about it.
>How you fared?I haven't got chased off by them yet, I didn't see any moving around much last week like the beginning of the week.
>be careful around the snakesI always am. Rattle snakes aren't that bad, its the cotton mouths that are the real bastards.
Now this week they sent us to a city a few hours out of town, to this warehouse district. Probably will become a haven for hipsters based on the new construction around. Pics are of some of the better graffiti, and a headless baby doll who's head I found down the road.
>>1232That broc flower + xander root = healing powder is from the vidya Fallout.
That matrix graffiti is great. And while I don't like graffiti in general (most of the time they are just scribbles around here), those fonts are pgood, I think these are made freehand I guess, so for that they look quite regular.
>new construction"Gentrification"?
>>1233>falloutSadly I've never played fallout :/
> I think these are made freehand I guess, so for that they look quite regular.This is what I think too. Most of the time graffiti like this is done freehand
>gentrification Yes thats what they call it here. The only part of it that bugs me honestly is that it increases the property value exponentially
and thus the taxes home owners pay throughout the city. The buildings they build are usually shitty eyesores,
which become havens for faggoty hipster bullshit and are made with the lowest grade material possible.
pics related This ensures the developers pocket a ton of money.
>>1234Breddy gud.
Imagine spray your art on the wall, giving all your talent, and paint, then someone scribbles some lazy nonsense over it.
I wonder how much paint is uses up, and how much this hobby costs. Way back around here a political party handed out free spraycans to support street artist.
>>1235It's good if you have a property that you want to sell on higher price than you acquired it.
>>1242>transplanting a few dozen or so.What is the goal?
>>1243That's alotta ants man.
>>1244>what's the goalThe barrel shaped one's growing in clusters are endangered in this region. I'm going to move them to parks and places I know won't get turned into parking lots. I'll keep a few too and give to friends.
Also, here's a recent of my peyote. I think the pink thing is a seed pod.
>>1245Maded video, but i'm far from sure it's anything worse uploading. It is a big anthill and due to vegetation I had to go close. But couldn't stay because the ground is ant carpet around, and they crawl up quick, so had to bail. They don't bite, still not comfy.
>The barrel shaped one's growing in clusters are endangered in this region. I'm going to move them to parks and places I know won't get turned into parking lots. I'll keep a few too and give to friends.Good job, Bernd.
>>1246Yeah it's not uncommon to find some other plants up on a tree where dead parts are.
>>1246looks like a fun place to wander and explore
you have javelina out there?
>>1271No they are full sized boars. Usually about 200 lbs average
idk what that converts to in faggot>picAnother random cacti placement from some birbs. The site we are at now is probably 7 miles south from the old one on the same river.
>>1323In "pockets" organic matter can build up and turn into nutrient rich soil. Although very little. Sometimes I see grass, flowers, and other vegetation growing on trees. Kinda cool.
>>1325The fuck that long drill?
>>1326Cool fossils.
Memorial bench?
Hmm. All those hoops, look like some kind of v-belts for some engine, machine, something.
>>1327The fuck, they just leave cows rotting there?
Is taht a tortoise fleeing from flood, or a turtle having a rest after swim?
>>1328Joe is a good workman.
That green plant, are those fresh branches from trees or they are parasites on the dying/dead trunks?
>>1329Awesome finds. You think that's enough anonymization? Your job seems kinda unique, but maybe it is just for me.
>>1330Looks tasty. Am getting Hungary.
>>1339>long drillI think it was used to transfer material
grain or w/e from building to building
>memorial bench, hoopsYe it's a memorial bench, now with 100% moar used panties! They are gear belts for something.
>cows, turtleYe I guess that's the spot they drag their dead cows to. It wasn't separated from the rest of the heard though, I guess that guy doesn't mad cow disease. The turtle was basking
>green stuffThose are madrone trees. I've never seen any that big, they just grow real weird like that.
>anonymizationI think so. I forgot about exif bullshit so maybe not :/ I guess we will find out
>>1342>>1339>long drillIt's called an auger and yeah it was used to move product along that trough it sits in.
>>1342You might gonna get some pizzas.
>>1343I see.
>>1362good thing im hungry :D