highway star is a great song and your gay """"""maid""""""core""""""""""" is as generic as the shittiest 80s band faggot
calm down, oldtimer!
huff more gas cuckime maid
just taking the piss btw i dont mind your maid songs
whos that one guy from the 80s who played fretless bass and dressed like a robot? i think he used to bang bowies daughter?
i mean i get it cuz by lik 200 posts it makes the thread unusable
but wouldnt posting fuck tons of mp4s that usually arent even videos be a massive waste of serb space?
lel yea i guess >we got the room now
>>1620791this thread gets vaaaary slow
when there is like 200+ posts with /sp/usic files in it
>>1620803mp4 and webms don't slow the page down but embeds do
>>1620790i get lazy sometimes, will try and be a better person in the future 🙏
>>1620690>as generic as the shittiest 80s band faggotsaid it b4
say it again:
sounds like incubus
lik srsly if someone took the maid shit out of the pic and told me it was some unreleased incubus instrumental id believe it without hesitation
>>1620790yah ok ill do mp4 from now on
not lik it matters bcus duddder isnt doing anything with spee right now
>>1620822thanks bud
i rally like these noises
What are you guys opinion of the Kendrick Lamar and Drake
DRAMA No.1621466
>>1621463nigger noise lmaooooo
>>1621571unironically absolute banger
and fantano SEETHES about this songs existence which is a double W
>>1621608yh he seethed about this song and the scott pilgrim one
and then negative xp responded with this
fantano forever btfo
you know those old depictions of cassettes getting eaten by the tape player? I just had that happen to me for the first time on my fucking Snooper tape and i want to kys myself I was able to unstuck it and manually wind it back but i cant test if that worked because now i dont have a tape player I can trust
>>1621630as long as you didnt accidentally twist the tape itll be fine. had to do it dozens of times
youll know if you did twist it too cuz the tape will suddenly sound underwater and start playing the wrong side backwards
snooper are p rad tho so def get a new tape deck first
>>1621665lel is his wife lik a harry potter fan or something?
ive never watched that bald guy so idk if im missing lore or wut
>>1621669idk why he chose harry potter
but it goes hard regardless
the line "fuck fantano, cause that nigga sucks", is so fucking funny to me, its so simple and stupid that it comes back around to being kinda genius because all the other lines are like innuendos and metaphor and that one is just blunt, makes me laugh every time
>>1621665Why is he acting like a nigger?
Steve Albini died
>>1620686thanks these are my sorta noises
>>1621774i told you this dong goes hard
i really wish i could find the webm of this song with two qt w'heatfield maidens djing to this song with a spinning sonnenrad in the background, its kino
>>1621812I used to divide by zero, but then I took an arrow to the knee.
>>1620686i lik maidcor
also like this band a lot
>>1622054duder when we gonna hang out and do some day drinking while doing doing home improvement repairs to your house while listening to maidcore
>>1622100idk man just stop by
>>1622109tickets r xpensive unless i fly spirit ;_;
nex time im near Jax i'll hitchu up
didju guise know albini dieded?
>>1623660ya i posted a couple albums for his memery
>>1623687yah i saw the big black song afterwards
crazy tho
guy wasnt that old
shame too he was prolly the most affordable big name you could get to produce your record. never took royalties and charged a flat rate for everyone. rad af
p wild how he never managed to get #CANCELLED
dude was a grade-A shitlord for like 40yrs str8
>>1623778that shit prolly deep af
any deep juggalo lore i ever heard was always wild af
>>1623778MMFJL shangrila bitches
WHOOP WHOOP No.1623874
i might watch that icp iceberg video
if its not narrated by some tranny with autism and its at least listenable, i might just have to know the secrets of the WHOOP WHOOP
>>1623923budy rip the songs and upload em utub starts to lag the thread to shit
>>1624025SGs are rad af
prolly the only gibson id ever play unironically
>not lik 1000lbs>short scale so you can rip>comfy cutaway>neck-thru>look sickmy issue is i fucking hate the way they lay on you. ALL the weights on the body, so you CANT get em to lay flat to save your life. they always creep back up to 45deg. i know thats prolly a positive for everyone else. but i gotta lay it flat or it feels like im wearing two left shoes
the over 9000 doll hairs pricetag is a p big turn-off too. and you DONT wanna go for the epis. not only are they not even that cheap anymore, but ime most of em are bolt-on neck, which is just fucking disgusting. horrendous to try and keep in tune if you move AT ALL, or god forbid, you use heavy gauge strings. idk what the issue is
maybe the rly lopsided weight distribution? cuz most fenders are bolt-on and dont have that problem, even when i put 13s on em. maybe its the short scale? idk
>>1624611didnt this guy have something to do with nobodytm ?
>>1624613that was like 10 years ago you hospice fuck
>>1624613idk the lore, they were adjacent is all i know. not a terrible album tbh. lyrics are decent
>>1624640>10teenbro gtfo this is a hospice board
>>1624650everyone here joined spee in 2020 and is a teenbro what are you talking about
>tfw i turned 30 a few days ago
>tfw browsing spee for 9 years now
time to look into going to canada for the 'ol assisted suicide
>>1624666I joined in 2018 on endchan
weird how after 6 years I still feel like a newfag
who's still alive?
>>1624674not spider
guess he died last week
>>1624674I'm a spooky ghost
>>1624916Scientology never forgets.
>>1624947least he made some cool art
bet he wishes he didnt spend the money from his short-lived fame on xenu good boi pts
>>1624916its weird too cuz i think his shit is prolly a lot more accessible nowadays in its presentation and texture and whatnot.
certainly much much more so than when it came out at least. shit always sounded lik it was from the future
cake too
you could prolly shill cake to tiktokers and theyd think it was kewl
anyone know any good bands in western yurop nowadays? dgaf what genre rly, just nothin quiet.
gon be setting up some thangs and i always hated how intl kooks never give a leg up for the locals
>>1625117got to plow prime heather graham, mitebworth it
>>1625118>future soundsgood way to put it. going thru his entire discog again dude def went off the rez few times & some of it's same same but the lack of outright skips puts him in goated to me. skinny fucker worked the stage live even @ a free show too
>>1625137yea idk how else to put it tbh
lik he was from the whole grunge wave. but that genre was practically just copypaste spam by mid 90s. so much thoughtless shit. his approach was to totally turn it on its head. he was basically anticipating what the gorillaz would do a 4-5 yrs later.
>>1625140never thot of that but you're right
man i caught 'morning phase' album again in my playthrough, masterpiece dude would prob be universally revered if not for l.ron hamburger
>>1625123depends on what you like, man
we get tons of bands traveling around the continent, so you have a wide variety of shit to listen to.
I recently missed out on a dope stoner rock Tortuga concert: recommends:
darkwave: (Pert's lightshows are a killer on your eyes, but it's worth it)
eurojunk: : music (unrelated to darkwave): have a friend who works at a lot of venues and listens to loud ass metal (death, black, hardcore, whathaveyou…). I'll ask him and post his recs later.
>>1625123>>1625203Rise of the North Star
Heaven Shall Burn
Bolt Thrower
We Butter the Bread with Butter
Despised Exile
Angelus Apartida
Dark Funeral
At the Gates
Arch Enemy
Amon Amarth
Moon Sorrow
Bork Nagar
Slaughter to Prevail (ex-rooskies, now based in US)
tho idk how much control imma even have over it at this point tbh. either way, always gud to know my brothers of the road. bards lifes a hard life. gotta stick together
>>1625728wtf happened to all the dance-y indiepop shit? it was errywhere when i was a kid. then nothin.
theres gotta be big money in that shit nowadays. all the shittokers keep picking lik random bands i listened to lik 10+yrs ago then blowing up lik 2 of their songs to 6M+ views/listens on shittify
>>1624106lel this fucking rules
>>1625758>wtf happen to indiealgos probly. new boss same as the old boss as they say
>>1625762fuck was just lookin for this exact song
+ sk8 vid is channeling some dark magic
>>1625762fuck i havent seen that in a long damn time
>>1625970you know whats even crazier is that shes somehow totally fine and still skates
>>1625982o shit thats a gril? wew got sum nads doin that
>>1625994unless some other chick bailed, thats lizzie armanto, bout 4yrs ago. thats a gud angle on the first slam but misses the ~20ft drop flat to concrete. i saw clips of her at burnside lik last yr, so its all gud i guess lol. prolly a couple yrs of getting screwed back together and re-learning to walk tho. lucky shes not just fucking dead tbh
and yea mega ramp is beyond fucked. esp that ghetto-rigged one. they usually set a net or something in between the gap so you can bail out if you have to
only thing gnarlier in skateboarding is prolly jwrays water tower gap back in the 90s, which one might argue was just suicidal. the things ppl will do for a thrasher cover. wtf
>>1625970damn, gave me secondhand owie chills
>>1626074>~20ft drop flat to concretefuckin hell. found an interview No.1626323
>>1626294i cant believe tony fucking hawks skate podcast gets less views than fucking crobs. lik i cant talk too much shit, cuz chris roberts
was p fuckin gud, but hes also lik the MOST modern day malibu kook fucking ever. the nineclub ep where he was interviewing grosso was almost embarrassing. grosso was out there dropping all kindsa punkrock wisdom on him and he just had no fucking clue how to respond or even relate to lik 90% of it.
shame tony didnt interview grosso instead, that wouldve been actually cool since they were contemporaries. plus it wouldve shown the two very different paths of the washed up 80s vert skaters, with tony crushing through the doldrums into astronomical success, while grosso spent lik 20yrs basically trying to kys himself
>>1626323the birdman has a podcast? shit i should check that out
>>1626984drunk ddduder alert
>>1625762after much deliberation ive decided i unironically like a rod stewart song
that Ab -> B7 turnaround to either go back to the Eb on the chorus and/or the intro Bb/Eb thang is slick as fuckin hell
gud on ya rod
my bad
>>1627070idk wtf yeem sayin, but been hittin that song since it was posted too
>>1627078its just the chords
that one part where heem sayin
>"dont let em put u down dont let em push u around"that part is slick af
>>1627082ah i'm rarted about music
always wondered does knowing music make it better, or harder to listen to?
>>1627086def makes it harder to go to bed to while listening, cuz i just start figuring shit out while its happening and wanna go play.
but thats only rly if you take musicianship classes
the ones where they teach you solfegge and you learn to pick out intervals/chords and read sheetmusic without an instrument and even then only if you actually pay attention. you have to sing too, even if you suck, its rly weird. prolly the only music class worth attending tho ime. im glad i didnt actually go full-time, i just did two semesters of that non-matriculated so it was stupid cheap.
i took AP theory in high school too but tbh that didnt rly do anything i wouldntve otherwise learned just by playing a lot and doin lik random gigs and pit orchestra stuff sometimes
tbh it prolly would be annoying if it wasnt so fucking helpful. it def makes it harder for me to focus on lyrics, since the melody takes precedence. but i was always kinda like that, so idk if that was the classes fault.
>>1627098i suppose it does also make rly boring shitty music even more boring and shitty, cuz i can literally see exactly wtfs going on within lik 5 seconds
but even then, thats not lik thats all there is to music. theres lik texture/timbre and the more intangible stuff going on, so something boring doesnt necessarily have to be boring. provided youre not a total bore, that is
again idk if thats the classes tho cuz i was kinda always a faggot hipster lookin for weird shit. still love tons of dumb punk shit so idk. tbh its hard to even think about what it was lik without it at this point
>>1627674i lik his wessendonck lieder more than his big stuff tbh
more varied and more approachable, even if it is sometimes weirder
apparently he agreed too
>I have done nothing better than these songs.tho this was before he did tristan und isolde, so maybe he changed his mind idk
>>1627743its prety lame budy, were are the refrigeratr noises?
>>1627897also wow heem can't sing at all
the synths are good though
>>1627743nod rly
reminds me of VtM:B, so thats neat i guess lol
personally, i find i lik the idea, and actual making of, industrial stuff more than i lik ever listening to it. and that extends to most of the subgenres of it.
imo if youre going that far out with the actual colors youre painting with, its worth it to eschew as much of the traditional notions of musical structure/whatever as you can. otherwise
imo if its too much lik a "song", it kinda clashes with the intended harshness of the noises being used. lik in ur ex, it sounds too much lik a song to me to where it just comes off lame, rather than eerie or overwhelming or whatever tf industrial shit is supposed to make me feel
no offense
>>1627897gud singing is overrated
fuckin everyone can sing lik a gud singer, and it usually all sounds the same: gud
bad singing is GOAT because no bad singer ever sounds the same
>>1627926lik jonathan richman here
note-wise hes actually p gud most of the time. but hes singing so far out of his speaking voices range
he talks lik some generic boston tough guy lol it sounds so strained and pained and he almost sounds lik a retard its awesome. way better than if he was singing it lik a black lady or whatever tf he thought it would sound lik when he heard it in his head
the guy from half japanese is another gud ex
>>1627917>the synths are good thoughya oc, same nip who made these. he's got to start somewhere.
>>1627926don't know, i couldn't get into gentle giant because the singer is an insufferable lala homo, i can't stand him no matter how gud the music is meant to be.
>>1628054>i couldn't get into gentle giant because the singer is an insufferable lala homoyea hes a prettyboy singer. he lik hits notes and has perfect vibrato and blah blah. i dont h8 it, but it does sound lik just another instrument at that point imo. i can never hear wtf theyre saying if they sing lik that
i remember one time when i was a kid my dad heard me listening to modest mouse raly loud and came in an said
>TURN DOWN THE FAGGOT WHITEBOI RAP HOLY SHITalways stuck w me cuz it made me realize why i like isaacs voice and can hear all his words perfect, even when hes doin weird shit lik doubling his voice rly badly
>>1628533i'll trade all of those for one of these on cd
is it a deal?
>>1628555maybe if it was a bizkit joint
>>1628533snoopers rad did u see em?
also totally different i guess but i still made me wanna go skate, so the same i guess, but the chats. theyre from straya but theyre in the states rn. they were tite af live
>>1628886man there used to be this local band near me that were lik the drunk gen x version of this called the shitty faggots. they were so fucking sick. unfortunate name i guess cuz even if someone did upload em theyd prolly get b& for hurting someones feefees
>>1628896the thought of a band lead walking on stage and yelling "we're the shitty faggots" so hard that spit hits the audience is vary amusing to me
>>1628947>>1628976everyone i knew who liked these guys were insufferable so never listened. boards of canada too. pretty good
got any other fans suck but musics not bad bands?
>>1629093thats like 90% of bands. actually thats fanbases in general theres always some obnoxious retards ruining the image for everyone its why paying attention to the fans is rarted
>>1629108sure, now. missed a lot of stuff when people still shared cds
>>1627825>>1627923ok that one was a metallica cover they did
here's another one i rly like from vnv nation
>>1629093>got any other fans suck but musics not bad bands?most of em
its unironically a lot lik imageboards, to put it in a perspective you prolly know well
>bands smol>just the dudes>some of their dudes show up too>tight knit>woah this shits sick>word spreads>everyones stoked more ppl start showing up>no one wants to gatekeep too hard>ratio of cool to kook gets thrown all outta whack>suddenly the "punk" show is like 70/30 coffee shop hipsters>irrecoverableit doesnt matter what genre or whoever/whatever it is. the avg person just kinda sucks. on one hand you wanna see more normies get turned, and its great to have actual chicks show up, since they mostly only show up halfway thru the process, but a little past that and its ogre
same reason i always hate on festivals, even when im playing em and they actually pay raly gud. theres just no fucking way in hell i lik THAT many ppl. you walk up to talk to em and its lik 3 out of 4 just suck
>>1628927dude they were the raddest
i looked and theres the skeleton of their myspace page, but it looks like the songs are long gone
one of the craziest shows i remember going to as a kid was anal cunt with the shitty faggots opening up for em. it was lik just before seth died so he was all fucked up and had like a cane and we were all behind the bar saying the vilest edgiest shit to each other it was awesome. cowadoody lobbys aint got shit on an anal cunt show tell u huwat
angry bass boosted fart noises 24 hours
>>1629324fuck they remastered this again in 22? i swear my remastered tape
doesnt exist anymore wtf i just realized that i must have lost it was from last decade
maybe the tape is in my car
>>1630219i hate cookie monster vox too tbh
idk try rkl. theyre a better metal band than most metal bands even tho they arent one
idk if anyone gives a shit but picrel
jammed tf out of ruby vroom & irrestible bliss in my drug days, el oso sucks tho
>>1630581ya that's the stuff, thx budy
>>1630661another punk band worth checking out, thats p much just a metal band as far as im concerned, is poison idea.
at least the albums where they had slayer hippy on drums def were, cuz slayer hippy was a huge metalhead
obviouslysick guitars too, pig champion shredded. the dimebag darrel of punk. in fact im p sure pantera was huge fans of poison idea
>>1630797the fuck both of those were on punk-o-rama lel idk how i didnt get into these guys before
>>1631375prob too busy at the abercrombie n fitch
>>1631432lol stolen valor is ILLEGAL
them AF boys ruined ska/punk scene here, always threw dirty in the pit and ended up gettin mobbed by skinny gutter kids
>>1631437all the AF kids near me were all metalcore fags
god i hated that shit so much i cant even tell you. im so glad it died when i was still a kid. theres places youll go to and thats still the scene nowadays. pathetic
>>1631597rhapsody is kickass, emerald sword makes me wanna go run
youtube changed shit up and broke all my cancer reducing plugins again i fuckin hat poogle so much
>>1631745there are a few alternative frontends but they're varying degrees of ass:
>invidious<better-ish ui but j00gle's cracking down on it>piped<gayer ui imo, but might not be as finicky as invidiousthese you can use in a web browser and automatically use with libredirect, but if you want a desktop program then there's
>freetubeapp<works great for me, only downsides are that it's electron shit and the download function is kinda mediocre No.1632037
>>1631833thanks but im prolly just gonna stick with pipepipe and just watch shit on my phone from now on, ive been using that for youtube more often anyway. using any desktop shit with any goygle or other mainstream site just fuckin sucks monster cock anymore because they're all geared towards goyphones.
if i wanna download anything i just grab the url and use yt-dlp
>goygle and their street shitting spaghetti programmers broke all of the third party plugins and phone apps
fuck this shit im still not opening those links directly and watching ads god damn i hat google so much
>>1633587talking about for youtube btw, newpipe, pipepipe, and every invidious instance ive tried doesnt work and i already bitched about the plugins being broken
its genuinely astonishing how dedicated they are to finding new ways to make everything shittier
>>1633587>>1633588if u wanna dl yt-dlp still werks
>>1633615i know that but i had a bunch of playlists lined up in pipepipe and now none of the videos load its fuckin bullshit. all for the sake of either trying to force people to watch ads (ublock still works gr8 tho thankfully) or pay for their shitty premium accounts
FUCK No.1633642
>>1633622They're saying it should be fixed in a few days: (For some reason the announcement about this is only on their Reddit, not on GitHub or their own site) though adult vids might stop working
BTW I assume this problem doesn't actually effect YouTube music because Rimusic doesn't have any issues open about it , just a suggestion if you're specifically talking about music playlists
>>1633642>though adult vids might stop workingwhat is youtube requiring photo id now?
>>1634328bakshi's stuff is just psychotic in the best way
>>1634386i still sing this from time to time out loud when i think of Carol of dab Ells
>>1634386someone should just start posting old yimmers like this on tik tok and the zoomies and jenas will pick them up and recreate them
>>1634328isnt this made by the same guy that made the fritz the cat movie?
>>1634388yah they get intense in all the right places, back when racebaiting and degeneracy were still done for funsies. intro sequence captures the 'abandon all hope ye who enter' dread when you enter a burger city fairly well
>>1634745same kike, cept this movie is more degenerate. still liked it better than fritz, and imo the best of his films since coonskin was a nigger JO movie that only had miss america going for it, then wizards and errythang else sucked donkey balls
>>1634778the particularly bad movies were usually shit because some faggot was hamstringing him the whole way. "hey good lookin" is an example of this, it was supposed to be way different than how it ended up to the point bakshi disowns it. hes like the opposite of george lucas where the less oversight he has the better the result because trying to wrangle some crazy jew like bakshi just makes everyone mad
>>1633248im not looking this up this is the guy that voiced early in squidbillies isnt it?
>>1634778>same kike10-4 budy. thought i recognized the name, was a blast from dap ast
i lik criket
[Verse 1]
Oh, the year was 1778
How I wish I was in Sherbrooke now
A letter of marque came from the king
To the scummiest vessel I've ever seen
God damn them all, I was told
We'd cruise the seas for American gold
We'd fire no guns, shed no tears
Now I'm a broken man on a Halifax pier
The last of Barrett's privateers
[Verse 2]
Oh, Elcid Barrett cried the town
How I wish I was in Sherbrooke now
For twenty brave men, all fishermen, who
Would make for him the Antelope's crew
God damn them all, I was told
We'd cruise the seas for American gold
We'd fire no guns, shed no tears
Now I'm a broken man on a Halifax pier
The last of Barrett's privateers
[Verse 3]
The Antelope sloop was a sickening sight
How I wish I was in Sherbrooke now
She'd a list to the port and her sails in rags
And the cook in the scuppers with the staggers and jags
God damn them all, I was told
We'd cruise the seas for American gold
We'd fire no guns, shed no tears
Now I'm a broken man on a Halifax pier
The last of Barrett's privateers
[Verse 4]
On the King's birthday, we put to sea
How I wish I was in Sherbrooke now
We were ninety-one days to Montego Bay
Pumping like madmen all the way
God damn them all, I was told
We'd cruise the seas for American gold
We'd fire no guns, shed no tears
Now I'm a broken man on a Halifax pier
The last of Barrett's privateers
[Verse 5]
On the ninety-sixth day, we sailed again
How I wish I was in Sherbrooke now
When a bloody great Yankee hove in sight
With our cracked four pounders, we made to fight
God damn them all, I was told
We'd cruise the seas for American gold
We'd fire no guns, shed no tears
Now I'm a broken man on a Halifax pier
The last of Barrett's Privateers
[Verse 6]
The Yankee lay low down with gold
How I wish I was in Sherbrooke now
She was broad and fat and loose in the stays
But to catch her took the Antelope two whole days
God damn them all, I was told
We'd cruise the seas for American gold
We'd fire no guns, shed no tears
Now I'm a broken man on a Halifax pier
The last of Barrett's privateers
[Verse 7]
Then at length, we stood two cables away
How I wish I was in Sherbrooke now
Our cracked four pounders made an awful din
But with one fat ball, the Yank stove us in
God damn them all, I was told
We'd cruise the seas for American gold
We'd fire no guns, shed no tears
Now I'm a broken man on a Halifax pier
The last of Barrett's privateers
[Verse 8]
The Antelope shook and pitched on her side
How I wish I was in Sherbrooke now
Barrett was smashed like a bowl of eggs
And the main truck carried off both me legs
God damn them all, I was told
We'd cruise the seas for American gold
We'd fire no guns, shed no tears
Now I'm a broken man on a Halifax pier
The last of Barrett's privateers
[Verse 9]
So here I lay in my twenty-third year
How I wish I was in Sherbrooke now
It's been six years since we sailed away
And I just made Halifax yesterday
God damn them all, I was told
We'd cruise the seas for American gold
We'd fire no guns, shed no tears
Now I'm a broken man on a Halifax pier
The last of Barrett's privateers
>>1635058yeah, before he got shitcanned for telling it like it is.
>>1635574he said something bad about niggers didnt he
>>1635725IIRC he called dolly parton a race traitor for supporting BLM
>>1636029>tfw gnarled sausage fingers from years of physical laborits so hard to just hit one string if i wanna pick. i can play most of the chords just fine but individual notes is a no go
have some jerry reed, sorry for the embed but this shit wont download over yt-dlp today for some reason despite being updated
>>1636058>>1636029tbh it can go both ways.
lik if youre doin classical guitar or rly techy stuff, absolutely, its a huge advantage. for many other styles of guitar it can actually be a lot more difficult to properly mute strings.
one of the big things with a lot of styles of rhythm guitar is being able to mute strings you dont want. the most common way is with your palm, but another equally important method is to do it with the underside/fat parts of your fingers. that is actually a LOT easier to do with more meaty fingers.
super helpful technique if you play heavier music and/or use lots of distortion/fx. lets you keep noise to a minimum, but more importantly allows you to easily strum through all your strings, while only sounding some of them, to give you more open sounding shapes and a lot more oomph from the dead strings youre picking through
>>1636210adin ross is the gayest jewish faggot on this earth
its impossible to be a gayer jew than he
>>1640232the only song from mgmt i know is little dark age and i lik it tbh
>>1640232i posted some myspacecore earlier ITT
every scene gril ever loved CC it was a conspiracy im tellin u maaaannn
>>1641202beatboxing is p much always raly goofy
doesnt mean its ez tho
>>1641294goofys great word for it, prob why i lik it now you mention it
just fun for fun sake
>>1641582i rally lik this
>>1641612yeah that and the dixieland one are nice in a weird way
>>1642741would fuck the hell out of that plump bitch
>>1643159i keep getting it stuck in my head with the boc vox + the com instruments
>>1643157that first boc album is p unstoppable tbh
wtf is up w those guys tho?
that first album is loaded w satanic shit. were they lik oldskool 70s satanists or something? the rest of their stuffs not like that
>>1643730their first album was pretty psych from everything else they put out later. look up their earlier recordings when they were stalk forrest group too, vary drugz
overall my top three from them are fire of unknown origin, revolution by night, and imaginos in no particular order.
ghost stories was their last one and im sad No.1643817
>>1643776yah theyre rly great
bummer for them how they had to do so much heroin, but at least they got some gud music out of it. better than most
>>1644332>im cool and underground nowyoure just doin your part
its the kind of stuff that keeps me up at night. all the weirdo bands making genuinely new sounding shit, but are too weird to exist, and so implode before actually getting to finish what it is they started
any metalheads here??
>>1644052i lik dis
>>1645068theres at least one
that guy liks mastodon a lot
more of a lethargy guy meself cuz its more untamed
just post whatever m8
whole point of these threads is to post shit ppl havent listened to before
never got why these guys didnt blow up tbh
prolly one of the best drummers of the whole "indie" era imo
plays the strangest beats that somehow still make you wanna dance
i hope he at least still gets some royalties for the momo record he was on. jeremiah was the OG obv, but this guys drumming is a huge reason why good news was such a hit. as far as im concerned at least
i been rockin bimbocore music and it kinda slaps
i would not be caught dead listening to it irl, i aint some kinda faggot, i just like really over the top pop music, its a guilty pleasure
>>1645777post a song budy
>>1645779i found this shit in some ironic meme on esoteric right wing racist twitter
it goes hard as fuck
>>1645782lel didnt know bimbocore exists but ur right this slaps
marblel statues and anime go way too gud together
>>1645079wew this is p gud
t. mastodon spro
nothing speshul but dig it for work b/g or rainy day although this style may as well be a.i. generated
>>1646392fun song
they just came up in a cityfunk playlist, didnt skip cuz of this, and it was a troon vid :( No.1646538
>>1646536pretty sure the gays love this chick
youtube showed me fan vids for her and it was a bunch of gay dudes, that i didnt need anything more than the thumbnail to know they were flamin' hot cheetos gay
any female vocalist/pop star with any amount of kitsch and gays will flock to it
>>1646569tism can b of fun. 'minds me of
stop embedding budys
>>1647326did a better job than i thought for longer than idve expected. sounds incredibly painful. prolly talks lik a 65yo lunch lady backstage
>>1647332hitting that at all is p impressive but just let it go, embarrassing for everyone
>>164733580 min in sauna, 221 starting in cali. not sure how much of that is scalping
cant tell if zooms got irony yimmed or its a 90s and 00s were last cool era thing
yea thats a lot
>90s and 00s were last cool era thingits def that
its always the mainstream shit from 2 or so decades ago
that wasnt even technically cool then, just heavily marketed is suddenly sooo cool omgg ,then itll be cringe later and theyll be embarrassed to talk about it and have to cut their hair. not even a zoomer thang, its just in general. every gen does it ime
>>1647343linkin park at their absolute best was fucking embarrassing tbph
that shit suuuuuuccked
and hell nah if tickets are min 80 a head youll be seeing linkin park concerts for the next 40yrs bro thats crazy money per gig no one walks away from that until no ones left to pay
Fugazi recorded many of their concerts, there are currently about 800 of them. There is a website where you can choose something for yourself - named Travis Just chose a very special task in this way - having listened to all 1500 hours of the archive, he singled out notable non-musical places - guitar feedback between songs, random sounds, announcements to the audience, various lines past the microphone, shouts from the audience, sounds of the police covering the gig, etc. And, together with a team of people, he staged a modern OPERA based on this material. Moreover, all the sounds of the instruments are transcribed into a score and performed live by notes by a group on stage with a conductor. Modern theater is a thing especially for an amateur, and I am more impressed by the idea itself, but this is, of course, very strange shit, I respect it for the very fact of its existence. task is absolutely monumental and painstakingly insane, I learned about it from a very methodical source - a podcast, where the host decided to analyze each Fugazi track in alphabetical order with various guests, this is about 200 episodes in alphabetical order, the guests are various people: from just friends of the host to sound engineers who worked with the band on the recording. Half of the band ended up arriving for the final episode, but we still have to get there, now I'm on the letter :D. No.1648063
>>1648060fugazis rad tbh
i get why everyone h8s ian, cuz hes kinda out of it by this point. lik, it aint the 80s HC scene that he has to protect ppl from anymore. most shows just arent that dangerous now. now heem mostly just no-fun-allowed.
dont rly matter in the end cuz mfer plays some of the meanest rhythm guitar ive ever heard. also guys one of the best frontmen in rocknroll literally ever, dude is a modern shaman. then they got that rhythm section w brenden and joe. holy FUCK. genuinely one of the best live bands to ever happen
i digress. 5 bucks a show 10 a tape still just werks™ and still gets ppl to shows en masse to this day. those fuckers did gud werk, and at their own expense, and every band afterwards that wasnt a literal industry plant owes them nearly everything. and thats hardly an exaggeration
the opera sounds lik fucking autism tbh, but far be it for me to stop some autist tryna art
id rather just watch live fugazi, personally
PROTIP: ffwd to the end of basically any set to see glueman
>>1648861damn they must rly rly fucking hate each other to let it get lik that on stage. was he drunk af or something?
lel and at the end you can tell bass guy is so fucking pissed
heem just prolly lost his job, even tho he didnt do shit
>>1648863mayb perry'll take another sabbatical and put out weird techno album again
>>1648864i just searched and all the clips ive seen of this recent tour are of him fucking up and singing over the guitar solos, or not hitting notes
sounds lik a classic case of singer getting too drunk and fucking blowing it. all too common, sadly
idgaf about JA too much tbh, but you hate to see that shit. all the other guys seem to be on top of it and ready to give their fans a decent show. just takes one bad apple tho
ill never get that shit man. being in front of that many ppl is already so much of a rush. if anything its afterwards where you need the heavy downers so you can finally wind down and maybe sleep later
and its just lik common decency imo. just keep your bad habits off stage ffs. a sets not that long, shouldnt be that hard.
>>1649529i lik damon budy
met up with a reformed born again off yahoo checkers who let me fuck her self harm tits bc of blur's tender
legit stalked me for a year, hope she's good now
>>1649601>putting your dick in crazya man after my own heart, adds a little spice to life
>>1649627always. dont rec for the weak "men" now, but if you can reform them they're the best waifus
historically speaking, it was just understood it's how it is w all of them. imo
>>1649601call her, see how she's doing and if she wants to hook up
>>1649631dont pipe crazy is really just dont save her #
>>1649599apparently damon doesnt like leisure?
i can see why i guess as he was still learning how2lyrics, but lik goddamn man thats a hell of a first record to put out
he shure already knew how2melody. tbh i think leisure sits better as a whole album than great escape, or even the S/T, which are kinda all over the place
>>1649758>great escapemeant to say modern life, but tbh same for great escape too, arguably to a greater degree, so whatev
>>1650551oh look it's low t spart""man""
>>1650551SORRY GATOR
>>1650598can chase me across every thread, men shouldnt touch other mens pps
>>1650551what's with the shotrs under her skirt? sheem got a chinamen locked in her wardrobe?
>>1650671i get havin a laff and movin on but why pay attention to internet people?
let alone post one in spusic?
>>1650673ethan oliver ralph is a wellspring of entertainment and joy
>>1650551i mean tbh celtic music kinda is just the freebird guitar solo, just with the notes in diff orders sometimes
>>1650673armstrong is so fuckin cool
I like music
>>1650903these are really good
>>1652466>midwest emoi feel lik w this genre, more so than others
which i often feel similar towards, but not to this extreme, its almost always a massive detriment to have a singer that can actually hit notes. its THE thing that changes it from
>oh…lik this albums p gud, but if i close my eyes too long i start feeling lik im in zumiez 20yrs ago.
and its weird too cuz all the others usually need to be rly rly fucking gud. lik you need a fucking calculator for a drummer, no less than two stellar guitarists, and your bassist better not be one of those "imma jus play the root notes" dudes or the ship is sunk in the harbor.
but the singer? you gotta get the worst, whiniest fucker you can find and make him smoke cigarettes from age 15 on. if he starts hitting notes, maybe try electro shock therapy. prolly hook up one of those tuner pedals somehow to do it. ill look into it
>>1652874>viddeeply satanic
if you're going to do a funny do it proper
>>1652627grils werent into the twinkle star guitar shit when i was a kid
they all wanted to be scenequeens and listened to shitty brocore chugchug chugchugchugchug shit, it sucked dude. when i see zoomies lusting over that shit, trying to resurrect it, it gives me the willies
those grils were insufferable man. theyre literally what turned into tumblr, and they were hardly any better back then.
ime you had to find the nerdy gril who liked the descendants and the damned. those were the keepers. dumb punkrock grils will always be the real MVP imo. the ones whod make out w you under the miniramp. smoking virginia slims that shed swipe from her mom
closest i ever got to muh purebred emo gril was one who was rly into drive like jehu
sheem was way too babely to be hanging around us tho, and soon realized it, so got her nipples pierced and fucked off to LA to go try to be an famous whorb. i think she accomplished the latter, at least
>>16534383/10 not enough 2-step
vidrel is the stark reality laid bare
getting donkeykicked by some guy wearing a backpack in the pit
>>1653496>scenequeensbrutal. punks here depended if they were ska or sage francis types. ska chicks were cool af but gutterpunks were always hassle. one about deded both of us with a broken bottle
did fug in the bank drive thru after a show, but that's par for the black diamond slopesya purebred emos are always way too into looks ime. actual narcissists. that emo have an imdb or anything?
>>1653589>sage francisholy shit havent heard that name in a long time
thankfully No.1653595
>>1653579their trials were extremely sensationalized at the time so that message definitely still fits at least and for good reason their case was genuinely horrifying. like on par with gacy horrifying.
>>1653595i just read through that case and yeah holy shit it was fucked. i feel terrible for the kids.
>>1653621Yeah, I read through a good bit as well.
Real sick shit, British people and pedophilic murder go hand in hand.
Its a Br'ish tradition.
>>1653644>>1653645damn that's gud advertising. those chickens in the second one tho how many furries you think that made?
>>1653648>1977that was the origin point of chikin fukrs
>>1653651me too budy i love old animated ads
>>1654646this was the first can song i ever heard when i was in lik 7th grade. found it by using dogpile to search for audio files
for a completely shameless ripoff of VUs european son, i think its actually quite a bit better. mostly cuz theyre all far better players than anyone in VU
whats the slow one off that album?
that was the best of pre-damo can imo
mary mary so contrary
thats the one
>>1654646>bo diddley>4 seasonsgot some great shit in there
>>1656816*click* noice
>>1656818that andy griffith vid is still lit & fap worthy
up there with fiona apple for one of the roughest walls of all time
>>1654703the face of this fucking lad
goddamn what a funny looking jock
>>1654703hes right about beefheart bein opposite of zappa
although he is confused. by "beefheart" he prolly means "john french"
aka drumbo. he was the guy who actually worked all that early stuff out and taught the other guys. beefheart couldnt rly play shit, hed just smack a piano, or start screaming, then wait to see if the other guys could figure out if it meant anything.
not that thats even lik a bad idea or anything, its actually a p gud one imo, but it def explains why that band was such a revolving door
personally i think his later stuff doesnt get enough love. ice cream for crow is straight up listenable, and bat chain puller is a much happier medium between the moon and earth. everyone just wants to fart huff troutmask. lick my decals off is the better one from back then imho
>>1657214dude did a loooooooootta drugs
also scottish iirc, which couldntve helped
>embeds have stopped loading properly
that just on my end or is the thread getting borked bc of too many of them?
>>1657949my machine werks saar ples enable remote desktop we are here to help
>>1657970fiugurd it out saar my vpn was slo so i clik india server and see video vary fast like speedy tren
>>1657949works on my browser tm
still asking spros to download instead of embedding
>>1658290based meatloaf respecter
bat out of hell i and ii are literally two perfect 10/10 rock albums, its rare of a musician to get ONE perfect album but meatloaf pulled off TWO
i think he doesnt get the respect simply because of his political views, genuinely insanely talented musician
>>1658495thax for da cheat code spude
>>1658495fak u budy doesnt work
>>1658607>think at first this isn't "ripping hard">1:12 happensholy shit
>>1658694yea you can literally see him when hes comping at lik 45ish do a little face of
>oh fuck this is rly rly rly fucking fastthen he just does it anyways
nylon string too. what an animal. even django wouldve been humbled
if youve never listened to mclaughlin, you ought to. he normally doesnt do such straightforward jazz, i just saw that and posted it cuz its prolly the fastest ive ever seen cherokee played.
the mahavishnu orchestra was his big band in the 70s, basically invented jazz fusion. but i always thought this one had some bangers on it. buddy miles on drums
>>1658908i'm definitely gonna check out more of his stuff thanks for posting that
>nylon strings i'm not some guitar expert obviously but i do know playing an acoustic guitar fuckin hurts after a bit before you build up any calluses even when you're just autistically stumbling through ez shit
still can't make any of it sound gud but it's fun nonetheless. i bet he could've poked holes in drywall with his fingertips
>>1658965nylon string guitars are usually classical guitars. their necks are completely flat, slightly wider, the action is slightly higher, and youd pluck them with your fingers/fingernails instead of a pick. the idea obv to be able to play multiple lines independently like a piano/lute/harp etc
now his guitar doesnt actually look like a classical guitar
idk wtf it is tbh, but from the sound of it, its def nylon strings. nylon strings are generally quite a bit softer. but i still wouldnt doubt his calluses, cuz the dude also was known for playing
and soloing on, which is just ouch a 12string double-neck electric guitar w the orchestra.
and dont let me talk you out of it. the orchestra itself is def worth listening to, its just a fair bit "harder". john was taking a LOT of acid, banging ravi shankars daughter, and way into the far east mysticism, so theres a lotta that stuff mixed in. nvm all his bandmates were worldclass shredders in their own right.
>>1660256human barbarism is a common theme in a lot of his work
>>1660256>peanutbrained nigger talks about retarded, frivolous shit in jungle gruntsthose songs are about angry young men w no future to look forward to.
not comparable in the slightest, even if they edge on "woe is me" wankery. also ishydltts
just want the day to come sooner
>edge on "woe is me" wankery>edgelegend has it morrissey once edged for 20yrs, 7mos, and 27 days
>embeds load on index
>embeds won't load when i open the thread
>>1660518retard posting retard nigger music
incredible stuff
>>1660518lol yah m8 its fucking drill rap shit
youre not missing anything
>>1662072rip the fuckin vid
>>1662032>>1662038trackers are so much fun. esp if you have a shitty MIDI controller
ive often thought you could prolly teach a BUNCH of ppl who have zero musical background
but decent compsci background to learn music rly easily if you taught it through using trackers.
it cuts through the entire need to learn an instrument enough to play it, and lets you get right into the gud stuff
its also a rly
imo logical way to understand how harmony and rhythm and waveforms and a bunch of other theory shit works. its very visual. even more so than piano
>>1664294ive def heard it in some memeshit before
theres prolly an app for that
i dont have it tho
>>1664232reminds me of stereolab
>>1664232so weird to me how lik str8 up jazz fusion is unironically making itself into a thing in le current year
not that im complaining tbh, i always kinda thought that shit was cool. usually stuffed to the gills w excellent musicians. i think the oldheads problem was they could never actualize any sort of aesthetic around it. and later they could never escape the "kenny g" aesthetic that it was marketed as, and something like thats gonna damn you to the bargain bin forever. but then again thats the only reason i heard it in the first place, cuz it was a buck at salvos
i guess when it rly comes down to it the biggest issue was that the guys who did that stuff were such hardcore jazzers, so theyd get too lost in the jazz sauce instead of, ya know, fusing things
to jazz
searx still works?
>>1664312u got a microkorg or sumfin?
>>1664314the thing is called a vocoder. but i can't take credit. it's a d.j. rogers tune
the pics are gr8 at least
the microkorgs prolly the cheapest vocoder you can get
well you could prolly jerryrig one just using a DAW and some plugins and a mic, but having a laptop on stage is gay, and that sounds just lik it
gud song, GUD remix. jam starts at 4:39
>>1664311yes budy No.1664321
>>1664318searx is fuckng dogshit but it's the only way to stay anomolous and still get decent results, half the time i search using that it just takes me to a random instance's searx homepage without actually searching for it, so i have to type it in over and over again until i get a working instance
fuck the nigger that manages it
>>1664321searx doesn't even give decent results, its worse than duckduckgo most of the time.
better off using
yandex and
stop worrying about russian hackers No.1665608
ah yes a fellow sleep enjoyer 🥂
k dunno why the webm was verboten. shoulda just went with mp3 from the get go i guess but i wanted the album art to show up too
>>1666870this is rally gud to
>>1667386radio was already awful 10 years ago i can't imagine how shit it is now
just ride in silence next time be alone with the thought demons
>>1667773the dude from the fall?
from the list earlier ITT?
mark never killed no one
well maybe himself, i guess. but im sure he mustve had it coming
>>1667773also if you lik trex you gotta try grand funk
esp that live album
absolute peak boomer rock
>>1667841woah, dudder is really brat coded
>>1668159this got stuck in my head, i didn't like it at first but something about it grew on me
>>1668167that something is trish keenans voice
>>1668653sure it does
lik this song sounds lik it couldve come out today, but its from 79
the 70s were just rly rly strange times
you had shit lik progrock being marketed to ppl as pop music. alongside disco.
the jazzers were all starving anyways since most of the money had dried up, so most of em just decided fuck it and got as weird as possible.
>>1670231i lik the beach boys record
cuz brian actually wrote a bunch of originals
>>1670944jeroen tel rules
>>1668150i saw that movie because of this post
first watch was legit spooky and vary bizarre, second watch was piss pants funny when you know whats coming
gud moobie i likd it
hey can i carryokee for you assholes
ok i will but maybe i won't post it
u didn't lik i ksrryoney if i didn't know the whole song but i got this song its on my heart brother i got this song i rly eanna do id strong appreciate you just fkn bein patient with me
fuck in imm drink for this
fuck you csnt even look up the lyrics for this shit you just have to listen and learn shit i fuck need myself on this
>>1671135i wanna point out that if you sing this beautiful gorgeous song to a woman there is no way she will know that it was impossible to for you to learn it other than by listening over and over and over again
because FUCK man i wanna memorize this to sing to my lady and there are ZERO lyrics written anywhere at all for it
ya the chorus is well known but that's about it
File: 1736371011885.mp4 (19.21 MB, 1156x720, 289:180, Jack White - That's How I'….mp4)

who is queensryche and should i go see them
>>1672381gud taste
their last album was ok, it was mostly older recordings they they remastered with da power of ai but i still liked it
>>1674275this is not the nigger brain rot thread, budy
>>1643159i periodically get this stuck in my head ever since you posted it. didn't find out they released it in like 2020 until yesterday though it's crazy how this band still releases bangers after around 5 decades of being around
>>1674929i cant believe this dude had bitches chained up in his basement