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/sp/ - Sparts

its a tampa kinda day
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>People are making videos about old /sp/ lore
We need someone to make videos about independent /sp/'s lore. I think that would be a good way to get more users here.


what's your budget, budy?


we should probably have a wiki or something too since not everyone is an autistic zoomer who can't read.


Download DaVinci Resolve and get to work nigga


Sounds neat. I like the Baneposting wiki. Fun to read.



Supposed to have pic related


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>muh parasocial relationship
drink every time a video essayist says "parasocial relationship"

also wtf, tripfags deserve 97pg documents written about them. its the final solution on tripfags
archivebro was just giving him the ol what for


often the essayist is the one with the problems they are blaming others for. tiktok is full of that sort of shit mostly targeting women


>often the essayist is the one with the problems they are blaming others for
nuh uh its totally normal to make a 3hr deepdive on some literally who z-list twitch streamer

tbh its just a bit of a misnomer a lot of the time. parasocial relationship is lik camwhorbs and their piggies and the like. by nature its a one-sided thang, where one side sees it as real, and the other doesnt. that other shit that most ppl call parasocial is just an extension of internet psychosis imo. theyve spent so long treating the internet as if it were weighted the same as irl, and have neglected irl in favor of innernet bullshit (and so has everyone else), that now the internet essentially is just irl to vast swathes of the population. now all this dumb shit that def doesnt matter actually is shit thats affecting their """irl""" lives. and all those internet frens are their irl frens etc. it cant rly be a parasocial relationship if both/all parties are similarly deluded


I don't get these modern day terms. Just the other day I learnt about 'neurodivergence' that it is a new way to say autism


and autism is just another way to say 'tarded kid.
.>we must retvrn to tradition


tbh i been hearing a lot more zoomies saying retarded, gay, fag etc, both online and irl lately


Speaking about zoomers, it seems that they've realized that they're getting old because suddenly there's a ton of videos on jewtube screeching about how doomed gen alpha is and how much they suck. I don't really get it, they're about as doomed as zoomers were but I guess the cycle of hating the younger generations continue regardless.

About new users, maybe we can recruit gen alpha? Skibidi CR might do the trick!


zoom-zooms making babies is a scary thought


been sayin it for yrs:
the tinder generation
a generation of mistakes, brought to you by an algorithm


>a generation of mistakes
arguably thats millenials onwards


shut the fuck up and goon to kai cenat you boomer piece of shit


why do zoomers revere everything niggers do so much ?
its completely fucked, its borderline religious for them, everything they do has to bee seen through the lens of niggerdom


always been black hats and white hats and nothing's secular on a national scale
libs: rebelling, muh different than me=good, bbc yim + sexually degen society
groypers etc: only people allowed to actively hate teh system, lonely fucks wanna know where da yt wahmen at


intergenerational battling is stupid shit for stupid people


They've been conditioned by kike media since birth. Can't help it.


>kai cenat
sounds french
im out


nah gen alpha is fucked more than you could possible understand, they make gen z look like fukn supergeniuses
t. gen z that worked at public schools for a year


you're just a chudbrained 40 year old
some niggers are funny


worse….he's a nigger
i only know of it because i have been playing elden ring and apparently this feral apeoid was playing it as well and it was being promoted everywhere by algorithmic force and "totally organic" posts

zoomers brains literally operate on:
person does thing
>cringe, yikes!, oof
black person does thing

i thought the wiggerism of millenials was bad but dear god, i feel like 2020 really accelerated this shit


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>some niggers are funny


i mean i am very very very racist but tbh, he is right
there are a lot of funny black comedians


the only funny nigger is a dead nigger


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Haven't watched him in years but mans1ay3r is black


It goes against the rules of annonimity but I wonder about the /sp/'s demographic. How old and what race everyone is. Well, ignorance is bliss as they say.


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25/Aryan/San Jose


30 and Irish since we're doing this.


nooooo stop it i forbid you this is against the rules!!!!


dick sizes are the only piece of personal information that is allowed to be posted here.


Dudder released the graphs sometime back, it's 40% Indian, 40% Chinese and 20% purple


I thought we banned graphs. wtf is going on here


council approval of it's z axis went through
it was in the hoa newsletter


this but also fuck boomers


don't use my picture like that again




47 wm just lookin for a hot fuck ;) open to nething if my lil girlie is into it. we can cuddle and kiss or we can get a little naughtyer >:)





they call me two by four
two up, four across








Wtf is GETchan?


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wtf why do i get "Error Posting" when i try to post a URL.


picked up by spam filter
add a bunch of spaces at the end of your post

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