[ h / librejp / sp / v ] [ ukko ]

/sp/ - Sparts

its a tampa kinda day
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Where’s Travelbro? Pix is Chiraq downtown tho


crazy how even shitcago is cleaner lookin than da sauna




you're only a travelbro if you do da needful to an whorb no (((protection)))


these appear ai generated
where are all the niggers?


There's travelbro 2.0 right now getting drunk with baseball nips in the orient


what nu-trek star trek movie is this?


busy making meme deals with nipponese companies


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does flying through o'hare count as visiting
cuz last time i actually visited i was like 10 and i went to the shedd
it was fun but i got sick afterwards


Surprisingly not as many niggers as I remember. Didn’t leave downtown tho
wew updates NOW


a qt3.14 nippy gril fuji kenshokai cultist tried to recruit me to her doomsday cult at shinjuku station

How do I uno reverse card and recruit her to sportschan?


Tell her you'll show her yours if she shows you hers. This will make her think it's her idea.


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/librejp/ probably knows more about asian doomsday cults than we ever will


you say
this will overwhelm her japanese predator senses leaving her vulnerable and helpless. just make sure theres no yakuza or fat ugly bastards or anything with tentacles nearby because theyll steal her


offer to merge sportschan with her cult, we will be unstoppable


ummm just join the doomsday cult ?
sounds fun tbh

i mean provided they do some real shit and not just grift you for money


it's always a money grift
sometimes you end up doing a sarin gas jihadaroo in the subway


but what if it was like that one cult where they hated technology but specifically recruited white men to breed asian girls because they wanted to create a super race to survive the number of the beast system started by the computer

i cant remember their name but they made music and shit too

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