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/sp/ - Sparts

its a tampa kinda day
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my dad lost his job and I'm worried we're about to be poor


get yo bussy out on tha streetz


>still living with his dad
spartman plz


kill his boss, its the only way


get a job niggy


use yourself as an autismbux farm and help out


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>yes goyim don't live with your family, instead break away from them, don't take care of them and come live in my tiny, high rent appartment!


>yes goyim live with your family, instead contribute nothing to society, don't learn anything to better your life and stay in your basement posting on /sp/ all day!
shut up autist


>yes goyim leave your house, hometown, your heritage and everything you knew and love growing up and come to the big city to 'make it', get $100k in debt to student loans, 'educate' yourself with my filth and college and then get become a wageslave in a cubicle. Oh don't worry, you can still post on /sp/ in your new goyphone that you must buy every year!
shut up cultureless swine


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isnt everyone on spee a hospicenigger by now?
embarrassing to still be a loser when you are 20, cant even imagine 30


you can live with your family and still work dumbass


multigenerational homes used to be the norm but the age of the boomers saw an end to that but tbh it should make a come back

if it can help people start to raise a family earlier, its a good thing


lol shut up autist




it was also pretty common to move in with elderly parents/grandparents to take care of them and then take over the house + land when they croak. the invention of the modern "housing industry" and inheritance taxes by the jews put an end to that. modern building codes put an end to building multiple houses on the same plot of family owned land too.


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What was his job? I hear dddudder is hiring for janitors.


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dudder hire this man


Fuck, I remember they added not one but two sodomite characters in that show, what a shame.


lol shut up autist


they already had a nigger family so it was only a matter of time


stay mad cuc/k/


Not possible, they are all non-humans.


File: 1718735424652.png (4.25 MB, 1440x1500, 24:25, ClipboardImage.png)

>Not possible, they are all non-humans.


You know what I mean you autist.


lol what
you ok budy?


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lookin for cute and breedable janitors


does the ass have to be fat?


I'm fine, what about you?


>lol what
ftfy you monumental faggot


File: 1718762732528.jpg (65.78 KB, 600x1147, 600:1147, what the fuck did you just….jpg)

what the fuck is your problem man

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