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its a tampa kinda day
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 No.1630839[View All]

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dont know dont care
i just wanna see if >we get ww3 or sumthing


wtf you guys all come out for a thread on the fucking boomer boxing match?


>gen z girls love older cock


>just watch the biden brain death mashup at the end
is there actually a that?
cuz i dont wanna watch this whole shit. i tried to speed it up but biden becomes completely incomprehensible past 0.75 speed


that's a man


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criticism of incoherent babble will be the new racism


File: 1719583888560.mp4 (4.63 MB, 1278x566, 639:283, fearress reader.mp4)

this ad p much sums it, the golf part was hilarious too


had you posted this two days ago people would not have believed it and called it ai generated bullshit


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>According to CNN Senior White House Correspondent Kayla Tausche, Biden, 81, will be back on the debate stage in September, as confirmed by an advisor.
>Additionally, Biden is not contemplating withdrawing from the race, despite concerns from some members of his party.


Only because "people" have vehemently denied anything even mildly conservative political pundits have said for the last two decades. Those voting vermin are why wr're in this mess to begin with.


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schweikert sayin 22% of fed income tax gonna be goin to medicare by 2030
day of the pillow


even for twatter that first one is some retard shit


lel this fuckin picture man it gets funnier the longer you stare at it


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File: 1719598888953-2.mp4 (2.52 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, bidup.mp4)

probly the funniest fucking time in politics rn


No way in hell, he doesnt drop out. All of MSM was just a week ago spinning the stories that Dibup was sharper than ever and him staring off at shit was just his "laser focus". Just last night these same people went into full on meltdown panic mode and were all out calling for him to be replaced.

There is a reason they held this debate so early. They might out right be expecting BOTH of these candidate to be removed from the ballot come November. Dup will be arrested and the Neocon cucks will glady remove him and put Pence in and Bidup will be out for Newsom.


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big mike?


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>pencedup and dewpson
lel i fuckin hope they do this it would guarantee rfk jewnior wins assuming votes matter. i know hes just another ziocuck but a third party candidate winning might open a way to break this retarded gay two party shit


in that scenario it would ensure a newsom win, imho

the trump base would vote third party, or spite vote write-in trump, or just not vote
newsom would win and we would probably get 8 years of commiefornia tier hate speech laws, full on climate shutdown shit and america will become more like CANADA, i know its horrible to even contemplate, truly a nightmare made flesh


I'll just go work for the cartels down in Mexico or Argentina if shit gets that bad. Or go be a consultant in El Salvador/Thailand.


BIG mike
<ohmygosh why did i just say that pls forgive me


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autism, get down
think dems auto-lose two states(?) as of right now if he backs out due to candidate switching laws, and more the longer it goes. team joe is retarded and gained a lotta political leverage, could still see a victory with erection enhancement

not sure that they can but even if the neocunts boot t.rump, he'll mog any replacement and it would effectively end the GOP delusion

glownigs rigged '20 not the DNC, and them bloodthirsty lately. biderp, penice or noosem gut punches an already abysmal military
plus israhell seems hellbent on being king levant, so zog's prob all in for don


actually not sure a magat false flag isnt off the table either


zionists get their way regardless of who is in charge
bidup didnt call for a ceasefire ever and just pays lip service to both sides


theyre not gonna replace him
theyre the ones who got the debate to happen this early in the first place. even charged him up all week to prepare.
best case he gets in and croaks and they can do whatever tf they want. worst case don gets in and goes golfing in gaza with bibi


I love it! It’s just crazy enough to work! We need more men like you in this organization!


nah bidup fuked
dup didn't suck enough jewcock during his first term so they replaced him
but now they SHOULD realize that bidup isn't even coherent enough to sign a single EO so ya dup has this in the bag
screencap this and dump all your money on gambling sites for dup to win, cuz heem gonna come back in november


bud newsom isnt that popular even in commiefornia he's like half the reason the stupid faggots migrate away so much in recent years


bidup isnt giving them as much aid as they want either


lookin at his second recall isnt he?
dude's as groomed as it gets too, connected to the gettys


did they actually make this ad?
or is it a fan made?
because its p. perfect tbh and they should just play it on loop on da electronic jew and tiktok


but he's like 12


>The Loop promises to use biologically correct pronouns
>le epic tranny reeeing #libtartdestroyed
Do Republicans wonder why nobody likes them while they hyperfixate on culture war bullshit while healthcare, infrastructure, and the cost of living gets worse.


lolno pretty much the entire GOP is just controlled opposition at this point i dont think theyve done anything to actually undo destructive policies or even "conserve" things to prevent them from getting worse since obunga and even back then they barely tried. i know the uniparty and "we want the same things but SLOWER and LEGALLY" yims gets thrown around to the point of being tiresome but there is some truth to it


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about all conservatives "conserve" is the way things are. kinda in the name. they will never change anything for the better, as that is not what they exist for. always been this way.
the only way for real positive change to happen is for southern whites to take over the "progressive" parties like in the good ole days.

pic related, average southern democrats before the jews and communists took over the party.


the truth is that they're both traitors, beholden to israel, and just generally very corrupt


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wtf duplicate post


It's called a dog whistle, and it's a very important issue to the Christian/Muslim/Hispanic voterbase under 40. Nobody likes your gay orgies and HIV-spreading nonsense except other faggots/trannies who have already removed themselves from the gene pool.


Nobody likes neocons. Neocons have been actively pushed out of the party over the last 8 years. The conservative party of 2024 is not the conservative party of 2022 is not the conservative part of 2016 etc.

Keep being mad about MAGA, tr/a/nny.


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Well? Can he see the ice cream?


i guess cuc/k/boi is sticking around until the election huh?


if i like ice cream will that make me as rarted as brandon?


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looks more like average mike


i blame tengoo for nuking /k/ and the retard who asked dudder for a bunker here


Hey don't pull me into this, I've been a good boi I dindu nuffin.


i really want to know the truth
i really want to know if sheem gotta cock



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