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its a tampa kinda day
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 No.1632349[View All]


gimme that sword back - GHOSTfrog

🇫🇷⚔️⁉️ — On French social media, it was reported that on the weekend that Durandal, the Legendary Sword of Roland - A Frankish Paladin under the Carolingian Emperor Charlemagne -, which was embedded in the rock for centuries in Rocamadour was stolen by unknown people.

➡️ Given the context of the elections, the decision was taken not to communicate before this Monday

➡️ “It’s an invaluable asset. To my knowledge, Durandal is the only legendary sword that really exists,” laments the mayor of Rocamadour (Lot), Dominique Lenfant, this Monday.

➡️ An investigation, entrusted to the local gendarmerie, was opened, learned from’elle 20 Minutes, confirming the information of the Dépêche newspaper.
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dont think its him tho


all the replies say no


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did this retard think he was going to live after firing multiple shots from the most obvious position imaginable?


lol shut up pedo


maybe he intended to car jihad
taking a page out of the peaceful new europeans


I mean they consider a shake and bake meth lab to be "explosives" so just keep that in mind. Also lots of reasons to leave explosives inside your car as a plan B/suicide assistance device if things don't work out.


what a vary sane and innocent individual
how could this happen


qtards gonna have a fukn field day with this one


its time to roundhouse kick ALL jews in the head




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women allowed in 1971, thanks nixon


the new head of SS also has mandated 30% DEI female quota i believe


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>Trump assassin was "passionate about history" according to classmate.
It's literally the chud version of "oh my science" lmfao.


>nervously and awkwardly tries to holster her firearm into her badge
i fucking swear where do they find these goofballs


>The investigation into Donald Trump’s attempted assassin have been slowed down by improvised explosives rigged across his property, senior law enforcement sources with direct knowledge of the search told The Post.
the fact they called it improvised and rigged sounds more like deliberate traps than just having some jugs of gunpowder sittin around


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yep 30% by '30 program


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redact journoscum


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direct orders from jewish string pullers to promote the least fit for the job


>The explosives were described as having “varying” levels of sophistication, though it is unclear exactly what they consist of.
>No motive has been been given for the assassination attempt on Trump
lel k


most likely cool clock ahmed levels of sophistication

media and fedniggers are incompetent


some /x/ shit, christfag predicted shot by his ear in april


>even i can do more than 55 pushups
proper pushups tho? frome what ive seen most people count slightly dipping your elbows while your back is slouching as a pushup, when in reality (at least back when i was a zogbot) you have to keep your back straight af tye entire way up and down and you also have to lower yourself till your chest is like two inches off the ground for it to count otherwise whoever is counting will just keep repeating yourblast number until you get it right


wut was it


that vid is from like 2016 the shooter wouldve only been 12 at the time


doesn't mean anything, a thousand people predict shit like this every day, one of em is bound to be right


spoil spart


ya i can do maybe 30 proper pushups at a time, shit's hard
but i have a runner body/ottermode so i don't think i can ever go full lunk like some people


nuffin evr happunz


not sure i could bang 55 straight propers back at my peak tbh
prob girl pushups knowing da gub


literally the reddit arguement
>omg such a scary clip, him saying 'fight, fight'
ffs the man was just shot in the head, thats NOT the most concerning part of the clip


smh sad boys
FYI they dont usually have X straight, it'll be X in Y minutes. usually 2
100+ pushups
100+ situps
18 pullups
9 min 30 sec 1.5 mile run
don't remember my sidestroke time but it was fast as fuck


one trick youre allowed to do is shimmy your hands into different widths from your body. as long as they don't come off the ground while youre doing it that is, otherwise they stop you immediately and you walk away with whatever number you had at that point iirc
its still more difficult than that guy is claiming but the width of your hand placement affects different muscles more or less depending on the position so you can alternate whether its your shoulders or triceps that are getting more pressure during the exercise. cant do much to take pressure off your pecs tho since you still have to be 2 inches off the ground, which i guess is the entire point of the exercise


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if heem thought he might die and that was his last move on earth
adrenaline dumping, no idea where you were really shot, 80 years old, throw a fist up and say fight? gotta respect it


also this guy clarifies it better
a score of 300 is the best you can get and yeah its 2 minutes for pushups and situps. i think in order to get a perfect score in the army back in my day it went something like:
pushups = 72
situps = 60
2 mile run = 14 minutes or less
i think muh reens is mostly thebsame but they also have to do pullups


the numbers you have to get vary by age too so a 30 year old doesn't have to do as much as a 19 year old


ya i bet you're good at stroking
X in Y isnt as bad. looking at that piggy ss idk how she did it either way tho


>I love dick shirt
You know this guys a real winner


ya i know that, i alternate between a wide and narrow grip for each set


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>libs complaining about shooter being a piss poor shot
none of these people have ever shot a gun in their lives


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>anonymous sources
bullshit but i believe it







thats in-line w what that goofy ass lookin eye witness dude w the dyed-orange hair said
he said he saw the kid crawling on the roof, could see the rifle barrel poking out, and went over and asked some cops, "hey is that ur guy?", then spent the next 2 or 3 minutes trying to get the cops to do anything


gotcha budy. point is the fag in that pic probably does that slightly bent elbows w/ass in the air type shit if he thinks 55 gud form pushups is super ez
yah 100 yds


100 yds for a headshot is p challenging even with a scope because as >we saw all the target's gotta do is move his head a little bit and/or the wind just has to blow slightly to fuck up the trajectory


i really wish we could get a fucking motive
this nigga really decided "hmmmm, today i will kill an ex-president" and didnt write anything about it ?

didnt leave any digital trace, visiting "itsgoingdown" downloading anarchists cookbook, my fucking ass


it just means the feds were involved.
no cap

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