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its a tampa kinda day
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 No.1636224[Last 50 Posts]



>flood defected


fucked that up the first time


i gotta admit i want bidup to stay in the race. he's too funny and much more entertaining than kamela harris or big mike


i cant bring myself to actually care who wins at all tbh


lets get a tourist post counter going btw, if the fags gonna be here throwing histrionic tantrums then >we may as well make a game of it


i think there's only lik five of us here at this point
>trukr budy
>austin survey budy aka bbq anon
>turboright politisperg
>lost cuc/k/
>super-ultra-turbo "adolf will rise again to kill all of you" xX_niggerkiller1488_Xx
>maybe one or two guys who are just here for sparts
anyone else? not counting spamming feds


>push update
>entire world shits itself
top lel look at that fukn list


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aussie kfc brining the bants
>Victorians were advised to call 000 if a fire alarm sounds or smoke is detected, as some automatic alarms in buildings may not automatically call fire services
holy fuck someone getting fired


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I'm just here to watch sumo/wrastlin' and sparts videos as a lurker 80% of the time and either newspost or shit on 3 thru 5 the other 20% of the time. I mention sportschan whenever I find something that I think is pretty great and share it elsewhere tho' since this place is pretty great.

You see an anime image and if it's cuckimeposting it's not me but if it's just being smug at someone over a shit opinion while elucidating why it probably is me.


Pft, that shit's hilarious


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idk i think the few left are just here to shitpost because shitposting is an spart.
this is one of the few places left where that is even possible without getting banned or have to complete over 9000 captchas just to post.
honestly watching sparts isnt very fun anymore and hasn't been in years.
they are all full of cultural brainwashing propaganda and the ad load is obscene. not to mention most pro sparts are fake and gay rigged affairs meant to line the pocketbooks of gambling companies and competition is secondary
better off just playing sparts yourself with friends on weekends and/or teach neighborhood kids how to play. or better yet make kids yourself and teach them how to play


its p funny when an impression of him gets confused for real thing bc its impossible to tell diff


> I mention sportschan whenever I find something that I think is pretty great and share it elsewhere tho' since this place is pretty great.
same. got a few friends who aren't sparts enthusiasts i share stuff from here every now and then. this place is a pretty good filter for good content, elsewhere its just wading through a bunch of piss and shit to find the occasional gold nugget.


sumo gud


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erryone here types the same after a while so newfags are easy to spot
any of these people could be you
any of these people could be me
p easy to be whoever u want on a backwater ib used by like six people


evry time i shared a ib with one of my friends there was always a fed or autist who decided to wait until that exact moment to dump cp or gay furry scat porn across the board
friend didn't talk to me for a while after that


I refuse to type like a third grader.


im none of those i lurk sparts threads and shitpost bolidicks threads and vary occasionally post shitty kakis. actually im gonna try to do more kakis its fun and theres no reason not to


thats why u stand out so well


it happened previous ep of yesterdays today. may have been tomorrow idk


the shitposting is what i like best about spee
it's the perfect balance between srs bsns and /b/-tier sewage


and thats why >we dont pay you


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why dup hat bibi?


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>1000 flights canceled
>m$ claims 60% of fortune 500 use crowdstrike
in unrelated news, walgreens has reported a shortage of gift cards


prolly beat him in golf


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>top lel look at that fukn list
makes my art project look lik babby games
i was only gonna jam lik one smol area for lik an hr or so and record video of it


it wasn't ransomware just a dumb pajeet pushing something to prod
but there are already tons of scammers taking advantage of it saying you have to pay them for a fix, when all u have to do is boot in safe mode and delet a file, but rn the process is manual cuz blue screen bootloop lul


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israel not even being able to get zion don to give em enough gibs simply cuz bibi slightly snubbed him ~4yrs ago is top tire lels
imagine having to actually finish one of ur own wars for once cuz of some highschool gril tire drama

hes right tho blumpf rly was the best thing to happen to israeli neocons in literal decades


every company hires indians to do integration and devops
execs dont realize they dgaf about burger companies and do the bare minimum needful required, they just see how cheap it is and line must always go up so they go all in on accenture/cognizant/pajeetware. then nothing works right and they have to pay them double to fix it than if they just hired burgers in the first place


theres gotta be another reason tho
im betting its golf related
blumpf srs bout golf


stil not sur why they memed bidup in over him, lik dude was deepthroating them harder than anyone ever did before, believe me he knows about deepthroats he's seen quite a few of them in his lifetime nobody deepthroats like him


>bidup campaign says joe is strong and will run
<[big dem name] issues statement saying to reconsider
>bidup campaign says no intention
twice a day for a fukn week now so joeys still paying pr guys
he's the little guy this cunt needs taking on the establishment and i NEED a second debate


likud likely knew what was gonna happen regardless and just got ahead of it for goodboypoints


>he's the little guy this cunt needs taking on the establishment and i NEED a second debate
itll be one to remember thats for sure
blumpf gonna say some shit bout nearly getting killed and media will kvetch


>tons of scammers taking advantage
was the joke budy, that and microshaft probly gonna accept em at some point
>manual cuz blue screen bootloop
wew. how many are fucked bc of that being too hard ya think?


booting in safemode is scawwwwy


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>but rn the process is manual cuz blue screen bootloop lul

any competent IT department (even small biz with literally 1 guy) already has a clean image ready to go that can be applied without booting windows or fiddling with safe mode. at worst it was made before/after the last update cycle (literally last tuesday). a bit more time consuming but easier to automate if you got dozens of machines to do and must have it done NOW.
could automate it other ways (script that autoruns on a freedos/linux usb stick for example) but that'd take time to set up and deploy. probably the route i'd take since it wouldn't be hard to pass around usb sticks to the technically incompetent and divide the labor. temporarily switching boot order is literally a 1-2 button affair these days on most motherboards, normalfags can handle that.

>wew. how many are fucked bc of that being too hard ya think?
luckily crowdstrike is only really used in a managed IT setting. most IT departments are pretty incompetent but not THAT incompetent. BYOCfags might be a bit screwed since some IT don't like to touch those much, but other than that the damage isn't that bad.


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mami, bidup & shittok shills vs. pelosi, obama & racks of dem cash

dont see how its a work this late. wild


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ok but if ur a modern gigacorp with a gorillion virtual machines u can't just mash f8 to go into safe mode when it's booting, that's where the problem is


Trump will be rape corrected by bibi soon.


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>software CrowdStrike running on Microsoft Windows.
>want a secure computer
>run windows in it
Why are normalfags retarded?


vm backups are a thing, and are kinda the whole point of using virtual machines in the first place. deploying fresh vm images and restoring data from backups is fairly easily automated no matter how many vm's you have to restore.


>mfw when CR


shes not even wrong. its prolly legit
they need a pro-israel candidate, and biden and kammy aint it. if blumpf is being wishy-washy about sending israel all of our everything then its time to pull all the strings

in either case itll be fruitless
imagine even trying to run against blumpf rn. literally just a waste of time and money


who still uses voicemail? can't they just text it?


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linux has yet to create a single user environment that normalfags can understand intuitively without month(s) of training.
since windows is everywhere you can literally just plop any worker in a seat in front of a windows machine and let them get straight to work.
linux is always some against-the-grain bullshit written by illiterate tech elitists you have to spend time and money beating users over the head with before they understand. not to mention linux has its own frequent breakage and silly security issues all the time (regardless of distro), so using it instead of windows doesn't really solve anything.

its not even that either sometimes. often it is a decision made by technophobic executives who barely know how to wipe their own ass let alone operate a computer.

i like and use linux too for the things it is good at and have taught others how to use it, but need to be a bit realistic. most end users are too stupid to be able to learn it, and many are resistant to change in general. this may change one day if linux devs ever pull their heads out of their pseudo-intellectual elitist asses and make a desktop environment normalfags can use without retraining.
android has proven that normalfags can use linux if you make a ui simple and foolproof enough. android has also proven that they are even willing to tolerate stupid amounts of instability as long as the ui is easy to use. for some reason usability is forbidden on the linux desktop.


ask yer mum, she voicemail'd me this morning asking for the sex


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most users are too stupid to even learn windows or how it works, 29 years later and people still don't know where the start menu is. every corp has been running m$ for 30+ years at this point and are so ingrained in the environment that it's actually impossible for them to switch to something else and would prolly bankrupt them.
but linux is no better either, the niggercattle today will never ever touch a cli which linux requires no matter how much gui they throw in for menial one-liner commands. linux also breaks in a lot of weird ways compared to windows, but windows has the advantage of being used by 99% of the population so someone somewhere has had the same issue and knows the fix for it. in linux you usually have to deal with a ton of file permission issues where are REALLY annoying.
honestly terry summed it all up pretty well


fellow gilf lover nice


>honestly watching sparts isnt very fun anymore and hasn't been in years
nah brah you're just watching the wrong sparts


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Delta Air Lines, United Airlines, and American Airlines order a global grounding of all flights in response to widespread IT outages. (ABC News)


It's not just IT, my work app and a bunch of other shit is fucked too. I warned these ITniggers that this would happen, basically everyone in networking warned them, but they're too stupid to avoid their own hubris biting them in the ass with Pajeet hires.


>have to mount disk outside of windows or boot into safemode to remove crowdstrike agent
>can't do that if they have bitlocker
>can't get bitlocker recovery keys because DCs are also fucked
systems btfo network team wins again


my entire company is borked can't do any work today

pajeet street shitters at crowdstrike destroyed much of the world today


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i just lik dems showing they ass and frankenstein vs /monster/. drivin the democraps loco

fwiw on israhell angle: both rel are yesterday, and pali phase is basically in the books


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>world burning
>my company doesn't use cs so we're good


>cancer that is isntreal sitting like a giant tumor on the middle east
would rather die in ukraine that iran tbh


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putbros we are winning


that is a man


dups only no war pres in awhile, not worth nigpilling urself yet


pretty much anything anyone watches here is terrible, and digging up anything obscure is a pain in the ass


Cheetoman is the only one not to start a new war in my lifetime.


From the wiki:
> Affected machines could be restored by booting into safe mode or the Windows Recovery Environment and deleting the %windir%\System32\drivers\CrowdStrike\C-00000291*.sys files.[14][6][15] As this process must be done at the physical location of the machine and cannot be performed remotely, it may take days for affected businesses to restore all systems.[16]


bitlocker is dumb and generally is unnecessary unless you are doing some government shit


heem tried RLY hard with iran though when he deleted their general for zero reason


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Forgot pic


or just restore from a backup, which can be done remotely


can someone gib me an kissb owl?


fak u why is windows working at my company


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well at least they didnt blame russian hackers this time


her legs are so long


India bro is too busy eating american burger instead of fixing




remember the jews have caused this chaos

everything is dependent on a single bottleneck now
there is no backup plan
you are dependent on the electric jew for EVERY THING and when it fails you are done

hospitals cant keep dialysis machines operational because some rainbow haired DEI jew cock sucking company doesn't know how to test things

the world is plunging into chaos

same thing happened 2 weeks ago with Syniverse killing ALL cellular phone roaming for American cell phone companies

death to the jew
death to the retarded "tech" industry

Uncle Ted was right


week before a usgay contractor got deded, dup did sum airstrikes, shiites slapped an embassy, dup said fuk you have bomb


it was actually retaliatory
and iran did nothing as per usual cuz theyre pussies


nah >we gay furry hackers nao


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take meds


today i read about these computer problems and all posts were like "i had bsod and all colleagues had bsod" "bsod here and bsod there" and i seriously had to google what bsod means. ahaha poorfag winniggers eh?


whats macfags bsod?
isnt it a frowny face?


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used to be a bomb
then dead face
now just scary message


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i'm using mac sine 2009 and have never seen this screen. bomb used to be atari st. from what i've read the number of bombs that appeared were a hint to what the error might be


it's from classic mac so that's prolly why


they werent stupid enough to redeem their updates


how tf do you not know what bsod means that term is ancient


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macfags live in a different reality


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>the file that caused everything CrowdStrike to freak out, C-00000291-00000000-00000032.sys was 42KB of blank/null values
>while the replacement file C-00000291-00000000-00000.033.sys was 35KB and looked like a normal, if not obfuscated .sys/.conf file
either intentional or the 7/11 cat fell asleep on the keyboard lmfao


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>In the final two hours of trading someone opened over $130M of puts that expire today
>Orders start coming in at precisely 2:18pm across multiple strikes
>Crowdstrike now down around $300/share in pre-market trading, shorts are up approx $125M
>file apparently signed july 9th

i'm full and can't feast no more, schizsisters


wtf i love zuck now


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lol lot of programs get rly fukn uppity when they hit null values
cuz null is not 0, null is not an empty array, null is nothing, as in the variable or expiression is declared but that's it, it has no value, no assignment, nothing
i think the guy who made c said that the whole concept of null was a really bad idea and he's sorry for it


wsb having the time of their lives right now


>Hosts running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 are not affected.
win7 bros can't stop winning


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>All those meds
>tfw can track which ones are tied to one or more of the faggot's other symptoms
>Trying to medicate away your problems
I should probably be on all of those, but I'm a responsible adult so I just deal with my issues with prayer and exercise. My only "medications" are crushed garlic, fish oil, Calcium/Magnesium/Zinc, and a low-dose aspirin for inflammation in my hands/feet.


>orange man shot and survived
>got one of the most powerful photos in american history out of it
>florida documents case thrown out
>hulk hogan endorses trump
>entire world kernel panics from one 47kb file
fun week, wonder what will happen tomorrow

yeah that explains a lot


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tuck got wall street journal to print 'gay race communism', i'll have a coke


this is what joe biden will force upon all patriots if he wins reelection, you will be turned into a bimbo sissy hypno slave


a couple months ago someone on another site threw a shitfit at me for still using 7 and now i feel vindicated. tf do i need to """upgrade""" to 10 or 11 or whatever for anyway? nothing i do requires it


>entire world kernel panics from one 47kb file
i think that ones an even bigger deal than any burgernigger politics, just shows exactly how easy it is to fuck up all this internet of things garbage. imagine if someone with actual malicious intent and a plan decides to swoop in and do some damage, actual wars might break out because of digital faggotry


if it werks for u then fine keep it i really dont gaf
i have a problem with niggers that complain that 7 is no longer supported and they have to do a gorillion tweaks and hacks to get their shitty hgames working and pretending that it doesn't have any less spyware than 10 or 11 do


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>Several Israeli banks were affected


nothing ever happens


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I am calling for the complete and total shutdown of all coomers until we can figure out what the HELL is going on !


can't blame him. you don't want to into battle with a loaded gun. you need that post nut clarity


Nobody talking that were two shooters? He can't possible be the real sniper.


i didnt even complain tho i just said i was using 7 and got some mental breakdown in return from the guy. who tf is that loyal to m$ that using an older version of their OS causes that kind of derangement?


you get aids from all the cocks you suck id call that a happening


net outgrew being shit you read on a screen. srs bz


he got dat herp on his uppa lip dawg


sucking off big blvack bvlls will do that


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>president almost killed by magic the gathering


fucking shit is everyone a fucking faggy nerd now? got DAMT.


>dup almost got domed cuz two ss snipers got in an argument over M:TG
this fucking timeline


who tf even plays magic nowadays?
>wild west themed
literally what?
i thought it was lik orcs an shieeet? tf happened?


mtg has been infantilized like everything else


80's horror set in september and mad max set some time after that, too. crossovers with every fucking thing, fallout crossover was one of the highest selling sets

>tf happened?

normalniggers and brand as a lifestyle marketing


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pretty soon future elections will be decided in 1v1 esport competitions


bro you gotta gimme dat sauce


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hasbro was taken over years ago by people more interested in ruining their own shit out of spite than making money


lost my CR pics incl a spray ad i made :'(


open that eye up you stupid coon. you're not even alive anymore LMAO


Donald stepped out of the limo to a barrage of camera flashes and journalists. Many tried to question the president, but the two secret service agents escorting him in were having none of it. He got up on stage, and that's when he saw Joe. It had been three weeks since their last debate, and since Donald had last seen him. He blushed slightly, but the audience couldn't tell. The two debated for over an hour about several subjects: COVID-19, immigration, COVID-19 again because the story takes place in 2020.

Donald returned to his hotel room. He wished he could have been a bit closer to Joe, but they had to be separated due to COVID guidelines. Trump reached down to unlock the door to his room, when someone bumped into him, causing him to drop his key.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Let me get that for you." An old man's voice said from behind him, and a wrinkly arm reached out and picked up Donald's key. Before he could say thank you, Donald was shocked to see Joe standing beside him.

"What are you doing here!?" Donald exclaimed, feeling a million butterflies in his stomach.

"I was on my way to my hotel room," Joe replied, "281."

"Wait," Donald paused, "this is my room, 282." Donald then realized that Joe had been placed in the room right next to his.

"Huh, that's interesting," Joe chuckled, "you'd expect them to at least put a room or two between us. Maybe even have us on different floors."

"Yeah…" Donald nervously giggled. He was blushing hard, and Joe could tell.

"Would you like to… come over to my room?" Joe asked, "or we could go to yours."

"Sure," Donald replied nervously, "let's go to mine." The president unlocked his door and entered with his rival and the love of his life.


The actual RINOs are the right wingers who cope that the GOP is anything but a haven for gay nigger faggots


If there was ever a better time to say politics is faker than wrestling… this is probably it.


i dont think people who are actually right wing think otherwise


i thought it was just dilator and buttplug icons


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ya but it makes a cool shirt


i got an old xp machine in case i feel like doing anything particularly risky like piracy on russian websites. literally zero malware that is in the wild can run on it lol
linux and osx can't say the same.
xp is the most secure and still usable operating system these days since almost nobody targets it anymore.


i have a windows 2000 machine which still runs all my old gayms great but i think the CD drive is dying since all the discs i put in it end up skipping or fucking up
but win2k is rly nice


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only gud thing to ever come out of ohio is wkrp


i miss 2000, used to use it a lot but occasionally i'd run into things only xp+ could run without a bunch of hackery i don't have the time for anymore.

i have a shitload of cd/dvd drives laying around, unfortunately many are broken nowadays in one way or another for some reason. some aren't detected at all, others cause the system to refuse to boot, and none of them seem to be broken mechanically. i might end up having to use an external usb one once the rest of them die though, as that is the only way to get a "new" one anymore. strangely they seem to be even less reliable than old hard drives.


i love migu


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and to think i respected you


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ohio pretty cool sometimes


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miku always cool


i dont need respect from "people" like you


shootin niggos is an spart


When your motorcycle is leaning too far in one direction, you have to ease it back to the center. If you try to hard-jerk it back to center you'll go careening off the road and fucking die.


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Vocaloids are good shit.


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>laura loomer


jews are gross


Boomers have this sort of fetishistic obsession for her out here like they really want to fuck her, and I really don't get it. Same with Boebert for that matter.


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thinking about getting a dog


boobert does all the things you wouldn't do to a gril you respect, simple as


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boomers worship israel, and by extension jewish women


oy vey xD


from what i hear wild dogs are p much just lik raly big scary rats in cities in the middle east
i know muslims fucking despise dogs. i doubt jews are any different


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lel good luck, israil


idk about the rest of the ME but in afghanistan theres roving packs of wild dogs and they fight each other and harass people all the time even in and around villages out in the middle of fuckin nowhere


im not that familiar with how jew factions squabble in pissrael how is that make netanyahu bibi-tfo?


ultra orthos always had exemption from the draft if yahoo doesnt stop it they'll pull support away from him and call for new elections to btfo him


>ultraorthodox don't work instead they study their fiction book all day
>have 6+ kids and the family lives of welfare (cuz they don't work)
>stir up the most shit with palestinians and arabs
>refuse to go to the military cuz fiction book says so
it's hillarious. you have a small group who doesn't contribute financially and recevies the biggest gibs because they make the most babies. and they are also the ones who beat the drum of war the most but refuse to take part


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oh so theyre the same as those haredi cocksuckers that plague nyc


File: 1721487674121.webm (5.44 MB, 640x480, 4:3, (((Land))).webm)

ICOJ ruled that jew occupation is a violation of international law and is a party hide
not that it means anything though
>The court's advisory opinion was delivered on 19 July 2024, and determined that the Palestinian territories constitute one political unit and that they had been illegally occupied by Israel since 1967, as well as declaring that the creation of Israeli settlements and exploitation of natural resources to be in violation of international law. The court also ruled that this occupation amounted to apartheid. Israeli leaders and politicians decried the ICJ ruling as antisemitic.


>It further concluded that where Palestinians have lost land and property, that Israel should pay reparations.


its really satisfying seeing their own koolaid bite them in the ass like this
>not that it means anything
less than a year ago it would've been unthinkable for even meaningless statements from the un against israel, it may take years but >we're watching pissrael unravel in real time. and all it took was tens of thousands of dead arabs so a win-win for everyone else lel


im almost certain the quran mentions dogs and mohammad says theyre unclean, pranky animals
dunno about da torah
its def just a wider middle east thang tho, having bands of feral dogs roaming about. goofy af


work laptop still borked
good job pajeet


>call for new elections to btfo him
can someone explain to me how tf he even got back into being PM in the first place?
lik didnt he get btfo lik 2yrs ago on corruption charges? why is he even PM now?


>windows 10 today literally pushing pop ups with wndows update to upgrade to windows 11

I would swear they do that intentionally, just to stick it in your face that they own the market share.


>same as those haredi cocksuckers that plague nyc
theyre prolly literal cousins


corruption charges on an israeli official are no worse than a parking ticket


tl;dr- >>1636562
Ultra-Orthos are sort of aloof and disconnected from everything going on in Isntrael but they hold a significant sway, if Bibi loses 10-15% support from the existing government (which Ultra-Orthodox Jews makes up some 10-20%), then it's ogre for him and he's going in the slammer for corruption.


What? That's not true at all, faggot. The Ultra-Orthodox get along better with Arabs than pretty much any other faction in Israel. They're basically hermits. They tend to be very insular and do shit on outsiders (Jews and Arabs equally), but for the most part they couldn't give a shit if they are under Jewish or Arab rule because either way they'll get left alone because of old blood ties in the region. Haredim believe that Israel isn't a real country because their messiah hasn't appeared yet therefore Israel can't be real. In fact they're the most vocally pro-Palestine group of Jews in the region.


corruption charges are meaningless when the guys who are supposed to enforce them are also your friends and also as corrupt as if not more corrupt than you
the question you ask is the same as asking why people like killary/bill clinton or dick cheney arent in prison when by all means they should be, rulers generally dont punish themselves


interesting, so the orthodox guys were the yids who were already living with the ayyrabs under british rule before the eastern yuro noses showed up?


guessing spartman confused likud with orthos
the zionists literally had em killed and went on to rule, yeah


some dude did a great rundown on whole creation of israhell, long as fuck tho


i wana cum in AOCs throat


i just thought that he had literally been removed over the charges, but i guess he just pointed at da scawwy arabs and they voted him back in anyways? am i getting that right?


>willingly letting the communists steal your fluids


pretty sure it was them folks who evicted arabs from their homes, who spit on christian pilgrims and who went praying on the temple mound to piss off arabs. but idc i'd put them all in the oven without bias


File: 1721503289215.png (1.18 MB, 1562x1780, 781:890, 86699.png)

hmmm, who would've thunk that?


File: 1721503915166.jpeg (28.47 KB, 800x450, 16:9, surprised pikachu.jpeg)

>trash DIE policies and half the bloated government on day 1
>economy starts rebounding
wow whouda thunk it


>trump new rally today

i might actually tune in
lets see what this nigga does


say what you want about dup but he's grinding these rallies like they're daily quests. and all that while bidup sits at home with the sniffles


well it was 2 years ago so he probably didnt even do that


File: 1721505738331.jpg (154.61 KB, 718x930, 359:465, Netanyahu's_military_servi….jpg)

looked it up and the court case from 2020 is still going, delayed due to covid lel
heem yoinked in 2021 bc they formed a new coalition gubmint to fuck him, then somehow voted back in in 2022?
no wonder buckeyes are so neurotic errythangs osha on trt


bidup is definitely getting replaced
they are just brainstorming WHO

if trump didnt get shooteroo'd they might have tried to keep joe but after trump survived they know joe has got to go now


>inflation down from 25% to 4% in under a year
thats fuckin impressive tbh


israeli corruption makes US corruption look tame by comparison


File: 1721513036544.mp4 (1.66 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, membrane.mp4)

idk if he actually will, delegates are his and the bidens are insane
saw hilldog paid for an ad via opinion piece in the hill tho


dont remember that one


thank god, we didnt get tim cain
that guy is a sociopathic anti-white little worm man


File: 1721514580840.jpg (77.54 KB, 640x640, 1:1, no bad memories.jpg)

never actually saw those popups in all the time i used 10, despite it allegedly happening a few times a year. i only really did the bare minimum to prevent microsoft's spying too.
protip: disable the TPM, they'll declare you ineligible for 11 and leave you alone


>so the orthodox guys were the yids who were already living with the ayyrabs under british rule before the eastern yuro noses showed up?
They're an intermix of the original Jews in the region and the German Jews who embraced asceticism back in the 1800s and (largely) got the fuck out before WWI even kicked off, yeah. They're also the only group of Jews in the region who have above-replacement birthrates. Don't get me wrong they're assholes and think everyone else is subhuman, but they're like the Jew version of the Amish and not very nationalistic (very tribalist though but so are all the Levant ethnic groups).

>Likud with orthos
Ah yeah that'd make sense.

He was supposed to be removed. He's using wartime powers to avoid prosecution at the moment. That's why Bibi can't have this conflict with Palestine end and why he keeps escalating since as long as he can use wartime powers to remain in charge they can't prosecute him under Jewish law.


Hasidic Jews = Asshole Orthodox Jews who spit on people and treat everyone like shit. They don't like Zionism but they like the modern state of Israel for gibs purposes.
Haredic Jews = Hermit-like Ultra-Orthodox Jews who are autistic assholes who don't really care who's in charge and just sit around collecting gibs and reading the Torah.


Joe was never meant to win. If Trump had been cordless hole-punched, Nikki Clinton had the second most superdelegates and would have been the defacto nominee. That's why Trump announced his VP online since he realized if he didn't, they could dome him at the RNC and Nikki would be the nominee. That's also why he picked Vance since he knows the establishment hates him.


>Joe was never meant to win.

whatchu talm bout lil spigga ?
in 2020 or now ?

i dont think they want blumpf, they probably were hoping their glowop was going to get him kilt


in now my dude the reason Nikki Haley refused to leave the primary race was to build up enough delegates that she is still the defacto 2nd place nominee. Therefore if anything happened to Trump (prison or assassination) she would become the Republican nominee by default and espouse the neocon propaganda machine.

Instead Trump's kid took over the RNC and Trump survived the assassination attempt so now the Kissinger/Neocon establishment ("deep state" as it were) is struggling to get a new last-minute nominee in the DNC because they have to keep Trump out at all costs. Vance is a bumbling idiot in comparison but he's still a populist that represents the working class so he's an equal threat to them.


>never give a shit about puritanical screeching and name calling
>stop retarded shit that everyone knows is retarded
>shit gets better
its more impressive he hasnt been assassinated yet tbh


yah him and mark warner sticking around for so are a prime example of exactly how shit virginia has gotten and how much power out of state cocksuckers in northern VA have over the rest of the state. i rally wish that second amendment sanctuary shit actually meant anything because only shitholes like richmond norfolk and alexandria would be enforcing any of the new gay ass commiefornia tier laws that timmy and mark's cronies helped bring about recently


*for so long


yah but 25% inflation is almost cartoonishly bad and 4% is lik basically normal. thats nuts. es muy rapido


File: 1721519105022.mp4 (1.3 MB, 640x356, 160:89, mass deportations.mp4)

operation wetback about to get its back blown out


File: 1721519437148-0.mp4 (307.07 KB, 640x356, 160:89, trump hair.mp4)

File: 1721519437148-1.mp4 (2 MB, 640x356, 160:89, trump combover.mp4)

drinking the river styx gave him +1 charisma


i'll believe it when i see it he won't do it

he's doing standup again


File: 1721519859915.png (274.33 KB, 680x664, 85:83, news trends.png)

proly not but i've been sayin bad is gonna happen for decades and been right, gonna mix it up for a bit
mayb that fat bish opera onto smth. cant control it either way


more i thunk about it vance was brilliant pick
lamestream cant help but air him deucin on dup, then they see him support him. powerful suggestive juju to the dummy rayed


always go long fear


More importantly Vance has been through the hell of addiction and back, he's really a working class man who relates to the people still skeptical about Trump-kun being a billionaire


yea, its almost like if you follow basic economic principles instead of literal homosexual marxist keynesian shit stuff just werks™️


predictive programming


yes with hindsight everything was a plan including all the dicks you've sucked


but ive never sucked a dick


you fucking putin shills can't exist without sucking trump, musk, or vlad dick


whos got a dick to stick




File: 1721527895298.mp4 (1.23 MB, 576x1024, 9:16, kennedys.mp4)

all the old leet fams assfucking each other while our 47th president's family universally loves him is mm mm gud


if you hadnt corrected i'd be down for swordfight


>that nigga in the back

what in gods name is that lil feller on ?


lol she can’t form a sentence either
Yeah right dude is juiced


that boy ON SOMETHIN


for the record a turd reich dude is usin lowercase, not always me. mayb same guy w/e
t. poltisperg


File: 1721532913138-0.mp3 (6 MB, tech_n9ne___t9x_amesxersnq….mp3)

File: 1721532913138-1.webm (868.84 KB, 576x800, 18:25, VID_20240720_202653_670.webm)

mute vid, play song


all me


your next line is lol shut up autist


wew. nuts=sprung


lel wtf is with her cadence it sounds like someone tried to make a youtube poop out of her
do all the kennedys have fucked up speech problems? them boston fellas been inbreeding or something?




it's lik im in a flour mill


jaqueline o'nasty is a known cryptid
not seen the tomtenisse?


File: 1721534460058.png (141.36 KB, 1669x442, 1669:442, ClipboardImage.png)

i know its twatter drama, let alone journos, but a neverdupper going neverbidup while promoting dup murder tinfoil is fukn batshit


bidup is fucking FINISHED


File: 1721535410222.jpg (1.94 MB, 4000x2252, 1000:563, 20240720_210541.jpg)

oopsy daisy))))


something new just happen?


File: 1721536666498.png (153.78 KB, 751x241, 751:241, ClipboardImage.png)



no i accidentally without a pic


ah, i see now.


so all her chilluns is skinwalkers n shiet?


File: 1721539883105-0.gif (606.89 KB, 279x338, 279:338, Melancholy Ryo 1.gif)

File: 1721539883105-1.gif (636.78 KB, 414x289, 414:289, Yeah sure whatever.gif)

File: 1721539883105-2.mp4 (15.49 MB, 720x576, 5:4, For Spartman.mp4)

Douzo have an error post


That's not true I don't like Musk.


you sure as hell love cock



File: 1721545491681.jpg (47.86 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 16247532976840.jpg)

quite possibly the one candidate who'd lose even harder than brandon himself
i say go for it


File: 1721546548314.mp4 (2.44 MB, 640x322, 320:161, segret serbice.mp4)

division by zero


from what i saw with a quick glance she's supposedly encouraging bidup to stay in the race


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shes also been out of srs politics for like 8yrs at this point

a lotta ppl dont realize, but that bitch was doin the whole DC schmoozin and boozin with all of congress since the 90s when she was just first lady. tryna get tv and music b& along with al gores cunt wife. then she went from first lady, and installed herself as NY senator, and was completely impossible to remove no matter how anyone voted. and she did that right up until obongo appointed her as secretary of fucking state

nah shes out and anyone who thinks otherwise is living in a fucking fantasy land. you cant make a srs run without being current in the DC scene. and/or just having a fuckton of time and money to throw around lik blumpf


Hilldog sisters we are so back


File: 1721569074588.jpg (11.63 KB, 429x240, 143:80, survive.jpg)

every BREAKING dem piece rn is just them doin opinion polling
cant imagine any result being substantially better v trump, at least not enough to convince him to step down
guy's name being biden is high tier God winking


>maybe he just using the rifle scope to get a better look
hey wtf i made that joke he can't make that joke


im fucking loving the donor elites, biden family, and party big shots (Hussein, Pelosi, and the Jew) all fight eachother and getting REALLY butthurt
i hope Jill keeps biden in out of spite till the very end. maybe even have him continue his campaign even if he doesn't get the dem ticket
shit would he hilarious


soooo when is biderp announcing he is stepping down after the assassination attempt failed ?


i read they want him to step down as president so harris becomes president and candidate


see >>1636813
its a free for all, right now. biden camp which is basically his family, 10-20% of party bureaucrats, and close aides are pitched against the other party bigshots which have probably 70-80% of party support. it would be completely lopsided tug of war if it wasn't for the fact that biden actually IS the president, and they dont have any surefire way of forcing him out short of going nuclear and impeaching him


Henry Nilsson everyone is talkin

how to embed?

t. newfag


>scroll down
>bottom right
>select "rugby" in the dropdown menu
cant miss it


try clicking the embed option thats right there under the comment section at the top that usually works for me :^)


bidens could be swayed w sufficient guarantees and payola imo
prob is cameltoe gets rekt, so they have to pass over the first™ female™ black™ prez, so GOTO10: braindead corpse that honestly may not survive til november with all the addy theyre pumping
all this compounded by their ohemgee end of democracy 5ever!!1! pr towards a trump train that's choochin like a mfer. demoKKKrats in absolute shambles


File: 1721582994255.png (360.68 KB, 828x1792, 207:448, IMG_1378.png)

>I love clearing my cache
Nice try m8 :^]
I do that and it says it can’t make sense of link. Tried deleting the last part up to the ? Idk fam ;-;


File: 1721583018066.png (1.19 MB, 1430x1843, 1430:1843, ClipboardImage.png)



sanitize your link bb


fancy pantsu for everyone!


oh wait you said that. use long form + sanitized


>its da end ub demograsee if [x] wins
probably the most irritating thing that faggots cry every 4 years. wah wah i didnt win da popuwawity contest so its not demokwasee. it was a mistake to ever let anyone without land and a vested interest in the overall well-being of the cunt to vote


just use the regular yt link then


tf makes this retard think people like romney any more than any of their potential democrat nominees? dude got btfo by obunga hard af largely because how much of a blatantly evil sack of shit he is


sounds lik a shitty fucking movie


this its just mob rule shits ridiculous– ngl the anchuent greeks and romans did a better job than this fucking shitshow


i always have a hard time with yt links
shits totally inconsistent, i haven't found what the pattern is to make it 'werk'


Thx budys, I’ll practice more shits wonky and I’m on a fone. Thought that song was funny af wit da vid of ol space cadet there


File: 1721585746067.png (659.56 KB, 1182x1478, 591:739, ClipboardImage.png)

fucking damnit
i really wanted that geriatric bastard to be that pebble in the gears


File: 1721585845066.jpg (122.36 KB, 1024x686, 512:343, 1721585669082832.jpg)

its tiem


>he endorsed kamala to be the nominee as well

no way they are going to let that fly
she literally has 0 charisma and the only way she can get people to like her is by putting their cock in her mouth


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>Biden doesn't immediately endorse VP Kamala Harris, throwing Democrats into chaos months before election against Trump
did he? he just thanked her in his gay little letter
hopefully theres a YUGE shitflinging contest over who gets it, and i ralllly hope they ram clinton into it too for old time sake


he didnt
he just said thx 4 bein vice bby



whtever journo WHORE i took that quote from is more out of the loop than you


Madam President please! Stop winning!


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harry sisters….its never been this joever
on his official twatter he did
maybe he did it here for plausible deniability when they ignore her ass at the convention and nominate newsom


man theyre gonna blow it big league
who do they even have?


anyway that shits funny as fuck. biden and harris poll about the same– which is to say after being utter undeniably revealed as a senile bastard biden finallly dropped down to kamala levels lmfao




File: 1721586526230.jpg (80.12 KB, 640x608, 20:19, EZYpFz_Tk_-CNg9XjUUhEWhT2d….jpg)

mmmmm… happy birthday to this future president…


i wanna shove my cock into right girls donut


she got absolutely btfo by dup last time


somehow she still has a loyal contingent of supporters who felt like they got cheated– even as the entire dem nomination process and most of the federal investigation process tbh was rigged in her favor


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File: 1721586851563.jpg (131.84 KB, 588x1000, 147:250, las americanos refrigerado….jpg)

you sure bout that ?


anal would be acceptable if she's bent over and bagged


there is no way kamala actually gets the nomination

1. they are planning to just got full on banana republic tier rigging in every swing state and just have millions of fugazi ballots ready to go

2. they are throwing in the towel and hoping to build up momentum for 2028 and they will just repeats the post-2016 playbook and try more impeachments and legal chicanery for the next 4 years

very interesting times, i mean trump might still get jailed, you never fucking know
its going to be a wild 4 months


lel those hilary memes were so bad
the biden ones were pretty bad too tbh
wild how they stuff the fuck out of those big city ballot boxes


>1. they are planning to just got full on banana republic tier rigging in every swing state and just have millions of fugazi ballots ready to go
this time, every vote counting station will shutdown at midnight with trump ahead, then kamala will make a YUGE comeback over the next 4 weeks as her votes keep comin in


so who is president rn?




some unholy amalgamation of jill biden, obama, pelosi, and schumer mostly


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chuddies btfo


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some lunatic fringe contingent isnt gonna change the fact that she got literally btfo by electoral college last time. most of the democrat voters hate her cuz of bernie getting cockblocked.

they need some young gun in there, yesterday, and they just dont got shit
their entire party has boxed itself in and made themselves p much un-electable imo. theyve virtue-signalled themselves into a corner, when at their core theyre still just a buncha white geriatrics who are pro-war and suck AIPAC dick. what modern lefty is gonna vote for that? thats why theyre all losing their fucking minds rn over this shit. theyre totally fuckt


File: 1721587714966.gif (1.36 MB, 350x400, 7:8, Romney.gif)

ya vote for the neocon millionaire mormon what could go wrong


File: 1721587825875.jpg (42.89 KB, 605x328, 605:328, the squad.jpg)

Sorry Sweetie, Cumdumpala is not part of the squad…


File: 1721587869323.mp4 (759.12 KB, 240x240, 1:1, lmao.mp4)



its true tho
itll literally never be more joever than this moment right here, right now
rememeber it


>most of the democrat voters
>implying either party gives a shit about their voters thoughts and opinions
trump might be the candidate that actually gives his voters what they want– the parties themselves are the most corrupt pieces of shit to ever walk this earth


File: 1721588041162.mp4 (1.92 MB, 202x360, 101:180, jabba the turk destroys bi….mp4)

wonder how he's feeling rn
he lasted four yil


>the parties themselves are the most corrupt pieces of shit to ever walk this earth
well duh
thats why everyone wanted bernie v dup in 16
and thats why shilldawg self-btfo herself by forcing her way through anyways and berning out all the bernouts. it completely fucked her whole voter base. so many democrats either stayed home or voted for some memeshit lik stein in 2016


ancient greeks and romans also knew better than to allow kikes into their governments



File: 1721588548221.png (308.75 KB, 547x606, 547:606, captain shill got the memo….png)

that was quick

still no way in fuck kamala get the nomination
this is called a feint

newsom is the real attack


who tf is this geek?


literally who


some drama kid zoomer faggot who is literally a paid shill by the dnc to make tiktoks glazing joe biden 24/7

he is so cringe and embarrassing it borders on lolcow territory


isn't this joe's only "real" young fan? lel


File: 1721588803770.png (85.63 KB, 428x488, 107:122, ClipboardImage.png)

tee bee dee


never heard of him


looks lik a mysterious feller


>newsom is the real attack
is he tho? does anyone outside of california even know of or like the guy? he sends off crazy lizard vibes like even moreso than chuck schumer


you never know with these players to be named later. could be a pick or cash considerations in the end


no not really
the one ones with national recognition already are kamala, hillary, bernie, and maybe pelosi
they couldn't possibly run anyone else




i would assume if they want to win they run newsom

tuckers rnc speech was very good in that it alluded to the truth that there is a solid 40%+ of the voter base that will just vote blue even if a literal corpse is the nomination

i just cant seem them actually humming with harris for 2024


lol dup would crush this guy. imagine dup standing at the podium and explaining how newsom turned commifornia into a 3rd world shit hole with all the homelessness, crime, drugs, illegals etc


derica actually happening


File: 1721589814282.webm (7.59 MB, 480x360, 4:3, god bless.webm)

dnc this year is gonna be a SHITSHOW
>leader dropped out with less than a month to go
>nobody else had anywhere close to a majority
>everyone hates kamala
>everyone hates everyone else too
>democrat party has been completely balkanized between the old guard and young turbolefties, zero unity
if they don't pick someone on the first vote im just imagining how many threats and backroom deals are going to be made. some delegate's dog is gonna get lynched from a tree and suddenly they'll change their vote for queen heelsup/newscum
oh fuck kamala newsom ticket fuck no


newsom would be able to actually go at trump with shit his writers room cooked up

j6, court cases, covid all would be good ways to fuck with trump


File: 1721590085684.gif (8.29 MB, 420x236, 105:59, Dis gon b gud.gif)

>Biden’s pledged delegates were released. A candidate who receives three hundred signatures from delegates will appear on the convention ballot. A candidate must receive a majority of delegate votes at the convention to become the nominee; if no candidate initially receives a majority of votes, an additional seven hundred delegates are permitted to vote on a candidate. All of the nearly 3,800 delegates previously committed to Biden are now free to choose their own path. Despite Biden's endorsement, Democratic National Committee rules do not require these delegates to follow his recommendation and support his selected successor.
so if they don't pick someone on the first round they're fukd


File: 1721590426729.jpg (147.64 KB, 1200x1529, 1200:1529, GGG4YlpWoAAgZ08.jpg)

dark brandonbros….
what now


it's okay he's playing 2D Jenga


space force will get him reelected
neo-liberal moonbases powered by black transexual jewish super soldiers will begin rounding up the MAGAts under Commander Destiny's legion and shipped off to the sissy hypno cuckold camps


its been confirmed they're paying him a boatload as an influencer lel


File: 1721591826088.png (227.28 KB, 387x501, 129:167, ClipboardImage.png)

watching harris try to codeswitch is hilarious


theres a non zero chance heem gets eepy and says he's still running at some point


File: 1721592070245.mp4 (404.27 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, camel watchin.mp4)

giiirrrl you aint from dese streets mm hmm


File: 1721592094744.png (5.62 MB, 1957x1765, 1957:1765, ClipboardImage.png)

id feel bad for him if he wasn't a career politician scumbag who's fucked this country into the ground


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lol wtf he just got actually couped
he's not in direct control of his social media, what if it wasn't even him who put that out?


biderp's co-chair went on news this morning and reinforced he was running
bro 100% stroked out or cummula wriggled the phone from his drooling mr burns hands


i still think this is all just kayfabe

trying to smokescreen so they can get blompf by any means necessary


File: 1721592500111.png (441.53 KB, 555x855, 37:57, open society.png)

open society sisters….we are so fucking back


why would they be doing endless lawfare on blompf unless they really hated him
they could just be talking about endless lawfare if they wanted to fake it


stupid ameriniggers are a literal banana republic now



no what i mean is they are faking the "UGU~ we didnt know he was going to drop out, we are soooooo-owo confused roflcopters"

its faking weakness when they are in truth they were completely united in getting biden the fuck out to get in a nominee who they hope will actually beat blompf


hi toothpaste!


oh. i mean i suspect there is going to be a real power struggle
no doubt the elites of the party have someone in mind, but they're gonna have to duke it out with the smaller factions under the pretense of giving choices to the electorate or wtever


someone post the webm with her laughing non stop. that was creepy af


do teh blacks even lik kammy?
im p sure they dont
shes lik the whitest-lookin bish ever. even obongo was darker. and sheem also incarcerated black ppl at a legendary rate back when sheem was DA


they vote black no matter how wack then call em coons in office


they dont or else she would have done better in the primaries
a kamala nominee would guarantee a low black voter turnout which is very good for states like michigan, pennsylvannia, georgia, and wissconsin

now of course the blacks tha do vote will still vote 90%+ for blue man for gibs, but low turnout will be very good


File: 1721593696701.jpg (136.57 KB, 1079x1300, 83:100, fuck stupid niggers.jpg)

i miss when brandon still hated niggers


File: 1721593709546-0.png (321.93 KB, 584x836, 146:209, reddit response.png)

File: 1721593709546-1.png (914.89 KB, 1080x1319, 1080:1319, handmaids.png)

>memes into reality




File: 1721594449004.png (846.39 KB, 1600x1120, 10:7, Banana Duck.png)

i liek banana


wtf are they even talking about?
when did dup say he was going to make getting a hysterectomy illegal?


niggers HATE lightskins regardless


>literal uterus removal
>not just tying tubes
jesus christ these fucking people are insane
removing organs left and right


cat lady millennial women realizing they are out of the sexual value market place and they are not taking it well


thats the best part about it tho, every single federal political figure absolutely deserves all the shit that gets thrown at them. forgetting your diabolical horseshit because of dementia isnt a valid excuse


has been for 4 years get new material


File: 1721597648031.mp4 (619.49 KB, 640x360, 16:9, rip dark brandon.mp4)


bruh she was literally ded last in the primaries the only reason she was picked for vp was because she sucked the right dicks. i kinda want some head from her too tbh those lips must be legendary if it carried her that far


she must suck a mean tbh, she grapefruit yo' dick


dup never said half the shit they accuse him of


if only a hysterectomy would remove the hysteria too


File: 1721599659851.jpg (247.6 KB, 1070x947, 1070:947, SLOP.jpg)


good riddance as far as i'm concerned. dumbass cunts like them should be the last ones reproducing.


File: 1721600723060-0.png (687.76 KB, 1080x1815, 72:121, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1721600723060-1.png (154.85 KB, 1125x784, 1125:784, ClipboardImage.png)



astrology was made to make money off dumb whorbs


File: 1721601145341.png (460.31 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


JUST IN - the truk & pullr thread has reached bump limit just after celebrating a strong one year anniversary. i understand if any spartmans need to take a day or two for mourning. truk & pullr.


uhhhmmmmm looks lik ur wrong?


thought they didnt bother with primaries?
fr president kegel harris has a ring


snopes debunked astrology sweetie



astrology is racism for women


File: 1721604549702.jpg (33.98 KB, 408x612, 2:3, ummmmmmm.jpg)

uhmmm… like no?
i think they like debunked astronomy or some gross nerd crap like that. ur just like confused cuz of all the big words or whatever


wait this works?
thought it needed a new line




>thought they didnt bother with primaries?
they do. the difference from the cuckservatives is the dems have superdelegates that can decide to fuck over front runners they don't like (see bernie 2016 for a perfect example). otherwise they still have a bunch of people to start off with initially that get voted out over time


shut up becky go rim chad or some shit


yea i added that a couple months ago because people were crying about endchan having it but not here
honestly with how fucked up the markdown is on here i wouldn't be surprised if theres some sort of injection or xss vulnerability ive introduced. maybe you can find it :)


u hav bug bounty?


dont worry im sure poop pedophile is already on the case


ill paypal you 50 bucks if you find a vulnerability and email it to me
greatest hax0r in the world poopedo


>couple of months
budy you back on the drink? its easily been at least a year, maybe two


brother it all blends together
i catch myself saying "the other day" about shit that happened 3 years ago


File: 1721607612866.png (130.15 KB, 1804x356, 451:89, ClipboardImage.png)

know about supahdegenerates, didnt know nigs voted primaries. cummomma scooted before results in 2020 so can only find bs polling
her statement makes me think the checkbooks are out and gonna be some fuckery at convention
great owl so far


File: 1721607730247.png (789.3 KB, 812x1075, 812:1075, ClipboardImage.png)

her team is retarded if they dont lean into dommy mommy energy


File: 1721608036364.mp4 (6.28 MB, 720x720, 1:1, 4_5832164352123213058.mp4)

ok fair enuff


haha ew hah uhh
you think she's into rimming lol?


File: 1721610330545.mp4 (3.43 MB, 886x488, 443:244, joe brown on camel.mp4)

niggas have spoken


File: 1721610469800.mp4 (5.12 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Weekend at Bidens.mp4)

>They're actually running Kamehameha
Worst idea possible. Older Democrats are racist against blacks, younger blacks are disillusioned with Democrats, older blacks and most moderate men won't vote for a woman, and they managed to choose the bitch who prosecuted people over drugs/got her job by suckin' cock.
They'd have been better off making Weekend at Biden's reality.


File: 1721611155615-0.mp4 (6.91 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, frank biden.mp4)

File: 1721611155615-1.mp4 (1.85 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, frank update.mp4)

idk about all that but its all polling and backroom $ now
bolsheviks just coup'd again after playing schrodingers retard for four years and will rig the absolute fuck out of this so buckle up bc its gonna be fukt any way it turns out


File: 1721611798202.png (253.61 KB, 1611x1029, 537:343, ClipboardImage.png)


>Notice anything?
Both are completely illegible?


in a matchup between kamala and trump, is trump the blacker candidate ?

>got shot
>convicted felon
>got multiple baby mommas
>got a rap sheet of crimes
>spends his money on expensive cars, clothes, and food
>loves twitter

>locked people up for weed
>loves all that homothug shit tryna buck break a nigga
>dick sucking hoe
>aint from the streets
>works dem whypipo jobs
>goes to dem whypipo schools



is this "still a nigga" guy ?


yeh they'll shoe her in no matter what and then dare anyone to do anything about it. why wouldnt they when nothing happened last time aside from some wailing about two weeks and retarded q cult prophecies?


least thats what im betting a thousand dollars on. i coulda made a fuckload of money last election but i didnt bet


most handwriting analcyst is pseud, but what it gets right is that the movements dont change
>R. is fucked. ok maybe dementia slop
>B is on a mad one. no one goes from one stroke to two in a single letter without male vitality pills
>his 'i' goes from starting at into 'B' at the bottom to a top start
>last 'n' is completely diff
pseud shit (that i vaguely remember and may have wrong)
>height of the final part; the start of 'i' and trail off on the end of 'n' going up indicates emotional emphasis on the signer. it's a declaration of something to prove and insecurity

nigga prob had a severe one, but who tf knows 6 inches deep to weirdland


the guy probly can't even draw a clock at this point, i wouldn't be surprise if he can hardly do a signature either


ya. cosmically fucked that it's up to the paypal mafia faggots now, hat em
but faceberg has been irrelvant for years and zuck was still instrumental for '20


File: 1721614120679.mp4 (1.45 MB, 1280x714, 640:357, 1_4965513610479535231.mp4)



i know its crazy
i cant believe he really said this


meme bernie into running
bet he could actually beat dup fair and square


ghost pls


im so sorry mr president!


File: 1721616940607.jpg (120.53 KB, 1054x1244, 527:622, hunter lolsuit drop.jpg)


if this is real

they showed biderp footage of hunter chopping up a hooker and told him, how do you want to do this, easy or hard ?


File: 1721617635646-0.mp4 (14.82 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1_4967979334024299727.mp4)

File: 1721617635646-1.mp4 (6.93 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1_4967979334024299726.mp4)

red bastards


File: 1721617669771-0.jpg (286.81 KB, 989x1280, 989:1280, IMG_20240721_200555_837.jpg)

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pinko swine


also big yikes sweety, i hope this guy puts cocks in his mouth and/or ass because "straight, white male in 2024" BIG YIKES lil oofie no thanks sis

communism is trans female black and indigenous, sweety


always with this flowery "muh working class" shit with commies and then they get power and "uhh ummm soooo >we're gonna do what the last government did and improve p much nothing and you dont even have the pretense of a choice anymore, k? sound good? no? have fun in gulag!"


>american communist party
Can I make an Fascist American Party?


Soccer is fucking boring holy shit not even kameltoe harris sucking me off can make me watch that spart


the players should be forced to wear glittery butterfly wings and short shorts as uniforms its more appropriate


if they could smoke dust before matches they might be able to figure out how to stay standing after someone grabs their shirt


you dont understand the power a blowie from kamala holds
you wouldn't last 1 minute


i kinda wish there was a soccer tournament where the teams are dosed with a random drug right before the match begins without being told what it is or how strong the dose was


banana Republic ameritards


10 4 gud budy gonna pull into the flying j and smack around a lot lizard in rememberance


well hey they both had to take shots to the face to get where they are today


It's called the Constitutionalist Party and they're p great fam.


Just load them all on pervitin (meth) and let 'em run wild.


soccer watching yurocommie cuckold


File: 1721646198289.mp4 (1.87 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Biden 'drops' out of the e….mp4)

error postan


anti coomer bump


ohhhhh man i hope they do it
fucking go all out, field some gay trans indigenous commie that checks all the boxes, split the vote even more. give all the commies a bad case of bernout when the establishment candidate wins anyways
its perfect
this is how the DNC crashes with no survivors


stims are p common in most sparts tbh
not hard to get prescribed amps nowadays, and most 5-panel tests dont distinguish between amphetamine types. you could prolly p ez just be taking other stuff on the side, and i bet a lot do




File: 1721669176098.mp4 (2.6 MB, 1282x720, 641:360, nancy barkin.mp4)


lol rekt, hope she gets reemed


cheetos looks like she is on the verge of tears

girlboss sisters….not like this
i hope she cracks under pressure, starts crying, gets all hysterical and just blurts out "I WAS JUST DOING WHAT THEY TOLD ME TOO"


nah she knows she's already gonna get fired, now it's just a matter of whther they decide to prosecute her for criminal negligence or not so she's giving all these vague answers that can't be used as evidence during her court case


There's one of these hearings every other week in congress. Until they actually hold these chucklefucks in contempt for witholding information it's just bread and circuses.


know what else is fucking nuts
assuming they stick with kamala, she still has a coin tosses chance of becoming the next president simply because of demographic changes

like she is guaranteed like 220 electoral votes because strongholds likes ny and california and most of the coastal states always going blue now

if there is like a few unexpected flips, she might just glide her way into the oval office, a literal sub triple digits IQ, pure DEI hire, a literal dick sucka hoe just given absolute control over the most powerful standing army and nuclear arsenal on the face of the earth

wild shit, i feel like they might be beta testing it with kamala if they stick with her, they want to see if they can just go right to one party rule now, where it doesnt matter who they throw out there the party will always win regardless, so they can just get literal puppets through way easier and hype up the proles with "here is the new great leader, trans black wombwyn, indigenous ftm wiccan, puppyplay latinx queer bottom"


this aint no time to be beta testing
theyre p fucking fucked if they dont pull a literal miracle out of their ass
even all the liberal media talking heads seem to not know wtf to make of this shit. its completely unprecedented and a vary bad look to be lik "lol idk who tf to vote for" when general erections are only lik 100 days out


lik voter apathy is a p big deal
2016 it basically won blumpf lik half a dozen states cuz half the democrats voter base just stayed home
if they get some literally who as nominee theyre toast, and if they run some unlikeable cunt lik kammy, or some other generic politician, then dup will make mincemeat out of em.


spruh an intern just vacated the presidency while also staying in power
cheeto pushed it off on the fbi repeatedly in testimony so y'know how thats gonna go. mayorkas is just as bad
amerikwa's near goal line of another bolshevik revolution with all the party favors. not hyperbolic


what is it with electing the unelectable these days
i mean we went from a nigger to an orange cheeto and then a literal potato. now we'll get a camel toe because reasons


thought so to but lotta potential convention opponents are bowing and endorsing today. that whitmer twat's her campaign chair now
one party has been established since weather underground obombers terms tbh. feels like he's holding back an official endorsement until she swallows big mike on command


File: 1721675891252.mp4 (4.11 MB, 1280x590, 128:59, van jones leaky.mp4)

yimedias immediately did a 360 and started crying on air about how brave biderp is, vids yesterday


>strongholds likes ny
sending a steady stream of migrants there might have opened some eyes


ya theyre cooked if they play fair
>push fake polls non stop
>fake erection in line with those
<do smth about it bitch. wanna peacefully protest lik j6 again?
prob gonna be a wild one


File: 1721678023673.png (125.91 KB, 640x376, 80:47, NYS2020.png)

most of the state doesnt vote blue
problem is da sauna is lik 16M right there, then buffalel, roc and cuse, and thats a couple more milli
so the rest of the state doesnt rly get a say in much of anything


this isnt really that shocking
those red areas are like 70% or more white
but they fill the cities with turd worlders on the state dole and its pretty much locked up democrat rule forever, same thing goes for california most places outside of te cities are all majority red

i dont think they really care tbh
they already leaked they have all kinds of fbi legal shenanigans planned to do to blompf should he win
plus i highly suspect they are anticipating a 2007 style market collapse in the next four years and probably would prefer it to happen on blompfs hands

plus a market collapse under republicans would almost guarantee them 8 years come 2028


thats one of the biggest problems is how one or two city strongholds in a state can completely fuck everyone loving outside of them. like yah i get not as many people live in the countryside but its ridiculously absurd to have city faggots making the same laws to govern bumpkins living hundreds of miles away as they do to shit up their own hellholes.
also on top of this with increasing ypipo apathy and replacement comes an even more strained gibs system, the spics that actually do honest work can only hold up so much of that and reality would break if niggers actually contributed in any meaningful way. i think shit might start getting spicy soon, maybe not civil war levels but more like devolving into mexico where no one fucking cares about the government and gangs/cartels run shit in every major population center


File: 1721678797366.mp4 (6.37 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 8aszb1zcs5M9dlCw.mp4)

gud question tbh


tbf it usually is kinda hard to just fucking sneak an AR into a major political event.
im still confused how no one noticed the kid had a fucking rifle in the first place
was it one of those super-operator foldable thangs?


its even more retarded too when you zoom in further cuz even counties like erie and monroe, which are perpetually blue, can actually be p red unsurprising given how overwhelmingly violent rochester and buffalel are but the suburbs dont rly count for that much in comparison w the actual city districts where NYS gets most of its electorates


File: 1721680409949.png (1.79 MB, 1898x1474, 949:737, sniperoo.png)

>that'a big perimeter


You p much summed up chiraq right there my man. That city rules Illinois, and the gangs run the city.


File: 1721681233831.mp4 (553.55 KB, 640x360, 16:9, stay tuned.mp4)

god damn it
i cant find that aoc ai porn images compilation


crazy how its still lethal at such a range


File: 1721681306955.mp4 (60.76 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, 1_4970191413980431273.mp4)

lel first the barkin bosom and creamy cortez then mammarin marge this lady gettin it from all sides
she really is full of shit today huh


File: 1721682076145.mp4 (1.51 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, bidet.mp4)

>WH physician says bidup no longer suffering covid symptoms
>cancels meeting with bibi, who's already en route
>hasnt been seen in 5 days
>blinken issues statement "all state departments should continue as usual"


File: 1721682229616.jpg (28.56 KB, 429x429, 1:1, smirkin.jpg)

its bc the boolet bounces around the skull


i really hope he is actually dead or in a coma
and they just wheel his body out in front of a podium with a ipad duct taped to his face with a joe biden vtube avatar made with deepfake technology and just act like its him and everything is perfectly normal

he gives his first eloquent and well worded speech in the past four years


File: 1721682545523.png (470.42 KB, 1814x1627, 1814:1627, ClipboardImage.png)

>close campaign due to retard aids
>please remember to chimp in this trying time
the xo's coming in the next couple months are going to be fuckin insane


he didn't sneak it in tho, the building wasn't in their radius even though it absolutely should've been


why can't tiktoks just show what happened instead of adding shitty zoom effects and dramatic music and cropping it a dozen times and adding jpeg filters


whoever runs this account, is a tremedous faggot
i have a feelings its jill


File: 1721683466692.png (203.53 KB, 2174x782, 1087:391, ClipboardImage.png)

lel just go all in dystopia. break out a bahston dynamics robot and have it flip in a mini skirt
guess bibi is meeting with drumpf now bidet cancelled, sniffy could be soup

still stuck on dear john on unofficial letterhead, tweeted on a sunday (couldve been a bitch in a diff state), no whitehouse.gub statement, no presser, dude just ghosted


File: 1721683575871.jpg (31.27 KB, 440x401, 440:401, Megan_Coyne_on_Adweek.jpg)

idk about now but was megan coyne
jersey bitch bc ofc


do you think she had to suck on joe's pecker ?


File: 1721684008601.jpg (149.55 KB, 1229x669, 1229:669, ss foia denied.jpg)

>cheatle admits to using 3rd party encrypted apps on her personal cell phone to communicate with colleagues in the federal government and overseas, in potential violation of federal law
>cheatle says all comms are recorded as s.o.p., but no recordings exist of that day
>ss denying foia
golly gee same cunt that baleeted all the j6 recordings lost audio again, haha what a silly girl


yah i actually had chicongo specifically in mind when i was making that post. >we might actually become sub-brazil tier if even half of the cunt goes in the same direction as illinois


File: 1721684854014.png (1.09 MB, 2048x1254, 1024:627, ClipboardImage.png)


>why cant the app full of creators who make content aimed specifically at people hopped up on amphetamines not have a bunch of attention grabbing bullshit
it is a mystery


new conspiry : he was shot by a sniper on the water tower 488 yds away


fuck dude i hope bibble sucks up to dup so hard he alienates all the dems and then i hope dup still fuckin loses in a blatantly rigged election. it would be peak retard reality. retardality


yea but still lik uhhhh wut?
youre at some major political event and you see some random lone geek w no friends just sorta wandering around the outskirts w his fucking assault rifle you should be a lil suspicious. nevermind if you were SS and specifically there being paid for security detail. thats fucking retarded how hard they dropped the ball. SS is a joke and they look actually retarded rn.
apparently you can just walk up ~200yds and waste anyone so long as your aim is gud


hobo conspiribro did a vid on that akshually, havent watched it yet


File: 1721686069919.jpg (36.06 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, Q Billboard.jpg)

wigawiga fuck jimbo and his mutt son


File: 1721686210949-0.png (188.2 KB, 563x607, 563:607, terminally GAY.png)

File: 1721686210949-1.mp4 (1.37 MB, 640x360, 16:9, trump walk out.mp4)

>they tried to shoot trump
>but instead they killed biden


that but souprim court overrules rigging in december, libshits would be rabid (single issue voter)
tbf will never be a usgay erection that isnt deemed illegitimate by at least 1/3 of citizens again, the tard horizon is coming


File: 1721686657371.png (72.45 KB, 768x563, 768:563, ClipboardImage.png)

kummala btfo


>request denied
>here are our arbitrary and completely made up reasons why
"freedom" of information isn't very free now is it


ppl rly think thats gonna happen? why? has she said anything about it? i dont think you can just pull a presidential campaign out of your ass on a weekend whim


crooked killary endorsed kamehameha, this could be seen as an attempted power move from the clits, since no one fucking asked them/her for any


idgi either. hillary endorsed kamala, and shitbag eric holder *ptoo* is vetting her vp pick


thats the stretchiest stretch ive ever streched


File: 1721688291965.mp4 (1.57 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, harris with joe.mp4)

dafuq is this shit


not as stretchy as her pantsuit tho, crooked still pining for that madam prez title, her wrinkly dick is still hurtin' for it


does he still have the strength and the will, to sniff her hair


she must be p stoked tbh
imagine you clock out on friday, from literally the most worthless job in the entire world, then sunday afternoon you check the internet and see youre now running for president


dude i rly rly rly fuckin doubt it
shes lik 80yo too, and sheem already pulled ALL the favors in 2016, when she actually still held substantial political power. only to get absolutely btfo by dup in a landslide. now sheem just some retired old bitch


File: 1721689176672.mp4 (2.54 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, camel rec-call.mp4)

joe i know you're still on the rec-


i'm not saying crooked will get a nomination or even a second sniff of kumala's kooch, i'm saying she's still got a wrinkly hardon for power and cackling


cheatle is retarded or in on it, i'm betting she's in on it


File: 1721689567770.png (391.99 KB, 842x703, 842:703, shooter glowop.png)

what the fuck

this is some wizard of oz shit


File: 1721689717488-0.mp4 (82.71 KB, 484x482, 242:241, door down.mp4)

File: 1721689717488-1.mp4 (489.21 KB, 740x370, 2:1, harris stoopih.mp4)

stock piklosi and king nig were spittin game on joey for awhile so sheem knew before, but ya helluvan upgrade right quick
dems drafting another gaffe machine was nice too, party of the people


isn't that something all these shooters have in common


so what ppl think hes just dead or something?
why wouldnt they just say that? it changes literally nothing and bidup dying from the coof wouldnt even be surprising


File: 1721690232734.png (66.93 KB, 543x1134, 181:378, ClipboardImage.png)

ree tardy trained at Clairton Sportsmen’s Club too. heavy on glowies; DHS, ICE, kkkops
looks lik sick ranges setup


idk mang but dems are resisting 25th and playing make believe after admitting hes a half a tard
mite b to pass a bunch of bs and blame him, bolidick move for camel to separate from his stained run, biderp's legacy, idfk. just weird af all round


File: 1721690823345.jpg (745.39 KB, 1622x2048, 811:1024, chuckle truck have arrive.jpg)

okay but….hear me out


budys >we dont have a president rn jos ded


fake and nasty tbh but i can see why willy brown got his jollies


damn that means the tardularity isnt far away


oh well looks like he was a fuckin patsy like i initially said
they full on tried to glownigger dup and failed because of a slight head movement. life sure is funny sometimes


honestly the entire SS debacle, everything around crooks, the stock short on drumpf stock, it all stinks


oh i should also say:
>lawfare against trump
>the pressing situation with bidup
>bidup abrupt resignation soon after


>implying they wont just count votes for however many weeks it takes to print them off
lmfao dude they literally closed hte fucking polls at midnight and opened with big ass bumps
they're not going to lose to trump. blatant stuffing be damned


teslon muskman's money donorship might be used for lawyers to make sure no hanging chadcocks , zombie voting, or mysteriously missing ballot boxes and shieet, we'll see if that has an effect, demps are itching to cheat more than a chink school


we'll be brazil, bro.
even brazillians are admitting this


big boolets hit hard
what they didn't say was that at that range, its basically becomes a coin toss. luck becomes more important than skill
the guy has probly shot at targets hundreds of times and missed. likely he only had the opportunities to try because the frontlines are so static in the ukraine


jeet school*


them too ye


>on the rec[ording]
im waiting for them to have bidup on facetime then as they're talking to him an intern moves the mouse and reveals the windows media player progress bar at the bottom


face filter tech has improved a lot too, maybe an UWU bidup filter can rally the votes to kweeen kamehameha


File: 1721695757749.jpg (610.14 KB, 1230x1639, 1230:1639, its over for maga chuds.jpg)

this guy, politely taps you on your shoulder while you are on the way home from the trump rally with your gf, he asks you to cite your sources on why you support trump….how do you respond ?


>how do you respond
I step on his foot and push him


i drive a car tho


File: 1721695963101.webm (2.95 MB, 640x352, 20:11, make it stop.webm)

i'd whip out my ukulele and start singing…


File: 1721696441230.png (105.63 KB, 640x360, 16:9, vlcsnap-2024-07-22-20h00m1….png)

i ask him if he feels in charge


File: 1721696781673.png (3.04 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

tell him that grump donated to Harris once


File: 1721696909291.mp4 (400.06 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, why.mp4)


same shit, the government doesnt matter there either and gangs run everything


tbh i really hat anyone that casually wears political clothing around town idc what name is on it. also how are his arms that thin that goes beyond simply never lifting anything his diet is fucked up or something


File: 1721699464911.png (312.53 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1721591985213-0.png)

tell him i hate crakkkas and want to see muttmerica nuked


File: 1721700575812.png (326.92 KB, 566x608, 283:304, asuka_trump.png)

They're claiming it's a case of "swiss cheese" but now it's come out he was flying A DRONE over the place. The idea that some 20 y/o loser got an FAA-bypassing drone out, walked past security twice, got spotted by about 7 security details, was called out by civilians, and still was able to take the shot is more points of error than someone telling officers/SS to stand down. We're talking "millions of monkeys with typewriters" levels of probability.


File: 1721700687392.mp4 (218.33 KB, 828x470, 414:235, go home to mommy.mp4)


File: 1721700922955.mp4 (249.73 KB, 720x720, 1:1, tuck psyop.mp4)

sweaty its not lik a guy got killed so it cant be fake like that fascist tRump's "shooting" 🌊#ImWithHarris🌊


File: 1721701125243.jpg (222 KB, 1184x1538, 592:769, hawley roof letter.jpg)

roofs are, like, sooo hot in the sun though


>the honorable bumblefuck traitor chitlens
there is nothing honorable about that bepisco agent


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File: 1721703980626.png (42.44 KB, 250x166, 125:83, ClipboardImage.png)

holy shit they really are going to kill him


fucking lel
jimmy carter is gonna outlive biden


File: 1721704352534.gif (334.53 KB, 400x488, 50:61, 1431834986463-1.gif)



>calls into kamala rally

>totally legit phone call and not staged at all
>a few hours later he is dead



totally nothing sus, nothing to see here, nothing ever habbe-




>plagiarizes and embellishes dup assassination
this brave hero couldn't handle the stress of defending usa from actual fascism


Hearing reports Biden is on his deathbed. Man, they killed him damn quick after forging his signature.


why did they do all the resignation shit if he just gonna be ded neway tho
idgi. WHY do all this shit if hes just about to be made to wake up ded?????????????? if he ded then kumalat can undo any of the weird power delegation that just took place if sheem so pleases, is it sum kinda cover so sheem dont gotta do that knowin full well that doin such would look weird as fuck for her to do after becoming pres and also she aint gud enough to have that power in the first place,??? idfgi this makes no sense unless the gov rly is just a circus of retarded idiots which makes the most sense


what does this do with ukraine?


>if bidup ded then kamdup will be pres 47
<dup 47 merch becomes collectible, maybe $$$
>if bidup ded then states that have laws about you cant change ur dude this late will allow new candidate to take his place afaiu


File: 1721729056506.jpg (101.7 KB, 1566x881, 1566:881, bidupsad.jpg)

>joe, step down as candidate so we have a better chance of winning the election
<o-ok :(
>hmm, joe, you know if you'd die, then kamela could get a head start as president and we could use your death to jerk some tears (and votes hahah) out of the public. what do you say, joe? ready to take one for the team?
<guys, i don't feel so good :(
>that's the spirit, joe
that's the conversation. or maybe not. maybe it's simply "joe needs to go" behind closed doors


the dudes in his fuckin 80s, has dementia, has been pumped full of god knows how many meds to keep him shambling around for 4 years, and hes had his own people nearly constantly harassing and pushing him in one direction or the other which clearly terrified him on multiple occasions. sometimes people die after you put them through a ton of shit, and if it looks like a fucking stupid move on behalf of some grand conspiracy then it probably wasnt part of a plan and the old man is just dying of old man shit.


im p sure you guys are just getting clowned on tbh
who said he was ded? some gay tabloid?


also this
they couldve just said heem was ded on sunday, instead of apparently doing all this fake and gay shit only to then turn around and kill him on monday?
nah you guys are gettin clowned on again


maybe he died of a broken heart?


File: 1721734043817.png (1.31 MB, 863x1024, 863:1024, ClipboardImage.png)


>idfgi this makes no sense unless the gov rly is just a circus of retarded idiots which makes the most sense
pretty much
gov is a gorillion different groups with their own agenda and way of doing things, who knows why they do anything


heem turns 100 in October


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fug man i hope joe hangs on for just a little bit longer or they don't actually pillow him
no womyn gonna be my president




thank you pig farmer


ye hope dup has musk break out the lost atlantis tech
funeral? throw a hologram presser in times square


ez to look up its "verified sources"
they bet their account, and this admin is full pravda
choose your own adventure reality


>prez who broke the curse was reagan
GHOST, i kneel


File: 1721744132007.png (17.18 KB, 915x160, 183:32, ClipboardImage.png)

fun while it lasted



File: 1721746377710.mp4 (3.69 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, cnn on harris.mp4)

The HR squadron furls sails and polishes their overlarge glasses. There is no need of the stale wind of the 19th amendment now. They lean 45° forward, salivating into the maw of the event tardrizon
Rough start of a napkin estimate of the potential counter mass of reason begins to blur at the sheer intensity of the obese mass. It's buried completely by the physical weight of the cries
"girlboss prez and a brat"
"girlboss prez and a brat"



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File: 1721746796705-1.png (227.07 KB, 1713x803, 1713:803, ClipboardImage.png)

cheety resigned, gj dipshit congress
sure there will be totally real investigation and further consequences

https://archive.ph/eEgYE (currently wip)


orange cheeto man is 78 and he don't act half as retarded as brandon


prolly because he doesnt have fuckin alzheimers


File: 1721752277883.jpg (184.96 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, wienermobile.jpg)

a very dark day


File: 1721758353940.mp4 (3.13 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, bill eigel.mp4)



File: 1721758637397.mp4 (5.51 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, biderp ai elevenlabs.mp4)

how reliable is this stuff?


File: 1721758999953.jpg (87.71 KB, 900x720, 5:4, Fellow Kids.jpg)

so her entire campaign is just gonna be pandering to zoomies without understanding anything about them, even though they are the simplest most retarded generation ever conceived and your average bacteria has greater intelligence than all of them combined
yo kamala be straight bussin fr fr goofy ahh cumdump harris no cap fr fr 💀


File: 1721759101586.mp4 (2.17 MB, 480x672, 5:7, dup and bidup play overwat….mp4)

probably not hard to do at all




File: 1721759907218.mp4 (1016.52 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, biden leaked.mp4)

meant the gay.i. test sites
looks lik op of that vid was havin a laff


File: 1721760548357.jpg (132.85 KB, 977x915, 977:915, cummala.jpg)

foids are going to osmosis the cackle en masse
authoritarian cat ladies would evolve from confused presumption of power to an assured air of resolute domination
she must be stopped at all costs


has bidup been seen today??


i thought the same thing
his "call" into kamala was waaaaay too eloquent and well worded

biden hasnt been able to finish a complete sentence for like 2+ years now


File: 1721764708348.mp4 (2.32 MB, 720x950, 72:95, biscuit basin.mp4)


maek the new thread




when the fuck was the last time anyones seen him?
he withdrew his fucking nomination by TWITTER post ffs
even that morning his aides were steadfast that he was staying in the race
its bizarre, either way.

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