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/sp/ - Sparts

its a tampa kinda day
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>The Simon Wiesenthal Center included some of Farrakhan's comments on its list of the Top 10 antisemitic slurs in 2012.[76]
finally a sport we can compete in


post some of them so we know the competition


buckeye's sister needs to do vr tours of the museum as a hentai kaki


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have you considered reading [76] anon?


those guys were dumb and forgot the part about owning niggers
everyone should own a dozen!


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>It looks like Spartman is going to use the "niggers" strategy to win the Antisemitic Slurs
<That's a bold strategy Cotton, let's see if it pays off for him


>“We are feeling the effect of the planning of a small group of Zionists and some so-called Christians as well. The Synagogue of Satan and its companions are working day and night to destroy any unity among Spartmen.”
>— Speech delivered in Iran, 2/10/16


>“Did you know that /sp/ says that Jews are the most violent of people. I didn't write it, but I'm living to see it.”
— Saviours' Day speech, Chicago, Illinois, 2/26/12


Budy this not crik

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