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/sp/ - Sparts

its a tampa kinda day
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make the nfl thread


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but doctor, this is the nfl thread


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go pakrs
beat clevland


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ironically its actually worse there now
especially with the storms that went through recently



ya i went there a couple years ago for a wedding, entire downtown was run down and abandoned, super freaky
i saw the giant stamp too, there were a bunch of lefties protesting around it one day and they plastered a bunch of cardboard signs on it with all their bullshit slogans, they just slapped their signs on it when they were done and left


new kickoff rules are weird but i like them




just getting warmed up, hang in there darnoldbros


go pakrs


lotta ball left but damn love is coming out cookin


does the precum really matter ?


yes and no
it's mostly testing to see if the new guys can play well against the other team's new guys, who works well with who, what strategies work/don't work, etc.


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its darnold time bitches

TO 4-14


nothing ever matters


go pakrs
beat ravens


why isn't love playing?


so he doesn't break anything before the real games start


because this game is too hard to watch with them backup scrubs


i want to root pak but simply cannot support a black qb


vary nice catch by bo meltdown

heem whiter than mutthomes


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defense collapsed just like their bridge


Da burrs






gob irbs


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go sports


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that rattler guy looking like a character made in a vidya character designer


hows penis jr lookin


they both do tbh


make the three
do it now


left looking like the character designer and right one the result of a 4 year degree and an invaluable career working in bioware


make it


go pakrs
beat da loins
make ai wadina shooting dan campbell in the back with silenced pistol


hat jared goff


>no facemask


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luv lookin GUD


is that a guuuud rating?


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yes yes very good


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>knocks the ref down


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>going for it on 4th down on your own 30
lmao loins are RARTED


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dare you peek the horror


quick someone do a funny on jared goff


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>actual good game on TNF
>i forget its on


pakrs lost
bad game


pakrs will get em in the playoffs


can they give me my $60 back


yes, but only in the form of store credit


> they just slapped their signs on it when they were done and left
That way they will remember where they are for next time.


>spee only watches nfl
you know this isnt even legally a sport right
you do know that right
nfl is strictly not a sport you do know that dont you
you do know that nfl is not a sport




i should be more of a dirtbag it clearly makes you live longer


but do you want to spend 40 years watching your team go to shit with no hope in sight, knowing that it's all your fault?


yah if it's a guaranteed winning bet lmao, kill the birds idgaf i'm a millionaire because of it

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