>>1652974dude may as well have been made in a lab for it
>>1652975>deflect all questions to be about fertility and impregnationidk if that'll work out tho….
>>1652977oh shit he might be a test tube chimera
>>1652976i mean he didnt rly say much he just did the politician thang and had gud flow. even did a lil dupshot on modwhorbs face in the middle
got a mean parry too
>>1652981thing is you don't have to say much when you can just let your opponent make an ass of himself while not falling for basic bitch logical traps yourself
>>1652981ofc but dude knows his shit outside that
think he wrote some eggheaded paper on child seats causing lack of births
>>1652982not if youre dup
dup eternally btfo
seems lik primary point is going to be j6
half the cunt shovels lugenpresse lies, and the other half is forced to treat it seriously. lel i guess shit
>>1652987>j6so fucking ancient
i guess its better than dusting off the ol RUSSIAN AGENT playbook
>>1652745I listened while at werk so I guess I'll see what spee said but I think Vance was very diplomatic and didn't give any ground.
It's worth noting that Pedo only practiced with Pete while burn-out practiced with Tulsi and his wife.
honestly i wish that Vance/Waltz was running as president but unfortunately if they were wamen woukd vote overwhelmingly for the D, it's only cuz Cameltoe is fucking garbage and a woman that women are voting against her
>>1652787Walz sputtered and said Israel has a right to defend itself. Vance said the situation is fucked and America should stay out/focus on foreign policy instead.
>AppalachiaWalz bloohoo'd about some whorb who died from unregulated abortifactants and JD brought up the fentanyl crisis/jobs in China. Appalachia was lukewarm to Vance in the live polling but were actively hostile to Walz
>im friends with school shooterswas a good cockup lmao
>>1652899when republicans co-opted the anti-war movement and the democrats had to find a new schtick to support Israel
everyone i dont like is a kike loving glownigger the thread
>>1652960IIRC Swift endorsing Kamala actually dropped her like 20% in some counties, 4% drop nationally
>>1653010i didn't read anything and say dumb shit because i'm a braying internet animal the post
>>1653010>>1653034saars dis is the debateb owl thread
even the lamestream media is saying vance won so i assume he blew the fuck out of gramps
>>1653044he def did
he had a beard AND eyeliner ffs. unprecedented.
walz just pouted the whole time
totally smoked him
but srsly wtf was that bit about walz bringing "dancers to china"?
dude was on some aimless "muh smalltown" rant, then kickflipped into vague allusions of intl human trafficking? or did i just hear it wrong?
>>1653000Never forget that Rick Wilson's daughter got BLACKED and Rick is literally a BBC cuckold.
Rick Wilson also ran the Lincoln Project and allowed a homosexual predator to buttfuck underage boys on his watch.
Rick is a real sick cuck and wants to drag up all down to fathering nigger babies with single mothers with him.
>>1653050best-case interpretation he was taking students to China through some dance program to indoctrinate them with bugman culture
worst-case interpretation sex trafficking
It's probably somewhere in the middle.
>>1653055most likely case is it's all of that, idk why people act like these trafficker fucks pigeonhole themselves when it's obvious tgey profit from every angle they can
it's like saying cartels only use drug mules or force people into prostitution, no morherfucker they can and easily do both
>>1653034i shit my pants the post
>>1653057Rick Wilson started the couch meme.
I feel it appropriate to also remind people that he is a nigger dick slurping cuck, who fellated a young black buck to lube up his african nigger dick right before it impregnated his daughter.
Rick then licked up any extra semen droppings kept it warm in his mouth and spit it directly into his daughters womb after that black buck was done.
>>1653072>I feel it appropriateonly rly if >anyone knows who tf youre talking about tho
otherwise it just reads lik some weird interracial fanfic coming outta nowhere
whats the significance of tim being a couch? what school of magic is being used?
>>1653075>not knowing rick wilsonRick was a be cuckservative during the 2016 election. He got trolled and owned so badly online that he has now dedicated his whole life to "I need to own Dongle Glompf".
He really has a daughter who became a single mother because she got knocked up by a nigger and Rick secretly seethes about it and gets really mad when you make fun of him for it.
He is the creator of the Lincoln Project some kind of anti-tump PAC but also a slush fund for a gay pedophile to solicit sex from underage boys.
He created the meme this cycle that JD Vance fucked a couch.
Rick Wilson has the Kurt Eichnwald phenotype. He is essentially one bad day away from CWC levels of lolcowdom.
>>1653077jd couch fucking came from an anime anon fake editing hillbilly elige btw
>>1653070>Tianamen MassacreAny videos of the massacre?
>>1653075it reads like an interracial fapfic regardless
>>1653072are you the fag who was spamming posts about having sex with low t bald men?
>>1653082Fact Check:
False!The tanks were helping the man carry his heavy groceries home. Cans of tomato soup spilled, and capitalist pigs photoshopped it.
While there were numerous unrelated dead, it does need meet the criteria to be called a massacre.
>>1653093>While there were numerous unrelated deadAny videos of the dead?
>>1653092no faggot
i just archive all information
i lock it away and store it for safe keeping
>>1653139should get a new lock for the half that's interracial breeding fantasy, funk & fagnalls
>>1653145you should get a new lock for your clitty you low t balding cuck
Vice presidency is such a meme. It is supposedly after the president, VP is the most powerful position but they barely do any real shit. Also unlike presidency where you have to battle through a long election, VPs just get chosen out of random by whoever the president likes, no real effort. I guess it takes effort to suck up to get the job but whatever. Kammal was the most disliked democratic candidate in 2020 and still wound up in this position just because she was chosen to be the biggest stooge for the party than being competent.
>>1653172vp is like a free space for your erection bingo card, you pick them either cuz you want the state or demographic they represent
dup picked pence for the evangelicals, hillary picked kaine for virginia
king joe picked cumdump for the mutt vote
dup picked vance for ohio and the poor working man vote, harris picked walz for minnesota
>male handjobs
>men in dresses
thought it was jokes, but this is now a five alarm faggot alert
there is a homosexual predator on spee
>>1653147aww he's getting upset, write another paragraph about white men sucking black dicks to cope
>>1653180i think i made him go insane with that test post. whoops, no regrets tho
>>1653172yeah but VPs often go on to become president
so its definitely a desirable position
>>1653186lil bro just cant handle terminal brainrot lik a spartman yet
needs to drop his namefag account, its blatantly obvious at this point
>>1653180its called a manjob sweaty
>>1653204Dudderjob > CRowjob > Dotzjob > all other jobs