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/sp/ - Sparts

its a tampa kinda day
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File: 1728411485666.mp4 (1.82 MB, 820x720, 41:36, president of Canada introd….mp4)


Remember your place, goyim.


fuck off back to 4gag/pol/ faggot there's already like 3 politsperg threads here


Not that anon, but funny you should mention that, I heard that NIGGERTITS is unironically banning slurs like "nigger" and "faggot" now


the mods are afraid of tits too


File: 1728519426057.jpeg (77.92 KB, 620x930, 2:3, IMG_2254.jpeg)

Someone said tits?


someone said tits, not tats


File: 1728524950871.gif (1.57 MB, 580x433, 580:433, Trash.gif)



>i wouldn’t hit it


well no one said that but sheem trash bro


think she does anal?


Fucking a tatt'd woman is like reaching to a pool of raw sewage for $100.
Sure you might get $100 and feel good, but you're probably gonna catch some disease.


just take some antibiotics and PrEP you pussy



remember kids:
pet store fish antibiotics is the same shit
fuck docs
fuck insurance
fuck the FDA
fish antibiotics


i bought a goldfish once, he died within a week
it was rly sad, he look super cool too he was silver with orange spots
also don't buy betta fish, they're bright and colorful but their colors fade within a year unless they have 24/7 sunlight and they will murder each other if they're in the same tank


wtf that's a silver with orange spots fish not a goldfish you fuckin liar DON'T LIE TO ME EVER AGAIN


likely about all she does


bound to happen if you use regular tap water, often to explain how awful our 'potable' water is giving the example of how fish will quickly die in it seems to work but by far the most effective is letting them see and smell the muck at the bottom of a water distiller


plants also hate tap water. all my shit dies over the winter because i can't gather rain water for them. garden shit don't like it either, watering with the hose just barely keeps things alive and need it to rain before anything actually grows properly.


yeah I bet you'd buy a beta fish


stop picking on him his t is low


Try using a garden hose filter. You can get some really good ones filter 10k gallons before replacement pretty inexpensively ol. Maybe try a garden/hydro shop, might be about 60 bux tree fiddy irl


Forgot, you can get them anywhere that sells rvs, or even accessories as well. Those won’t be as high quality, they will work for plants just fine.

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