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its a tampa kinda day
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 No.1655138[Last 50 Posts]

space x caught there booster, pretty impressive fogotage


no need to post the clip. we rather look it up ourselves


I used to post the clips, but then I took an arrow to the knee.


🚨 Breaking: today threads are now ESL 🚨


sorry i'll just keep to myself from now on….


did they grab it by the pussy?


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here go, fukn impressive


just bants bud dont think anyone actually gaf


no worries, i just wanted to make you feel BAD


how is this possible? according to reddit the company is run by an idiot


File: 1728837574226.gif (47.05 KB, 200x230, 20:23, dancing [OC do not steal].gif)

jokes on you i'm a truepilled sigmacel


File: 1728837898799.jpg (93.4 KB, 910x1082, 455:541, spacex denied.jpg)

dont worry big daddy is gonna save the plebbits from mean words and tech innovation


its just CGI, musk is fleecing your idiots he's just using his failing AI business to make fake video to hold up his failing space business


thats an EXCELLENT reason to turn away investment
bravo california!


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pissrael immune to any sort of response yet again


well as long as spacex makes impressive footages


wtf is a feel gtfo with this witchcraft whorb


shit man that's actually really cool


the un literally never does anything idk why this would surprise you. apparently some micks with a tank successfully told them to fuck off recently tho, dunno if that had anything to do with the un or if it was just micks being the only hwites left with some balls tho


>kamelas agenda is they/them not (you)
lel that trump ad with the prisoner sex change is pretty good


i have a feeling if, say, Sri Lanka started shooting at UN peacekeepers– the response wouldn't be absolutely nothing.


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vance has been seeking out hostile roasties to hsv left and right its beautiful. now /myguy/ just for not cowering in fear of foid tut-tuts lik the rest of the closet fag (R)s
dup's doin an all whorb town hall about wahmens issues 17th too lel


File: 1728846894067.mp4 (3.32 MB, 640x360, 16:9, real men ad creator.mp4)

lelmao they interviewed that fag who did the cummylots men ad


you must have the most fucked up knees on planet earth. has anyone given you a prize yet?


nah they won't do shit there either, especially when the usa can't or won't heh even back up their precious piss hell buddies. just like gay toe the un is nothing without america bc everyone else that used to be able to provide reliable military support either faggotized themselves or is borderline outright hostile to western aims now




>If you read the actual announcement is is far less conclusive, there is no finding of jewish DNA/connection to any jewish population set. It just shows that he probably wasn't ethnic Genoese

>They took the finding that his ancestry was mostly Western Med instead of Central Med and then said "that means the theory that he was jewish is true!"

It's typical pop 'science'

>The big thing with DNA testing that people miss is that there is nothing in the DNA itself that could ever say "this is Italian/Chinese/Jewish DNA". What they are doing when you get your ancestry.com or whatever is seeing where it lines up with other sets of DNA from populations identified as Italian/Chinese/Jewish etc. It works best at comparing to large data sets and marginal amounts don't mean much.

>And in this case they are not even claiming to have matched his DNA to a jewish set. Their reasoning is:

>Columbus claimed to be of Genoese ancestry. His DNA doesn't match up with the Genoese DNA set we have, it corresponds more with the wider Western Med (Iberian and southern France) set.

>Therefore the main counterclaim against the theory of Columbus being a jew, that there was no Genoese jewish population, is disproven. Therefore he must have been a jew!

>It is very fallacious reasoning and there is no positive evidence for him being jewish.

>Even assuming the DNA testing is 100% accurate, the only thing it tells us is that Columbus was not ethnic Genoese. It doesn't even tell us that he wasn't a native of Genoa, or that he lied about being from Genoa, because of course he could have been descended from an Iberian or Marseillais or whatever family in Genoa and not even known he wasn't Italian.


this is the worst today tomorrow yesterday thread ive seen in my life


File: 1728851793633.mp4 (3.95 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, 4_5792065648389526874.mp4)

ha ha oh tim ur so silly


of course they would
if the situation was reversed and sri lankan tanks shot at a kike UN tower the entire world would declare war on sri lanka


>Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco says Trump was “probably” just targeted in a third assassination attempt after Vem Miller was arrested outside of Trump’s Coachella rally with an illegally obtained shotgun, a loaded handgun, a fake VIP passes
>The individual reportedly expressed an intent to “kill the President.”
legit surprised they havent domed dup yet


File: 1728852241933.jpg (170.68 KB, 1125x1087, 1125:1087, vem miller.jpg)

released same day on 5k bail


the cringiest thing about this isn't the fact that its staged with kumala asking stupid shit, or walz fumbling the fuck out of getting the bolt locked back, but how he talks about the buttpad:
>i brought– i bought it when i was shooting a lot of trap, because it has their– kinda a patented thing you can take off [holds up shotgun and taps the buttpad repeatedly with his
as if it wasn't obvious enough already– this is one goofy motherfucker


they're tryin their best, bro.


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chomo allegations finally coming out
the nigger dropping em is taking forever though


File: 1728852830046.png (844.41 KB, 559x859, 559:859, ClipboardImage.png)

this dudes a fucking jew


what gave it away


probly the fact that its another 'DERANGE RIGHT WING EXTREMIST WITH GUNS'
they use that one too often
having the last name 'miller' and a stereotype happy merchant nose doens't help either


lel i didnt catch that pad thing. lik spigga ive got an adjustable on my mav88
dudes got no business runnin a semi in a group hunt


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couple guys who got touched by walz reached out to a retarded nigger on the internet cont.


>Roger Stone called Walz a faggot

can i get a clip of this ?


File: 1728862021956.mp4 (5.64 MB, 1716x968, 39:22, stone kc faggot.mp4)


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gay chomo october supplies is so brat


>roofied at an indigo grils concert by your school teacher
yah thats so gay and so specific that i actually believe it
problem is, heem a dude, so the whole "believe all victims" crowd def wont just take his word for it.
and how do you prove something that happened 30 yrs ago?


scar on his chest. but it'll get whitewashed, witness v witness, the kids life will get ruined until months after election


now were gettin somewhere

dudes life is already ruined
heem got raped by a fucking muppet


someone pointed out comma discrepancy in the dates here >>1655216
dont care tbh i believe all non commies


considering the entire planet hasnt declared war on yemen or iran i'm gonna say you're a faggot


youre a fucking faggot tbh


top ten reasons yeeting blue helmets is helping israel's pr


it's much harder to get to someone after a failed attempt on their life bc now they're actively looking for assassins. also the first and only almost successful attempt was foiled by a slight gust of wind and a slight turn of the head so maybe the moloch worshipers are panicking
at least i don't worship kikes


apparently dude was legit pro dup and sheriff just popped off or some shit
kinda fun that media lies so much that only reliable info comes from 'citizen journalist' grifters who either make cash off the same bullshit or have been dummy rayed into the same psychos
would be surprised if he doesnt have private security tho


File: 1728865546171-0.mp4 (12.83 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, nigger documents walz touc….mp4)

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huh. my brain breaks when niggers attempt communication, heres his @
too hospice and dont care enough for sekrit squirrel shit


>7 minutes





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me either. guy makes tpaste look like a poet laureate
kids apparently going public though


if it's a bizarre nigger babble statement no one's gonna take it seriously


fag capitol.mp4


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haha boomer joke is funy


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okay, but what about your gay sissy baby son ?


Those damn russians! Who do I vote for to stop those commies!


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dam these fuckers are really gonna kill franz dupinand and blame iran as a pretext



hes busy cutting his hair again to try and hide from gwen breaking wooden spoons over the back of his legs


File: 1728936167023.jpg (193.85 KB, 1290x1118, 15:13, dod directive 5240dot01.jpg)

zogbots can officially lethally assist keystone kops in yeeting magats now, drones included
dod directive 5240.01, effective sept 27th. specifically invokes fisa and patriot act xo's for civilian nsa monitoring too


the good dr happening did an ep if anyones interested


oh yeah she definitely gives him spankings
he just cries and it hurts and her pussy gets all juicy and moist, her nipples get hard it makes her feel powerful

shes a sicko bitch


>i-it was the russians I swear we have proof i've seent it
>and totally not your own goobermint doing it no way no how
>please believe us


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i'm no miga but i'd gladly help one put down tranny zogbots


also in a genuine lethal civil unrest scenario no one gaf about text on paper the zogbots will kill who they please no matter what that's why you should be glad our pigs and soldiers and increasingly incompetent and their ranks continue to dwindle. the moment soldiers start helping pigs kill civies then all of that legalese bullshit along with the cunt of two shins is utterly meaningless at that point and you better use those guns or put your ass in the air because no other choice will be offered to you


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see it as for a one off. i mean they domed babbit, gave fagkop an award, then crip walked back to """normal"""
just know these corrupt pedos still have wet dreams about ordering DEI paul blart to vent plebs in the deity's kingdom
them pieces of paper & media pp smacks are garlic to anglo rightoids for a bit longer yet


error making mnf thread but i cant kak so prob for the best


i just don't get why people think these legal documents would matter at all if it actually came to zogbots outright killing their own citizens. that's peak authoritarian police state, it doesn't get worse than that you're just done, it's over at that point, not even the veneer of freedumbs is there anymore.
this shit is just a big mexican standoff anyway bc the ziocucks can't actually say for certain that people won't retaliate in large enough numbers to fuckin ruin them (especially with how fucked the military is rn all those fancy toys don't mean shit if the operators are all brown retarded and fried from hrt, or worse, female) and citizens still have just enough to lose that they're prolly not gonna make the first move any time soon. accelerationists better hope the starvation kicks in soon otherwise >we're in for a rally long gay couple of decades


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most people already know legal means fuckall its been completely normalized yet >we persist
unless a grip of mil and poli brass agrees and rebels good luck post obongo a defensive rebellion would be worse case tbh. them got michelin star psyop gravy
lik if feds droned based on ideals at random a 1/4 the cunt would prob cheer, and the side that got hit would infight on keyboards and further splinter into niche faggotry
thats assuming they dont unplug comms or a couple other cunts dont airdrop democracy either outright or via small insurgency destabilization units

acceleration would end up just as retarded but with severe lack of resources, and the very few capable places would be stuck with constant defending from covert and overt infiltration internally and externally

may be wrong just my .02 obv, but gotta retake information distribution and go from there. guds news is its happening, and i think its inevitable, but ya its going to a long gay couple decades for anyone paying attention any way you slice it

-sent via tapatalk


i don't see the ranks being overwhelmingly united like that at all. maybe the top brass would be but grunts are a whole other story especially nowadays bc you can't beat or humiliate them into submission like you could a couple decades ago, then there's the fact there's spic and nigger gang members in the military and if shit pops off like that then said gangs are most definitely gonna be selective about who they shoot which by itself would cause fracture points in the ranks. trannoids and girls would most likely go awol bc they're not actually interested in fighting at all, female soldiers are infamous for getting knocked up to avoid deployment.
pigs are by no means some monolithic entity either they've got all the same problems as the military and then some. you should also never forget just how fucking huge the cunt is and how many wildly varying communities there are here. like yah comms fuckery would slow things down for a little while but there's plenty of ways to work around that. there's also plenty of lone wolf types that would act as wild cards
it's vary hard to sum up how much of a clusterfuck usa society actually is in a couple posts, the level of control the government actually has is a whole lot more limited than you would think, that's why they try to keep >us as divided compartmentalized and focusing on stupid petty shit as possible. destroying comms could potentially backfire horrendously too, if you take away those brain breaking waves that social media shit puts out more people will start to connect some dots a fednigger might not want connected
and then there's the millions of illegal foreigners, think they'll have anything resembling loyalty or compliance with martial law? lmao no fuckin way, most of them ran away from authoritarian shitholes and once the gibs run out here everyone is on their chopping block regardless of what uniform they wear
but i'm also not a time wizard so it's not like i know either. not giving you 2 cents tho those pennies are MINE


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💯 to all. meant united in the rebellion but that all tracks for either. didnt think about illegals lmao. citizenship for service to shot web civvies would be vary brat 🌴🥥
much as i'd like to i just dont see civvies going ham winning anything other than a bunch of scared trigger happy boots and justification for some alex jones vindicating type shit
lone woofs get disavowed immediately, sucks but the western man is cuck chaired to hell. that mental slavery shit werks and the western spirit must be mainstream nurtured again and consensus must be remanufactured
as rarted as da system is its also fuckyuge and has serious tech. most its failings are incompetence. be much better for the average man, as well as any goal of revising the vulgar state of things, to do the same shit bolsheviks did and usurp it back from the inside into capable confident hands imo. those jewrat fucks played in decades but shits only gone super skiwompus p recently


Funny I’m reading a book about Rwanda called, “Shake Hands With The Devil”. It’s the same thing only different.


think i'm just a little more optimistic than you about it tbh, ypipo are far more altruistic than other races yah but they can get just as mean and vicious as anyone once woken up and comparing nowadays to just ten years ago you can already see the cracks in the nice pussy facade. plus i think that whole ww2 guilt fading away has a big part in it too, jews really fucked up playing that card too much for too long
.>we'll see tho unless >we die lel


man i know better than to bet against anything anymore. just diff approaches tbh, but i do think shits gonna get gud soonish unless spoiler then its just fun


what happen rwanda?


they raly hate tootsie rolls


I had a LOT of fun in rwanda back in 94


File: 1728963093308.png (16.93 KB, 100x100, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

dey got RABID


fake tweet


Average ameribrapp encounter in the wild.




nah that guys def illegal
dudes driving around without a loicense in a u-haul using stolen cards to try to rip off a bunch of walmarts to pay out to his coyote

the avg ameribrapp in this video is the fat lady shopping at walmart wearing a tupac sweatshirt


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lel was that a fucking steak knife?
what a fucking retard


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>got him in the face
imagine getting permanently disfigured by bigdickbitchdotcom


File: 1728999874682.mp4 (3.8 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, lmao_mong.mp4)

>a steak knife
why, what kinda cold steel would the yman use? a katana?


first off, thats literally a tranny hooker. darnellqua standing lik 6ft+ tall, no heels. i can tell from the pixels.
secondly, literally any other kitchen knife would prolly be better. or, ya know, a gun.
mfers actin all hard af, tryna kill cops, doesnt even have a gun
amateur hour


>if you celebrate kikes getting btfo then you think mudslimes are your allies
people like this should be castrated


>palestine is literally saudi arabia
based retard
gonna wish he hadnt said that

not entirely wrong tho
the mideast is a cursed land, and its mostly due to the ppl that live there. ironically, the quran is prolly the singular thing stopping it from going full dark ages


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another 6'6" brave queen slayed by racist kkkops




but he dindu nuffin


File: 1729032013719.jpg (406.13 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, the black female in every ….jpg)

lmao, this image could be added as sprite to any boomer shooter
it literally looks like that god awful niggeress they put in every single video game now, its like pottery, it rhymes
uhhhhh asmongold ?
what the fuck, lmao
he is going to get so much backlash for this one

what is it with streamers feeling like they need to insert their hot takes into shit ?


File: 1729033437273.jpg (237.72 KB, 1107x847, 1107:847, hey would you just sign th….jpg)

Are you gonna sign this petition or will it be your surviving family members?


you are a minority of a minority lmao


the quran is literally the reason that region entered the dark ages


>uses pistol
>shotgun sounds
One fucking job, anon.


File: 1729037943083.jpg (118.2 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, dup fries.jpg)

>dup gonna run the fries at a shittsburgh mcslop on sunday
if this doesnt get him killed nothing will


Anyone have the full video?


>According to the two, a typical dinner order for Trump consisted of “two Big Macs, two Fillet-O-Fish, and a chocolate malted” shake
would've chosen a mcflurry instead and two double quarter pounders, no ketchup, no mustard, add mayo but ok


File: 1729038670876.mp4 (2.84 MB, 1280x622, 640:311, fag capitol of the world K….mp4)

>a kansas city faggot



>"I think I'm gonna go to a McDonald's next week some place, it might not be here in your place—I'm gonna go to a McDonald's and I'm gonna work the french fry job for about a half an hour, I wanna see how it is."
its thrilling stuff dup
you havent lived


Will he go to a ghetto mcdolans or nah?


yinzville can get p shifty, depending where youre at
ime its one of the nicer of the ol rustbelt bastions of yore. still the rustbelt tho so


based trump
that'll be 30 minutes longer than kumala has ever worked at mcdonalds



i worked the register at a dq and made blizzards so p much the same job


if you are a public figure you never get sauce on a burg
sauce is how the employees spit in your food


>spoopr not using CRapatalk


lookin gud, CR


no fryers suck more
get splashed by oil and its hot af in the summer

the waiting and boredom is the same tho, which is the "hard" part


typical amerifat


Nobody gives a fuck about yuropoors, nigger.


used to run the borger through the grease catch if it was jerkop


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had to help empty the grease trap once
never again


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Hi there, would you like to sign my petition?

better version


File: 1729119282795.mp4 (9.13 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, kummy on fox.mp4)

heres to 8 years of a girl boss BRAT stylee dabbing these chuds


File: 1729119507572.mp4 (3.31 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, kummy 79 percent.mp4)

whole things like this lel


File: 1729119651811.mp4 (6.83 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, cummy troon ad response.mp4)

>this shit works on women
momala needs to start a PUA podcast


>it is a- its is a topic of discussion that people want to rightly have
man she's bad at it


>Kamala Harris’ Fox News Interview Opens With Testy Exchange and Interruptions From Host
fucking fox 🤬


>Harris Shuts Down Bret Baier as He Plays the MAGA Hits
fucking maga 🤬


the theory that biderp endorsed her to spite obomber and pillosi lookin better every day


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ackhually she fucking trounced that MAGA hack interviewer


File: 1729127876196.mp4 (208.2 KB, 360x640, 9:16, NIGGER.mp4)

seeing kamala harris speaks fills me with the incomprehensible desire to shout NIGGER
something about her, just fills be with spirit of the Volk of Burger Kang, the Lord of African Flights


That guy needs to have his face punched by a nigger while his whole family watches in fear, maybe he will stop being a faggot.


File: 1729128705059.jpg (66.18 KB, 999x685, 999:685, squint whorb.jpg)

peeps livin in two diff realities, this level ideological balkanization is kinda wild


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lel 1:56 for adhd spiggas


yah it's crazy af. gud thing twatter doesn't represent the whole cunt and mostly just shows you terminally online psychos


File: 1729129462104.mp4 (1.88 MB, 1100x618, 550:309, aj goblin dnd.mp4)

long as >we're all up each others asses instead of the scumfucks
raly wonder if humanity's brains will adapt to nu-info or society will break first


house niggas got absolutely cooked on this one
lightskins just cookin them darkies


supposedly zoomies and alphas aren't as faggotized as everyone was saying they were awhile back but idk, the "zoomers" i know seem mostly burnt out in general and i don't really interact with "alphas" because i'm prolly over ten years older than the oldest ones and from what little i've seen of them they practically speak an entirely different language and i'm p sure a lot of the ones i've seen communicate mostly through emojis


ill never forget the day when james may called a nigger a nigger on a plane


lmfao this entire exchange


File: 1729133454056.mp4 (52.19 MB, 426x240, 71:40, 2_5226718940008303614.mp4)

the full thang


>i actually don't what are you talking about
best part of the whole thing


>just watched some of these kameltoe vids
this is how my aunt talks. it's like 1:1. i haven't actually sat and listened to anything this whorb has said until now and it's just a brown version of my dumbfuck aunt. this horrifies me on a personal level fuck man i don't want my aunt anywhere near being in charge of the cunt and it turns out her brown twin was one step removed the entire time DERICA


ya that part was pretty funny


Appreciate it but I don't think I could listen to this bitch for 26 minutes


File: 1729137073711.png (554.87 KB, 1080x850, 108:85, ClipboardImage.png)

dont worry here's a recap


the reality is converging in betting markets
turns out that no matter how badly you can rig polling, when you make people put their money where their mouth is they pick Trump


i wonder if they'll be smart enough to distribute their vote dumps, or if they'll do it all in a single batch like they did last time


Houseniggas BTFO


fr fr it's like listening to my bitch sister who moved halfway across the cunt because her hubby got asshurt about being called out by his dad for being a cuck


File: 1729139172551.png (565.02 KB, 624x938, 312:469, 491dab48-0f84-4cc0-9a33-c4….png)

>Who is the biggest american enemy right now?
>Because they attacked Israel our masters
>I love Israel!
>Me too!


File: 1729164914517.png (1.14 MB, 873x676, 873:676, concord.png)


idk if that's supposed to be nigher eggman or not tbh wtf is concord


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>i don't know what is concord
and good riddance


in the end, she flopped even harder than concord


File: 1729173651822.png (270.88 KB, 985x616, 985:616, tfw concord.png)

i didnt know either tbh
its just a bad game
literally just TF2 ripoff but with fat black xim/xers for character classes

thats cool how they unironically thought this would sell and spent that much money on it tho. look at this shit ffs. almost half a billion dollars. dead on release live service meme. vary cool AAA


R's encouraging early voting. so easier to magic up #'s over time, also only way to avoid dumbinion glitching any%
lookin back at '20 i forgot how brazen it was. 16.7% of all counties yet 81million votes (12mil more than obongo), 18 of 19 bellweathers, etc so gonna be a ride


govt funded dei program, no surprise


xhehirxim shitlord
>ugly rats nest mop hair
>small heda on burger body
>swimming goggles?
>some sort of oil rig uniform
>generic uninspired rifle
>>>diarrhea brown
a 5 year old could come up with a better more interesting design lmao i shoulda just jumped on the AAA scam and shit out stuff like this for whatever the fuck the retard designer behind this makes a year for even more retarded executives


File: 1729178745504.jpeg (253.94 KB, 1080x1440, 3:4, IMG_2354.jpeg)

>wtf is concord
<picture related
They go raly raly fast and go boom


jihadibros did a test 9/11 with one of those in france a year earlier which was covered up as (((mechanical failures)))


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apparently one dudes dropped 25mil, skewed tf out of it


if someone's dropping multiple millions on a candidate wouldn't that still mean they expect them to win or is there potentially some money laundering afoot with this shit like how people will take hundreds of thousands of dirty doll hairs into an injun reservation casino, "lose" some of it, and then cash out?


90% of the US population lives in like 10% of the landmass that's why the electoral college exists in the first place so the other 10% who control the land don't get royally raped
like comeon spigga I know they are rigging but you don't have to stoop to making shit up


obomber had 22% and 28%. do not disrespect me EVER again


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akshually bush kerry might be a better comparison, just shorthand either way


blockchain would catch it and if u got 25milly to throw theres way easier ways to launder
can tax write off losses but only up to extent of winnings. this dudes accounts are apparently only betting on the erection, but that doesnt mean he doesnt gamble on other handles or w/e
who knows just found it odd


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err or


its prolly just a gorrillionaire
lik if youre a gorillionaire, youre taxes are prolly more than 25M, so at that point its kinda win-win. you either win a ton of money, or you can write off 25M in losses


Something tells me that they may rig it but they're gonna let Trump win this one. They tried kicking him out last time and it lead to massive upheaval and now the Neocon faction is being replaced by MAGA. If they had left Biden in it would have affected senators and mayors and shit down-ticket so they had to get rid of him, but there were probably rich millionaires/billionaires who were PISSED so the only option was to put in Kumala since she was the only way they could whoopsie hundreds of millions of dollars without it being obvious.

Don't get me wrong they are trying their damnedest to fuck up the economy and leave us in a dozen forever wars on the way out but they are probably gonna let Trump have this one.


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yeah, something like that.
saw somewhere that cameltoe is out-spending trump by a gorillian dollars or something and still isn't managing to get a bump in the polls. it is also likely she's using that money to pay off the pollsters, as is what happens in every election (and why polls always prove to be wildly inaccurate).

i think all this campaign donation shit is just a massive tax write-off for brazillionares to dump their excess cash, much the same reason all non-church charities are created.
they don't really care who wins, they'll get their legal/law benefits regardless.


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ya PA's the pivot. assuming internals are correct and NC goes red if kommie drops it she needs MI, GA, +1
early PA vooting results are looking better than '20 for dup but lotta R's are now voting early so its a spoopy mystery
also "polling" but tdawgs doubled his '20 numbers with the negros which is gonna make GA etc tough for her


there's also the fact she's not only less intelligent than killary but also somehow far less charismatic which shouldn't be possible but here >we are. so from a pr standpoint how tf are you gonna run someone who is objectively worse in every way than your previous stronk womyn attempt? idg why they didn't just try killary again tbh, it's making me start to believe the "they're throwing it deliberately" idea
>only light blue
unexpected considering all the trnasplants from the two worst states in the country


rec halperin on tuckr if you're into the tism. he was saying it'll prob be the largest mental health crisis in usgay's history which is prob true
stonewall dup again and that works out pretty well for the bug-rito pushers long term
either way people will check out of the system, the ssri fags are easier to reel back in
obv not saying thats the whole planned purpose behind it


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kamale is sending chav slags to your front door that'll let you tit slam their veiners but you're too scared to vote for a woman of color


idk at the same time i still think there's a lotta behind the scenes battling too, bc there's no way the bidups appreciate being given the boot like that and i'm sure there's alphabet niggers doing the jew game and stabbing one another in the back. i try to keep in mind that the dems weren't as fractured back in 2020 and dup was fumbling with the orchestrated nigger tantrums so his popularity was in the shitter, so back then the rig was more manageable for them. but now there's clearly some level of infighting and all the fumbling with hurricane relief for NC is only hurting their image despite how much they try to downplay it and/or somehow blame dup for what's going on.
yeah i'm sure sending people with annoying af britcuck accents to pester burgers is going to work well. wonder if any will get shot


ha can you imagine going and trying to irl shill for fucking politics for a country that you audibly arent even from, in an area that just got shitREKT by a hurricane not even a month ago
lik bro
idk dude im p sure they dont wanna talk to the federal govt thats having them all evicted and fucking them around, let alone a bunch of unrelated fucking brit politicians that are instead representing the federal govt thats getting them all evicted and fucking them around


whats even the fucking logic?
isnt labour on life support in bongistan anyways?


i lik rants. ya biderp's clearly been fucking with kammie, the maaan's pawns are pathetic nutjobs
top view imo is the cunts starting to see some escalation into physical from the ideological stage of an attempted revolution/takeover. the timing is dogshit to push that further rn, but who knows with these psychos, just my framing on thangs. be interesting


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lik this shit right here makes me go oh yeah they keep tryin to dome him hmm
sheem all sorts of lawyered up for dab owl too, DOJ lolsuited lik 3 states for removing illegals from voter rolls, judge in GA just said they have to certify even if fraud occurs
lel 2wild


get me out of this shithole city, i want to live somewhere irrelevant


the fact illegals are allowed to vote at all and the fact anyone defends that is still something that makes my brain melt
like why even pretend you actually believe in democracy when you're just gonna support bringing in a shitload of foreigners to replace yourself and prop up your favorite psychopath. what do people who support such things get out of it? do they even think that far ahead? it's like two very simple steps ahead surely most of them aren't that fucking stupid? is it mass suicidal ideation? fuck i hate having to sleep in the same bed these cocksuckers made if i get a chance to i'm gonna fuckin smother some of them and keep their pillows for myself


not talking about the suits btw (i know why they do this shit) i'm talking about the every day pleb
even living in a bubble shouldn't keep you from seeing how retarded and self-destructive such actions are


doesn't this qualify as foreign interference


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>it's like two very simple steps ahead surely most of them aren't that fucking stupid?
they are


the population problem isn't what i'm talking about and most people would grasp it if given an example like that
i'm talking specifically about voting. like you well, not >you i'm talking to a hypothetical person here mean to tell me you believe in democracy and blah blah blah but you'll also go and rig shit via importing shitloads of people who don't gaf about you or your well being or the well being of the country and merely want gibs at the very best or outright want to rape and murder your entire family at worst? all that just to spite meanie pants rednecks or some other stupid petty reason? for no conceivable benefit to anyone but for the sole purpose of satisfying your own ego? absurd. i guess it wouldn't surprise me tbh but that level of suicidal spite is something i'll never comprehend and it drives me up a fuckin wall to even try



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this nigger lmao


is this the jews for trump convention?




only if russia does it


firstly wew
secondly holy fuck schumer is a literal rat-human hybrid


even the cardinal is laffin wew


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don't insult rats like that


fuk yu pak rat basted


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not watching it, just scrubbing through to see the insanity
fuck this whorb


why is amerigay so fucking gay?


Nobody cares about your inbred continent.


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chucky bbq was fumin the whole time, lik bro your face looks bad enough not ongry


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it's like a standup routine every time he opens his mouth even though he didn't write any of that


how can you tell even when he's smiling in pics he looks like he has undying jewish fury in his eyes


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its supposed to be a fun roast, his 2016 set had great writers too but now everythings super cereal apocageddon


i member that, they HATED it and bitched about "he broke da rules :("


She skipped the dinner and THIS is what she recorded? Jesus.


that sweaty guy on the left always gets me
thats literally all i remember of that is ppl using that guys sweaty mug for reactions

whats up with that blue cross thang hes wearing? is that some mason shit?


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tens of millions of voters


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best koreans going into uke for rooshya


>unironically calling in the norks
that bad, huh?


every soldier needs an easy tutorial
also prolly a hueg improvement over eating bread and cabbage soup every day


wow this is like if voldemort called in the storm troopers, chilling, truly evil and scary, democracy is under attack everywhere !


yah the implication here is that they're probably sending unblooded troops into ukraine to prepare them for some shit back on their own peninsula. i doubt russia actually expects them to be any kind of significant boon bc norks haven't fought a war since the 50s


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kimmy has been sending munitions for live fire testing, so onsite training/411 against nablow tech
holhols are getting shrekt afaik


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invading souf korer would be peak derica
they should when kummala wins


chyner would not allow it because it would lead to north korea getting the nukarino and new TOTAL SOUTH KOREA getting american bases right on chyner's borders which they would REALLY not be a fan of

china likes things just the way they are because its a buffer zone against america getting too close


>pidor launcher


After Trump wins, how many libtards are you going to Soul Trap /sp/ ? Have any special targets in mind for some new enchants ?


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final destination ahh death


i still think theym gonna pull some shenanigans and ram her through tbh. the fact that the betting odds are being blabbed about so fuckin much this time compared to last time and 2016 doesn't smell right to me so i'm putting money on hair ass and using the winnings for gold and/or ammo. if i lose then nbd i'll soothe the hurt of my losses by pretending i like piss hell whenever i see some problem glasses with a pali flag pin/sticker/whatever


youre not wrong but maybe something has changed in chinkland too. bc there's basically no reason to get nork troops involved unless it's to train them for something. if russia was actually losing so badly they have other more militarily capable allies to beg for troops, and a bunch of fresh faced norks wouldn't stop shit if there was an imminent danger of collapse in the vodka ranks anyway. i doubt they're just gonna be doing guard duty either


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how much you riding? hope you lose tbh, but either way wouldnt surprise me. cunts beyond bananner repubelick & say wut you will but elong on gov efficiency and bawwby on health could manage some crits
rally bums me thinking about how trying to just not put castration in food is such a big deal


why not just training for training sake? theyve been doin arms trade, could be a package deal
plus putler is for sure in his zippear talking up brics world order


like $2k. way i see it if i win then at current odds (which will only get worse for her) i'll come away with somewhere around $5k if my math is right might not be tbh lel which = an ounce of gold plus a few hundred dollars of ammo and the rest split between food and silver
if i lose then whatever $2k isn't hard for me to make back and a dup victory will probably mean 4 years of relative stability for me to get some other shit in order


need archive link for the today thread when dup almost got domed


usually training for training's sake doesn't involve actually getting shot at. throwing fresh troops into a live combat zone to toughen them up for a future battle elsewhere has happened many times throughout history. the russians may place them in a lower intensity part of the front just so they all don't die to drones and a bunch of other shit that they've prolly never seen before.
what'll be really interesting either way is to see how the norks handle being outside of best korea, even if it's in a combat zone there's going to be tremendous culture shock, mite b funny


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red wisconsin incoming


damn thats smart thinking. may have convinced me to place some as the payout gets better. you got in at ~2.5:1? seen you talk about it but when did you actually place?


parlay the bet with the cowbois winning the superb owl while you are at it


norks are treated lik actual bugs tho but ya hard to say, great satan is teetering
ya may have to into telegram they tend to post the funnys


i've got a fireplace if i want to just burn it


its just a training opportunity for norks


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>Mary Katherine Gallagher is a fictional character invented and portrayed by Saturday Night Live cast member Molly Shannon from 1995 to 2001
jesus christ this is actually pathetic
this bitch is anchuent
who the fuck would even remember this unfunny slop from the mid to late 90s
this character stopped being relevant before the twin towers fell ffs


i'm expecting that western propaganda about incompetant starving norks is overblown tbh
not saying they'll be super effective, but i doubt they're going to dissolve and rout when they enter the fray
cuntries like north korea are actually really really impressive. the ability to develop nuclear weapons, ICBMs, all their misc. industry basically on their own and under heavy sanctions is really impressive and goes to show they actually ARE competant.


i'm not placing until a week out from erection in case there's any weird upsets


i should've clarified that tbh i just have $2k sitting idly in the meantime


i have no fucking idea, i really don't
seems like we're seeing the death spasms of her campaign, guess these are the hillpepes of CY + 8.

helps a lot when ur next door neighbor likes you and you don't have to spend money on unimportant things like feeding peasants


i member the guy on his right more
the face he made when dup said "corrupt" gets me every time but i don't have it saved for some reason


their civvies are definitely treated like shit but their military most certainly doesn't starve. dunno about "incompetence" bc it's hard to say without seeing them fight, but they're all hardcore indoctrinated to the point i don't think they'd dissolve and rout either. you can't just handwave something like 7 decades of zero combat experience either though, and yah the things they accomplish under sanctions and all that other shit are impressive but technologically speaking they're still decades behind p much every relevant power. which might be part of why they're being sent to ukraine now that i think about it, there's all that gay toe equipment just waiting to be analyzed after all.
i'm not trying to say they're retarded anyway, if i were to make a comparison i'd say they're like a really good amateur boxer being thrown into the pro rings, maybe they'll get btfo hard and go home or maybe they'll learn a bunch and wind up knocking the shit out of someone


>but technologically speaking they're still decades behind p much every relevant power
ok but what about in an actual world war where western cunts can't import their industrial base from Chyna anymore
anyway i guess what im saying is in a total war western cunts would suffer bigly since its industrial base is gutted to the point where we couldn't scale up quickly even if we wanted just because the experience is gone


ackshually it's not having a "total war" that benefits these shitter cunts the most
the second a real existential war breaks out, women either get in the kitchen or get in the artillery shell factory and red tape gets eviscerated in western cunts. The industrialbase is there, it's just the wages and motivation to use it isn't and the red tape is in the way. America, the UK, France, Australia, Japan, & Germany could go from service economy to full production industrial economy in about 6 months if shit is actually on the line unless the men are full-on demoralization, which they wouldn't be in a total war scenario because of women getting slapped hard after a few major losses. You'd see a very fast shift from tech-based weapons to cost-based weapons like all these Eastern cunts are pulling.
rally sucks to be anyone in a western military for those six months tho'


>total war
with or without nukes being used? because it's probably gonna be the former but in the case >we somehow managed to get into a drawn out slap fight with chinkies and vodkas the usa would be starting off on an injured back foot bc >our military is hilariously gay and it'd probably be thanks only to the fact there's oceans separating amerigay from the other two that >we wouldn't have to seriously battle to maintain territory at least initially before what >>1656321 says happens
(well maybe not alaska rip eskimos)
that's assuming amerigay even unites to fight such a war in the first place which is p unlikely imo, >we're not as h'wite or as patriotic as the 9/11 days, just because muhguh man might win doesn't mean all those bitter rivalries disappear overnight


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huh, thought >our steel was in way worse shape. not gud but not terribru, also most import cunts are aligned
ya competency crisis would still be a problem, have to offer double coupons to all those faggots that retired without training next gen


i had such a long autism reply typed up for this but accidently refreshed page so i'll just give a dumbed down example to get my point across
lets say you want to reactivate your shipbuilding industry because Chyna has crossed the south china sea
so you look over to all your facilities but 90% of it is just gone. no piers, no dry docks, nothing. where do you even start?
a couple percent is still active industry and good to go. the rest of the 10% has been abandoned for the last 35 years– maybe even longer (since the late 40s or 50s). you can start reactivating those NOW, but it will take years to be fully operational. surveying of the yards because all records have been lost, complete retrofits for piping and pump houses, decades worth of dredging, you'll need graving dock doors for any that still exist, repairs for all the docks, replacing machine shop tools (you can't just overnight these from Chyna anymore), and most importantly someone who understands all of the above and is capable of putting the project together and FAST.
and above is the EASY part, and assumes you're not being held up by any red tape like federal regulations, environmental concerns, OSHA etc
want that other 90%? well its all commercial buildings, residential, or intentionally converted back to natural space. have fun with that headache.
thats just the big picture view. we haven't talked manpower and experience


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need it or keep it?


>instead of hitler
Not even going to save it in a rented computer.


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heil hortler faggot


sweaty you need to sit yo ass down and actually READ project 2025


my wife's boyfriend started reading it, i started quivering and weeping uncontrollably, i could be consoled until he wrapped me up in his big strong arms and told me he would "Never let fascistism win and keeps trans mexican kids in cages at the border"

i started farting and cumming


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>kommie's hired hundreds of lawyers in all 50 states
gonna come down to faggot ass lawyers and its gonna make me rabid


found out im still registered to vote in my old state, haven't registered here and don't plan to, will this fuck me over in any way


Not unless you are trying to vote in your current state.


ok but could somebody request an absentee ballot in my last state and vote in my name
t. retard who's never voted


lelk so i guess it's the demoniggers' turn to cry interference again. this back and forth alone makes me want to torture every fag with a suit in DC.


it really depends on your state
if your state automatically sends mail-ins then probably but if you have to request them then probably not


you can check online to see if you voted and who you voted for, just gotta prove it's you to access the records


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>proving your identity


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>could go from service economy to full production industrial economy in about 6 months
with all the advanced technology used by and on the public being changed from advertising and datamining to being in service to that goal perhaps over the course a year or less a suitable workforce could be mobilized and indoctrinated but 6 months is impossible

on the manufacturing side of things there were test runs to have industries quickly adapt to change with ventilators during COVID-19 done in ideal conditions and it was a huge failure so during a real war with major supply chain interruptions we can expect this strategy to be a disaster


fr the average agarthan mega fauna convo is less schizzed


arent a ton of companies already changing to be MIC memes?
isnt that the whole "oh so i guess were doin [x] now…" yim?
i dont think itll take as long as everyone thinks, cuz i think its already goin on


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got this email today
they fucked up lmao


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their fuck-up is why i create a new email for practically everything, and avoid signing up to shit unless absolutely necessary. every IT department is run by a bunch of diversity hire illegal indian fecophiliac trannies so a breach isn't a matter of will it happen, but when.


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Kamala sisters, why doesn't the future presidenta of the United states of murica doesn't have children? Is her kike husband shooting blanks?


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>dont think it will take as long as everyone thinks
bro you can't just scale up 1000 times overnight
even moreso now that the mili industrial complex is a thing
in the past the USG had a role where the arsenals would maintain and develop industry, technical packages and knowledge, plus ledgers of companies that could do what they would basically give out catalogs of equipment with some basic info to companies with a questionnaire basically saying 'what do you think you could make?'
then when shit really hit they could scale up 100 times relatively quickly. especially since all that industry was already there, and the great depression was mostly the only thing holding it down
now the country is 3ish times larger, the gov doesn't do any of that shit anymore, and our annual armored vehicle production is actually 10 times lower than it was prior ww2 and making all wunderwaffe


i lik wonderwaffles


>bro you can't just scale up 1000 times overnight
and i dont think theyre gonna
i think theyre gonna gradually keep moving into it more and more as time goes on. im just sayin theyve been doing it for a bit already


>i think theyre gonna gradually keep moving into it more and more as time goes on
they haven't been tho
pouring more money in sure
but MIC is basically a black hole. money goes in but nothing really comes out of it
see back to the shipyard example


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I worked for arms producers. The government started hounding us to increase production by 1200% back in 2018 so they're clearly aware of these shortfalls. Right now the two biggest shortfalls are that it's a long and lengthy process to approve the use of new materials so we're still using components built in the 1970s/1980s sitting in warehouses, and that in order to prop up the petrodollar we ship a lot of our defense infrastructure laborforce (the keyword is laborforce, not machinery) overseas so that people will use American dollars internationally.

During Chink Flu we were asked to build hospital parts. The only reason we chose not to build them was because there were a handful of things we would have had to either hire someone specifically to help with or outhouse production. In the former case there was no incentive because we would not have needed the guy post-influx and nobody would take on a temp shitjob like that in this economy when pizza boys made more than temp hires, and in the latter case there was no way to either secure a competent and trustworthy outbound production facility that we could trust to pay us on time or secure a reasonable loan in the event we had to sue. The ventilators didn't happen because nobody was willing to take the financial hit for helping, not because of any incapability to produce.


ya well my dad works at nintendo faggot


Wageslave dup


Same, they knew about the future ukraine war so they pumped production in 2020 even with the chink virus scare and now Ukraine is the most well equip military in the world that is winning the war against Russia.


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>no tranny pantifa supersoldier scanning the mcdees trying to deliver the 2pac drive thru special
some faggot went to a golf course yet they missed out on this?
don't think dup's going to sway anyone's opinion under wartime tier propaganda, even doing funnies like these
i kind of want to shake hands w/ the old fart, what a guy


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can this bitch be any more fake ?
her "campaign" switches up the messaging on a daily basis


yah that'll shut em up after you openly told pisstians to fuck off from your rallies lmao
onle two more weeks until she's riggered into office and i get to buy gold and watch migas flip the fuck out and watch libshits do the surprised pikachu face when she undeniably turns out exactly as fucking awful as everyone else was telling them she is


puccians are shitting their pants xD even more than usual
i wouldn't be surprised if poo-tin is gone by the end of the year


he did the entire thing just so he could say "thats 15 minutes longer than kam-ala worked at mcdees"


i see >we're going back to faggoting about the ukraine shitfest now that piss hell is calming down after they realized that yes, lebanon is still too much if a pain in the ass to invade, and yes they're now hiding behind burger soldiers and probably going to declare victory or whatever


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wtver musk loving puccian worshiper


nah idk what slav cock you suck it's just funny seeing the piss hell stories and whinging drop and be replaced all at once by the ukraine shit in the span of a couple days. this is just the last place i noticed it lel


i know all


speaking of, there's zero subtlety with anything geopolitical anymore, or at least it doesn't seem like anyone even bithers trying with their propaganda anymore. everything just switches in the span of a day and either no one cares/pays attention or they're genuinely retarded enough to see it but not question it, even chink propaganda is more subtle and they'll outright put patriotic songs over boring ass videos of docks and shit


File: 1729474967107.mp4 (11.16 MB, 640x360, 16:9, mcdupnald's.mp4)

fucking amazing




File: 1729475946868.png (228.55 KB, 1290x668, 645:334, ClipboardImage.png)

why tf are retards seething so fucking much about this lmao


dup bad


File: 1729476783738-0.mp4 (4.38 MB, 480x480, 1:1, McAfee on Gun Safety.mp4)

File: 1729476783738-1.mp4 (15.97 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, McAfee on Power.mp4)

File: 1729476783738-2.png (344.29 KB, 750x1148, 375:574, McAfee.png)

File: 1729476783738-3.mp4 (15.7 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Ode to McAfee.mp4)

only one man was ever allowed to bear that name with pride


because he's spent more hours working at McDicks than cameltoe
Trump unironically enjoys McDicks and is known to solicit them all the time primarily since they always have ready-made burgs so he doesn't have to worry about someone spitting in the food if he tells an intern to go order 800 McBurgs so I'm sure the pundits are aware that normalfags aren't aware of this so they try to play it off as bad thing

all you have to do is look at whats-her-face's vitriolic response to Vance bringing up the Denver migrant gangs to understand these people will turn anything he does into a negative


File: 1729477978312.jpg (254.61 KB, 4608x2872, 576:359, vary cool filter dudder.jpg)


lel i didn't mean to make it that big but fuck you i'm not doing it again


File: 1729478138081.jpeg (48.06 KB, 440x697, 440:697, donald mcdonald.jpeg)

In japan, Ronald McDonald is called Donald McDonald


>whats-her-face's vitriolic response to Vance bringing up the Denver migrant gangs
if you're talking about what i think you're talking about that shit was fucking wild even for how retarded things are nowadays. bitch unironically said "it was only a handful of apartments". foreign gangs shouldn't be able to heavily arm themselves and take over american buildings in the first place you stupid cunt, but thanks for the ez pro-gun ownership argument anyway


File: 1729478421265.mp4 (1.42 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Martha Raddatz.mp4)

Yeah I don't got the full clip but really the shorthand works good enough for getting the point across with these sorts.


wtf dude that shits made for ants


ya her response was fucking wild lmfao
literally handed that shit to Vance


bcuz its beyond a steal. riggers come out and a gud portion of society collapses


saying no to women is back on the ballot


File: 1729481757550.mp4 (9.7 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, dup mcshit.mp4)

holy shit thought that was a one off


they've lost their fucking mind
AGAIN lmfao


they're gonna do it anyway.


File: 1729483064191.mp4 (15.03 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, walz playbook.mp4)

the most out of touch campaign in my life tbh
so ya mayb >>1656697. get ur preppin on spros


now THIS is the look of a man whose intimately familiar with a Sauna Bathhouse IYKWIM


File: 1729483338428.png (54.2 KB, 270x177, 90:59, ClipboardImage.png)

this fucking pisses me off


i have no idea how i did that it's way bigger than my screen
what'd ivf ever do to him?


nice bobs show vagine


File: 1729514816105-0.jpg (69.02 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, IMG_20241021_003747_785.jpg)

File: 1729514816105-1.jpg (85.54 KB, 1280x977, 1280:977, IMG_20241021_084642_026.jpg)


there's zero chance there isn't at least one autist out there that has a backup of the entire archive on a personal server


back during the cold war there was a joke about some guy stealing different parts from work to build his own thingamajig(maybe a typewriter) the factory he was working in was supposedly producing and after assembling all the pieces at home being stunned that there was some war equipment or weapon so this isn't new

the real issue is both the promise of new small scale and flexible manufacturing methods combined with new design and material processes hasn't resulted in what was expected creating a bizarre hybrid approach where typical manufacturing that hasn't changed much in almost a century is still vitally important and irreplaceable, a scenario that was considered impossible


>he's a threat to our democracy
everytime these stupid fuckerz say that I wish they'd get clocked in the head with a mag-light


File: 1729530077632.mp4 (6.91 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Threat to Democracy.mp4)

this is a massive threat to our democracy


File: 1729531219036.mp4 (2.78 MB, 720x406, 360:203, dup greatest hits.mp4)

the mans in phreak mode


phreak on a leash


File: 1729531880865.mp4 (9.01 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, tapper penis.mp4)



could you imagine buying all those fucking local tv stations and it still not being enough to get you erected?
shilldawg rly was an absolute dumpster of a candidate


trump campaign allowing antonia brown to speak at a rally is INSANE
the guy is off his rocker and could have a meltdown at any moment


its funny seeing them pretend to phreak out
that shit is literally what got him erected in the first place: him not acting like every other faggot politician


theyre all shit social media just exposed it imo
average 3 abortion wine aunt will pop off about glyphosate and them raly dont know how to combat it even with all the algo nudging & eye tracking in the world
only thing theyve got left is struggle sessions and no1curr raly anymore


File: 1729532711836.jpg (14.67 KB, 189x270, 7:10, mpv-shot0011.jpg)

<Jake, you seem to like that line a lot. *laugh*
<You continue to quote it.
<Please, don't say it again, we don't have to say it.


File: 1729538841915.gif (533.39 KB, 213x312, 71:104, Crying tot.gif)

>Comes out with a video saying he is not suicidal before being thrown in prison
>Immediately gets Epstein'd and the tape mysteriously disappears
i miss him /sp/ros… they dun did him dirty


terabytes of data. less likely than you think, but there are probably autists with some segments of it.


what happened to the guy exposing him for fuckin the actual pizza at the concert


that's it? i was thinking petabytes. hiw close to a petabyte are >we talking?
i tried to find the comic this guy's face makes me think of but it's either been scrubbed or i'm just really bad at searching. anyway there was what i thought was a pbf comic where an actor repeated a line so much it made him suicidal ("gee golly willickers" or something like that) and there's a frame in that comic where he's holding a revolver to his head saying "not today" and the character sort of resembles this guy iirc. if you know what i'm talking about you'll see it


account's gone last i check. that shit reeked of made up anyway, i'm p sure if there was anything to it dup would've taken full advantage of it


>I was thinking petabytes
Maybe but outside of the UI a tweet, even a blogpost-style tweet, is only a couple kilobytes at most as compared to say a Jewtube video that's minimum megabytes-per-minute and stored multiple times per video in different encodes/qualities.


File: 1729552258930-0.mp4 (2.06 MB, 720x406, 360:203, kummy liz.mp4)

File: 1729552258930-1.mp4 (451.72 KB, 720x406, 360:203, liz isolationism.mp4)

File: 1729552258930-2.jpg (78.67 KB, 923x730, 923:730, momala stare.jpg)

>now promoting liz cheneys foreign policy
is she going for first draft pick? in awe of the level of spaghetti


File: 1729553661559.png (290.2 KB, 498x341, 498:341, euro plugs.png)

lol fuck the world let it burn let the vatniggers and bugmen overrun everybody euroniggers just jealous that we got two big oceans on either side that make us immune to invasion by conventional means


File: 1729553689637.jpg (327.76 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, soul cairn.jpg)

They call it the Soul Cairn folks. They got a lot of space in the Soul Cairn, endless space, such tremendous amounts of space you wouldn't even believe it. Its a plane of Oblivion and its huge folks believe me, its so huge they say it might be endless. It just goes on and on and on and you'll say "MY GOD WHEN DOES IT END" but it doesnt, just keeps going on. Its the place you go after you get soul trapped people, and folks we got a LOTTA soul trappin' to do. LOTS of people are going into the Soul Cairn forever and ever and you never get out, your imprisoned for an eternity. LOTS OF CRYSTALS, have you heard about it ? Have you seen them talking about it ? We are going to need lots of crystals after we win and believe me we are going to win and we going to be sending them all to the Soul Cairn so fast and so effectively with 100% spell effectiveness with unending duration.


does anyone have the dup "im gonna come" video and kamala saying "don't come"


lmao he's in kamikaze mode this is great
everyone's already made their mind up by now, everyone either loves him or hates him or just doesn't care, fuck it, just start mouthing nonsense none of it matters anyways


It's on jewtube if you wanna download it, can't access until tomorrow.


File: 1729554998136.mp4 (1.06 MB, 640x360, 16:9, CUM SIGMA STYLE.mp4)


File: 1729555632932-0.png (21.37 KB, 641x342, 641:342, trump arabs.png)

File: 1729555632932-1.mp4 (503.86 KB, 730x720, 73:72, Trump may Allah awaken the….mp4)

*jihad nasheed playing loudly*


File: 1729556678519.mp4 (14.75 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, morshuwave.mp4)

thank budy


i love watching the uniparty shift what they normally have as open republicuck policy (foreverwar platform) to become the one of the demonrats main tenants because trump fucked up a big segment of their power structure lmfao


File: 1729561505224.png (217.32 KB, 616x553, 88:79, not joever.png)

Kamala sisters ?
Did we panic too hard ?
I mean it was just one debate and a little ol'Assassination attempt..all we had to do was ignore it

oh no no no


lmfao the infighting butthurt that will commence if they somehow fuck up the rigging and trump wins will be legendary


File: 1729562885487.png (1.07 MB, 1080x603, 120:67, ClipboardImage.png)

woah wtf????
is this real??
jornos brains are fucking broken




dup hates the nfl tho cuz something happened with the jets and they fucked him, don't know the full story


File: 1729564722655.mp4 (7.34 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, 2_5238173712276021626.mp4)



they wouldnt let him buy a team so he bought a afl (or usfl idfk) team and then tried to immediately get it to compete ratings wise directly with nfl and it killed the entire league he bought into
idk why demonkkkrats never tried to push that real thing that really happened on football lovin boomers and shit to try and tank his poll numbers but probably because theyre simply to stupid or maybe its all a big sham


he coulda gone pro if he didn't join the navy


is this the fuckin sourceo this dude??
i thought he was just a stock imagee


File: 1729567855838.png (280.47 KB, 390x452, 195:226, ClipboardImage.png)


last week has felt sorta 2016ish
he did bring back that campaign manager relatively recently, maybe just took some time to spin up
media has also seemingly given up on their trump embargo (they were very obviously getting paid run/write stories about harris and coconut memes for like a full month) and are now outraged over him working at mcdonalds
when you let the guy just riff about random shit he's fucking hilarious


what gta san andreas mod is this?


File: 1729573136569.mp4 (4.35 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 4_5816411082096382885.mp4)

flood discarded.


no that right there is a new video
he made a shit ton of commercials afaik about pain and medication and shit i think


he's still got it!


choose wisely


I always viewed Trump's 2016 election from a pro-wrestling point of view and it's come full circle


i view politics as a whole the same way. its all fake, gay, and jew controlled


File: 1729594698578.jpeg (21.14 KB, 623x493, 623:493, images-3.jpeg)

>jew controlled
Wrasslin used to free from it but not anymore…


this owl has been just as good as if not better than 2016
hope he wins despite all their rigging, make womyn 0-2 against dup


the guy was a gorillionaire who sold literal spyware. you couldnt get away from it. it was pre-installed on every PC for like 10yrs, it was fucking awful

like sure he was funny. quite funny actually. but he was also as much of a cunt as any of those fags, he was just straight up about it, so it wasnt nearly so sinister. and so he got fucked to death in fuckuadorian prison for fucking around and finding out.
i wouldve liked to see whatever dirt he had, but if he wasnt a retard and just dumped it instead of attentionwhorbing first, we wouldve actually had it.

he lived, and died, a fucking blowhard


File: 1729599219358-0.jpg (136.7 KB, 1290x809, 1290:809, ny time mcmad.jpg)

File: 1729599219358-1.mp4 (1.41 MB, 1080x548, 270:137, joyful warrior.mp4)

the macdolan seethe has been fantastic
know which campaign manager? in hindsight la civita opening wasnt a bad play for the normies even tho it was boring as shit


>More Jews will vote Republican than in any election since Raegan
So what, 5% will vote Republicuck instead of 2%?


>Who sold literal spyware
he sold the company off years before it turned into literal spyware


shes almost certainly losing PA
lik it looks BLEAK for her there
thats a 40pt shift of electorates, as Ds lose 20 and dups gain 20. straight unrecoverable
and thats just one state.
rustbelt actually liks dup. and tbf he did actually make shit slightly better there for the first time in lik 25yrs
then you gotta think about da niggas. aint no way imma vote fo sum bish u feel me nigga? and thats lik literally half of her marketing angle, that sheem some lightskeen bish ass nigga. aint no way homie

its this speeporters professional opinion that this owl is gonna be a legendary blowout by all metrics


anti-spyware software IS spyware, by design
it literally just scans your computer constantly
if it looks lik a duck


i mean id be ralystitious if i nearly got my face blown off on live tv too tbh
lil salt goes a long way


ya seeing pre rig o/u at about 312 electoral for dup
PA is chicongo tier filthy though, shapiro already talking about going after elong for payin to sign that petition heem giving out a cool million every day now btw if any spros didnt sign it yet
going to be insufferable faggot lawyers imo, smth lik 20 dems say they'll bring up muh insurrection and refuse to certify who knows if they'll actually do it


File: 1729601841317.jpg (70.55 KB, 565x680, 113:136, IMG_20241022_085439_329.jpg)

the final scene in a nice and relaxing movie :)


he left the comp after it got bought by intel and they started throwing that backdoor bloatware into everything, he got so disgusted with it he left and made a video showing people how to uninstall it
get yo fax straight spigga


File: 1729602028591.mp4 (311.93 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, HA.mp4)

holy shit they really can't fucking help themselves


File: 1729602428832.jpg (323.93 KB, 2775x1566, 925:522, pa ballots.jpg)

>The steal in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is already well underway
>So far: 132,336 absentee ballot applications (6.8%) were submitted for people who had already sent their application
>418 Absentee ballot applications were submitted for people who are dead as a doornail
>currently averaging 1,000 duplicate ballot applications a day


so are the recucklicans just gonna sit here and seethe and shit and fart their pants like last time or they gonna actually do sumthin about it?


File: 1729604368630.png (206.6 KB, 751x793, 751:793, ClipboardImage.png)

well the 1.2 million (16%) of illegible voters in michigunt are getting removed in 2027 so ya def. i'll keep posting this stuff if anyones interested

idk. 17 attorney generals sued to stop cert just in PA in 2020. judges threw most cases out on "standing" bcuz it was ag's from other states
sydney powell's kraken sekrit server raid bs didnt help but the judicial system is captured so its gonna get rally fucking gay either way


ok so heem just gonna seethe on xwitter and not do anything about it, gud to know nothing's changed
all hail queen kamehameha


File: 1729607599497.png (1.94 MB, 1426x806, 23:13, 3978.png)

say what you want about dup but he has excellent instinct. he's the relatable mcd guy while the niggress makes the same mistakes as hillary


either way its not a huge deal they're the smallest population in the cunt besides azns


i'm feelin gud about my $500 bet. had to take $1500 and use it for car shit unfortunately. fuk cars, cars ghey


dup looks like jeremy clarkson, prolly the heat lamps showing off his wrinkles


lmfao theyre unironically rolling out obummer to campaign for her in swing states rn
thats how bad it is
they fuckin KNOW, come erection day, tyrone finna b chillin at home sparkin up a fat L


seen prob a dozen lawsuits and counter suits already for '24 so choose your own adventure on that


bummer about car budy
place at kalshi or poly? prob gonna steal your idea but wait another week, cant see payout gettin worse


fucking eminem is going to a detroit rally lel


yea it rly is fucking baffling how they look at that and see it as a bad thing for his campaign
its retarded and a publicity stunt, sure, but dup looks lik some wagie ie relatable. whereas madame VP looks lik a lowrent bond villain wannabe

a couple yrs ago i figured they got the memo on how dup fundamentally changed the game, and i assumed they were prepping AOC or some other young thot, to be the neoliberal populist that they need to win.
but nah. up till a couple months ago they unironically thought they were running bidup. think about that for a second. bidup


where does the honorable and esteemed mr mathers stand on important domestic issues such as immigration policy?


File: 1729610443546.jpg (68 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1616305353908.jpg)

dup is at his best when he is just cutting up the shit with the common folk because truly at his core he is a man of the people

its what they actually hate the most about him
kamala harris is a perfect representative of them and dup is the flawed but genuine representative of us


poly since they're the ones getting brought up all the time. whenever betting companies and bookies and shit are put in the limelight you just know something fucked up is going on even when it's not bolidicks


File: 1729614245038-0.jpg (360.07 KB, 2048x1093, 2048:1093, GagUN1PWAAA-nEm.jpg)

File: 1729614245038-1.jpg (93.48 KB, 1179x643, 1179:643, GafqVlaXwAAcIgc.jpg)

we have the best niggers and spics




File: 1729617142715.jpg (23.69 KB, 330x440, 3:4, abbas.jpg)

>palestinian president arrives at BRICS conference
libshits cant catch a cohesive one


think it is the first owl where prez betting is legal though


do they have a clause for when fraud occurs?


File: 1729617621691.png (250.61 KB, 366x444, 61:74, ClipboardImage.png)

uh. uh. if dup gets a dub (he wont)
then imma… rub (one out)
for the pour
that ends up on the floor
from the awful hot coffee pot from the store!
cuz mexicans. wont do the job no mo'
now its time to settle the score
against the bore who yells fore
so get out and vote for the whore, uh


theres only going to be one in office so that's the parameter afaik


>U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres accepts Putin's invitation to a BRICS summit while declining to attend Ukraine's peace summit


iunno i usually bet on sparts but i've seen bets for politicians before. prolly saw em on foreign owned sites tho


m&m lookin more like california raisin with them wrinkles


File: 1729620111682.jpg (76.77 KB, 671x671, 1:1, IACTSNi.jpg)

Trump got that NIGGA in him.
>biden was the winning candidate all along

Kamala losing BADLY would be absolutely hilarious and may in turn end up blowing up on Pelosi as the DemonKKKraps might night of the long knives her ass for getting Blompf elected AGAIN.
Very funny stuff awaiting us.


File: 1729620688810.png (337.51 KB, 797x490, 797:490, midly threatening.png)

got this mildly threatening postcard today
no idea who this is or how they know my name since i never registered


go to the address on the postcard and smear dog shit under car door handles

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