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its a tampa kinda day
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Arre yaar sirs 😊
Today will be a full happy moments you enjoy lot only good time no stress ✨️


fuck off


saar gud morneng idk y cu/k/ mad mebe he brok his crikbat?


i hat nigers


thank budy u hav nice day
india nombr on beat dirty paki


File: 1729519738425.jpg (451.64 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, gud morneng sar.jpg)



Blesed week to yu budy


File: 1729522199142.jpg (65.54 KB, 960x664, 120:83, Fack me, Nice lipes.jpg)

halo saar
yu of gud sex budy?


File: 1729522402513.png (155.54 KB, 496x508, 124:127, Indian Greetings.png)

i hate gays


File: 1729525423610.jpg (203.46 KB, 431x429, 431:429, ujl8pxqr1drc1.jpg)

yu lik anemay budys


File: 1729526118755.png (349.11 KB, 680x394, 340:197, ClipboardImage.png)


Yes, send brest pics.


i lik bob and vagene not flat screne movie pictur okey budy


fuk u whor i rapings u


how meny rupees forr hard member sex u raw dog?
have a nice day


File: 1729595344395.jpg (102.83 KB, 1920x1818, 320:303, Good-morning-quotes-funkyl….jpg)

gud mornen kinda day


thank u budy u too


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halo saars
just lost my melk tu this hot bhabhi
have a gud deys


show bob and vagane


File: 1729607921748.mp4 (171.22 KB, 480x480, 1:1, coon spill.mp4)

i do this too yu lik this
vary big and man here 💪🏾 u giv insta ok?


File: 1729608735835.jpg (349.06 KB, 538x4046, 269:2023, Indian Catfish.jpg)

sars i been catfish again why keep hapening? just want sexy bos and vagene of aisha


this cant be real lmao
even for indians this is an level of down bad not humanly attainable


Durgesh looks like former Indian military and is pretty built
i doubt Sanjayy stood a chance tbh fam


is this how CR Cycles begin?


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Chinese men are taking indian men's place in flirting with women online


File: 1729656223129.jpg (33.81 KB, 414x230, 9:5, durgesh_1.jpg)

Ofcourse it isn't real, apparently the old man there was sick and went through 2 brain surgeries. Also Durgesh is the name of the kid there.


File: 1729657205533.jpg (114.69 KB, 750x494, 375:247, 20241023_131945.jpg)


fug now i feel bad


धारा 295ए, 153ए आईपीसी Section 295A, 153A Indian Penal Code धारा 66ए सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी कानून Section 66A Information Technology Act भूत शौचालय ghost toilets गटर मछली gutter fish मुफ्त कृष्णा सनाथम्मा नायक Krishna Sannathamma Naik Arrest प्रतिबंधित मोदी कैरिएचर Banned Modi Caricatures श्रीवास्तव शिशु गिरोह बलात्कार लखनऊ Srivastava infant gang rape Lucknow बॉम्बे हिंदी 1995 Bombay 1995 ₹500 ₹1000 मणिपुर अपरिपक्वता Manipur indepence मुफ्त ਖਾਲਿਸਤਾਨ Free Khalistan मुफ्त भूटान Free Bhutan मुफ्त दक्षिण तिब्बत Free South Tibet मुफ्त कश्मीर Free Kashmir मुफ्त कालापानी Free Kalapani अक्साई चिन 1962 भगत रिपोर्ट Banned literature: Bhagat Report Henderson Brooks भारत का चीन युद्ध India's War Neville Maxwell निर्बाध विजय Unarmed Victory Bertrand Russell हिमालयी गलती Himalayan Blunder John Dalvi 1949 से चीन के विदेश संबंध Foreign Relations Since 1949 Alan Lawrence अमेरिकी क्रांति से ब्रिटिश साम्राज्य और राष्ट्रमंडल का विकास The Evolution of the British Empire and Commonwealth from the American Revolution Alfred LeRoy Burt जॉन एफ कैनेडी के पत्र। JFKPOF-118a-009 JFKNSF-111-016 Papers of John F. Kennedy. Presidential Papers. President's Office Files.


If China text is bugspray, is India text poopourri or febreeze?


File: 1729801179537.png (25.65 KB, 500x250, 2:1, Oekaki.png)

anyone's got more angry indians other than BLODY BASTRERD and DO NOT REDEEEEEEEEM?
I kind of want to make a soundboard w em.


>chinks flirting with ai images of girls online
seems its come full circle


hapy morn


hapy budys dey ofs meny prayurs yu do ok my prend


File: 1730808189088.jpeg (63.42 KB, 463x662, 463:662, morng.jpeg)

gud morneng amrika
hapy erection day budys


Selamat pagi


gud morgneg spee


Goooooood mornING


gud mooooooreeennnggg /sp/


india GDP grew 6 trillion % from these posts gud job saars hindi numer one


File: 1732387236548.png (85.91 KB, 640x742, 320:371, 27vhsw8tin2e1.png)

gud mornen

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