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>>1670666Is there a sign up sheet for this, how does one get involved? Asking for a friend.
>>1671285I was gonna say
>step 1>paypigbut 1000 dicks in 24hrs is only 40sec/cock with no pauses, 2min if it's triple penetration and no way is she gonna be at the top of her game after 16 hours. I think your friend needs to be a pro coomer
>>1670666oh boy! I hope I can be a part of that! 😉
imagine being the 1000th dick
just imagine the smell of 100 guys cum sitting in used condoms all around the room
just image the cum that gets out and drips out her her orifices
then just imagine being number 678 and there is 677 guys worth of jizz leaking out of that bitch and all over the fucking room
nasty ass shit
british people are cursed by God
i dont think ejaculation is necessary to qualify the act as sex. could be a thousand guys giving two pumps then just jackin it or goin home
>>1671304if feet, findom, and farting can be not just fetishes but big business then I know being a car in the world's longest train is something at least a thousand people are into
or pajeets
>>1671307no way in hell this bitch is raw dogging all that dick
just think of how filled her pussy would be, how much cum would be leaking out, how much cum would be all over the bed and floor without them
>>1671307are you going for the STDs 100% speedrun?
>>1671311*raises paw*
ummmmmmm what's an STD?
>>1671304>>1671300>>1671310I don't think they're going to ejaculation. Well maybe the 100 did but the logistics of getting 1000 dicks into a pussy doesn't leave enough time for leaving a trail behind.
>>1671324The only ones who should be horrified are the ones who fucked her.
>>1671326but what about 1000 dicks pounds a vagina within 24 hours? The tissue can't take that much force can it?
>>1671331That particular area has a lot of bloodflow so it will cause some damage but nothing major, especially if they are using lube. It's pretty much a guarantee that they are using lube because the vagina only naturally produces enough lubricant for about 15 minutes worth of sex.
Vaginas are surprisingly strong beasts. The main damage will be in the form of bacterial infection/STDs (and whatever side-effects the plan B meds afterwards will have). Keep in mind the vagina is designed to pop out skulls about 4-5 inches in diameter, some beef curtains may form due to prolonged dickings but that ain't nothin' some lemon juice can't cure in a couple months of application if she's not a dumb whorb.
Protip: She's a dumb whorb see >>1671324 No.1671333
actually the main concern now that I think about it is dehydration. I don't think gatorade is gonna cut it and she may be at risk of a heart attack from dehydration during the 1000-dick satanic ritual
If she loosens her vagoo then maybe she can fit 2 dicks at a time which would really increase her chances of success
>>1671307>primebitch is a walking cumrag, used up as fuck, her prime must've been before she got her first dick and who knows how underaged she must've been then
>>1671332hope solos vagina is probably a worthy opponent for that whorb
but uhhh yah horses are athletes right?
>>1671359And the jockeys too.
>>1671359when will horses become porn stars tho
>>1671418boy do i have some sites to show you
sir please do the needful and contacting ROY from BRONNEN NETWORK
yes ofc