No.1661635[Last 50 Posts]
sumo starts on Sunday budys!Stream will be at noon EST
Here: No.1661636
oh shid if i thought that would werk i woulda done an OP title lmao
dis not crik
neat i was thinking about how i wished i saved that retarded kaki for myself, but thought it was too arrogant of a thing to do because of how little effort i actually put into it
sumoooo tiem
So here we go. I'll keep it short, I don't want to overwhelm the spartmans with too many names.
Makuuchi is the topmost division.
Yokozuna Terunofuji will not be present,
>>1661672 sorry. article says his knees are fucked. Picrel is what they have in the kneepad. Not sure which rikishi is in the photo.
So the tournament will start without a yokozuna. But we're gonna have three ozekis.
Have to pay attention to Onosato the most, since with his excellent performance right now he seems to have the most chance to get promoted to yokozuna - if he can win two consequent tournaments, two yushos. Or do some equally impressive performance.
Weirdly enough it seems his nemesis aren't the other two ozekis, but Takerufuji way down in the ranks, who beat him couple of bashos ago, when himself managed to win the tournament.
Hakuoho is the most noteworthy. Young and talented lad who reached makuuchi, but his shoulder went under operation an he had to restart his climb.
Perhaps Aonishiki the other. He is a Ukrainian rikishi who performed quite well for now. We'll see if he can continue.
>>1661635btw that oekaki drawing is p good
forgot the fucking link but it's in the OP too No.1662302
>>1662285did the 4th guy win a mini-split or something?
this isn't women's pole vault
>>1662302these four all reached the ozeki title except Takayasu never won a yusho (tournament championship).
stream in 2 hours budys
pushy slappy starting
GUD sumo yesterday and today
>>1662607Dang that was pretty good.
>>1662607those bands around the bigger guy's knees look really uncomfortable
next round in 40
>>1662538yea budy
>>1662607what's his name? Hosei???
which division is this, jonidan, sandanme?
>>1662614supports his joints
>>1662607that was raly close
big guy was about to just pick him up and try to toss him, but he fell out first
>>1662749yah i get that but it looks like they're squeezing tf out of his skin. then again he's also a fuckin sumo wrestler so i guess anything strapped to him tightly would look uncomfy
>>1661635yu japr budy?
Have a nice day
>>1662749Kosei, 16 vs. Amamidake, 39
idk wat division
>>1662799Found him.
Kosei Kanato, he's jonidan #83
>previous results>3-4>4-3Not impressive, but yeah, he's just 16. Perhaps good to keep an eye on.
>>1662983ah shit i was lookin for a white jacket
>>1662983how much longer until there's a doyer sumo wrassler that btfos a saunakee wrassler?
>>1663149can't i'm at woooorrrrrk
FUCKgib highlights when it's ogre pls
>>1662763i think a higher up or a regular sparsman opened this thread with my lines i posted in other thread
i'm not japr, budy
>>1663152not sure which bouts you are interested in
here's the ultimate match between Wakamotoharu and Hoshoryu
very good bout, although not a long struggle
spoilers below:
Oho beat Kirishima, shamefur dispray from the ex-ozeki, and with performances like this he won't get back the titleKotozakura beat Ura, and Onosato beat Atamifuji fairly easily. Atami is yet to beat Onosato, he'll get there, just give some time, he beat the rest of the ozekis, so why the hell notAnd finally Hiradoumi bagged a point against Wakamotoharu.[spoiler]how do I spoiler the whoop[/spoiler]
>>1663176i'm interested in all of them until i learn it all more better so i can gamble on it and probly still lose but hopefully not as badly
thenkrs budy
>>1663176ah shit i shoulda looked before even starting this encoding stuff
im vary bad at encoding anyway
>>1663178hmmm. sumo gambling
if you could guess who's gonna have a hot streak (10+ wins) or a cold streak (10+ losses), you could bet on each of his matches, just on him or against him and net a good profit.
>>1663236gonna look into it
>>1663236here's gif.
like 9Mb smaller
I tried to optimize it with GIMP, but the file got larger… so this is just a simple conversion to gif, is any use to this?
>>1663357<why's wakatak*kage's name filtered? >wakatak*kage >k*ka why does dudder bother w filters? do they stop undesirables from posting?
>>1663354that gif of the whole fight lel but vid i posted is just da flip
idk about that filter
>>1663355>>1663357>>1663359did you forget poop pedophile used to spam the catalog with threads about k*k* right before posting irl loli all over?
shitsux yah but it's either deal with the filter or see bloodied little girls being raped every time you visit
>>1663374i'm not around that much
>>1663359it def does seem to help quite a bit
the chomo shit was absolutely relentless for a while there. lik multiple times a day for months on end
>>1663374oh yeah no shit
>>1663400scaled down gifs
the flip was worth the effort
>>1663380oh well i'm not exaggerating about the bloodied child, he was posting that shit constantly
sumo in an hour budis
>>1663410good jerb
Poor Waka-
>>1663410ah shit he landed square on his ass i wonder if his spine hurt like a son of a bitch after that
>>1663410this is lik the irl version of that phony shit that steven seagal LARPs hes the karate master of
literally just picking up a 300lb dude by his shoulder and flipping him
>>1663890not only that but being a 300lb dude yourself and also being limber enough to do that judo shit where he leaned forward and flipped him with his leg. dude almost did a full 360 he got flipped so hard
>>1663911is judo the only martial art thats actually "martial"?
seems all the other ones are more lik choreographed dance
whereas you actually see judo tech being used in UFC sometimes
>>1663974its all fake and gay
>>1663974idk i'm no expert. supposedly jiu jitsu is gud since there's actual grappling involved, and muay thai is used in MMA, but it looks like those and judo are the only azn techniques that actually have any practical use. the rest of it seems like fake theatrical shit peddled by chinks as paht of dey cultcha.
actually now that i think about it a chinky MMA fighter git in trouble in china because he kept going around beating up martial arts "masters" just to prove how bullshit most of it is
>>1663974lot of the big ones have
something to it tbqh, just diff tools for diff jobs not a magic fuck you mode
lik momentum reversal and fulcrum points with weight/strength advantage over opposing body parts lik that hip throw is physics. cant argue that
got rally pissed off sparring a wing chun guy, almost impossible to land bc our speed was close but thats obv not gonna do shit against a bear hugger
>>1663979ever been put in a thumb lock by a jerkkkop who knows to lift the elbow? its humiliating how little control you have
>>1663986>a chinky MMA fighter git in trouble in china because he kept going around beating up martial arts "masters"thats raly based tbh
some anigay shit but irl
also isnt that what ranma did?
>>1663999yea but you still see judo grapples quite a bit even in fights with no restrictions
so it must be worth something
>>1663995iunno i haven't watched/read whatever that is
>>1664003>>1663999the way i see it in my infinite ignorance is judo is perfectly practical since you're fuckin throwing people onto their asses but obviously if you stick to tournament rules in an irl fight then someone who knows how to both strike and grapple is just gonna whoop you and then probably stomp on your head for trying to throw them
white athlete must be pissed
what a joke
>>1664005imagine paying to see this i'd demand my money back
>>1664014she knew it was one of those scripted fake-out bossfights where youre actually not supposed to attack
do you need some script thang for cytube? i rememeber i used to need somethin lik that
>>1664018script thang?
if you want to stream you need a place to host the video
some streaming site like youtube or dailymotion or whatever is supported
there is a faq/documentation of cytube somewhere
>>1664022i dunno why the chink government hasn't just "disappeared" him yet its not like they don't do that shit for way less
>>1664037>its not like they don't do that shit for way lessi dont think they do tho
lik why
would they kill him?
their govt isnt staffed by martial arts memesters. theyre just gommies. hes not any actual threat to the party whatsoever.
those are the kinds of guys that get disappeared.
lik theyre chinese, so they give way too much of a fuck about "face", sure. i get that.
but him btfoing a bunch of dumb grifters doesnt rly do much to fuck w
their face.
i bet the kung fu grifters are just rich af, and/or related to some govt official, and they just bitched about it to try to avoid getting btfo
>>1664020oh no i was just trying to watch the stream earlier and it wouldnt work.
it would try to load for a bit and then stop
i remember with some older browsers, when using cytube, i used to have some greasemonkey script/add-on that let it play nice with firefox. now im on out-of-date brave, so its prolly some issue w that
>>1664022holy fuck that guys got a mean lookin punch tho
>>1664054you can go look at his story and see he's had multiple friends and family members get fucked with hardcore because of his antics. you don't seem to understand the level of the chink government's insistence on making their culture look supeliol in every way it's part of a massive overcorrection from the cultural revolution where they were doing the opposite retard shit and trying to erase their entire history because gommunism demanded it. some famous mma fighter running around not only telling but showing people that glasshoppel styre gung foo clane fist isn't actually some magic guaranteed asskick shits all over their martial arts culture, and i'm sure you're aware people across the planet used to buy way into their magic tai chi bullshit because of jackie chan/jet li/chow yun fat movies
plus you should keep in mind this is the same cunt whose current leader gets so mad about being compared to winnie the pooh that he will ruin people's lives over it
>>1664065i would hope if he's coaching mma
so /sp/ is dead dead
should I keep coming back here or where to go?
>>1664088tye only reason to make that post is to be a faggot, fuck off if it's not fast enough for you then
>>1664089you seem angry, are you a child?
>>1664084>you can go look at his story and see he's had multiple friends and family members get fucked with hardcore because of his anticsoh i get it. im well aware of social credit shenanigans and how bad it can get
im just saying them doing that is very diff from actually trying to kill him.
its china, and theyre gommies. they believe in censorship lik christfags believe in god
>>1664088you can go back to reddit, nigger
>>1664092You seem to have the intelligence of a nigger but you're here so you're white. you're pathetic.
kill yourself or prove you're better than a welfare nigger you worthless piece of shit
you're a bunch or circle jerking faggots that stayed here sucking each others dicks for fucking years. you're a literal faggot
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being angry on the internet doesn't get you anywhere
>le spee is kil ;_;;;;
<its dont
lel >were not ur therapist dude
no one cares. if youre having a bad time its prolly cuz you deserve it
>>1664103who r u????????huh anti spam
>>1664096>you're a literal faggotlel projection
i gotta wonder what your life is like where you're so fucking serious on the internet, jesus
>>1664105you enjoy 5 posts an hour?
>>1664108so again, who are you?
>>1664107i have a real life, which involves work, a wife, children, lots of money and more projects than i can bother to finish
spee is where i come to relax, catch up on shit, and make jokes with other anons who share my sense of humor and ive been posting with 5ever
wtf do you do with all your damn time where you can stick around here for a fucking hour???
>>1664110> and make jokes with other anonsthere aren't any
i lik sumo
>>1664112and I'm here bitching and moaning like a faggot like you you're annoying
just cry and piss and shid your pants, i guess.
im not sure what you're looking to get out of this interaction
idk m8
sounds lik you should end it
>>1664110I have a real life. I run a $200M company and want to come here where I can call you slurs and tell your how bad you are at your life because it's therapeutic.
do you wanna ban me?
>>1664117name your company
holy fuck budys i got this new bed and its so fukn comfterble i think i might just lie here n die
I still have a pair of unworn size 10.5m kobe helicopter v6 nikes. they're going going pretty high No.1664127
>>1664124sneakerheads are faggots
>>1664127well kobe died and he had a shoe named "helicopter" so I bought a pair for $300 like an hour after he died and posted it here. from my link they're now worth $1200
you sound like a faggot nigger
>>1664129so mattress or truk bed?
>>1664131mattress. it must be after market cuz i aint never a bed this comf in a truk before
mattress in truk so i guess both
>>1664132what type of mattress
fucking bitch i ask what kind of mattress and you dont even bother giving an answer
site is fucking dead might as well pack up and leave
>>1664137I'm the one that asked about the mattress type
you just want attention and you're annoying. you're why people left
>>1664139please be kind, oil'bro' is having an episode
>>1664140if you really think I'm wrong I'll stop posting. I'm sorry
>>1664137only type of mattress you need to be thinking about is the one i throw you down on face down ass up and take your bussy with much force and no lube
and if you even think of getting shit on my dick, im going to beat you with metal rods
>>1664141you're being a sperg, if you really want to know
>>1664142tariqposting is scawy
>>1664145ok glad you recognized that
>>1664147well I haven't posted here for like 2 years so it's definitely not my fault and I will give you the benefit of the doubt and say it is not your fault
I just want to make /sp/ great again
>>1664148>well I haven't posted here for like 2 yearsyes we member.
anyway, relax. its just the internet.
also theres some irony in being the guy that abandoned spee for 2 years telling everyone else who stuck it out that they're the reason it diedalso not dead No.1664151
prolly just some /v/igger that got lost
not even gonna reply to him not worth my time
>>1664151sorry guys, i screwed up. i realize that.
so thats why im PULLING A BHARV
to show that i truly mean it.
>>1664150>telling everyone else who stuck it out there's notably fewer people here now. when I left sunday threads had 100 IPs
buckeye is gone too. he probably only stayed for so long because of me I guess
but cuckeye was also a gay commie so I don't care. I'm happy to move forward but the posts are definitely significantly slower now
>>1664151only worthless losers think everyone else plays videogames
>>1664152>evil sayan princess wadinaHNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
i've been posting as 5 personas for a decade now, cut some slack
>>1664157I was 3 people before I left. that probably contributed
>>1664059>>1664018Tampermonkey. Cytube should have the script (somewhere). For livestreams you shouldn't need it (I think).
There was only ever five of us tbh
it's actually been 10 years
>he threw a fuckin fit because i told him to fuck off
lel ofc i'm right again and it was just a shitstirring faggot
also p telling how you picked an actual sparts thread to shit and cry in instead of the politics thread, maybe things are less gud than they were years ago but they sure as hell didn't get worse because of your absence. shoulda just stayed gone you fuckin babby
>>1664091didn't say killed i said disappeared. i get why you think it automatically meant killed but being disappeared in china frequently means going missing because you're being reeducated and then you pop back up later and don't tell anyone what happened because chink government rally will kill you the next time. that actually happened to one of his budies, he went missing during covid lockdowns bc he was shittalking how the government was handling things and then showed up like a year or two later and refused to talk about whatever happened to him
I wasn't the only one sperging but my bad I won't sperg again. it was pent up ya know
>>1664129which cunt is tubby from? burgerland? the way he jiggles it doesn't look like there's as much muscle under his tubbiness as the nip wrestlers
>>1664197isn't krav maga if you have weapons and jiu jitsu if you don't
>>1664197i've never actually looked up what krav maga is like and at a quick glance it just looks like a mix of a bunch of shit that's supposedly actually useful in a real fight. so it's just jewish mma
>>1664198no it's for if jews get cornered by hamasbros and ran out of tactical diapers to shit into
>>1664197its legit. if yeem gonna pick one up could do way worse
Arrite budys.
Day 9 is coming up, half of the tournament is over!
Yesterday the first kachi koshi (8 wins) was declared, Oshoumi leads juryo unbeaten. He is at the back of the banzuke (toplist) at #14 while #1 Kinbozan is just one point behind with 7-1. His performance is stronk, and I think has the most chance for juryo yusho (tournament championship in the juryo division).
Makuuchi is a bit more complicated.
Two ozekis, Kotozakura and Hoshoryu are head to head at 7-1, performing very well. Two more rikishis holding the same amount of points, but they have way lesser chance for the makuuchi yusho. Onosato is just one point behind 6-2, I would not rule him out by any measure. He has the potential to win this.
Wakataka "The Unspeakable One" Kage has a really good form, and while he was defeated thrice already, he also faced all the hardest opponent, the top, the cream of the banzuke. Today he fights the beatable Shodai, and then in the rest of his matches he'll face lesser opponents. A 12-3 final score from him is within the realm of the possible, and could be a score that is enough for the yusho, but at least for a playoff.
So unless the ozekis will fare extremely well, and pull a 13-2 or 14-1, I don't see a problem with considering him of one who has the odds.
>>1664059>>1664018>>1664159if you use script blockers, you have to allow on our channel
>>1664277Ah yeah, I remember I had to unblock the google api for jewtube embeds because ublock breaks cytube, that would probably do it if it's tying into some api with endchan.
>>1664277the tampermonkey shit was what i was thinking of
i remember it from 8gag, when brendan fraser was unJUSTed and we all watched the mummy to celebrate
ill try both next time
come on budys
stream starts in 45!
>>1664431there's a lot of funny things in this picture
>>1664447Anigay is what America gets for dropping the bombs
where can i get sumo tshirts?
looking for a christmas gift.
>>1664569>wen u see ur budy after a vary long tiem awaygud morneng huggrs budy
>>1664709shit man now i wanna go to nippon to see these bouts in person
gotta start saving and learning sunrise speak
NOW No.1664741
>>1664716just start throwing silverware down the stairs and you learn it pretty quick
>>1664741youre thinking of chinese you racist dipshit. you learn japanese by shaking a retarded child
>>1664760lel you may as well be listening to a retarded kid being abused if that's how you're doing it
>>1664741>>1664757>>1664760>>1664769you're all wrong you learn it by rubbing peanut butter on your balls and having your dog lick it off
>>1664757its all the same ching chong gooky nip bullshit
>>1664898sry I missed sumo budys ;-;
>>1664197krav miga*
error posting error posting No.1665034
anything interesting happen this last round?
i rally hat having a job where i can't get away with having this kinda shit on in the background i need to find a new one
penultimate day budys!
come, watch some sumo!
ozeki Kotozakura and ozeki Hoshoryu is in the lead head to head at 12-1!
will they score their 13th point today?
>>1665034ye, all kinds of interesting things
45 minutes!
>>1665204fug i missed it
who won?
Makuuchi just started budys!
All right, budys.
We closed a cool basho yesterday, with a tight race between the two favorites for the tournament championship.
Kotozakura and Hoshoryu clashed in the final bout to decide who is the best in November. If I were bet my money would have been on Hoshoryu. Result in the video.
This was an important basho, because Terunofuji is the sole yokozuna for a long time, and him being battered and broken, with his many injuries he can't perform his duties as the grand champion. They need at least another yokozuna, but only ozekis can be promoted. From the three sadly Onosato did not perform well enough. The other two I mentioned before technically both has the chance in January, because not just the yusho, but a second place with an outstanding performance (like we saw this basho) can be enough if next tournament he manages to win. Remember in theory one needs 2 consecutive tournament championship (or similar display) to gain the title of yokozuna.
In juryo the young Ukrainian freshly promoted to this division had the chance to fight the leading Kinbozan. With a win he could have had another match against him in the playoff, however Kinbozan confidently beat him.
Now, I have the award ceremony with the yusho interview downloaded, plus the full dohyo-iri (ring-entering ceremony) of the Makuuchi division, however both videos are too large to upload it to sportschan. Maybe I can figure out something.
>>1665448hory sheet that was fast
congrats to kotozakura
>>1665448mcdouble mcdidit
gay sex is the most powerful martial art
>>1665483quadruple tits > hard frown
>>1665546redefining titjob
need some help budys!
i either got kicked from nattosumo's *cord (where I get the videos from) or his server was nuked (i assume NHK got mad, copyright and all that)
so now i have no source for videos, or way to know what happened
however he has a telegram!
problem is i have no access to telegram (i dont use fucken smartphones) so it would be nice if one of the budys could check nattosumo's telegram maybe there is an info there
>>1667030ah shit thats terribru
>dont use smartphonesbasado, just lik me fr so i cant help you but post lonk. mayb some1 will save one of the only active spart threads
>>1667059how about instead of these things i make cricket threads with my phone
I got confirmation that NattoSumo's shitcord server was deleted. Gonna get the videos from elsewhere.
>>1667030i dont think you actually need telegram for a link to work, try it only news im seeing is *cord crap about the channel getting btfo, everything else is the videos of the sumos
it won't allow me to preview it btw idk how this telegram shit goes i guess you have to have the app huh?
>>1667444you can do a telegram desktop i think there might be a webpage kinda interface too for desktop. and ya ur gonna need a phone number but those are free at least. ive had 3 telegram accounts using gogle voice numbers in the past
>>1667441>>1667443thanks budys
sadly can't view the channel
he has a site, as long as he doesnt changes the pw he provides for the viewers its fine
gonna try cooperating with slovbudy, but I have no way of reaching him
>>1668133when i have the time and i'm actually at my desktop i'll try to get one of those goygle numbers that was mentioned and set up an account to see the telegram. i'm not using my actual number bc ever since the founder got arrested by the smelly frogs i've been rally wary of even touching it tbh
>>1668133>slovborgHe should still be on xitter as @slovborg
maybe idk anymore tbh No.1668456
>>1668140>i've been rally wary wise.
>>1667452>>1668140>glowgle voiceit seems it is a web/browser based too, might give it a try
>>1668164oh yeah I forgot about that. perhaps I know someone with ex-twitter to write him, thanks