>>1677291You can't "convert" to Judaism you're either born a Jew or marry into it. That's why "pureblood" Jews have so many inbreeding problems since they're a matriarchal lineage and women keep leaving.
>>1677293sure you can
you gotta go take a class, lrn2hebrew, pass a test, then they gotta circumcise you
again, if they already havethen you marry some jewish whorb and youre in
>>1677236i doubt he actually expects that to happen. jordan and egypt are already saying fuck no absolutely not, and saudi arabia refuses to comply unless palis get their own independent state in piss hell
hate to be one of the 4d chess faggots but this is probably diplomatic bullshit trying to prod everyone in a direction they can all be """happy""" with aka still mad but not mad enough to burn israel to the ground
>>1677303in the middle east no one will ever be happy
>>1677792good, arabs and jews deserve suffering
>>1677793Kikes deserve a real holocaust.
>>1679691one less future asylum seeker
now gas the kikes
>>1679691>be ayyrab>get shot>[prayer starts]the quintessential palestinian experience
Netanyahu orders West Bank military operation after Israel bus bombings
>Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered his country’s military to conduct an operation in the occupied West Bank after a suspected terror attack saw three empty buses explode in Tel Aviv on Thursday night.
this tard raly doesn't wanna go to prison
>>1682647>empty busesoh come on that's too obvious even for fuckin mossad, kikes mist be really feeling the pressure if they're scrambling like this
>>1682656no way they're gettin the paint off that camera
that actually looked kinda neat too they should've just let the paint dry and called it a city art project or some shit
>>1682916nut yoohoo and his close allies aren't gonna let goyim own anything in piss hell, dup's gonna have to do something about them to get the kikes to stop wilin' and he prolly won't
>>1682917historically a safe bet but shit b cray right now
beeb knifed don2.0 in the back and a bunch of joo money laundering is getting rekt in usaids cuts
7/11 and epstein files leaves a lot of headspace for copium so curious about any ackshual news
>>1682949iunno at this point i'd be happy with dup just helping bib's enemies punt him and his frens into a jail cell since stopping money going to piss hell entirely is obviously out of the question
>>1682967soft coup would be rally funny
>>1682967>>1682969>isntreal goes under not cuz of invasion by ayrab or hitler 2 but cuz some orange guy on the other side of the world got mad that bibi was better at golf than himit would fit into clown world lore i tell ya hwhat
>The 42-day ceasefire between Hamas and Israel is nearing its end, with three possible outcomes: an extension, a transition to Phase 2 or a return to fighting. Some signs suggest that Israel may favor resuming combat.
>Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has sent negotiators to Cairo, but reports indicate that Israel is preparing for a large-scale military operation in Gaza, involving 50,000 troops and aerial bombardments.
>Humanitarian zones in Gaza would be expanded, with 2 million Palestinian civilians relocated until Israel believes Hamas is eradicated. The White House has stated it will support Israel’s decision.
joos goin back for seconds
>>1684039and why wouldn't they? there's nothing hamas can do except a little bit of terror here and there. pissrael will just rain bombs on their heads til there's nothing left and dup will see to that they don't run out of bombs anytime soon
>>1684047still bankin on the spiteful dup angle as small as it is, heem still mad bibi kicked him to the curb as fast as he did in 2020
Federal task force visiting 10 college campuses to combat antisemitism
>The Federal Task Force to Combat Anti-Semitism announced it will visit 10 college campuses that have experienced antisemitic incidents since October 2023. The task force will meet with university leaders, impacted students and staff, local law enforcement and community members to determine if remedial action is needed.
>The 10 schools to be visited include Columbia University, George Washington University, Harvard University, Johns Hopkins University, New York University, Northwestern University, UCLA, UC Berkeley, the University of Minnesota and USC.
>Since the Hamas attack on Israel in October 2023, antisemitic incidents have increased in the U.S., particularly on college campuses.
>>1684051I hope so too but then you have
>>1684075nah dup is a presbyterian, and protestants love kikes for some reason
It's like these guys forgot how Hadrian had to deal out the final solution because they couldn't stop murdering Christians who were Roman citizens
At least JD is gatholic and might stop that shit but then he's also married to a pajeet so extreme doubt. We'll have to wait until GenZ gets old enough to enter foreign relations
>>1684247>>1684248peasant ramblings, discarded
>>1684259says the guy who can't get past the filter lol
>some fag makes a post in another thread declaring he's from /tv/ for no reason
>absolute meltdown in the today thread for no reason
guess >we're getting gayopped by some webring discord or some shit lmao surely there's better targets
>>1684316What if i told you it's all the same person
who is one of the 5 No.1684325
>>1684320i wouldn't care and would still compare that person to other faggots of similar magnitude
>>1684316it's not hard to follow fam
'59 is the guy who had a meltdown in the today thread because he can't bypass the pc filter
>>1684327except that post was me dipshit
>>1684330ya well maybe don't call pipo peasants and they won't call you a bum bitch
yah bummmmm bitch
>>1684342you aren't too bright are you, maybe the whiny shitter is right
>>1684370just post all messages from your Nintendo™ New™ 3DS
bypass the filter entirely
>>1684413>Ramadan is kike killing holidaySuddenly I do give a ramadamn
Yee, not really sure where the problem is, Ramadan is to Muslims what Lent is to Christians, they are expected to fast AND fight during that time. In fact they think it makes them more likely to not go to hell
>>1684500Islam is a "christain" heresy. Ramadam is just retarded and pathetic Lent.
i wonder if melania would be my mommy?
>>1684824>piss hell waves it's tiny pecker around while big dick amerigay looms in the background >ayyrabs roll up and wave multiple timy peckers around just kill everyone with semitic/arab genes lmao fuck the entire middle east snd their gay shit
Damn the arabs are weaker than I thought. What a shame.