i cant believe trump sudo'd the election
>>1662361>and sit on itshe can sit on it IYKWIM 😈
damn, this bitch seems pretty smart
i think she might be onto something
>>1662373thx to whoever recc'd that guy vary interdasting
>>1662364all planned
dup brokered a real ART OF THE DEAL by promising a doyer worlds eries in exchange for the doyer essay vote
>>1662385these retards are in such a fantasy world lol
could any of them manage to even make a poison?
>>1662385is anyone gonna bother to tell these fucking brainless thots whats going on?
>REEEEEE muh aborshunsthen go fucking vote. you actually can vote on it now. the federal govt doesnt have anything to do with it anymore.
lik they seem to think donnys goin in there and pulling some switch and theyre all gonna be fucking pregnant with twins
roe v wade is already overturned
has been for 2 fucking years
so stupid it actually hurts
>>1662383what the fuck does that even mean?
>>1662395as far as i can tell it's literally just technobabble
lik the only real points i heard from skimming it were
>ballot machines used starlinkand
>something something voting machines haxxordwhile the first one is kinda sus, its not rally a dealbreaker given encryption technologies exist that can traverse untrusted networks
second point is actually p interesting, but sadly i think the discussion about voting machine hax has long since passed
tbh im 99.99% certain its cap, lik bitch you're not going to create a single diagram for ur supposed detailed technical explanation? lol ok
>>1662388probly tbh
some fag just offed himself, wife and two kids cuz orange man won
>>1662399she says linus can only download one data point so its impossible for it to download votes for two different candidates because linus just ISNT DESIGNED FOR THAT IT WASNT BUILT FOR THAT or something lik that
>>1662400some dude seriously chris benoit'd his family over dup? got a link to that story?
>they flip-flopped overnight and blamed russia for hacking dup's first election after months of gloating and saying elections are secure
>they flip-flopped overnight with covid and demanded nightmare world authoritarian lockdowns after getting ongry at dup for telling people to be cautious
>they flip-flopped overnight in 2020 and started saying elections are perfectly secure again after months of saying putdup and dupler were gonna hack it again
>they flip-flopped overnight with the 2024 election and now claim dup stole the election after spending 4 years saying elections can't be stolen while calling anyone who disagreed insane
starting to wish we got that civil war tbh
>>1662361this bitch has no idea what shes talking about
i work with some guys with their ccna and ccie and they dont know shit
>starlink is a highly intelligent ai process systemwhat the fuck does that mean
starlink isnt doing DPI on the fucking voting machines, even if they ARE connected to the internet (they're not)
starlink isnt dropping biden votes magically
thats not how the internet works
>with linux systems there is no way unless you are processing different systems and different programming to the linux bias in order to fucking bounce back the information you are gettingwat
>>1662361yeah .. you know what else is long and hard, BISH!?
>>1662398did you even watch OP???
>>1662399she didn't say a single thing, like just trying to follow her fucking babble she couldn't put a single coherent thought together
>>1662410>with linux systems there is no way unless you are processing different systems and different programming to the linux bias in order to fucking bounce back the information you are getting<watseemed pretty clear to me, /sp/ud
there are literally millions of lgbtq2xs who will suicide because of pmurt
>>1662419no i saw an annoying looking whorb and did the correct thing by nctsn
>>1662410>with linux systems there is no way unless you are processing different systems and different programming to the linux bias in order to fucking bounce back the information you are gettingwhorbspeak for
>i'm retarded No.1662438
hearin rumors that pmurt aint gonna hire rfk cuz he can't get clearance cuz he dropped a dead bear in central park or sumthin
>>1662426It would be cheaper and more efficient to just send the money sent to Department of Education off to the states to handle it how they think is best. That's not ending schools it's telling states "YOU fix this, we'll fund it."
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>>1662390Women are children. I heard one even say "I gained political consciousnesses at age 12" as if it meant this gave her some kind of insight.
They're just repeating what the TV told them to think.
>>1662395I'll have to go to McDonald's for wifi to watch a 45mb tiktok
>>1662441lel this guy is prolly already in deep cover
shopping at tractor supply company for food, wearing a gander mountain woodland camo hoodie
>>1662438bobby is kind of a nut tbh. i tend to agree w most of his conspiratarded views, but i mean more the way the dude has lived his life. hes a kennedy, and even by their standards, hes a p wild one
it would be a real treat to have him in going ballistic on random bureaucrats and """health""" agencies, but i wouldnt hold my breath
methinks trumps just doin the car salesman thang again
>drop the bomb>soften the blow>make the deali just hope they btfo water fluoridation
>>1662476>we say phaggotyikes what a phreak
>>1662410i dont rly keep up w that kinda shit, cuz i dont use IoT memes or fuckboiphones, but isnt starlink literally just satellite internet? thats not even something thats new
its just a bunch of satellites
also yah how tf are they supposed to magically connect to things that arent connected to the internet? fucking space magic?
>>1662479Get a rainwater tank
>>1662444iirc he did say something about banning federal funding for a minimum of 5yrs for any schools/unis caught promoting gay race gommunism
so ya know, basically all of them
we have the best browns
>>1662483>but isnt starlink literally just satellite internet?yes
>>1662390just ask em how many states expanded baby disposal rights
lik shooting a charging boar with a 22, whorbs on a mission from magic screen god
>>1662498its just such an easy to dispel, bold-faced lie. its the sole thing they claim to gaf about, and its not only not happening in any capacity, but in terms of RvW bein overturned, has literally already happened years ago and they didnt fucking notice
born with a fucking computer in their pocket
cant fucking read
sucks to suck, i guess
i think these new neolib Qtards are about to put actual Qoomers to fucking shame
im hoping to see full-on conspiratarded version of breadtube
bonus pts if dup does what he said and starts btfoing them for disinfo, playing into their already delusional persecution bias
well its just doesnt splice
it maeks sens
>>1662438fuck that bobs the only reason i supported dup this go around. at least i didnt vot i guess 😡😤
>>1662390Got into it with my older sister about this like a year ago.
>REEEE Spartman I have no rights!<You already had children and aren't fucking>Oh yeah? Name a law that only affects men's bod-<The draft>…That doesn't count!<We live in a state that allows abortions up to the point of birth>That's a lie! Late-term abortions don't happen either<Look here is data from the guttenmach institutue showing->It isn't the government's stats so it not real!And she had the nerve to go vote kameltoe for baby deletion too.
>>1662516That's pretty much where I am at these days.
Still hurts to wash her slowly turn her only son into a tranny trying to instill feminist values into him. She's anti-tranny too and doesn't realize she's fucking with his head. No.1662519
>>1662390>roe v wadeYe and that happened on Biden/Harris watch lol
THIS SEEMS PROMISING not holding my breath, it’s probably to placate the masses tbh RFK Junior created a forum website called "Policies For The People" where US citizens can propose and vote on policies they want to see from the Trump Administration. It's a direct line to the RFK Junior and Trump team.
"Rather than rely on think tanks and establishment interests to frame the agenda of the incoming presidential administration, the forum is embracing an “open-source think tank” model to ensure the best ideas are given a direct line to the White House."
"We are looking to tap into the well of experience, knowledge, and creativity from the large number of Americans who care about our country and who want to contribute to the conversation of how, specifically, we are to make our government work in the interests of the people.”
Forum Link: Explaining the Forum: No.1662521
>>1662519can't wait for shitters to shit it up
>>1662521if they didn't plan for that and develop methods for filtering through blatant faggots then they deserve to fail, both dup and rfk have had to deal with plenty of that kind of shit so if they somehow haven't learned by now then fuck em
>>1662522oh hey i was just looking for that
>>1662527actually seems pretty civil from what im looking at, mostly boomers though
>top thread is on single issue billsi can dig it
>>1662530>i can dig itim sure the entirety of congress fucking cant tho
thats their bread and butter
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>>16623853DPD not even ONCE!
>>1662395>linusHe is a mega fucking double nigger faggot that threw all the loonix slav programers under the bus because of "muh sanctions against russia", instead of handling it like a professional and saying they can't work with slavs for the open source programs.
>>1662547they'll calm the fuck down eventually. well they'll still be histrionic retards but less so after a year of nothing in their lives changing over this save for maybe alienating themselves from more sane people in their lives
>>1662547>white woman voting for trumpill take shit that never happens for $500 alex
>>1662543>wont use the militaryuntil they are shooting spics at the border and after they get here it will not stop. same goes for
all the fucking canadian celebrities No.1662552
>>1662476aussies are so retarded they can't even spell faggot right
>>1662550incel spigga missed the '24 demos lel
>>1662550Something like 53% of white womyn voters voted dup. i think that was a higher percentage than any other demographic actually besides maybe the injun vite but that hardly matters.
>>1662549been spazzing for 9 years tho
magic box created an army of lego people, fuckin wild. lik just admit its a fetish and have dup deploy corrective raep squads
>>1662560budy these types were in permanent spaz mode at least since obunga, the intensity is what comes and goes in waves. they shit their pants hard for a couple months in 2017, then it was a couple years of low energy passive aggression then they spiked again during the nigher tantrums/covid/jan 6th, and then it was back to being passive aggressive retards. they're just loud do nothings that faggot media outlets stir up for ez views/clicks, gimme a call when they're actually attacking people in significant numbers
>>1662558>>1662555hell ya pipe hittin mfer. got a couple brown scalps on his belt already
>>1662561>attacking people in significant numberslolwat? i'm not saying anything i'm not saying. its objectively wild so many people got turned into pudding pops by the magic box
>>1662555>>1662558can tell heem don't take no shit from anybody least of all some latina creampuff
i like him
>>1662551>the militarythis liddle yiddle (about to be deputy choff of stoff or smth lik dat) talmbout usin the STRONGARMed forces. hope its not just talk.
these past few days been lik an overdose on what them zimmer yimmers call that there hopium
>>1662574lel now i want to see one w bidet's nigger big shots next to him
>I derive pleasure from the salt from my fellow countrymen who have been driven insane by lying manipulative media for their entire life
Bit sads :( and miserable.
>>1662580sorry i enjoy watching my enemies suffer.
>>1662582no you don't, you enjoy their spoils. You roll around in their filth like a pig
>>1662579>>1662574whats the reagan quote?
>i wouldnt shake hands with someone from san francisco No.1662588
>>1662582>enemynigga thinks he's naruto 😂
>>1662563oh i thought >we were talking about them threatening a lot of shit like they always do
>>1662573yah thats str8 hopium bud, if a yid actually did anything to protect amerigay border then >we really are in an alternate reality
>>1662580>>1662583>>1662588cry me a river bitchtits the entire past decade has been them gloating and being sadistic cunts to everyone else so fuck em, spartman is right in taking immense joy in watching sadistic faggots have meltdowns
>>1662580Yes I do derive pleasure from the people who actively tried to destroy this nation failing despite trying for two decades. Cry me a river faggot.
>>1662594for sure, any sympathy is typically thrown in your face
something about a sad grandma w dyke hair being a mortal enemy makes me laff is all
>>1662590been disturbingly chill right?
went from HITLAR U'LL NEVAR VOOT AGAIN to not riggering dab erection
prez anyway, then randos just trusting the plan? iunno mayb st floyd set the bar too high
>>1662606the floyd riots along with the environment that led to them were deliberately orchestrated by people far higher up in the food chain so yah that's a far higher bar than whatever "whinging retards on the internet" could ever approach
>>1662604if you're
>>1662588 i didn't mean to quote that post my bad
>>1662613drain the swamp, trust the plan. brazil
>>1662604>something about a sad grandma w dyke hair being a mortal enemy makes me laff is alli didn't say they weren't clowns
but yunno– blah blah sam hyde quote want to see your kids defiled and they think its funny
>>1662560>29 year virginBullshit and I don't believe it.
>>1662624he's ranting about Armageddon now (the bruce willis movie)
would've picked a better movie to compare all this to but ok
>>1662624they really did fuck him horribly on some technical bullshit. though even for an obviously corrupt judgement the price they wanted out of him was fuckin cartoonish
>>1662552calling that mutt an Aussie is equally retarded
>>1662645they are all niggers or prison inmates, dont matter
>>1662619does sam hyde even have kids?
>>1662648>trifectaif they fuck this up you will not even begin to fathom my anger
this is all assuming there are going to be a dozen or so judases that will fuck with pmurt just to make him sad (lindsay graham and other remaining establishment fucks that need to get kicked the fuck out)
its going to come down to snake rhinos versus dems you can pull over with some sweet treats in order for him to get stuff done
we will see what the future holds
perhaps mitch mcconnell will ship off to the blackest recesses of Hell sometime in the next 4 or so months
>>1662647pretty sure no
he hasn't even CONQUERED LIFE ITSELF, like me.
>>1662647no but the message isn't any less correct
>>1662650>they>establishment patriots in control let's fucking goooooo
>>1662651>dems you can pull over with some sweet treatsi know the term "uniparty" has been thrown around a lot in recent years but what if this actually happens in the sense that less insane dems abandon their party and go fill in for the rinos that are making an exit and essentially becoming
dinos in the process?
>>1662657What if batman fought superman?
>>1662657I fully expect them to consolidate around anti-Dup but they are a dying breed and that will buy them 4 years at most. Dems will go more insane in the mean time which will shove people even further right and undo any legacy they could push as dinos.
so are they gonna put dupler in prison where he belongs today?
>>1662522>NOD THE SDARBUGGSwhat's the new [BRAND] faggots latch onto with sdarbugg's now being the ebil racists fascists?
Make America Brazil
>>1662704they def still all go to starbucks
i never understood the appeal tbh. their shit always tastes burnt
>>1662711they don't even go for the coffee they just want an excuse to consume a fuckton of cream/sugar/chocolate under the guise of "i need to get through my workday teehee"
also dunkin and even mcdonald's has better coffe, love muh frappes even if they make me feel like a fat fuck
>>1662650>>1662651senate's doing secret ballot wednesday for new senate dear reader
mike lee doing a candidate forum tonight between thune, cornyn, and rick scott
dup said if someone can show him a path for rick scott he'll publicly endorse. either i havent seen the endorse, or it'll be one of the two turbofaggots
def gonna call my senator today though bc ya to win this bigly and get stuck in the mud wud mak me VARY ongry
also little rubio is sec of state, first pick i hat
>>1662660ask you the same thing i ask my bull: how much PREP time?
>>1662717>little marcoall i member was papa bear christie destroying that cuban creampuff during the last debate in 2016, heem knew he wasn't going to be the nominee but he was gonna make sure someone else he hated wouldn't win either
>>1662652>spartman has a spartbabbygud goin budy
>>1662723fucking ithaca
you wanna see the most whacked-out neoliberal safe-space ive ever seen in my entire life?
go to ithaca
all fucking wh*toids, constantly bitching abut problems they dont have. the kind of ppl that show up to punk rock shows without shoes on. actually its worse, theyre the kind of ppl that accept state govt grants to fund their bad noise shows.
i cannot express the contempt i feel for ithaca
this border spigga on sumn
Trump ‘border czar’ says administration will conduct workplace immigration raids
Incoming “border czar” Tom Homan said Monday that President-elect Trump’s administration will crank up workplace raids as part of its broader immigration crackdown.
Speaking on “Fox & Friends,” the former director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) said workplace raids would address labor and sex trafficking.
“Where do we find most victims of sex trafficking and forced labor trafficking? At worksites,” Homan told Steve Doocy.
:// No.1662729
>>1662697I dare them to try now that they lost all three branches of government, even if in name only.
>>1662715>>1662711Brother if you have to get chain coffee at least do Dutch Bros holy shit.
>>1662717Ah yeah, I was reading up on that. Several recucklican senators are openly expressing outraged because their constituents are calling their offices and telling them to vote Rick Scott. Not even joking they're going on the news/on social media and telling people that it's not ok for their constituents to contact them about internal senate matters lmao
Oh nevermind, Juan delayed sentencing until the 19th and doesn't expect to finish until the 26th.
>>1662731>Dutch Brosliterally who
>>1662735you talkin about dupler?
>>1662735>the day before the inaugurationb owluh oh
>>1662731>Dutch BrosI usually hate the drive through coffee shop thing because i feel like a cafe should be a nice place to sit while you have your drink but they just opened one of these near my house and people have seemingly been really excited about it
is it actually particularly good or just better than starbucks?
>>1662740They make coffee correctly but they are primarily known as a less yuppy starbucks
E.G. people go there for sugarslop but their plain coffee is actually decent
>>1662744rubio deserves to be bullied lik this absolutely everywhere he goes
honestly im done w coffee in the states
everyone either makes it shitty and watery, or lik fuck you cowboy sludge strong and it feels lik im on meth
im on that brit shit rn
half tea, half milk, half sugar
>>1662723>nyc isn't just straight solid bluewhoa that's a
really fuckin bad performance
>>1662744alex str8 unleashing bully mode on the little queer lmao
>>1662748i lik coweboi cofey
yee harr
>>1662761>it wasnt just me doin it, it was everyoneyah >we know. thats kinda the whole point of contention
Marco Rubio's September 2024 report, "The World China Made," is the best and most comprehensive readout of China's achievements in high-tech industry and global trade to come out of any branch of the US government in many years.
Rubio is a China hawk, but a well-informed and thoughtful one. Here is his conclusion:
>"Commentary on China’s economy swings wildly between extremes. On the one hand, the Chinese economy is often portrayed as deeply troubled, perhaps even on the verge of collapse. Stories in this vein emphasize China’s very high debt burden, slowing growth, distressed real-estate sector, and aging population—all real problems. President Joe Biden repeated a version of this argument in an interview with TIME magazine in June, where he stated that China’s economy is 'on the brink.'…
>"It may be the case that China’s export- and manufacturing-oriented development model has been successful enough to propel China to the technology frontier in the short term, but not successful enough to help the country outrun its structural problems in the long term. This is certainly the narrative that many in Washington prefer, as it recalls our victory in the Cold War. Then, an innovative, dynamic, and capitalist United States triumphed over an adversary with a gerontocratic and dysfunctional political class and a communist economic model incapable of managing the transition to the information age. It is tempting to believe that a similar triumph is now assured because our nation has been so successful in the past. We win, they lose. But an invincible belief in one’s own success is a recipe for complacency. And increasingly, this belief is at odds with the evidence in front of our faces. If this report conveys any message, let it be that the United States cannot be complacent about Communist China. Think-tank scholars and economists may bank on China’s coming collapse. Beijing is taking the other side of that wager. It believes that manufacturing, exports, and “new quality productive forces” are the keys to regime survival and indeed to the “great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.”
>It believes that technology and production will enable it to preserve its communist system while becoming a rich country. So far, it has succeeded in blazing this alternative development path. But suppose today is the high-water mark of China’s power. Even in such an optimistic scenario, the CC/SP/ will still present a real, existential threat to American industry and workers for years to come. And Communist China will still be a more formidable adversary than any the United States has faced in living memory. At this point, the burden of proof should be on the critics who insist the CC/SP/’s project is doomed to fail."
Full disclosure: Rubio's report quotes my (dave goldman) analysis of how China got around US tariffs by building factories in the Global South which export to the United States. But the report contains a wealth of research derived form a wide range of sources and should be read in its entirely.
Utopians like Mike Pompeo, who believed (and might still believe) that regime change in China is around the corner, did not get an offer from President-elect Trump. Sen. Rubio has a solid understanding of China's economic /sp/ower. He's realist who has done his homework. And that's the right starting point for American policy towards China. Some commentators speculate that a hawk like Rubio has the credibility to strike a deal with China. I won't second-guess the new Secretary of State or the president, but he starts on a solid footing.
>>1662767heem not wrong
bugmen been bullshitting their way through the world economy since the 90s and it's working, you can either scream and shit and fart your pants over it or you can do sumthin bout it
>>1662761monkey status = spanked
>>1662744why is this illegal spic still allowed to hold office?
>>1662780the ditty is about putting your dick on the table
>>1662781why does it get to be your dick it should be mine
>>1662782you may find upon further inspection of the post you are replying to that it is indeed your dick
>>1662784i see thank u spartman
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>>1662788i dont even like rap but its kinda sads to see a genre become a parody of itself
>>1662790the fuck is she mumbling about?
talks worse than a nigger
>>1662792>the fuck is she mumbling aboutsmut
sadly more and more former ao3 fanfic writers are now becoming published authors thanks to tiktok, and yes it's as embarrassing as it sounds
>>1662794well it's not like there weren't already thousands of garbage romance authors in the first place, it's a p low bar and whorbs have always loved that shit
wats an ao3?
>>1662803archive of our own
if you remember fanfiction net its something like that
>>1662808If only it was that easy, but we all know that both parties want to kill all whites.
>>1662624Did he name the jew?
>>1662811dubya dubya dubya dot come on now dot com
>>1662815>beta thinks he's alphawhorb was 52 and 5'1 i think, vary feminine behavior
if heem not charged the fed debate is ogre. not that it'll matter to the waterheads who still listen to him
>>1662815>>1662818>bitch doxxed him and went to his house to confront him over meanie commentsman, you're making me side with this gay little spiclet. she deserved to get shot in the spine for doing that kind of shit, idc how old or frail she is
>muhguh influencer spic fuentesHOL' UP hasn't he spent the past several months shitting on dup and telling his retard fanbase to not vote for him?
>>1662826>>1662818Doesn't he live in Illinois? He's fucked if true. Self defense is illegal there.
>>1662826faguentes is a manlet bitch and handled it lik a manlet bitch so i'm cool w it
ya he held groyper war 2 over not voting dup, turned around said 'i cant believe we did it again hooray', then did a thing with dickie spencer talmbout how much they love mommyla
he's the easiest online iq test ever fuck him and everyone who supports him tbh
>>1662827sillynois has castle doctrine
>>1662832They also have duty to retreat. Castle doctrine doesn't mean shit unless he can reasonably demonstrate she was casing the joint and he could not retreat.
In any case fuck the gay catboy spic and fuck his gay catboy orgy group.
>>1662833>duty to retreatoh nvm lol. he may have a case based on doxin and foids fucking with him, boo
Got these high-quality organic vegetarian noods the other day on clearance and noticed corn protein isolate as one of the ways they stuffed corn into it. Like wtf they are isolating corn protein now? lmao
>>1662840You just know Baron had a say in that name. I hope they can accomplish their goal. Firing even half of federal workers would fix a lot of shit.
Hell, they could probably just tell them Monday-Friday is mandatory and lateness/absence is inexcusable/will result in reprimands and eventual firings. I bet half of the workers would quit on their own if he did that.
>>1662840CRtriots are in control
>>1662840>Department of Government Energyim starting to think GHOST was right……
>>1662723dude fuck off if youre just going to spout this conspiracy shit and not even question why theres 20 mil less votes and why votes were being tabulated on starlink sats
>>1662857No surprise there. We're doing a replay of 1933 Germany right in front of the world. It's only going to get worse before it maybe gets better, and that's only if all those people suckered by Trump's lies and right wing propaganda finally come to their senses after yet another disastrous turn in the Oval Office.
>>1662852>>1662829We're not going to war with Mexico's standing army. The cartels are more military-trained than their military. Maybe raids domestically but no way we can take them on in Mexico.
>>1662857I know you're joking but it's shrank to 7 million which is less than 2% of the US population, well within margins of error for an erection
>>1662854just wait
CR pulled this crazy prank back in the 1940's in germany
>>1662860itd be kinda cool tho to just assin8 a bunch of cartel hedz
>>1662829big if true, but more than likely they need an excuse to tidy up operations down there for cia/mossad
>>1662860they get a pretty large majority of their equipment from the usa tho. which means dup would have to kill off some cia niggers first bc there's no way they'd ever willingly cut their little cash cows south of the border off they dgaf what the president says about it
>>1662858A replay of 1933 Germany but this time with even more honorarys
>>1662867I may be misrembering but Alexander
history legends did a vid on how they are getting more and more of their weapons from China now because of fears of that.
>>1662875Trump will never go against the glow niggers, never.
>>1662878stop posting retarded shit any time
>>1662881stfu fag stop being a faggot
you capable of that? not being a faggot? huh faggot??
>>1662862i didnt know CR was
und juden No.1662891
>>1662875wat if theyre not that competent anymore?
wat if its so compartmentalized and infiltrated by cartel toadies and partisan shills and israeli double agents and furfags and other assorted psychopaths that they burned most of their contacts?
wat if they have no real organization and its just a loose conglomerate of spooks spooking on spooks, each group trying to gain leverage over one another?
now wat if you gained access to that bullshittery from the top down in lik a few months from now?
shredders at langley be workin overtime next few months. some outlander finna come in and start the department of firing everyone (DoFE)
g*d niggers are insufferable
who the fuck let these screachin monkeys outta their chains No.1662897
>>1662875Unless the CIA are experts at subterfuge (that's a big fucking ask), mossad fucked up their Middle Eastern shit and the Biden Huawei fiasco + British CIA fucked up their Central/East Asian stuff. CIA is cooked. They are one of those organizations with zero security who use blackboxes and legal fuckery to protect their assets ala John Deere/Intel Processors. Without legal protection their upper management (the people who need to be ousted) have zero fucking protections. They label every single email as "matter of national security" even when it's just "let's get taco bell on Tuesday" because they have zero OpSec and this was upper management's solution. They have operatives via unlimited US payments and promises not to legally prosecute, not via actual power or respect from overseas agents.
The CIA deserves to exist, but its current rendition is solely for domestic spying via obfuscation. You could get rid of all of them and only a couple hundred people would die internationally. US embassy marines do more foreign spying via frat parties at the embassies in dry countries than the CIA does breeding domestic terrorists.
>>1662919lol those some fucking baaaad lookin tats
that sword thang looks lik some middleschool ass doodle
>>1662929probably got em before he got ripped
>>1662943>8min of dyke sheboon mating callsno thanks
>>1662962>burger-made blyatmmunitionheresy
>>1662969Ayo hol up aint breezu cuttin da WHOLE MUFUGGIN Amazon down to make paper?
>>1662867>there's no way they'd ever willingly cut their little cash cows south of the border offthat's old thinking as the importance of the illegal drug trade has greatly diminished in the current internet era when something far more addictive and powerful has overtaken it
using the illegal drug trade to amass funds and distribute them secretly combined with the power to corrupt and blackmail with made sense back when they didn't have crypto and social media
>>1662985nigger both crypto and social media have been around for well over a decade and there's still billions in profits to be made through drugs idk wtf makes you think they'd just drop it, just because a comparatively new tool is around doesn't mean you kick the other shit out the window when it's still lining your pockets that's some absolute retard logic
>>1662717i think thoon got it
>“If John Thune or John Cornyn get control of the Senate, like Mitch McConnell did, we’re not going to have a Trump Cabinet,” Navarro said. He also said having one of those men as majority leader threatens the productivity of the Senate in a Trump term.
>“There’s 4,000 appointments that have to be fulfilled. A thousand of those are Senate-confirmed … and four years of Mitch McConnell, who was just the puppeteer for Thune and Cornyn, we didn’t get half of those”https
:// No.1663000
>>1662985i think youre vastly underestimating how much money you can make from intl drug trafficking
and unlike shitcoin, no worries about taxes
plus, theres plenty of things drugs can buy that money cant
>>1663005hes just chillaxin with dark brandup
i lik this one cuz it feeds perfectly into the "dark brandup sekritly screwed his own party for couping him" narrative
>>1662992oh ok so 4 more years of nothing confirmed. guess it beats the shit out of 4 more years of deliberate destruction and demonization of yt tho. funny how the most beneficial and least malicious thing fedniggers are capable of doing is absolutely nothing
>>1663010at least he foesnt look like hes melting lik bitch mcturtle. still not lookin forward to that gocksleeves face bein on screens randomly anywhere
>>1662992dup better release his puppy play vids with mccocknball if he gets uppity
>>1663008up for re-election in 2 years i think at least. not great since thats enough time for counterplans and the first push is most important espec after winnin popular vote
matt gaytz as a.g. is gonna make people seethe, gud sign for j6ers tho
pineapple mommy director of national intelligence
do they even need a senate majority leader? aint that vance? cant he just say "no im in charge here" effectively overriding troone?
>elon is allegedly threatening to fund any dup opponents in their next primaryreddit man doin gud things, just dont neuralink me bro
>>1663018dudes a phreak but has that goku gettum attitude
>>1663000having a bunch of crypto shitcoin wont get you a room full of bitches pulling they clothes off the way columbian marching powder can
they should unironically run her next, just for the ultimate btfo
>ugh reDUMBlicans cant handle a stronk woman presi-REEEEEEbe another fucking landslide
having her in a high position in regards to intelligence isnt a bad thing at all imo. if theres anyone whos not gonna just keel over for israeli/mossad shenanigans, its the bitch who nearly had her entire career destroyed by AIPAC for speaking up against anti-BDS legislature
>>1663027run tulsi with jd as vp AGAIN and let that little crik fukr hold vp for twelve yrs then run for pres after tulsa race riots finishes her 8
dont ask me why it just came to me and im runnin with it
>>1663003Biden sitting there like "Just dont tell them I voted for you okay ?"
>>1663025not to mention gl funding color revolutions and high level assassinations with bitcoin lmao there's reasons crypto hasn't replaced regular fiat with extreme volatility and difficulty cashing out into an actually widely usable currency being two of them because p much no one besides dork web dealers and pedophiles use crypto as money. to everyone else it's basically the same as day trading stocks
>>1662987>>1663000i'm not saying it will suddenly stop or be abated, if history and 'plan columbia' is anything to go by drug trade and profits will increase the more they intervene
only time will tell but considering how south america has always been used as a testing ground perhaps those cartels were created and positioned to be destroyed in this manner to help bring in an era of prosperity that will digitize their societies creating the new testing grounds for cyberwarfare
>>1663044youre ignoring a pretty important factor, the tens of millions of drug addicts in the western hemisphere (and in many parts of the eastern hemisphere) that use drugs that are sourced in mexico and south america. crypto and social media aren't going to replace that level of income anytime soon, if at all considering crypto has so far largely proven itself a retarded yim used to scam idiots out of actual money. what about either of those gave you the impression it was gonna be the end of the drug trade?
actually what about the cia gives you the impression that they even could shut it all down? sure they could probably put a dent in cartel operations but glowniggers have proven time and time again to be incapable of maintaining 100% control of anything they do, and coked up rich af spics aren't exactly predictable either
>>1663007its not even a narrative, thats really what he did
theres an interview with pelosi where she says
'i think we would have been in a stronger position with an open primary but when bidup endorsed kumala it basically made that impossible'
she all but said it lel. fucking hilarious how that played out
>>1662974that is one strange looking troon
>>1663022kinda odd he'd pick a centrist democrat for anything
>>1662974this is CWC levels of loony troons
>>1663047>actually what about the cia gives you the impression that they even could shut it all downshut down the cartels absolutely and you've got US politicians promising they'll do it in this very thread. but most of those cartels just happen to be created in the USA, weren't targeted in 'la mano dura' campaigns that wiped out their competition, had their money laundered by the HSBC, were armed by the USA in supposed gun walking programs and most importantly committed extreme violence against specific demographics to ensure as much irregular emigration to destabilize the region and economy - something typical organized crime would never have done
yeah those cartels did the job they were created for and are about to get shut down for good for a war the USA will finally win while new more peaceful cartels are waiting to take their place and keep the drug trade flowing
>>1663065>politicians said they would lmao k i didn't realize you actually take these people at their word. >we'll see about that. c u in 4 years when cartel beheadings and drugs are both just as prevalent as ever and jack shit has been done to stop any of it
>>1663059dup p much is a centrist democrat. most of the shit he blabs about were democrat talking points 20 years ago, it's just that their party has been utterly destroyed by extreme far left commie retards that dup comes off as "right wing" when in reality he doesn't even approach dudes like mccarthy, or even nixon
>>1662815>this is what groypers were all excited about>gay fat balding manlet nearly thirty year old mexican child who wears spongebob sweatshirts pepper spraying a 70 year oldholy lmao
only people i ever knew to have pepper spray is WOMEN
>>1663069that's why i didnt vote for him. fuck clinton and fuck trump.
>>1663071what the fuck is a "power lesbian"?
>>1661618listened to this a few hours ago, ty was gud
Error posting
>>1663077what isn't gonna happen i didn't say anything bout anything happening
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>>1663140is this real real ?
or is alex just selling the sizzle ?
no infowars would RALLY be gay
dup should just arrest all the sandy hook parents
and david hogg just for good measure
>>1663155>>1663158if jones was right its way worse
>sandy hoax didnt even want the $ from that, just wanted it taken over>judge tried to take the copyright of his name>public auction magically went private 48 hours before award>roger stone and sum other dudes threw a bid in but a lesser bid was accepted No.1663171
>>1662648>heare we going to pretend republican politicians all love trump?
>>1663171are you going to pretend like no one here knows they hate him?
whether they love him or not is beside the point, this was the first election in 20 years where recucklicans not only swept the house senate and presidency, but also got the popular vote. meaning they'll have to at least partially cater to dup unless they want to completely destroy their own party and almost guarantee an end to relevance for most of them. that's also simply how politics is in general, a bunch of self-centered narcissists having to play along and pretend they don't want to murder each other
>>1663155>>1663158its a system that not only actively tries to destroy you for thinking the wrong things, but wants to humiliate you and eviscerate your soul
we have the healthiest niggers the most robust. Infact our niggers don't get abortions. Our niggers are eating the best food, the cleanest
how's that enfranchisement going? are yts enlisting again?
>>1663197tigga doesnt start for 2 months
>>1663200fuuuuck that shit is terrifying
look at the size of those insulator discs
bitch is prime to get ZAPPED
>>1663202had to shut down 800 houses so sheem didnt catch pikachu face
about to be some cartoon shit where you can see the outline of her skeleton, then she slowly dissolves to ash
>>1663200FUCKi was really hoping for some marv from home alone tier electrocution action
>>1663211lel hows elong feel about this
>>1663215some whorb having a meltdown at a substation and getting what looks like a beanbag round directly to the cunt and screaming afterward and you prolly have a boner because stupid whorbs getting properly btfo via crotch shot is boner material
t. spartman, phd
>>1663219haven't tesla stonks been doing rally shit lately? i'm not looking this uo so i will mindlessly speculate about some shit that i can probly easily verify/duhbuhnk but maybe elon worked out some kinda scam there
>>1663219probly great, without subsidies teslas are still profitable. shit is anathema to legacy
>>1663228fuck no lmao, they're trading relatively close to their all time high
no scam, they're the only profitable EV out there.
besides the chinese stuff but who really knows with them because they get crazy subsidies from their gov No.1663241
>>1663229dont you ever
EVER correct me again or i'll change the timeline back to GHOST world order
>>1663252madam this is a parliament
>>1663252thats so cringe
bunch of island savages wearing western stuff dancing around acting like fools in a modern government
anything but that
;_; No.1663260
>>1663162This alone should be grounds for nullification but there's been about twelve dozen other things that should have nullified this case that were conveniently ignored.
>>1663183>Gave him the whole damn HHSNice. If congress tries to refuse his appointment the house has already agreed to allow Trump to call recess and install all of his cabinet members to do their shit for a few months with or without congress.
>>1663191Senate neocon holdouts are REAL intent on taking down the whole ship with them, but if they keep it up Trump can just go executive order and recess them since he only needs one legislative body and the House has already agreed to fuck with the Senate if they keep this shit up.
>>1663261i think recess appointments can stay in place for up to 2 yrs even
>>1663197nobody will know for about a year, but from what I'm hearing everyone plans to sign up next January/February
>>1663200cute, would rail behind the applebees definitely wouldn't take home
so fentanyl or alcoholism?
>>1663202Zapped is an understatement. With transformers that big she'd get incinerated.
>>1663219His opinion from his X interview with dup was that he'll take less electric cars in exchange for more spehs IIRC
Elon knows Tesla is a meme stock and that the company is overvalued by like 3000% so he's probably eager to drop the price of the stonks low enough that he can sell without being liable for breaking a dozen federal laws
>>1663251Imagine spending your entire life complaining about this shit to the point where your own son stops talking to you out of secondhand embarrassment only to watch the institutions you spent your life trying to dismantle get dismantled by an orange cheeto
i bet Ron is feeling real damn cathartic right now while his son is seething
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only thing better would be mandatory asap death sentence
>>1663276The only complaint I have about this is that there won't be a Romeo and Juliet exception. What I mean by that is, if you take a foreigner across the border it's trafficking, and if she's your GF it automatically gets upgraded to sex trafficking. Similarly if you're an 18 y/o with a driver's license and you take your 16 y/o GF across the border to New Mexico for a vacation and to fugg and her parents don't like that, you're getting life behind bars.
>>1663285Every day I feel like Oklahoma becomes a better place, then I remember the meth/fentanyl crisis and that they're only becoming better from people fleeing Colorado.
standing by
>>1663262yah i'm not saying i'd be surprised these boomer fucks woild be vindictive enough to do that. hopefully their babby blood supplements run out and they all fuckin die soon
>>1663285>Bible with burger flag on itthis don't feel right tbh
>>1663285how are christcucks so fucking stupid?
you wanna get ppl to read your dumbass book? def
dont beat them over the head w it in public school. thats literally how you became irrelevant in the first place; trying to jam your dumb skyman shit into places it has no business being in the first place.
this is exactly the shit that lead to the rampant reactionary reddit-tire atheism autism >we had before
that book means absolutely fucking nothing until you, yourself, actually fucked up.
if youre not looking for forgiveness, its literally just an annoyingly written re-re-re-translated old book of poems that dont rhyme. an absolute slog by any literary metric.
you want kids to read your book? take a leaf out of jails and let it be one of the only thangs they
can read
after they fucked up. put it in detention. boom. ez. youll have lik 90% conversion rate.
and thats not even getting into the whole "combining the bibble w the bill of rights" can of worms. cuz that is def its own entirely diff issue, and prolly not even technically legal by the constitution now printed within it.
secularism was an
actual founding principal of the cunt, and one of the main reasons nearly everyone left yurop and UK in the first place.
christcucks making the same mistakes that got >us here in the first place
>>1663330reading the bible is overrated, liturgy and rituals is where it's at. If you go to mass enough you'll experience the bible/gospels better than studying it.
>>1663323bc it's not, christianity as a religion explicitly doesn't cater to specific cunts so putting a flag on the holy text kinda spits in the face of it
>>1663330burger fundies are some of the most insane people on the planet and many are perfectly fine with performing some islam tier forced conversions. that's all that matters to them at the end of the day and this is the exact mond of reactionary sentiment that people have been trying to warn dumbass commie trannies about for a couple decades, but nah >we had to keep pushing the homo shit well past the point of tolerability and voila now the 50s is trying to make its way back into town
not sure how that happened my fingers must be getting fatter
>>1663330I think you underestimate the drug abuse epidemic of Oklahoma, where the wind goes sweeping down your mum
>>1663335you know why oklahoma windy budy?
cuz kansas blows and texas sucks No.1663347
>>1663333yah its fundamentally the same issue that they were all REEEEing about w the dragqueen storytime
its lik if jesus went around 2k yrs ago just dunking random jews heads underwater and saying LOLE UR CHRISTIAN NAO
no one wouldve called him a prophet. he wouldve just been called annoying. and not many ppl would wanna go swimming w him, son of god or not
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>>1663330gud points however theres no such thang as secular bolidicks. you're right about the impetus for em but atheitism zealots got indoctrinated partly bcuz moloch glazers saw and used that void
far as 'tolerance' for non-believers todays version of christian (putting aside judeo- as that
is a diff thing, tempting as it is to conflate) is one of the best western religions. level of tolerance is high enough to be another big part of why atheitists took power
u.s. culture is predicated upon freedom, not servitude or purpose. gotta fill in that gap towards social responsibility somehow and it sure as shit isnt from >our leaders example. i'd rather have jesus christ as blasphemy word than nigger, imperfect and hamfisted as the solution admittedly is
anyway heem sayin AP classes which arent mandatory, its 500 bibles for a whole state
>>1663352i get that its not a big issue in terms of its size
oklawho?, nor even the possible effects of such a policy
in fact im sure itll do the literal opposite of what they wantits a matter of principal.
its at odds w the bill of rights they foolishly decided to print in it. cant let shit lik that slide, for anyone, no matter what their intentions are
the cunt was founded, settled, and built on the idea of secularism. you can say that its impossible, but its no more or less impossible than an idea of a theologically unified cunt.
its simply an ideal to strive towards. in that sense, its very much similar to religion. and its a worthwhile goal imo, because it greatly limits the power of others dogma over ones own freedumbs
>>1663363so is he getting charged w assault for pepperspraying that one bitch?
as far as i can tell w ILs goofyass gunlaws, its def within her right to
>>1663363i'm not gonna take some tiktok whorb's word as gospel sheem prolly making shit up ala peepee tapesbc spicqueer said a mean :(
>>1663369some shit i read was saying the pigs she complained to said she was on his property to instigate and no charges were pressed afterwards but idk she mite b sitting on it
>>1663363sumthin tells me u rly don't like this guy spartman
almost as if heem lievs
rent free in ur noggin
>>1663363Mutts have a higher tendency of mental illness, so it checks out.
>>1663371i mean the guys a literal asset so i dont think hed actually see any repercussions from it, sure
but from what i gleaned, he wouldve only been within his right to do what he did if she had done something lik block the door open or forced herself inside. he not only could retreat and just lock the door, but he actually did exactly that after dusting the bitch. def could at least raise a convincing stink about it in court. and considering the target, theres prolly some lawyers willing to do pro-bono just cuz nick is such a fucking nerd
the important question here is: is his sister hot?
>>1663375idk maybe some of those gay ass laws changed slightly because people keep getting murdered right outside their doors?
>>1663379>that piclel yah start going after his family that'll help and isn't part of why you've been experiencing blowback lately. are commies incapable of doing anything but doubling down? bet the spic is regretting being a two faced retard right about now regardless
>>1663379its important in understanding the broader picture tho
having a hot sister can fuck a niggas head up somethin fierce
also holy fuck how short is his mom/sister?
isnt nick lik 5'5"?
>>1663358>cunt was founded, settled, and built on the idea of secularismdebatable tbh. cant remember exact sources but gotta read free exercise clause along with establishment clause
jefferson's danbury letters too
moar about freedom to worship then being secular. things were p wacky after brittun
theological unification is vary hard but not impossible. total freedumbs isnt ideal either when state limits self defense
and a million other things in a secular leaning setup
idk budy the great experiment continues
>>1663384it was prolly more secular in the sense of "we're officially protestant here but you can do catholic shit if you want and we'll play as fairly as possible in politics" rather than the modern idea of "keep that religious shit elsewhere entirely". gotta keep in mind 18th century yurup were all still bitchslapping one another over varying branches of christianity, it's sort of the whole reason the american colonies came to be seen as a haven for religious outcasts. also it's not like there were a bunch of hindus/muslims/buddhists/etc. in the colonies at the time for the founding fathers to consider, and they sure af didn't see injuns as much more than savage animals so no one gave a fuck about whatever feathermonkrs were worshipping
>>1663384>moar about freedom to worship then being secularthat
is secularism tho. allowing others to worship what they want.
just because ppl mutilated it nowadays to mean wearing a fedora or whatever doesnt change what they spelled out. religious and govt institutions are each powerful in their own right, and become dangerous when combined
so they made it illegal
all those wood teeth guys WERE all religious. they were all masons ffs, atheists arent even allowed to be masons. the whole point of it was to find a way that multiple religions could co-exist without committing atrocities against each other constantly. because they knew, as the world continued to get smaller, that that was the only real way forward. to do that means divorcing the govt from the church, so that neither institution can become all-powerful.
obv the catholic church was the far bigger and more menacing institution back then, so thats what most of their focus was on. nowadays, its the federal govt thats been given too much leash, so religious ppl are pushing back with their religion as an alternative.
its not an alternative tho. we already tried that and it resulted in total retardation and we all had to leave to another continent cuz it was so overbearing
syria under assad is, imo, a gud ex of what the wood teeth guys meant by secularism
a shit ton of very diff religions, all dealing w each other under one govt and one set of laws. this is exactly the pressure point that the CIA used in order to start that civil war: firing up a bunch of takfiri nuts over assad letting ppl do what they want.
cant have that, some imam told me it was in a book and that that was baaaadddd
>>1663358>At odds with Bill of RightsBill of Rights is directly inspired by the bible/ten commandments. Freedom of religion refers to Christian denominations with allowances for Abrahamic sects (Judaism, Islam, Mormonism), not freedom from religion.
>>1663363Knowing how shitty Illinois is, it actually explains a lot that his mother is such shit.
>>1663393>not freedom from religionno ones arguing that you brainless faggot
go smack yourself in the head w your good book
maybe itll help
>>1663305Great clip, post the whole vid
>game show host: “what cunt has most drs per capita<buddy Hackett: “the cunt with da most joos? it’s gotta be Israel”>contestant picks israel?
PROFITyes it was the right answer too No.1663401
>>1663388There were some Muslims, but that's exactly what was meant by freedom of religion, yes.
>>1663389Bibles were in schools up until the 1950s, spartman.
Shit, most schools WERE the local church until the 20th century.
>>1663397My point is that you can have bibles in school from an entirely secular point of view. The only point of contention is which translation to use, but short of that there are no real restrictions
>>1663399ya just split da gubmint and have everyone in the cunt decide which one they're gonna be loyal to that's always worked so well in the past
>>1663399It's like they learned nothing from funding the NUG a few years ago (Burma)
>>1663388said it better than me
>>1663389ya, i dont see how offering a bible class is against that tho? few diff seminary classes already in hs
not downplaying negatives of christian nationalism, but whats an ackshual alternative that would bulwark against this same shit happenin again?
religion's being brought up as an alternative not to row row fight da powah but to maintain some semblance of cohesion. just straight up anarcho tyranny now which'll happen in any freedom focused capitalist society
>>1663406tl;dr me? tuned that one out
>>1663405fr. almost lik they're forcing their prophecy of dupler ascending into authoritarian to fite off authoritarianism disguised as victimhood which is almost lik all the other kafkaesque pinko bs which ya has always turned out
>UK and USA fund Democracy™ in Myanmar despite Burmese military having nationalized rice/beer/oil>Myanmar congress has an erectionb owl and the lady (daughter of Burmese military general) being funded abroad promises to defund the military>Military junta does not want and holds mandatory 1/3rd of congress as part of democracy peace deal 20 years ago>Lady tells them to go fuck themselves and now promises to remove military from congress because Democracy™>Military coup because fuck this shit>Buncha soyboys and women come out and protest>Start shutting down businesses and firebombing the capital in their protests>Military lets them protest for three months>Protestors boycott military beer and rice, US/UK begin importing foreign beer/rice>Burmese military begins mass torture/execution/rape campaign to restore trust in the local economy because they aren't part of human rights conventions>Society restored in short order, Japan/China begin oil negotiations>Ethnic minorities along Indian and Thai borders lose their shit>Continue terrorist campaigns ongoing since the 50s minus a cooling off period from about the 90s-2010s>NUG (congress in exile) sides with Karens (ethnic minorities)>Pretends to represent duh pipo>Funded by America/UK>Karens bitchslap them around but tolerate them because it means more weapons shipments from Great Britain>Burmese military controls 95% of the cunt with Chinese backing because nationalized jade mines due to protests>First world shitholes pretend the NUG is in charge when they don't even have charge over the guys they are giving weapons to>[Laughs in Military Junta] No.1663418
>>1663416wewee gud greentextin. only remembered 1.5 lines of that tyvm, burger foreign policy man
guess it wud be inevitable that foreign cunts would get cut deals if those fag governors go full alt account
lotta states already backroom with chinr too, caprels are fuckin utah
>>1663399cant he arrest this guy, and every single "shadow" fag that actually tries this, for treason? is this not treason?
>>1663416imagine having a rum rebellion in the 21st century, should have sent in Captain Bligh
>>1663399>just outright calling yourself a shadow government lmao they really don't understand why shit keeps going south for them do they? i wonder what the world looks like through the eyes of someone this disconnected from the general population
>>1663401yah i'm sure there were a random handful of other religions too but not in significant enough numbers to matter at the time
how are you going to go American empire without a state religion?
>>1663425sedition rather than treason but yes, he could
he has to wait until they actually do something stupid, but technically the second the governors say "no" to Homan he could go in and round them up
"can" and "will" are obviously two different statements and I doubt he will it's a catch-22 where unless the democrat courts try to stop him he has no incentive to go after these fags but if democrat judges interfere with his deregulation then he should just go scorched earth and hang as many politicians as possible
>>1663432Seemed to work just fine with the mishmash conglomerate of evangelicals during the Kissinger era. Hell it worked so well that the cunt is "permanently" Catholic/Orthodox now on the theological side of things.
>>1663435I mean a good empire not the globohomo jewish one
>>1663429Mind you I don't think we're really in disagreement but I do have to nitpick this because autism.Nah spro I mean like John Locke mentioned Muslims and Pagans directly in his documents used as the basis for religious tolerance in the constitution. George Washington has several letters from the revolutionary period as well where he flat out says "so long as they are Abrahamic, even the Mahometans (Muslims) are fine."
The distinction has primarily always been "Abrahamic" when it came to freedom of religion in America. There were thousands of Muslims in America during the revolutionary period, albeit most of them were North African slaves brought over by Jews. Our first treaty of friendship was with an Islamic cunt (Morocco). Ben Franklin welcomed Muslims to move to Philadelphia even going so far as to construct an "abrahamic common house" for them to use as a mosque, and there were a shit ton of debates in the Virginia congress before the revolutionary war precisely because their Lockean religious laws allowed for Muslims to practice.
All of this is to say, the founding fathers were founding a Christian nation, but they were just as aware of Hinduism/Islam as they were of the machine gun which was quite popular among the rich at the time.
>Jewgle just released a new privacy update to allow you to basically make a virtual machine instance on your phone so app data can't be tracked by other apps
Man Trump isn't even in and he has them scurred shitless
>>1663433he has nothing to lose at this point. do the dam thang dup
>>1663438nice read but i'm not trying to split hairs and nitpick on my end tbh i was just providing a frame of reference in that when the revolution happened it was in a very predominantly christian environment and that context matters a lot when it comes to wanking about what the founders envisioned for the states
>>1663453this that same contract kill list disguised as "warrants" from a couple years ago?
>>1663449It sounds more like he's going to make the feds have sensible regulations. You'll still have osha telling you to get that worker a harness if he's working on 30 foot scaffolding with power tools, but stop giving him shit about going up stairs without holding the handrail.
>>1663371fuentes has had former classmates in high school relay the story on twitter
he pooped his pants running the mile, its canon now
it would also explain his hatred for sports
>>1663372i really enjoy alogging him
he is a gay federal asset and hopefully will be getting what he fucking deserves real soon
>>1663553that's somewhat more reliable.
if he was running anything less than 5 miles then that's extra funny
>>1663379Dem tiddies look nice
>>1663553>Admitting to poop pantsI don't get this, been once or twice at the gym where I shat myself doing heavy squats/deadlifts after eating something that gave wet sharts earlier, I just wrapped underpants in paper towels to take home/washed ass in the sink and got back to it
Why tell someone you shat yourself? Why go through the embarrassment of having someone have to bring you post-shitting equipment?
Division by zero
>>1663379>>1663376these are old
>>1663818>Mutt sister is a genetic dead endAnd that is a good thing!
>>1663818absolute basic bitch tire
>>1663818bish prolly decided sheem was a lesbo cuz sheem was so fucking boring looking
the play for any mid bitch nowadays is to either be a "lesbian" or "become a man"
its a midbitch genocide out there
>>1663889the funny thing is theyre prolly the ones most ppl would actually prefer in the long run cuz they dont have a triple-digit bodycount and arent gonna run around behind ur back
nah tho, take literal fucking steroids and evolve into a balding midget faggot w a patchy beard and a beer gut
gud idea
the pooners gonna be the ones to blow this whole thing down imo. once they realize they got duped into becoming the lowest-value """men""" around and realize how fucked it is on a nigga out there rn
>>1663896>a women>becoming self aware>learning from their mistakesanon i have some news for you….
>>1663901oh theyll be self-aware
end up stuck as some balding dickless fag forever
the most unanimously unwanted archetype
couldnt hide from something lik that if you tried
lik dudes who trooned, sure, you got problems. big ones too
>dick dont work>balls shriveled up and fell off>bitchtits>prolly massive increased risk of breast canceretc
but you get off the sissy bimbo pills, get some of the regular juice flowing again, albeit with external chemical assistance, and youre more or less back to just being some raly gay lookin dude w lasting hormonal complications
but pooners?
its ogre
>voice perma fucked scratchy awkward teenager sounding fag mode>perma facial/body hair>tits deflated in the grossest way possible>or in some cases just cut tf off with nasty lookin scars>pussy perma dry af so cant even crywank>i have no dick and i must coom>infertile>max lvl male pattern baldness at age 22>completely removed from any and all dating pools>roided out misery, rage and despair in the shape of the ugliest abomination anyones ever seenyou cant just functionally abuse steroids for years and then walk out unscathed. test is a far far far more potent drug, and its not even close.
and at least the roid dudes know how to cycle to keep shit going somewhat
some poor dumb thot tho? everything is just fucked and theyre trapped in dickless re-puberty forever
mark my words, when all the kids who got duped these past few yrs finally realize they were essentially labrats for some psycho quack docs to play around with, theyll be comin for blood. and the pooners will be the loudest by far
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>>1663907dupler talmbout bein able to sue both the jews that hid research and quacks who did it
whats the quickest way to get a law degree enough to sue? can i mail a rack to dewey cheatum & howe right quick or what?
>>1663992you just gotta pass the bar exam you dont need a degree
>>1664095i know that face
heem prolly just doesnt wanna eat micks
>>1664095heem aint eatin that no way. hes prob v angery hes gettin the pic taken
>>1664099its the face of a man who knows he has no other choice but consume the goyslop
>>1664095Heem just rally don't wanna eat the goyslop but he knows he has to do the thing
>>1664095another day another rape
>>1664176Abe in the painting is thinking about what went wrong
>>1664176You know about the wafflehouse index for hurricanes?
There's a McDicks index for construction. McDicks doing good means his real estate is booming. It's become ingrained in his head.
Other reason is McDicks pre-prepared everything so there is a much lower risk of having someone tamper with his food at McDicks vs other fast food/sit-downs. Knowing nobody spit in his food is a big reason behind his enjoyment of McDicks.
>>1664207abe is what went wrong
>Washington is throwing “oil on the fire” by allowing Ukraine to use US-made long-range missiles to target Russian territory, the Kremlin has said.
vary cool bidup
frankly the ruskies had it coming imo, since theyve been doin the same shit for yrs now. but the timing is certainly a bit sus
in other news
>Biden, Xi agree that humans, not AI, should control nuclear arms
MLfags need to get their fucking heads checked
or rather chopped off, if theyre actually that delusional
the most impactful thing that AI has done in anyones lives so far is making search engines less usable. great job guys
fucking nuclear AI deathswitch
all world leaders should be shot for even momentarily considering such a gay apocalypse
>>1664266if they had that power they'd start throwin nukes immediately not cuz "humanity is a plague" but cuz they've been indoctrinated with DIE and gay race communism so hard that it would start ww3 to stop racism
>>1664266I hate AI search engines so much. It has built-in confirmation bias to make it lie when a source directly goes against what you asked it, and on at least two occasions I've watched it use a rickroll troll as a legitimate source.
>>1664282yea its retarded, it usually just skims some updooted leddit page. gee thx guise, just what i needed
and even if you just ignore it, its just noticeably slower.
its also just a fucking waste of processing power. you cant "train" something on the
entire internet as a dataset. anyone who thought that was 1) possible, and 2) remotely a gud idea, deserves to be fired
gAyI goin the way of 3D printing, soon™. once the FOMO funds dry up prolly
its a fun and genuinely useful little niche tool, but not nearly the start of the technological gilded age investors are being led to believe it is
and at any rate it doesnt need to be launching fucking
NUKESthese fuckers are a death cult, i swear
>>1664287it's the same obsession that blockchain was a few years ago, just a buzzaord to throw around and some grifters to make money off of by plastering the word around big airport ads for even more retarded businessmen to buy into
>>1664290you know what sucks is i actually have a decently vague idea of how to use that tech
specifically NFTs to btfo the record industry/streaming memeservices/shitty copyright IP holder shenanigans but they went and fuckd it into oblivion and now its a radioactive term
itd be like asking ppl to join your multi-level marketing business straight up. erryone gonna think ur tryna rob em
>>1664273lel could you imagine if some big ass jungle cat jumped out and caught him by the neck, before slinking away with his stiff geriatric body
>>1664390Is this AI?
error posting error posting No.1664440
>>1664429nah, Bobby can just phase through tables and twist his back 360 degrees
>>1664440he's a very powerful individual, that's why dup chose him
the vaccines and yellow 40 just go right through him
>>1664440wow he must be raly strong
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chek em
The god-loving Akeptous has offered the table to God Jesus Christ as a memorial." (picrel)
>Earliest 'Jesus is God' inscription found in Israel deemed 'greatest discovery since the Dead Sea Scrolls' No.1664464
>>1664462thats pretty neat
having fish symbols in there as well is pretty interesting, must have been an early adoption for chirstians
>>1664464isn't the fish the earliest symbol that christians used?
>>1664479>>1664464Christians used fish as original symbols due to Jews trying to genocide them, yeah. It was a fisherman symbol but they were also fishers of men, per the gospels.
>>1664491ok i remembered it was an early symbol but i thought it was because of that bread and fish miracle. was that even jesus? maybe i got that mixed up with some azn tenguism shit it's been a long time since i actually paid any attention to christianity
>>1664493the feeding of the 5000 was done by Jesus the Christ
>>1664498CWC didn't do shit
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>>1664493i still see the jesus fish on cars sometimes
>>1664498yah but he learned it from buddha
during his teenage mutant ninja jesus arc, where buddha showed him the forbidden spiritbomb technique
>>1664491the cross mustve come a fair bit after jesus time
lik youd think of the time period, thats lik fucking having the electric chair as your religious symbol. and esp for all the OGs, not only is that a bit too soon after watching your homie get tortured to death on one, but it also seems lik tempting fate a bit too much; knowing you could end up nailed to one fucking tomorrow if you arent careful
>>1664535yee they started using the cross for rituals and stuff around 200AD but it was mostly Constantine the Great establishing the cross as the official symbol when it was adopted, well after the Romans and genocided/kicked out the kimes
kikes even fugging fat fingered phone keyboard
>>1664562Working on it hard to balance calories doing manual labor for 12 hours a day
fingers are stubby regardless of belly fat
>>1664568uhm youre not allowed to talk about that without me writing gay fapfics about you i need more details
>>1664563its prolly some splinter cult that got btfo
peter was the rock™, but there was 11 other dudes, plus the whorb. i dont think the other guys ever tried, but i know theyve found evidence mary had a cult going for about a century or two after the crucifixion. thats the basis for a lot of modern gnosticism, the fragments found of marys gospels. p radically different stuff from anything found in any later preserved biblical texts.
peter hated thots so its theorized he, and/or his later followers, got marys followers fucked over/killed/driven into hiding to get rid of competition. or maybe just to throw heat off of themselves, who knows? at least thats one of the theories ive heard.
and this new evidence certainly doesnt contradict that, seeing how we know nothing about who tf they were, but they were important enough to have a mosaic commissioned on them
marys cult was obv much more lenient on having women as clergy so its prolly some of her homies
i cant think of any other situation where women wouldve been allowed to be honored or ordinated in any way 2000 yrs ago. peter def wouldnt have been down. nor jews. nor romans. nor anyone else around there back then
>>1664581>Mary cultIt's called Catholicism/Orthodoxy. Women-hating is a Lutheran invention.
I found where you got that. Peter didn't go hard for Christ until his death. He underwent a radical transformation at the time of the resurrection and was considered to have lost a lot of his haughtiness. The passage in question is where Jesus is revealing the Holy Spirit to Mary Magdalen it doesn't particularly clash with anything from a brief glance.
>>1664620the part im talkin about is literally apocrypha, so you prolly havent read it
unless youre some esoterica nerdmost of it was rotted away when it was found lik 100yrs ago. dated as being from ~200AD, so a long time after peter or mary were around. there appears to have been this smaller splinter cult that was driven out by the larger church, is what the theory is.
her interpretation is way more metaphysical and weird and a lot of newer cults in the past century took a lot from it
im oversimplifying peter cuz its funny to say he just hates thots
i do think him and some of the other disciples were following because they thought he was literally going to become king and establish a kingdom of god, and
imo that political drive did in fact eventually become a cornerstone for the foundation of the church. at least for quite a while there
mary is interesting
supposedly she took big Js divine D and came 7
demons and was changed. she alone was the one who got to hear the holy postnut-clarity sermons. thats gotta be worth something.
but all that aside shes basically in like every scene that matters
ive never read orthodox stuff so idk if shes in there more or less
Baltic deep sea internet cables were cut.
They really trying to start a war before shit goes over to the orange cheeto
>>1664625sounds like a bunch of Jewish heresy to discredit Christianity tbh fam
>ive never read orthodox stuff so idk if shes in there more or lessOrdoxoggs theology is a wild ride take Carholicism and put the mystic stuff on steroids
The Western churches have calmed down but the Slavic/Greek churches got commie/mass genocide PTSD and go full schizo (in a good way) on the esoteric shit
>🇺🇸🇸🇴⚡- "Donald Trump is set to recognize Somaliland as an independent country," - The Independent.
:// No.1664667
🇲🇽🇺🇸 How the Gulf Cartel "Taxes" the US Border
The crime mob taxes importers through control of the border cities and corrupt officials on its pay roll. As prices have been rising so have the quotas.
Last month, Mexico’s Reforma newspaper published a list of import shake downs that was alleged to be circulating in Matamoros. It lists 215 items, including everything from crates of cosmetics ($200) to horses ($300 a head) to jet skis (written as “yetsky”) for $400.
A Houston-based oil trader told CrashOut the cartel also charged quotas on tanker-trucks of refined gasoline. The rate has shot up sharply from $300 to $1,200 per tanker, he said. (Despite being an oil-producing country, Mexico imports tens of billions of dollars worth of refined gasoline every year).
The whopping level of trade translates to considerable earnings for the Gulf Cartel, or CDG, as it’s known. The cartel also reaps handsome profits from smuggling migrants north and from shaking down businesses large and small in its home state of Tamaulipas. And while it still moves dope, the corridor has become less important for narco trafficking itself perhaps because the cartel is making so much on its other rackets.
:// No.1664675
DJ trump on the decks
>>1664640they don't have a lotta time if that is the case should just launch nukes if they want it that bad
>>1664641>sounds like a bunch of Jewish heresy to discredit Christianity tbh fami mean it was literally a cult. im sure that was the exact excuse they used to just burn it all and why only fragments of it exist now. and im sure it wasnt actually that simple, and it didnt matter cuz they were all killed by the larger institution anyways
the shit that you can just go to a church and learn about just doesnt rly interest me
i wanna read the shit that ancient ppl felt threatened so much by that they felt that it needed to be destroyed
as above so below
its just below can be a bitch to find cuz all your old homies kept going REEEE JEWS and fucking burning it. and the rest got diluted/perverted by random satanists and occultists over the centuries
>>1664667>casual 400% increasetheyre lik brit tier in their overwhelming taxation to the point of almost collapsing the local economy
these new cartels are idiot vampires
i hope blumpf does end up slaughtering them all lik pigs, with the full weight of the military industrial complex
you know tijuana 20+ yrs ago used to be a real moneymaker?
still a shithole, and still run entirely by literal criminal cartels. but actually profitable and unironically a total tourist trap infinite money glitch. even the lowly peasants caught some of it trickling down, thats just how much money was being made.
you look at it today and its fucking gone.
hardly anyone even lives there, and the ones that do are street urchin tier to try and even eat
>>1664680nukes dont start wars
they end them
>>1664654doesn't mean much rly, they prolly come every week given all the garbage they shred just like any other business that works with classified docs
>>1664667Good thing dup is gonna invade Mexico. I might just join for the sake of killing some cartelniggers.
>>1664683>i wanna read the shit that ancient ppl felt threatened so much by that they felt that it needed to be destroyedYou're gonna wanna be looking for stuff related to the old testament then since the Jews did most of the destroying in that regard. Primarily the Ba'al (Canaanites), Moloch (Moabites), and Marduk (Babylonian/Mesopotamian) cults. The early church was too busy breeding into the Roman population to avoid genocide to really worry about that shit.
I imagine the Madeleine texts mostly were lost as a result of the early church being Jewish converts (Jews don't respect women) and poor preservation methods more than anything else. She was considered a woman of ill repute which is why she was possessed by demons (mistranslated as prostitute by Pope Gregory The Great in 591 and the truth will never be known about whether that's true or not). Anyways it's p clear why a Magdalene cult would be purged. Jesus puts women in some ways above men, but that's also why priestly duties are specifically given to men. The Magdalene cult would put women in as priests and I'm sure you can imagine how that would transpire in short order based on what's happening to the protestant faiths that have done so in modern times. Even if they somehow managed to avoid a (pregnancy) scandal it would still be a disaster in about 1-5 generations because of the nature of women.
>>1664686>>1664690yah i hope i'm wrong about him accomplishing fuckall with cartel monkeys, you just can never tell what with all the glownigger involvement and all the treachery that entails. it'd be p nice to have a mexico that isn't africa tier violent for once tho, lik imagine anyone
wanting that right underneath them
dont even need to go into mexico to invade mexico anymore
>>1664702well with reagans war on drugs it failed cuz he was complicit with the cia and the whole thing was rly just them consolidating the drug trade to be more profitable for the govt
with this one, it has some potential imo, since dup is at odds with the cia and isnt interested in being some coke kingpin. hes already that rich
>>1664717and i dont think he technically can unless mexico govt recognizes them as terrorists
which prolly cant happen cuz theyll get beheaded
i bet hell authorize raids on a lot of the ones that are stateside tho
these guys are idiot gangbangers. subtlety isnt their strong suit. i bet they already know basically where they all are
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So is Putler doing tha ICBM thang ?
Is he doing the hecking WW3 thang ?
Or is it yet another nothingeverhappensburger ?
>>1664731nothing ever happens until it does
then it will be jews jewing planet earth forever just like always
>>1664747tiktoks? on my spee?
>>1664747thats also why most of em suck at skating too. center of gravity is too low, cant pop for shit. cant skate tranny either cuz they cant pump
thats why the only chicks youll ever see that are any gud are usually lanky af and/or lik 6ft tall
>>1664762putlers talking big but dups gonna get in in lik a month and give him an out and heem prolly gonna take it
i have a feeling thats mainly what the play is here
respond BIG to up the ante right before coming to the table to negotiate an end
i wish zelensky would get what he fucking deserves, capture and pay per view execution on russian television but the timeline couldnt be THAT based
>>1664766ukrainians probably hate him a lot by now too so he mite have to fuck off to israel after the war ends. obviously tgey don't hate him more than they hate russia/putin but putting hundreds of thousands of people into a meat grinder without any significant beneficial changes tends to piss your population off
as if he even actually cares he's jewish so he prolly jerks off to the thought of the goyim destroying chaos he had a part in
>>1664763>>1664766I've said it before and I will say it again. Putin is well-liked and the
popular president. He is not a king and he is not immune to being thrown out a window like everyone else. He is a dove among hawks and Biden might have very well escalated beyond the point where he can back down now without someone throwing him out a window.
>>1664771>as if he even actually cares he's jewish so he prolly jerks off to the thought of the goyim destroying chaos he had a part inindeed he does. setting ukraine up as khazaria
>>1664747center of gravity is centered lower to deal with massive fucking titties
>>1664778cool bro nobody asked
>>1664809this man is butthurt but idk why
>>1664857probably a Hohol
>>1664762don't worry kitten
>>1664763I wonder what is going to happen next year, putin can just keep going until hoholand collapses while zelinsky keeps stealing all those dollars/euros and leaving all the tax payers to pay for everything.
Or he can take the deal, but what deal is good enough to stop the special struggle snuggle in ukraine?
>>1664869its okay kitten
get back down in daddys bunker
i will keep you protected, just take your happy pill and daddy will come down to tuck you into bed, just the way you like >:)
>>1664916if he stays in full on
special military operation™ mode and dup starts selling oil bigly
and pulls some tariff/sanction bullshit, thats enough to put ruskies in a p severe spot. it just doesnt seem worth it at that point.
outside of just having a buffer between him and NATO, its not rly clear wtf he wants from ukraine in the first place. and if dup can guarantee hes not gonna do any shifty obama/biden shit, or give em ICBMs lik bidup just did, thats a deal worth taking imo. unless hes just hell bent on going full USSR and making this some 8yr long invasion. i just think thats too retarded and i dont think vlads that dumb
I wouldn't be anywhere near minot north dakota
>>1664925>150 Minuteman III nuclear-tipped missilesthats it?
thats not gonna do anything but piss em off
russias way too big nvm the rest of em
isnt that what the divide is in fallout?
town with a bunch of nukes underneath it that got btfo?
>>1664927the milcels have much of the amerimutt c&c there
>>1664927russia big but their population is all corraled in a handful of livable spots because most of it is either frozen shithole or mountainous nothing, much like china. 150 nooks could do a fuckin shitload of crippling infrastructural damage at the vary least to a region like that, it's not like the usa where it's not only fuckhuge but has many
many areas to run to and live just fine even if most of the major cities' infrastructure is btfo
there's a reason russia has used ukraine as a source of food for centuries before they split off from one another
i just dont see it
putin doesnt wanna use nukes
he didnt even wanna use the ICBMs, he just got forced to match bidups bet
dups been campaigning on global nuclear de-escalation. he just wants to sell oil bigly. he def doesnt want another war, thats literally why he won.
and putins not retarded enough to get into literal WWIII like 3wks before a major change in US administration. that doesnt make a lick of sense from anyones PoV, and esp not russias
yall freakin out over nothin
>>1664925>Nuclear Mishaps: Minot has been involved in several high-profile nuclear mishaps, including:>2007: Six nuclear-tipped cruise missiles were mistakenly flown from Minot to Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana.>2006: Sensitive nuclear missile components were shipped to Taiwan instead of their intended destination.those are some p big oopsies
There's not a problem that dup can't fix, 'Cause dup can do it in the mix
:// to avoid getting told about flood and discarding
>>1664938no ones freaking out but you fag >we're just talking about it
>>1664944>optional gud, idk why just making it optional from the get go would be such a big fuckin deal
>>1664939everyone involved got promoted and by now is top military leadership
>>1664950i know i wanna see it too
would be the most based thing the US military has done in centuries
as it is rn tho, he cant. mexico is a sovereign cunt, and our ally.
if he gets the mexican govt to officially declare them as a terrorist group then he can do a special military operation yim lik putler did w ukraine. and if that happens theyd be totally fucked. theyve NEVER had to deal w that lvl of heat.
problem is mexican govt is not only bought and paid for, but theyre also scared shitless of crossing the cartels
mexican govt officials and judges an shieet get whacked all the damn time, so i wouldnt hold my breath
>>1664947ummm maybe because theres no establishment of religion in the state??!?!
keep that shit out of school.
but learning about world religions and the quran and holocaust class is perfectly fine. No.1664966
>>1664959he should just tell em if they dont let >us deal with the problem then >we aint allies no more cuz they aiding and abetting hostile actors that are not only killing >our citizens but also fukin taxin >US lik they some kinda gov. thats not ally behavior and if they dont wanna ACT RIGHT then they gonna be made to learn
Guys, I pulled something in my tailbone region.
Its been pretty persistent for a few weeks, it even started to hurt when I sat.
So I looked up physical therapy exercise for tailbone related pain and about four days of it and its improved 100%, no sitting pain and I can feel the tightness easing day by day. Going to keep on it.
But bruh, aint no way in hell I would do these moves in front of anyone. Shit looks like some type of gay porn shit. One of them on all fours hips move looks like im trying to get my pussy out in the open for a penix to go into my vagene. That shit be looking gay as fuck.
I dont know how a guy is mean to do physical therapy.
>>1664959If burgerland does special operations in tacoland it will create a wave of wetback refugees, it would be perfect for the jews.
>>1664968i would have lower back pain for a while and doing pic related would help
and yeah of those stretching exercises are super gay, but they work
>>1664970ur onto smth there budy… send em all ti pissrel to mow they sand yards
>>1664916>I wonder what is going to happenMost likely dup gets in, because of bidup's missiles Putler will seethe, Jew comedian will say he refuses to end the war come hell or high water, dup will partially cut funding/weapons and do some drone strikes in the Middle East for Putler to calm his tits and grind down Jew comedian until he surrenders/gets color revolution'd (or both)
or natto will want to slime Russia, and America will pull out of natto and start a trade war with Germoney while being unburdened by Russia's bullshit while glownigger assets cry about it and assassinate him
>>1664923Vova wants the Donbass for lebensraum (and to keep the sea of Azov as a naval research facility/to make the UK formally recognize it as Russian waters), Ukraine to adopt federalization (individual region-states with a weakened federal government), and for Jewkraine to not ever be part of natto. He doesn't want them in the EU either, but he'll just sanction them for that. His big ask is Odessa, Zaporizhia, and for Poland/Romania to be excised from natto but he knows he won't get more than 1 out of 3 of those.
Kharkiv is the big question mark. Without Kharkiv Russia can't secure their border, but with Kharkiv they have to push pretty fucking deep, so Kharkiv and the surroundings might become a demilitarized special economic zone.
Anything short of Donbass/Federal Reform/No natto for Jewkraine is not even in consideration.
>>1664927Russia big but unpopulated. You got Moscow, Saint Petersburg, and a couple Turkish cities leftover from the Mongolian days, like 50% of their population is in Moscow/Saint Petersburg
>>1665001>grind down Jew comedian until he surrenders/gets color revolution'd (or both)this is prolly whats gonna happen
the money will run out and hell be killed or driven to exile
>>1665002putlers gonna have to go kick rocks then
hell maybe get one of those things, no nato
dup doesnt give a fuck about nato
>>1664968>cat>cow>child>downward facing CRetc
yoga is supposed to look gay as shit
doesnt matter tho its prolly one of the only ways you can keep ur ninja skills goin into old age
>>1664970prolly not tho
realistically itd prolly just be btfoing a couple big drug dealer bunkers, prolly w lik missiles or drones or some shit, and maybe some ground support
itd be more lik a bunch of rly big coordinated fed raids than it would be an actual war, or even one of those newfangled modern """conflicts""". would still be the most based thing the milcels have ever done. military might actually being used in >our own self-interest for once, imagine that
most of the "damage" is gonna be if he manages to get large banks and telecommunications corps to blacklist them. that would rly fuck shit up for them. theyve gotten rly comfortable over the yrs bein able to have access to all their """clean""" cash. without that a lot of things in their empires will start to fall apart. thats basically what happened to escobar. he had billions of dollars, but it was worthless.
no one likes dealing w these savages, they just do it out of fear and greed, and thatd deal w the latter
and if anything, mexico being finally rid of their parasites would make for a convincing argument to return/stay. prolly well over half of them leave solely cuz cartel corruption means perma-poverty for anyone whos not a made man. sans that, that actually leaves a lot of headroom for growth, more so than most places in murrica even. mexico actually still has a lot of industry, its just been getting leeched off of by cartel cunts
>>1664963if it's optional it's not violating the separation of church and state thing
>>1665017different spartman with the same back problem here, does doing those with weights help more or make it worse?
>>1665028diff fag, but you shouldnt be using weights to stretch out/heal an injury
esp not if you dont know wtf youre doing. youre just gonna end up pulling something else
>>1665033super Mario strikers, the original for da gamcoob
>>1664974Yeah I got a couple of them that I do. I looked it up on youtube and I found a couple of good physical therapy channels and mix and matched exercises from them that all felt easiest to do.
And to the anon wondering NO WEIGHT if you are trying to combat an injury. Your body is already going to be compensating and moving awkwardly, if you overload that with weight you might end up doing PERMANENTE damage.
When I read more about common tailbone pain I remembered I did bang it up significantly playing football as a kid and once when I fell off a dirtbike. Probably did something to aggravate it recently. Just another reminder that riding a bike is for retards and is a one way ticket to either a grave or ending up with applesauce for brains and lying in a hospital bed with bed sores and a load of shit in your adult diaper.
>>1665054p much
former chainsmoker coworker was speeding on his bike and flew off a curve and hit a tree, almost severed his arm off. did some experimental surgery and they got it working again but he's got a hugeass scar on his bicep. dude was cool but kinda rarted
>>1665041i already do them without weights, i was more wondering if strengthening those muscles specifically would help prevent future issues. guess i could just do good mornings instead when they stop aching?
>>1665054oh ok. idk what i did specifically to make my back hurt like this, prolly some work shit, i have to pick up heavy things frequently. either way i wanna do squats but i'm not about to tempt wheelchair life, guess i'll be doing bitch shit for a few days, hopefully not weeks
>>1665065yea if youre already hurt the last thing you need to do is tweak it even more
strengthening your muscles can help longterm, but only if you keep up on your flexibility too. otherwise it can actually make you more susceptible to injuries. happens a lot w big meathead dudes who dont stretch enough and lift constantly
>>1665054thats where im at with the bikes
i flipped one of those trikes
very ez to do when i was a kid and broke my wrist on a dirtbike. which was me getting off rly ez for how retarded i was
nowadays i just leave it at skaterat shit to fulfill muh XTREME quota
thats all known variables. just 6ft down to concrete. i can handle that. doesnt hurt that bad. and more important, no engine block crushing me or breaking my fucking spine
to be completely honest anon probly slightly herniated one of his lumbar discs. now he's aggressively trying to rehab what he thinks is a strain lmao
chill the fuck out dude, almost all injuries have the same rulebook
>lay off activity until no longer acutely painful
>during that time slowly integrate stretching, moving through pain free ROM
>slow and gradual ramp back up to activity
there. i just solved your fucking problem.
>>1665065lik other guy said if you're doing them for recovery then unweighted. Unweighted good mornings aren't going to help as much, but yeah do hypers with the aim to return to weighted lifts.
>>1665079i also always like to do machine/ride a bike for recovery as well
i always feel like getting the blood pumping speeds up recovery BIGLY
>>1665133Because cardio does speed up recovery. Scientifically proven. Just don't go too heavy.
>>1665025p sure the military cant be used on us soil
just like cia but we all know how that shakes out either way it will be interesting to watch unfold
>most of the "damage" is gonna be if he manages to get large banks and telecommunications corps to blacklist them. that would rly fuck shit up for themwhy hasnt this been done yet?
like i have to ask No.1665209
i feel like something is just waiting to happen
feels like there is some shoe that is yet to drop
feels like we are in the calm before the storm
>>1665209this feels like a q post
i lik feels i can touch myself to them
>>1665209wigawiga patriot
praise q
>>1665207The only restriction on domestic use of the military is that it has to be done through legal processes.
Thing is, glowniggers have salivated so hard at creating every legal loophole imaginable to do no-knock raids and spy on US citizens that there are essentially no restrictions. It would look something like:
>ICE gets an arrest warrant for drug dealing rapist and military is allowed to insist>If activist judge tries to refuse the warrant, mayor can issue a state of emergency allowing military>If mayor refuses, move up the chain of command to governor>If governor refuses, move up the chain of command to US AG/president>If a judge refuses, declare a state of domestic disturbance>If federal courts intervene, declare a state of emergency>If federal courts or SCOTUS intervene again, use the insurrection act and circumvent them entirelyPeople forget that judicial branch has basically zero authority to interfere with the executive branch. Only congress (specifically the House of Representatives) can actually stop the president from deporting illegals and arresting fentanyl dealers.
Apparently some fat nigger (William Martin) is suing Stavros Niarchos Foundation Library for discrimination because his desk was too small and he got caught sleeping on the job.
it just feels to quiet post election
like these niggas were coming with shit every week to try and get drumpf, arrests, indictments, charges, assassination attempts, leaks, etc. etc.
but now he wins and they are just all like "well, i guess we have to respect democracy now !"
i dont buy it
i feel like somefin is about to pop off
>>1665259they're not doing shit for the same reason the rest of the world went pic related within 24hrs after big dick came back in town, they're fucking
SCARED of what heem gonna do once he gets in so they're shrinking back and regrouping and praying heem don't remember their name
>>1665264>praying heem don't remember their namei really hope this is true and dup's second term is a pure revenge tour
i hope he gets so petty he starts putting charges breadtube streamers
i want to see destiny, vaush and hasan brought up on charges
>>1665264No one is scared. Trump is a fucking retard that drinks Jew cum for breakfast lunch and dinner. Shabbosgoy golem retard that will achieve NOTHING in the next 4 years except making America browner, gayer and fatter
>>1665320Even if you don't give a fuck about all that stuff trump has spent his life surrounded by jews. So regardless of what ever it is you consider yourself to be above, you're being willingly ignorant of his life spent dealing with people who are gangsters or affiliated with organised crime and/or zionist terrorism.
>>1665327yah yah da joos and niggers fuck off you did this same shit last time no one is ignorant of any of this shit youre crying about because you made god damn sure >we never heard the end of it now run along and look for jooniggers under your bed you might get lucky and have a proper sodomizing tonight instead of fantasizing about it here
>>1665326surprised it isn't already a thing tbh i'd watch the shit out of it
>>1665312>Hmm yes, why wouldn't dup immediately release every name associated with a known pedoMaybe because there's prolly a lot of names that are on there for innocuous shit and he only wants to release the names of actual pedos. It's not like dup banned Epstein from Mar-a-Lago because he was aware of his antics and might have frens who were connected but didn't actually fuck kids and would have their lives ruined being tied to that.
>>1665259they expected to win the popular vote so they could kvetch
gotta rember that these glowniggers aren't one big monolith you got upper management being pulled in six different directions and using obfuscation to hide who's spying on who while the mid-rank agents are just doing their jerbs and that don't even get into the inter-departmental feuds between FBI/CIA or the petty office politics that have nothing to do with bolidicks
ignoring glowniggers and just looking at Democrats as a whole, they're broke bro
like sure they can want to fight back but they lost the legislative branch, they've lost the executive branch, they only control the lower courts/civil courts in the Judicial branch which are about to be under heavy scrutiny for the next 4 years, and they're about to lose the bureaucratic secret 4th branch to budget cuts/mass layoffs when OMB (office of management and budget) goes in and just fires every federal employee with an odd or even badge ID number so they can't file lolsuits I suggest you listen to Tucker's OMB interview if you have time to listen on a truk drive or something: yeah, their plan right now is to try and convince neocucks to 14th amendment him, and if that don't work they gonna hold up the entire system for the first 18 months with legal bullshit with the hope of winning in the midterms so they can impeach him.
>>1665326Didn't someone already try this with RC helicopters two decades ago? I remember they had laser tag capabilities as well.
>>1665327get back in the crystal, glownigger
Should have just trusted the plan I guess. I'm sure it'll all work out for the best. The good guys always win