[ h / librejp / sp / v ] [ ukko ]

/sp/ - Sparts

its a tampa kinda day
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aight if your a /sp/man and ever plan on being intimate with a grill you need to reply in this thread


there's no such thing, outlander


i want to believe


File: 1732111115519.jpg (19.56 KB, 366x414, 61:69, sp men.jpg)

is real



You can’t spell /sp/artman with out ART.


File: 1732132377288.png (1 MB, 1034x800, 517:400, ClipboardImage.png)



show her your /sp/enis
bitches love /sp/enis


what if xhir /sp/enis is bigger than yours ?


then you have a big broblem :D :D:DDDDD::DD:DD


i put meat on my grill every night


how 2 talk 2 grills?????


chloroform, a cage, chains and a basement
women love it, believe me


bitch im pickle rick


i intimated with your mom last night


oh yeah well i intimidated your dad just now


>walk up to grill
>say something
Now you’re a talking to grill pro please send £9.95 plus taxes and fee to dudder@spartschang.net


Say no to 3DPD.



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