>constitutional dei
>>1665397yeh im sure that'll happen just like how it happened under obunga quit it with your retarded chicken little shit fag dup isn't gonna do shit just like in his first fuckin term. youre also trying way too hard to fit in there's a reason you should lurk
:// >>1665399gm & dtmwtd ty i can be angry about dup red flaggin if i so please hmph
>>1665404gud fuck that whorb corpse
Three brothers from Limpopo Province in South Africa were mauled to death by a crocodile they tried to rape, Zimbabwe News reports.
>According to these reports, the Negro family had previously been sexually abusing crocodiles. They claimed that they were taking revenge on a female crocodile that had eaten their chickens and sheep. Four brothers and several of their cousins set a trap for her, captured her, and dragged her to their bush hut, where they raped her for days.
>It turned out, however, that the local police had a "secret collaborator" in the Negro village who informed on everything. The brothers were arrested and sentenced to prison for cruelty to animals.
>At the trial, they tried to convince the judge that they had raped the crocodile “in self-defense and in the name of justice.” “We are not really into crocodiles at all, but we had to punish her severely for eating our sheep,” one of them said.
>The second admitted that they used condoms during sex with the crocodile because "they are not sure what types of STDs crocodiles can carry." He also assured that, according to his observations, the crocodile enjoyed the sex.
>But that was not the end of this astonishing story, because almost immediately after being released from prison, the brothers caught another crocodile and tried to rape it again. This time, however, things got out of hand - during the rape, the crocodile broke free and bit three of them.
>The father, who lost three sons in this way, has a grudge against the local shaman. It turns out that the rapes of crocodiles were not only revenge – they also had a ritual basis related to the fact that these boys were considered impotent in the village and had trouble keeping their wives.
>So they went to a shaman, who advised them that in such cases the only reliable method was to rape the crocodile, which would instantly restore manhood. He also gave them a special herb , muthi , which was supposed to make the crocodile not resist. Apparently, however, the muthi did not work, although – as the shaman claims – “it had proven itself in such situations many times before.”
>"The boys made a brave choice to save their marriages. The divorce rate in our family is already too high. Now we mourn them," the father told African portal MzansiLive.
>"For people who have never been to the region, this story may seem absurd. But ritual animal rape is common here. Crocodile rape is just the tip of the iceberg. Many believe that 'animal rape also cures AIDS,'" Resistance Radio-South Africa reports. lol.
>>1665404This shit is fucked on so many levels but everyone basically already knew sheem was doing this so it's not anything new.
>>1665404fair enough i guess but you do know that red flag shit has already been around for years right? people have already been being murdered by pigs or having all their shit taken only to never get it back because a family member or "friend" red flagged them over petty shit. >we're past the point of worrying about it being implemented it's already here
>>1665397Innit that from 2016?
come on now, his kids have already said he learned his lesson and ain't gonna do that shit again no need to be a dishonest yid
>>1665409ive told you guys before
you want wacky news?
holy shit ive read that croc rapr story multiple times now and i keep crackin up every time. i shoulda italicized the classic line
>this time, however, things got out of hand
>>1665433nairalands news section is a treasure trove of that shit
>>1665464yah but if they do it raly quiet evreyone will think its still happening for the next 4yrs anyways
sry chuddies
dup btfo
>>1665432Reads like a
Florida Man story.
Speaking of "democrats are broke" narrative the DNC union launched a gofundme after 2/3rds of their staff were just laid off without severance.
>>1665573when you lose dab owl you really don't have a purpose for that many people anymore, not surprising. especially considering most of them were paid to shitpost on leddit and cuckchan for kamehameha
Mr. Gaylord Fagot is a real name
>>1665581thats Doctor Sir Comrade niggaGHOST to you chudcel
>>1665573yah but they also asspulled lik $2B from random celebrities lik 3 or 4 mos ago
im sure theyll just go do that again when they need more dosh
and in the mean time, at least payroll will be a lot easier
>>1665579Original pronunciation is gæ-lerd pha-zhoe but yes, some people bastardize it and pronounce it Gay-lord faggot.
>>1665604What majestic creatures.
>>1665604im surprised he missed the tumbleweave in that 3rd one
i thought erryone knew about tumbleweave
White House is refusing to work with Trump's transition team for HHS/HIS because Trump won't let RFK Jr. sign a document with hidden clauses about not firing staffers.
>Appeals court rules Texas can keep putting razor wire on the border
>Trump to give podcasters media access before televised media
>New York City Council insists on sanctuary status despite mayor begging them to stop, refuses to turn man who masturbated in public over to ICE
>Homan announces all law enforcement will be deputized as ICE agents until he rescinds it
>Child Rape still a problem with Oregon schools
>Federal judge dismissed Ray Epps defamation case against Faux News
>See news pundits claiming a Recucklican would have won if not for a fake hate crime
>Try to fact check them because the Recucklican was known to be in bed with the local real estate developers who he was also regulating, so nobody was going to vote for him
>Contact us section gas been removed following dup victory
i see the pubs are already setting themselves up for scandal/failure
>>1665738if she's this fresh after some touch up scalpel, i'd let her give me head
leave Nancy alone!
can't wait for crystalnacht tbh
i have a piece of quartz about an inch and a half big i bought from a ren faire, how many souls do you think it can hold
>>1665746Only part of a soul. It’s gotta be 2x2x3 to capture an entire soul.
Mexican La Presidenta Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo who had previously threatened to stop policing the border unless Biden granted mass amnesty to Mexicans has already kissed the ring and agreed to help Trump with all immigration affairs and citizen returns to avoid a US invasion/tariff war in Mexico
>>1665771Looks like sheem been hittin' the bottle hard lmao
>>1665752I mean, to be fair that's like saying "less than 10% of AED resusscitation recipients survive."
Like yeah nobody is arguing foster kids aren't fucked, but they would be street urchins without the foster system
>>1665788ya but when they become adults they turn homeless
>>1665785let'>s just go to war with mexico
>>1665771bitch calm down youre starting to look like brown palpatine
>>1665771what/when is this from?
she looks lik someone punched her in the face
why is she so fucking fucked looking?
sheem prolly just needs moar child blood infusions or something
supply must be getting low so they must have to ration it out
>>1665771holy shit sheem fucking BLASTED
>>1665801its been p heavily edited, as far as i can tell
theres that weird red splotch on her left cheek that moves around as if its overlayed. the other vids im seeing dont have the massive black eye bags either
also seems lik it was slowed down
>>1665804ya well where's the unedited video i'm not looking it up
>>1665804idk she just sounds lik her usual retarded self tbh
saying a buncha words that mean absolutely nothing
>fight>resist>etcfight what, bitch? you getting fired?
nah. that was the whole point.
>>1665805heres some dumb news clip that has it
starts at 0:30
>>1665806sheem not taking it well at all
maybe she'll die of alcohol poisoning before da erectoral vote and we get another horace greeley moment
>>1665804wtf lumpy mashed potatoes are gud fuck this poem i am not thankful for it
>>1665810what where she dies and then a month later her whipped husband dies too? lik imagine willingly being a first husband lmao
>>1665816if you become a first husband, you immediately become a berniebro vegan into cuckoldry and interracial sissy hypnosis. its the first step.
>>1665409who tf even finds a story like dis???
>>1665818what happens to the berniebros vote trump?
>>1665876nah, news said they did it because of dup
either way just whorb thangs and whorbs getting sick
>>1665878happi thanksgibing brudda
>>1665876isnt polar plunge supposed to be lik close to freezing temps tho?
aint no way lake michigan is that cold yet. those lakes are fuckin YUGE and take months to cool down.
ontario is the smol one and even it takes until lik jan/feb to start freezing, usually
>>1665962Those lakes are close to freezing year-round come November they freezing.
>>1665965Will was a UFC fan & big oil guy who regularly addressed housing for the homeless and wanted restorative justice reforms. I'm just as likely to believe his family started the fire and will pray for him since he seemed like one of the few good Rothschilds.
>>1665981you grab that one from twitter?
>>1665978>Those lakes are close to freezing year-roundlel nah. theyre not.
they can be like 80+ in the late summer. it takes a whole season + to cool down from that. its water. a LOT of it. it doesnt just cool down in a month.
unless its an unseasonably cold summer and/or fall its usually p rare to see it freezing till about xmas. and even then its almost never past a couple sandbars
its cool the waves build these geysers on the sandbars and it looks lik the moon. its gotta stay cold af
lik 0-10 or so for a while for it to freeze way out. so jan/feb/mar, usually.
ontarios the little one and its done it exactly once since ive been alive
michigan prolly hasnt since the fucking ice age. its wayyyy too big
maybe its different in canada or whatever, but also idc cuz canada is for
FAGGOTS and doesnt even matter
and still its prolly dont cuz its water and its inert af
tl;dr*late winter
>>1665996>ontarios the little one and its done it exactly once since ive been alive*frozen over completely, that is
>>1666010not spending 10 minutes listening to dumb whorb grifter
>>1665996>it's wayyyy too bigyou're mom told me this last night buddy
>>1666014shes basically just btfoing civic nationalism and explaining that its going to be the new vector of attack for pushing a globalist agenda.
saying that the diff between earlier immigrant waves and now is that the older white settlers all had similar enough cultures and were able to easily move forward together and build their own synthesis, which is what american culture actually is.
newer groups of immigrants coming from the ass end of pakistan and north africa are too far removed from anything resembling western culture and so dont synthesize with american ways. instead end up just bringing their culture here and existing in parallel to >us without ever actually "becoming american"
>>1665771>>1665806She looks like Amanda Nunes beat her ass up.
>>1666037Funny you mention that, shits been popping off in Syria the past two days.
So now they are going full blown back into "moderate rebels" and "Assad must go" in Syria again ?
they are really trying to get ww3 going before dup gets in huh ?
>>1666210seems like a last desperate attempt to start a big war/mess without resorting to nukes, just so dup has more shit to clean up when he gets in
>>1666210>>1666212its the last gasp of the dying neocon faggotry faction
all the real oldheads lik mccain are dead, or hospice beyond being useful, and their neolib proteges
closeted neocons wearing pride flags have ripped themselves apart in a disastrously failed attempt at a coup
they got no new plays
all their actual players are injured or retired
the rest are DEI hires
they lost the game
and now the entire league is about to be shut down by a centrist democrat w a spray-on tan LARPing as a recucklican
the absolute state of these fuckers. when literal global nuclear hellfire appears to be the preferable option
rest in fucking piss
>>1666332its gonna be just lik last time where dup gets in, cuts funding to literal terrorists, then assad btfos them cuz they arent actually a real opposition force and dont actually have any real support. theyre just cianigger stooges
not even iran funds these kinds of losers
let that sink in
>>1666332assad looks weird af without his mustache
>>1666335This basically. They got maybe 8 more years before their power structures become unsustainable
>>1666353this guy?
yah his name is
TOTAL CIANIGGER DEATHseems lik a nice enough guy
great pick
prolly the best ive seen so far
kash was the dude btfoing out the whole fake and gay russian gollusion shit 8yrs ago
his whole recent career has been investigating IC bullshittery
glowies are absolutely pissing themselves rn
he prolly already has a long ass list of ppl hes looking to go after as soon as he can assume office
>>1666362yea hes a funy guy
ill settle for a ton of high ranking glowies being tried for treason tho
>>1666362this guy is going to be going through all the NSA spy drone data to see ALL the bob and vagene
>>1666362>>1666359pls do the needful saar and jail and do killr the fedophile okey i giv u meny rupees
>>1666353>Kash Patel as FBI directorHell yeah, we're going nuclear on the glowniggers this time lads! Meme warfare is back on the table!
>>1666362india RAW x america CIA crossover
>>1666375its no joke tho
they are about to get fucking fucked into a fine curry paste
>>1666378this goofy ass lookin mfers mug finna be the thing that keeps glowies up at night
wondering for who the bell tolls next
>>1666383im still in shock everything I hear the 14.88 Nazi pillow ad.
>>1666362Danica Patrick needs to be naked
NOW No.1666424
>>1666382"Hand over your bobs and veganas now"
>>1666401lel i didnt even notice it was her
danica should be appointed to the head of the US dept of teaching women how not to drive like retarded faggots
>>1666378all paki dogrs are get round up and excutshuns, of meny hahahas
india nombuh one !
bidup pardoned his son on tax fraud and gun charges
people are apparently unhappy about this. if you wouldn't pardon your own fucking son on charges like that yuor the fkn fraud.
>>1666486maybe but this is hunter fucking biden
dude's a crack addicted serial rapist and probably child molester too
>>1666486>people are apparently unhappy about thisYeah I'm really mad about this. The whole point was that Hunter was gonna get firearm background checks thrown out on 5th amendment grounds and then Trump would pardon him, but Biden is being a stupid loon and fucking it all up.
don't even care about him getting pardoned we all knew it was gonna fucking happen coulda at least gotten the fucking gun background checks thrown out first
not JUST the tax fraud and gun charges
>The president's sweeping pardon covers not just the gun and tax offenses against the younger Biden, but also any other “offenses against the United States which he has committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from January 1, 2014 through December 1, 2024.”so pretty much any crime committed in the past 10 years
This is so awesome. Fellow hunterbros we gonna party so hard tonight! 🥳🎉
>>1666496>>1666498idk what makes you think they'd get rid of background checks for everyone else just because of one politician's kid
get rekt chudcels
hunter did nothing wrong
i honestly cant believe theres anyone left thats still whining about hunters MASSIVE HOG
>>1666549that's not some hard coded end all be all of the law tho
for example there's a precedent for stand your ground and castle doctrine in virginia but they're not actual on the books laws and people still get fucked for defending themselves "the wrong way" on occasion
>>1666549youre thinking of supreme court rulings
those very often end up becoming federal laws, or at least end up laying the groundwork for their legislation, and/or setting a standard for whatever lower courts as to how to interpret [insert whatever] law
thats not whats goin on tho
hunters just some typical rich kid charged w typical rich kid shit: hookers and blow
if he did get off on whatever, his case theoretically
could be used as an argument by other lawyers dealing w similar cases of rich kids on blow and whorbs. no shortage of cases like that, im sure.
but even then it still prolly wont cuz his case is inescapably seen as hyper-politicized retard shit and dick pics, so it wouldnt make for a very convincing argument
tbh idk why youre even thinking about 2A shit rn
this is prolly the least anyones had to worry about 2A shit in lik 100yrs
>>1666578over what?
being neurotic?
too many mental health days?
raping some whorb in the bathroom?
>>1666576You don't think Hunter would escalate all the way to scrotus?
>>1666582no idea, i didn't actually fire him but HR called in and told me to start the term process
he was one of the really uppity ones too, good riddance
>>1666583no why would he? i can almost guarantee you most of the judges' kids are up to just as much shit as him and gl getting parents to enact a fucking law against their own children idc how shitty their relationships may or may not be that's one hell of an ask
it's why it's not surprising bidup pardoned him bc there's no guarantee dup would've played along
i dont know why youd expect it to go that far
everyone knew he was getting a pardon
im sure he did too
>>1666584its xim, bigot
ugggh im callin HR on you next
oh ya spic fwentez in some homo porno
know theres one spartman that luvs to hat that faggot
>>1666595lel hes
in a gay porn?
that sounds too silly
lik i know heem gay, but no way he thought he was getting away with plastering his dumbass mug everywhere for yrs and thinkin noone would notice hes in some twink porno
or was it some amateur shit?
>>1666595is this 100% confirmed ?
only thing i saw was that due to the recent destiny gay sex leaks, nick was at destiny's house when destiny was on a gay sex buttplug bender
i mean its not like you need much to know this nigga is gay, you just need eyes to see
>>1666602>recent destiny gay sex leaksha
yah i bet
i mean wasnt that the guy who was lik literally admitted to being a cuck?
dudes prolly sucked as many dicks as his gf
turn it into a competition
>>1666585>>1666587How would you feel if you didn't eat breakfast yesterday?
>>1666610yah that just looks like some bitter comeback from a fag that's tired of being mocked
this shits gay enough that paying any attention to it makes you an honorary dicksucker yourself anyway who gaf about whether or not some eceleb retards are actually gay when they gleefully act the part you prolly shouldn't be feeding them attention in the first place
>>1666619yah im not gonna go lookin for the actual vids to try to sleuth it all out lel
ill leave that to the professional faggots: the kiwis
its more than enough for me to know that it happened, and that apparently destiny displayed some incredibly poor technique
thats the real embarrassment here tbh
you cant rly make fun of a literal cuck/humiliation fetishist for having leaked gay sex tapes, now can you?
but if the dumb faggot cant even be arsed to put in a some practice beforehand?
poor nick got the teeth
no wonder hes so scared of sex
bitch be
bitin No.1666623
>>1665667wat up jive turk
>>1666627do they have a thread on spartschan and/or duddr
can't be assed to look myself
>Donald Trump suggested to Justin Trudeau that if Canada can’t survive without taking $100 billion a year from the U.S., perhaps it should become the 51st state, with Trudeau as its governor.
i dont believe it but its funny
ill look i guess while i have the tab open
wait tho
how do you actually spell dudder properly?
>>1666635did he actually make the thread? check his profile i wanna see
i know there's one on and mark
that i've shat on him in and got him to reply so that's the closest you'll probably get
>>1666629we dont want em
canada would just be another deep blue shithole for the demonKKKraps
>>1666635>what is encyclopedia dramaticaHoly fucking shit is he actually 12 and what is this?
>>1666532whyd you say that to me, i never even said that
>>1666629>trudeau as governor newscum would unironically be a better choice
>>1666635lel i'm glad i'll never be deranged and obsessed enough to be scratching around tiny sites for drama like this
>>1666656i thought both those posts were the same person at first whoops
>>1666629heh, I'd deal with the fucking frogs if it meant no longer having to deal with all this Northwest Passage bullshit
reminder that the richest province in Canada is still poorer than 96% of the United States
do sum wew stuff
>>1666677you should go visit the river of garbage
one of the 7 wonders of the 3rd world
>>1666647>>1666637it was just that post and one other post makin a snarky quip about how he should check his local library for the encyclopedia dramatica 1985 edition
his recent posts looked lik they were some shit about soyfags being gay. i didnt rly look too hard tbh. proly just some bored webring kid
>>1666701yah it sounded lik a "git gud" kinda quip
trudys gonna have to go kick rocks. he sold his own cunt out, and >were expected to just do the same? nah m8
whats the deal w canadian term limits anyways? hasnt trudy been in there for lik 12yrs already? when do they get to get rid of him?
>>1666703>canadian term limits anywaysapparently none for any office
>>1666704talk about fucking dangerous
no wonder theyre so fucking cocked up
>>1666677that's the view from my window wtf get out of my room
>>1666728Yeah, the opposition party was going to impeach several of his hand-picked prosecutors and cut federal spending, and the femboy couldn't have that. Korean won is expected to devalue (even further/faster) against USD when Trump takes office because the femboy refuses to play ball and has announced he'll take the tariffs.
>>1666731dont you usually need lik an actual martial threat to do such things?
i mean, i guess its korea so theyve technically had one lik a few miles north of seoul for lik 80yrs. but still, declaring martial law over your own govts budget issues? what a fucking shithole country
all of east asia seems lik such a fucking nightmare tbh
live by the bugman, die by the bugman
>Yoon, a former prosecutor, accused opposition lawmakers of cutting “all key budgets essential to the nation’s core functions, such as combatting drug crimes and maintaining public security… turning the country into a drug haven and a state of public safety chaos.”
>The president went on to label the opposition, which holds a majority in the 300-member parliament, as “anti-state forces intent on overthrowing the regime”.
>Yoon described the imposition of martial law as “inevitable to guarantee the continuity of a liberal South Korea,” adding that it would not impact the country’s foreign policy.
>“I will restore the country to normalcy by getting rid of anti-state forces as soon as possible,” he said, without elaborating further other than the martial law in place.
>He described the current situation as South Korea “on the verge of collapse, with the national assembly acting as a monster intent on bringing down liberal democracy”.
holy fucking doublespeak, and i thought >we had it bad
fucking loses his assembly by democratic vote, then declares martial law to save democracy
lel right on dude
>>1666680i should. been really busy with work these past days but u should have some downtime soon
met a really cute gril here
>>1666696Its not india
i would rather see canada nuked than become the 51st state
what a nightmare idea
>>1666735>dont you usually need lik an actual martial threat to do such things?Yeah. Korean parliament already voted to end it 190-0 (out of 300) because it's reserved for if the Norks invade and being used politically. So far the police and military are standing down because Yoon is too much of a bitch boy to do anything about it.
Casualties: A few soldiers got sprayed in the face with fire extinguishers to make them fuck off when they tried breaking into the parliament building.
Might be more updates in a couple hours, Yoon is saying the vote was illegitimate. Probably won't be any updates until late tonight since it's 3 in the morning in Seoul atm
>>1666737They tend to use Korea as a staging ground to see how policies will work before importing them back home in America. Albeit in this case I can't tell who is jewing who since both the progressive parliament and the feminist president are shit.
>>1666747whole point of a self-coup is to get the guys with da gunz on your side before you start shit, which it seems like he hasn't
so ya he's fucked, time to put him in da peach
>south korea can't elect leaders that are tyrants or being controlled by cultistslmao
>>1666761they blocked it but the military are doing it anyways
holy fucking worst korea
>>1666763ofc that's how it's going this is why governments typically try to avoid enacting martial law, sometimes those generals will do some shit you won't see coming until you're at a show trial having the death sentence handed to you
seize the moment, as they say
what a shitshow tho lmfao
>>1666761germs & frogs outright ignoring erections, now worst korea doin a heckin dumbocracy smdh
feels lik >we've been on verge of a major shakeup since obomber tbh but every kleptocrat wants to no balls & just do gay little shadow puppet shows
if theyd do smth cool half the populace would cheer just for the honesty of it probs
>>1666739the river of garbage is in manila
youre thinking of the river of corpses AND garbage. that ones in india
so the pres did call it off after realizing this prolly wasnt that well thought out of a plan
but the military did finally deploy, after hed called it off
so now theyre supposed to go back, but everyones out protesting martial law (which isnt in effect anymore) so they got tanks rolling down the street with hundreds of cops protecting them from a bunch of civvies all yelling and screaming at em
>dddudr met a "raly cute gril" in SEAmonkr land
there goes the spuclear codes
Conservatism is the new punk rock.
deal with it bigots,
Get your C-span hooked up for audio-only, SCOTUS is gonna be deciding if kids can get their dicks cut off tomorrow and a tranny is representing the pro-tranny agenda.
Pajeet who acquired the sonichu medallion went on a rant about lolicons. Proceeded to be revealed that he would watch loli porn and cartel beheadings with his buddies on dicksword and now he's on the lolcow shitlist.
How many more victims will Sonichu claim? Make it stop!
>>1666808cwc is just bait for real lolcows now, everyone who tries to fuck with him just becomes a cow themselves
>>1666772show me this river
>>1666812that's largely been the case for like a decade maybe more by now
chris himself was only ever funny when mostly left to his own retarded devices, everything after just comes off as a massively backfiring groomer plot since chris is legit too autistic to know wtf to make of trannyism beyond it being a personal attempt at getting pussy in his regard.
glad to see some of his sadistic tranny enabling stalkers getting some comeuppance tho
>>1666808damn, guess autism rally is a superpower or something
>>1666817i looked it up its the gangus. how terrible.
>>1666817i guess they been cleaning it up so its not that bad now
it was the most polluted river on earth for a while
its called the pasig. its right in the middle of manila
the big thing is they kicked out the shanty towns, so no more turdworlders using it as a de-facto sewer
less turdworlders, less turdworld
go figure
>>1666875hegseth prob swappin for desantis
>>1666888UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson fatally shot in New York City, reports say
>The CEO of UnitedHealthcare, one of the largest insurance providers in the nation, was fatally shot in the chest Wednesday morning outside the Hilton hotel in Midtown Manhattan, multiple news outlets reported, citing police sources.>Brian Thompson, 50, was shot just before 7 a.m. near a hotel on 54th Street between 6th and 7th Avenues, the New York Post, Bloomberg and WPIX reported. The news station said video showed police tape on the Midtown street as police arrived at the scene.>UnitedHealth did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment.>A spokesperson for the New York Police City Department who declined to be identified by name told USA TODAY a 50-year-old man was shot in front of the Hilton hotel in Midtown at approximately 6:46 a.m. When police arrived, the man was unconscious and unresponsive with a gunshot wound to the leg and chest.>Brian Thompson was named chief executive officer for UnitedHealthcare in April 2021.>Medical responders rushed the man to Mount Sinai West, where he was pronounced dead. The spokesperson did not release the name of the man, saying the department is waiting until his family is notified.>No one has been taken into custody in connection with the shooting, according to the NYPD.>UnitedHealth Group is among the nation's largest health insurance companies, providing coverage for more than 27 million U.S. residents as of Dec. 31, 2023. The company covers another 7.8 million people globally with medical and dental benefits, mostly in Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Peru.KILLING CEOS IS AN ACT OF WORSHIP CHA LA INSHALLAHDUDDALLAH (PBUH) HAS MADE IT LAWFULDIGITS CONFIRM No.1666894
>>1666893shapeshifting kike
insurance industry in america is the amongst the jewiest of all jewry
>>1666888gud digits
gud deed
>>1666893>brian thompsonborn benjamin tzabar glickmann
jewish or not dead CEOs is something to celebrate, especially dead american CEOs of giant insurance companies they're a huge part of why this cunt has gone to shit
>>1666893straight to hell
reserve my ticket
>>1666913not hard to figure out spro
in a city of millions the odds of him getting heemed in broad daylight outside the biggest hotel in the city when they could've robbed any poor schmuck in harlem are p much zero
someone wanted him btfo
>>1666913idk nigga
if you dont think being the head of one of hte largest insurance companies in the world might be a way to make a few enemies, idk what to tell you lil spigga but you might be ratarted
was anyone trying to buy a large stake in the company? maybe this guy had previously blocked some sort of hostile takeover?
most times those kinds of offers are made privately obv, to avoid having to overpay. but if you rly wanna know, and think thats what happened, thats where id start lookin. check SEC filings to see where his shares go to
tbph imo its just as likely he got NYCd by some fucking psycho crack addict. ppl get robbed, stabbed, shot a LOT. its prolly one of the more likely places you can get got in the US simply due to the large numbers involved
esp so if you look rly rly fucking rich and are walking out of one of the more expensive hotels in manhattan
>just before 7AM
thats not exactly what id call broad daylight in mid december in da sauna
its dawn at absolute best
>>1666926>was anyone trying to buy a large stake in the company? maybe this guy had previously blocked some sort of hostile takeover?nah, such shit happens only in movies. i bet he was a faggot and his faggot fuckbuddy got mad because he didn't want to leave his wife or something like that
>>1666929whaddya mean?
takeovers happen all the fucking time. an offer is made, then refused, then they go around buying up as much stock as they can to get it anyways
and its one of the largest insurance companies in the US
thats exactly the kinda shit that can happen with that much money on the table. as CEO, hes exactly the guy that would be able to block that. its literally his primary job is dealing with the companys stock
certainly a hell of a lot more likely than your asspull gay fapfic
is there any evidence whatsoever he had a faggot fuckbuddy?
you sound retarded m8
to be clear, i dont think he was assassinated at all
i think he got robbed and prolly put up a bit of a struggle, so the guy shot him in the leg and chest then took off.
if it was a hit, it was an extraordinarily sloppy one. he literally wasnt even dead when they found him, just unconscious on the ground. shot in two non-lethal spots.
id say assassination is about as likely as your brokeback mt theory
that is to say: its dont
>>1666929>hostile takeovers are only movie shit>shady shit surrounding said takeovers only happens in movies lel
>>1666938>tennesseefuckin carpetbaggers trying to drag their disgusting homo balls over yet another southern state
>>1666915>>1666923I was wondering were there any speculations as to whom it might have been? I get what you are saying.
>>1666953rest in piss faggot
death to america
>>1666953>hood + hat obscuring face>used a suppressed pistol>knew to manually cycle every round>so he had clearly practiced with it before and knew the shit wouldn't cycle itself>didn't try to take anything from the victim>calmly walks away>probably had a change of clothes in that backpack that was straight up a hit, this is the kind of shit you see cartels do to politicians they don't like
at least it looks like he has a hat under the hood maybe not tho
>>1666953lmao i was just about to post this
fucking shit looks like it came right out of a hitman game
like bruh
>rolls up>completely masked gunman>identifies target>immediately opens fire n his back>silenced weapon>calmly walks up to check he is dead>walks offbro was 100% paid to be there
Gotta DAMN Hunter Biden is cool as f
>>1666965dum bish runs away instead of sacrificing herself for a man
>>1666969this reminds me my brother was recently denied several of his claims after years of squabbling with his insurance company even though he's got a literal dictionary sized medical history signed off by multiple doctors that proves he's genuinely physically fucked up. idk why tf anyone bothers with paying for personal medical insurance, if you don't have healthcare through your job or some shit like VA healthcare it's better to just get treatment and then never pay the bill, you'll probably wind up paying less overall even if you got taken to court over it
>>1666966what'd he do this time?
>>1666971yeah but then you fuck your credit
good luck interesting with the mark of the beast FIAT banking system when you credit rating is below 400
>>1666972have a big hog
fuck high school girls
does meth and coke
>>1666975>pay insurance >doesn't cover what you pay for>can't work bc fucked up>can no longer pay insurance >all your bills begin to pile up>credit tanks anyway at least with the patch up and run option your body is in working condition
>>1666981>last vidWhy would airbud do that? I hope that poor guy has good insurance.
>>1666976im so jelly he got to fuck natalie tbh
>>1666979or better yet
put a bullet in your local CEO's back
you can do it
they love it
just think about it
>>1666942>>1666938So for the /sp/ros who don't care about the legal shit but want to understand, the tl;dr of the legal argument is that you can't deny medicine based on sex (so for instance if you could prove a medical necessity for a man to take estrogen, you can't deny him estrogen). Trannies went full throttle and are trying to get trannyism enshrined in law so they counted their eggs before they hatched.
Alito is basically saying "but if someone can desist then it's not a medically necessary procedure, it's cosmetic." Alito is also saying people with disabilities do not have unlimited protections under the law, so trannies can't either since people with schizophrenia can't.
Tranny (ftm) realizes halfway in to the 4 min Alito clip that she might have just gotten trannyism protections killed outright around 3:45.
I gotta say if scrotus somehow rules in favor of this trannyshit then someone needs to immediately sue to make steroids legal under the same ruling since I, as a man, can't go into a doctor's office and get prescribed testosterone/steroids without going through a whole weeks-long screening proving hormone levels and shit.
>>1666963Well I mean UnitedHealthcare primarily makes their money off of illegal immigrants by tricking states into giving noncitizens medicare/medicaid, so it makes sense that maybe some cartels would be mad at him for one reason or another.
>>1666993but then you can just say you are an FTM stuck in a mans body and you need T to kill off your feminine side and become the man the woman inside you wants you to be
>>1666975You know there are ways to prove asset ownership and purchase/rent a home without a credit score and you can't be denied for using those methods, correct? You have to wait two weeks for the bank to notary and send back the application saying you have the money/assets but you don't need a credit score. Most rich people don't have one in the first place.
I tried to explain spee lore to my girlfriend and she ignored me and told me to turn off the fan because it was making her throat sore
>>1666981It looked like he had his hand in his right hand in his pocket like he was grabbing something. Probably just grabbing his phone or public masturbation, but the pupper was probably trained to stop shoplifters and assume it was a knife/gun so it lunged.
>>1666991thanks for the rundown i can't stand the voices of anyone in that video. i got to "i'm not saying gender dysphoria is a disease" and had to close it
>>1666993jist stick around here i'm sure the high t beta chad gay fapfic writer will gladly share some of his test
>>1666929wouldn't be the first
>>1666953>>1666965>actually a hit<doesnt actually bother to fucking kill himim confus tho
is this lik the budget rack of hitmen?
the dude literally wasnt dead until they brought him to the hospital
thats kinda rolling the dice a little bit too hard for some super pro
maybe he was just nervous? first day on the job?
>>1666983hey i was just going off the article
normally you see a headshot in there somewhere if its actually some fucking pro
>seth rich>ppl testifying against clintons>endless mexican govt officials>etcNYC so prolly one of those venezuelan fags
they like to blackmail/entrap random illegals they brought over, so it could be one of them. just some kid being forced to do it. looks p young at least
lik the meme is "suicide by two gunshots to the back of the head"
and its p consistent
if your job is to kill, you wanna actually kill, not maybe hopefully kill
but two shots from a handgun in the leg and chest?
idk i guess i can see why youd wanna just fucking gtfo asap given all the cameras in NYC, but he literally walked up to him and didnt double-tap him which is totally confounding for some hardened pro
that last mexican gov that got posted a few months back here had fully auto
two bursts
they like to make absolutely fucking sure the jobs done
i bet were gonna see this A LOT over the next few yrs if blumpf goes full reverse-reconquisto on the spics
>>1667042ignore the hammers in gifs striker slides cycle the same as in know when ya rack a handpew? that happens with pressure from dab oolet explodey in milliseconds, cant stop fun with thumb
>bolt actionhadnt seen that, interdasting. gotta abso gunk up the guts but who cares http
vid does look lik heem snagging brass while racking lik a range fudd in a vietnam vet hat
>>1667048>45 aarp shaddup stick on a 9mmwhat dont i know here?
>>1667056idk man im just posting pics as they come in. idk autism guns it just looks like the vid
this is super fucking interesting
the cops
are saying they found 9mm casings
with fucking words printed on them, no less
>deny>depose>defendwhat the actual fuck?
>>1667056does this one look better?
its called a VP9 supposedly
this isnt THE gun btw, its just what ppl are saying the model might be
>>1667061angle doesn't look right, looks like it's pointing down the block instead of towards the street
>>1667064yah i think youre right
its pointed away from the foyer. the black windows on the left was where the chick was standing
theres a lotta cams tho. its midtown
>sports fans in charge of telling people how to do their job
>>1667067>catcher in the ryeunion square is quite a ways away from where he was
thats down quite a bit, then east
>>1667066chill FBIkun
im just scraping random shit so other ppl dont have to go to 4cucks pol to see the happs
uhhhhhhh >we need an welfare check from xots ASAP
reports are now coming in of a purple femboy wearing new york yankees attire who was seen in central park
witnesses describe xer as fleeing the scene on a shiba inu mount
3 shell casings were found at the scene
>>1667044was the coffee comped?
this rly does have that kinda vibe tho, doesnt it? completely bizarre crime
the writing on the casings sounds lik some batman shit lmao
>>1667036the vast majority of contract killings aren't some super well equipped genius master of stealth, most of the time it's "hey here's the fag i want ded" "lelk budy i'll do it for [x] rupees" and the target actually dying is a huge dice roll and the hitman usually gets caught anyway after the pigs go around investigating who might've wanted the target dead and the person who made the contract cracks under pressure because not that many people are capable of controlling their nerves in an interrogation room
>>1667075I'm sure there a many CEOs that can be connected to an event that influenced a trading decision. I guess >we will never know, what really happened.
>>1667045the gun can be disassembled wiped down thoroughly and tossed into different bodies of water or in multiple dumpsters, the clothes and backpack can easily be burned somewhere and the ashes scattered and whatever might be leftover (zippers, buttons, etc.) can simply be scattered in a river or whatever bc the average person has isn't gonna bat an eye at little pieces of trash and the pigs would have to get insanely lucky to come across things that small
>>1667075if politicians - who have to report their trades - pull off shit like this just imagine what spouses, relatives and close friends of these guys do…
>>1667058>>1667044>went to starcucks>had some cringe shit written on the casingsbudys what if this wasn't a hit and it was just some ongry hipster doing the right thing for once instead of attacking idiots in muhguh hats?
>>1667085it'd be a good alibi for a 15 billion dollar insider trade
>>1667058coining the phrase terrant runes
>>1667060its not a super sekrit pewpew. see how he interacts with the slide after every shot?
most handguns (non revolver) the slide cycles which ejects the casing on the way back, and chambers new round on way forward so heem operating manualur picrel is a welrod based model. actual bang could be VP9 tho
>>1667085yah idk its def weird af
also this
>>1667086 tho
>>1667071>deluxe edition CR™ mountrally kicking myself for not pre-ordering spartschang
>>1667058>Detectives believe the gunman is not a professional killer, sources said. Bullet casings found at the scene had the words "deny," "defend" and "depose" written on them, police sources said./sp/itizen uprising against globalhomo CEOs?
has imam duddeer commented yet?
>>1667044all an elaborate guerilla marketing campaign for starbucks
>>1667095freakin epic /sp/rank lois
>>1667094The 2nd amendment won't help when they live in Dunedin or Zurich or Singapore or some shit
best move would third change but inside a bathroom where there are no cameras
then GTFO the city asap
city has got too many cameras all over the fucking place
i hope this lad gets away with it
>>1667102tf does that matter? people can be killed anywhere in the world regardless of some stupid shit written on a burger napkin
>>1667104>>1667100well he's fucked now lmao. at least he hit a worthwhile target instead of shooting randos at a school or shopping center
>>1667104they got DNA out of the trash
its ogre
dont do starbucks kids
>>1667107yea honestly
first shooter i can think of to actually try to hit someone important
even ted didnt bother with that shit, he just got angery and went blasting random postal workers for lulz
>>1667108imagine having your life ruined bc you couldn't simply bypass having overpriced shitty coffee for a couple of hours
>>1667111id be really surprised if he thought he was gonna get away with it long term
>>1667042>h-he's using a slidelock switch!>a-and subsonic rounds!!!Holy fuck i hat /k/niggers so much its unreal it's always 24/7 downy autism spiraling with them. Maybe, just maybe this SHITman threw a heavy-ass homemade can on his poly-shit pistol that turned it into a single shot jack-off machine even with normal ammo
>>1667114yea idk i was just posting stuff tbh
it mustve been very fucking quiet tho
the chick in the vid seemingly didnt even notice the sound of the shot, even tho she was right next to him. it was the guy dropping
and prolly screaming that made her turn, see the shooter, then run
>>1667089>>1667100almost looks like a sheem
>>1667118its not
its just some kid
>some bitch calmly walking up and executing some high-profile CEO in the middle of the street in da sauna then calmly walking off and escaping successfully while under a nationwide manhuntnot a fucking chance
>>1667116It's possible he used subsonic 9s it's not like they are super hard to find, /k/ posts just make me irrationally angery. Going frame by frame makes it look like she heard the shot first to me, you can see her pull her arms up and start turning before realizing whats going on.
>>1667121lel i bet if i knew anything about guns id prolly be pissed too
>you can see her pull her arms up and start turning before realizing whats going onits hard to tell tbh. its very quick
at any rate it was quiet enough to not be picked up by NYCs shot sensors, so it had to be quiet
>>1667114i get what you mean you can't ask any simple question around a cuc/k/ and not get a whole shitload of masturbatory noise thrown into the mix. "aw dood this guy is a special operator bc his gun had to be manually cycled like oscar mike golf dood he blocked that shit with his tango hotel uniform mike bravo!!!!!". a lot of times they're condescending af about it too, full on reddit tier faggots
>>1667122>>1667116a suppressed gunshot can sound like someone hitting something with a hammer several yards away, it probably dampens the noise enough that the sensors won't pick it up and also won't immediately cause alarm from anyone who happens to be nearby until they turn and see you've got a gun
>>1667122>>1667125I'd be interested to know how much faith pigs actually put into those sensor reports and how quick they respond. There's a whole website shitting on them:
>>1667108kinda crazy
because this seems like something that was definitely planned out with a getaway plan in mind
but then you fumble at the endzone because you needed coffee from starbucks
like buddy, make you own fucking coffee that day
like woah, go home, new clothes, shave hair then go get your fucking coffee bozo
i have a feeling guy is probably a leftoid but either way, killing ceos is pretty fucking based
spartman going ape on the insurancekiller and it's possibly the least interesting bit of news in weeks for me
>>1667133ok tuff guy
post some fuckin news then
assads been getting heemed. i saw they got his bikini pics from raiding one of his palaces
i think its notable for several reasons
>not faggot left/right brainwash motive for once>actually killed someone of importance>not just randomly lighting up a bunch of unrelated ppl at a mall>unironically got away with murdering a dude in the middle of manhattan>cool lookin gun>wrote his manifesto in three words on the shell casings, no tl;dr schizo shit for once>fuck insurance companies No.1667136
>>1667133its the most based thing to happened in long time outside of drumpf surviving assassination and winning the presidency of course
we need a LOT more stories like this
>Due to the ongoing Canada Post strike, USPS has suspended all postal exports to Canada.
leafs on strike?
>>1667139imagine working at a post office
now imagine working at a canadian post office
>>1667135Assad's wife is pretty hot
>>1667129he goes to starbux at the very least he is a flaming cocksucker
>>1667135>assads been getting heemedlike actual noteworthy heemed or heemed in the same sense as what happens in ukraine where one side takes a few things without much of a plan to hold it then fucks off after wasting a bunch of time and manpower?
>>1667135I didn't mean it like don't post about it, just chuckling about it was all m8
>>1667140just imagine being canadian
i see horror stories every other day out of that hell hole
i just saw one recently about maid
some guy got admitted into a hospital for some minor leg injury that would left him bed ridden for a period of time
but he was left in a bed unattended for too long and developed bed sores that then turned into a bone infection
smash cut to them saying they cant treat the bone infection and he just going to either a) suffer and die slow or b) choose MAID and die painlessly
however much you might hate justo, you dont hate him a enough
justo is going straight to gay nigger hell when he dies down to the most fiery COAL imaginable
>>1667158that's sad, when I heard about it apparently he was in a gurney in a hallway for a week.
>>1667150its the worst its been in prolly 10yrs
moderate rebels™
read: turks and their salafist dogs have aleppo and all surrounding areas. but just recently theyve managed to capture hama and pushed a ways south. if they can capture homs theyll have basically cut off NW syria entirely, and more important, all of syrias access to the med.
meanwhile ruskies are busy in holholistan, hezzbollah is under a ceasefire w israel, irans scared of what dup might do once he gets in so are doing nothing, and most of the SAA isnt even mobilized. so the turks are running wild over lik 1/3rd of the cunt rn
its basically 2014 all over again, but prolly worse cuz no ruskies coming anytime soon, and almost no SAA to even fight back
just goes to show the ol saying rings true: never trust a turk
assad actually kept up his end of the bargain in demobilizing SAA to try and end/de-escalate the war a couple yrs ago, and turks took advantage of it like the backstabbing goatfuckers they are
>>1667161Europe's insatiable thirst for refugees must be quenched
>>1667164forever war means war forever
even if it means decade old re-runs of the same shitty show
>>1667161>>1667163turkiye strong
syria rightful ottoman clay
>>1667161you'd think assad of all people would know not to negotiate with roaches. hope this doesn't end him tbh
you gotta love how they just give all these things new acronyms/names every couple yrs to fucking re-brand and try to sell it as a legitimate opposition party, and not what it actually is: al qaeda offshoots backed by US, turks, and random assorted salafists imported from around the world
the new big one is HTS, which is quite literally just al-nusra again. same exact dudes, same lunatic takfiri attitude, and for the most part, literally not even syrian whatsoever
always blew my mind how they were ever able to market this shit as a civil war in the first place
remember our boys on the Malabar front
>>1667169>you'd think assad of all people would know not to negotiate with roachesiirc, he kinda didnt
him and the ruskies
and later the kurds, who ended up basically working alongside SAA during dup to btfo ISIS backed them into idlib. the ruskies decided they wanted to gtfo sooner than later, so they were the ones that arranged the agreement. part of that agreement was that SAA de-mobilize significantly. assad kept his word.
it seems silly in retrospect, given how things are going rn, but they had pushed them out of the cunt p much entirely
sans idlib, the """rebels""" funding had been cut completely by dup, and they were even on decent enough terms w the kurds. so by all real metrics the war
was over
cant have that tho
obongo/bidup and his crew are such malevolent fucking cocksuckers, its actually insane. theyre literally just neocons with rainbow flags and dildos, arguably even worse. at least w bush you could kinda see where it was in american interest, at least insofar as maintaining kissinger-era global domination for US.
these guys dont even have that tho. its literally just them selling us out and making life a living hell for half the world, while simultaneously turning the US into a turdworld for faggots.
were a less than a month out from their entire party becoming functionally irrelevant for the foreseeable future and theyre just throwing a tantrum and flipping all the tables on the way out
>>1667177>arguably even worseit's not even a contest imo, i'd much rather have 20 years of bush era shit than a single year of what came during and after king nigger
>>1667181i mean lik the war stuff tbh
bush was obv more forward about that
you think about playing that game now, russia would be on top of us in ans seconds and itd be WWIII tomorrow
even the neocons realized that. hence their 12 step plan to turn iran into a parking lot that they brainstormed the day after 911
i hate those guys so much too. its just different. im glad most of them are all dead
the bush bloodline was literal comicbook villains that ran the cunt for lik a century
to see it all come down to jeb is just the gayest greek pottery anyone couldve asked for
chefs kiss
>>1667161If he can survive until orange man is in the rebels will get defunded, so he might not need Russkie help he just needs to survive the next 6 months.
>>1667187he's getting pounded hard rn, he might not make it
peaceful moderate rebels got a huge chunk of the cunt in only a couple weeks, even if it's mostly desert
>>1667189dont think iran would let it happen
even if assad loses they'll just take the cunt and maybe set him
or a surviving family member up anyway as a satellite state
this whole thing is so gay– they really do need to take all these polidicians and line em up against a wall somewhere
>>1667195ya plus dups on a warpath with full man date, and yuge shoulder chip for his last term (knowin full well shit needs to rubicon) so idgi why are they playing so hard in the lion's catbox?
>>1667042>all the other anons in that thread are saying blocking the slide with your thumb would rip the shit out of his thumbthats because they're no fun no training faggots
you can, in fact, very easily hold a slide closed, and no it wont rip the shit out of your thumb.
i've done it during training as part of a section on contact shots. its easier with striker fired guns, because you can just slap your thumb on the back of the slide, but with a hammer fired gun you can literally just clamp the slide with fingers and it doesn't budge.
anwyay its a lot more likely that the other anon said, he has a heavy can on that malfed his gun.
>>1667197heem won't do shit
>>1667187thats a p big if
he also needs to somehow asspull a giant army while his cunt is being split in half by turks. and unlike ISIS, these guys arent entirely dependent on US funding anymore. its more a turk thang now. theyve been sitting up there in idlib for lik 5yrs plotting this shit, so im sure they got a plan on how to keep it funded and not puss out like ISIS
dont get me wrong, dup getting in DOES change the geopolitical weather pattern substantially, but at this point its kinda unclear whether that be a positive or negative for syria.
the real question, and what the entire mideast might ride on, is whether dup and bibi go back to being golf buddies, or if theyre still beefing. last i saw he was still raly mad at him, but who knows? heem kinda fickle
thats why irans just sitting there not helping and not sending anything. theyre terrified of dup himself, but also of the possibility of putting their own ass out, only for dup to come in, form a coalition w israel, and fuck it raw. they know its the bait, and theyre scared of biting it until they get a clearer picture of where dupmurrica stands w israel
and thats EXACTLY why the turks took the opportunity once the ceasefire happened and they saw dup was gonna win. rn, syria has no allies and no army. in a month, things will either be slightly better, or much MUCH worse
>>1667224need more context spro
sheem right about retarded spending though
>>1667200>you can very easily hold a slide closedthis is like finding out santa doesn't real
>>1667262idk if thats new or not. i dont think it is cuz i remember hearing about her insanely shit leases she signed lik a year an a half ago
but look up "the dictator of dolton", im sure someones got a video on it
its a suburb on south side of shitcago and the bitch with the wig and the fluorescent jacket is prolly the most tyrannical you could possibly get from such a small amount of power. shes just mayor. its not even that big of a town. she racked up lik several mill in debt and just been running wild for several yrs
>>1667265oh yeah i remember hearing about her, sheem actually a psycho
hello fellow sportmans
anyone have any good stories on killing globalhomoist insurance company CEOs recently?
>nH Predict is a computer program developed by naviHealth that implements an algorithm that has allegedly been used by health insurance companies including United Healthcare and Humana to automatically deny coverage to patients. It is reported to work by cross-correlating patient health records with those of other patients. The software allegedly has a 90% error rate.
>It is estimated that such software automates away 50–75% of human labor that would be involved in such tasks.
>A class action was filed in 2023 against UnitedHealth Group regarding this software. UnitedHeath Group have stated that the lawsuit is unjustified.
total ceo death
bereli dot com has 1k 9mm for 240 free shipping rn budys
>>1667269shes got a couple positions in addition to mayor tho
or she did. idk i didnt keep up w it
she appointed herself a bunch of positions then hired all her cousins and had goons goin around "enforcing" and intimidating ppl that fucked w her
idk it was p wacky. its lik slightly too large to be considered a village and bitch thought sheem was mao.
towns fucked regardless. theres no way theyre ever gonna be able to dig themselves out of that financial hole she dug
its hunting season on CEOs
>>1667308FBIkun chill
spartschan is a board of peace™
blackrock ceo address
sorry thought this was the google
>>1667301thats not even a good price bro you can get half that, i even somewhat recently bought several thousand 9mm at 12c a round
>>1667320WHERE?9mm is on average like 36 cents a round from what i was seeing
>>1667322ah, sorry im a bit outdated. last time i bought in bulk was in feb during a very brief legal reprieve
but i bet i could get it down to 20c a round by buying steel cased and enough quantity to be 1000$ plus
>>1667322>>1667301like just as an example of why i think i could find cheaper is this quick search in my emails junk folder:
which is your price and free ship, so i dont see any reason i couldn't beat that if i could find steel case, and 115 grain bullets.
i'll try and find something for you guys but im in mexico right now and apparently their ISPs block a lot of American ammunition websites??
ok actually that didn't take long.
here you guys go.
i've bought bulk from these guys in the past No.1667332
more of an energy weapons guy myself tbh
microfusion cells are just way easier to find
ya know?
>>1667332phased plasma rifle in the 40-watt range?
>>1667333banned in california. sorry bud
>>1667334tri-beam laser rifle
van graffs usually have the upgrades too
stupid powerful
ok i found you cheaper ammo.
i'll be waiting for my reward at the quintana roo beach public restroom
3rd stall, tap 3 times
keep thinking about how rarted >we'll look if dup cucks out again
fool me once and all that
>>1667360man will you stfu with this "oh no wut if >we dum?" shit every conversation about dup here boils down to "it'd b cool if he did but he prolly won't". no one's dumb enough to expect anything from politicians it's just entertaining to speculate
>>1667363i made one post about this why you so mad
>>1667364being mad on /sp/uh is a human right.
Tiktok is banned, how will I goon to Wadina and her new fad "dances" now ???
>>1667367human rights are a social construct
>>1667368oh no not my chinese spyware app used to brainwash zoomers, where will they get their brainrot content now without the help of the chinese government
>>1667360It's not going to be perfect, and people will insist he cucked out because he didn't do 100% of what he promised.
Honestly if he keeps the cunt gud for 36 months so I can pay off the shit I owe and learn Spanish/Japanese then I don't give a shit it was good enough to expat myself when the time comes. If he starts killing cartelniggers I might even sign up for the military to go join in on the fun.
>>1667368>Shittok gets banned>Spro can't watch his underageb& doing lewd things no more>Replaced by Jewtube shorts or some other nonsense within a few monthsMight as well complain about how Pornhub is in the process of getting sued to oblivion for cheese pizza.
>>1667389>1Yeah turns out paying scientists €70,000/year to lie to boost stats only gets you so far. Those scientists better watch out in some cunts that shit is illegal.
>3They deserve it, if the Chinks don't wanna respecc the US Navy they can patrol their own vessels
Reed O'Connor just overturned the feds' plea deal with Boeing citing that it was a slap on the wrist to let them get away with it.
Chelsea Manning in jail again, this time for being a tranny.
Health insurance companies are removing their CEOs from the company websites because of the shooting.
Schizo shot up a Christian elementary school in Commiefornia.
Trudeau discussing another round of gun grabs where he plans to give the guns to Jewkraine.
>>1667364because you're not the only faggot to roll through with that stupid "g-g-guys wut if a fing """>we""" said was a … WRONG?" shit, wrong stuff and also i was mad when i made the post. no i'm not sorry
>>1667393did turdeau even get that many guns in the last grab? i heard almost no one turned shit in
>>1667389tfw no cute somali pirate gf
>>1667395lel lik itd be a let down, sure
but so long as its not AS BAD, i can make that work
ppl should never expect a politician to fix THEIR shit anyways, ya know?
>>1667395it's ok kitten i forgive you
>>1667481how can i be forgiven when nothing wrong was done?
>>1667490it's the owner (?) of the tranny ranch that
>>1667385 posted about. it's also fuckin wild that all you have to do to get away with pointing loaded firearms at your neighbors is pretend you're the opposite sex and claim it was self-defense from persecution, fuck colorado.
can we just teleport to drumpfler getting sworn in already ?
i want to see him to the martial law, project 2025 thang
>>1667483>Disabled trans lives matterSo, trannies fucking over other trannies?
the waitress at denny's microwaved my pancakes then lied about it right to my face
>>1667517and you ate them anyways didn't you? little bitch ate his microwaved pancakes??
>>1667483woah its almost like faggots are mentally ill or something
>>1667483how the fuck do people get so much fucking trash
like jesus i'll never understand
>>1667505pretty sure it was these fine ladies, who have a few images that have gotten memed all over the chans
theres one with all of them in a truck (SUV?) with guns and i know that faggot has his goyslop starwars hat on
Assad must go
Syria better be owned by ISIS now
>>1667533>how do people get so much trashtrannies are consumers down to each individual cell in their twisted bodies, they not only buy stupid children's toys and baubles to quickly get bored with and toss aside they
have to buy as much girly beauty product shit as possible, and then if they're actually castrated they have to buy a shitload of medical products to keep their gore-ginas from closing up and/or causing them to die of sepsis, then there's all the food needed to fuel a grown man. take all that and simply multiply it by two and within a month you've already got a landfill's worth of trash piling up since they're too fucking lazy to properly dispose of it. there were more than 2 trannies roaming in and out of that ranch so each one just adds an order of magnitude to it all
tl;dr trannies are ultra-consumerist demons
>>1667547so what the fuck happened to all the guys that were demobilized? i know you can't really magic them back into position overnight but shouldn't there have been a little more resistance than this? tbh i forgot syria was even in a civil war for a little while and stopped paying attention for like two years
>>1667549*re-heated al-nusra
so more lik al-qaeda
on methyou remember them. theyre the guys whod lik eat peoples hearts and shit and burn women alive. and shia. and alawi obv. and p much everyone else who isnt sunni. so lik half the cunt
dont wanna be downwind of
that No.1667572
oh geeze
however did all that holholian relief end up in the levant?
guess >well never know
>>1667558i know that one guy here gets raly salty cuz he does the zoomer thumbnail shit but this frog does gud shit
his talk about """theoretical""" treason and bribery and sleeper cells is almost certainly what happened
youd think the muzzies of all ppl would understand the game by now. how old is taqiyya in islamic history at this point? lik a fucking thousand yrs old by now?
>oh yah im shia now guise>wink wink>btw you guys should send all your best troops down south>why?>uhhhhhhhh gud faith? No.1667579
this is setting up for a turkish kebab flavored arab spring.
full control of all of syrias borders gives them direct line to flood the remaining mideast opposition states. all of which are in dire straights already.
lebanon or iraq is prolly next, then the crown jewel itself. its all comin together.
middle east finna be 100% NATO airspace i always forget turks are a NATO cunt lol
>>1667584creating kurdistan would be cool and one of the steps to bring peace to the region
so now syria becomes an islamist destabilized shithole just like israel wanted
thank you nightmare world
how soon till they start marching across norther syria ??
>>1667601>israeli know kikes are the biggest ebil and all that shit but this was full on t*rkroach treachery, piss hell isn't in any position to be pulling off this kind of shit rn and mossad might be great at shitting things up but they're not
that good
>>1667604syria is included in their greater israel claim
if im not mistaken, I think they want to go all way up to Damascus
>>1667605a lot of shit can be included in claims actually pulling it off is another story. they claimed they were gonna take lebanon and look how that turned out, and unlike amerigay the t*rks aren't some super jewish puppet state that will just hand everything to the kikes
also supposedly putin has already reached out to the rebels so if anything this reeks of a coordinated t*rk/vodka coup against assad if that turns out to be true
>>1667601yes habibi this is a great win for the sportschan caliphate
>spoileroh theyre killing kurds rnlik as >we speakdont you worry kitten>>1667604false
they are taking parts of golan rn
>>1667612hes trying to get his dudes out rn
you cant see it on the map cuz its literally one airport, but theres one ruskie base thats red and thats it
theyre trapped
>>1667614reaching out as in supporting them not begging for his guys
cuz he knows he needs to kiss ass or all his dudes are fucking dead
hes a bit of a megalomaniacal cunt, sure, but hes not shillary, and this aint libya
alright yah fuck it joos won and there's absolutely nothing else going on it's just joos and their geniusness and not simply them taking advantage of turkish and slavic treachery. joos are the only ones capable of betrayal n shiet
i mean think about it, instead of building up his military strength assas went and fucked it all because he was afraid of getting couped by competent military officials and was leaning on russia for support the whole time. meanwhile russia is in the middle of a shitstorm on its borders and can't afford to prop up some sandnigger, so why wouldn't he tell him to fuck off
>>1667618who said any of that?
this is primarily turks. go read the thread
or go look at any of the stuff coming out rn where theyre hanging turk flags. or driving turk tanks
>>1667619he never really had a chance man
sunnis were always the majority, and it was always only a matter of time before that tribalism came home to roost. islam is, itself, an IED disguised as a religion
taqiyya is islamic military tact 101 since the 11th century, and dude had half his military outright supporting his enemies, and the other half were running smalltime rackets on local businesses to supplement their $30/mo SAA salary. the rest were conscripts. and the vatniks were gone
and its not lik he couldve rly done anything
he was being sanctioned to fuck, had to take russias negotiation terms, and had no chance of anyone coming to bail him out this time
the option was to flee
at least he still has a head. hes a lucky guy, given how these things usually go
>>1667621yeah i guess it beats bayonet up the ass. speaking of, remember that arab league summit way back where gaddafi warned everyone about literally all of this happening, only to have everyone present laugh at him including a cut to assad having a giggle? i wonder how often he recalls that meeting
>>1667630im sure hell think of it every day for the rest of his life, however long that may be.
theres absolutely zero fucking news on him rn, so chances are high hes actually safe and got out
you just KNOW theyd have his severed head on CNN rn if he was actually kil
>After the fall of Damascus, Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu said that since the Syrian Arab Army abandoned its position, the 1974 border agreement with Syria collapsed and to prevent any possible threat, he ordered the IDF to temporarily take over the Purple Line, which the IDF had withdrawn from in 1974, until an agreement is reached with the new government in Syria.
joos moving in
so was assad just eating glue the last four years or so
lik how did it fall this fukn quick, not even afghanistan fell that fast
and why did turks wait so long to invade if russia wasn't committing anything for so long
>>1667637honestly that zoomer recap that other guy posted earlier ITT has a decent explanation on some of the various theories
realistically it was prolly all of the above
but moreover secularism just cannot work when you have a subhuman sunni majority population. esp not when your cunt is broke af and sanctioned by everywhere
>and why did turks wait so longthey didnt
they invaded lik a day or so after the ceasefire was called
>>1667636and theyre gaining ground fast
jewlani suddenly realizing he wasnt on the team he thought he was
poor fucker forgot turkey was a NATO cunt too
happens to the best of us lel
gnarly lookin vids coming out of the political prisons rn the proxy for twitter now that nitter is kil?
>>1667631supposedly he fucked off before the rebels even got to damascus. also what's this i've been hearing about there being less than 20k rebels partaking in the events of the past week? with numbers of troops it's hard to tell when fags are just outright lying or if they're telling the truth but that seems like a very small number regardless. either way the whole population must hate him a lot for shit to go south this quickly, it's as if everyone just stepped aside and beckoned the rebels to charge towards damascus and then went about their days. idk it's just hard to wrap my head around a major player over the past 15 some years becoming a non-entity like this pretty much overnight
>>1667635yes, look at him scoffing like that. then less than 5 years later libya is utterly destroyed and his own cunt is being flipped upside down and every one of his neighbors is involved to some extent
>>1667641nitter.poast still works (usually)
>>1667642i heard 30k
but they also had a lot of defectors
still just pathetic showing on both sides
just much much more pathetic on the SAA side
perfect for IDF to just roll in tho
and im sure theres a fair bit of arab spring tier "oh hey im on my phone and everyones cheering in the streets guise wars over" shenanegans going on rn, but fact of the matter is assad GHOSTed his cunt and the war is over
>> got it
wonder what the schizopost on the wall says?
hamasbros how did we not see this coming
if you listen closely you can hear /k/tards screeching
>>1667647>>1667647its wild out there rn spruh
you got ayyyrabs seeing the golan get IDFd RAW and suddenly realizing
>wait maybe we ARE 80IQ goatfuckers?then you got ruskies realizing theyre about to be buckbroken by cheetoh hitler and a jewish comedian
innumerable poltards lamenting years lost shitposting in vain
wild stuff
honestly tho at least sumthin is happening
good on hamas for kicking the beehive and letting all this shit that's been brewing the past 20+ years run free
2020s already way spicier than the 2010s
>>1667650>cheetoh hitler and a jewish comedianlatter isn't gonna be a player after jan 20, heem gonna get relegated to the back of the international relations bus
he's prolly still seething about israel stealing his victim card
altho i think theyll come to regret it once all the dust settles and lebanon is now encircled by the great satan
>>1667652hell be at the table tho
even if its for one last photo op
all i know is this dance battle boutta get fuckin crayyyyyyyyyyy af
were talkin color revolutions for erryone
so what's the final headcount on leaders who said "assad must go" but got btfo before he did
>>1667656oh man scroll up
this has been the craziest shit ive ever seen in my entire time watching geopolitics
the SAA fled and/or defected at every point of resistance, and assad is in russia rn talking about leaving politics forever to open an ophthalmology clinic
it is fucking
OGRE in the most literal sense
also israel is invading the golan cuz no shit they are
and the turks/HTS are suddenly realizing they cant do fuckall about it
hilarious stuff
gud day to not be an ayyyrab
poor dumb fucking clowns
>>1667653>and lebanon is now encircled by the great satanthat's hezbollah not hamas, and piss hell has already been trying and failing miserably to invade for months now. outside of landgrabs in syria i don't think the kikes will be doing any direct fighting after they royally embarrassed themselves over the past year. unless burgers provide a shitton of boots on the ground and directly help out with their invasion the jews would just continue to get slapped around if they tried some shit, the middle east is just as precarious for yids as it is for anyone else rn
>>1667662im aware whos who
im talking about what im seeing rn which is israel bombing every single bit of AA and munitions in southern syria and moving troops into the golan unopposed while al-julani screeches impotently
this has been a crazy day and it aint over yet
the jews opposition rn is no longer a nation as of very early this morning. its now some turks, some alqaeda rejects, and random salafists from lik chechnya and shit lik that. and there isnt a govt yet. theres about lets say 50k to MAYBE 100k
bein VERY generous dudes on the terrorbros side ready to fight, and theyre busy trying to lock down the ALL of syria that they just took over today.
meanwhile jews doin jew thangs
>>1667664jews could prolly steamroll all the way to damuscus with no resistance, depending on how spread thin their (((defense))) forces are between gaza and lebanon
>>1667669>jewmascasi believe thats where this is headed, yes
as for troops, they got a ceasefire and it was weeks ago. im 1000% certain they knew what was gonna happen here and had stuff ready
sure got enough fucking BOMBS. all of southern syria is totally castrated rn. joulani couldnt fight back even if he wanted to
>>1667670itd be a totally diff place thats for sure
hes a treacherous rat to be sure, but hes a decent player all things considered
hes basically what putin thinks he is
and the yims are eternal
bashar basically got the happy ending
he was always the reluctant dictator anyways. and now he gets to go back to being an eye surgeon in russia. compared to every single baathist leader ever, thats not so bad rly
now his
that remains to be seen what ending theyre getting
knowing how al-nusra was, im expecting a LOT of infighting and coptics and shiites and alawites being BBQd alive
but hey
cant win em all
>>1667661>and assad is in russia rn talking about leaving politics forever to open an ophthalmology clinicI mean to be fair he never wanted the power in the first place, his dad made him take on the responsibility so now that he knows that the people don't want him, why would he return to power? Assad was one of the last great nobles of our generation who was there because he had to be, not because he wanted to be. It's sad.
>>1667669>>1667673i could see an attempt being made but what about their floundering after the hamas rave makes it seem so certain?
>>1667682Hummus and Hezbollah are organized militaries at the end of the day even if they are shit ones. These rebels in Syria are basically Taliban-tier but without the 20 years of breakaway from the CIA supplying them with weapons.
America wants a strong Turkey as a counterbalance to Iran and now Saudi Arabia with the fall of the Saudi petrodollar. They're gonna cut off the Syrian rebels entirely if it allows Yidsrael to gain some ground and make life hell for the Turks to keep them in check too.
>>1667680well that, and hes also prolly on the hook for a whole fucking host of human rights violations
reluctant or not, he still
was dictator man. and dictating a cunt, esp a shithole mud cunt, means lotsa political prisoners
longass video, and mostly fucking ayyrabs trying to tard strength through a steel door and screaming. but from the glimpses you get to see of this place, NOT a place you wanna end up for any amount of time. and there was dudes in there since assads dads era. 40 fucking yrs in the hole. occasionally a brief respite from your overcrowded cell to be taken out and tortured. christ
now i lik talkin shit
can you imagine talkin shit, then you end up in the forever box? forever? no trial?
dictators are scary shit man idgaf what anyone says. it aint worth it. nothins worth that
>>1667682you dont get it
there IS no opposition
there IS no SAA
there IS no syria
all southern syrian AA has been destroyed
vidrel: its damascus. as has most of the weapons. the rebels are running on stuff turks gave them, and what theyve managed to recover from SAA the past few days
but they need to fucking govern the cunt they just took over. nvm the geopolitical ramifications of turkish forces btfoing israel directly. wont happen.
theyre gonna lose the golan, and theyre gonna have to like it. whether it goes up to damascus or not remains to be seen, but the fact is theres not much stopping them rn if they want it
funny how these mostly peaceful rebels took over right before grumple trumpskin took over.
>>1667693yea its prolly cuz of racism and misogyny
christ i hate israel so much
File: 1733695022770.jpg (122.99 KB, 1079x619, 1079:619, I love that erdogan loves ….jpg)

kurdicide now
>>1667725zelensky with a bigger beard
>>1667725well they havent burned alive everyone whos not them
yetso thats
nice No.1667741
guys got quite a rap sheet tho
would be a shame if everyone learned about all that, wouldnt it?
the time is ripe too. lefties all hate israel now. more so than most poltards even at this point. i know the syrian civil war opened many eyes last time. with all these literal barbarians vying for the throne, its certainly not over. only one can win in """democracy""" after all
>>1667741>it's not overlel ofc not, and yurup is gonna get yet another wave of rapers flooding their way in the process. i need to visit germany again before it's totally trashed
>>1667725okay grandpa get with the times
we support erdogan now
>>1667745>supporting a turkroachNEVER
turkey should be launched into the sun
>>1667725this bro is a bro
hates america just like the 19 bros in 2001 and them japos in 1941
happy 83rd birthday pearl harbor btfo
>>1667750its TURKIYE not that stupid burd
are ya winning son?
>>1667757give it 20 years for the young people who hat joos to get into office, they've succesfully shown an entire generation who they really are regardless of where they lie on the political autism spectrum
>>1667761your overconfidence is showing
one capeshit-tier big budget holocaust movie and its all gone
make it in a modern setting with a schlocky homoerotic love story that rips off the titanic, but its about jews getting rounded up and being gassed in NYC by a real-estate mogul
huge hit at the box office
a bunch of ppl are too dumb to actually comprehend the issue at all and think its a left/right thang, so they heckin luuuuvvvv israel now to btfo the woketards who are making ugly transexual DEI characters in their videogames or whatever
so its actually gonna be fucked and totally the other way in lik 2yrs tops, once the memecycle expires on it as a valid world issue to pretend to care about
so checkmate atheists
>>1667764>one capeshit-tier big budget holocaust movie and its all goneyou took this shit right out of 4gag didntcha?
>>1667764they make at least a dozen of those movies a year and they perform worse every time, their kvetch kard cannot be renewed anymore
>>1667764Spro movies are dead. The internet killed them.
>Israel's Netanyahu declares end of Syria border agreement, orders military to seize buffer zone
>Netanyahu announces the collapse of the 1974 border agreement with Syria and orders the army to seize the Golan Heights buffer zone.
aaaaand it begins
>>1667787There was never a doubt in my mind. Kikes gotta grab as much land as they can since their golem has maybe a decade left before it turns on them
>>1667787>Israel's Netanyahu declares end of Syria border agreementlel i mean hes not
wrong per say
its technically a diff cunt now, and there hasnt been any negotiations w jewlani yet. classic bibi
i wonder how that guy
jewlani copes?
hes actually a real jihadi. its not a front. hes been doin this shit his entire life and prolly lik half of his childhood. he def believes wholeheartedly that its his mission from god to kill/convert all non-sunni and re-establish the caliphate.
but at the same time hes also high up enough in that shit to have seen and understood very clearly who exactly the hand that feeds is. undoubtedly thats why hes been dealing w turks far more this time, to try and come out from under US/israeli control and actually make something of this attempt. but being leashed to turks instead hardly fucking helps. erdogans not gonna let him btfo his trump card
rather, NATO card by letting his rabid dogs attack other NATO states at will. turkeys NATO memebership is far too valuable, esp so rn. its basically the whole reason any of this has ever even been allowed
so now hes just totally boxed in
he cannot attack encroaching IDF, who are taking the golan, and the kurds have the north. and while theyre kurds and have very little, if any, real support rn they are still technically under USs watch. and they clearly dont intend to go quietly. bidup said "no touchy" yesterday, and its a total tossup if dup will continue that or not
my guess is no, but its still a risky gambleevery non-action makes him appear pissweak and ineffectual, and any action jeopardizes literally everything. nvm theyre running mostly on salvaged arms from the SAA. IDF fucking annihilated every bit of AA and munitions they could find yesterday and the entire south is left p much defenseless. and its not lik he has a real army himself. he had 30k, and now thats + whoever defected. a lot of them are imported foreigners and the rest are just civvies and reluctant SAA conscripts who were tired of alawite rule. if he moves troops south not only will they be ripped to shreds by IDF, but then the rest of the cunt is free-for-all for whichever jihadi group decides to stay behind
once the honeymoon phase is over, whats there to even do? govern? as if this guy has any interest or acumen in that. hes a jihadi jarhead, paralyzed by PR of all things
i give it lik a month or so before he just snaps and goes back to his old habits of burning ppl alive out of pure frustration
those bunkers/tunnels are cool af tho
i saw one where it had a little kitchen and a nice living room with fancy leather chairs and shit. seemed cozy af
>>1667794found the rest of it
looks so cool
>>1667800for ref
thatd be this part here in pic
>>1667100why did dots do it?
>>1667809>no glow>no nigger>no nazi>no national socialist>no syria>no reich>no russia>no putinholy lel glows can't even D&C right
damn mcdonalds snitches, should have gone to wendys
>>1667809>2012So, what is the updated one?
Can someone give me the summary of what happened with israel into syria starting with their advance into lebanon? and how that lead to assad fucking off to russia?
Preferably in bullet points?
>>1667816because nobody did that.
>>1667815>piss hell was already engaged with hezbros and shit isn't going great for them (basically a repeat of the last time)>dup gets elected and all the "bad" sandniggers suddenly start getting scurred>shit between piss hell and hezbros sort of plateaus enough for kikes to have some breathing room>syrian civil war had been relatively calm for awhile up to this point because of some deal with the roaches or some shit (i forget specifics here>syrian forces were p much entirely demobilized and assad had spent the time afterward pissing everyone off>t*rks do t*rk shit and take advantage of "bad" sandnigger cowering and send a bunch of rebel "good" sandniggers tearing across like 2/3 of syria p much overnight>face little to no resistance bc everyone hates assad and also the fuckin military wasnt mobilized >yids being yids they take advantage of the chaos and use legal gymnastics justify a landgrab in syrian bordersbasically dup indirectly fucked assad and syria by being elected and leading to t*rks and their militants going cray since they knew jack shit would be done to try and stop them before february
>>1667815>ruskies been scaling out of syria for a while now (obv)>israel and leb call ceasefire>hezzbollah cant shoot IDF>all of assads frens are out of the picture now>turks/alqaeda rejects learn of ceasefire>turks invade>SAA bailing and/or defecting en masse>turks roll thru entire cunt in under 2 wks, almost unopposed>seize all ammo and tanks and shieet they can>assad says nothing and leaves cunt>syrian govt collapses>IDF takes the moment to destroy all weapons and AA in south syria>turks busy trying to manage the cunt they just accidentallyed>cant do anything as IDF destroys their only real way of stopping jews from running wild>jews run wildyou are here
>>1667821so basically turks and alqueda attacking syria empowered jews, which will negatively affect turks and alqueda.
sounds like some CIA shit.
>>1667818did they actually get him, or just his name?
i only heard the latter
heem fuckt either way i guess tho
>>1667823Doesn't look like the guy.
>>1667822yea theyre being very useful idiots
nothin new there tho
on the bright side erdawg gets to LARP as a neo-ottoman emperor
and hes killing kurds rn. hes prolly having a blast
>>1667824youre prolly just autistic
it looks just fucking lik him
esp the eyebrows and the smile
>>1667818>that lower back surgerystarting to see why heem did it, looks extremely painful
dude better be in subsaharan africa by now or he's completely fucked
but considering how long it took them to find just his name even with a pretty clear photo of him should be pretty empowering to any other schizo who thinks the ceo of publix is injecting estrogren into his balls while he sleeps
>>1667819dup being elected did scare iran, but i think youre overstating his influence massively
it was the ceasefire that created the opening
its what ensured no help could come to assad, and the turks began their assault lik literal hrs after it was called
also iran did apparently offer support to assad shortly after the attack began but assad didnt answer
its very likely imo that he had already left the cunt several wks prior
>>1667826they look similar. but theyre not the same person.
>>1667830well theyve had his DNA for lik a wk and are actually releasing a name which means youre prolly fucking wrong soooo
>>1667831what did they get his dna from?
>>1667832from his trash on day 1
they had him eating a power bar on cam in goybucks
they prolly had his name the whole time
theyre releasing it now which means hes either in custody or about to be in custody
standard cop/fed shit
they dont want you knowing they know you while theyre still looking
>>1667835tbh Lebanon's existence has been tenuous since that port got heem'd it was just a matter of how fucked they were
its just crazy how quick things can go from bad to worse
also leling at that
>US: israels incursion into golan should be temporaryoh yah looks mad temporary wink wink
>>1667801whos got bibi_brat.mp4 ?
>>1667835we call this a power vacuum kids
lel what a fukn shitshow this is gonna be, all because of the fucking watermelon seller being a filthy fucking roach
what does he get out of this again? what was his master plan?
>>1667839he gets to LARP as the ottoman empire
its the only thing hes ever wanted
whatever syria ends up doing, turks were the ones who won it for them. they owe them absolutely everything.
all the factions are all also sunni jihadis so theyll undoubtedly purge all non-sunnis sooner than later
muh islamic unity balh blah
i doubt hes actually dumb enough to believe that, but in either case he just got a nice big new backyard
>>1667829wat, iran has been one of the primary backers of a lot of the shit going on in oiss hell this past year you scare them off then hamas hezbollah and the houthis (and the blowfish) have a serious dent in their supplies. granted they're obviously not dead in the water without iran but i'm sure you've noticed how quiet that whole situation has been since iran backed off
also yah i was previously saying assad fucked off early as well, he'd have to be an utter retard to stick around with how things were looking for him
>>1667822this is middle east 101 ever since the ottoman empire collapsed, backstab everyone around you even to your own detriment and then watch helplessly as kikes and foreigners colonize your shit. i'd even be willing to bet the CIA had minimal involvement this time compared to the ayyrab spring, sandniggers are just shortsighted inbreds like their nose nigger cousins, only with less opportunism skills
>>1667842yea im aware
but thats not whats happening yet because dups not in yet
his election did likely influence the timing of the ceasefire to a certain degree as it is a huge potential for change in US foreign policy
but him being president-elect rn was not why turks invaded when they did. it was the ceasefire that triggered it
you can go look it up
iran wasnt afraid to intervene this time. thats what i thought initially too, but reports have come out explaining what actually happened. iran
did try to contact assad two wks ago when it started by offering aid, and before that they
did warn assad that turks were about to be doin thangs
assad disregarded the warning, and
imo prolly wasnt even in the cunt anymore by the time the invasion started proper
>>1667844we are undoubtedly still funding several of the jihadi factions rn. no reason not to given how fucking stupid and useful they are to israeli and US interests
FSA, re-branded al-nusra
HTS etc
but HTS is the big one that did all the heavy lifting this week. they were the guys up in idlib since lik 2019. they were riding around in turk tanks early on in the invasion and flying turk flags. theyve since gotten a lot of SAA equipment, but this has been mainly a turk endeavor
turkish kebab flavored arab spring is up next
if israel invades lebanon and weakens it theyll be primed for a color rev
iraqs already there rn
and irans such a fuckhole and has been taking so many sloppy Ls rn theyre as ready as theyre gonna be
total shia death
NATO mideast
>>1667846key word in my post was "comparatively". this shit happened so fast and, again compared to 2011, was fairly bloodless. CIA meddling typically either deliberately or accidentally causes oceans of blood almost without exception
because they're all either psychopathic sadists that masturbate to such things or incompetent faggots larping as 007, and obviously they're never gonna not fund jihad tards but the way this went you could tell most of the people on all levels were genuinely fed up with assad and probably would've wound up murdering him at some point on their own. it's crazy funny how retarded the ME is, and it's easy to see why some fags claim jews are omniscient gods when their opponents repeatedly hand their own assholes over to be raped like this. if kikes weren't also hellbent on destroying the west i'd even cheer them on
>>1667835>>1667836even with their infinite ammo cheat provided by amerigay the kikes are fucking awful fighters, i don't think lebanon is actually in any real danger of losing to them unless the usa gets directly involved too. keep in mind yids spent a whole year genociding palestinians in gaza and still haven't wiped out hamas, meanwhile lebanon isn't a heavily locked down open air concentration camp and hezbollah are an actual trained army
though i guess >we'll have to wait and see if glowniggers/t*rks send in a bunch of jihadtards
>>1667847cianiggers are prolly helping w the psyops more than straight cash/guns imo
theyre old pros at pushing on sunni/shia schism. that was the single most important thing in terms of how it turned out so quick and bloodless
all the news was just a bunch of dudes partying in some street or SAA conscripts running away in fear with no position to fall back to
meanwhile assad was a no show, so everyone simultaneously realized the govt had collapsed a little bit ahead of when it actually officially did
controlling muslims is actually p easy. you just deploy some undercover tactical imams and theyll all be doing whatever you tell them to do in a few yrs
>>1667848yea but go look at the map in south syria. 100+ massive airstrikes lik
>>1667692 on all the shit that assad used to harass them with. IDF just took out the only thing stopping them from having total control of the airspace all over south lebanon and syria. plus they got that sick mountain base now too so theyre gonna be able to fly drones willy nilly absolutely everywhere.
and jihadis aint hopping in the fighter jets to stop them. you have to actually be able to hit something for it to be a real 911
prolly couldnt even figure out how to turn it on ffs
muzzies on all sides got BIG problems rn
theyre about to be btfo by some sweaty nerd with a logitech controller
jewish gaymers rise up to activate the third temple and turn southern lebanon into the surface of the moon
>>1667809That’s a whole lotta words.
>>1667853if all it took was air superiority and fancy toys then gaza would be 0% palestinian rn. look im not saying the sandniggers are in a good spot by any means, but i
am saying lebanon is gonna be far harder to destroy than gaza and that it could easily result in either a pyrrhic victory or an utter embarrassment. sandniggers are stupid but they're also tenacious and CIA/mossad meddling doesn't guarantee a win. then again maybe bibi is banking
:^) on getting piss hell directly involved in a forever war, i keep forgetting the only reason his own cunt hasn't yanked his ass off the throne is because of war powers bullshit
>>1667855it's not as many as i thought there'd be tbh
>>1667833From the wrapper? Unless he used the wrapper as a plug up his ass, they are arent getting usable dna from it.
>>1667862watched some true crime on yt and they needed dna from a suspect without alerting him. undercover gril approached him "hey can you open this bottle for me" he loosend the cap and that was all they needed
>>1667856Israel will just starve them out. If you look at a map of Syrian airstrikes they are 100% going for the entire coastline. If Yidsrael blockades Lebanese ports after destroying their anti-ship capabilities, and Turkey doesn't give them aid (which why would they unless Israel does something RALLY stupid even for them?), then they'll fucking starve. Lebanon imports more food than they produce domestically.
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>kill niggers
>behead niggers
>choke niggers to death on the subway
and walk away
>>1667862touch dna has come a really long way. also didn't he get coffee too? they can also use the cup if they get ahold of it
>>1667864sieges like that also take a long fuckin time and a lot of resources not to mention cooperation from everyone behind you. it's still not even guaranteed to work either, syria may have collapsed but that's still a huge unwalled border for things to slip through
>>1667809what an innocuous list
Trump laid the groundwork what everything that happened to Syria. Biden never drone striked any Iranian generals, Biden never sent troops to Syria. Biden never dropped any Moabs. Biden didn't start any new wars (not officially at war in Ukraine). Funny how Trump never does anything he says he will.
>>1667868need a post with all of them
>>1667856hezzbros are on their own rn
heres israel btfoing some of their weapons caches as of yesterday. they did the same w all the tunnels they knew about going into syria
and syria is now sunni jihadis. i rly doubt they wanna share all their newly acquired guns w some shia losers they prolly intend on subverting/converting and/or later fighting
and hows iran supposed to help them? ancient persian teleportation magic?
>if all it took was air superiority and fancy toys then gaza would be 0% palestinian rntrue, but as you can see, its not all. not even close
>i keep forgetting the only reason his own cunt hasn't yanked his ass off the throne is because of war powers bullshitand thats the point
doesnt need to be done overnight
ideally it takes as long as possible and they all start starving and they can flip the rest one way or another.
meanwhile im sure the new sunni neighbors will be again deploying their tactical imams to agitate sunnis in lebanon and try to get a piece of their own eventually
assad was a big player, and arguably the only thing keeping jews as leashed down as they were. he was the axis that kept the nearby shia world spinning. without him basically everything in the region changes. bigly
>>1667866>released with no chargesgud for him
not his fault crackheads have a tendency to have their heart explode when they cant breath for a few minutes
he did it by the CQC books. non-lethal takedown. no unnecessary force whatsoever.
dude died from being unconscious while on too much drugs
where's the ai pic of strong bibi while the ayatollah hangs his head in shame
cuz that's what's going on rn
>>1667876oh i guess hes still in trial on manslaughter
looks lik he could win tho
spreh why you posting shit from a year and a half ago?
>>1667877i want the brat one
the dude may be one of the more prolific war criminals of >our time
but ffs that was still hands down the funniest shit ive ever seen any world leader do fucking ever
>>1667874mob bros prolly held UHC stock dude. they love insurance rackets.
hes cooked
tho i think hell be well-received in max security prison when he gets there
plenty of murderers in there, but dude murdered a big dude, not his gf or some random gangbanger
and most important, he looked cool doing it
hes also not some noodly twink nerd
hell be fine. his lifes just gonna suck a lot more, forever
>>1667879>the brat onedon't remember that one
>>1667881it was after mommala did her brat thang
it was fucking hilarious
>breloom used bullet seed
>it hit 3 time(s)!
>its super effective!