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its a tampa kinda day
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File: 1736176634518.webm (5.31 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, most sane maryland reside….webm)

 No.1672674[View All]


never 4get the day evil trump supporters walked into a public building in an attempt to overthrow our democracy -GHOST from Maryland

imagine certifying your own loss lmao
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bc gay race communism and as long as dey jus kilt yt dey wuz goo bois who dindu nuffin an was oppressd n shiet
its in the name of the act dude


jogger that got heemed by jose gonzalez roberto de illegal
total illegal death


Either the jogger or the 11 y/o that got gang raped and murdered, can't rember which but pic makes me think it was the college jogger


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i want this chick to suck my gock


ya the booster catch is a big deal, and way more harder than starship tbh
more importantly they can build the starship super fast
if you loose the booster thats a gajillion engines lost


glowies treading on states rights to justify the existence of the most reviled and redunant agency
and /sp/ros are all for it I guess
>frame politically interesting people as "gang members"
>dispatch death squads
>oops lol corpse can't contest the charge
wew lad
is renditioning """"""terrorists""""" to poland and africa taking too long?


at this point lolberts can eat my ass we're getting a autocracy/oligarchy either way so at least give me the one that deports violent niggers instead of trying to shove a dildo up my ass i don't care any more


who is she and does she have nudez


you sound lik a retard tbh
these guys literally have fucking face tats telling you what gang theyre in
its not some big secret


>brownoids that openly declare their hatred for americans
>shamelessly rape and murder children and women
>peddle hard drugs everywhere they go
>also aren't even here legally
<dood like state rights n shiet
no fuck you retard these "people" aren't even legal citizens, as far as i'm concerned they should be executed on sight. and you along with them for defending this bullshit at all


>hurr durr little privacy for little security mean u get neither
ben franklin didn't have to deal with his people getting raped and murdered en masse by spics and niggers
i am neither and now that DIEshit is on its way and i don't talk about blowing up federal buildings i am in no fear of getting targeted


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I grew up eating chopped oil lettuce oil flour jam-water ramen bread on the streets of Europe and it's great to see it still being made the traditional way; with a real fire axe and an upside-down rolling metal lattice thing.


such culture
such civilization


lel thats pretty good but the lack of 10 million flys buzzing in the air and all over them/food would be the finishing touch


this basically
>try to stop illegals from taking control of the state in 1990s
<some kike judge throws it all out saying only the feds have authority
>feds try to remove illegals because they've taken over my state
<for some reason its now ok for states to do wtver the fuck they want
i just want the will of the people enacted, damnit. the whole democracy thing is obviously a sham, i just want these millions of brownoids from shitting up my state any worse than they already have


the guys incessantly babbling in the background did a great job


i like the guy with the turban in the back doing fuckall


vary authentic


not only that but he's got a perfect blank minded retard expression on his face to boot


i geeve the chefs kiss, mwaa


The Chinese freshwater Paddlefish, a 200 million year old lineage, is now extinct because of overfishing and pollution.


lemme guess: the fishes cum was used as an ancient aprhodesiac?


how much freshwater does china even have?
theyre big af, but their lake game is weak as shit


dup planning yuge illeagle raids in chicongo next week
makes me want to travelbro with the homan hotline on speed dial reporting every thing darker than my pasty butthole
if i so much as hear about a fruit stand a county over my man homans getting a ring


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how hard is it to swap eth into solana?


I wonder what the consequences of this will be for the future


hopefully more participation in the financial anarchy of crypto
i want more boomerbux but just remembered swinging cryptos a nightmare


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when you put it like that you make a really good point
for everyone else the bodies on that pile are gonna be 10% face tats and 90% patriots
glownigs never let a good crisis go to waste


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i learned it from anime
would you rather live in a corrupt democracy?
or a just dictatorship?


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eggs were limited 2 a person at store today
not georgia


corrupt democracy is a hell of a lot easier to fix


long as the 90% are brown


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tough shepers 4 ewe


right, good man in charge probably does good things, but no man lives forever or even stays young and sane, eventually a bad apple will get control with no safeguards in place


yea autocracy is only gud till it aint


wikipedo says it went extinct lik 2 years ago
wouldn't be surprising but chinks prolly just straight up ate too many because they're just human shaped locusts


make the new thread. this one is full


the yangtze and yellow rivers are two of the top ten biggest rivers on the planet so they've got plenty. enough to support a gigantic chunk of their multibillion population at least. if only they didn't fuckin pollute them so god damn much, fuck mao and fuck kissinger for enabling him the consequences of their meddling has been a tremendous disaster for the entire planet. if self-described "environmentalists" actually gaf about the environment instead of just using it as an excuse to browbeat people for brownie points they'd be all in with trying to cut china out of its financial/trade power status, all they do is poison everything around them, only india is worse


idg why deporting murderers and thieves is "autocratic" that's what you're supposed to do regardless of your governmental system. actually it's better to murder them instead so they can't just hop back over the border the moment the cuffs are taken off, constitutional rights should only apply to actual citizens fuck everyone else


animals have ways of figuring that shit out they'll go run for the lowest dampest spot they can find and ride it out


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⚡️🇸🇾 New "Free" Syria: “We Will Not Leave Any of You Alive” - HTS Member Shocks Alawite Children with Disturbing Threat!

In a highly controversial video, a member of Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) is seen addressing a group of Alawite children, asking them:

“Do you want freedom?” The children, filled with enthusiasm, respond: “Yes.”

However, the shocking response that followed left no room for ambiguity as he warned: “If you demand a secular state, we will not leave any of you alive.”


Eggs have been limited 2 per person for months and I come from a state that allows domestic ownership of chiggums


submit to Allah the most merciful


If >we're at the point where the government doing its one fucking job makes them a glownigger dictatorship then ftfy heil hortlar sign me up for the ICE death squads rounding up you niggerish "patriots" damn it
Man I'm supposed to be the fucking edgy AnCap in the room where do you Cartel-funded faggots even come from? Not gonna even give a (You) for this lolbert bait


It was officiated this week it actually prolly went extinct around 2010-2015


This, it's like saying it's some autocratic dictatorship to make Jimmy go home when he's already stayed all day long and eaten dinner with your fam hanging out with your kid even offering to give him a ride home
Except in this scenario Jimmy is actually Jose and he's a 26 y/o South American spic who raped your daughter behind the shed while your wife was pretending she couldn't hear the screams cuz she didn't wanna be raysist


How think ye? if a man have an hundred sheep, and one of them be gone astray, doth he not leave the ninety and nine, and goeth into the mountains, and seeketh that which is gone astray?
And if so be that he find it, verily I say unto you, he rejoiceth more of that sheep, than of the ninety and nine which went not astray.
Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish.
Matthew 18:12-14


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oh shid she's whippin' up a new one


i don't want whorbs i want politics
what's da update


i want to be a yung boy terrorized like this

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