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its a tampa kinda day
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after the BORING fall part 2 BORING season, we have the beginning of a halfway decent lineup for winter part 1

>Übel Blatt

>germanic tones
OP pic and maybe a standout of the season?
a bit fast of a first ep, but hope it develops well.
not entirely sure why but it reminded me of Claymore

>apothecary s2

S1 was good for the most part, so more of that

>solo levelling s2

a well made continuation of the generik power fantasy 'WHAT IF I GOT VIDEO GAME CHEAT POWERS'


>uncensored nudity
>she wants to FUCK that cat???
somewhat generic fantasy rebirth setting with an unsettlingly degenerate premise

>I Left My A-Rank Party to Help My Former Students Reach the Dungeon Depths!

>leave my party because they dont appreciate me! trope
>fantasy with advanced magical technology
>fairly generic
>cast seems likeable, however
has potential to be a slightly above average, it hink

>i may be a guild rekeptionist but i'll solo any boss to clock out on time

>guild klerk perspective
>interesting world
>sheem kills thangs so sheem can keep an lazy girl job
lel funny actually, might be decent


hopefully the studios have their shit together and actually finish out the fucking shows cough DANMACHI cough


im at the point where if it has isekai or fantasy in the tags i wont even bother trying it


fr, isuckguy fantasies as a genre are the marvel movies of japan. it almost makes me miss the nonstop uguu moeshit that used to be a lot more prevalent. almost


this season fucking sucks
every season for the past 2 years has sucked
theres no reason to watch anything that came out after 2012


thx for rundowns budy


reminds me of your mom
she's been blowin me since around that time too


thanks gonna kill myself now i hope youre happy


do a backflip


*front flips out of spite*


remember when anime was good?


a lot of old anime is as bad as modern anime
its just not remembered anymore because the cream rises to the top


Yeah, before you ever started watching it faggot


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dup will make anime great again


Unironically he probably will if he really goes to trade war with China.


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Why do bitches love Fruits Basket?


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Forget seasonal crapime, I haven't heard of a single noteworthy hentai anime or doujin in ages. No weird shit that people jacking off to nowadays?


apparently the drama is well written, my sister used to love that shit
airandou dropped a bunch of great manga last year


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>Akuyaku Reijou Tensei Ojisan
>15 year old aristocrat villainess in an otome game setting
>fall off horse and bump head
>flood your brain with 52 years worth of memories of a japanese civil servant
>instead bumbles about while enjoying how good is eyesight is again
an 'I GOT REINCARNATED IN AN ATOME GAME' trope anime except its not garbage?
i lel'd a few times first ep


Sounds mega gay.


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will check out. p meh first eps so far aside from ubel blatt


dr stone is back and its still annoying as shit


then why watch it


that show so fuckin gay. couldn't force myself to watch beyond the 2nd season
the MC is how i imagine redittors think of themselves


i was gonna say for the tits prolly but i looked it up and the grils all look like they've got downs syndrome lel what a shit cuckime why even bring it up


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i check out an ep of most seasons
legit forgot and ya the girls are some weird crispr thing


Does she have nigger genes?


now THAT would have been a show
>wake up in a future where the only human survivors are white or asian descendants
>go around breakin the statues of every hook nosed or nappy headed goblin you can find
>enjoy NIGGER FREE utopia


I haven't watched anime in a while
my zoomoid tier attention span prevents me from remembering the story


theres a bunch of shows i watched 10+ years ago where i remember little to nothing about
im starting to wonder whats the point


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It's time to quit and go out, explore the world


I forgot a lot of my world trips tho


Be the new travelbro and plants your seed in whorbs around the world to leave your mark


if you can't remember hardly nothin it basically means it was something between a 4 and 6
not bad or good enough to be memorable. the worst. at least with a 3 you know to stop watching in the first ep
the easist fix is just watch gud stuff
based on my reviews, and the fact i automatically avoid obvious garbage, the gud stuff is probably about 5-10% of whats released


ubel blatt ep 1 pacing a bit too fast, ep 2 was just right
lookin forward to a good season


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forgot to mention
an actual /sp/orts skating anime


its got a banger of an OP


Medalist OP
have it on loop while i work in the garage


whats goin on with tanya the evil?


looks like pedoime


Cunny is back in the menu, boys!


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i haven't seen any inappropriate echi here
its Evgenia the anime


also since i brought it up, the judges really did Evgenia dirty on that one
Zagitova with a boring shitty routine that just spammed jumps while Evgenia delivered flawless and beautiful performance
out of there fucking mind. also its why zagitova gets shit on by so many people saying she stole it


Evgenia wasn't an 8 year old girl at the olympics.

>evgeniafag still butthurt his weeb queen lost

Also I like how despite being a massive weeb and doing a sailor moon routine, japan doesn't care for evgenia and instead Zagitova became famous to the point Abe gave her an akita inu and she appeared on japanese tv a lot. Japs love her, lol zagitova beat evgenia in everything.


standout pick so far, thanks for rec
hope the CGI usage becomes an example its mostly perfect


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>mc isn't at the olympics
>mc is an entry level
>mc is 11
>an entire plot point revolves around having to start seriously a very young age for nikhe sports, and she's almost at the point where its not practical to even bother trying
also fyi Evgenia was 13 when she debuted internationally.
Evgenias olympik performance was better. it just was.
zagitova's was literally a soulless meta performance, optimized to generate as many points as possible by turning the second half othe performance into her literally just spinning in a circle for 5 minutes, which looks retarded and ruins the entire flow the of the program
any other shitty opinions or are you done for the day?


also abe is DEAD and deserved it if you what just said is true


alina won bro get with it(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


i member liking the uber blart manga up until the main bad guy gets resurrected (revived? i don't remember tbh) as his younger self and something about that just made me lose interest. the pacing also got kinda wonky that might've been part of it


uh oh
oh no oh nooooooooooo


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i refuse to read this spoiler


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here this will calm you down
*spray spray*
its the latest calming spray in the CR winter collection
how are you feeling now?


like some asshole just spritzed me in the face with gay smells
oh no
oh no no no no nononononoNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


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division by zero


it's just mens figure skating


what exactly is this…"spray"


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>the edibles kicked in hard
uh oh


holy FOK

are you tha PARTY'S OVER smoth drawer?


it's a naturally derived product made from Mr CR himself
anal gland concentrate TBH


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At 4 EST this saturday I will be streaming, Wakfu, Dungeon Meshi and Ghost Sweeper Mikami!
Will start SOON!


>hagitova stans in my /sp/anime thread


8 bit


wakfu is good


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At 4 EST this saturday I will be streaming, Wakfu, Dungeon Meshi and Ghost Sweeper Mikami!
Will start 1 HOUR


wakfu is good for a French anime it is really good. Just make sure to watch it in French with English subs so you can enjoy it the way it was intended


i second this. not even in an anti-dub snob way either, the english dub of wakfu is genuinely horrendous


wtf is wafku


you know like shrimp fried rice and stir fry and other shit like that


I like the beaner voices better than the burger ones.


There was this French MMO called Dofus back in the mid 00s that was essentially a full game for free with the DLC/Expansions as the pay-to-play model. It was so popular that it got an animation called Wakfu, which was then so popular it got its own spinoff MMO. It's believed that the success of the Wakfu model is at least partially what kicked off the "MMO Isekai" trend of the 10s/early 20s.

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