when heem was trying to figure out wtf to do in 20th century classical music he heard some servant gril singing old folk songs. he remembered how strange a lot of that stuff was, and portable recording had just been invented, so he set out for several years all across the balkans and eastern yurop to try to transcribe it
most of his melodies
and that song specifically are literally just that: old folk melodies from wherever. he obviously gets a bit more weird w it sometimes, but odd time signatures and polytonality arent even rly that foreign of concepts to balkan music, so it ended up being a p gud fit.
thats why his shit is so radically different from all of his contemporaries. they were all getting lost in the sauce with stupid shit lik serialism or whatever, meanwhile his stuff was actually based on something real
either way, gud thing he did, cuz if he waited a couple extra decades a lot of that stuff prolly wouldve been wiped out cuz commies think folk
anything is muh counter-revolutionary.
hes one of the first, if not outright the first, real ethnomusicologists in modern history