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its a tampa kinda day
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 No.1679230[Last 50 Posts]


>speak softly and carry muh big dick - Secretary of RAEP, Comrade GHOST

the fucking FBI just gave AJ his own case files going back 10+ yrs
lel idk if he even asked for it
>tfw >were actually breaking the conditioning


I used to break the conditioning, but then I took an arrow to the knee.


heres some site i found thats tracking the audits
it wasnt working for me, idk if its my browser or stopscript or if its just getting DDoSed by all gajillion ppl looking at it rn, but thats where all the caps showing half a milly in politico subs are coming from



so if dup takes over gaza, where tf are the palibros going to? erryone in the sandbox fucking hates them for acting like niggers so it seems like euros are going to suffer with more violent brown people while yhwh's chosen tribe enjoys their ethnostate


think i figured it out
hes threatening yurop
idk if he actually wants to do it or not. but i think he wants everyone else to think that he wants to, to scare tf outta EU before negotiations start


The snozzberries taste like snozzberries


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opendns is blocking it


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yah theyre trying to fuck it up
apparently they dont want a bunch of internet schizos watching the govt audit in real-time or somethin

funny stuff coming out of it tho
did you know you too can get a QUARTER OF A MILLION DOLLARS IN US TAXPAYER MONEY DIRECT FROM THE CENRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY to make lik a dozen low-effort youtube vids on gay race communism?
p neat


What's this budy? Sum kinda gravy train?



>Trump bans transgender athletes from women’s sports
old men IN


See Deez nutz


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Chuck Jewmer gonna fillabuster against Vought's nomination for head of OMB


gamers rise up
turns out pumpin unseen billions into project bolshevik mockingbird was p effective too. libshits are losing they damn minds


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how far away are >we from irrefutable proof that glowies have been fucking with imageboards for the past 15 years


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yeh kang of jordan says hes going to war if try and chuck em there
engerlund would prob fling itself ass first to take hummus dick
cant get a 6D take to sit


that was proven during gamergate


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>The Palestinians, people like Chuck Schumer


i'm gonna lel as hard as i can if he's coming down with bidup tier dementia. bidupmentia


did you know that throwing eggs at people is terrorism you fucking faggot


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what about throwing rats


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Erooor poosting


3 days ago or so is when it started
turns out >weve been right about basically everything. go figure.
the cia is a rogue entity whos primary objective is turning the entire world, including and arguably, focused on their own cunt, into gay frog water kiddy pools full of retarded mutts who cant fight back. every single major and minor media outlet has been subsidized by state dept slushfund moneys for decades. even dumbass twitch streamers and shit were getting a cut

this audit is watergate x9000
the lvl of corruption is unprecedented
i really hope kash was srs about btfoing these guys. now that hes in, its gameover


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>Israel orders the military to prepare "options" for the departure of Palestinians from Gaza "to any country willing to receive them."
>Spain and Ireland must take displaced Palestinians from Gaza, says Israeli defense minister — Telegraph
<steve witkoff, special envoy to m.e.


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kash isnt in yet. still think he's gonna be the one they deny
idk how they wriggle out of this outside a boogaloo or hard coup


It's been a fairly poorly kept secret that the CIA keeps an employ of media agents in just about every media outlet on every country on earth since before 9/11. Five eyes countries guaranteed, at least one in every other. I don't have the source for this but early 2010s this was a known fact. How much would you really need to pay off some journalism major that thought he was gonna be a sparts reporter?


Boomer news:
>NFL to remove BLM slogans from superb owl
>Pam Bondi confirmed as AG
>CIA got offered the buyout deal
>US military shatters recruiting records
>USAID to shit the bed and shut the doors on Friday
>Man got stuck scaling white house gate
>Dems gonna impeach dup for being icky
>DOGE going after Medicare/Medicaid for fraudulent payments
>Luigi prosecutor brings on death penalty lawyer
>Pam as DA orders end to federal funding for sanctuary cities!
>CBS published the momala transcripts
>dup signs EO banning men in women's sparts so it's no longer gay to wash women's sparta now
>LA Olympics will not be permitted to fly pride flag or allow cross-gender competition
>Pam to investigate weaponized DOJ
>Federal judge orders male prisoners to remain in female prisons because "equity"


Dup to instate white America policy and tax breaks for every 3rd child. Oh wait nevermind. Dup to get stood up by Trudeau and a Mexican Jewess, I kneel




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mccarthy was just too autistic for his own gud
he was totally right, about almost everything, but he came off as too much of a sperg so ppl disregarded him

yea now >we have numbers tho


>USAID to shit the bed and shut the doors on Friday
from what i heard, its being absorbed by the state dept to try to avoid this rogue agency problem in the future
there are a ton of parts of it that were actually just doing what they were supposed to, like shipping in rice and beans to civvies during war.
all the dumb globalist marxist shit is getting shitcanned tho. and no more free AIDS meds to south african tranny hookers or whatever


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gay beaming craplakistans across the world is bad enough, but it's not just propergander
largest fuckin patronage network to exist in history. every non-white & blue hair with a marx sticker on their macbook was getting paid downstream on the back of joe schmoe plumber and his kids
generations of debt stolen and given to everyone except the people paying for it. while they swing in the wind on the breeze of hateful mouths yelling "white privilege" at em


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Not for all the BBC, CBC, ABC assets. I mean why even keep a record of this shit. I'd be more suspicious of what you don't know than what they are letting you know. If you still think blue haired wackadoos are your real enemy than yoom a lil touched. Probably ongry you vidya gaymes are woke.


well the other unspoken thing going on here, that im interested to see if its explored, is that it doesnt cost a billion dollars to fund a tranny opera or a lefty media rag in moldova
this stuff gets put into drugs and other types of trafficking, bribing local corrupt police/govt officials etc. thats where the real money is made, and where the real damage is done.

i worry ppl will see the outrageous headlines of ecuadorian tranny school actually real btw then have a giggle and go back to not paying attention. >we all know that the cia gets up to some rly wicked stuff, but im concerned thats not gonna make it to the light of day
unless of course these affected foreign nations put srs effort into investigating it themselves they might. theyre prolly pissed, its kinda out of our jurisdiction in a lot of cases

>I mean why even keep a record of this shit
helps to secure more grants in the future
most likely
you dont want it to just be GONE, cuz then you cant prove you need even more next yr

its where it goes after that step where it goes into fuck knows what
prolly some rly heavy shit


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seein that unspoken thing get brought up by bigwigs, idk much about pam bondi though as far as any consequences
orban and bukele are pissed too


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>victories are askhually losses bro
life's only as gay as you make it


no u don't get it it's ogre now and forever joos won joos always win and will continue to win until the last VVHITE man is hunted down and crucified


yeah nah it's fine bro you're winning, there wasn't a entire generation robbed of their potential because you're jaded and no longer want to be sadge. Just forget and accept change you're winning now.


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ecuador mentioned


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is miss the times when the today threads were slow and the wc threads were fast


Yeah well sometimes you need to be reminded that Chadeau is going to retire with full parliamentary privileges which includes tax payer funded office, international travel and staff until he dies.


what is the original video
i need it
it is important


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This has been floating around


>piss hell faggot telling specific cunts they have to take palis
they're pushing hard for a real holocaust. dunno why tf these nose nigger retards don't just chill the hell out for a minute and at least try their gay PR tactics again, boomers are about to be ded across the board and none of the younger generations like israel
plus sending them to fucking ireland is just asking for them to be trained and equipped to be sent back for some pranking are they not aware that the irish are all about supporting pali resistance? there's no way. the arrogance of yids alone is enough to make me want to personally kill every single man woman and child of their disgusting race


>joos r omniscient faggot is back
>he keeps getting caught in the soam filter
fuckin knew you were a tourist


argentina pulling outta da who too lul


listened to that presser again and yoohoo pushed the idea off on dup
also dup spent ton of time goin into detail about palis getting horrifically shot and the shit conditions under yids
def calling beebs out, but weird in contrast to what hes proposing. spare you the latest mugclub premium tier take, >we'll see if murica takes any hummus


Between the conceal carry shit tax breaks for families, and ban on 'bortions he kinda is m8


>Luigi crowdfunds a quarter million to stick it to the man so he can stick it in another man
>Didney+ lost almost 1 million subscribers last year (less than 1% of total users but still impressive loss)
>Judge who bitched about sending black men back to men's prison got in a fight with the DOJ because the DOJ told him he was in violation of procedure
oh that's going straight to a loss in appeals

IIRC the guy he put in as temp assistant secretary to oversee it said to axe the entire thing
Yeah double-checked and I guess they are bringing the 10,000 or so US personnel from overseas back to burgerland "by Friday with exceptions" but have already banned them from the offices awaiting further terminations.
In related news apparently 40,000 federal workers took the deal. Budy at work's wifey was bitching that she had 60 days vacation and she was NOT gonna lose it nor work harder because of the missing employees, and I tried to explain to him in no uncertain terms that his wifey either takes the severance pay through September TODAY or be prepared to get fired before she uses up her vacation and take the shittier amount on unemployment
was kinda funny I explained how dup was pullin' a Reichsmark with these tariffs and how I thought it was hilarious and he turned all pale 'cuz I guess he thinks he's literally dupler so the comparison hit too close to home


Ah yeah, I was listening to them describe how the bidup admin had created 700k jerbs and then awarded 90% of them to rapefugees and illegals while replacing whites in existing roles with diversity hires, I think it was odd man out that had the stats back around August-November


you wanna talk about demoralized?
watch the sabres lel
actually they won a couple recently
but goddamn


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ill give him one small bit of credit
i DONT think were going to hear fucking anything about mccain and graham and the boys running around the mideast planting jihadisprouts for the arab spring
and i wonder why
hmmmmm…. picrel

theres a lotta neocon pro-israel shit thats gonna get covered up here, cuz of conflicting interests
maybe next time we do a state agency audit tho im glad thats a thing thats on the table now at least


orbans one to talk since he just sucks ruskie cock instead
i guess it tastes better? idk, never tried

but yea imagine you just spent like most of your cunts money to clean up the literal narco-state you got stuck being born in, then it comes out it was literally all just funded by cianiggers
at least we got a working relationship with him now. no sense alienating the future duce of central america


>National Endowment for Democracy
>National Democratic Institute
>International Republican Institute
>Tides Foundation
>Atlantic Council
>Open Society Foundation
plenty of fun still to be had


damn they auditing these glowies quick
wonder how much probing they have to do before they find fraud, prolly like 20 minutes if that


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🇺🇸🇨🇳 Chinese trade with the US is declining:

US imports from China have declined by 8 percentage points since 2018, to 13.5% of total imports.

This is the lowest percentage in 21 years.

In other words, the US economy’s dependence on China has substantially decreased.

By comparison, Mexico’s share has risen by 2 percentage points to ~15.5%, the highest on record.

Additionally, US imports from Canada have also slightly increased to ~13.5%, the highest in 10 years.

The US seems to be less vulnerable to tariffs from China than it was in the last trade war.


idk if theyve started those
im just looking around for more agencies to piss and moan about
OSF and NDI id heard of as being obv spook fronts

im just sayin
theres a lot of these fuckers
the whole point is they never thought anyone would bother to take the time to look into all of it
but >we got 4yrs


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so when do >we get to see some of these dobsons that are no longer going to troons and democracy


unless his administration actually gets income tax and overtime tax axed then NONE probably


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spigga >we 36 trilly in the hole


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https://datarepublican.com/expose/ is back up
lik idk how you even go after all this pork


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i demand shrimp, or skrimp as the niggers say, on treadmill yims.


File: 1738870748476.mp4 (3.65 MB, 480x268, 120:67, Shrimp on a Treadmill #for….mp4)



File: 1738870813980.mp4 (4.48 MB, 1086x606, 181:101, pelosi dems future.mp4)

hope you magats enjoy your little freak show, tRUMP is finished in 6-7 months and you're all going to JAIL


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gud beat but dat skrimp is cheating half the time
aint no swammin on a treadmill lil bro


>she is using her teachers voice now
thats some srs backhanded karen shit




dunno if 5d chess or cope but benefit of the doubt is, gaza gun b gone no matter and trump is like nah you can't just slaughter the place and leave a crater, lemme manage the non murder side
who knows it's just so odd compared to errythang feels like mental gymnastics to try and get it


Serbia, Ireland, Colombia, Peru, and Ecuador should declare a death war on america and kill as many amerninggers as possible. This is clear admission of warfare on those nations. They should be allowed to retaliate and defend this attack.

death to america


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a moment of silence for the alternate timeline where this dumb whorb won instead of dup


>Egypt is now saying any relocation of Palestinians from the Gaza region would jeopardize its peace treaty with Israel.
cmon egypt do another yom kippur funny


i saw some clip that was just zoomed in on bibi last night during their talk
tbh it kinda looks lik he didnt even tell him he was gonna say that lmfao


.>we'll prolly never know but one thing that's guaranteed is even if dup was entirely unironic and not just fucking with bib telling tens of thousands of people to fuck off from their own land that was just bombed to shit by your ally isn't going to sit well at all that's some actual starting ww3 shit considering everything that's tied up with palestine


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>2 million ongry palis dispersed into fuckin everywhere
>yourrope finally unlocks the hell portal perk they've been trying to summon and is swallowed
>every cunt that thinks blankies are hats takes it out on isntreal
>and each other bc they can't not do that
>synagogues get enriched across america, giving the go ahead to homan both of them
>tjd and complete american victory cleansing the aryan bloodline of browns and obsolete e*ropean filth
>pure 56%ers get tariff funded vacations to the Tesla™ Gaza Casino and Spaceport
>robot wife mineral is uncovered in the levant
not seein a downside here


its some gigatarded shit, thats for sure

tell you tho, a funny side-effect:
fucking fox news was running footage of the absolute shelled out state of gaza. talking about how >we shouldnt be going to war for israel. imagine that?

if it was just a half-cocked plan to get boomers to finally realize IDF are some p nasty dudes, it kinda worked.
had my mom call me and apologize saying i was right all along that theyre rly bad ppl, and that what theyre doing cant be called anything other than ethnic cleansing


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thats the tranny one, isnt it?


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unless it transitioned from a basset hound, think sheem just UGLY


i don't think my parents are ever going to get to that phase, my dad still repeats the "god's chosen people" shtick verbatim whenever i ask him about it and my mom called the pager shitshow "accurate" and "targeted"


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yea im thinking of a different one
the troon was the one that was gonna take a pic with drumpf then found out xhe was b& from being in the military cuz hegseth

speaking of mass firings


yea gud luck
thats a hard nut to crack


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also this
get rekt schiff


Oh hey the news anchor in this vid is retiring
>thats a hard nut to crack
Only if they're protestant and don't read Acts. They don't call 'em the synagogue of Satan for nothin'.


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Yeah, did you see his empty expression? The Don totally caught his Jew ass off guard, just randomly gifting him Gaza's ethnic cleansing without him even asking!1 Just out of the blue, HAHA! He didn't even have to pay any bribes, LOL! Jokes on him for supporting Biden's election theft!

Another MAGA WIN!


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File: 1738883995115-1.mp4 (7.33 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, pillosi skiin.mp4)

there was more to pullosi
between her and clogged hogg they're in great hands


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u really watched the last two weeks just waiting to be mad, crazy


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File: 1738884772972-1.mp4 (677.78 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, faith office.mp4)

nice, here's hoping he installs rw schizos all over too
i need a small loan of 1 million to make nancy mace in dishwashers deepfakes

looks lik that spro that was worried about christians taking back control may have been justified


your internet time at the asylum is going to be cut to 30 minutes/month from now on


File: 1738885100484.mp4 (2.53 MB, 480x466, 240:233, Jesus wins.mp4)

praise the Lord


>Washington state votes to take away parents' rights to their kids
>Jones' bankruptcy judge says the whole thing is fucked and sends it back to state court
>Judges literally making shit up to try and stop Muskman from investigating the Treasury
>NCAA bans men from women's sparts!
>dup ends every single media contract at the General Services Administration
>dup suing Chicongo
>Catholic rapefugee resettlement groups cry and whinge about their funding getting cut with USAID gone
>Second judge hoppin on the anchor babies case because the first one is setting himself up for federal investigation


>NCAA bans men from women's sparts!
gud for them
its p fucked up when you think about how many chicks scholorships prolly got btfo cuz some troon needed attention


depends on the pisstian tbh, catholics and greek/russian orthodox seem a whole lot more open to noticing jewish shenanigans along with nigger christians, but WASPs are some of the most stubborn retards on the planet when it comes to sucking zionist cock


it's really more of an age issue at this point than it is a religious/political one, all the boomers love israel and are still stuck in the 1960s when the evil arabs were kicking their door in daily and subsequently getting rekt because they're actually retarded goatfuckers that can't into tactics
just give it 20 years, that's all you gotta do, then it'll be gone


>problem glasses + 2 second jump cuts
really don't know how you can tolerate this long enough to figure out what the content is, my blood pressure doubles immediately whenever i see this kind of shit


>2 second jump cuts
i always wonder if thats cuz ppl dont know how to talk anymore
everyones just goyphoning all day irl, and then they get home and hang out online

the entire premise is fucking stupid anyways. how do you fucking believe that it costs $800k to inject dogs with blow?
how do you even remember to breath if youre that stupid?


>2 decades
but then i'll be the boomer
it's literally just because no one has attention spans anymore, there's a whole formula to the way these videos are made that keeps people's eyes from glazing over before they end


>but then i'll be the boomer
but you'll be the boomer that hates israel


File: 1738896285451.jpg (66.05 KB, 597x450, 199:150, Sleep Tight Bike.jpg)

spee is asleep


there are borts you dont have access to
i bet you arent even logged in with a sportschan GOLD account lmao looser


I mean they need an excuse to buy cocaine
>it's for the rats
sure thing


woah so king nigger really was a tryant



also yah


was there a new development or something




>Cow farts vaccine
>Missing flight in Alaska
>Pajeets shackled to 40 hour illegal immigrant return flight
>Labor unions suing to prevent USAID from getting slashed
>dup pressuring ICE to speed it up
What was I supposed to catch again? Boomer news is that Georgia arrested some nigger mayor for nigging about and Russ got his seat back along partisan lines despite being a completely nonpartisan office


da update
>Trump sanctions International Criminal Court over Israel investigation
>GOP support for Musk influence with Trump falls dramatically: Poll
>US freezes $13.3M in funds for international police force in Haiti
>NFL removes ‘End Racism’ slogan from end zones for Super Bowl
continue racism


el rato says the ntsb told him the black hawk had its safety system turned off


Considering they were off-course and way too high altitude I think that was a given, good to hear it confirmed tho'


Musk was always a fag I'm surprised republicucks even played house this long tbh fam


how do you sanction a court?


You sanction the judges on the court to try and manipulate them. Lots of BS you can do with restrictions on banking, entry into America, etc.


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yea theres a whole bunch
obongo created some agency then hid it from blumpf before he got in
its entire purpose was to fuck with him and try to impeach him, muh russian gollusion etc

idk if thats what hes talking about specifically, but yah. bimbo blondie bondis BBB got her work cut out for her next couple yrs


>>GOP support for Musk influence with Trump falls dramatically: Poll
i bet
graham and kristol already got caught up in it
all the old neocons are sweating
>r-rubio p-p-pls
>r-remember me??
>we were f-f-frens r-right???


hey son are ya done talking about all this gay stuff with your e-friends yet so you can make the invite for sundays big football game?


File: 1738936592203.png (384.85 KB, 908x846, 454:423, bimbodoll.png)

im gonna need some bimboified bondi pics ASAP
just leave it on my desk if im not in


make da thread


we already have a thred >>1677600


thats just the complaining about making da thread thread tho


hey grandson are u done being a talentless whiner that complains until others do things for him like a woman?


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New plane jihadaroo in Alaska
praise be to dudddder
sportschan is the only way


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File: 1738940934134-1.mp4 (3.61 MB, 888x492, 74:41, Antonio Quintero🇺🇸 - @Texa….mp4)

saw this reposted from four channel


>uses demograssee to get erected by teh majority and starts arresting literal traitors and saboteurs
its all so tiresome


File: 1738941563648.png (211.65 KB, 1000x406, 500:203, Anomalous.png)

we are annymoose


lik ffs fag just make some shit kaki or something
i'll be home from work in a few several hours and i'll make some big thing in ms kaki with space for whatever bullshit you wanna add if no one else has done anything by then


File: 1738941894203.png (537.34 KB, 960x537, 320:179, ClipboardImage.png)

big balls is in control now
do u feel in control?


fucking lol.


File: 1738942386304.png (96.11 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>40 hour
cmon that's just petty
cmon that's just petty


lil bro gettin roasted for this shit post >>1679530


File: 1738943478017.png (150.58 KB, 928x561, 928:561, ClipboardImage.png)

>in February 2025, more than 148 million birds have been ordered to be killed
jesus h
snopes is hilarious now. they just say 'nu-uh' then proceed to dry snitch their ass off


enron and dup should drop them off in pakistan for the lulz xD


File: 1738943534717.png (540.13 KB, 773x894, 773:894, Presidency of Donald J. Tr….png)

please stop reminding me of this


File: 1738943581702-0.png (336.35 KB, 480x459, 160:153, snopes.png)

File: 1738943581702-1.png (1.23 MB, 1096x1678, 548:839, snopes (1).png)

do ppl stick rely on these two obese libshits as the arbiters of truth


File: 1738946630677.mp4 (904.37 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 1738946590566.mp4)

huezil plen crash


File: 1738946744871.gif (44.18 KB, 190x300, 19:30, wtf.gif)

did someone use gay sissy hypno beams on all the pilots or something
what the fuck is going on


File: 1738946893629.mp4 (34.21 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Chaos erupts in New Mexico….mp4)

>A routine court hearing in Albuquerque, New Mexico, on Jan. 31 turned violent when three people attacked a murder defendant, setting off a chaotic brawl that was captured on courtroom surveillance footage.

>The altercation took place during a hearing for Alexander Ortiz, who is accused of killing his ex-girlfriend in January 2024.


its prolly more lik the planes r shit and poorly maintained


google axing dieshit too


imagine dealing with the grabblers at the insurance company when your claim says "hit by a plane"
Made in China 2025™
I legit wonder if the chinks are willing to start a global pandemic how long before they start using backdoors to crash a high but plausibly deniable number of foreign flights
hell cars too while they're at it


he got what he wanted like a true balding alpha sissy beta tho, what now chad cucks?


You’d think after 15 years of moralfaggin, anomalous would have thought of some new lines.


you'd think they learn to be the real ebin haxxors they claim to be, but they're really nothing but a bunch of skiddes that use publicly available hacks to pwn outdated servers and call it a win. something a 12 year old could do in 2001
spee has not been hacked by anonymous
spee is therefore stronger than anonymous


I had a feeling something was up with all the poultry processing plants perishing away in pires of fire, but I didn't suspect the fucking birb flu shit to also be fake and gay holy shit


turns out literally everything is fake and gay, including most of gayness itself
unironic govt subsidized faggotry


No, the pseudo-intellects reference NPR instead. That is likely to change soon when they lose federal funding.


how much money is duddr is taking from the feds to keep the error posting demoralization initiative going


Honestly avoiding error has become p easy and on effort posts i can just look up where the error is, sure i can't just say "nice" or other one-word posts but it's not too bad
the real problem is when the server decides I'm a bot and I have to clear my cookies and change IPs to make it stop bullying me








File: 1738955217101.webm (169.43 KB, 872x480, 109:60, thats not true.webm)


three of these are me, one always lies, one only tells the truth, and the third lies half of the time. you can only ask one question to figure out which me is me that lies and which me is me that tells the truth, what do you ask me?
trick question there's five of me and >we all lie


are you gay?


File: 1738956023105.webm (13.87 MB, 854x480, 427:240, A Man Has Fallen Into The….webm)

>The Science Museum in London is facing some social media backlash for a tour claiming Lego bricks can be anti-LGBTQ+ by promoting heteronormative relationships. The self-guided tour, which is titled “Seeing Things Queerly,” explores queer communities and identities in the museum’s collection.

>A spokesperson for the museum stated that the blog post was published to highlight objects related to LGBTQ+ experiences and communities. The museum argues that Lego’s descriptions apply heteronormative language to objects unrelated to gender, sex and reproduction.



when they gonna learn that its not a great idea to take away the spergs autism toys?


File: 1738957126570-0.mp4 (34.86 MB, 720x1272, 30:53, Noora Shalash.mp4)

File: 1738957126570-1.mp4 (3.76 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, screeching negro.mp4)

File: 1738957126570-2.mp4 (4.71 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, screeching negro1.mp4)

File: 1738957126570-3.jpg (147.22 KB, 1170x1438, 585:719, lawyer letter.jpg)

File: 1738957126570-4.mp4 (2.2 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, spokane.mp4)

1-noora, director of government affairs for CAIR-Kentucky
2/3-dept of education showdown
4-attorney letter
5-random sperg in warshington

team dup def gonna catch a bullet before this is over


File: 1738957903549.jpg (36.32 KB, 500x349, 500:349, soon.jpg)

>dat letter from DoJ
it begins


File: 1738958196706.jpg (58.66 KB, 1080x845, 216:169, IMG_20250207_145341_039.jpg)

🗳 🇺🇸 Elon Musk asks his X army to weigh in on bringing back DOGE staffer, 25, who resigned over racist posts

Elez was one of two employees at the Department of Government Efficiency granted access to $5trillion in the Treasury payment systems following an 11th hour court hearing on Thursday.

He resigned after posts under a pseudonym, including a call to 'normalize' Indian hate, were unearthed. One bragged he was 'racist before it was cool.'

Other posts allegedly read 'You could not pay me to marry outside of my ethnicity', and 'normalize Indian hate.'

According to the publication, the X account 'advocated repealing the Civil Rights Act and backed a "eugenic immigration policy".'

The account also weighed in on the Israel-Palestine crisis, with a post that read: 'I would not mind at all if Gaza and Israel were both wiped off the face of the Earth.'



in an error kind of way


File: 1738959123933.mp4 (4.22 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, dup annex leafs.mp4)

no more northern wars, just one big america


File: 1738959306649.mp4 (1.07 MB, 802x456, 401:228, dup on elez.mp4)

scold marming is officially over, gonna call every yt woman i see a faggot now


even my wall outlets have male and female parts
what are they going to do about that HUH


File: 1738960721264.png (205.55 KB, 320x393, 320:393, ClipboardImage.png)

make the outlet transgender with one of these


My controls systems rely on masters and slaves but apparently using that language is racist. Until the vendor demands we use that language when discussing the problem


File: 1738960843317.jpg (610.96 KB, 4032x3024, 4:3, outlet.jpg)

hop on your carriage and get with the current year grandpa


That looks like someone 3D printed some cheap plastic, ran a rubber hose over a solid piece of metal, and sold it as a vintage plug for $100


Wait, but if there are two grounds then it defeats the entire purpose of grounding when something backflows into the system


File: 1738961139416.jpg (138.7 KB, 720x960, 3:4, hdmi to h2o.jpg)

then what do you call this


File: 1738961176783.png (311.83 KB, 524x837, 524:837, ClipboardImage.png)

grounds? this osha?


File: 1738961358831.png (13.71 MB, 3000x4000, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

these types of cords protect us against transphobic electricians wanting all plugs and sockets to be misgendered


Boomer News (condensed because I gotta go to sleep)
>DOGE to audit the pentagon
>Japan gives 1 trillion (USD) pledge to America in exchange for drilling rights in Alaska
>Minnesota and California defy bill banning trannies in sparts
>HHS purges incoming
>Los Angeles requiring slum housing intermixed when Pacifik Palisades gets rebuilt
>Ron's wife wants to run for governor of Florida
>FEC commissioner holdin' the line in her office saying "iT's IlLeGaL tO fIrE mE!?"
>Helicopter had safety features disabled


what actually happens if you plug them both in?
starts to melt?


"yes sir officer will you put me in the same cage as the guy that killed my niece ty :)"


>>Ron's wife wants to run for governor of Florida

11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.

12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

1 Timothy 2:11-12


>>DOGE to audit the pentagon
lmfao i cant wait to hear how thats actually bad and fascist or whatever


lik what do you even say to make auditing the MIC sound bad?
muh nuclear codes?


I really hope that's the guy that actually did it
imagine being locked in a cage the rest of your life because the government went after the wrong guy


to the same outlet?
nothing at all
think about it the energy isn't going anywhere it isn't already at

to a different outlet on an entirely different circuit?
could be nothing
could be something
depends on if you have any kind of circuit fault protection


>To the same outlet?
The cable acts as a resistanceless resistor and rapidly heats the metal due to amp spike


File: 1738964381612-0.mp4 (1.88 MB, 576x1024, 9:16, bean.mp4)

File: 1738964381612-1.mp4 (4.38 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, doyers land.mp4)

msm=endangering dumograsee & putlermusk now runs da army, rinos=muh turrorists, aoc types=muh civil servants & heemin palis


File: 1738965658415.png (300.93 KB, 500x402, 250:201, Jew Quest.png)

>Fraudsters stole $100B in government funds, they’re about to get away with it

>The statute of limitations for COVID-19 relief crimes expires March 27. Thousands of cases are pending.

>The Government Accountability Office estimates fraudsters stole between $100 billion and $135 billion.
>The Department of Labor said only $5 billion has been recovered.


File: 1738966184506-0.mp4 (9.06 MB, 576x320, 9:5, sauna ice.mp4)

File: 1738966184506-1.mp4 (7.06 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, ice charm.mp4)

so.. 5 years max? that normal for a statute of limitation?


File: 1738966671782.mp4 (23.96 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, la bean stabberoo.mp4)


was the actual stabbing in the vid?
who dun it? was it the chicano lookin kid in the doyers jacket?




File: 1738969642222-0.jpg (142.36 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, fun xo.jpg)

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File: 1738969642222-2.jpg (103.15 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, fun xo2.jpg)

is we getting braces back


p sure it was off camera but my brain shuts off with high schoolers and beaners


>gun sounds at the end
yo I thought this was gonna suddenly turn into some power of god pt2 shit


big if true


That’s the shortest statute of limitations I’ve ever heard of. Must be 6,000,000 days time served


it depends entirely on the crime
if its not federal, which state as well


i was actually referring to the OP, but ya its related. basically onigger direcitng govt spook agencies to target american citizens then hid it from blump on his way out


>dont have culture
i guess i should be pleased that >our culture is so prevalent and ingrained that some don't see it as culture at all but as "the way things are" or whatever prevents that spic - wearing a hoodie, ball cap, shorts, glasses, tennis shoes, and holding a sign with words *written with a pen* - from seeing.


while I may not agree with him, I will defend his right to free speech with my life


>dup revokes bidup's security clearance over cognitive decline


>Another Oregon teacher arrested for you-know-what
Man I think West Coast teachers are diddlin' more boys than the Catholics ever did


i wont, everyone chose the authoritarian path and i will go out of my way to make people like that regret it


let me know when the spunited states go full camp of the saints on the border


i never read that book i'm just going to actively hunt down and report spics to ICE along with anyone who harbors them. i already got an entire household arrested and the neighborhood is silent for once in almost 6 fuckin years, no more random fireworks and little faggots holding up traffic with dirt bikes


>no more random fireworks and little faggots holding up traffic with dirt bikes
so what you're saying is south americans were the only people having american children in your neighborhood?


i can tell you don't live around spics because you're not constantly being woken up at 3am from that shit



children have curfews


File: 1739033346365-0.webm (5.37 MB, 480x854, 240:427, tiktok_oraniabeweging_746….webm)

File: 1739033346365-1.webm (2.58 MB, 592x848, 37:53, VID_20250208_110807_471.webm)

File: 1739033346365-2.webm (2.69 MB, 352x640, 11:20, VID_20250208_104845_222.webm)

vids all unrelated to one another


oh hey thats the orania guy
yea hes right i hope they do actually give em shit. they actually wont embezzle it all.
have you seen how well its come together in the past few yrs, just on their own? entire rest of the cunt has lik 16hrs of loadshedding per day, meanwhile these guys live in crimeless suburbia in the middle of nowhere and have their own generator, massive solar farm which is actually a gud idea for once on the cape of africa, and electrical grid

its all backasswards anyways
the bantu sitting govt comes from ppl that settled the cape lik a century or two after the afrikaaners had already set up shop down there


am i missing something here? how does USAID funding freezing cut off foodstamps?
or is it some other shit he cut?


if what she says is true it prob isnt usaid but smth else


>the bantu sitting govt comes from ppl that settled the cape lik a century or two after the afrikaaners had already set up shop down there
yah just try explaining that to most people, the vast majority of the time they'll call you a conspiratard idiot assuming they even make it past "south africa was settled by whites first". not saying don't try just that to the average westerner the concept of a region in apefrica not being settled by niggers first is outlandish because apparently no one actually knows the difference between settled people and nomads


keir grew some brain cells and suddenly realized that nuclear energy is gud, and is now fasttracking reactors getting built. not like any of them will be done by the time he leaves lol


didn't the bantu wipe out the original inhabitants, by the time south africa was gettin settled it was basically empty
then once it became a whyte vtopia all the niggers came pouring in


So what happened was in a separate action dup was investigating food stamps and similar programs for fraud and abuse and terminated a shit ton of people who had basically been left on aid since chink flu


It don't matter what matters is we should do more of that colonizing stuff it's the gud shit


File: 1739041319867.png (2.24 MB, 1560x1002, 260:167, ClipboardImage.png)



lmao even normalfags understand the minions to autist reference these days tho'


File: 1739041783964-0.jpg (104.88 KB, 590x452, 295:226, Horsey 1.jpg)

File: 1739041783964-1.jpg (218.7 KB, 600x454, 300:227, Horsey 2.jpg)

this guy still gettin a paycheck?


>blatant lie + cartoon
political cartoonists should be treated like the jesters they are and be publicly kicked around while they make retard noises. it's an entire career based on how loud you can say NUH UHHHHHHH


File: 1739042084331.jpg (38.48 KB, 640x657, 640:657, media_GjSP07MWcAApyci.jpg)

What are you going to do about it, goy?


>this guy still gettin a paycheck?
Not anymore, since they closed USAID.


with USAID btfo?? probly not lmfao


Man, FBI or CIAniggers taking down Soros and breaking his hip on the fall but arresting and extraditing to America anyways would be peak




The jews are americans greatest ally, they would never do that to a jew.


soros is so jewish he sold out other jews during da war so he could be the supreme jew


we should study them
for science
dissect them to find out what makes them our greatest ally
repeat this about 6 million times so the scientific evidence is confirmed


the ironic thing is the bantu ANC members actually do know that, even if the most they offer is lip-service. theyve called them "the lone white tribe of africa" and its the reason they let them do orania in the first place. they know they got fucked over by colonizers too with the brits and the boer wars.
they also probably remember fighting against the boers and understand what an absolutely terrifying foe they can be, so would rather they separate themselves. that kind of capacity to full berserk on your enemy goes a long ways towards earning respect on the afriga

its western neoliberals who usually just dont have a clue and think everythings all fucking black and white and simple. SAs racial and colonial history breaks their minds, its too complicated

no some are still around. theyre grouped in with "coloureds" and some are mixed with the crikmonkrs that moved in too also coloureds. a lot did get pushed out to namibia, but some stayed.

the bantu are from the congo, far up north from SA
they were the dominant tribe in the area and totally wiped out all other tribes in the area of the congo proper basically anything west of that lake where rwanda is. that was a long time ago tho. their migration all the way down to the cape was centuries after that. the boer settled the place and started building up, then the brits came in and built it up even more since they had more money. all that development and higher standard of living had people from the congo moving down en masse to escape that crazy belgian guy who chopped everyones hands off, so they got used as cheap labor in the apartheid era
you can see how well that worked out


ngl i would give him my embezzled US tax dollars too
have you seen the returns that guy gets on his hdgefund?


it's ironic how almost no one really talks about belgians in the congo who were up to some actual evil shit lmao. i'm sure people know about it but south africa generally gets a whole lot more flak specifically because the UK threw a gigantic fuckin fit about them and used muh racism propaganda to fool other cunts into dropping support for SA


File: 1739048117768-0.png (2.07 MB, 2046x1270, 1023:635, okay.png)

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File: 1739048117768-2.png (1.77 MB, 2048x1135, 2048:1135, chefShlomo.png)

File: 1739048117768-3.png (1.85 MB, 2048x1152, 16:9, chunky.png)

File: 1739048117768-4.jpg (218.99 KB, 920x702, 460:351, obongo.jpg)

horsey sure is the most insufferable cartoonist out there. turning his cartoons 180° was always more fun than exaggerating zyklon bens


File: 1739048464483.png (870.68 KB, 646x969, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

belgiums biggest advantage has always been no one noticing they exist until its way too late
cartoonishly evil shit leopold did in his colony. if someone told me he had literal congoloid-hide couches and lampshades, id actually believe it

basically an entire generation of ppl grew up without hands cuz they missed two days of harvest quotas. or worse, they started chopping each others hands off instead to avoid getting their own chopped off
bizarre, senseless, ultraviolence. even from a purely cynical PoV thats just damaging your own farming equipment


speaking of afriga and congo
saw this clip of kagame rwandan pres and near about fell out of my chair from leling too hard
has all that same energy as the old idi amin laugh to getting asked if he thought "hitler didnt kill enough jews during the war". basically same answer too, ie "yeah definitely… but i aint gonna tell some foreign journo fag about it"
pretty hilarious

hes prolly right about SA being up there tho. thats who M23 kagames mercs, not rwandan themselves, but under their employ have apparently been shooting at. congo is absolutely fucking enormous and its borders are not only almost entirely arbitrary, but in the middle of dense jungle. its also a miserable shithole that has almost no power, whereas rwanda is actually rich af and has a strong, pretty well-equipped army. can hardly blame a negroe for just reaching across and taking shit. lik if some entirely different cunt SA is gonna cross 2-3 cunts to steal shit, and no ones around to stop them, might as well rob the thieves for yourself

hes basically gambling that the intl community is far too busy/self-absorbed and sick of funding foreign wars to care, and that the congo is too weak to stop him
and hes prolly right tbph.


File: 1739051308592.png (2.85 MB, 1280x4079, 1280:4079, Africa Wars.png)

african wars are p crazy, like just readin this they're actually p smart for a buncha warmongers


you talking about kagame?
yea he actually is a very competent leader. pretty fucking brutal, but so is africa, frankly.
rwanda is one of the few places that isnt totally fucked, primarily die to his leadership. i guarantee he saw the news USAID was getting audited and decided to pull the trigger since he knows itll hurt congo way more than him

tub you shouldnt underestimate these guys. even the random merc groups, some of those guys have been fighting in wars/conflicts non-stop since they were literal children. they literally roam around africa, looking for shitholes that have problems, then offer their services. sometimes they go rogue see south sudan rn, sometimes they switch sides, sometimes they decide to coup the govt that hired them. it can look like nonsense to the untrained eye, but theres usually some very strong reasoning behind it all

you dont necessarily have to be smart to be a killbot for some govt or some merc group or whatever
but if you wanna be an actually GUD killbot, you need experience. and lik i said some of these guys have been fighting for half their lives


also helps that the rhodies were just fucking untouchable
anyone who fought in any of the bushwars got a crash course in war at the highest level of study. a lot of those guys are probably generals, or defense ministers or whatever now


File: 1739052844132.mp4 (19.39 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, doge arrests.mp4)

sauna judge just prevented all political appointees, including sec of the treasury, from accessing treasury records
shit gon get ugly spros


lik saint floyd burning down the entire cunt was just mobilizing crunchys and niggers to steal an erection with fucking pence as the veep
now heem back in with a grazed ear and big dick jd & demoncraps have fuckin hogg on deck
prep your anguses


File: 1739053595669.png (308.42 KB, 480x474, 80:79, jenkem.png)

nin are we sale erilsowp in the seoi alsiego?


lot of it is just projecting, they're flailing rn cuz they have zero power, zero party unity, and outside of a handful of judges they're about to get steamrolled hard for the next four years. if they continue to screech like retards every step of the way while CR is saving billions of dobsons in taxpayer money we might even flip a few seats in the house and senate in 2026
like most of their mandates they've bene passing for the past four years have been axed in the span of a month with a few EOs signed, if you're a demonrat i'd consider suicide a p good way out rn


wut i'm sayin. whole thang seems fucked if they dont have a big prank in the tank. rank and file blew most their spirit bombs for a fent o.d.
do you obv just got a funy feel and fig'd i'd schiz on spartmans to finish up any loose projects


File: 1739054069063.mp4 (276.3 KB, 360x202, 180:101, the troubles (real).mp4)

>Irish passport applications surge as more Americans seek EU access

>31,825 Americans applied for Irish citizenship in 2024, marking a 10% increase from the previous year. Many applicants cite political concerns, economic opportunities, and access to the European Union as key reasons for obtaining an Irish passport.

>The surge peaked in November 2024, when 3,692 applications were filed, marking the highest monthly total in a decade, and coinciding with Donald Trump’s re-election.
>Immigration lawyers report a spike in U.S. inquiries about relocating abroad, while celebrities and high-profile figures are also moving overseas.


theyre about to learn a vary simple albeit important lesson in a vary vary hard way
ireland is not in a great spot rn


>Trump is taking away the security clearances from: Letitia James, Alvin Bragg, Antony Blinken


I kinda hope that at least some of the god emperor's exec orders get shutdown just because I know when the penduluum swings the other way the next guy or one after or whoever is going to try and push even harder in the opposite direction with EOs


that prolly means theyre under investigation, right?


File: 1739054686983.mp4 (623.22 KB, 884x470, 442:235, mace troon.mp4)

shame about the bolt ons


executive orders are one thing
but if it gets ratified by congress, thats another thing entirely. and they have a big majority in congress rn


File: 1739054910902.png (152.23 KB, 1125x1232, 1125:1232, ClipboardImage.png)

dup isnt doing anything unprecedented, past just didnt have the same media coverage
also with any luck there's never another erection d's can win. the time for spankin is now


hoo boy if the micks hated the american "i'm like 1/32 irish i'm one of you!" shit beforehand they might actually start the troubles back up if a legion of purple hair office worker fags start invading. they're already rabid bc of the rapefugees


nah. seems lik heem just want em to fuck off rn


will the sniper come back from his lunch break?


imagine some rainbow head going over to drunklaterra and being so annoying that he gets his head turned into a shattered eggshell by some angry potato elf with a barrett


File: 1739055320929.mp4 (16.4 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Irish Rebel Song- Come Out….mp4)

i NEED a video of a self hating namaste whorb trying to lecture o'tato after finding out what 'up da RA means


I'm all for anything with legislative branch behind it
it's all about preserving the checks and balances
yeah but it never goes backwards
each president is just more powerful than the last and the end game is a one party state where a certain agency crashes any administration (with no survivors) that doesn't want to play ball


yup used to argue with a pendulum fag that it wasnt a pendulum but a shovel digging, and here we are
startin to think any alternative is just kickin the can and average citizens need to protected from human natures worst trappings democracy_is_retarded.webm


.>we may already be past that point tbh. the fact he not only won the popular vote but won it by multiple millions along with recucklicans sweeping up in general after over a decade of open commie faggotry and persecution kinda points towards reactionaries finally doing some reactioning which usually means dictatorship isn't that far away if history is anything to go by. it'd be p funny if the fags crying about nonexistent fascism for the past several years were directly responsible for an actual fascist state coming to power


you're spending too much time online
it's fashionable to be all "cynical" and "blackpilled" but no one dies from typhus or typhoid anymore, you don't have to eat potatos or rice only 3 meals a day, and all the exotic Burmese wood block carvings you could ever watch are just a click away
yeah we have glowies, grabblers, and their goytoys, but we also have a lotta pretty great stuff too


its been an ideological and legislative dicktatershit for awhile
ceo's got un-ceo'd for giving a hundo to the main repub candidate, brown plumber got fired for itching his finger and accidentally a nahtzee 👌
not a fan and its gonna suck but thats the bed made currently


File: 1739056768213.png (360.77 KB, 618x410, 309:205, colbert.png)

we must secure the existence of these trips and a future for repeating digits


dont assume budy, i'm not nigpilled at all. speaking to the top down view
plumbing and free collelge education on a magic box rule but still exist in a larger system
mclovin this knowing full well theres going to be downsides tbh


File: 1739057130221.png (648.35 KB, 564x675, 188:225, 684868421.png)

sorry friendo
it's just too easy to make the assumption


wait whats this about a plumber doing the nazi ok?


File: 1739057357240.mp4 (747.04 KB, 720x720, 1:1, ip moan.mp4)

ya. i'd like to know where the tards came from tho, just out of curiosity idrgaf otherwise
still think jooposter was a fediverse refugee


File: 1739057706077-0.jpg (88.08 KB, 854x615, 854:615, emmanuel-cafferty-el-hombr….jpg)

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2020 feels like a lifetime ago


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📈❗️ | US Tsunami Warning Center issues tsunami alert for all countries coastlines along the Caribbean Sea!


building industry and infrastructure. So evil. You know to travel in Africa in those times you needed to cart a great load of bribes. Not necessarily worth a lot but ostentatious in it's material to bribe anyone away from rape, murder or enslavement. If you think people's hands were cut off because the Belgians were evil you've never dealt with the tyranny of distance in malaria infested jungle. You replied to a post that was 4 paragraphs too long which basically said bigger niggers killed little niggers and ended living near whites who in turn had to deal with the English empire.


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stay safe duddr


The (((UK)))




^^^^^^ GOT EM


when tf and why tf did tranny become an insult anyway it seemed like it happened overnight a few years back and before that "queer" was an insult but now they openly use it to describe themselves? whats so insulting about it? "trans" sounds fucking stupid and doesn't roll off the tongue as well as "tranny" when used in a sentence. idgaf who these people fug as long as it's not kids i'm way more annoyed by their constant whinging about language they're unironically worse than niggers in this aspect


fuck off back to /pol/ nigger, the white south africans managed to keep their niggers in line without succumbing to nigger behavior themselves. i'm willing to bet my entire next paycheck that your faggot ass would watch a video of africans cutting each others hands off and tut about it like some pearl clutching fuckpig too


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logic doesnt play a part, all that shit was just control
member when they used to "retake" words to establish their own power over em? brass got that got shut down right quick



‘Large scale’ immigration enforcement coming to Los Angeles: Report

>Agents with Immigration and Customs Enforcement are reportedly planning a “large-scale” operation in the Los Angeles area before March. The operation will target individuals living illegally in the U.S. and those with pending removal orders.

>The operation will involve assistance from the FBI, DEA and other federal agencies, although some local agencies, like the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department, have stated they will not participate.
>Protests have developed in response to Trump’s mass deportation strategy, with incidents of violence occurring during demonstrations.


homan and dup both said hurry up w tbd


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can't we just deport all of LA?


This is where I stand. The 47th President, his power hungry cronies taking positions of authority in his Cabinet and administration, and the majority of Republicans in Congress are a real and active threat to me, my way of life, and all or most of the people I love.
Some people are saying that we should give Trump a chance, that we should "work together" with him because he won the election and he is "everyone's president." This is my response:

•I will not forget how badly he and so many others treated former President Barack Obama for 8 years…Lies about his legitimacy and hatred for his principles and his attempts to work within the system.
•I will not "work together" to privatize Medicare, cut Social Security and Medicaid.
•I will not "work together" to subvert the Constitution by illegitimately pushing unfit Cabinet nominees through on recess appointments without the advice and consent of the Senate.
•I will not "work together" to build a wall.
•I will not "work together" to persecute Muslims.
•I will not "work together" to shut out refugees from other countries.
•I will not "work together" to lower taxes on the 1% and increase taxes on the middle class and poor.
•I will not "work together" to help Trump use the Presidency to line his pockets and those of his family and cronies.
•I will not "work together" to weaken and demolish environmental protection.
•I will not "work together" to sell American lands, especially National Parks, to companies which then despoil those lands.
•I will not "work together" to enable the killing of whole species of animals just because they are predators, or inconvenient for a few, or because some people want to get their thrills killing them.
•I will not "work together" to remove civil rights from anyone.
•I will not "work together" to alienate countries that have been our allies for as long as I have been alive.
•I will not "work together" to slash funding for education.
•I will not "work together" to take basic assistance from people who are at the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder.
•I will not "work together" to get rid of common sense regulations on guns.
•I will not "work together" to eliminate the minimum wage.
•I will not "work together" to support so-called "Right To Work" laws, or undermine, weaken or destroy Unions in any way.
•I will not "work together" to suppress scientific research, be it on climate change, fracking, or any other issue where a majority of scientists agree that Trump and his supporters are wrong on the facts.
•I will not "work together" to criminalize abortion or restrict health care for women.
•I will not "work together" to increase the number of nations that have nuclear weapons.
•I will not "work together" to put even more "big money" into politics.
•I will not "work together" to violate the Geneva Convention.
•I will not "work together" to give the Ku Klux Klan, the Nazi Party and white supremacists a seat at the table, or to normalize their hatred.
•I will not "work together" to deny health care to people who need it.
•I will not "work together" to deny medical coverage to people on the basis of a "pre-existing condition."
•I will not "work together" to increase voter suppression.
•I will not "work together" to normalize tyranny.
•I will not “work together” to eliminate or reduce ethical oversight at any level of government.
•I will not "work together" with anyone who is, or admires, tyrants and dictators.
•I will not support anyone who thinks it's OK to put a pipeline to transport oil on Sacred Ground for Native Americans. And, it would run under the Missouri River, which provides drinking water for millions of people. An accident waiting to happen.
•I will not "work together" to legitimize racism, sexism, and authoritarianism.
This is my line, and I am drawing it.
•I WILL stand for honesty, love, respect for all living beings, and for the beating heart that is the center of Life itself.
•I WILL use my voice and my hands, to reach out to the uninformed, and to anyone who will LISTEN:
That "winning", "being great again", "rich" or even "beautiful" is nothing… When others are sacrificed to glorify its existence.
Patrice Lo Sapio
Susan Smith
Dinah Feiga
Sam Himmelstein
Elizabeth W. Briggs
Patricia Lawrence
Debra Brauner
Marvin A Marsh
Beth Eustis
Bonnie Bates
Karen Meacham
Nina Gonzalez
Sue Cortese
Joe Burby
Jeff Pierce
Dan Collier
Sharon Hill Sellers
Nikki Collins
Betsy Rosenberg
Pat Field Ravasio
LinLin Rose
Pam Putzell
Joe Putzell
Laura Cheek
Michael Cheek
James Lundquist
Radine Green
Carmi Amezcua
Suzanne Lomasney
Jo Ann Landstrom-Pelikan
Sandy Gustafson
Ann Florence
Patty O'Hara Mc
Trish Koodrich
Bridget Dougherty
Sandra Womack
Diane Lathrop
Bill Vance
Joanne R. Clayton
Timothy Vantran
Kelcy M. Allwein
Frank J. Stech
Virginia Segal Manczuk
Evelina Kahn
Judi Gardner
Steve Burby
Rich Buley-Neumar
Scott Frazier-Maskiell
Matt Bonham
Maida Belove
Christie Trout
Terri Gherardi

Now it is your turn. Copy, paste, and add your name to the list. This needs to be heard loud and clear.


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i put too much effort into this


Wait did anybody make the fucking invite and invited everyone?


no my theory is it was probably a local practice due to the dominant culture being islamic before the Belgians arrived. Infact in Mungo's travels into the interior it is mentioned as a punishment that predates European exploration of africa


Was reading that. I hope dup pulls an Andrew Jackson on these judges who tf do they think they are telling the executive branch they can't execute?


>economic opportunities
oh i am laffin
have fucking fun with that, ameriexpats lmfao


i remember that prop
was a good day


>add your names to the list
lmfao this is some next level self ratting shit


it's great except it needs the SS hat and old timey sepia filter in the dup photo. you could probably get most of the way there by applying a photo grain filter to the layer


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woah is that real?


and my theory is imitating nigger behavior makes you a nigger. nigger is more than skin, nigger is a mentality, nigger is a rotten soul, and belgians are niggers for practicing nigger behavior. it makes perfect sense that the EU's HQ is located in belgium


>ywn hug a big tittied CR


they grew accustomed to legislating from the bench, what do you expect?


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most homes in the palisades were uninsured because companies stared refusing renewals. 1600 clients were dropped in july of 24 alone. insurers say it's because of the weather


To be fair the insurance companies assessed the fire risk and said "fuck this" in response to changes in Commiefornia law it's not all the insurance corpo's fault this time



its even worse than that cuz, post-brexit, theyre basically behind a soft british blockade separating them from the actual EU
so its even shitter


yah leopold II puts most actual tribals to fucking shame w his savagery
to the point that it actively hindered the primary goal of pure resource-extraction
just another rich psycho from brussels, nothin new there


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A left-wing, vampire-obsessed pedophile accused of sexually abusing children for years at a New York City school—while also filming cake vids in classrooms—has finally been arrested.


☢️ 🇺🇸 ⚡️ Texas University To Host Four Nuclear Reactors: 'US Needs More Power'

🔶️ Smaller than their traditional counterpart, SMRs are designed so that they can be factory-built in parts and assembled at their site of use. They could be particularly useful for remote locations, for industrial applications and powering facilities like data centers.

🔶️ The university says that its accommodation of the reactors will provide the "missing element" needed to bring more nuclear power to Texas.

🔶️ CEOs from four nuclear power companies have committed to work with the Texas A&M System to develop prototype and commercial-ready "small modular reactors" (SMRs)—with the first having the potential to be constructed within five years.



☢️ 🌍 ⚡️ The Small Nuclear Reactor Revolution Is Underway

🔶️ SMR technology is rapidly advancing, with numerous designs in development and several companies planning to deploy reactors within the next decade.

🔶️ SMRs offer a smaller, cheaper, and faster alternative to conventional nuclear reactors, making them suitable for a wider range of applications and locations.

🔶️ The growing demand for clean energy, particularly from data centers, is driving significant investment and innovation in SMR technology.



to be perfectly fair, cutting off the hands of a bunch of useless niggers IS a pretty good prank


i think idi amin drinking the blood of his fallen enemies is a better one tho
gud idea too, cuz then their spirits wont come back to haunt you. its all well and gud to stop a military coup, but if they can just re-constitute into spirit-form and coup you anyways, that doesnt raly help long term


also to be perfectly fair to leopold, its not entirely clear to me just how much of the atrocities in the congo free state were actually a result of direction from him, vs how much of it was just uncontrolled niggotry
for example, take this excerpt:
>He hadn’t made his rubber quota for the day so the Belgian-appointed overseers had cut off his daughter’s hand and foot. Her name was Boali. She was five years old. Then they killed her. But they weren’t finished. Then they killed his wife too.
>And because that didn’t seem quite cruel enough, quite strong enough to make their case, they cannibalized both Boali and her mother.
if the punishment for failed quotas is death, proven by the collection of a hand, why go through all that? in fact this is the sorta shit you STILL see on the apefrican continent
also since niggers find it easier to murder and collect hands rather than work collecting rubber, i gotta wonder much of the entire thing was just niggers making an entire economy out of collecting eachothers hands just to get out of fucking work


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Trump announces $7B arms sale, circumventing congressional review

>The Trump administration approved a $7.4 billion arms sale to Israel on Feb. 7. The deal includes $6.75 billion worth of munitions and support, along with 3,000 Hellfire missiles valued at about $660 million, with deliveries starting in 2028.

>Defense officials stated the sale aims to help Israel address current and future threats, while Rep. Gregory Meeks, D-N.Y., criticized the administration for bypassing Congress and failing to justify the deal.
>Both Presidents Trump and Biden have previously bypassed the weapons review process, with Trump approving an $8 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia in 2019 and Biden pushing through a $147 million arms deal with Israel in 2023.


hey at least theyre fucking paying for it this time


>joos paying for anything
your taxbux are paying for it budy


why are fags acting surprised that he's giving shit to piss hell as if they weren't going to get weapons from >us regardless of who is president? it's always fuckin crikets when demonrats do it even though they're all just as embedded with AIPAC as recucklicans. every time there's a vote there's only like 5 nays/""""abstain""""s so all this is doing is waiving what is basically a formality at this point
im which case fuck it, abandon all the gay pretense of a choice it's less annoying than playing stupid fuckin word games that don't actually change anything because greatest ally can do no wrong


i know both sides give pissrael money, it's still just really funny when it continues to happen anyway
whatever, i have more imporant shit to worry about anyways


>The Trump administration approved a $7.4 billion arms sale to Israel on Feb. 7
>$7.4 billion arms sale
>arms sale


the money >we give them is largely justified because they turn around and spend a lot of it buying weapons from >us


that's still a net loss for the >our economy


ya im not justifying it myself just sayin.. when they buy >our weapons they do it with >our moolah


I rally think dup be likkin them balls n offering the stinky pinky cuz mossad has something on him
…and an exploding pager


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while >we were watching dab owl dup did some thangs

>gov of pa tried to have dup assassinated or smth idk pics related

<penny (1¢) production DED
>dep of ed (DoE) DED


y'know something tells me they gun start callin' it GOMA (Gulf of Mexico and America) to avoid takin' sides


I figured it was glowniggers and I'm not sure if this is better or worse, the fucking governor tried to put a hit on dup? lmao


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it might be bullshit looking slightly more into it, idk.

in other news i thought picrel was interesting just that someone that talks with the president a lot is openly saying this thing that >we already know >ourselves


big if true


>Lefty version of anonymous hacker larp is long and rambling like their memes.


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the left still can't yim
do not error post me


>symbolism matters gestures matter
<t. atheist in catholic monarch makeup
analmouse has some wild lore i cant remember now. didnt obongo turn a couple troons into fed snitches after occupy wall street?


Idk about the troon part, sabo went snitch after the fbi talked with him. Who then in turn got Jeremy Hammond arrested, then there was that moralfag guy everyone speculated about. Barret or who ever. Just a few off the top of my head


imagine unironically thinking youre some 1337 blackhat hax0r group, but then literally everything youve ever done is in defense of the old status quo, or trying to further the same retarded globalist goals/ideas that theyve been trying to subject us to for years. insane amount of mental gymnastics on these LARPers. unless its literally ONLY feds involved now which it might be tbh i have a tough time understanding how one would even cope with themselves

must suck to be so retarded


was some wild shit but idk where to even factually look it up anymore, u remember more than me now
archivebros remain mogging


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row row le resist™ became da system after king nigger got power. it was the only thing he was gud at and he was rally fucken gud at it (as to be expected from a gommie community organizer)
lik that mental gymnastics applies to basically all lefties now & its super wild to talk to em bc they all got larry nassar'd in the membrane
think about it a lot man. maybe a third of the cunt being an uniron death cult based solely around hating the majority demographic is either gonna have a bonkers unraveling, batshit consequences on fruition, or a mix of both


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going on a jre binge and the screencap is 100% true, heem really is some barbarian khan bringing these guys in to listen to em. so far watched parts from alex jones, john carmack, and that scientology chick, they're all p gud. going through the jd vance interview right now and i raly like this guy


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dog bles


big if true, but so big and so perfectly calibrated that it smells of a false flag russian gayop
we'll see. stay vigilant fellow GAYMERS o7


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>American Airlines flight delayed over Wi-Fi network name with the word ‘bomb’

>A flight was delayed after a suspicious Wi-Fi name containing the word “bomb” was discovered. All passengers were escorted off the plane to be rescreened.

>The flight took off several hours later after officials determined there was no actual threat.
>The TSA said it takes bomb threats “very seriously.”
oh my god jc


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Joe is a gay 5ft tall manlet who works for da jooos, unironically.


it's just an excuse for fat impotent script kiddie retards to wear the gay fucks mask and pretend to be intimidating
whether or not said script kiddies are actually feds are not is a different question but the end result is always them not actually doing anything but being some face for the average joe with no knowledge of ebin imageboard history to look at and have imprinted on their minds as a scapegoat for when actually competent hackers employed by glowniggers go and do something fucked up
>it totally wasn't >us, the government who is ostensibly supposed to protect you that fucked up your organization/company/whatever for being noncompliant
>it was skery mask dudes anomalous leechun
>they lik don't forget or something they're elephants or some shit idk


>who works for da joos unironically
Do you have a single fact to back that up?


he's in the entertainment industry which is full of da joos which of course means joos winn4ever and ever and sads reign soft taco supreme :,^(


i want to stab a spic to death in celebration


Okay? He's still super successful and probably swayed the normalfag caveman 20-40 right to dup


no he works for jimmy james of jimmy james industries


Doesn't he work for BLACK RIFLE COFFEE?
I DK why when premium dark roasted coffee sells itself! LOL


i literally just nutted in her and she started watching best yamkees moments on yewtube


Apparently Gina Carano is in it to win it against the Jews for i dunno but she's suing disney over how they discriminated against her because of nojab lmao


he should change his name to dont knowgan


i think the point is he let the guest speak for themself


ya heem was yuge for calling out the coof. had on dudes during memeflu when med licenses were getting yoinked for sayin obvious truths
toegans more an indictment of the 1337s imo. should be bredy ez to trick him into chugging pravda and makin stacy eat bugs on the teevee


sportchizzle needs to rizz things up for genAlpha chads prepare some gats do sum pizza towers rizz some ohio


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them splodey pagers were a fuckin great idea huh?
cant wait for temu nods to deface bubba


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>Georgia Senator Earl "Buddy" Carter has officially unveiled new legislation that would allow President Donald Trump to enter negotiations to “purchase or otherwise acquire” Greenland
>the proposal would rename Greenland to "Red, White, and Blueland”


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>The White House on Tuesday reacted to Waters' aggressive behavior, calling her 'annoying AF.'


should name it thule


rwanda finna boutta RAEP tf outta eastern congo
look at the kit these fuckers have
thats just the mercs
meanwhile congos got literal starving 13yos albeit, millions of them


think they can break their previous body count record from the 90s?


it rly depends on how many countries end up getting involved. its already a few, but it could theoretically end up with a lot more.
if it was just rwanda vs DRC, this would be over p quick. but you also got south africa there LARPing that theyre a military hegemon, then burundi is obv a little shook that rwandas doin thangs again, and then they all got their own respective mercs from wherever. DRC has no chance by themselves, so theyre gonna have to call in every fren they got. its all on who shows up

all that said its def not at that "ethnic cleansing" level that rwanda is famous for. just a simple land/resource grab. if anything it seems like a more well-executed ver of what putler thought he was gonna do in eastern ukraine ie have civvies welcome their "liberators"


no more brother wars!


them niggas aint brothas


>all that said its def not at that "ethnic cleansing" level that rwanda is famous for. just a simple land/resource grab
i know this isn't a tootsie roll elimination contest like last time but like you said theres alotta niggers about to chimp out all at once, maybe some world war apefrica level shit. i'm speaking purely about body count regardless of whatever obscure tribe the body happens to belong to
>ie have civvies welcome their "liberators"
it would be an impressive achievement if that actually happened considering it has literally never happened in the congo and prolly most of the rest of africa. it always seems to go like "rebels/outside group start getting uppity > they have some domestic supporters > atrocities committed by rebels/outsiders > they run out of steam > counter-atrocities committed by domestic government/population > apes that atrocity the most win > the cycle repeats within a decade"
africa is every bit as frustrating to watch as it is fascinating


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>aid gets cut off
>africa immediately implodes
been calling this for years, we're long overdue
these are all the africa flags i collected from cuckchan posters many many years ago


The people who were doing the genociding all live in the DRC.
From what I've read Rwanda is trying not to piss off SA (or else they would have overrun that little SA salient a while back) but welcomes getting to fight with the rest of these niggas
See >>1680833 and my first comment. DRCniggas were from the ethnic majority in Rwanda that tried to do the genociding and had to jump the border post-war to avoid being genocided themselves


Nah, Rwanda is brootal but they have a functioning Democracy™ and supply lines so these mine owners/mine workers don't really give a shit who the buyer is so long as there's a buyer, and the local economy of beer, food, and rape is probably exploding right now but otherwise things are good for the civvies, IIRC dressing as a civilian male was a tried-and-true tactic to avoid being a PoW, and the current PoWs are in the process of being shipped to Kigali


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Plen owned by Mötley Crüe singer Vince Neil crashes into parked jet at Scottsdale Airport in Arizona.

Officials confirm at least 1 person was killed, 4 injured.


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uh oh


o shit im gonna check that out tonight after listening to the tukr peers interview ty


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>one is just the irish flag mirrored
so are they the most sober country on the planet?


>From what I've read Rwanda is trying not to piss off SA
they are and they arent
they arent lik making a priority of going after SADF targets as you saw in the vid, they did kinda get incidentally cut off and, naturally, went down fighting, but kagame is absolutely calling their bluff. their bluff being that they can help protect the eastern congo

hes wanted more minerals for a long time, and theyre just sitting there across the border in the jungle. at most, being mined inefficiently, at worst, its being squirreled away by corruption both local and intl. kagame is actually interested in building up his cunt even more, so he sees that and is lik, "well how about i just take that off ur hands?"

i think he knows this will force SA to send more troops, but it seems lik hes down to have a lil dance battle tho

this basically
rwanda is substantially less corrupt, so theyre far more likely to get a fair price this way. theyre also way less likely to get robbed which is common now that they have well-armed mercs guarding the joint


the ivory coast?
no theyre all wasted
all got them jaundiced eyes from drinking gutter tier bootleg liquor since they were 12
its not as bad as say uganda, which is the famous one cuz of their banana liquor which tbh, sounds raly gud, just not the batch made in an old african trashcan-turned-still but all the coastal cunts learned about booze and how to distill it from yuropoors a long time ago. its big money to be made relatively speaking when your local economy is 90% subsistence dirt farmers


Adonko bitters


da update
>Trump signs order giving Musk’s DOGE more power over federal workforce
>Netanyahu threatens to end ceasefire if hostages aren’t returned Saturday
>Jordan’s king agrees to take in 2,000 displaced Palestinians
>Trump instructs all agencies to prepare for large-scale layoffs
>Trump tasks Elon Musk with slashing billions in spending at Pentagon
>New York’s Supreme Court to rule on noncitizens voting in NYC elections
>Kanye West faces lawsuit and Shopify shutdown after Super Bowl ad
<Shopify has shut down Ye’s website after he aired a Super Bowl ad, which directed viewers to a page selling a $20 T-shirt featuring a black swastika.
>US border officer facing life in prison for smuggling migrants, drugs
>Teen ‘serial swatter’ sentenced to 4 years in prison for making 375 calls
>Donors push Luigi Mangione’s defense fund over $300K, lawyer accepts money


>Kanye West faces lawsuit and Shopify shutdown after Super Bowl ad
lel what was his ad for?
lolocaust 2?


is it just tshirts tho?


>>New York’s Supreme Court to rule on noncitizens voting in NYC elections
the fact this is even an issue being brought up at all still never ceases to amaze me. it doesn't take several logical steps to see why noncitizens voting is a very bad very retarded idea yet here >we are


It seems slightly less rarted when you consider about a quarter of Jew Yorkers are immigrants (excluding 2nd/3rd gen) and immigrants make up about 37-45% of labor in the city
Still retarded but understandably retarded.


woulda been every state if brat didn't see her shadow. judges are wildin out against dup all over rn
heem legit pullin a coup against gay race gommies


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boomer news:
>activist judge demands dup keep tranny web pages or else
>PBS to get rid of DIE
>Tennessee putting big bucks into nukes
>dup pressuring women's sparts to go back and strip men of medals & change tourney scores to reflect a female victory
>Tranny vet kills himself in Syracuse
>Gabbard delayed until today(?)
>nvm they just confirmed
>Jewgle cuts Black History, Pride, other identity months from calendar
>Ottawa appoints fentanyl czar to stave off tariffs


>Jewgle cuts Black History, Pride, other identity months from calendar
that alone justified dup


>Tranny vet
if suicide stats are additive, those are some baaddddddddddd odds


>Tranny vet kills himself in Syracuse
Video or it didn't happen.


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no vids of the heeming state covered it up fast have some other videos


we changed the name because we hate mexico, right?


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Yesterday was the 10th anniversary of the Law & Order: SVU GamerGate episode.


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they shoulda left us alone


As a spillionaire who is living his best life, I was also striving at a time and know how difficult it is to do the needful, I'll be giving out 35 CRcoins to Assist first 3 lucky spiggas with 7 grands each to message me on spcord "ASSIST" love Y'all






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and it's all exactly the same




Spartman is drunk again


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>mini cooper


more lik the pedophile is having trouble with an updated filter and his cirrhosis is driving him insane


Woah buddy calm down dudder not my fault your mom and is a gook hor


did they actually manage to kill someone with a mini cooper?


i looked it up
no. no he did not. 28 injured, 2 srsly
youd think an afghani would know better, but they rly are dumb as fucking bricks out there


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Illinois just got bitchslapped hard on gun loicense requirements
>Fuck you Washington and all the rest, right to self defense in the home trumps state law
<"You all have the right to decide how to treat funs outside the home tho'"


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Oh right forgot this second part oops


death to illinois


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>bitch mcconnell is the only republican that voted against


thought he had a stroke. it should be a requirement that brain hemorrhages and shit disqualifies you from public office


Hey now RFK Jr has a brain worm spudy don't be like that now
Mandatory intelligence/mental competency test tho yeah


>it should be a requirement that brain hemorrhages and shit disqualifies you from public office
more like disqualify you from voting or making any kind of major decision. most big corps make their CEOs retire at 70 sumthin and i think that's still too high


go bobby


imagine being bitch
imagine being that far up in congress, to where you have significant power over one of the major parties entire presence in the legislative branch
then in just 8 short years, you lose it all, and simply cant be arsed to get tf in line and go with the flow. its like he WANTED his party to be these piss-weak ineffectual party of boomer-flavored faggots all along


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dick cheney put out a video seething over dup
i'd like to go hunting with him sometime


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memeron jacked funds for illegals they already had
coonsquad seen entering the irs today
its lik every time i remember to hat the tard he does smth cool


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it's better to take a nuanced stance on it where you appreciate him kicking around cancerous money funnelers but still hat him for being an autistic jeet loving jackass that is only doing it because it benefits him and any benefits for the rest of >us are mere happenstance


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but then people wont think i'm cool
dudes inspecting erected officials who are rich despite low pay too

tbh i got used to this shit being an ignored given, p nice even if nothing comes of it


p much my thoughts exactly
reDUMBlicans were absolutely worthless under him. that was their 40yrs wandering through the desert era


when did jon lovitz get into politics


nah you just got deranged by his weird personality cult thang somewhere along the way. just dont pay attention to that.
hes been doin that since years ago too, long before he bought twatter. thats actually why the SECniggers b& him. he was attentionwhorbing on twatter to make favorable positions as CEO of TSLA
>do some gay memetweet
>momentarily tank TSLA
>sell lik a gorillion puts into the volatility
>degenerate gamblers buy puts
>wait till lunch
>make tweet amending confusion
>closes green
>vega crush on all the puts
>enjoy free money
thats just his thang. he makes midwits talk about him all the time, so hes figured out ways to monetize that. makes sense him and trump would get along

imo tho, the actual work hes been doing has been gr8. its literal twattercaust when he bought twatter 2.0 where hes just trimming the fat and making the federal govt less bloated and corrupt. absolutely everyone other than corrupt bureaucrats wins on that. and to show the audit as its happening? insane. that actually prolly DOES put some cianiggers working intlly in immediate danger, and is prolly illegal, tho i suppose they cant really raise a stink about that or theyll blow it in front of the normies


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budys where do you want the big rock to hit


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no one would even notice
shame about ehtiopia, rly. place looks lik some unironic fantasy land shit


right where the red line touches india lies bombay. that would cause a ruckus


>deranged by
k faggot, at least i'm not hell bent on jumping through 4d hula hoops to get a whiff of his cock and worship him as if he's infallible


i've come to realize there's a lotta lazy eye fuckers in bolidicks


whatever that is is probably some small shit that won't do anything but if it was something big enough to eradicate a 100 mile radius then that little bit where central amerigay meets souf amerigay so it simultaneously cuts off land access to south america and wipes out the worst central americans and keeps them from ever bothering anyone again


listen the trump admin isn't about to be some pure hearted heroes saving the world they're still self serving businessmen. but kamala not winning was already a relief, and if trump did even a fraction of his promises I woulda been happy - I expected a lot of heem hawing and twitter drama and business as usual. Not a fan of everything he's done or gonna do but so far seeing anything at all happen has been mindblowing. Maybe if the world hadn't tried to destroy the man financially, socially, politically, etc. he even would have just patted himself on the back and just towed the line. Same goes for Elon and co. He's gonna help Elon first and some of it will suck, but the bullshit is expected, the cleaning house is a pleasant surprise.


Will Stancil is one bad day away from becoming a CWC tier lolcow.

Very very funny twitter follow, I highly reccommend it.


yeah yeah someone said musk is a self-serving fag and no no no can't have that, got it cool get iver yourself no one is saying hair ass winning would be better


i just dont get where the schizophrenia comes from tbph
dude is fucking boring. hell, hes prolly the MOST boring billionaire on the scene rn.
whats the grand conspiracy im missing here? whats this other shoe that these fuckers are always seemingly terrified is about to drop?
and how tf could you even theoretically fuck up on something like auditing the govt? if it happens at all, thats literally just a win

enron makes gay b8 posts on twatter to poach other sites traffic for his own.
its rly that fucking simple imo


nigger the only one being schizo here is you, you're writing a fuckin analytical thesis in response to like 3 sentences total that weren't even that disparaging


that other guy doesnt get it either

how is any of whats happening rn bad?
whats got you so afraid of this milquetoast geek?


I wish they would audit the Fed.
Make Ron Paul proud.


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prolly feels like schizo speak bc you're talking to 2 people
I should go back to lurkin
I liek spartchen for a few but I only posted bc I've been drinkin


I hope Elon is for real.


yeh i guess i'm being a bit of a cunt but i'm not gonna stop calling him a shithead when he does shithead stuff, just like with dup or anyone else


i jebait elong talk bcuz u mak me laff
all been covered, but no one holding put options on him is actually pressed tho


dr doom is in talks to be involved afaik
imagine telling 2012 pol lel


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Victor Von Doom??


how does ND's gun laws stack up compared to other states? i've been eyeing it for a few years now but from what i can tell land is expensive so if i'm gonna move they better be at least missouri tier. i would just move to WV but >no jobs. tegas still looks nice tho despite the fact even after deportations it'll be full of SLOWLY and LEGALLY spics


Jobs all go to immigrants unless you're a rig pig. Gun laws got lax around 2018 but were tuboautist strict until then. Think colder than Alaska and the number 1 hobby is drinking because there's nothing else to do and no jobs.


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im in minot rn for werk and i rally lik dis town i have no idea why but its cool freezing fucking cold, -8 feels lik -24 F as of rn. i plan on going to every place i can find with an arcade machine tomorrow and the next day, i wanna be ambitious with a new lil thang im pickin up with reviewing arcades but this town smol enough i think i can review the whole place on that subject. nuff bout me but i will know more about the town after doin that just by nature of exploring and goin places and talkin to people. last time i was here got drunk and they had a backyard rasslin in the middle of the street in front of a couple bars and that was fun i think i posted pics here from taht
>nuff bout me
guess that was a flagrant lie sry
>land prices
theyre def a lot worse near the pipeline, i dont think that raises the prices statewide tho
>Jobs all go to immigrants
call ice
>number 1 hobby
go fishin or huntin or build funs or git gud at cookin or wtf budy theres a lot of hobbys drankin aint the only thing >>>/h/


u gonna start bawin bout electric cars and putin sum moar?


BTFO the federal govt is ALWAYS a win, regardless of the reasons.
this shit is hilarious, and i never would have thought he'd actually go full punished trump
very happy tbh


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dup lost


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>shit is hilarious
me to budy. 360° vibe flip down a ten stair
bawbee and pineapple bunda were delusional 4 months ago


k fuck ND then


lel ofc it was the gay fapfic writer


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if yeem not in a hurry i'd keep an eye on places til after midterms tbh
closet gommie states and xi owned guvnahs going to start showing their ass here


i dont have till midterms


It's gonna be the same story everywhere, budy
Gud places are gonna have no jobs or are too expensive for (You) and everywhere else is gon be shit either from overcrowding or crime (or both)


Sounds like they are gonna start the trade wars over the next 180 days, dup is having Russ (office budget guy) do the hard math and publish live results as they announce tariffs


ruralish utah? depends on what you do for work
best conceal carry reciprocity in da cunt, rural land going to go up
downsides are mostly longer term


Utah's not bad. Government still insists they are an independent entity working alongside the feds ala Texas, Mormons have gotten p woke but saying naughty words is still a no-go


lmao Cuckdeau talking about using the tariff wars with America to suspend elections


great jobs too. mormons dont bug you if you stay away from their counties. lotta rural places where people sideeye niggers on the rare occasion they show up
i'll give a rundown if spros gonna look


eat shit
what are the long term downsides?


hie bad are the mormons with harassment? idc about random door knocking. or is it some shit where they own the police force too and will stay on your property no matter what


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vatniks trying to make stalker real again


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outside the others announced, he's mostly doing tariff matching right?

dude needs to hit remittances. just found out they're fuckin 4% of india's total gdp


idk wut got caught in the filter there. weird
thanks for the info tho, outside of the cali trannyplants it sounds ok actually, the counties telling the state to suck dick is the main thing. it's why i've been eyeing tegas so hard too, gud gun laws only matter if local governments are willing to stick up for them bc the state level faggots can flip overnight


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>i want stalker 3


sheriffs frequently tell feds they'll be arrested if they try to infringe
constitutional carry, stand your ground, strong af castle doctrine, great laws budy. not surprising as mo's went to legit war with government


>hsv final boss


>mo's went to legit war with government
wonder if they'll let an infidel side with them if they ever do it


every convo ive had, theyd appreciate the help
p neighborly people in general


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FBI stops Indiana school shooting planned for Valentine’s Day

>Federal investigators stopped an alleged mass shooting plan just days before it was set to unfold at an Indiana high school. Authorities said a tip to the Sandy Hook Tip Line exposed the teenager’s plan.

>The FBI took Trinity Shockley, 18, into custody on Wednesday, Feb. 11, after discovering her room decorated with pictures of individuals responsible for mass killings, according to local news reports. Shockley, a high school student, now faces felony charges, including conspiracy to commit murder and a threat to commit terrorism.

>The investigation into Shockley began after the Sandy Hook Tip Line received a tip detailing the planned attack. The caller revealed Shockley had access to a high-powered rifle and obtained a bulletproof vest. Authorities said the tipster also reported Shockley was infatuated with Nikolas Cruz, the Parkland school shooter who killed 17 people on Valentine’s Day –– the same day Shockley allegedly planned her attack.

>FBI agents, working alongside local police officers, executed a search of Shockley’s home. Agents found a bulletproof vest and ammunition there. They also found notebooks containing entries detailing her mental state and plans to commit the crime.

>Further investigation revealed comments Shockley made on social media, stating she had been planning the shooting for a year and had sent pictures of AR-15 magazines to others. Shockley reportedly told investigators while she was interested in the mindset of mass shooters, she claimed she would never become one.

>Indiana high school officials informed law enforcement that Shockley had a history of mental health issues and had previously tried to seek help using the school’s resources. However, reports said her father blocked those attempts.

>Shockley remains in custody without bond.


wtf she couldn't find a bf or some shit? she's cute enough imo certainly btfos hamplanets. idg grils who do shootaroos though i guess girl bullying is p vicious too idk


The trend of femcel shooters is truly a mark of the times.
We are truly in some peak times of societal degradation.


why not move to missippi or arc&saw


mississipi is the most full of niggers state outside of maybe louisiana and i've been to arkansas and didn't like it much tbh. i've considered bama tho, i have some distantly related family there


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maybe you could accidentally a babby with a third cousin, isnt that actually gud


>Gay rights Stonewall Monument website scrubbed of transgender references
tee tee dee


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get a hold of yourself man


da update
>Macron urges Europe to boost defenses amid Trump’s return to WH
>GOP drafts impeachment articles against federal judges blocking Trump orders
>US will provide Ukraine with more military aid in exchange for its rare earths
>Illegal border crossings drop 90%, on track for 60-year low
<According to the numbers from Feb. 1 to Feb. 11, an average of 359 migrants were caught crossing the southern border each day.
<For comparison, the daily average during the same period last year was 4,850 migrants, a 90% decrease.
>200,000 federal workers at risk of getting fired as widespread cuts continue
>Vance signals US troops may go to Ukraine, Zelenskyy rejects forced peace
<Vance emphasized U.S. commitment to Ukraine’s long-term independence, warning Moscow of potential sanctions or direct military action if negotiations fail, while Zelenskyy insisted on Ukraine’s direct involvement in any talks.
>Ilhan Omar and Tim Walz being floated to replace Tina Smith in Senate
>Judge sides with gun advocates and pauses Maine gun law enacted in wake of Lewiston mass shooting


more lik 4th or 5th cousins but i mean it's bama man. they're all heavier than me


2 got shot at the Eagles parade


>dup’s envoy for special missions Ric Grenell vows to run for California governor if Cameltoe enters the race
>Big stink over NY woman shipping abortion pills to Louisiana, AG wants her extradited NY governor says nuh uh
>AG may investigate AOC for interfering with ICE, Homan jokes about deporting her
>Head of EPA demanding green activists given money under bidup gove it back now
>JD declares migration is biggest threat to Europe
>DOGE to audit the IRS!
>Congress moves to impeach judges interfering with dup's shit


rookie numbers >we woulda seen full-on race war if buffalel won


>>Vance signals US troops may go to Ukraine, Zelenskyy rejects forced peace
US going in and declaring war on both would be p ebin tbh
>eastern yurop?
>more like eastern AMERICA


>>Big stink over NY woman shipping abortion pills to Louisiana, AG wants her extradited NY governor says nuh uh
i told you this shit would be retarded to enforce
now you got both states being basically powerless to fucking do anything, and federal govt literally isnt even involved


>>GOP drafts impeachment articles against federal judges blocking Trump orders
><Zelenskyy insisted on Ukraine’s direct involvement in any talks.
sit in ur corner bitch and face the wall the men are talking
>>DOGE to audit the IRS!
any word on the Big Guy Doctor Ron "Doom" Paul?
>>eastern AMERICA
Yes. do it for teh lulz
>federal govt literally isnt even involved
isnt there sum thang about states refusing to cooperate on legal shit lik that where the fed can step in? idk much about how much states are bound to cooperate even if they dont wanna


Wish someone would get rid of zelensky. He is the one holding everything back.


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Ben & Jerry’s accuses parent company Unilever of silencing Trump criticism

>Ben & Jerry’s is accusing its parent company of silencing its criticism of President Donald Trump. In a filing on Thursday in U.S. federal court, Ben & Jerry’s said Unilever is banning the ice cream maker from “issuing any posts criticizing President Trump.”

>The parent company’s chief defended the company, saying restructuring is creating a “new dynamic” in an “unprecedented time,” but didn’t specifically address the accusations.
>Unilever, which owns other notable brands like Dove, Breyer’s, Hellmann’s and Vaseline, plans to spin off Ben & Jerry’s later this year.


They are trying to break the glass ceiling. I hope one manages to get a high score


>isnt there sum thang about states refusing to cooperate on legal shit lik that where the fed can step in?
but im certain they dont want to be involved. that was the whole point of overturning roe v wade then not making any federal legislation


/sp/artman got it backwards
vance threatened russia, not ukraine, with further sanctions and US troops on the ground if he doesnt agree to talks. he didnt threaten ukraine with anything. at least not publically

zelensky is butthurt about muh minerals, but he also doesnt rly have any leverage to stop us from taking them once the wars over


isnt it crazy to see the FBI actually stopping a shooting for once?


oh look its another bucha
i'll never forgive those faggot russians for not nuking lvov

vance doing the bad cop bit, as if the us vp's words ever mattered
specially since this was *after* dup and putlel had already talked on the phone
>further sanctions
yeah cause the >9000 previous ones were so successful
>and US troops on the ground
top lel, fucking do it lmao, do get the zogbots to die in gaza and the jewkraine


>yeah cause the >9000 previous ones were so successful
it certainly has not fucking helped
russian economy is literally turkey-tier rn
absolutely mogged

its all talk anyways. putin has been looking for an out for a while now, so hes down. zelensky is peeved, since hes almost certainly getting voted out as soon as this peace deal goes through. but again, he doesnt rly have much of a say unless EU asspulls a couple hundred billion to keep the party goin


on gdp growth that seems correct: latest data indicates both grew at ~3.6% in 2024
that is, faster that the usa
on absolute gdp ppp-based russia is still much larger, in fact, it overtook germany during the war
so yeah >9000 sanctions kinda did fucking help (i'll grant you though that most of this growth is driven by military budget expansion for the war and the fact that the real success of the sanctions was in wrecking the economy of germany and other suckers)


ikr it's almost like they had the ability to use their "radar" to prevent shit the whole time or something and only avoided doing so to help push more antigun legislation


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alleged aftermath of the truman collision in egypt


>An American aircraft carrier, USS Harry S. Truman, and a Panamanian merchant ship, Besiktas-M, collided near Port Said, Egypt, at the northern tip of the Suez Canal. The U.S. Navy reported no injuries and only superficial damage to the carrier, with its nuclear reactors remaining safe.
>The USS Harry S. Truman was in the Suez Canal as part of Operation Prosperity Guardian, having recently completed combat operations and a port call in Greece.
>This is not the first collision for the Besiktas-M, which previously collided with a Greek bulk carrier in 2016.


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>Trump forms ‘MAHA Commission’ with RFK Jr. at helm

>President Donald Trump signed an executive order forming the “Make America Healthy Again Commission” (MAHA). Chaired by HHS Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr., it will address chronic disease rates in American youth.

>The commission has 180 days to present a strategy to restructure the federal response to childhood chronic disease. It will focus on nutrition, physical activity, healthy lifestyles, and reducing reliance on medication.
>The commission’s goals and objectives closely resemble RFK Jr.’s presidential platform.

>The “Make Our Children Healthy Again Assessment” is due on the president’s desk 100 days after the order is signed.

>The “MOCHA” assessment will examine the “prevalence of and threat posed by the prescription of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, antipsychotics, mood stabilizers, stimulants, and weight-loss drugs.” It will also “assess the threat that potential over-utilization of medication, certain food ingredients, certain chemicals, and certain other exposures pose to children with respect to chronic inflammation or other established mechanisms of disease.”
no more xanax or wegovy for landwhales


I guess all those budget cuts paid off :D


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jd utterly destroyed all the old men in munich today


the idea that children on mood-stabilizers and anti-depressants is prevalent of a problem that it requires federal legislation is wacky
i thought giving em all speed was wacky enough, but at least that makes sense
>hey lil timmy do you wanna get zooted?
<yes mommy
but who tf wants to take anti-depressants and anti-psychotics? they literally just make you feel like shit and you cant even get high off em or sell em


pharma gonna pharma but look at the trash their brain eats
constantly dealin with peers or authority figures on that gigawatt dummy ray then come home to yimedia & stressed&poor parents who are barely involved anyway
if it was actual cirrhosis them turds would put a certain attention whore to shame


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damn so usaid helped fund dup's peach and helped hilldawg with russiagate
both hill's pac thang and her personally had to pay a fine for russiagate btw which is RALLY fun to dismiss every single libshit concern with right now


>reducing reliance on medication
watch shootaroos plummet after this


massies got a crazy ass hairdo


lasik & beard too. guess heem ready to mingle again after waifu rip'd


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lel he actually was botnetting way too hard tho. lik comically so. youre not supposed to make it that obvious. 3rd party romanian presidential candidates dont trend intlly. ever. you could prolly literally kill a romanian president and it wouldnt trend intlly


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>Big Guy Doctor Ron "Doom" Paul?
Hopefully at home napping with the tele on dude has been sunsetting for about 5 years now.


wasn't his brain complete mush in his interview with tucker


Yeah, Luke Rudkowsky did a softball interview from Ron's home about 2 or 3 years ago and you could tell.
like unlike bidup heem still got it together enough to string a sentence and follow along with the convo, but it's clear the good doctor is in age-related decline and needs his nappies




that's a fuckin bummer


he was "botnetted" by the ruling party of romania
they then pointed at his soshal media campaign, screamed putler, and cancelled his win

>According to snoop.ro's investigation, the "Echilibruși Verticalitate" campaign, which the Romanian intelligence services described as "identical to Russian operations in the Ukraine", was managed by the marketing firm Kensington Communication. Kensington was hired by Romania's ruling party, the PNL, who paid them over 1 million RON (about USD 210,000) for the project. In turn, Kensington relied on FameUp to coordinate 130 influencers with specific scripts and messaging guidelines.

>Despite the English name, Kensington Communication is actually a Romanian firm and the founder was Cătălin Dumitru, a State Adviser to the President of Romania and the Romanian and Moldavian Prime Ministers, from the PNL party


hoping he doesn't get offed by beef lardy oswald



I gotta see this Russian growth data you're referring to because those are some pretty big claims
>federal govt literally isnt even involved
fucking GOOD
how do we CONTINUE this trend?
from hippie to nuclear evangelist to this
Michael Shellenberger's been a wild ride, all he needs now is an eyepatch and a revolver-twirling buddy


Bobby's first order as head of HHS:
Schools who require chink flu jabs get funding cut immediately lmao
You'd be amazed how many still have it on the books while making up legal bullshit for why you're voluntarily being held at gunpoint


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Apparently 9 lawyers have resigned over Adams being cleared of his Roach corruption charges in exchange for rounding up illegals
>American Family Survey finds that conservative women are 3x as likely to be happy as liberal women


>American Family Survey
look I wanna cosign the results but this sounds like Explosives Inc. poSting a study that landmines are completely safe for human cohabitation


iron mountain is one of our competitors. i always wondered how they were doing so well. now i know. damn, i wish we had such a cash cow


File: 1739598305898.png (424.92 KB, 1002x544, 501:272, sanpaku.png)

good ol' sanpaku chart right again


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then look it up its literally just imf numbers


good I stopped having B&J after they became so woke would be nice to start trying it again especially after new health reforms


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>Catholic "charities" reeeing about lack of spics to import
>75,000 federal workers took the deal, but several are exempt because they are process critical (VA employees)
>Pork Barrel Republicucks panik as dup labor cuts begin to affect red state corruption too
>dup accidentally fires nuclear staff while making mass cuts


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LEL budy i can only hope


File: 1739613629071.mp4 (2.4 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ILL JUST MAKE MY OWN NATO ….mp4)

>o ya? yu dont let us in nato??? well GUESS FUCKIN WAT HAHAHAHAH
on the face of it this guy just looks stupider n a sack of rocks


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id probably be pretty pissed to yknow


File: 1739618002134.mp4 (2.81 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, MSyic74y7AZqvZA_.mp4)

lel fuk tiwan i guess


>limestone mine turned officespace was real
damn i thought heem was just making some sort of absurd allegory


they can make somethin else itll be fine


File: 1739628982029.mp4 (2.17 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, adams homan.mp4)

not just about illegals imo, adams and blagojevich are legit gangsters
plus blago's connected af with obomber's chicongo circles and has beef with big mike's wife

dups 100% got tism anons in his ear showing him the red string schizo boards. idk if lucky or genius but project alamo had a 9 year payoff and whoever paid off imkampfy etc changed the cunt imho


i lik this move
one of the biggest reasons to fite chinks if they go after taiwan off the table


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hard to tell when he's following orders from P.U. or just spewin coke thoughts
GL finding soldiers, fucking dwarf


inhope vaha is still alive, poor dude prolly just wants to play with legos


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lmao wonder where that maddow loving faggot is now


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error posting
duddr please for the love of god relax the filters a bit


Limestone & salt mines have historically been used for document retention. They maintain consistent temperature (about 50 degrees) and consistent low humidity (due to salt and limestone being water soluble) that is consistent and perfect for non-frozen storage.


>opec+ [break] production
thats my guess


File: 1739641172841.mp4 (12.92 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1739641145161.mp4)

i saw a vid this morning where hes talkin and basically lik
>yurop need to build an yurop ARMY!! yurop needs SOLDIERS!!!! TRUST ME!!!!!!!!
and its raly raly pathetic i hope this guy has a personally vary unfun time for the world to witness. double points if it isnt even russiya that delivers said unfun time so no one can bitch and moan about putler

ok i found it vidrel


it was p obvious kukfy was a plant from the get go. giving him one of the two most populated borts on 8gag was just one of the many ways freddit breddit redditor gold ruined his own site, allowing cakekike to keep /v/ despite his kampfy level antics being another reason it all went to shit. at least there were a couple of gud years at first that's all anyone can ask for in the post-smartphone internet


yurup should send all those shitskins that have been raping and murdering on the dole to ukraine so they can pay back their debnts to yuropeens by dying in minefields while vodka drones watch on. that way no more ukrainians die and russia can do something beneficial for yurup and everyone comes away less mad


The US only benefits from owning Taiwan if they wanna play world bolice. If they just wanna tariff other cunts to fund the gubmint then Panama is gud enuf. Greenland would be better for Arctic trade and Canada would be the best deal (strategically) for Northwest Passage claims, basically all trade from Asia to Europe passes through a handful of US-friendly cunts in the Middle East if it wants to avoid American hands


Don't worry they do enough shit to everyone else in Asia that even their allies would be willing to create an excuse to invoke America

Man that vid is so fucked up, they treat him like shit and kick him repeatedly for being a tard, I think they deliberately got him artillery'd according to some shit I read when the vid was new


>A European army!
Cool, who would lead it?
lik the only way for this to work is either by centralized command which would be a shitshow or individual armies which is basically just gayto but without America funding 2/3rds of it for "free"
what is the point spros lmao


>what is the point spros lmao
last desperate attempts from a jewish comedian to try and drive out ebil russians. this shit should be over by the end of the year
russia already won but they way way overpaid for everything
>hundreds of thousands of dead soldiers
>munitions stocks picked to the bone
>sanctioned by half the planet
>had to let syria go too and most cunts now realize ur not as strong as you say you are
<for some shitty farmland that's covered in mines and other uxo and it will be years and billions of rubles spent before everything gets rebuilt
congrats putler u won enjoy ur prize lul


Finally my maps autism pays off!
So a lot of the important shit is actually around Mariupol (agriculture/rare metal mines) and the Donbass (hydrocarbon, lithium, rare metals, the whole nine yards). The Northeastern parts of Ukraine do have mining resources, but it's all either coal (shittier coal than Southern Ukraine harder to export) or cheap metals like zinc and iron


Rubio headin to Saudi Arabia to try and negotiate a peace deal


ya i know the east part is generally richer than the western part of the cunt and losing the black sea sux but they still have access to the med which is the most important part


if taiwan falls then so does US credibility
all regional cunts incl. US allies kiss the ring of the chinks and then winnie the pooh has officially faked it until he maked it and all those commie trannies are proven right
if taiwan holds then the chinks have to resolve their own internal contradictions FIRST, like the ussr did. in their case it led not just to regime change, but complete liquidation.


>I think they deliberately got him artillery'd
i could believe it tbh. for all their harping on about how evil russians are ukrainians are every bit as cruel, they're all the same general type of slav at the end of the day just with slight differences in their drunk language. and maybe slightly more homo shit on the russian side of things which i still don't get, why do they assrape each other so much?


thread is full, make a new one


srsly tho
they should stop calling it pyrrhic and start calling it putleric


I actually chuckled irl

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