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its a tampa kinda day
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 No.1680084[Last 50 Posts]

the suberb owl thread

18:30 EST



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go chiefs


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>louisiana fire department ad
thats cool i guess but why


oh yeah theyre in louisiana


ummm will this bee girl respect my pronouns?


>marching band
wrong league thats for gud football


i missed you boys sorry i haven't been around much the last year or two


inshallah /sp/rothers


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/lgbt/ reporting in


damn he looks worth the paper cuts


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not so fast


ok sportschan
time for the stupid bowl


i lik footcrik


did u guise actually send out the invites tho?


have to work, getting some sleep in, tell me how it goes


ill do it after the game


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dup did it he went superb owling


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ok but hurry


go dup


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lel im on a fkn canadan stram


behead philly, moar crashes, crows>eagles, L+scorigami, no tswift, dup hats you, green is for leperCONs


is buck guy here?


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I will literally tell you what to do to death




File: 1739144215874.mp4 (2.5 MB, 640x638, 320:319, tortellinni crystals.mp4)

he got crystaled


>sum dude named his daughter virginia bech


send the unvites


whats pats thetan level tho?


true or false mutthomo ever won a sec championship game


fuck off with all this faggotry


based brittany took home 5 rings in the secks owls


Hey guys im here
Play ball


poor philthy
no one wants chofs again, but no one wants philthy either


go to sleep


i lik the chyron setup


im lik 30 miles outside of philly rn i hope they dont riot all the way over here


It will and it will happen today regardless of outcome








jews jewing


yeet this 53' trailer on sum niggers budy


put the money on kc
its rigged


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thots on applels and water?


dotz is ded budy


say it ain't so
~ rivers cuomo


File: 1739145177261.gif (207.9 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, dup.gif)

is dup actually at the game?
that must make security totally autistic
what a nerd




xheem was sick :(


sleepy time


evening out the tard flags


gay refs


are you ready for SUPER BOWL SCORIGAMI?


where are your kids coach reid?


brotherly love touchin dong


Dots scored


whats the nearest scoragami rn?




this is the first time a superb owl coach has coached against his previous team a second time in the superb owl


they're eepy please leave em a message at the beep


>with tmobil it will be impossible to escape


gonna go thru a full sunny in philly bingo bard b4 dis game ovr


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barry has converted to islam


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wait who tf is even playing half time is it still gonna be satan or is it gonna be bush era AMERICA FUCK YAH cuz dups there?


it's creed jk its kendrick lamar whoever tf that is


Creed would have been super boomtastic


nigger noise


why the fuck do i keep seeing creed mentioned that band was dogshit


wtf was that xfl shit did they just wait until he caught it to run at him


hi i cannot access stram who is winning and why is it kc it's kc isn't it fuck i hat the iggles too but fuck the fag capitals


spartschan hospice piccuhl ball ligg when?





>both teams have nigger qbs


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uhm… no


oh ok iggles are up fuck kc death to kc life to literally any team but kc


they let niggers adopt?


bet all your money on this dumb shit


them need a blowout after this dogass season tbh
shouldnt be in da big game


that's a doll


seemed too pale to be of pure kc bloodline


wheres the pickle fountain


dafuq was that jalen


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and this is how niggles throw it away




he was scared ok


are seals the ones who live under antartctica and make space noises?


taytays bf forgot to wipe the lube off his hands ffs


lel ur gf gonna make an album about breaking up with you


>three retards stare at ablue thing


bein christian is the new meme


lel wat


is zero points gud?




i had to moisturize my tummy shit was gettin ashy fr fr






i missed it what happen





>huh'white db
>pick six
>superb owl
mr president, is it true?


>phillithy iggles up 17


>phillithy iggles up 17


nu fags can't into red text
back to cuckchan plz


File: 1739148408304.mp4 (2.84 MB, 1280x622, 640:311, FAG CAPITAL.mp4)





more like no points capital now


stay butthurt (k)cuck(c)


i just woke up from getting blasted
total kc death
hope mahomes ankle snaps like a toblerone


taylor swift will be beheaded and her body hunger from the liberty bell inshallah


>chats going the speed of light
wtf is even the point in participating in that


it's not about the unprecedented mutthomo run
or the perfect combination of dry rub bbq and methamphetamine
it's about sportsposting


superb owl scorigami
cook it


total kcffir death


so you can scream BUY MY MIXTAEP and hope someone sees it


here i'll redtext it for you then STAY BUTTHURT (K)CUCK(C)




if the iggles squander this lead i'm going ot kill every bald eagle in america


File: 1739148712609.png (2.96 MB, 1250x1145, 250:229, kc super bowl experience.png)

holy shit DEATH TO KC


i would shill for north korea




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it's a classic AFC gets clowned superb owl


so they got hallucinogenic galaxy gas corn syrup foam now?


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i may be young
but i am
spome /sp/ody


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this commercial is retarded


tf does that even mean


lmao cheefs getting FUCKED
didn't think it'd go this way at all lmao
until we get another 28-3 lmao


why is kc being so gay?


it is their nature


>lotta football left
dotz is tim bordello woah


lookit his stupid fuckin hair stay sad mutty "hairetard" homo


mutt got buckbroken and will never recover


i like the graphics they have
transparent so u can see the field


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lmao cheats SEETHING


lel whitehat nigface ref on the take and i'm lovin it


this is already so much better than last year's owl
sf getting destroyed rn
total kc death


wheres the taylor cam?
i waant to watch her face as the reality sets in


it will come soon enough
just be patient


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five million dollars


>none of them are funny


>tf does that even mean
nufags off my spimatron


sheem gotta finish cutting in teh bathroom with brittany


butthurt (k)cuc(k)s on my internet


so did you guys actually invite or no? can't tell


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the fuck


drink a bear goy


ur talking to a tourist budy


it don't matter
none of this matters


suck my bearls


ok I will


still hopin for a small nuclear device to go off at halftime


Yes the gay beer is now "manly"


no dont fuckin turn it over you stupid god damn birds


here come the shenanigans


why small? sportschan only goes for the big one


better than givin it to them at the middle of the field


possible tim bradley vs falcos situation soon




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there she is


swift looks like a goofy bitch why does anyone fawn over this whorb


holy fuck. mutt is done


if the chiefs can't score here then they'll be down more to start the second half then they would be if they scored




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thanks booger i would be lost without you


fucking lol.


didn't give enough muni to the refs apparently lmao
kc getting FUCKED


bench mutthomo


u need camposs budy


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the afc is complete shit to let kc through


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death to kc
glory to da iggles


go iggles huh






your existence is safe for now eagles, da iggles just sodomized gay sea


chunky basketball bitch armpit


been seeing a lot more eaglels
they ate all the smaller birds


lql funny but i hate philthy too
go isis


>you can't take crap
<so be crap
gud advice


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am of lerner premit stil


kcbros! Unite!


we gonna get a scorigamo






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refs more than anything tbf, queefs woulda been round 1 playoffs elim max


>le 6 million tiddies
>it's an uddah shoah


hop they dont back off and just the raep coming all game
bench mutt, keep jalen in


>offensive penalty
holy shit whatever kc /sp/aid the refs it wasn't enough


what if china hacked the owl with drones?


if only


dis nigga was waiting to poo push gayc all season lelmao


look at sunset (no 2 long budy) folow it, redeem bobs


china should hack kc with machetes


oopsie butterfingers


hopin this isn't part of the script and >we aren't getting another gaytriots-tier cumback


>going into halftime 24 points to 0


bobrs alwys aim 2 moss rite?


gonna make chicken alfredo instead of watching the niggertime show
let me know how it goes


chefs getting bopped


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boast recipe if yeem makin from scratch pls




yes saar
but if no bobs then go to risen sun to redeem vagene


buffalel mustve successfully transferred the curse
josh allen retreated to his meditation spot underneath niagra falls and performed the final seal


can >we watch the indy cars?
will that bring dotz back to >us?
will you guys answer >our questions?



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You retards didn’t really think that filthy mutt could ever be as good as me, right spee?


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ok budy


namas tea or however you say it


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>glance at show
>niggers in formation with hoodies color coded as the burger flag
lel absolutely buck broken, what happened to kneeling?




mumble nigger noise
fuck this


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it irks me that people consider niggers talking quickly over a drum beat some great feat of technical ability


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nigga >we dup now u feel me
big b aint got shit
47 fo lyf3 nigga


File: 1739151447269.mp4 (8.79 MB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 06 Lux Æterna.mp4)

the time for niggerbabble is over
bring it METALLICA to save sportsball




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i must've gone vary far west henlo bobs


so it looks like they went easy on the tranny child sacrifice rituals this time tho
i wonder if all those guys just got fired last week?


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still all this DIE shit commercials


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>fresh CR


it was already booked in months ago prolly


>buck broken
lel remember that nigger that ran into a Christmas parade in wisconsin a couple years ago and defended himself in court trying to tell the jury to nullify and shit hes getting transferred to a different state i think colorado after getting raprd a big and gettin the shit beat out of him


dont care
dup death squads must be there to exterminate these jews


lol good
fuck that nigger


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be a rebel
turn right


erin andrews should be doin a biopic of dale earnhardt cause she hit the wall


glory to philly
maybe next year if there's a plane crash in kc you can get good boy points for da owl


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they should keep pounding mutthomos ass until fairy dust poofs out
thats what id be tellin em rn


here we fuckin go
iggles better not ruin this


>be a rebel
you mean be a danica patrick?


can't shake the feeling that this is all part of the script


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>no halftime faptime
youre sleeping on the job
have some random crap from my >phone
cant believe trump effect works on bribed refs


that depends on if >she has a penis or not


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lol mutthomes getting shrek't right now


so do you guys actually halftime faptime to the monsters or is it just like some elaborate meme?


File: 1739152334496.jpg (1.17 MB, 2100x3150, 2:3, danica-patrick.jpg)

danica patrick could cum inside me


top 5 reasons mahomes isnt washed:


kc done lmao


will >we get the first ever superb owl blowout


96 - 0


people forget the superb owl bradley destroyed kc already been btfo




hi there tit bonne


hate jews more


File: 1739152621845.png (1.85 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

go iggles ya fookin cunts


I don't but I usually watch at a bar these days anyway
20 minutes isn't enough for a quality fap but hawt chixx is a welcome distraction from the usual owl halftime


File: 1739152725487.png (61.96 KB, 705x587, 705:587, ClipboardImage.png)

not very hard to maek


ewww no pasta?


of course i use pasta that's just for the sauce
you shouldn't be rarted enough to think that's the whole recioe


>thinks that's the whole recioe


holy shit theyre just handing it to the iggles at this point


File: 1739152944100.png (6.77 KB, 53x90, 53:90, small joker.png)

>cheats aren't getting their threepeat and i get to gloat about it at work tomorrow to the one kc boomer
gud owl


how do i make the pasta then?


put taylor in the oven now


File: 1739152981984.webm (2.99 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Italy.webm)

u stupid budy?


with a gun




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large caliber or?


check /h/ budy, vouch for bros recipe


thats Amsterdam not italy
toothpaste nigger plates are yellow so you can identify the faggots easily


File: 1739153191016.jpg (60.77 KB, 720x410, 72:41, IMG_20250209_210618_669.jpg)

players choice budy


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book club after the owl


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big iron on his hiiiiiiiiiiiiip


kinda pissed im watchin a canadumb stram didnt edong buy a bunch of ads to promote his doggy thang


File: 1739153550546.mp4 (2.32 MB, 354x264, 59:44, THE BIG MAN ODs ON QUAALUD….mp4)

>this game is sponsored by BIG MEN


File: 1739153695462.jpeg (269.82 KB, 1280x687, 1280:687, jjj big laugh.jpeg)

>offensive holding


while the chiefs have played bad in the other owls at times, this game they look really really unprepared


ya rly they're getting destroyed by da birds
i'm completely shocked, thought refs would be bailing them out at every chance


File: 1739153932822.mp4 (920.91 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, dunkaccino says video game….mp4)



they must have gotten the memo about no one gives a shit about gay c


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[autism]OUCHY!! DAT HURTS!!![/autism


File: 1739154117478-0.mp4 (2.14 MB, 360x640, 9:16, philly horse feces consume….mp4)

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>leave to shit
>come back and iggles are up 34 to 0
now this is just sad tbh




you fucked it up budy


no one saw that shhhhhhh


everyone saw that


>another kc flaggin


File: 1739154219257.png (127.99 KB, 255x213, 85:71, ClipboardImage.png)

where's this fag at
show yourself


i didnt


this is the greatest owl i've seen in a vary VARY long time
thank you philly


34 to 0 jej


File: 1739154331506.mp4 (354.51 KB, 352x288, 11:9, quaaludes laughing.mp4)

BuT MuH ThrEePeAt




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File: 1739154395540.jpeg (867.03 KB, 2500x3725, 100:149, IMG_4033.jpeg)

Mutthomes “career” is officially over.




if only that plane had crashed in kc
it'd be a vary different game


>can't offside kick when I want
nanny state bullshit


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who's dup rootin' for


he sed choffs


lol why




has a full blooded nigger qb lik hertz won ab owl before, or only disgusting miscegenated mutt freaks?


muh pollution


"hop its gud game but mutt proly win bc he winrar bigly"


doug williams redskins qb in the 80s i think his name was


pure aryan aaron won against the stoolers in 2010
go pakrs


fuck paul rudd
i know his name and that the's famous for something and absolutely nothing else about him


its jets now


oh they finally got a touch down


Hangover part 3


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aj wud never mak that face at americas team friend


can't wait to flex on the kc boomer at work tomorrow


ya thats the name ty hes a real nigger nigger to


>americas team
you mean the pakrs?


File: 1739155075668.png (367.13 KB, 474x631, 474:631, ClipboardImage.png)

finally a good fucking superb owl


>guys i heard there's been no flags because kennedy got rid of yellow #1
lel i caught that one you cheeky cunt


File: 1739155187481.mp4 (11.43 MB, 640x360, 16:9, crab rave (real).mp4)

>dup is win
>cheats are lose
2025 gonna be a great year




>chat is moving at like 1/4 of the speed now
all the kcissies went back to their goon closets to watch injun chiefs get reamed in the ass by birds of prey


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tho the shot with his face was priceless that nigger BAWLIN


wait is he actually crying


File: 1739155270841.png (178.37 KB, 640x360, 16:9, vlcsnap-2025-02-09-20h40m0….png)

what cheats will see when they close their eyes tonight


the niggles owner is an ugly kike openly anti dup


hang it on the mantle


silly jerkops already clockin in lel


yeah "ugly crying" too heem srsly bawling hes lost it spudy




mutt btfo again


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yeems are rite i hat nfl but this is a vary fun game


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all around me are familiar faces


lel imagine getting paid more than 90% of the world will ever see in their entire lives just to play a game and still being able to cry at all


File: 1739155744988.mp4 (116.14 KB, 640x360, 16:9, it's gonna be great.mp4)

this is the part where cheefs start getting ONGRY and stop trying to win and instead just try to injure as much of the iggles as possible


and havin two rings on top of that man foh with yore bitch ass cryin pussy


for what


mutt was the biggest amd fastest falloff in nfl history
and there's still hundreds of millions due wew


2 gud kicks in a row tho


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glory to da iggles


wats da biggest blowout inb owl history could it be this


turn it into a banner. Muttsissies how we feeling tonite? Taytay is definitely dumping that faggot Kelce after this gayme. Guess Mr. Pfizer will have to find a new beard.


if we excluding the pre-superb-owl era this might be it
fucking amazing


seahawks broncos maybe was worse?


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File: 1739155980663-1.mp4 (125.24 KB, 540x360, 3:2, FOOBAW YEAH.mp4)



this is the greatest thing to ever happen to nawlins
aints wish they could pull off something this historyic



>The most lopsided Super Bowls in history

>45 — 49ers 55, Broncos 10 (1990)
>36 — Bears 46, Pats 10 (1986)
>35 — Seahawks 43, Broncos 8 (2014)
>35 — Cowboys 52, Bills 17 (1993)
>32 — Redskins 42, Broncos 10 (1988)

but they can still go for the record


guarantee you he was planning to propose to her after they won
guess her stardom gonna drop off a cliff now


beetus mustache looks like hes about to cry too


55-10 in 1990


cahm ong iggles get one more touchdown
put it away for total kc death


theres still time maybe the eagles can give us a new record


File: 1739156215705.png (1.27 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

cry me a fukn river


hope so. mutt goin checkdown mode?


File: 1739156231862.jpeg (135.21 KB, 1342x758, 671:379, IMG_4034.jpeg)

LOL Taytay will die as a childless crazy cat lady unless one of you brave spartsmen impregnates her now!


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this is better than leftie salt lmaoooo


would she get me a new elantra?


seconding for banner


edp redeemed


i'd bang an autism babby into her and leave
don't need her money or anyhthing i just wanna make her life worse


i'll do one w final scar tmrw
t kcbro


File: 1739156531134.gif (7.13 KB, 350x93, 350:93, lols-royce.gif)

>offensive pass interference


iggles you are forgiven for beating the pakrs in huezil


still a blowout so whatever


47-14 a gami?


Fuck fuck FUCK 40-12 was a gami


File: 1739156715763.png (16.02 KB, 586x62, 293:31, ClipboardImage.png)

no, unfortunately


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File: 1739156814253-1.png (1.92 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

pakrs still win
nobody else is allowed to threepeat


File: 1739156852403.png (1.76 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)



automate my anus


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glory to philly


File: 1739156902582.png (2.2 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

gud win


File: 1739156930350.jpeg (29.61 KB, 521x431, 521:431, IMG_4035.jpeg)

This is what getting the ick looks like


finally a good fucking owl
death to kc
glory to philly


lol shit b owl


i will now refrain from shit talking philly until baseball starts


cry more ksissy it brings joy to my life


philthy is kike shit too
nuke both of them and disband the nfl


sheem gonna dump travis for being a LOSER


idc how bad filthydelphia is, watching kc die live is glorious


i didnt know it was possible for "lady" gaga to look like more of a man


File: 1739157190032-0.png (563.07 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1739157190032-1.png (515.74 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

why are they here lmao


disgusting wops look like that


File: 1739157219630.png (1.57 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

glory to philly


cmon iggles ramp it up


damn that was actually a great touchdown
too bad it don't mean SHIT HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


File: 1739157285848.png (1.36 MB, 1536x1571, 1536:1571, oh no anyway.png)

ya rly if only they had done that two quarters ago they might have a chance


only have to do that and get the onside kick like 3 times easy lmao


kick recovered
iggles win


no fuck kneeling go for it embarrass kc further


amazed refs didn't do enough rigging
guess kc didn't pay them their asking price for dab owl


niggers kneeling
dup should gas them


File: 1739157476828.jpg (12.96 KB, 235x195, 47:39, Victory.jpg)

iggles win
gud owl


philthy gonna burn tonite


File: 1739157489476.jpeg (536.57 KB, 1284x1428, 107:119, IMG_4036.jpeg)

LOL Twatterfags can be funny sometimes
Taytay def gonna dump that faggot Kelce now and she will never forgive Mutthomes for ruining what was gonna be a disney princess whorb marriage proposal after le epic GayCee 3peat.


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they done it huh


File: 1739157530979.png (3.01 MB, 1920x1074, 320:179, sadmutt.png)



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second best trophy hurts ever won gud for him


kelce faggot
mutt faggot
taytay washed up whorb with a faggot LOSER bf


File: 1739157644440.png (895.59 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

glorious owl
couldn't have asked for anything better


trvmp won
taytay still eggless


File: 1739157663840.png (1.36 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

daddy wins
gud win


ok bucklet you can die of cancer now


i think he was successfully bullied tf outta here


File: 1739157800154.png (1.66 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

death to kc


must bully him out of this dimension into some void existence where jews are contained before they devour the universe


>flag football commercial


Looking forward to her next hit break-up single called:
>I Thought You Were A Champion
>See Ya Later Chief


File: 1739157934191.png (1.76 MB, 1920x1074, 320:179, fag capital btfo.png)





give thom brennaman his job back
he was right


File: 1739158029418.jpg (7.94 KB, 476x315, 68:45, Eagle Stronk.jpg)

and i don't have to stay up until 10:30 this time to watch san fagcisco lose
what a great owl, thank you eagles


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File: 1739158836488-1.mp4 (1.23 MB, 718x896, 359:448, zDiqEEWPOz4oc67Q.mp4)

File: 1739158836488-2.png (368.42 KB, 700x449, 700:449, MjEyNzI3MzAyMTcyMTkwMzM2.png)

heres that nigger crying


third pic needs to be a banner it's just too perfect
duddr make it so


ok ill send the invites out soon
who should we invite?


invite /kc/ i think theyll have a raly fun time tonight


not watching niggerball this year, can someone tell me if elum really did the DOGE ad?


dudder no. its a kcbro kinda day


never saw it




File: 1739167686015.png (25.86 KB, 615x292, 615:292, 0_Screenshot-2025-02-10-at….png)



File: 1739179176819.jpg (52.43 KB, 560x700, 4:5, angryCR.jpg)

i couldn't watch the game because i was traveling. death to kc but also a shame that the iggles won. at least we won't have to endure all the muh dynasty and muh 3peat shit. that would've been insufferable


i sleep whta happeneb




blowout death to kc
taylor was crystaled by dup


iggles win
kc lose
niggers cry
taytay mad


>In Philadelphia, thousands of fans took to the streets, and things got out of control. In celebration, fans carried off a toppled traffic light pole, swarmed a trash truck and climbed on top of it.
just another tuesday night in philly


File: 1739204684542.jpg (15.1 KB, 300x100, 3:1, owl banner.jpg)


duddr do bannr


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File: 1739318180051.png (1.69 MB, 1920x1074, 320:179, IMG_3423.png)

AI a shit fam. This is what’s going to take over the world? lol

> Within the confines of a stadium, likely State Farm Stadium, a somber tableau unfolds. Two Kansas City Chiefs players, locked in an embrace with their coach, convey a mixture of relief and exhaustion. Meanwhile, a Philadelphia Eagles player, helmet still donned, displays raw frustration. The scoreboard ominously displays the game's finality.

>Amidst this theater of victory and defeat, the players, a blend of African-American and Caucasian individuals, exhibit a range of emotions. Ranging from a religious affiliation of Christianity, earning millions of dollars, they don athletic jerseys. They find solace in activities such as football, sports commentary, and athletic training, while potentially succumbing to gambling, substance abuse, and irresponsible driving. Their political inclination leans conservatively.

>The individuals in these images appear to be intensely focused on high-stakes competition, thereby rendering them impressionable; hence we can target them with performance-enhancing goods and services as well as coping mechanisms, such as custom mouthguards by Akron, personalized injury prevention programs by PhysioLabs, therapy sessions by BetterHelp, sports cars by Porsche, fast food from McDonald's, gambling apps from DraftKings, alcoholic beverages by Budweiser, and energy drinks by Gatorade.


ai wud prolly do better if they didn't try to force it to make politically correct statements by using bad data


File: 1739325605491.png (1.24 MB, 1013x1013, 1:1, 3967.png)

> In this surreal scene, a solitary dog stands imposingly against a backdrop of abstract patterns and crosses. A Becel container rests atop its head, seemingly affixed there with purpose. The location appears to be a digital rendering, perhaps intended to evoke a sense of the uncanny.

>The dog, likely of indeterminate breed, exudes an air of quiet contemplation. Its race can be classified as Canine. Its presumed income range is between 0 and 1000000000 USD. With Secular Humanism as its religion and its political stance seemingly aligned with being Independent, its facial expression betrays little emotion. The Becel container serves as its only form of adornment. We can imagine it indulges in hobbies such as staring into space, avoiding eye contact and self-reflection but also digging, chewing, and scent marking.

>The dog seems to be easily influenced, hence we can target them with niche and general types of products and services, such as Dog themed cryptocurrency ICO (Dogecoin), Smart-home enabled dog houses (Samsung), Therapy for lost dogs (BetterHelp), Luxury dog grooming kits (Oster), Designer dog bowls (Versace), Organic dog food (Purina), Flea and tick medication (Bayer), GPS dog trackers (Garmin).


File: 1739327964425.jpg (108.59 KB, 616x616, 1:1, 100% Hood.jpg)

>Within a serene landscape near Waycross, Georgia, a solitary figure commands attention. The individual, masked and armed, sits within a golf cart, set against a backdrop of verdant trees. The scene juxtaposes the tranquility of nature with an underlying sense of menace.

>The subject appears to be an African American adult, presumably earning between USD 50,000-75,000 annually. Their faith is negligible, and political affiliations lean towards independence. Dressed in a black ski mask, a prominent gold chain, and a white watch, their emotions suggest aggression and recklessness. Hobbies might include target shooting, off-roading, and arm collecting alongside gambling, illegal street racing, and vandalism.

>This person seems to possess a disregard for safety, hence we can target them with products and services that cater to high-risk behaviors and security enhancements, such as gun holsters (Safariland), tactical gear (5.11 Tactical), armored vehicles (INKAS Armored Vehicle Manufacturing), security systems (ADT), high-performance car parts (Brembo), luxury watches (Rolex), off-road vehicles (Jeep), and home security systems (Ring).

top lel


File: 1739328058268.png (472.15 KB, 1080x608, 135:76, kamala dies.png)

holy shit

>Within the metallic shell of an aircraft, possibly at Washington, two figures are visible through the window. Their expressions are neutral, unreadable. The interior appears sterile, clinical, with only the suggestion of seats to break the monotony. The rivets and seams of the aircraft exterior are prominent, a reminder of the cold, unfeeling machine that contains them.

>The women appear to be of Middle Eastern descent. They are dressed in formal attire, blazers and dark blouses suggesting a professional environment. Speculating, their annual income might range between USD 200,000 and USD 500,000. Their religious and political affiliations remain obscured, though a guess would be Democrat. As for hobbies, they could include activities as harmless as reading political news and attending conferences or as destructive as gossiping and excessive spending.

>The subjects seem to possess a unique blend of ambition and vulnerability, hence we can target them with luxury goods and political endorsements, such as Rare political memorabilia (Sotheby's), Exclusive charity galas (UNICEF), Luxury travel packages (Four Seasons), Personalized political merchandise (CafePress), Designer clothing (Chanel), High-end wines (Dom Perignon), Private jet rentals (NetJets), Luxury cars (Rolls-Royce).


>In an unsettling tableau, Elon Musk, adorned with a striking red MAGA cap, stands in the foreground, his presence casting a long shadow over a crowd of Indian men looming behind. The backdrop features the stark silhouette of a city skyline, hinting at the cold, impersonal nature of urban existence. This gathering in New York, USA, speaks of shifting allegiances and the silent erosion of individual thought.

>Elon Musk, a man of apparent European descent, seems devoid of emotion, clad in a dark suit and tie. These Indian men, their complexions a shade darker, appear equally stoic. Their clothing is an assortment of casual shirts and hooded jackets. Their devotion could be manipulated for political gain. They find solace in watching movies, playing cricket, and observing religious rituals. Yet, their vices might include wasting time on social media, participating in useless debates, and blindly following political ideologies.

>The subjects seem to possess a strong nationalistic bent and an eagerness for technological advancement, hence we can target them with political endorsements and innovative technology, such as Neuralink brain implants – Neuralink, Tesla self-driving cars – Tesla, Personalized AI assistants – Amazon Echo, Digital identity management systems – Microsoft Azure, Online language courses – Duolingo, Streaming entertainment services – Netflix, Home security systems – ADT, Affordable healthcare plans – UnitedHealthcare.


File: 1739328211553.jpg (88.18 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 1735719604278-2.jpg)

forgot pic fug


File: 1739328263963.png (155.54 KB, 496x508, 124:127, Indian Greetings.png)

>The image presents a solitary man against the backdrop of what appears to be an interior, perhaps a dwelling in India. The background shows a window and door. In the foreground stands the man, his gaze direct and unwavering.

>The individual is likely South Asian, possibly earning between ₹200,000 and ₹500,000 annually. His religious inclination may lean towards Hinduism. There's a visible sense of discontent, potentially fueling armchair activism. He is wearing a simple dark polo shirt. He might spend his time in online forum discussions, following political news, and doomscrolling, yet he also displays a proclivity for complaining, conspiracy theorizing, all tinged with negativity.

>This individual seems to harbor strong negative sentiments and potentially be a conservative, so we can target them with polarizing news and traditional values, such as Anti-LGBTQ+ resources by various brands, Customized political propaganda by BJP, Religious texts from Gita Press and Traditional clothing from Manyavar, as well as Home security systems from Godrej, Life insurance from LIC, Local real estate listings by Magicbricks and Ayurvedic medicine from Dabur.


File: 1739328455670.jpg (79.2 KB, 640x452, 160:113, cool guy.jpg)

>In a dimly lit room at Topeka, stands a solitary figure, seemingly in his late 20s, positioned before a computer amidst a chaotic collection of cans and discarded items. The room, likely a bedroom, is cluttered with various objects strewn about. In the background, a closet door is slightly ajar, revealing a glimpse of disarray, while in the foreground, a desk overflows with cans.

>The individual, appears to be Caucasian, possibly earns between USD 20,000 and 40,000 annually. His religious beliefs lean towards agnosticism, and his political affiliation seems to be independent. He is seen exhaling cigarette smoke, his expression conveying apathy. Dressed in black attire, he finds solace in video games, frequent internet browsing, and engaging in streaming activities. On the flip side, smoking, overeating, and chronic /sp/rocrastination consume his days.

>The person seems to display addictive tendencies and a preference for sedentary activities. Thus we can target them with escapist entertainment, convenience services, and health products, such as *Herman Miller* ergonomic gaming chairs, *PepsiCo* premium Mountain Dew subscriptions, *Blizzard* World of Warcraft subscriptions, *Talkspace* online therapy sessions, *Nicorette* nicotine patches, *HelloFresh* meal delivery services, *Netflix* streaming service subscriptions, and *Uber Eats* fast food deliveries.


yur spam iz intredasting, I'll giv u that


i lik crik to budy


>indeterminate breed
im gonna use this synonymously with the word "mutt"




Why didn't the Chiefs try to score more points ? Are they stupid ?


mutthomes wasn't feelin' it

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