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/sp/ - Sparts

its a tampa kinda day
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File: 1739298054421.mp4 (21.72 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, ear_cleaning_in_india.mp4)

pls say again saar


>is that clean?
<'yes' (translation: no)


i was expecting a follow up at the end showing him in the hospital with a severe inner ear infection


If he was worried about it hurting then he should've used ear oil to soften the ear wax gunk, makes it less painful to remove, though it takes a while to settle in.


this is actually insane holy shit
so fucking dangerous to let some random fucking dude stick sharp fuckin dirty tweezers into the deepest depths of your ear for 100 rupees
like just soak a little hydrogen peroxide in your ear for 10 minutes, then get an attachment for a spray bottle and spray water into your ear it'll flush all that shit out without risking punching through your eardum


lol filthy british ears. Ol dirty ears billy


its p standard in india actually
guys prolly had way more practice than your lik actual dogtor, at cleaning ears at least

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