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its a tampa kinda day
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stop being a fat fuck and get /fit/


i don't think this image is promoting proper exercise


i want muscle gf


>timed sets
which one is better? I lik reps budy


it's for two separate goals isn't it? reps for if you're aiming to increase weight each time and gain strength vs timed sets that you leave mostly in the same weight range but increase the time per set for endurance?


Idk I have heard doing 50 push-ups a day is optimal for muscle strength, anything after that is endurance. I guess if I cared enough I’d read into it

t. 60 push-ups
50 knee highs
40 leg lifts
50-60 squats
+ bike ride a day during the week


i hate stupid fat bitches who see this AI shit and do it, then feel smug about their 'exercise'


ya. also within liftan there's sarcoplasmic vs myofibrillar if yeem interested


>50 push ups a day is optimal for muscle strength
thats totally ambiguous, and really doesnt give all the info needed to determine anything.
regardless, pushups aren't great for building muscle strenth. you're automatically capped at 60-70ish percent of your bodyweight, compared to doing actual strength training where even a single plate bench would be significantly more than that
by the time you're able to do a 20 pushups straight you're primarily going to be building endurance.


give him the old 76/fit/ pages


ignore fats entirely, problems weren't
body weight exercises only do so much, like doing pushups will build you up to being able to move your own body weight around but if you wanna get stronk then you need weights. you can get to a point where you look shredded af just doing body weight exercises tho it just takes longer and you can't fuck your diet up at all or else it ruins everything fast especially when you get older and your metabolism slows down. body weight exercises are rally gr8 for endurance and they definitely can supplement strength training exercises so it can't hurt to do them anyway provided you do proper recovery and all that shit
yah man i won't decline that


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these screencaps are all you need tbh


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how are pullups?


rally need a 300 lb bish




pullups are fucking great, you actually can get big guy strong with pullups / dips.
even better tho is when you start adding weight to them


not bad. but i'd stay away from bananas, white rice and seed oils


second only to m u s c l e u p s


why nanners bad?


too much sugar and high glycemic load


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tfw no muscle gf


Avoid seed oils with few excebtions. The only oils in your pantry should EVOO, Avocado, EVcoconut, animal fat (lard, tallow), palm, or peanut (for deep frying only). Flavoring oils like sesame and walnut are fine since you are only using them in small guantities in spesific dishes
bananners are your bre-workout to prevent muscle gramps and mid-day snack when you get hongry, white rice is fine as a carb so long as you aren't eating it by the quart, also prevents muscle gramps. Brown rice is fine too but you have to acid-soak it or sprout it for 24+ hours to avoid the shits.


Thx tbh not trying to get swolasaurus flex strong, just know I should be in better shape than I am. I’ve been entertaining the idea of building a pull-up bar in my yard. Will post in >>>/h/ if I do.


>swolasaurus flex strong
Those sort of gains take precise and consistent training over many years. I don't think you have to worry about that unless you're taking tren


>I eat only white foods: eggs, sugar, shredded bones, the fat of dead animals, rice, turnips, sausages in camphor, pastry, cheese (the white varieties), cotton salad, and certain kinds of fish (skinned).
>I boil my wine and drink it cold mixed with fuchsia juice. I have a good appetite but never talk when eating for fear of strangulation.
>I breathe carefully (a little at a time) and dance very rarely. When walking I hold my sides and look steadily behind me.
>Being of serious demeanor, it is unintentional when I laugh. I always apologize very affably.


i get you but lifting even moderate weight will make you stronger a lot faster than body weight stuff alone. unless you've got some issue where lifting weights might fuck you up i guess, shouldn't be lifting if your fuckin tendons might snap or something
>homemade pull up bar
sounds like a fun idea


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its a 111yo shitpost

i just always think of it whenever i see random esoteric eating advice online


where do you live?
how many stomach crunches can you do?
what kind of aftershave lotion do you use?
ice packs y/n?


oh shit i think i get it now
i haven't seen american psycho in ages


do stomps make sumo


Not as much as squats, but more than chanko


What should be the diet as an Indian?


lots of curry
lots of criket
lots of pepto bismol

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