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/sp/ - Sparts

its a tampa kinda day
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can u add all the 76chan boards back since we have 76chan.org again


will you do it for free?


im not a speee admin go ask one of them to do it 4free


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more boards = less poasts
/sp/ is a bastion of funposters bc it's also /a/ and /b/ and /new/ and /pol/ and /v/ and every other board except /h/ which is /diy/, /v/ which is /lgbt/, and /librejp/ which is all the porn boards
credit too to jannies for hiding their tranniness


i wanna know who duddr had to kill to get the domain back


>can u add
who is u?


patriots were in control this entire time waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike


elon forced (((them))) to return the domain


mega milk fag eternally BTFO


lel I forgot that megadude sold out for a minute


yea ill probably get around to adjusting some things im not sure what the plan is yet. idk if ill add the 76chan boards back or maybe do something where some boards are on one domain and some are on another and have them redirect or something silly like that
maybe ill take it as an opportunity to finally get off vichan




>maybe ill take it as an opportunity to finally get off vichan
Understandable even if I'm nostalgic for the software suite. Everything vichan related fucking breaks trying to set up new instances.


check out https://gitgud.io/fatchan/jschan
has everything and active developers


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finally jewsh will be the greatest programmer ever TRADEMARK


jschan very gud, most other Sebring boards use it and it very customizable


I lik vichan tho


but does it work without js?


i wanna ask tom to add search lik >we got here
i lik jschan


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its a tampa kinda day


commission durgasoft to write duderchan software


ok i asked him about search, he pointed out that theres one in the catalog, but it only searches OPs. Said he could add a full text search but got a shit ton of things ahead of that so i was lik ok cool no hurry :) and that was that. nice guy


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this. use proven enterprise software. java, tomcat server, servlets, jsp. mvc design pattern, security and scalability


i tried to watch one of this guy's java classes for the lulz once and couldn't understand a single fucking thing he was talking about


obv not of the caliber that the esteemed and honorable mr nagoor babu, the icon of java, demands of his students


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i am but a worm
i am not worthy

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