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/sp/ - Sparts

its a tampa kinda day
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we're back…


duddr finally stopped banging whorbs and realized his site was broken


1 tb drive not enough duddddddddddddddddddddddr?


it was one night


it was like 36 hours


Budy you and me are the only two on overnight shifts methinks


im switch shift


you top and bottom? what a slut


i feel like i should get reimbursed for the time posting wasn't possible. i don't pay $360 a month for my sportschan platinum account to not post


how much do I have to pay to keep this guy from posting




budy, you don't have that kind of money


I will if I sell my
〜C〜Y〜B〜E〜R〜 〜T〜R〜U〜C〜K〜


sell to whom? who would be so stupid to buy it?


File: 1740507705463.mp4 (436.14 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, I'LL TAKE YOUR ENTIRE STOC….mp4)






teslas fucking suck stop posting about them
in other news im going to try and familiarize myself with jschan and potentially migrate the site over to it if it ends up being something i like
maybe the antispam features will be better too. we'll see


bravo duddr
ask trashmin at trashchan or sturgeon at zzz for help, they both imported a lot of boards from anon.cafe when it went down and can help


Neat, if you don't mind could you document your procedure? I tried to get it to work a few years ago and never could because the dependencies it wanted were deprecated/discontinued even when it was new.


it's official cybertruk suks
will the site be down for a bit if/when you do that? and if the other sites are anything to go by the antispam werks p well. that or there's always a hotpocket lurking


>ask trashmin at trashchan or sturgeon at zzz for help, they both imported a lot of boards from anon.cafe when it went down and can help
thanks, ill try and get in touch with them if i run into anything that i cant figure out. its been a long time since i feel like ive really been a part of the whole "altchan community"
>Neat, if you don't mind could you document your procedure?
So far ive more or less just followed the installation.md file in the repo, but there are definitely some things missing from there and he says that at the top so I'll try and make a note of anything in encounter
>I tried to get it to work a few years ago and never could because the dependencies it wanted were deprecated/discontinued even when it was new.
im pretty good at forcing things like that to work but node is kind of still a mystery to me so itll definitely be a learning experience
>will the site be down for a bit if/when you do that?
now that i have 76chan.org back i was thinking about standing jschan up on that domain and just redirecting this server over to it in the meantime, and then whenever steaks updates the record for sportschan.org we'll have two domains on the same site again
>and if the other sites are anything to go by the antispam werks p well. that or there's always a hotpocket lurking
i hope it does. it looks like theres a way to set it up to send me some sort of notifications when a report gets made, so thats already a pretty big step up


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this isnt so hard


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what did he mean by this


>busy fucking 48 hours at work
>hop on spee
>it was down
this is confirmation to me that when i look away from spee chan it doesn't exist


this is all a simulation


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>it's always been a tampa kinda day


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im honestly really liking jschan…
been working on rewriting the css and its coming together nicely


better than infinity next ever will be


dudcode is still as broken as his brittle bones


aw fuk ya


ok dudder its time for forced tripcodes, upvotes, likes, geolocation, signatures, avatars, API integration to myspace, and premium sportschan GOLD accounts that unlock premium features like animated gif avatars and exclusive fireside chat sessions with the mods


>he doesnt already have an sportschan GOLD account with premium features like animated gif avatars and exclusive fireside chat sessions with the mods
lel how do you even live


heres a lil bit to have custom load bar stuff and spoilers and stuff


literally THIS
t. proud haver of the spartschan GOLD lifetime membership


Thinking about getting a co-admin. Post your resumes here and I'll hire someone here.


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how about resumanus lmao get rekt


i lik ziggy toons got any more?


you might be able to get info on migrating all posts to jschan on trashchan.xyz , they done it altho from a lynxchan site


yuo still didn't reply to my previous [/autism]resume[/autism]






File: 1740845889600.png (431.34 KB, 900x1267, 900:1267, 2094839576.png)

you got it


U should allow user board creation and let /sp/uddies make the most useless boards imaginable and pretend 8gag still exists




Something something, alpha male.
Something something, significant salary.


sorry been away for a little while
busy couple of weeks
i have a plan and it should make things a lot better and hopefully cut down on the spam because ill have an actually good firewall in place instead of basically nothing like i have now
but i dont wanna spoil too much in case the pedo is reading this


hope your doing good doodr


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