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/sp/ - Sparts

its a tampa kinda day
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File: 1740617204200.jpg (69.82 KB, 640x480, 4:3, i-got-a-gigantic-wrap-for-….jpg)


Y'all spiggas be mad at my new ride


yah bc everyone knows blue is gay pink is where the alpha balding sissies go


update me on this alpha balding sissies lingo, my /sp/igga.


time stamps or it isnt real


would have done the mane 6 personally, but hey to each their own


>not even animu
F- see me after class


make ponies great again


balding alpha siesy power bottom cucks have taken over the planet while high t chad beta cucks just stood by and watched.and what color was their flag? PINK THE COLOR OF CUQUERORS


pinks my 3rd favorite color ez


is it a "smart" carwash mode that knows yeem got nails did custom?


your new ride makes me mad


tbh i don't mind obnoxiously decked out vehicles like that, it means someone's got the money and had some fun with it. beats the shit out of getting some cheapshit beater then decking it out with hundreds of political bumper stickers at least, like who tf is gonna read all that shit when it's parked much less on the road lmao? calm down and get a schitzo van or something if you're gonna go that route at least that shits funny


File: 1740690723879.mp4 (2.55 MB, 480x600, 4:5, yes its real.mp4)

I knew I was keeping this for a reason


File: 1740699784826.mp4 (4.58 MB, 406x720, 203:360, jannies in the lounge.mp4)

how many kids do you think that guy has groomed over discord


i've seen way too many cars with annie may stickers on them in the past year and i hate it


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do what now


pinkie pie sucks ass
rainbow dash is top tier, followed closely by Twilight sparkle


Applejack is the only one who puts in the effort to be worth a damn, y'hear?


File: 1740713910984.jpg (174.41 KB, 1000x1054, 500:527, Ponycaust.jpg)

clop in hell horsefuckers


this is so fucking gay, if anything rainbow dash should be the guy with the uniform unloading the train, and the emotions he should be feeling are JOY


File: 1740785728886.png (288.91 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

wachu finna do bout it, ytboi?

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