for everyone else that wants to see if they're a bad enough dude you need a base Fallout game. gog is the gold standard and fallout is worth paying money for but buying fallout means LITERALLY GIVING MICROSOFT MONEY. I recommend holding out for a physical copy with all the sexy feelies.
<Essentialsthe gog versions will with perfect modern and *nix compatibility on modern systems, but these are still recommended
>Fallout the original to the FO2 engine, adding its QOL menu features
also adds additional content, but the greatest divergence from vanilla is being able to tell ian not to shoot you in the back
worth it just for the take all button and not having to click on every door
<MAKE SURE TO CONFIG fo1_settings.ini precursor and alternative to 1in2, slightly different feature set. does NOT have the QOL features of 1in2
>Fallout 2 gold standard. adds tons of cut and no original fanfic content. a minimal fixes only version is available for people who want that for some reason
>Fallout Tacticsidk lol
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and here's our character
unless you make your own
>former sportsball player
>current trukkr
>cueball head and big handlebar mustache
>because everyone knows those are the two gayest jobs in the world
>strong, tough, and fast
>appropriate job skills
>regular /sp/ poster
>stupid and unconvincing
oh and he's obviously pretty lucky or he wouldn't have survived the apocalypse
>>1685609literally just like, make a save but don't load it if you die, bro
Years ago i tried playing Fallout but I couldn't get into it and stopped. A shame.
>>1685637How far did you get? the combat didn't click for me until I had a little ways in to the game and could feel the tactics in combat more
>>1685683Can't remember but maybe like 2 hours in.
ive been on a soy wars kick tbh
just beat dark forces 2 again, now im torn whether i wanna kotor, or jedi outcast
after stopping at a nearby settlement Spragg's accosted by scorpions on the way to another vault that might have the chip
it's surprisingly dangerous. despite having 9 AP I can only barely attack the scorpions once with my crappy knife and run or they'll catch and sting spragg. fortunately they're enough for a level up
I might put the skill points in the doctor skill, I'm not sure. a melee character's going need to do a lot of healing…
>>1685703now's the time to try again
make sure you kick up your AG. it's so much more fun when you can run circles around your enemies, and it enables new tactics you can't do otherwise
yeah they can crit fail. esp if you got high LCK
did you go LCK 9? i think thats what you need to get the ayyyy encounter. thats the only way i ever got it
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the encounter rate must be way higher in FO2 because Spragg is accosted by scorpions and drought the whole way down. by the time he finally makes it to junktown the scorpion kill counter is at 22.
things have gone pretty well so far. spragg's upgraded to a spear, made level 4, and found a snazzy leather jacket that even got him the legendary maneater dogmeat. the day counter's already at 115, but still above 100 so I'm not worried
I might start getting worried when random encounters turn from scorpions to guys with guns but for now we're at an inflection point. we were actually going to be at an inflection point when I stopped at the raider camp but spragg's time on /sp/ has made him so stupid and repulsive that all he can do is pick a fight with their chief
anyone who's played fallout knows this part. a melanin enhanced hitman with the HIGHLY AUTHENTIC name Kenji tries to pop the local trader and de facto head hancho, and he wants us to go undercover to get evidence on the guy behind the corpse (kenji)
the offer's pretty lucrative for the early game
>>1685598 No.1685732
>>1685727>>1685725>1 CHA dogmeatdoesnt that affect their health pool?
spiggas ded
prolly gizmo cuz it doesnt sound like youre there to make frens. and youre melee so you dont need a gun and ammo anyways. rob the store for chems and stuff on the way out of town. just rob everyone, thats what i always do. ton of weird shit in random containers. and its the apocalypse, so fuck it. you can trade whatever garbage to random encounters for extra chems. then just get real high and smart before talking to ppl and youll be able to talk ur way outta more shit and not get ded maybe
beers gud too
get beer. its rly cheap. hock random junk to traders and trade it for beer
i remember that being cool w melee. just have lik a dozen beers on you all the time
>>1685733someone should do a drunken boxing character
unarmed is actually really good in fallout 2 and 1in2 backports that
>>1685741i looked it up
guess it doesnt actually give the strength buff in 1. just -1 PER
i def still used it
and got addicted iirc, but its prolly a bad idea for an ironman run
>>1685732first I've heard of it
you just wanna larp postapoc tyrone biggums doncha