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its a tampa kinda day
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File: 1741511989903.png (8.11 MB, 2858x2078, 1429:1039, sumo.png)


haru basho (spring tournament) started today, budys!
we're watching it here: https://cytu.be/r/endcorner
everyday for the next 15 days
stram starts around 11:00 AM CT

if slov provides source for the videos that is
hopefully he does


File: 1741512229208.png (425.57 KB, 446x828, 223:414, 39485786.png)

>they got his double boobs right
imagine being the artist who drew this and you have to study all the fighters to get their boob size and shape right


File: 1741521070362-0.jpg (106.34 KB, 270x474, 45:79, Takayasu_2016-n-2022.jpg)

File: 1741521070362-1.jpg (105.91 KB, 270x474, 45:79, Takayasu_2025.jpg)

>hairy takayasu 2nd row 4th from the right
i think this piece of art from 2022. the yokozuna is Teru, but Takayasu wore that kesho mawashi in 2016 and 2022. this year he sports a Chaplin


>if slov provides source for the videos that is
i got you budy


slappy tiem


>11am CT
wat i thought it was gonna be around noon EST


its around noon EST
17:00 UTC
calculate yours


it starts NOW


sumo starts in 7 mins!


top5 fights of today in case you missed the stram


large man smash


portly fellow brawl


its EDT now budy, and believe it or not noon Eastern is 11 central u silly goose


>kotozakura starting off with a loss
damn and the look of determination he had entering the ring got my hopes up for the young ozeki cmon budy yu gotta get it together for 2025 with them double stacked double d titties
>hoshoryu squats on the clay
>stands up, rushes to the corner
>claps twice during the rush
<crowd goes wild
>gives some firm and convincing belly slaps
<demons utterly terrified, rush out and flee the entire prefecture
<crowd absolutely loses it
this guy puts on a good show whether he intends to or not. i feel real lucky he was the first i got to see rise to yokozuna
>quickly loses very first bout as yokozuna


both ukros lose their fight but were competitive


ya. i think shishi did better than the other holhol


Abi is a tricky one


yeh i forgot about dst being over i said so in the chat yesterday ugh pay attention to ME


so you already moved the clocks?
then its 13:00 East Coast time? (that is 1pm)
still it's 17:00 UTC that's sure


ya about 31:39 hours ago


pudge budge


blubber shove


whale flail


probably gonna wait another 5-10 mins tho


File: 1741680853007.mp4 (5.39 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, oh hi.mp4)

hosh doin gud
onosato and taker fuji won ezpz
that one dude did a spin to win i forgot which dude tho
and vidrel was kinda lelzy


exactly that needed to be edited out! aweseom budy
sumo in 1 and a half!


sumo in 25


gud fights, glad I could catch the second half
thanks budy


gud sumo today

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