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important update from EMPRESS
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theres some nerd faggotry but u also need to keep ur methods seekrit so they stay working longer
i member a few years ago (maybe 5+ by now) there was a big scene spergout cuz someone leaked the tools for cracking denuvo
ofc denuvo reverse engineered them and upgraded theyre future drm so the tools stopped working
i think that was about when the scene started really dying for real


its the same thing with streaming services for movies/tv btw
there are certain exploits that let you pull raw video from certain devices
when tools get leaked devices/software are patched (or netflix/whomever kills support and wont send them high-res content)


tho with streaming can't u just rip the video through hdmi capture cards?
i see how it might take a while but still


isnt there spyware coded into official streaming platforms that detects that kind of shit?


Ackshually, ripping streaming platforms is p ez provided you know what you're doing, there's literally software on github that you can use RIGHT NOW to rip video directly from streaming servers (provided you have basic tech knowledge on how the web works and can spoof a web browser in some cases).
You are right about some streaming services not providing hi-res content for less-secure encryption, although I think that might just be netflix.
Anyway check this out: https://archive.ph/0YBfk

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so uhhhh
they decided to just turn it into a BF4 clone?
the fuck?
retards claim it was because of engine limitations when they should have just kept a similiar map size and not try and make ridiculous high tier units like the fucking mammoth mk ii
or make it a set piece or something
they really are retarded at game design– when they copied the original CNC mode for ren X it just 'worked'
instead for this they wanted to make the maps to scale for actual cnc maps or something then it turns out infantry are completely broken when its a walking sim
so their solution was to turn it into BF4….
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ok cool. i'll get download links for the cracks, modern patches etc so we can just join via standard multiplayer menu etc


sounds good to me


>monday shaping up like it will be a 80 hour week
will keep you posted


kill your boss and become the boss and lower your hours and increase your pay


if you ever have the opportunity to hire someonew with a disability, just
when federal law talks about 'reasonable accomodation' what they really mean is that person will work at 25% of the capacity of a normal human, and you can't do shit about it

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So they are making a Twisted Metal series.premiering july 27th on peacock Imo it's not very promising compared to the game.based off the trailer What are your thoughts, /v/?


thats fuckin stupid and prolly a money laundering scheme that is expected to fail miserably. i mean its a game series that hasnt been relevant in like 15 years


tbh i actually think an online pvp-based vehicle combat game could prolly be a rly big meme nowadays if you were to do it right. esp if they made it so you could like idk customize your car/vehicle and make like specific builds and stuff like that. ppl would prolly get rly autistic with that, and then you could make some more generic multiplayer modes lik team deathmatch, fuckin capture the flag, whatever

the twisted metal IP is prolly more of a hindrance than anything at this point. the few ppl that remember would be pissed off by any big changes or modernizations. and a new twisted metal that plays and acts like old twisted metal, but w new gfx, would prolly bomb in todays market


yah a new twisted metal game could prolly be successful if they managed to attract some of the rocket league audience but idk how well the overall aesthetic and story would hold up in such a case since twisted metal was always some super edgelord shit thematically speaking and the modern entertainment industry is basically incapable of doing anything edgy since some suit wearing retard always jumps in to water everything down and make sure every product is some watered down garbage which defeats the whole purpose behind being edgy in the first place
hate to throw out the typical /v/eddit "boohoo it gon b bad" take but the fact peegock is involved at all even if its just with a tv show isnt a good sign at all
then again assuming there is a new game in the works maybe whatever studio it gets handed to will have enough unruly bastards working in it to make some wild shit and slip it under the faggot radar


In the original game i remember you fighting to the death in suburbs and other places where you could just destroy the entire world around you. Doubtful the series will keep the same theme, p gh3y if not. Thats what made twisted metal a fun edgy game imo the total chaos and utter destruction.


idk they would prolly be perfectly fine with environmental destruction its not like currently or recently popular games dont have that

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