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 No.1693[View All]

Drove to see some family in Indiana. Had a pig roast.
66 posts and 70 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Gotta say the cumin added a bit more than expected in a good way. Ribs were rubbed with:
<some rando rub I have
<slap ya mama white pepper blend
< mustard powder
Chikuns has:
<slap ya mama craka peppa
<powdur time
<gurlic stuft inem hoes


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Sleepy piggy


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keep forgetting pics did smoked beer butt chicken for first time, total game changer
doin mushroom ravioli from scratch 70% chance i forget pics

>dem poppers
makin me HONGRY. cumin rules on ribs. far as store bought famous daves is prob my favorite, slap some 'devil spit' on it. my homemade doesnt touch it


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sry for hijacking your thread but we don't need another /ck/ thread for just one post.
years ago i got a cast iron griddle pan as a bday gift but i never used it because i didn't think they'd produce good results. tried it out today and was blown away how good my pork came out. certainly a viable option when you don't want to fire up the girl


all cookbros allowed. how'd you cook the chops?

aside from burgers cast iron>girll imo especially once you get searing down. gotta try steak in it, grilled steak's nasty to me now
-dry age in fridge
-bring it room temp, salt and pepp (both coarse grind) the fuck out of it
-seriously dont skimp espec on pepp
-fan on, get pan uncomfortably hot
-tong steak in, press flat against pan (ensures thorough crust)
-time depends on your stove but i do two mins ea side, then 1 min ea side on a gaswitchz for med rare
-for ref when steak releases on it's own from pan it should come out rare after resting, +~30 seconds ea side should bump up one rarity grade if you got it hot enough

since its a newer pan i'd prob slide a baby fat trimming around first to oil up


cast iron is the goat budy especially when youve got it seasoned
i only ever clean crusty stuck on shit off of it with coarse salt + chainmail scrubber, otherwise i'll just wipe out excess oil/fat with a paper towel, add a tiny bit of avocado oil and smear it around until its evenly coated and then leave it on the eye on low heat for a minute or two to bake in the flavors
always looks nice and shiny afterwards too


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Just got done cooking bone-in ribeye on the cast iron. Imo it’s the best way to do it. Topped with dill butter and red onion from my garden.


thang lookin fine, that dill and yumion is great touch
prob sacrilege but i take off the bone to get it flat for searing, can never get em to cook right


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Happy 4th of July!


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happy belated 4th of july budy
whta little feller over there?


what are those handles made from? lookin like antlers or wood or idk what
also do you remove the charred stuff before eating?


>do you remove the charred stuff before eating
no? not him but are you supposed to do that? i always just eat it all it has a nice flavor to it if the cook didnt fuck it up


that's the bark, best part of smokin. gotta try it
not 4th bro


>little feller
Cast iron winged piggu
They are made from elk antlers
>charred stuff
That’s the bark, it’s where the majority of the flavor is. You don’t ever remove that

t. 4thbro


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Different pace today, homemade ravioli. They are in the water now, will post pics w/ sauce etc after I eat and include a tl;dr how to


beauty thicc boys, i want that filling recipe


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I didn’t measure anything, I’m basing this loosely on what’s left in the packages of cheese I got.
>10-12 oz ricotta
>half a thing the bundle they sell at the store idk what it’s called of Italian parsley, chopped fine
>3 or so oz of grated mozzarella and parmesan tbh it needed more maybe like 4-5 oz each
>fresh cracked black pepper
>a drizzle of olive oil
<mix thoroughly in a bowl
<portion it out on your dough as seen in pix
I used a small brush to wet the edges around my piles, then put another sheet of dough over the top and firmly pressed all around the edges, then cut them to size with a knife. The process to make the dough noodles is pretty simple too. It was my grandmothers recipe, here it is:
>3 eggs
>1 tsp salt
>3 tsp water
>2-3 cups of flour
<mix eggs with a fork until foamy, or consistent
<add water and salt, mix well
<start slowly adding 1/2 cup at a time flour until you can’t use the fork to mix
<continue to mix flour and kneed dough until smooth, and it should be slightly sticky
<ball up and cover with the mixing bowl for 15-30 minutes
<separate dough into two pieces
<roll out flat using as little flour as possible
tbh mine just came out right some how and I didn’t use any extra flour, you see how it turned out. Beginners luck I guess
<you think that’s thin enough? If I can’t read the paper through it, it’s not thin enough kid
Once it’s that thin, roll it in parchment paper or something similar and store in the fridge, roll out the other piece and start making your what ever. If you over flour it you’ll fuck up the dough, same with if you leave it out too long. It shouldn’t take more than 5 minutes in an already boiling pot to cook what ever you’re making. It took right around two hours from start to finish, with one cig break at the end while the ravioli were in the water. It’s not very intensive, clearly you can see it’s pretty simple. I would say expect to be constantly doing something the whole time though. I started my sauce while the dough was covered too, that played a part in the two hours of straight cooking though. In the end I’d do it again, I’ll only get better at it, I could hardly finish 5 of them.


sweet thanks. your dough recipe is diff than mine but they look better in the pics, i'll try your grans for next raviolios or noodle night
done mushroom ravioli a few times and its great. can throw all kinds of shit in em. if u ever try mushies i lik to add a bit of blitzed walnuts, texture and taste goes raly well


going to try making homemade 'tabasco' once these pepps ripen if anyone has tips?
have pics when i dooz it up


>any tips?
I’ve made habanero “sauce” **more like a spread it was in the old thread that got wiped” my only advice would be to make small batches until you get the flavor you want right. Easy with that vinegar too, a little goes a long way. Also a good blender is your friend in that scenario.


gud idea. i'm gonna ferment, so prob do a big batch of base and fuss with it from there
prob try diff vinegars & got a bunch of dried thai dragon from the neighbors last year needs usin too


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Any luck yet budy?
I made manicotti from scratch last night.
>pix related


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damn that looks gud. your coon get a bite?
thx for remind, i forgot. abso fucked the dog on it but still tastes awesome. threw in some red shishitos to even it out
not going to get another batch of peepers this season but got two more garden beds so next year i'll nail it down


didnt take pics but dope fall soup:
1 yellow onion
3 cloves garlic
1# ground sausage
1# big link sausage sliced
5 cups chicken broth
5-6 taters cubed
couple stalks kale chopped
1-2 cups heavy cream (to taste)
smoked paprika, salt, pepper

brown sausaga garlic onion, drain, add everything but cream. crockpot for however, add cream near end


cheftgpt looks cool https://www.chefgpt.xyz/
got a lineageos'd piece of shit chinese phone so cant into jewgle play or install the xapk off apkpure to test the free version but maybe someone will dig it


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milk bread


left it out overnight and now its stale :(


look on the bright side now you have a flavored rock to kill a bird with, maybe even two birds


lel that made me laff
threw it in clam chowdah its rally gud, milk bread gets 10/10 booms


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>all leftover turkey
>leftover veggies
>put in pot
>bring to a boil, then simmer long enough to melt the parm rind
>no more hunger!
I’ll type out the full recipe if any one /r/equests it


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>2.5 lb pork butt
>add seasoning
>2.5 hours at tree fiddy
<pic related


Looks good, but
>2.5 hours
I'd turn the temp down to about 300 if you're cooking that long, maybe 275 and bump the time up to 3-3.5 hours. Slow anyways, so lower heat will make it juicier/more tender.


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Making braciole and ravioli for Christmas dinner. I’m about to start up the ravioli, I’ll post pix in a bit.


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Finished the ravioli. I’ll boil them and sauce them tomorrow for dinner. Not sure I might still make a ceasar dressing from scratch too.


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Forgot final pix last night.


that looks disgusting. bet it was delicious tho


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It came out pretty well. The braciole could have used more time cooking in the sauce. The ravioli wasn’t my best, I’ve only made it twice though. I’ve moved on to making my own pasta though. I got my budys ded mom’s pasta maker. It’s absolutely worth the extra effort to make your own. Nowhere near as filling, nor full of bullshit pasta isn’t supposed to have in it enriched bleached vitamins
Simple pasta recipe:
1 cup flour your choice, I spend the extra 70¢ on unenriched, unbleached, organic flour
1 egg
Some salt and water not much of either
So you mix the egg, water, and salt in a bowl until foamy. Slowly pour the flour into the egg mix, while mixing with a fork. It will get to a point you can’t mix with the fork, dump the rest of the flour in and finish by hand. The resulting product should be slightly sticky, although it shouldn’t stick to anything. Add more flour if it’s that sticky. Then kneed, form into a ball and let rest, covered with a towel for at least 10 minutes. Roll it with a rolling pin, or cut and feed into your pasta machine and you’re done.


that knife in the first pic, what brand is that?


got that same pasta roller spudy and ya homemade pasta rally is night and day. cleanups kind of a bitch but them big ol silicone mats help
although thats way less mess than i usually make so i'll try ur bros mom's recipe next time


>knife brand
Miyabi. It’s the best kitchen knife I’ve ever had. Only had to sharpen the blade once because the passive aggressive fucktard I used to live with would put in the the dish washer and it’s kept its edge since. Had it 7 years +/- a few months


made that pasta last night, damn good
bro's mom lives on through the magic of the internet


I’m going to try this today. Will post pix


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Thx fam. My budy is happy for that.
Slow and low the way to go for sure.
>pic related
275 for 5 hours 3.5 lb pork butt. Turned out way better than last time.


god damn that looks excellent


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It’s a soup kinda day here.
Made a simple meatball, no where near as involved as the big ones.
>1 lb ground beef from rancher budy
>egg from my sisters chikins
>carrot from garden
>white onion from garden
>rosemary from garden
>bay leaves
>dry yellow cyanne from garden
>2 quarts beef broth
I’ll add noodles towards the end and post some final pix


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Tortellini soup
>1 lb pork sausage ground
>1 bunch greens, washed and chopped kale/chard/spinach
>1 large yellow onion
>1 pack tortellini
>bay leaves
>heavy whipping cream
>1 can tomato paste
>1 chunk of Parmesan rind if available

Fill a large pot half way with water, put greens in and bring to a boil.
Brown tomato paste and sausage in a pan.
Once boiled, add parm rind, salt, and bay leaves to pot o greens
Lower temp to simmer, add pork and paste. you can add grease for flavor or drain
Slice onion, lightly sauté then add to pot
Let that simmer for 20 or so minutes
Add tortellini and a cup or so of whipping cream, and mix it up. You’ll notice the color change means you’re doinitrite
Let simmer until pasta is done, then enjoy!

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