i mean there's a bit more to it because zoomers/millennials don't want to work (largely due to debt and bleak future watching their birthright be given to browns who don't even speak their language) but they are being thrusted into middle management now because the boomer/GenXer middle managers all retired or fucking died of flu
so you get a situation where cops/glownigs/private businesses won't do anything without direct orders which nobody in middle management gives because they are too afraid of getting disciplined if [number goes down] reinforced by shit like the cop who gave the evacuation order to congress for Jan6 getting reamed a new asshole
meanwhile the news media is mad because they expect common sense to kick in but this is what common sense looks like in this new regime, and there's still some rally satanist people in the upper echelons giving orders to these news types/middle management types putting everyone in hysterics when they're damned if they do damned if they don't
prolly doesn't help that almost all school shooters come from fatherless homes (usually on SSRIs) and the ones that do have dads have absentee dads
>>1657471what's your take on the spiritual aspect? is it stuff like people being rootless nihilists or is it some real shit /x/ type of thang?
>>1657505simple version is that >we constantly enter "contracts" of sorts with entities based on decisions, intent, and focus
kinda an extension of the theory about old gods die because they lose worshippers
can also be extrapolated into collective consciousness and an actual "social contract" and not the lamestream harvard version but a real one
>>1662819gud question. know some of it comes from trying to convert pagans by going after pan & satyrs
gay.i. says these guys started the yim and 'paradise lost' solidified it
>>1662819The horns/cloven hooves are probably a dual-representation of pagan satyrs (satyrs raped kids, devil is meant to represent a moral lesson to children) and that Jewish sacrifices are no longer demanded (Jews would sacrifice goats to god). Pitchfork is a representative of a farming tool being used for war.
Red skin is the easiest. Several saints describe how humans look most like demons (in the literal aesthetic sense) when we are drunk/angry, so the appearance of the devil as an inflamed/angry individual (red in the face) over time came to just being entirely red all over.
>>1662835wait until the next oct 7
>>1662837read that pitchfork was attack on neptune too, may have been P
>when we are drunk/angrydidnt know that
what's spees recc'd reading on mythology evolution?
>>1662819>spoilermight be derailing here but uhhh care to elaborate?
>>1662849you really don't want to know. it's a long story anyways.
The fake assassination at the trump rally was a Kabbalah crowning ritual with goy sacrifice. Kind of like the black eye thing. Also F is the 6th letter of the alphabet. Fight fight fight = 666
>>1662849Bible describes them as spiritual entities they don't really have bodies but can take on forms.
Saints run into demons a lot and even have conversations with Satan frequently (especially late life) and they usually describe demonic attacks as involving gaseous animals and the like. They use "what if" scenarios in your head a lot more than they use physical entities, but the physical entities take on whatever form they feel will cause the most psychological damage in that moment (usually boars or monkeys if they take a form at all).
>>1662835ah yes, the "judeo-christian" version of the onion
>>1662872BZZZZZZZZZZZZZTWRONGpost the story
>>1662912i'm not going to tell you much, because i'm sure weird shit's going to happen to at least some of y'all and i really don't want that for one of the few tolerable ibs left. read on with care. anyways:
to put it simply i've had a "night visitor", one of those who lie with men who sleep alone, for the past year and a half, but i'm very sure this being has been around for a very long time, probably my entire life. seen some rally weird shit, like the colored blobs and shadows; dreamt crazy shit too, i think it may be astral travel but not too sure about that. hear a woman's voice, nice and sweet, which actively communicates with me. can't really shake her off, so i'm kinda stuck with it. and tbh if i weren't afraid of hell i'm not sure if i would even want to. No.1663205
>>1663180Spartman has his own white lady, huh?
Mine stalked me as a kid and wanted to kill me to the point where my cat could see it and would growl at it/I had to sleep with lights and ritual protection to keep her from trying to suffocate me through most of my early childhood.When I moved I started getting stalked by what I call the "white loli" which was like the sweet little sister version of the white lady who was overly possessive of me but only tried to kill me twice.When Tamamo happened the white loli stopped following me around but I started having issues with succubi trying to fuck me in my dreams, especially kitsune, but I had a guardian by that point protecting me.I'm scared because right before Trump was elected my cross mysteriously managed to fall off its cord at work while the cord was undamaged (it was connected by a solid hoop without any cuttings to slip out of), and then I started having bouts of sleep paralysis accompanied by a woman's shrieking on a nightly basis on my days off. No.1663221
>>1663180ya budy that spiritual door swings both ways. gotta keep your radio tuned to KPURE
what makes you think chicky is a demon tho?
ufo meeting in da gov
nancy mace and her succulent tits got disclosure on immaculate constellation up on her site No.1663232
would rather deal with succubi and sleep paralysis demons than niggers blasting mumble rap at 2:00 AM tbh
>>1663222what psyop is this and whats the purpose?
holy moly spartmans got sum thangs goin on
yeems sleep in rooms with mirrors? aint that a thing or smth?
also gud kot.
>>1663232drill rap is pretty demonic
hello saaars i want to speach to ess pee gobernor this is tranny the forefathers warned us about
>>1663221namedropping specific demons and beaming images of their sigils into my mind, giving me occult knowledge that i would have no prior knowledge about, saying shit like "ave satanas :^)", shit like that. oh, and the smell, too. it smells like a mix of vinegar and cat piss.>>1663232between you and me, i'd rather have the niggers.
>>1663414fuckin hell. what occult knowledge and sigils?
what cleansing rituals have you done budy? gotta be able to revoke permission, yeem sekritly into it or what?
>>1663414you should prolly read the lesser key of solomon tbh. ars goetia, specifically.
dont be some virgin spiritual rape victim, be lik chad solomon. summon and bind those dumb whorbs and make em work for you, not the other way around.
youre the one built in the image of the light-bringer, after all. theyre your servants by right of birth
start smol
crowley fucked up his whole house that one time cuz heem got cocky and went too big. and its not lik he didnt know what he was doing either, he spent lik 3 mos in summoning ritual. he was just in way over his head
gotta bind em cuz otherwise theyll try to fuck u over
remember: succubi belong in chains. theyre literally built for it
>>1621883Yeah, what a cringe episode. Even back then I had a bizarre feeling in the guts and that's like twenty years ago. Too young to understand and yet disgusting enough to be annoyed without knowing why. Because it was over the top I suppose? The show was good but totally silly. The movie too, saw it lately, I can see why it was a fun piece of entertainment and adventure back then, but it's all based on VonDaniken shit and either brownatives or ayys did it.
Same with Halo, you look at the plans for the Forerunners during the Bungie era, the sketches depicted humans, but they were White. Under 343 our super advanced ancestors are fucking long haired pajeets with a skin as dark as that of Australoids.
>>1665831the problem was that episode really tried to hammer into you that they were ackhually helping da ebil nazis. but out of 300+ stargate episodes across three series it's really not pozzed at all.
sgu doesn't count and neither does origins.
>>1665836I kinda liked SGU. More drama and a harder edge to the SF that seemed to take itself more seriously than the usual campy stuff. Nice sets, ships and ambiences. Plus a higher variety of planets. The seriousness reminded me of SGA S1 before it went full tard with goofy episodes and slapstick material. Still enjoyable but it's easy to see why it strained therefrom. One of the best eps in SGA post-S1 was Common Ground. Wraith and Ori remain criminally underdeveloped and MGM never were manly enough to *canonically* expand the material through books.
>>1665840sgu was garbage all through s1 and was only almost decent by the end of s2, it was unnecessarily dark and had none of the charm that sg1 and sga had, neither of which ever tried to be super srs bsns like sgu did. sga was even kind of lame after season 3 or so and a lot of the episodes blend together because of how similar they are.
>>1667791you might want to ask that on /christian/, they'll probably have more answers for you No.1667807
>>1667791antichrist is basically someone mistaken for Christ…everyone loves him and he's a natural leader, but he ultimately promotes things that will destroy society.
>>1667805one time i was having a shitload of display issues and was terrified i was gonna have to sink hundreds into a new gpu but it turned out all i had to do was reseat one of my RAM cards. dunno how it popped out of place tho, it was running perfectly fine for a couple years before that
>>1667807The Christ literally means anointed one or the Messiah. In Jewish tradition he is believed to be the one who would/will restore Jews to their place of glory. When Jesus refers to the antichrist he could either be referring to a leader who will mislead Christians around the end times, or he could be referring to a more literal prophecy of Simon bar Kokhba's rebellion depending on who you ask. Or he could have been referring to both. Generally Christianity considered the more literal translation that the antichrist was Simon bar Kokhba but around the 1600s people started believing that the antichrist was referring to a more literal end of the world.
Either way the antichrist is basically someone who would convince followers of the way that he is the king of kings and the messiah come back, only to lead them into "the end times" instead.
>>1667805holy FUCK soyR
>>1667791lik most of that stuff, its just a cautionary tale to try to keep you from getting duped
by the """wrong""" ppl, at least by some cult of personality
its saying you should be wary of the max charisma dude who shows up out of nowhere and is all smiles and selflessness, cuz hes prolly actually a snake trying to con you
and its not rly the worst advice. nothings rly ever free, esp not when it comes to receiving help in your time of need
i see it as more of an "amendment" to the ol "thou shalt not worship false idols" thang
from a theological view, its mostly designed to keep a strong centralized church and prevent schisms. you can see how well that worked. the living flesh and blood dude before you is always gonna put up a more convincing argument than some dead jew from 2000 yrs ago, provided youre willing to listen to him that is.
thats what the concept of antichrist tries to fight against
>>1667791>dude maybe you should only provide to the ppl that care about you, browns are parasitic and want you dead anywaythats actually one of the principles of laveyan satanism
>satan represents kindness to those that deserve it, and not love wasted on ingratesand also kinda
>satan represents vengeance instead of turning the other cheekof course he didnt think of it as a spiritual thing at all. more just a loose set of principals that one should follow to maintain individuality and not end up boxed in by some priest, or whatever other schmuck one might get TWTD by
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>Never had silence and my brain is now fully broken that there is no return.The chaos never stop and the fantasy and delusions that I prayed was a nightmare unfortunately was the reality. The reality was watched by the spectators while the torture of innocents that don’t deserve it suffered. When endings create a new beginning of truth and safety for those that paid the price and suffering. When the nightmare comes to an end and create peace and happiness. When consequences and tragedy create safety and justice brings a first smile and optimism of change and new beginning. When pain turns in to a friend and constant that was the only thing that never left your side. When lies and evil destroys the most pure bonds. Love and loyalty eventually lets go of your hand and you understand. You know it’s your fault so a small piece of your heart gets restored before the noise is over. The truth will shine because good or bad the truth is taking responsibility and not being a coward. Everything is documented and all proof is available. No need to believe but just see. Will make a better future out of tragic situation. No matter what pain has been dealt the biggest one is that pain gives satisfaction and emotions no matter how tough people fake to be become unknown. The nightmare is almost over but I’m going to choose to now stay in it. The nightmare have some people in it that I’m sorry was brought in to it. They will always be the only ones that given me the feeling of love. The future for them now have a chance of safety. When everyone around watch the innocent living under constant guns to their heads something have to change. It is now. Hate me. judge me. Lie about me. Don’t matter. Good or bad. I might be all you guys say. But do it based on the facts and what I’ve done or what have been done around me. Now it stops happening to the innocent people. Others will have to answer as well now. While staring in to the darkness now small light is shining. That is that they will have to face the same darkness but it’s not their friend. Enjoy it. To the ones that been affected and loved me. Celebrate and move on to freedom of a future of the blessings life can give with safety and happiness. Know that the torture and insanity is over and finally maybe there is happiness and peace for me. I’m ready to meet my judgement no one can judge me worse than I have my self. Hope truth prevails but when not one single fact or crazy fucking thing have been brought out or buried you just don’t know. I hope many people understands what this means for them. Truth will set them free. Some will not have that chance tho. I hope they know what I have in store for them. If you think I’m talking to you know… I am. I’m taking you with me to it. I stayed silent while letting you guys rape me. Well that’s no news to me. To the ones I’ve hurt I’m not going to apologize. It’s just words. The truth here will show you everything and I’m not going to hide behind something and disrespect you more. I deserve your hate as I let it happen no matter the situation. To my inner family tho know that I wish I could do anything and I do love you. My name is bob. Daddy isn’t deserved. Panda means something. But the name Lehner needs to be erased. It’s evil and need to be erased. Happy all the insanity helped with some cap space tho. That nhl and nhlpa did what they did. Heinsey nice decision:) you said you would take the decision for my family no matter what we wanted. Hope you live up to it. A bit of cap room for the second time by my amazing situation is awesome. Go knights go
>t.robin lehner (vegas goalie)
good schizo post, 9/10 would read again, sounds like he's about to go on a pranking spree
if you're gonna fake your death the best way to stay hidden afterward is to hide in plain sight by getting your face tattooed black and having your new name be blachist enward
spcord is real
ever get really scared out of nowhere that you're gonna be framed for murder because of a butterfly effect?