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>isnt going to suddenly change for the better by stopping media coverage
ah but ill do one better. you wanna be famous kid? enjoy.
you dont stop covering it. you cover it AND post all their porn folders and the private pics of them wearing their sisters ballet outfits
solve everything
i suppose youll still get the occasional homicidal humiliation fetishist, but thats gotta be even more uncommon than garden variety spreekillers


mania sounds fun on paper
it def aint tho
go read old horror stories on erowid if you want. def a better way to experience that.
MAOIs, the predecessors to SSRIs, usually acted catastrophically w any psychs and stims like meth or MDMA, and esp the stronger research chems like the 2Cs. often to the point of permanent psychological damage. or even death in the case of molly serotonin syndrome. again, sounds fun on paper. aint tho

and the thing is, even if you play it cool, these things come in waves. eventually youll slip up and prolly get institutionalized and/or arrested and end up in r-wing. you dont get to check yourself out of those things. and manics get the heavy shit. and i dont mean fun. i mean lik max strength halcyon drooling at a wall for 32hrs a day. knew some other kid whod been through it and he had permanent tremors from all the weird shit they forced down his throat. def made everything much much worse for him forever. he kysd not too long after

dont go kicking the hornets nest


>if youre in your late 20s or later and schizophrenia hasnt manifested yet then it probably never will its not a guarantee just because a family member had it
also this
if you think its even a possibility, just dont do weird psychs until your mid-20s. even if its hereditary, its an extremely recessive disorder. it was in my fam too, and im fine and none of my close relatives my age have it either

tbh, as someone who did them a lot as a kid anyways like a retard, theyre a lot more fun to do when youre not lik 15 and dont know who tf you are yet. last thing anyone wants to do while on a head full of acid is get stuck in a thought-loop over how their prom date wont fuck them or whatever. end up spending 6hrs telling your life story to a tree or some retard shit


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>teachers that would openly talk shit about troons in the teacher's lounge
when i was in school we didn't have troons yet and open faggotry was pretty much unheard of but i did overhear them talking shit about certain disadvantaged (poor) kids a lot. it mostly came from the teachers who believed the whole campus is filled with privileged upper class kids who's parents are making far more than their own inflated salaries (and they bitched nonstop to the students about how "underpaid" they were despite making on average $65K/year). it seemingly blew their minds that anyone would have kids and have less than a $120K/year combined salary. practically all of them believed that literally everyone had a computer at home with internet access and a printer, even the poor kids. to them single parent households simply did not exist. basically if you didn't buy your kids a computer to do their reports and other nonsense on to them it was a form of child abuse.
i also remember some male teachers discussing how they intentionally let "hot" girls skirt the dress code as long as it wasnt too obvious while reprimanding the ugly ones but thats kinda a different story.

this was the late 90's-early 2000's mind you when computers were still quite expensive.


>but thats kinda a different story
yah but thatll fuck a chick up more than lik anything
lifelong insecurity and broken relationships cuz their pedo teacher didnt ogle them enough


this isn't really spart or schizo but on the topic of shitty schools, i remember my school getting sued by the state board of education
apparently my parents had filed a complaint that the school wasn't even trying to accomodate for my younger brother (he sadly had the tism) and the board found that they violated p much every disability standard for autismos

the school also had a bunch of other shit too, lik this one teacher who e-spied on my computer in another class eventually got fired for sexually assaulting a female student, and i heard of this other elementary teacher who publicly verbally abused a student
and of course the admins hardly gaf about any of that, but the moment some girl sets up a gossip page on social media they go into full SHUT IT DOWN mode

frankly i'm just shocked that i've only heard about one student there an-heroing


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>frankly i'm just shocked that i've only heard about one student there an-heroing
you're not looking hard enough
i went to a tiny private school (less than 200 kids between 7-12 grade) and a junior an hero'd in my sophomore year and it really fucked everyone up. me especially cuz i was one of the last people he talked to and he cryptically told me he was gonna do it but i didn't get what he meant until they called us in that monday and told us. prolly didn't help that they reminded us suicide was a sin and he may or may not be in hell rn, thats something you raly don't wanna say to a bunch of overly emotional teenage girls who always find something to bitch about.
fuck im just thinking about how fukd that is, like the kid killed himself and the only thing ur gonna say is "that's a sin and sinners go to hell" lik wow how out of touch can you be


yah christcucks are retards but i at least get the logic behind it
lik how tf else do you convince someone whos gonna kys that they shouldnt kys? simple: fear of eternal hellfire and brimstone
i dont think it works too well tbh, but thats the idea


>self actualizing negro


not a bad idea actually. if youre gonna chimp and kill a bunch of powerless randos then you should get asuch humiliation as possible
dunno if that would do much to stop the suicide attackers tho like why give a shit youll be dead in that case anyway


>like why give a shit youll be dead in that case anyway
you think that, but lik the whole thing is go out in a blaze of """glory""" and make all those heckin bullies remember you
cant do that if erryone seen you in your sisters tutu
ded or alive thats some heavy shit to have aired to the entire world, and its certainly nothing id wanna take to the grave


>less than 200 kids between 7-12 grade
dam that is fucking tiny
i had like 500 somethin in my grade ffs


anti-poop pedophile bumparoo 2


Spooky thread


I love to hoard e-books on useful stuff and downloaded lots of libraries like the-eye's, archives made by image board users like do/k/ument etc. But all of those are from clear net and I have never gone to deep/dark net before
Are there actually any useful information there? And I don't mean retarded shit like Anarchist's How to Blow Yourself Up book


>Are there actually any useful information there?
only if you are into pedo shit apparently


havent been on in years but onions weren't worth it ime. yandex werks and isnt as glowed up
was a 'dark' i.e. not spidered site that had obscure manuals for all kinds of weird shit but cant find it now. i'll post it if i come across it


i only ever used onions to buy drugs and never came across anything like explosives manuals that werent already readily available on /k/ or whatever. then silk road got btfo and everything else just seems like pedo hangouts and/or fednigger honeypots so i stopped bothering with any of it


thoughts or irl stories on cryptids?

forgot about this one. not the best reading but prob my favorite greentext
if anyone has any similar folklore mythical cryptid shit i'll tell you your handsome


are creepypastas even a thing anymore? i miss even the shitty ones. there was also a joke one called the "mcdonalds building" that was p gud. i miss that era of the internet a lot


me to budy. dudes are text to voicing old ones infrequently still but idk about new
used to stay up til the eyes got fuzzy and binge marblel hornets. best way of consumption imo

not after pastsas necessarily. been on a mythical folklore kick lately, luv me sum allegory


I like putting this guys channel on while I fall asleep. Reads a lot of r*ddit shit but also greentexts from /x/ and old creepypastas. Kinda comfy and it's not horrible some horrible AI voice.


99% just goofy ahh's talking about their innawoods experience of totally unloading their kitted out weapons at the totally real wendigo

1% are real and they are demons


the reddit shit very occasionally is spooky. but yah most of those stories are either halfassed copycatting of better pastas from many years ago or just tales of some fag/whorb hearing a spooky noise and going AAAAAAAAAA because of it with no proper buildup. lik cool retard i can go walk in the woods for a weekend and hear skery noises too its just animals doing animal shit


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want something TRULY spooky??
take a look at THIS cryptid revenant


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went to an emergency psych because I apparently had a psychotic break, and on the report they've written I've got persecution complex and mite be cuckoo cuhrayzee.
I've got another appointment at a later date, what should I say/fabricate so they prescribe me the gud shit™?


tell them you go to sportschan and they'll give you something that'll make you fuck off forever


thats OK schitzobro you just have to be near a federal building at all times before you decide to do the thing


hey spro not funny, i need some advice
and help


do you want to get better for real or do you want to trip out on some real hardcore fuckery?


just eat some a lot of mushrooms
they wont cure you and neither will whatever meds you're aiming for, but the high is so much better than the ones petroleum based zombifier pills give you


wtf is happening to make that happen


god rubbed some of his precum on this creation's brain before slamming the lid closed and tossing its soul into its mother's dripping abused cunt to be born with mental problems


not being judgemental btw because being tossed into your mom's womb by god is cool. i just got shot into mommy from dad's cock like some peasant


look up panic attack symptoms, say that and present with them (shouldnt be hard but: fuck up your breathing patterns alternating too deep/too shallow cycles)
benzo has best chance of fixing ur shit without long term destroying your noggin and ez resell later


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head's constantly hurting like hell though i wouldn't mind tripping out hard. i've been planning to kms either way
>buy shrooms
where? where tf do i find and a approach a dealer? i wouldn't mind tripping hard but where should i go finding drugs as a fellow autist?
once i had a guy intimidate me at 1am because he thought i looked lik a cop. he later followed me w his car to apologize, thought i lookd lik a junkie then asked me if i did coke.
not telling but it was humilliating and it involved a lot of people. in fact too many. it's a psychout thang and i have never been too sane


live yourself and just phreak tf out sometimes


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also go to a dubstep show or some shit like that. there will be drugs


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drugs, drops and dinosaurs


Normalfags call that screeching music?


>psychotic break
Did you really had a psychotic break? What did you do? And why did you let the normalfags find out?


i strapped two cameras to my body and was walking up and down the sidewalk at 1am looking to be stabbed. i also happened to be yelling apparently. i don't want to elaborate any further
>why did you let the normalfags find out?
a bunch of cops dragged me into the emergency psych in the first place. if it were up to me i'd have gone to bed instead


lol take meds schizo


just sounds like youtube eceleb type shit i bet you could monetize your madness and get sweet stab armor sponsorships


its shitwobble


this tbh, gud at something dont do it for free. i'd watch that



kinda late but

>buy shrooms

uhhh i don't know if mentioning this will get dudder in trouble, but growing shrooms is scarily straightforward.
The TL;DR is:
<1. Live in a US state that isn't cucked (i.e. not California, Georgia, nor Idaho; preferably in Colorado since shrooms are decriminalized there)
<2. Buy psilocybe cubensis spores off of a reputable clearnet seller (i.e. sporeworks dot com), also this goes without saying but mentioning that you're going to cultivate a schedule i substance (shrooms) will get you permab& from the seller
<3. Use PF Tek to grow mushroom spores: ache tee pee pee ess colon double slash www dot shroomery dot org/forums/showflat.php/Number/24179086
Note: Steps 1 and 2 are perfectly legal, and even step 3 is legal in isolation (i think, i'm not a lawyer). However, I would recommend against combining these steps in practice unless you are well aware of the laws and legal risks. I'm not saying this as a "haha *wink* *wink*" sort of thing, but as a "you can risk going to federal prison" sort of thing.
On the other hand I've read posts on crystal.cafe of anons there growing shrooms, so I guess if femcels can get away with federal crimes than you can too still can't say I'd recommend it tho for obvious reasons

p.s. to any faggots reading this, all this information is available on public clearnet sites. don't v& me for summarizing what is essentially a week's worth of research on the regular internet.


from what i've seen feds only really go after you for shrooms explicitly to fuck you for other shit i.e. owning a gun and doing shrooms will have them come down on you if they find out


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budy went in on this stall sheesh
also this thread is still in speeday mode

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