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its a tampa kinda day
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 No.1632877[View All]

I'm traveling to America for the first time today. How do I stay alive and maybe even enjoy my time there.
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diabetes r guud for u


do you play golf? the best thing to do in the us is play golf


black coffee and pastry is high tier patrician taste


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Heem got da betus


no, shooting niggers and illegal spics is the best thing to do


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one of us


that's still illegal


saar pls dont redeem the burger


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Last day here, I fly back tomorrow. Ate noodles for lunch. After work I went to pizza place then hit the bar at the hotel. There was this really talkative guy and had a good conversation with him and the bartender.


did you get diabeetus yet?


>get da beetus
Not eating noodles he’s not.


/sp/ortsgpt pls make asummary of this thred


Pajeet fly from nipland to da best cunt on earf gets murrika’d da beetus seez it’s p gud Jim i lik burgr flys back to nippon



and he didn't even play a round of golf smh


ok now in english


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Will be flying back to nipland soon. Overall good trip, was great to finally visit burgerland. There's a chance I may be back here, of so I'll do the things I couldn't this time.

Also a very eventful time in America while I was here.
>Heatwave on the west coast, record high temps
>Hurricane that destroyed Texas
>Trump gets shot
>Biden quits the race
Fun times. Thanks to all the posters in this thread! See ya next time.


yall come back now ya hear?


bye hope your flights back are easygoing. hopefully the cunt isnt on fire and a complete totalitarian shithole whenever you decide to visit again


come to oklahoma next time


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also fuk seahawks and fuck intern refs fukn nfl jews roger goodell motherfucker should burn in hell for how we fucked us i will seee him hung from a tree cocksucking motherfucker intertouchdownception go fuck yourself fucking bloody bastard bitch FUCK YOU WE CAUGHT THAT SHIT


felonball is a dumpster fire anyway


mr ben chod
mr benjamin chod
please pick up the paging phone you have a message


It's been about 65 years since America been numer on
One of the worst countries in the world now when it comes to alleged first world environments.

Japan is superior in every possible way in 2024 they even know how to finish the job when it comes to assassinations


only downside with japan is the lack of firearms
the lack of niggers ALMOST makes up for it, tho.


just make your own
you dont need funs when there are no niggers ever


i do make my own but it would be even harder there. no way to get experience with smaller easier things to get familiar, hard to just jump straight into the deep end


or befriend the yakuza, they seem to have no problems with getting guns


they're notoriously bad at using them tho


You'll need to do the needful to a midwestern meth whorb next tiem


don't they usually just get old soviet/ccp surplus shit like tokarevs?


my friend Abe thought that too


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in a country where most people don't have guns, it don't really matter so long as it functions.
even then, decades of the cold war + wars in satan's sandbox have taught the west that there's nothing inherently wrong with soviet designs, all guns can kill or incapacitate just the same.
even really old (1800's) weapons are plenty effective in the right hands, as humans didn't magically develop an immunity to bullets that i am aware of.


i wasn't really talking shit about the soviet stuff there. i just remembered i've seen mostly soviet stuff when yakuza and firearms are brought up. makes sense tho russia and china are right there.
one thing i wonder about is if they actually get a significant number of micro uzis irl like i see in my japanese annie mays or if that's purely fiction


i wasn't aware that john wilkes booth made his own gun


i'm perosnally a fan of wendlers 5-3-1, but admittedly i do a OHP routine that uses sets of 7 5 and 3 in a single workout and it got my press past 1PL with the most basic of programming


nippy chinky Abe not that nigger loving faggot


except most of their population is over 60 and they're below replacement rate, second only to souf korea. their professional culture is also terrible, you're a salaryman until you die and your only respite is getting slammed every night singing your lungs out to karaoke then passing out under a bridge somewhere, then wake up and go to work the next day, repeat until death.


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Saw this on /librejp/. OP better watch out.


obviously its called a joke, anon.


unfortunately it appears that globohomo has finally come for japan advocating for bringing in the lowest echelon of third worlders into japan
shits gonna suck for our crik frend since he seems civilized and is decently bilingual, probably tri-lingual with nip.
but ya, if that happens his 1.4 billion benchod cousins are about to destroy whatever reputation he's managed to build over there tbh


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It's not that big but Japan have been interested in importing indians for a while now. Back when Abe was alive he had good relations with Modi. Japan helps build bullet trains in india while india will send workers, mainly programmers off to Japan typically for short term I think. Universities are a common way for people to get in but it isn't as much as western countries mostly due to language/cultural barriers, mainly weebs are interested and most people leave after graduating or working a few years because of such barriers.All in all, Indians are still much fewer than other nationalities so things should still be fine for now but you never know i guess

I'm not like the average crikmonkr so I get along pretty well here. Most nips like me, sometimes I befriend them and they give me free snacks, they're very kind. But they kinda fetishize indians a lot. The first things they tell me is "do you eat curry everyday?" and "wow Indians are very smart, so good at math and programming". Honestly weirds me out but I guess having a postive opinion like that isn't bad per se.


it's also ridiculously hard to become a permanent resident in japan, it's not like the usa or western yurup where being brown with a sob story is all you need, you need actual viable skills and to actively fill in an empty position where you will quickly be introduced to the great nippon work ethic of wake up, work, drink, sleep, repeat for several decades


lotta hues, huh?


some of the stuff im reading is advocating like, 20 million foreign workers by the mid 21st century, which with population decline in japan would mean like 15% of the population. and its specifically aimed at 'blue collar' positions
when i was in bahrain like half the population is foreign workers, most of the laborers are of some sort of indian background and are basically treated like slaves, plus defacto segregation to limit contact with the locals
my interactions with those guys was pretty negative, and i dont imagine they would do well in japan, or do well for japan. just seems like a major course for conflict


brazil and japan had some weird shit going on during the meiji period iirc i guess they've kept up relations ever since


Most of the blue collar foreign workers japan imports are low skilled people from south east asia, who fill in due to domestic labor shortages and that number is sure to rise. According to the article:
>Based on population projections, conversation has already been shifting to a future where foreign residents will make up more than 10% of people in the country 50 years from now — similar to the current levels of the U.S., U.K. or France.
There are many stories of these workers basically being used as slaves (similar thing happens in south korea). Japan is still slow on these kinda things but eventually things will catch up.



they imported a bunch of feminists too apparently, from what i've seen in the weebshit community.


but do you eat curry every day and do good math and programming?


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