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/sp/ - Sparts

its a tampa kinda day
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 No.1637443[View All]

#previous threads

current status:
>Israeli forces launch a new ground invasion in southern city of Khan Younis
>Palestinian factions sign a “national unity” agreement aimed at maintaining control over Gaza once Israel’s devastating nine-month war on the enclave concludes
>Biden’s legacy is Gaza genocide, Palestinian rights advocates say
>Israel orders evacuation of part of Gaza humanitarian zone as war’s toll passes 39,000 Palestinians
120 posts and 40 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


update near as i can is amerikwa put up so many defensive pawns that cuckmeneni is afraid to nibble but cant stop barking
hezbo gettin pissed, they want to gogogo
dont blame em espec bc kikes have been picking at lesbian positions
overall diplomatic moves are overwhelmingly against great satan

tune in next time on the happening: nothing edition


sho benis and go


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>sho benis
nah thats gay
nigga u gay


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Why are normalfags anti-semitic?


Dude looks suspiciously Eastern European. In any case that’s a really bummer though :/


not all arabs are shit brown and there's probably a fair amount of assyrian genetics in the mix in palestine among other things considering where it's located. assyrians can look p yuro sometimes


Levant tribes aren't brown. Brown comes from the Arab genes further south.


there's plenty of shit brown palis tho


Palis are roughly where Turkish, Arab, Ethiopian, and Levant genes all hit a roadside gas station and gangbang a lot lizard


>the way he saged
lol gb2reddit faggot


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wake me up when that article gets marked for deletion


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/sp/ I think I'm going to turn into Judaisum.




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The salt must flow.


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>Israel said on Saturday it launched a preemptive strike against Hezbollah targets in Lebanon ahead of what Israeli and U.S. intelligence say is expected to be a major missile and drone attack on Israel by Hezbollah.
hezbollah tried somthing but israil was quicker


Or so they say.


>Oh no, an environmental disaster in our enemies back yards!
Fuck hippies, fuck the environment. The nuclear testing we did in the 20th century has caused more harm to the ozone layer than all CFCs combined but we gotta blame your air conditioning units because the military can't be held to task.


>because the military can't be held to task
that's not the reason bc the military won't be held responsible even if they admitted that wasbthe cause. the whole point of green faggotry is to bilk as much money out of people as possible while also using obnoxious self-righteous idiots to hammer away at everyone else with the whole "ids gud 4 da embironmint" message in order to also gain more and more power and control over the general populace


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i lik fishys budy 🐠~


heres a link to accompany ur REPOST REPOST >>1644817


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Telegrambros, we got to cooky.


this is why you don't associate with streamers much less whorb streamers


me to budy 🦈


>russian name
>mossad agent
nah she's an FSB agent
telegram was a thorn in putin's ass long before the jews got involved.


>arrested in france, a gay toe cunt, on behalf of russia
telegram has also been a huge thorn in the kikes' side and france is also the most kiked cunt in mainland yurup so i'm gonna have to disagree there bud. having a slav name doesn't mean shit either when it comes to being a rat for intelligence agencies so she could be cia for all >we know


ive also read its maybe that macaroni invited him for lunch and used the bait to arrest him upon landing
maybe well get updates now that heems out


putler is also trying to get him released for some reason, don't really see why since russia hates it just as much as every other cunt cuz it gets around muh firewalls. ukrops love using it to share info too. prolly just calling for his release to fuck with the west even more.


it's a double edged sword for puch every cunt including ukraine tho. idk, it's also not like putin hasn't had people outright assassinated while they were abroad either so i feel like and arrest on behalf of russia is kinda unlikely for that reason alone. i know mossad kills people too but if they provide useful services they usually try to make them submit to them in some form or fashion at first and if that doesn't work then they'll have them killed and replaced with someone more cooperative


*pretty much
fuckin god damn


Normalfags don't understand they need to pick a side.
NATO or Russia/China/BestKorae/kikeHatingMuslimcountry


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i choose india
superpower 2025


its cuz ppl can just post whatever and it can be seen intlly
you want ppl consooming ur state media, and thats it. so its a problem for errycunt if theres something that can easily sidestep that


sheem prolly just has an isaraeli passport or something
im sure if youre some glowie and got the hookup you can just buy one. gud one to have too since israel doesnt extradite to fuckall. all the ruskie mob guys used to do the same thing


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ya mr kike but i DONT disagree


i bought my israeli passport on aliexpress years ago and now it's the only country they won't sell fake 'prop' passports of


where can i buy one of these?


yep, just deny more people are waking up to your behavior and then outright stifle the ones pointing it out, i'm sure that won't cause a tremendous spike in resentment
why do they never learn?


limited production early 1940s lol jk never happened


>I’m 97 years old, living in Medicaid-funded housing and in deep credit card debt, facing eviction — what can I do?


these are wonderful diy projects


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BOMBSHELL: Leaked footage from Israeli Airforce proves it was the IDF that took out its own citizens with Apache Helicopters on October 7 at the Nova music festival….

Israel has now admitted 28 Apache helicopters discharged their ammunition and had to be reloaded…🚨🚨🚨


feels like israils army is as competent as the russian army. hasbara bros in shambles


when there are no goyim to attack you can always attack yourselves

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