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its a tampa kinda day
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 No.1637443[Last 50 Posts]

#previous threads

current status:
>Israeli forces launch a new ground invasion in southern city of Khan Younis
>Palestinian factions sign a “national unity” agreement aimed at maintaining control over Gaza once Israel’s devastating nine-month war on the enclave concludes
>Biden’s legacy is Gaza genocide, Palestinian rights advocates say
>Israel orders evacuation of part of Gaza humanitarian zone as war’s toll passes 39,000 Palestinians


whats gonna run out first?
israeli munitions, remaining living palestinians, or spartman with his AI generated arab v jew dance battle folder?


Can't we just combine the Yid thread into the Today thread at this point? At least until someone attacks the kikes back it's basically Joever.


bruh theres a couple million palis they can tank like 100k losses and bounce back from that in like one generation


yah not a bad idea, the other thread has gone a couple weeks without any real major updates


>israeli munitions
unlikely, murrika will just send more as always


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the dancebattle will never end! 1 new thread every 3 months means i have enough images for the next 12 years. and i can always make more


well it's the offseason. just wait until fall, things will heat up soon. election is also around the corner. you don't want election stuff mixed up with pisrael stuff


>you don't want election stuff mixed up with pisrael stuff
I don't?


>israeli munitions, remaining living palestinians, or spartman with his AI generated arab v jew dance battle folder?
The kikes will purge all palestianians from palestine


those munitions take time to make tho particularly the bombs they drop from planes. theres a reason their dome keeps failing and its because they cant keep enough ordinance around to counteract the increasing number of attacks against them


>i can always make more
thats cheating tho


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>18 years ago today


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next step of the master plan is lebanon
>yid soccer field bombed, 30 ded
>blame hezbros bc ofc
>US approves heeb war against hezbians
bombing vids are just "normal" strikes and not considered retaliation for the soccer field


did they get gassed yet?


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>ANKARA: President Tayyip Erdogan said on Sunday that Turkiye might enter Israel as it had done in the past in Libya and Nagorno-Karabakh, though he did not spell out what sort of intervention he was suggesting.
>Erdogan, who has been a fierce critic of Israel’s offensive in Gaza, started discussing that war during a speech praising his country’s defense industry.
>“We must be very strong so that Israel can’t do these ridiculous things to Palestine. Just like we entered Karabakh, just like we entered Libya, we might do similar to them,” Erdogan told a meeting of his ruling AK Party in his hometown of Rize.
uh, oh, turkroachistan threatning to enter the fun


he won't do it though i wish he would. imagine that situation though, t*rkey is a vary valuable ally to the usa in that region so the burgers would be put in the most ridiculous position imaginable of trying to keep a major ally from attacking greatest ally meaning the fatasses would be sitting in the mediterranean on their precious ships not doing shit while their buddies fuck each other in the ass. if they help yidsrael then the roaches would probably switch allegiances to russia and all that military power would now be on the boogeyman's side as well as being right there in a perfect position to fuck up usa's efforts in the entire region


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>⚡️🇱🇧 About the missile strike in Majd Al Shams, because I see everyone putting a ❤️ emoji and that shit, which is disgusting.

>The Druze of Majd Al Shamsa are Druze who refuse to enter the IDF, they have a noted resistance cell which targeted the IDF before 1973 which helped the Syrian army rush the Golan Heights, as a matter of fact, Egyptian Intelligence used the local community as a cover to initiate deep infiltrations into Israel.

>They still refuse Israeli IDs and service in the IDF.

>Also, Hezbollah has not actually claimed the attack.

<— 🇮🇱 NEW: Reports circulating within Hebrew Media that the strike on Majd al-Shams in the Golan Heights could have been an Iron Dome misfire

<picrel: 🏹 🇱🇧 🇮🇱 Majdal Shams relative to Hezbollah impacts near Mas'ada.

<🔶️ The preliminary analysis so far suggests that one of these projectiles strayed from it's intended target (typically radar & surveillance sites). Otherwise, it could be an Iron Dome interception gone wrong.

🇮🇱❌🇸🇾 - Ghaleb Saif, head of the Druze Initiative in Israel:
>➡️The missiles that fall on the Druze villages in the Golan and Galilee are Israeli interceptor missiles, and they always cause great damage to places and lives.

>➡️We see every day the Iron Dome missiles miss their target and fall on us.

<— 🇮🇷/🇮🇱 Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: 'Any infringement or aggression by the Zionist regime against the national sovereignty of Lebanon will be met with a decisive and united response across the entire Resistance Axis; I repeat, a decisive and united response – make no mistake'

>vidrel: (occupation army spokesman) When he described the dead as “Israeli citizens from the Druze community,” the Hebrew Channel 12 forgot the mike on in the studio and one of the analysts said, “They are not Israeli citizens.”


I wonder if the kikes will use gas? They break every other international law on the books.


pretty sure they've attempted to gas hummus tunnels multiple times


> if they help yidsrael then the roaches would probably switch allegiances to russia
no more drones for the hohols if that happens


Turkey plays both sides and slowed drones to the Hohols a while ago.


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hm wuts goin on in pissrul…


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Dafuq is this shit? not surprised, just wondering about context


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kike is visiting burgerland, so everyone is lining up to suck his mutilated dick.


You Exist In The Context Of All In Which You Live And What Came Before You'


Yeah that’s what I thought.


What can be, unburdened by what has been


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>heebs pullin outta gone younis
>heebs telling settlers to hunker down or gtfo
>heebs launch missile strike in beirut to kill top hezbollah commander
>turkey threatening to intervene
>iran threatening to intervene
>usa telling israel to back the fuck off
the nothing will continue to happen


>>usa telling israel to back the fuck off
did >we?
man. they rly fucked up their whole thang, didnt they? not 10yrs ago, and going back p much all the way to israels creation, that wouldve been completely fucking unthinkable.

theyre already completely fucking cooked in the court of public opinion. you got lik MOST kids nowadays parroting hamas agitprop and talking about intl zionism lel
but the US govt? telling israel to fuck off? wew. literally unheard of


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depends on whomst talkin, seen both
internashionul courts and sheeyit been up they ass (again) since the start of nakba 2.5 or w/e it is now, may as well put a lawn gnome up in the back yard

is a change in the air lately tho, erryone i know been feelin it. hopefully for the better


If the USgAy is telling Jews to stop, it just means they don't think it's possible to defend the kikes.


so (((they))) killed hamas topguy™. and in teheran of all places. i don't think hamas can retaliate but we'll see


> don't think hamas can retaliate but we'll see
give em lik 10yrs
theyll run another wacky kids show where a mouse is beat to death by the IDF and be ready to rumble again


what is it with politicians and joo benis anyway?
seems pretty much all of them suck it and enjoy it every time.


they giv them really nice pistachios and hummus
or threaten them and diembowel their dog if they do sumthin they don't like


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Depends on which side of the aisle you're on. If they're a regressive it's about the Holohoax and kikes being an "oppressed class" of people as well as being the guy in charge of their payroll in most cases. If they're a conservative then it's either about Zionism and trying to artificially bring about the End Times (neocons), or it's the misplaced notion that Jews are somehow related to the Hebrews (they are not) that Moses and God lead out of the house of bondage and into the desert, therefore they're god's chosen people.

The more populist Christians/Conservatives understand that the relation of Kikes to Hebrews is a load of shit and that god's chosen people were all converted into Christians by 400AD.


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p much
judeo-christian is a meme that started around the foundation of isntreal to con an entire generation of boomers into thinking his people have returned and they are oh so special
when in reality modern judaism is younger than Christianity and has nothing to do with even ancient Judaism


shitloads of blackmail


>If they're a conservative then it's either about Zionism and trying to artificially bring about the End Times (neocons), or it's the misplaced notion that Jews are somehow related to the Hebrews (they are not) that Moses and God lead out of the house of bondage and into the desert, therefore they're god's chosen people
nah brah
neocons just want the greater israel shit so they can oil pipeline hard af and cuck the rest of the mideast. thats why bibi needs the golan so bad. with it hed have a ton more leverage, money, land, and ded ayyyrabs. and all his US neocon buddies, and the rothschilds and frens, all own stock in oil cos that are gonna drill there

either way i dont think any of the actual zionists are retarded enough to think theyre gonna bring back the messiah or whatever tf. i dont even think any of them are even religious. being a "jew" is just a mechanism by which to deflect criticism for guys like that. those guys are wayyyy too cynical to be thinking theyre on some holy crusade bullshit. nah theyre tryna make a buck off death cuz its the mideast and lifes cheap


yea a whole private island full of it


heebs just killed hummus' leader in tehran
iran seething and shitting and farting their pants in rage, understandably


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You think the kikes are retarded enough to send troops to lebanon?


they could glass an arab cunt and it wouldnt surprise me at this point
heebs are off leash. tbh surprised more cunts arent wildin given daddy usgay has a braindead body double at the helm


retarded? yes


they did it like 18 years ago why tf wouldn't they now when they've clearly stopped giving a shit?


3rd times the charm


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will this dance battlel ever end?


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yes, when only one is left standing


when satan(npbuh) destroys amalek
trendy christian shit is weird to me, but sure is feelin biblical lately iffun im honest


these dances always look fun. prolly smells like a goats asshole in there tho


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*retreats to CR's Sacred Tooth templel*


Daddy Trump sorted out a LOT of shit internationally. And the ones he didn't sort out are scared shitless to start anything before knowing who the next el presidente is.


Because rhetoric is meeting reality and Israel no longer has a tech advantage large enough to bridge the numbers gap. Same is true of a lot of cunts.


gud point forgot about that
be rally curious to see info on actual foreign erection meddling in 24


well they seem hellbent on it anyway.
even if daddy dup actually gives bibble infinite aid™ its not like he can just snap his fingers and replenish all the shit the usa has given ukraine over the past 3 years or however long that slapfighting has been going on at this point. the rest of gay toe's stockpiles are p depleted too so i'd bet even a full blown western coalition to support pissrael would get off the ground in less than 5 years at best. too bad such a coalition is also p unlikely considering only the usa unquestioningly supports the yids rn and lel have fun building up military support when your cunt is thoroughly polarized and tribal on nearly every aspect of life


pls don't smack me with the ruler sister wadina i'm usually gud at grammar


>sure is feelin biblical lately iffun im honest
well yah duhhhh, its an ethno-religious war fought in da holy land
just a war tho. i rly doubt anyone above the grunts actually buys the whole third temple bullshit


it's been going on for 60+ years. i don't think it'll end anytime soon


i'm sure a lot of them don't but i'm also sure some of them do. money and power doesn't prevent one from buying into bullshit, you should know this satan i'm about to stop hailing you if you keep playing dumb


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if anything is biblical about this, then it's more like the book of Judges timeline where the heebs kept getting fucked over because they refused to listen to The LORD. I'd say this current period looks a lot like Samson (13-16) and we're about at the phase where Samson's hair is cut.
Thing about Judges is it's followed by the story of Micah and the rape of Gibeah, so if the biblical parallels follow then the Yids are about to have a civil war where they nearly genocide themselves and proceed to struggle with the Philistines for several generations. You can kind of see this too if the ultra-orthodox Jews are representative of the tribe of Benjamin.


ye and beiber's gotta know that, which is confusing me as to the greater yidsreal push. mayb hes got no other option or sum pride thang. yids do always gotta have last and biggest word
far as keepin other cunts in line, muricas still top dawg rn but its on uneven footing with economic power too and that sands slippin
interesting waters ahead


meant in general, but ya who knows. globohomo head vampires tend to end up with wackadoo beliefs
if dudr crashes his car while texting doesnt rally matter what he was texting about tho
this spigga reads. interesting, who'd be delilah?


delilah was the philistine woman who seduced big strong jew samson and cut off his hair while he slept, which was the sauce of his powah then the phillies kidnapped him and gouged his eyes out and strung him up in their temple. he apologized to mr. God and asked for his strength back one last time then brought down da pillars keeping the temple up and btfo'd all the phillies and himself
now you know where samson option comes from


meant in his comparison


>Who's Delilah?
Either Jordan or Turkey probably.


>iran changes all tv programs to military marches
>khameneni shifts war powers to president
>consequences will never be the same statements
>isntreal shuts down air space
>you ess sendin more plen and bot
eyeran doin some heavy jawing, be funny af if they ended up sayin sike youre on candid camera




the nothing will continue to happen


Well it's now or never. By November they won't have the leeway to fuck around, and Isn'trael is focused on Lebanon right now.


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dome testing begins
putlers shippin a grip of the good good to iran


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>rooshya's shoigu in iran "full support'
>no fly warnings and gps jamming start
>egypt wont defend pisshell during
>jordan visits iran biblebro may be onto smth
nothing rumored to happen tonight


🇵🇸 🇮🇱 Israel defeated ‘only three’ Qassam (Hamas) battalions in 10 months of war: Report

⬛️ Israeli officials have angrily accused Benjamin Netanyahu of lying about the losses inflicted on Hamas’ military wing

🔶️ “As of July 1, only three of these 24 battalions were combat ineffective, meaning they were destroyed by the Israeli military,” CNN reported on 5 August, citing data compiled by the Critical Threats Project (CTP) and the Institute for the Study of War (ISW).

🔶️ The resistance fighters have “made effective use of dwindling resources” and have “rebuilt” many of their capabilities, contradicting Benjamin Netanyahu’s claim before the US Congress that “victory is in sight.”

🔶️ “If the Hamas battalions were largely destroyed [as Israel claims], Israeli forces wouldn’t still be fighting,” said retired US Army Colonel Peter Mansoor.

🔶️ The Palestinian resistance is also still capable of firing rockets towards Israel.



did anything happen yet?


usgay's al assad base in iraq got lit up
not sure whodunnit yet guessing yids


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do it for general soleimani


I miss genrel salami so much


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>Actionists use a prison van to crash inside the Bristol-based research, development and manufacturing hub for Israel's biggest arms producer.

>By dismantling machinery and weapons, they directly intervened in Elbit's genocidal supply chain.


lel ok i guess gud job havin the nads but the vid looks lik they just being a nuisance and not a actual problem, which they could have been if the description of the place is correct


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>them noodly swings bouncing off plastic
cant palette swap enemies to lower level versions irl. actionists dont even vidya smdh


>not stealing the drones or just burning the place down
it's a step forward from mean words online i guess


yeah they easily could've done a lot more but it beats the shit out of waving signs and crying impotently


dab ongers are stylin on burger patriots protesting game lately, i dont lik it one bit


Why didn't they burnt the place down? I guess they are trying.


>that gay little action on the crowbar
embarassing. fuckin lefties, same with the weather underground, killed more of them members than they killed cops. bunch of slacked jawed faggots.
good on them on having their faces exposed on tape while at it wew.


why are they swinging the sledgge hammer at 1 mph???
why aren't they burning the fucking ubilding down???
>smashing 1 little drone
dumb bitch start fucking their computers and industrial machines up
find the backup server and nab that shit too


>Videotapes themselves trying to cut a hole
>Realize they can't and proceed to ram the van into the door
>Think that by only recording the sound of the crash they have plausible deniability
>Cause superficial damage to the facility at worst
If I didn't know leftists to be this retarded I'd think it was staged. All they had to do was rip the pneumatics out of some of the machines if they wanted to cause several weeks worth of damage without burning the place down

>but it beats the shit out of waving signs and crying impotently
The increase to security of similar buildings around the world following this incident will make any future attempts significantly harder. They could have caused much more massive damage even by just setting off the sprinkler system, but instead all they did was give these companies the excuses and the SOPs they needed to hire security. This was a net negative for anyone who might actually want to commit such acts.


>give these companies the excuses and the SOPs they needed to hire security
the fact they didn't in the first place is astonishing
>This was a net negative for anyone who might actually want to commit such acts
well maybe they should have fuckin done it by now huh?


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>why do they persecute us so?
also lel @ the fag showing up to sadspill lately. why are they always so fuckin obvious?


>why are they swinging the sledgge hammer at 1 mph???
because they've never worked. imagine their T levels to be fighting for some desert shithol they didn't know about till 6 months


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What the fuck sp? Why aren't you pro-israel?


>Iran FM: tehran's response will take place "in the right time and in the appropriate shape"
>tehran has no option but to use its right to defend itself in the face of israeli violations
dance battlel gooning champ 2024 is a lock




Sinwar is a good friend of sportschan and is endorsed by duddddddder
Hamasbros have full support


I actually am pro-yid, but not with US funding. Let them conquer the lands and hold them with their own two feet or else be cast out before The LORD


cool. i'm not pulling the knife out of your back for you when they fuck you up


i dont want the help of idol-worshipping pagans in the first place


oh this is some retarded attempt at starting a pagan vs christian argument never mind


i've heard the jew-hate a million times and million times i don't give a flying fuck about the kikes so long as i'm not funding them and justice is enacted for the moloch-worship
go start a genocide on your own dime nigger


>it was also the cuc/k/
lel i should've known


like do you even read the shit you post you retarded faggot? do you try to stand out? why? what made you come from a completely unrelated board just to crash and shit up a tiny community that wants fuck all to do with your autism?


retard you've accused all five people that use this board of being a cuc/k/ at one point or another, it's just the blanket term you've come up with when someone posts something you don't like. you retarded fucking troglodyte autist just fucking shut up.


lel nope, you only ever show up when some dumb shit happens in ukraine as an excuse to shit the board up not even tpaste was this obvious


Just fucking shut up already.


guys stop being so retarded, keep that shit on 4chan and reddit where it belongs


after you homo, you barged in with this stupid shit first


none of that shit was me tard


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Anons, I think the jews are evil.


yeah yeah foreskin chomper i'm clearly not buying it so stop insisting if you want things to move along


lmao stay mad fag


stay projecting baby cock taster


synagog of satan


fr, just read the comments in this link:
the rats are stumbling over themselves to justify this shit. fuckin rarted that everyone else has to play the nice geneva convention game and condemn/punish their soldiers for this kind of crap, including the goodest burgergoyim, but nose niggers get to do as they please and their government not only does nothing but justifies it.


lol shut up autist


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lol shut up autist
can't even keep whos who str8 m8 i rate it 8/8
been asleep or at work for like 80% of your rants man you're an insane little weirdo you know that?
sure i posted on PLW and trashchan not anoncafe you fucking troglodyte stop assuming my imageboard but this is why i mostly stick to sparts threads and funny news segments instead of coming to this blowjob stall behind the bait shop


>cuc/k/ just keeps going
i really hope the pissrael/ukraine ahit ends sooner than later so this retard fucks off and stops killing the vibe of the board. he never posts in sparts threads so he doesn't give a shit about that at all


I'm not really surprised, the kike think any crime against the goyim by the jews is not a crime, that is how they think since forever.


update near as i can is amerikwa put up so many defensive pawns that cuckmeneni is afraid to nibble but cant stop barking
hezbo gettin pissed, they want to gogogo
dont blame em espec bc kikes have been picking at lesbian positions
overall diplomatic moves are overwhelmingly against great satan

tune in next time on the happening: nothing edition


sho benis and go


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>sho benis
nah thats gay
nigga u gay


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Why are normalfags anti-semitic?


Dude looks suspiciously Eastern European. In any case that’s a really bummer though :/


not all arabs are shit brown and there's probably a fair amount of assyrian genetics in the mix in palestine among other things considering where it's located. assyrians can look p yuro sometimes


Levant tribes aren't brown. Brown comes from the Arab genes further south.


there's plenty of shit brown palis tho


Palis are roughly where Turkish, Arab, Ethiopian, and Levant genes all hit a roadside gas station and gangbang a lot lizard


>the way he saged
lol gb2reddit faggot


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wake me up when that article gets marked for deletion


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/sp/ I think I'm going to turn into Judaisum.




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The salt must flow.


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>Israel said on Saturday it launched a preemptive strike against Hezbollah targets in Lebanon ahead of what Israeli and U.S. intelligence say is expected to be a major missile and drone attack on Israel by Hezbollah.
hezbollah tried somthing but israil was quicker


Or so they say.


>Oh no, an environmental disaster in our enemies back yards!
Fuck hippies, fuck the environment. The nuclear testing we did in the 20th century has caused more harm to the ozone layer than all CFCs combined but we gotta blame your air conditioning units because the military can't be held to task.


>because the military can't be held to task
that's not the reason bc the military won't be held responsible even if they admitted that wasbthe cause. the whole point of green faggotry is to bilk as much money out of people as possible while also using obnoxious self-righteous idiots to hammer away at everyone else with the whole "ids gud 4 da embironmint" message in order to also gain more and more power and control over the general populace


File: 1724649131471.jpg (131.64 KB, 789x1280, 789:1280, IMG_20240825_024509_040.jpg)


i lik fishys budy 🐠~


heres a link to accompany ur REPOST REPOST >>1644817


File: 1724885607809.jpg (77.03 KB, 650x851, 650:851, media_GWGW_wnX0AApATK.jpg)

Telegrambros, we got to cooky.


this is why you don't associate with streamers much less whorb streamers


me to budy 🦈


>russian name
>mossad agent
nah she's an FSB agent
telegram was a thorn in putin's ass long before the jews got involved.


>arrested in france, a gay toe cunt, on behalf of russia
telegram has also been a huge thorn in the kikes' side and france is also the most kiked cunt in mainland yurup so i'm gonna have to disagree there bud. having a slav name doesn't mean shit either when it comes to being a rat for intelligence agencies so she could be cia for all >we know


ive also read its maybe that macaroni invited him for lunch and used the bait to arrest him upon landing
maybe well get updates now that heems out


putler is also trying to get him released for some reason, don't really see why since russia hates it just as much as every other cunt cuz it gets around muh firewalls. ukrops love using it to share info too. prolly just calling for his release to fuck with the west even more.


it's a double edged sword for puch every cunt including ukraine tho. idk, it's also not like putin hasn't had people outright assassinated while they were abroad either so i feel like and arrest on behalf of russia is kinda unlikely for that reason alone. i know mossad kills people too but if they provide useful services they usually try to make them submit to them in some form or fashion at first and if that doesn't work then they'll have them killed and replaced with someone more cooperative


*pretty much
fuckin god damn


Normalfags don't understand they need to pick a side.
NATO or Russia/China/BestKorae/kikeHatingMuslimcountry


File: 1724942916139.png (155.54 KB, 496x508, 124:127, Indian Greetings.png)

i choose india
superpower 2025


its cuz ppl can just post whatever and it can be seen intlly
you want ppl consooming ur state media, and thats it. so its a problem for errycunt if theres something that can easily sidestep that


sheem prolly just has an isaraeli passport or something
im sure if youre some glowie and got the hookup you can just buy one. gud one to have too since israel doesnt extradite to fuckall. all the ruskie mob guys used to do the same thing


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File: 1725676763378.webm (2.22 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, 1_5105173001914025063.webm)


ya mr kike but i DONT disagree


i bought my israeli passport on aliexpress years ago and now it's the only country they won't sell fake 'prop' passports of


where can i buy one of these?


yep, just deny more people are waking up to your behavior and then outright stifle the ones pointing it out, i'm sure that won't cause a tremendous spike in resentment
why do they never learn?


limited production early 1940s lol jk never happened


>I’m 97 years old, living in Medicaid-funded housing and in deep credit card debt, facing eviction — what can I do?


these are wonderful diy projects

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