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its a tampa kinda day
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File: 1722299772740-0.mp4 (19.63 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, laDdxkXChEVqVJ_U.mp4)

File: 1722299772740-1.mp4 (6.37 MB, 576x1024, 9:16, 4v37BuT4hPv0fvGO.mp4)

 No.1638943[View All]

TRUK & PULLR & TREN & PLEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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it's all of va and maryland, buncha army grunts or niggers that don't have the brain capacity to understand that their shitty kia soul is not going to win against that 18 wheeler hauling concrete pipes


>arlington/alexandria in virginia
>some fuckin idiot wanted to squeeze ahead of me at a red light as if that'd save him any significant time getting to his shithole office job
im p sure they make a lot workin at the pentagon tho
lik way way way too much for what they actually do


some of them might've worked there but i'm p sure most of em were dickhead lawyers or paralegals bc they're all over that area like roaches


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i'd like to know who her drug dealer is, she's on some pretty good shit
sponsored by pfizer


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bitches like this make me diamond tbh


i wanna lick her armpits and drag my balls across her ass


they pussy all stank and they take it in the shitter
t knower


>takes it in the ass
i wanna put it in there


I know that feel, anon. I want to be in an open relantionship with her!


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damn gud trukn


this is the kind of thing i take a shit on and rub in


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check out this thang i just saw at a truck stop
i have no use for whatever this is but i want it


o fuck so thats a damn base station cb radio first and foremost. i guess thats the kinda equipment ppl use when you hear em broadcasting from new mexico when ur out in indiana or whatever


impulse buy it duder


>leave at 3am for a ~4hr drive in my car
>on the interstate no one on road except trukrs
>things going fine
>go to pass two truks
>rear truk waits until i'm right there to suddenly merge
>fuckin trailer is less than 4ft from the front of my car
>there was no one on the road behind me and i wasn't passing slow af so he easily could've just waited ten seconds
>same shit happens like half an hour after that on the same interstate
i usually try to give trukbros the benefit of the doubt but some of you faggots deserve to be beheaded tbh


thats the truth budy
som trukrs are indescribable from meny 4 wheelr drivrs and just drive greedy and selfish as shit all da time. raly pisses me off tbh


The ones out in Wyoming are real dicks and will turn on their brights whenever they make a pass to try and blind/slow down the right lane. They especially like turning on their brights and then riding your ass when you're already doing 20 over.
Night trukrs are just dicks in general yeah.


budy im not tryin to defend poor behavior but what part of wyoming are you getting trukrs going 90 to 95 mph riding your ass
and ya som fuckrs just ride they brights no matter what. was gettin blinded a week or so ago by one behind me and i get on the cb and say somethin lik "damn them lights sure are BRIGHT!" and the guy fuckin thanked me i was to busy laffin to tell him to cut the shit before it wasnt a problem anymore


can trukbudys tell me why some truks have like footlong mad max spikes on their wheels


same reason as truck nuts


for looks lik >>1654955
a part of that is to be scawwy to try and ward others away so ppl dont get to close
least thats wat i figger


i'm not in wyoming but they also do that here too, though i just assume most of the time it's absent minded. i forget to turn my hi beams off sometimes too. my shitty little honda's lights don't compare to big rig lights tho lol
think those spikes might actually be capable of really doing some damage to a car tho even if they were made of shitty metal or plastic?
imagine it tearing into someone's door shit would be crazy looking


Mostly between Cheyenne and Casper along I-25. South-Eastern Wyoming is full of assholes since it's where Colorado, Nebraska, and Utah all meet while trying to avoid I-70/I-80.


its to scare away niggers


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What's even worse is that the whole point of it making noise is supposed to be for pedestrians OUTSIDE so they can hear the car approaching. This is pure vanity on BMW's part and gonna get someone killed.


thats a ford but ya


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u lik bote budy?


rally only gonna heem bikefags and retards so i'm mostly ok with it tbh


thats gotta be so fuckin fun. would prolly hurt like a mf if he hit a tree tho


if it's anything like go-kart driving it will hurt either way a fww hours later
high-G is hell on the arms


yah but that's muscle owies vs broken limbs in a gator infested swamp


from a glance it seems less dangerous than skiing right?
inertia's there but a whole boat in front of you to dull the initial impact
t. hit more than one tree going way too fast


its what happens when you let sim racers dictate vehicle design.
they want all the loud angry noises they get from playing with fake cars in their jewish fake racing games, only in their boring grocery getter. the average jewracing player can't tell the difference.


i guess, but that's a fuckin bayou he's in tho he prolly passed by like a dozen gators in that video, it would be vary bad to fall in there even without being rocked hard af by an impact
also i just noticed, when there's a closeup of his face he looks kinda like younger stephen king and it's making me wonder what kind of insane shit peak cocaine/alcohol/pill popping king would've come up with if he lived in louisiana. think he'd write about underage gangbangs in a floating swamp shack?


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trukr just havn rly bad day?


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sowwee i had a tummy ache


#them damn blue collar tweekers
This is why meth is bad, mmmmkay?


File: 1729607714498.mp4 (3.42 MB, 1270x720, 127:72, shop zoom.mp4)



what a fuckin idiot


so did he miraculously survive that? it looked like his head got squished between the hood and the toolbox


The fuck is that retard doing?


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i'd like to bring your attention to this site https://www.sport-video.org.ua/index.html
very neat site with torrents to pretty much every game played in the past few weeks. all major sports + racism, golf, crik, fighting, soccer etc. full games with commercial breaks removed. current games dl fast


lel meant to post this in the today thread


why don't you post it in the sports thread


the wat?

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