wouldn't mind a quick CRowjob rn
>>1685185youre a candy ass that romps
with dudes No.1685253
but did she peg you tho
>>1685254he's not blaming joos for a stubbed toe or writing homosexual ramblings tho
>>1685260his spd is just switching it up a bit
pussy slayer one day, turbofag another, savior of evropa another
>>1685254is this the same /sp/erson who was bullied in school by slav midgets
>>1685171you better put cum in that pussy
no exceptions
>>1685254IMG_#### are the default filenames for ifag phones
>blond dates
Blind dates even lol
>>1685345p much the same way, my standards are
>don't be fat>don't be ugly>have a personality more interesting than watching paint dryand yet that's still too high in today's dating market. i've gotten to the point where i just swipe right on everybody in the dating apps without looking but that just matches me with landwhales and troons which really does a number on your sanity and self-esteem
i'll wait until i've lifted and dieted enough to get abs then come back to it
i just want a womyn that's not insane, but that's too much in CY + 9 apparently
>>1685359>appsbudy dating apps have been a cesspool of low quality whorbs since their inception just go out to bars or find some kinda group activity to join. it doesn't matter how gud you look dating app slags will wreck your sanity, and if you're looking at anything more than a 6/10 it's either a scam profile or a literal whore
>>1685367idfk any more man
i've posted in this thread before the last whorb i matched with was
>>1659603 so i've just resigned to the fact that if i want a womyn i need to become turbochad with a six pack and gorilla arms
but im also drunk af rn so idk
>>1685359I'm 100% in agreement with
>>1685367 about using >apps
But for the second guy, it's not like bars and hobbies are much better these days. Bars are full of sleazy whorbs and any woman who's not outright nasty is either looking for short term dick or beer money. At least at the bars in my area. That or underageb& with a fake ID. Can't speak for the other spartman but I am dating to marry not dating to get my dick wet. I couldn't care less about getting dick wet if I'm not putting a ring on.
Hobbies aren't much better because the only grills there are doing it as busybody activities E.G. Married with kids or underageb&. There's that sweet spot if you pick a hobby that requires a time investment like learning a language or going to church, but 99% of the girls in those hobbies are married or underageb& again. Got nothing against dating underageb& with intent to marry but you aren't gonna beat the pedo accusations that way.
It could be a me problem tho' but the only threr groups of women who show any interest in me are whorbs 'mirin my muscles, underageb&, and married women cheating on their husbands. It's exhausting when they get indignant about me rejecting the seggs offers because "they're too good for me to say no to sex."
>>1685373u stole my pic give it back
but ya it's all so fukn stupid, i just want wife i can lub but nothing ever goes my way
i hate cy + 9
>>1685372you're moping after one gril frenzoned you?
come on dude if you get out at all i
know you've seen at least one tubby balding motherfucker with a gf that's clearly "out of his league" you're moping and shoving blackpills up your ass without even actually trying. also stop getting wasted if you want to see abs that will help a fucking
lot, alcohol destroys your metabolism along with making you a hopeless shit no one wants to be around so that's not really helping you reach your goals
t. former inebriation pro. you don't even have to quit entirely just cut buck a bunch and your outlook will improve and your face will prolly stop swelling up if you get chungus mug because of the alcohol
>>1685373bars and hobbies are also for networking budy, yah you're gonna meet some scumbags but scumbags also sometimes have gud frens. plus it's not like those are your only options either you can go volunteer for animal shelters for example, women love volunteering at those places and if she can properly care for an animal then she's prolly got gud mom instincts
>>1685377I know where you're coming from and appreciate the thoughtfulness spro but I also know the difference in what I said and what you said is "friend introduces you to whorb sister/niece with no interest in you because he wants her to go steady with an upright guy" rather than "introduce yourself to whorb who tells you she's a whorb when you don't fuck on the second date and she gets offended that you are saving yourself for marriage."
Polite sage.
>>1685382lelk keep moping and being helpless then i'm not gonna be your therapist
That's the whole reason I'm considering those tours where they have you date grills who wanna move to America. Get a cheap trip to Russia/Japan/Brazil and take my chances with a grill who at least has an incentive to not cheat or just look for dick.
>>1685384Yee that's fine I just wanted to complain a little.
Not a big deal right now I just started a new jerb anyways that has me on overnights and weekend shifts so not like I have a life anyways. Trying to save up a few tens of thousands doing higher-end blue collar shit
>>1685391Drink water and get electrolytes you'll be fine.
When digging a hole don't dig deeper
>>1685386fug man i can relate to that. you'll be fine tho, if cwc can find a
prolly autistic finn gf then you sure as hell can
>>1685391vomit is cleansing of the soul and your stomach
>>1685391you need to drink liquor now to neutralize the beer.
>>1685461the only loser thing you said was the giving up part, and that does make you the biggest loser. a man who has given up on not losing, who has embraced and accepted permanent loser status. at least ur right, i guess.
>>1685466I fought the urge to not give up for a long time and finally gave in over a year ago. I hate to do it but at the time it was what it was. As time passed I figured that this period would be a phase and eventually I'd get back on the horse and I have thought and even tried to do so, I'm still not quite there yet.
Despite the loss in motivation and optimism, it does feel less stressful and tense to care less and part of it could be a good lesson for the future.
>>1685471For me I gave up about a year ago when I became homeless, but then I found Jesus and things have gotten better budy.
feelin better than last night
made the mistake of drinking on an empty stomach
threw up 3 times then passed out trying to watch tng, slept through two episodes
is it true that drinking a tiny amount during a hangover actually helps
>>1685483ya itll help but only if its a lil lik actually a lil you need to hydrate too and get vitamins and stuff consume sea salt and water and maybe a shot or two a bit of the ol "
hair of the dog that bit ya", but srsly dont just get drunk again itll start to compound the hangovers and soon youll have a multi day hangover. unless ur lik 22 or some shit then you can take it ezpz just a couple bad days of hangover jog it off but still drink water and sea salt
>>1685483yeh but be really careful with that if you've got addiction problems it's really easy to go from "just a little hair of the dog" to "uhm i'm a
functional alcoholic tyvm" to "i'm drinking gas station sanitizer because i will literally die from DTs if i don't get alcohol"
>>1685483stay away from the booze if youre in that whole manic depressive thang
it aint gonna help
i just got CRowed off
>>1685547this. similar situ & boss let me nip during werk and mever DTd but ya just end up succumbing to base instincts which are self destructo
doin gud makes feels gud whod have have thunk
>first gril I mentioned last week wanted to take it slow and wasn’t ready for relationship
>I tell her idk how to be friends with someone I’m attracted to like her
>she cry’s after I tell her this has to be fair thee well
>blocks me
>meet a gril Saturday night that’s a friend of a friends
>hook up benis in bagina
>whole time thinking about the first gril who’s feels I hurt
>first gril and I will undoubtedly see each other again because our circles over lap
>still can’t help but think I fucked up big time and would do anything to fix it
Damned if you do, damned if you don’t I guess. Other other gril never left the cathouse and we won’t ever speak again. Idk fam I think I fucked up big time with the burner chick
>inb4 burner **
She was honest with me, owned up to making a mistake already, and called me everyday. I sure goofed huh /sp/ros?
>>1685897dont understand a single fucking thing or im too drunk either way
>>1685897Why feel bad? First grill didn't take you seriously thinking she could keep you as a side piece. You went and got yourself a side piece.
I don't belieb in seggs before marriage, but all's fair in love and war. Are you going steady with hook-up or intend to? If not, then you can hook back up with first grill and if she ever finds out/bitches you just tell her "you told me you didn't wanna go steady now we are stop being jealous"
well say it in a way that doesn't get you relegated to the couch but you know what I mean. If you are gonna go steady with hook-up grill then first grill can get over it
>>1685911I’m pretty sure she was taking me seriously. While the whole, “I’m not ready for a relationship” thing was going on, everything we did was romantic relationship stuff. She even called it that once. It’s like it was real in our heads, just not irl, or vice versa? Idk women are goofballs. I sent her flowers for her birthday, I’ll post again if she unblocks me.
>>1685911Second gril reminds me of an ex, not in good ways either. Idk maybe for the time being I’ll hang with her. I don’t want to lead her on, and she seems bordering on batshit.
>>1686085>BlockedWait wut?
Anyways best of luck spro
>>1686085you have to sneak in supplements like DIM that decrease estrogen production
excess estrogen makes women act like that
niggers also produce more estrogen than regular non nigger humans too
>>1686089Nah budy if you get rid of her estrogen she'll lose the collagen in her skin and become depressed
it's a double-edged sword the estrogen makes women batshit but it also makes them elastic and purdy/happy
>>1686085fumblel'd cathouse lady for sure, but just lift when you think about it
also never ask to define it as a relationship, wahmen view it as insecure
just do your thang, fully enjoy any time together, and keep it chill & fun
dont bring up the lay and if she does dont say or feel sorry spro. didnt do anything wrong
>>1686086>wait wut?ikr I hurt her feels p bad I guess. Thank for the wish, I might see her tomorrow at an event we’ve been going to for a couple weeks
>>1686100Ye cathouse girl is long gone >pics related.
Thx /sp/ro everything you said is right, i don’t know why I said anything to gril 1 tbh maybe I see her tomorrow, maybe not. I know I’ll see her again though. Probably should just work on patience and enjoy gril 2s company.
goddamn she’s a nutball though No.1686183
>>1686179i think u should stop worrying about whorbs for a while and lift heavy things instead
they're not worth it
>>1686179>i don’t know why I said anything to gril 1proly confused 'need' with want budy. happens
grills are a garnish not a meal, agree w liftbro 💪