>>1659778all of academia is full into fraud lmao
its juts an industry for them to get grants and keep doing whatever useless shit they're doing, while jacking off to their savior complex. that fake publications graph is way higher than that for USA in reality
generally speaking, ofc.
>>1659751wonder if she takes it in the ass
>>1659757i thought i recognized it
>>1659751>violence is never the answer<but instead lets just BOMB BOMB BOMBjesus dude these peoples brains are buck broken
say what you want but at least your average retard cuckservative doesn't trust just ANYTHING the talking head propagandists on the TV says
granted they might trust whatever random twitter person says, but at least thats more like a 50/50 on whether they're a state sponsored entity or a schitzo No.1659797
>>1659795i mean im p sure its a parody m8
>>1659797fuck think so?
retards so unhinged these days i actually can't tell anymore
its way too well-designed to piss literally everyone off for it to be an accident. look at the song its over ffs
most of the lyrics are a piss shot a neolib doublethink towards israel. chuds think its legit and start screaming. liberals start singing along and then the lines about bombs and they start literally shaking
til the bitter fucking end budys
>parents showing pictures of random shit regarding landscaping
>hand me phone and tell me to scroll through
>scroll back to far to Halloween pictures
>my literally autistic nephew idk how old he is now.. maybe 12?
>he's dressed as a girl
so i guess they're gonna make him troon out, huh?
boomers are fucking weak and evil.
>>1659821you never know
maybe theyll give him electroshock therapy instead and hell be lou reed
maybe get a couple gud songs out of it
>>1659827still blows my mind how much the idea guys mindfucked him
lik if it wasn't them it prolly would've been someone else but heem really staying attached to all the retardation they pumped him full of
>>1659832leave sheem alone, sheem thrivin
in herm lane
interdimensionally prosperin
>>1659826anything better than turning him into a faggot and destroying his life.
>>1659853>we will be moving a family of "2" from "nicaragua" into your houselel
>>1659853but….immigrants aren't unsafe !
thats a dongle gromplf clementine hitler propaganda
there is NOTHING wrong with taking in south american people and having them live with you, i mean think about how racist it is for you as a white person to own land and a house and have food while they have so little !!!!
>>1659959Ah yeah. I better get on that after work tomorrow.
>>1659827Remember kids, this is what happens after you rape your mother.
>>1659968heem was crazy long before that
>>1659970yeah but now he is like a dangerous crazy
if you had a psychologist that was serious, you could probably get him deemed as clinically insane
also, how the FUCK is he even allowed to vote ?
i fucking hate democracy, ive seen enough
im not sure i raised my conjuration level enough in time
there are a LOT of people who are going in the crystals
>>1659973kinda amazed he wasn't committed, va is completely fucked
his lawyer also defended one of the dc snipers, bet heem thought that'd be the hardest case of his life
>>1659973its near impossible to get your right to vote stripped away. most w*men are clinically insane and are still allowed to vote. niggers have an iq so low they are clinically retarded and can still vote. criminals in prisons can still vote. illegal spics who aren't even citizens can vote. karen's 20 cats can vote. hell you don't even have to be alive to vote anymore.
the only ones who aren't allowed to vote are children
directly at least, see also karen's cats No.1659981
>>1659974well that's your problem raising conjuration instead of mysticism
>>1659968imma be honest
i actually dont think he raped his mum
i think kiwifags are unbelievably gullible, and have a tendency to believe literally every screencap or whatever scrap is shown to them as absolute fact, instead of what it actually is lik 99% of the time when dealing with internet retards:
some sperg saying make-believe bullshit on the internet for attentionchris can be explained very simply. he wants attention. everything hes ever done has been for that alone.
heem was hanging with some demented discord legbeard at the time and sheem was always asking him about weird sexual stuff cuz sheem was a porn addicted retard who used discord. so chris did what hes always done and tried to keep her attention via his usual shtick. ie by being a massive fucking sperg
i dont think that chick boiled hamsters or whatever. that was an obv shitpost. i dont think she collected cat turds. i dont think she was spiking her roommates food with her birth control. i think she was an attentionwhorb. she was a sperg who desperately wanted attention and saw chris as a vessel for obtaining that attention. attention she knew she would get if she got the worlds most spectated sperg to say something insane. and so she spent months b8ing him into it and recording their convos till she got what she wanted.
chris shit his pants and did nothing
>>1659989yah if they had actual proof that chris fucked his mum then he'd be in prison and also prolly be ordered to stay away from anything that can connect to the internet considering his history. or he'd have been judged incompetent to stand trial and disappeared into a mental hospital
>>1659981Mysticism ?
Whats that ? Must have been some sort of dragonbreak, friend, I think you should sit down.
But for your troubles, here have a 10% off discount for Skyrim: Anniversary 2 Game of the Decade Edition: Gold Version avaiable for only $79.99
You never saw me.
>>1659989>mum rapist apologist sheesh i gotta get outta here
File: 1730746770380.jpg (57.47 KB, 474x610, 237:305, ae154709d7bc854c85c44d6f57….jpg)

>>1660010skyrim is a shitty game that is only playable at all thanks to the modding community.
>>1660020woah get a load of captain hot take here
settle down, we might all get burnt
>Pentagon Fails to Send Absentee Ballots to Active Military Service Members
>the absentee ballot stockpile has been “depleted and had not been replenished.”
>>1660024ummmm thats because we need them to go to venzuleans, nigggeraquans and el salvadorians to protect democracy ! idiot
>>1660020How can you say something so controversial and brave at the same time?
>>1659987/sp/bros, the salt from demos and reps will never be the same ever again.
>>1660019>kiwinigger apologist ur right leave and go read and believe every screenshot you see
>>1659989or maybe and here's a crazy thought
maybe our society is completely fucked and lets people like chris get away with their shit scott free
and the only reason laws exist is to punish citizens who might in any way stand up the the anarcho tyranny
idk man all i was saying is they had a whole fucking trial. if any of the kiwifags evidence was worth anything, im sure it got brought up in court. it prolly wasnt tho, cuz it was some fucking screencaps of a discord and some shitty phone convo recording, and that was basically the whole of it.
theyre generally not very lenient on ppl who abuse the elderly. nvm when its their own mom. if they had any real proof whatsoever, he wouldnt be free and walking around and making fucking crayon drawings for kammy rn.
also kiwis are gullible faggots. that was kinda just a complimentary point, but its nonetheless important in the broader picture.
>>1660036no dude prisons and jails are littered with weird trannys and sex pests. they get charged all the fucking time.
hes not in jail/psychward cause they couldnt charge him with anything cuz there wasnt any proof.
some poor fucking bastard presumably had to
inspect barb, and they didnt find shit.
>>1659989this tbh.
although the circumstantial shit is kinda ehhhhhhhhhh but id say its like a 50/50 chance either way. certainly not slam dunk like fucking kiwiniggers won't stfu about
truth be told i don't even care whether cwc fucked his mom or not