>weaponized by opponents of the care that you said yourself doesn't work
weaponized in what fuckin way retard if it doesn't help then stop that shit you're supposed to be doctors. but i guess doctors are mostly psychopathic these days so the hippocratic oath means fuckall to the vast majority of them when the pharma corporation kikes are handing out money
>>1657481She withheld the results bc Americans have a fetish of politicizing everything, plus drumpf as well. I'm not defending her doing that, but it's telling about the political climate u retars fostered.
>>1657484sure fuckin sounds like you're defending it. who gaf about some dumbshit pundits and other politisperg types there is zero actual reason to not publish that kind of shit and put a stop to a blatantly harmful practice. bet this shithead turns right around and cries crocodile tears about the rising suicide rates in children too
>>1657485budy hes gotta be a yuropoor firsta mendment h8r to not realize withholding information ever is baaaad just deny the holocost or smth and hell prob vanish
>>1657484holocost didnt.
>>1657497if he actually did that then it would do a lot to counterbalance his israel dicksucking imo but he'd probablt actually get murdered by someone competent if he tried. well not that he even has the power to do that, that's a congress thing anyway and neither party would ever do anything to hamper the money flowing into their pockets
>2nd mp4wat i don't speak slavnigger what's he saying?
>>1657500>not that he even has the power to do thatya for sure but a man can dream and who knows maybe an elected president putting it in ppls heads that its doable would get sum gears turning in that direction for later down the road
>what's he sayingno idea just thought it was funny macing the guy before kicking him into his own piss
>>1657497heem just said heem thunking about it. not enough export and manufacturing to support tearriff only econ rn
hopefully hes setting up the next gen talking point, would be sick 🙏🏻
>>1657485Vro the study even said it had no change on children, which does not imply negative impacts
>But the American trial did not find a similar trend, Dr. Olson-Kennedy said in a wide-ranging interview. Puberty blockers did not lead to mental health improvements, she said, most likely because the children were already doing well when the study began.>“They’re in really good shape when they come in, and they’re in really good shape after two years,” said Dr. Olson-Kennedy, who runs the country’s largest youth gender clinic at the Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles.later
>Dr. Tishelman also noted that, even if the drugs did not lead to psychological improvements, they may have prevented some of the children from getting worse. “No change isn’t necessarily a negative finding — there could be a preventative aspect to it,” she said. “We just don’t know without more investigation.” No.1657507
>>1657494>foreign cunts to keep them from going BRICS right?no burger fed reserve talmbout bail ins for banks here, cant find the webm but i will if you're interested. (bc fuck yuge bail outs werent enough for their derivatives degen i guess)
fuck thats an interesting point about chinr. on one hand they've got usa reliance on corncobs stucco, other is freedom fiat being so precarious that them straight dumping debt would ripple like a fatty off the high dive
shit man. rally wish victoria nuland etc would stop fucking around
>>1657506not dude you're replying to, legit thought you were baiting
mental health is 100% subjective and today its largely based on social feedback which is capital F fucked. manufactured, and/or based on negative reactions from people you were told were bad
the fact you read "troons who hate their body enough to freebase hormones are mentally
rally healthy" as a baseline is fucking lel gtfoh
>>1657484>fetish of politicizing everythingit's hardly politics when one side says
>this procedure/these drugs lead to increased physical health issues (including disabilities) when administered to children and result in a greatly increased suicide risk>we should not give this procedure to children since studies in Europe show that 80-98% of children desist when not provided gender-affirming care until 18and the other side says
<stop shaming them you bigot!Kinda like the whole
>we can't afford to import millions of niggers and we're probably making their cunts worse doing so>also you should enter the cunt legallyand the response is
<but that's racist No.1657513
>>1657506nigger it's
puberty blockerspuberty is the single most important stage of a child's development, blocking it is only going to have negative consequences
>>1657506>Vro the study even said it had no change on childrenAgain, if a study shows it has no impact, it's known
only people with this mental issue are suiciding at higher rates and
the vast majority of the children desist (stop having the mental issues) after puberty finishes, then maybe the implication is that the drugs have a negative impact.
>>1657515wtf with that broads mouth
>>1657515ZAMN i need me dat GILF
>got the iq of a fencepostHow did this guy make it in Hollyweird ?
>>1657522he was a star before he even came to hollywood and also arrived a little while before they went full reverse mccarthyism
arjun tank penetration cum blast
>>1657498No, sir. The holla cost
about tree fiddy No.1657531
>>1657518had it enlarged to fit the average spartmans girth
>>1657530that ho ripped u off fam
>>1657497lel dat /sp/artan kick
>>1657528so zion don and allat i agree but dude has undeniably brought about a huge culture shift
wasnt all him but hr faggotry is going away and next couple years are gonna be wild. rally hope he pulls it out bc amerigay could be cool as fuck if non cat ladys had the pull
>>1657535boy what in the ever loving fuck did you just say ?
did you have a stroke while typing this response ?
>>1657538i'm speaking my truth
command your space, you're worth it mija
>>1657507i want to become a vassal state of japan
>>1657538if drumpf wins can i put it in her ass??
>>1657537desperation + hope the newtering werked
>>1657537it's out of touch boomer pedophile rambling like everything else this retard says. dems are stuck in the previous era of faggotry. recucklicans are too but they're being dragged kicking and screaming into a new era at least. dup may have a mouthful of circumcised dicks but you've gotta give him credit for forcing much needed changes to the status quo, that entire neocon/warhawk/insane commie shit needed to die over a decade ago and seeing the old guard all pile in behind what might be the most disconnected retarded presidential campaign in amerigayan history just to snub a blowhard that doesn't actually do anything radical is just the cherry on top
>>1657538this fuckin video man holy shit
oh*o shit only has three rivalries and two are against illinois and pen state lel what a fucking no history joke team
fuken saved spude that shits funny
>>1657552the line about pills on facebook marketplace kills me
anytime there someone selling prescription meds underhanded its a latino chick because she has been stilling them from abuelita
>>1657537they keep bitchin about muh glass ceiling yet go out of their way to pick the absolute worst wahmen imaginable to try and break it
then they just whack into it like vid related
>>1657550wish i knocked up this dumb bitch than the whorb i got now
>>1657550>i said fuck you i was born a girlgod damn
>>1657550>you need to wear masks around retarded peoplelel
>>1657539i can smell the rotten pussy from here
where my #KamelaGropedMe bros at?
>>1657610that whorb was tellin him not to do it
>>1657588got this from the cafe, not sure how accurate it is
its a shame cuz they have gdc there every year and i'd really like to go sometime since im an aggydaggy but fuck me man that city has become such an aids-ridden shithole
>>1657615Did she tell him to do a flip?
>>1657623she told him to stand in the dragonfire. as a targarian he has nothing to fear
*walks off in the wrong direction*
lel forgot about the kvetching senators did in 2017 when certifying the votes
>The VICE PRESIDENT. For what purpose does the gentlewoman from Washington rise?
>Ms. JAYAPAL. Mr. President, I object to the certificate from the State of Georgia on the grounds that the electoral votes were not–
>The VICE PRESIDENT. There is no debate. There is no debate. Section 15 and 17 of title 3 of the United States Code requires that any objection be presented in writing, signed by both a Member of the House of Representatives and a Senator. Is the objection in writing and not only signed by the Member, but by a United States Senator?
>Ms. JAYAPAL. Mr. President, even as people waited hours in Georgia–
>The VICE PRESIDENT. There is no debate. There is no debate. If there is not one signed by a Senator, the objection cannot be entertained.
>Ms. JAYAPAL. Mr. President, the objection is signed by a Member of the House, but not yet by a Member of the Senate.
>The VICE PRESIDENT. It is over.
can't wait for the salt this year
>>1657614The "good" parts of SanFran are like the "good" parts of South Africa. That is,
>we've only been car jacked 11 times in the last year, that's not bad at all! No.1657645
>>1657539a lesser-known fact is that all porn whorbs are secretly imageboard schizos
>>1657615>>1657612classic AI, getting turned around on a subject within lik 2 sentences
youd think thatd be something thatd be easy to fix, right? you just tell it to occasionally look around itself for a second rather than just procgenning some nonsense.
>>1657538this is what america is all about
this is what the founding fathers wanted for >us
>>1657650shouldve pulled the goalie
>>1657649george dubyashington prolly regularly had his ass ate so gud his spat hs wooden teeth out a couple times
that's how he died actually he choked on his fake teeth when he swallowed them by accident while screaming in ecstacy when one of his slaves tongued his prostate the dying of a cold thing is just a jewish myth to make him seem like a pussy
>>1657650After the first 5 points they shoulda let them have a mercy point at least, or the ref shoulda just called it. Jeez.
>>1657645fr this was custom made to post on the ar15 forums
>>1657633fuckin pence. well gingrich said live yesterday '20 was stolen and they'll steal again lel
theres a nonzero chance it turns full blown civil war
>>1657667no this was 2017 certifying dup's win, the vp was biden
>>1657615holy shit lelmayo i guess i was wrong on that
fun PA vooter facts
that i'm copying without verifying>hundreds of voters older than the oldest person alive, one hasnt been born yet>12% dont have a house number>370k registered on a federal holidy>thousands registered to homeless shelters or mental hospitals>>1657669i m tard
>>1657675dead ppl have a right to vote bigot
>>1657675out of curiosity i went to check my voter registration data and found out i apparently "voted" in 2020 and 2022 even though i sure af did not bc i moved in 2017 and never updated my registration
this shit really doesn't matter at all huh? democracy is the gayest faggotry imaginable it's unironically gayer than taking pozloads in your ass and mouth at the same time
>>1657650lesbians arent very good at handling balls
>>1657682>i apparently "voted" in 2020 and 2022whod you vote for?
>democracy is the gayest faggotry imaginablei think itd be sick af if >we actually had a say in how the cunt was run. thats obv not whats goin on tho
>>1657692who do you think? republicans are too pussy to forge my vote apparently lmao
>>1657682sucks. ya may as well rape you outright but that'd be honest
at least yeem off obongos drone strike list next month
kumpdump campaigning in houston for some reason
does sheem really think sheem can flip texas? they got a shitton of spics sure but nowhere near the amount they need
joe rogan-dup interview coming up soon apparently
>>1657766i think he went on undertakers podcast or someshit
considering the assassination attempt, thats really badass
>interview with 2nd prospective employee
>she did great in the interview
>answered technical questions to my satisfaction
>put in effort and brought a portfolio
>work experience not totally applicable but would add some interesting resources to the office
>positive personality that would offset the quiet ones and chill out the negative older guy who is great but if you dont have someone to balance him out he's just stews in his negativity
>sheem qt too
fuck i hope my cheapass company doesn't lowball the fuck out of this offer
>>1657791you gonna sexually harass her?
>>1657801only in the most coded and dogwhistle like ways which i can immediately gaslight her about and break her down
naw i just want a peer i can talk engr stuff tbh No.1657838
>>1657810thats an interesting point about the spin
even without added strength, you still got longer arms and can whip the ball into a much more severe spin
its lik being used to hitting curveballs, then someone starts throwing sliders
>>1657838dude ur sukn a dik
das aunakees are FINISHED
>>1657850fish dont like it either
>>1657850maybe everybody's mothers should stop swimming then
>>1657850heem right about windmills, they're fucking ugly
drive through germoney sometime and they're every 10 feet in the countryside, and it would take a gorillion more of them to get anywhere close to energy self-sufficiency. but instead the krauts are still reliant on vatnik coal and gas after shoahing all their nuclear plants, good job vary smart
>>1657850i like windmills
windmills of peace are pretty cool
>>1658016this shit is too funny lmao
completely unable to adapt to it on the fly, can tell she's pissing and shidding her pants up there
>Beyoncé fans are furious at her for not performing at Kamala Harris’ rally in Houston Friday night.
fucking lelmao
they've been doing these mini concerts this whole time to strum up some level of attendance
>>1658016god she is so fucking unlikable
this is substitute teacher energy who cant get the class under control and is seething quietly about it
>>1658027its a feedback loop at this point
people see this stuff, take her less seriously, fuck with her more
and cycle repeats
>>1658039prolly bullshit but I believe it
between corpse and whore they really didn't have any other viable choice, rigging gonna be in overdrive this year
>>1657850I love how he points out that it's because of sonar without saying it's because of sonar. Biggest open secret in the world.
>>1658016even with the pixelation you can see her anger veins lmao
>>1658033>>1658027Do you think they can convert Kummytoes into the biggest lolcow to be milked from a political background if this feedback loop continues?
>>1658040I had my suspicions when he put on the Trump hat, but when he kept making sure to call out that she was part of his campaign it became clear Biden is salty and taking her down with him on the way out. Honestly I washed that Tucker interview and I think his guest was right. Biden put her in charge of the border thinking she could be a buddy duo like he was to Obama, and when she failed to deliver/pushed the shit back at him he snapped and decided he was done with this stupid half-nigger.
>>1658050I think between Yidsrael and fucking over the Unions she's done. She might get into senior Democrat leadership but the Jews were funding her opponent last erectionb owl primary so clearly she's losing her financial backers.
>>1658050I'd give her a better chance that kamalalala, she probably has a better following too.
Nippon election today
>>1658083>some of these women are stupidall women are stupid, its the smart ones that are rare
>>1658088was hoping we'd get ka ma la streaming lethal company but this works I guess
>>1658088sounds horrific. spartsgaems fans arent gonna go ez on a bunch of politicians being shit at their vidya, and garden variety vidyafags h8 sparts gaems on principle.
prolly the best campaign idea ive seen from them all cycle tho. shouldve had kammy streaming minecraft or some shit for months now
>>1658085>can be a literal non-citizen<cant wear a tshirtrad
also boomers that wear that shit are fucking cancer
>>1658122nah the votecuck day is like a week away any drastic shit that was planned for the erection would've been put into play already. if glowniggers actually have anything planned it's prolly gonna be for inauguration day or on christmas/thanksgiving for max psychological damage and bc all these sekrit society retards like to put emphasis on specific dates
>>1658125fair point. shit so two weeks after the 5th for "real" results then months til inauger
fookin 'ell m8 mayb i should dry out from da noos til jan 6
2.0 No.1658150
>2.67/lb for chicken breasts
spros I'm so fukn mad
I usually don't gaf about who's prez but when I see that price at the mart I start thinking bout king Joe's head on a pike outside my house
>>1658150i bought a gallon of milk for 12.50 the other day
it was organic, local, whole milk but utterly insane price
it was the cheapest at
>>1658099>all women are stupid>smart ones are rare>allwat
>>1658085Most Americans are ignorant and don't know that is illegal, Vance is prolly in the same boat.
>>1658167Nobody cares, eurofag.
>>1658104i'm p sure people would pay money to see orange man build a wall in minecraft, even if it was creative mode
>>1658146>>1658125it'll prolly be a clean enough sweep to know by that weekend, in fact they will prolly release the results Thursday night to maximize riot potential then they'll blame the rioting over Thanksgiving on dup and use that to pass "emergency legislation" to ban him from office around Christmas so that nothing can go through court before the inauguration.
That or they'll go for the "house vote tie" method so when Trump gets in they can say Republicucks "went against democracy."
>>1658167only pollsters and 21 states
go tell daddy starmer and mayb he'll deport her
>>1658152>Horizon is $12.50FFS man I rember when it was half that price and I thought it was too much. Fuck that noise but Royal Crest brand (sometimes labeled "Farmer's milk") they are the only company who doesn't give a fuck about organic labeling because their product is fresher than organic and they focus on how their cows eat/get treated instead of spending money on labels.
Oh wait spartman probably can't get that brand now I feel stupid.
Anyways yeah buy a local brand that treats their cows right don't settle for shit like Horizon or Kolona (however it's spelled the Iowa unhomogenated one) where you're spending 3x as much for shittier quality milk.
>>1658173bleak. if its some bullshit again i hope the right nuts up. lik idk what dup has to care about by not at this point
say what you will but giving up a kush life of pussy grabbing the dude clearly cares
>>1658183retsa go sanseito
>jap qanonlel watkins Q, or do they have their own?
>>1658188well over 100k for dups garden rally and its still the boring speakers jesus
>>1658183>>1658184dont you wish you lived in a cunt that had a number of actual choices that you could choose from?
american politics is lik being forced to bet on a spart idgaf about. except you always lose no matter what
fuck taxes
>>1658188latina wall status: HIT
in a few years time she will morph into a 5'1 200 lbs+ cleaning lady goblina
its tough
>>1658194spartschan should move in with buckeye and take over
>>1658209why would dup hold a rally in new york ?
he has a 0% chance of winning the state ?
dont you want to focus on swing states ?
it's just petty revenge against attorney niggress lorretta shaniqua latisha oonga boonga which in that case its absolutely hilarious, its like sticking your tongue out and going "NA-NA-POOPOO YOU CANT TOUCH ME I GOT IMMUNITY" and then just dropping the HARD R No.1658221
>>1658213hes already campaigned tf out of the swing states. plus idg this stupid "don't even bother with solid [color] states" shit, yeah it won't have immediate results but making an attempt can have long term positive results while not even bothering at all just tells everyone you've given up entirely in that area
🇯🇵🗳📊 — Unlike most of American and European commentators say, a poll published on Japanese media shows that the Japanese youngsters are actually not very progressive, liberals and pacifists as portrayed on social media
🪖 Ruling Liberal Democratic break Party (LDP, Right-wing Conservative & Pro-US party) has a very stronger support from young voters in their 20s, specially now under the Militarist faction
🤔 However, older Japanese generations, specially the ones from Boomer Generation (Post-WW2 and Economic boom era) are massively voting for the Constitutional Democrats, which are Japanese Pacifists
➡️ This happens specially due to the fact that LDP administration under Fumio Kishida saw economic break problems, which, obviously, affected the opinion of older generations, which are reliant on financial stability of Japan for a living
➡️ Red = LDP, Conservatives & Pro-US
➡️ Light pink = Komeito, Buddhist Conservatives & LDP partners
➡️ Blue = Constitutional Democrats, liberals & Pacifists
➡️ Green = Japan Restoration Party, Right-Libertarians/Market-liberals
➡️ Orange = Communist Party of Japan
➡️ Yellow = DPFP, Moderate Conservatives
➡️ Pink = Pro-LGBT/Progressive Reiwa Shisengumi
>>1658221yeah dudes gotta send a message on a win or steal too
plus putting out that he's got hitters in every area code isnt a bad thing rn tbph
>>1658207wtf is this an attack ad lmao
i don't even know what state this is but he's got my vote
>>1658233dup taking a hard blue state from kamala would be so fucking funny
in all honesty, if kamala does end up getting embarrassingly BTFO'd, it will cause some democrat infighting
i would suspect the democrats to try a coup of their own but against the oldguard democrats aka the pelosi's and the schumer's who orchestrated the biderp backstabbing, it would probably be a case of "the squad" versus "the old", could be very interesting to see how it shakes up
>>1658227goddamn the old man's geriatric. very telling that the rotting corpse that is amerikwa is pulling the strings of hospice patients that'll kick the bucket within the decade.
>>1658224>a poll published on Japanese media shows that the Japanese youngsters are actually not very progressive<biggest pink stake amongst age groups<erryone's centre-rite instead of proper rite according to >>1658183 >>1658184nah fuck yu. fucking everyone
<somewhat anti same-sex marriagebut one party is against homosex.
>>1658240just know the adrenochrome ghouls are sweatin turds rn. berniefags did not forgetti and aoc has been playin the long game
they'll def massage the numbers close enough so the pantifa monsters dont get unleashed until they die
or world war 3 in which case they die from cumming No.1658251
>>1658247Nobody cares, eurofag.
>>1658224i hope they re-militarize and they take over all of china like they were supposed to 100yrs ago
imagine how much cooler china wouldve been if it was just japan instead
>>1658263they better get to fuckin then, the nips have a worse population crisis inbound than the chinks do and a war wouldn't help that very much
>>1658192Sure but that's not Japan or most of Europe lmao
>>1658183>>1658184why the fuck do so many parties love faggots?
japan is much gayer than we are led to believe.
>wife's period is late
>been dumping yuge cum loads into her biweekly
>preg test is poz
you fucking faggots r FINISHED once my autism spawn is old enough to post
>>1658213dont forget drump uses rallies for fundraising too– shit costs
>>1658310wew, intentional?
i thought spartschan was
no blacks thought?
>>1658310grats spartan. how far along?
>>1658312ya intentional
>no blackshuh?
she's a flip, ima make an elliot roger
>>1658314early early. probly 2-3 weeks?
>>1658310dr /sp/ does abortions just so you know
>>1658240The squad got kicked out in the primaries for establishment democrats.
>>1658301You can't have citizenship without a family registry so if people wanna be faggots their adoptive kids will be equivalent to zainichi so the gay agenda literally doesn't matter to Japanese.
>>1658301yah i can't believe a vassal state to the usa has a bunch of political parties that accept fag marriage
>>1658351my daddays a congwessman im gonna soo yoo
what a fag lmao just jump the fence and beat his ass, pussy if your faggot dad is actually a congressman he could get you out of assault charges ez
>>1658356sure but then hed get grounded for being a political liability
>>1658356thats also not a fence youre gonna "hop"
more lik a fence you try to hop then just get tangled and look even more pathetic than you were a moment ago, stomping and seething about muh daddys a congwessman
>>1658310grats budy
u hav created life
>>1658183>>1658184From what I know of Japan and their political system, this might as well be a localizer describing Japanese politics.
>>1658315hell yeah shorkypoo. real father joke, lighten the mood a bit
good luck with the ride man them hormones be no joke, dealt with a slight bpd so basically flip lite
>>1658375Nah they should've started rigging in the pre-election voting and Republicans are showing massive gains in pre-erection-day turnout. Additionally it was either 4th or 5th circuit court who just ruled mail-ins must be submitted by election day so there's gonna be a big lawsuit with standing if they cheat post-election day.
If there's no more surprises, they could legit call the election the evening of November 5th for Trump based on historic averages. Only question is if these mail-in cuckservatives are people who normally wouldn't vote or people who decided to vote by mail who would normally show up.
>>1658375depends on how rich you are, imo its currently 4 way parlay with 1 longshot odds
>>1658382rip in piss
you will not be missed
>>1658382Fucking parasite, I hope they all drop dead.
>>1658375Are you really that rich that you can waste 10k on a gamble?
If yes, then go ahead.
If no, the don't do it you fucking double nigger.
>>1658375>ME>VT>NHwhy do they always vote blue? is it because they've never seen the pavement fauna before?
>>1658224There are no anti-US anti-sodomites pro nuclear weapons party?
>>1658388its where all the white hipsters live when they want to stay away from pavement apes.
>>1658391>>1658390>>1658385>>1658387>>1658389you type like a fag and your shit's all retarded
>>1658375>that big of a disparity yep this is definitely a fix i'm gonna put my money down now
>>1658382hope he steps straight down into hell
>>1658400ever heard of the so called niggers? they'd trash that thing in a minute and steal all the food
>>1658416those are future scientists, astronauts, and presidents who simply need nutritional value without providing compensation
i went to look at 4gag/pol/ and it has somehow gotten worse now they're spamming the whole bort with some comedian that apparently made a joke about peurto rico being a shithole at one of dup's rallies. i don't know what to believe about this erection, i see those betting odds and see shenanigans, but then i see that kind of retarded grasping at straws and see desperation
fuck the internet
>>1658425isnt 4gag just botting now?
everyones just losing they damn minds and the dumb dumb ray is on 11
same as it ever was just more of it
>>1658382i thought he did like last year
>>1658428>>1658429no idcsn
>>1658431i guess. i thought maybe there'd be at least one thread that was worth looking at but no lel not a single one. hell none of them seemed to have any real posters outside of the dup thread which were obviously mostly dup dicksuckers. oh well no loss it already sucked a decade ago anyway
>>1658340i think they only lost one fat niggress
pretty sure there are others added
any of the younger elects gravitate towards that anyway
radical gay race communist progressivism with a dash of MUH CLIMATE CHANGE nonsense whose only unifying cause is "fuck white people"
>>1658388ME is some weird split district shit
i forget how it actually works
VT is lik burlington and some colleges for most of the population and the rest dont get to count.
NH i have no idea tbh. NH is honestly about as chill as it gets in new england. least gay laws by far. idk why its blue most ppl ive met from there dont seem as fucked in the head as your generic VT crunchy
>>1658425>4chins pool>week before US general erectionpools closd /sp/ruh
>>1658435its just a place for interest groups to astroturf
if you look at it that way, it can be moderately useful in gauging what muh rw/dissident narrative is supposed to be at any given point
id imagine most of the actual posters just moved onto the hobby boards or left entirely by now. theres no way anyones just been /pol/ing it for lik 15yrs str8, so at best youre just talking to 2016 erection newfags
>>1658431>omg its literally hitler>stfu about literally everythingliterally all that everyone ever wanted from you in the first place.
i hope they all get this schizzed out eventually. not only is it just a generally good idea to not give information freely in this brave new world, but itll be way fucking less annoying for all the rest of us not getting proselytized at by some fucking liberal arts student for the 6 millionth time about how cow farts and consumer gas usage cause global warming or why blackrock are actually the good guys or whatever tf
i wonder wtf he even thinks is gonna happen?
the dude was just president for 4yrs and absolutely nothing of note happened
>>1658446>In 48 of the 50 states, state laws mandate that the winner of the plurality of the statewide popular vote receives all of that state's electoral votes. In Maine and Nebraska, two electoral votes are assigned in this manner, while the remaining electoral votes are allocated based on the plurality of votes in each of their congressional districts.i like to pretend i know how our cunt werks
>>1658465its been deboonked
>>1658450be nice if they shaddup but next step from that is more troonwaffen clappin unsuspecting randos. decades of empowering for me, dehumanizing for thee #resist shit isnt just going to go away
queefs bought the line about drup using da bolice on his bolitigal obbonents. tbf theyve seen it normalized & used viciously on recucklicants
>>1658466i believe all yellows
>>1658379they know if Trump gets in he won't be a pushover and the tariff schema would fuck them over if issued on a day 1
if a federal court tries to block the tariff schema and they have like 6-12 months then it'll be full steam ahead again
>>1658382he already announced that a few months ago but good Mitch doesn't wanna be Trump's bitch lmao
GTFO B/Mitch! No.1658475
>>1658473even nogs have higher priorities than getting mad at peasant who holds opinion
>>1658473>gooning to death of whitesneetsoc fag pls
hello yes please give october surmise only 3 days more left
>>1658478okay, im already voting for him you can stop trying to convince me
>>1658475they dont tho their entire existence is about getting mad at other peasants and shooting them over stupid shit including gay political opinions. hell i'm willing to bet whatever tf is happening in that video started over some trivial shit like shoes or a hat
>>1658478>first picand that's a good thing
>>1658476always kill a traitor before an enemy jimbo
>>1658483k gl not alienating everyone that's not ok with wanton murder, you'll
really be surrounded by niggers and kikes then
who won the maddenb owl?
>>1658483>i figured out a couple no no things a couple years ago due to sheer random luck of finding a website while born in info age>kill every white who wasnttruly white advocacy at its moral peak
miss me with the superiority while also claiming things are obvious beeteedub
>>1658491holy fucking cringe
the only way this would be based is if it were halo 3, and you were allowed to use all the racial/homophobic slurs of the glory days of 2007 Xbox Live
>>1658492this dude is fucking OBSESSED with a mans ass
>>1658519yeah dude, he is GAY
did you not watch Buck Breaking ?
it was tariq's admission that he wants big buff white guys to chain him up and do plantation raceplay assfucking to him
he also loves zesty black femboys twerking
>>1658527lots of niggas are downlow gaaaay asfuck
>>1658491they played the new lootbox madden on a Sunday night during actual football holy shit it don't get much more cringe
>>1658540>crowd becomes silent in confusionwhat a fucking retard
>>1658491wait AOC is a blels fan?
i guess she is prolly old enough to remember blels being semi-relevant
>>1658576but she can run a mean pickle rick
>>1658604I want Chills to narrate this.
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how do I stop being a hotheaded aggro little bitch? i hate being a spiteful cunt, even at the slightest thing. i just want to let trivial things go and take it easy but i can't
problem is my mom's an insufferable ill-tempered bitch and i seem to have inherited it to my dismay. if I can fix it it needs to be at a deep psych level
i'm certain if imageboards goers could lift their faggot mindset and hurl it at browns and fags most of anything posted itt would fix itself overnight.
>>1658619hit your head
rally hard against a wall it'll either cure your gaymosexual rage or make it worse
this a gamblin' bort boyo
>>1658619all perspective spro
also blaming your mom or genetics is just giving yourself permission to be a touchy bish. stahp that, its on you to overcome your obstacles
>>1658619going to church; proper church not protestant "church," and reading the bible went a long ways for me
but then I was at the lowest point in my life, a complete loser, and considering suicide as a legitimate option when I made that decision No.1658632
>>1658619should have listened to that guy and invested in silver 🙄
>>1658619ever consider a school shootaroo?
>>1658648>further alienate your main constituents (retarded college kids and niggers) by continuing to openly promote piss hell kikerylel gr8 idea m8. there's no way in hell she wins without retarded amounts of rigging, like hundreds of thousands of votes worth like undeniably fraudulent levels
sux that dup is more jewish but w/e he didn't start any new wars last time i doubt he'd do it this time even with all of nuttinyahoo's kvetching
>>1658667it sounds lik ur main problem is that u deserve to be bullied
that is so autistic
cr is looking at with disappointment
>>1658658Women unironically like it and unions have been threatening their members if they don't vore for her
food for thought
>>1658667spro plz
>couldn't take jokes in school, at all>if i felt slighted by something no matter how small i'd lose it>eventually everyone thought i would actually shooteroo one day>start leaning into it for the lulz>when someone would say something about me in class i'd just stare at them while slowly reaching into my backpack>tfwif i were given the choice to go back to high school as a 13yo and start over i prolly would take it
what happens if /sp/ bullies you now?
>>1658667we need to get you
angrier No.1658690
>>1658687this is why in a civilized country you vote in person,
and armed to shoot any illegals you see No.1658691
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man i cant remember doing anything THAT spergtastic cringe or humiliating during high school
i was just such a chad alpha + sigma that i had every girl gushing in her panties around me that i had to swim to get to most classes
yall niggas really were the class sperg ? gat dyam.
>>1658691i was just invisible mostly until some kid threw one of those lotion tubes at me and the corner hit my forehead and i beat his ass and threw him off the bleachers we were sitting on and he broke his arm and had black eyes and then i got suspended and when i came back had a lot of shootaroo boogeymanning thrown my way afterward but nobody even threatened to fight me after that. which is great because i can't actually fight i just caught the kid off guard with a headbutt (peak opening move if you have high pain tolerance and a thick dummy skull tbh), i'm p sure he could've easily snapped my arms in half otherwise
still dunno wtf he was doing with lotion in the middle of gym class tho
>>1658687neat looks like i'm definitely making a return on my bet now
>>1658699>dunno wtf he have lotion in gym classplay homo games win homo prizes
>>1658702dup already filed lawsuit
i'm def too online lately but shit may go wonkeye budy
>>1658716but can i go on the 20th
>>1658699maybe he wanted to kiss you
in the ass and you took it the wrong way?
>>1658716why would any not-pedophile ever set foot in modern dc willingly?
>>1658716>dup filed a lawsuit k lmk how that turns out compared to the dozens of others that were filed then ignored or dismissed. there's no political solution whenyour enemy controls the majority of federal and state governments and nearly 100% of relevant media outlets, either shit gets violent and >we
might get some freedumbs back or nothing is done and >we are
guaranteed authoritarian hellhole mode until death or total collapse of society w/e comes first. silver lining is kikes are losing their international bully fren no matter what, it would take many generations to undo the societal damage done to this cunt if it's even possible in the first place and "permafucked gay retard america" = no more infinite ammo cheat for israel
>>1658716you would have to be an insanely dumb retard ass mongoloid to show up to the capitol for anything to do with the election
>>1658753dc is also full of niggers, and niggers like being with their own kind
>>1658766>voting trump AND that RINO congressman you cant stand is actually the key right nowhow about not?
how about fuck the DNC. fuck the GOP. fuck the federal govt.
>>1658797i remember seeing it on 8gag about that long ago tbh
>>1658801back during the two/three years it was worth a shit huh
>>1658755wasnt sayin lolsuit would win
rest: if i had to bet, ya probs, preaching to choir. but this erection is gonna make some shit undeniable to either loser. violins is way quicker, also carries yuge risk of backfiring on either
lot can happen when eternal anglo ultra instinct altruism flips to hothead. i'm not ignorant, but also dont see point in defeatism any more
lik if anything decades of legal battles is prob the gayest ending, which is usually a safe bet
>>1658800Normally I would agree, but the threat this time is existential. It's not two sides disagreeing but two realities that have to converge or else billions of people will die in the next decade. I don't like niggers and kikes, but I'm not willing to cut off my nose to spite my face either.
>>1658823how retarded do you have to be to both vote AND put your ballot in an unguarded box with zero security
>>1658824retarded enough to willingly live in leftist shitholes
>>1658827would that affect anything tho it's not like migas aren't already well aware what libshits think of them
>Buzz Aldrin endorses dup
pushin me real close to votin for his dumb ass again
>>1658853don't forget arnold "fuck your freedoms" schwarzenigger endorsed cummyla too
if the twitter miga fags aren't throwing that in his face the they're missing out on some prime pee arr fuckery
>>1658853just back from vooting for mango mussolini
if a black woman gets in i'm blaming you personally
startin to think attending orange man's inauguration is a not gud idea
like there is a vary high non-zero probability i'll get shot or blown up by antifags
>>1658853ruh roh
reddit lost another one of their I LUV LE HECKIN SCIENCE icons to the Cheetos Hitler
>>1658874things that never happened for $800
>>1658879how many gocks can fit in her mouth
>>1658874>that twatthere's no way that's anything but satire
georgia (cunt) far-right party won their electionb owl, president (also cunt) is denying the election was legitimate
mite b a good prelude of what's to come
>>1658884vary cool. honhon macaroni did same thing, germoney pulled some lolno too
tell me if i'm too foiled but some of this rigging seems lik demoncraps doing it just to take it from dup
obv not in commierado just an e.g. No.1658890
>>1658884other dumbfuck cunts have always done that especially eastern yuro shitholes, the fact it's happening in the usa is the indication of what's to come. every single other time gaymocractic societies have had one party refuse to concede it has resulted in things going to utter shit without fail
>>1658873That's cute you think there will be an inauguration.
Trump could win the presidency, all of congress, all publicly and according to the polls, and these deepstate glowniggers are still going to find an excuse to not inaugurate him.
>>1658892nigga this is like Q tier shit
like i fully expect they probably wont call the election till like 4 days out
but no way in hell they just outright try civil war tier shit
remember that america is useful to the globohomo zogpire, thye cant afford to just let it go up in smoke over "momala"
>>1658887holy shit this whorb oghly
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forgot ugly whorb pic
>>1658881>how many gocks At least
tree fiddy as many as
>>1658913 No.1658919
>>1658913lik a reverse drumpf just in time for all hallows
i want all these people competitively hunted for prizes on tv
>>1658905I know it is, but while I fully expect Trump to win and pipo needa go vote, I also fully expect that they will pull some bullshit to keep him from assuming office.
how can you not like this nigga ?
imagine being such an autistic chudly wudley, your just like "ERRRR ZION DON, MUH J6, ILL JUST WAIT FOR HITLER"
i hope this guy makes project 2025 real
>>1658932even from a wignat pov dup is the sugar, vance is the medicine
the most woke on shit are the most brainwashed into myopia tho so whatev ssdd historically
6 days left, gud owl
>>1658951honestly, if your arent suffering from terminal online brainrot, you can see the overton window shifting
things that were only whispered about are talked about by mainstream people more and more
>>1658874holy wisdom shit balls!
what a heckin aweseome old cunt
>>1658913whys it always uggos like this that have the worst smug condescending cunt energy and why tf would anyone want them in charge of anything? there's not a single instance of a whorb like this doing a good job at anything yet they somehow stick around
is their passive aggressive high and mighty attitude rally hypnotic to people or something? all it does is make me want to slap them and put my thumbs in their parents' eyes for cursing this planet with them
>>1658905>but no way in hell they just outright try civil war tier shitwtf?
dude this shit is rigged
its just that mericans are neutered
>>1658932i fuckin hat his zionism boner but in general i would go boozing with him in a heartbeat. it's not complicated bud you can take issue with someone's stances without wanting him strung up mussolini style
>>1658959you got to remember
his son in law from his favorite child is a huge zionist third temple lunatic
he is doing it all to gain their favor
kushner is in with all the big zionist big wigs and its a true believer, real creepy fucker
>rod blagjovialwitch on tuck supporting duplel. k. why not
>>1658953ya its just low time preference ironically
i get it bc shit got unbelievably fucked in a haste, but without cautious undummying quick solutions are death
>>1658923from the thumbnail i thought he was taking part in a bris ceremony
>>1658958>mericans neutered if u pay attention, thats the whole focal point of this campaign.
might still rig but it would be peak phyrric
i dont see em ruling over ashes with murrica where it is rn
you say neutered as if that only applies to the people, but even most pigs zogbots and local governments are ineffective or incompetent to the point they may as well not even exist despite how well equipped most of them are, and the feds can't really do as much as they say they can w/o competent local cooperation.
fuck it i'm gonna do a mini schizo tl;dr:
an apathetic society is also arguably more destructive long term than an outright hostile civil war tier society bc after wars conclude it typically kicks survivors' asses into gear real quick and motivates them to rebuild (tough times making tough men etc.), but a bunch of depressed fat lazies sitting at home while incompetent shitskin foreigners fuck up every job on every level imaginable is only gonna lead to some unholy indian/brazilian/south african combo that prolly won't turn around until long after everyone currently alive is dead.
imo things aren't "neutered" tho there's a lotta people out there looking for catharsis and that's something that can go wrong p quickly. like commiting soviet tier atrocities wrong
i don't care if this is comprehensive i shouldn't even be up rn
>>1658924lmfao this gold, better than 2016
his old campaign manager doin absolute bangers the past couple weeks, stompin all over kabala
>>1659027Donald McDonald the goat
>>1659027toss up between muhguh brandup and jumping tesla man imo, the former is prolly the winner bc it's so iconic but elon proving exactly how autistic he is with that little hop and retards trying to say that was going to end dups campaign was extremely funny
>>1659077oh nvm gues i wasnt baited that sux
🇩🇪‘We were totally betrayed’ – 500 migrants for tiny German village of 600 will nearly double population
A small village in Brandenburg, Petersdorf, will receive 500 migrants despite having only 600 residents, and local residents are outraged, alienated, and feel helpless. It is a story happening across Germany and is likely to only fuel anti-immigrant resentment.
Petersdorf is situated next to Bad Saarow, a spa town, and is known for attracting Berliners for the weekend for its thermal baths, restaurants and beautiful views of the local lake, the Scharmützelsee,
However, just outside the town in an old army barracks, which the local district is planning to convert into a home for hundreds of migrants. It is the type of story that conservative critics say is further evidence of the Great Replacement, which describes the ongoing demographic replacement of Europeans in their native lands by non-Western immigrants. While the left describes it as a “conspiracy theory,” the right states it is an irrefutable fact supported by data, and in many ways, illustrated clearly by these types of cases.
>>1659078>repeatedly damage and sabotage the conversion of the barracks into a nigger hotelthere's only one option besides surrendering and dying meekly when your government openly fucking hates you like this. yuros used to be gud at violence they should dust off that old school rage and fast. and don't feed me that ww2 killed all the fighters shit there was plenty of violence happening all over yurup in the decades immediately following ww2 including in germoney
>>1659027for me personally it was
THEY'RE EATING THE DOGSbut objectively it was him almost getting deleted then giving us one of the greatest photos in murrican history, like seriously nothing you say or do can ever top that.
>>1659070>every world war starts in eastern europeget those hotheads outta here
>>1659091patrician. had leftoids who never send polidicks sending kots in maga hat yimms
but 'fight fight fight' still makes me wanna slug problem glasses and teabag their twink bfs
>>1659096holy shit they actually printed the fucking stardust quote on its side
what is this dystopian bullshit seriously wake me the fuck up
the jews won No.1659109
>>1659106joos will be a nonissue in 20 years, once the boomers run out of adrenochrome and infant blood transfusions and their support is six feet under
>>1659096it fuckin strangles you? i thought it was just a mini gas chamber wtf just pay someone to shoot you instead fuck being strangled ever
>>1659119it is gas. gas borked on the pod company's maiden voyage so spigga heemed her in manual mode
>>1659129WHAT no fuckin way lmao
>>1659096how fucking hard is it to build a damn tube thats mostly air tight and quickly fills with nitrogen?
>>1659144apparently as hard as it is to build a submarine made of tinfoil and controlled by a logitech controller
>>1659145lel i could have done a better job designing that thing compared to whatever summer intern they had working on it
>>1659142Yeah they were told they would be arrested by Swiss authorities and went ahead anyways. Guy probably said "fuck it" and went for broke to avoid the lawsuit.
>>1659158Oh shid that's right that's today.
heem got the interview because kammy quit, innit?
>>1659164camel wanted toe to fly to her and only do an hour
>>1659166she prolly just didnt wanna talk about DMT or whatever tism rogan is on about
>>1659168lel jd is good so far tbf
nice to not listen to lizard speak anyway
>>1659170or what?
not gonna take him out golfing?
Guys, since getting the Fauci Ouchi, my penis has literally been losing inches by the year….
this is legit fucked but I dont want to go to a doctor
my shit was a solid 6 inches and rarely ever shriveled up
now it shrivels up and soft its like sub 2 inches and hard it gets just over 3
i swear the fauci ouchi like did some kind of sissy hypno to my balls because my balls are literally smaller too, they used to rest up against my leg if i sat but now they have thigh gap
>>1659182what state are you leaving and what's the destination? have you suggested to open an office where you are? volunteer to run the new office. just like the joker talk about aggressive expansion
>>1659182spank the monkey to anal rimming while logged in
>>1659189don't want to say where i am or where they want me
but it would take me through the fag capital of the worldi'm just a tech lackey which makes it all the more infuriating since i'm the best member on our team and i've done all of it while fully remote. i shouldn't have to go into an office at all, it's just the board of jewrectors making everybody but them as miserable as possible cuz they can
>>1659209t. Balding low t cuck who got caught spanking his monkey at work
lol this is your reprimand No.1659213
>>1659200i actually dont recommend this option based on my experience. its rather embarrassing
>>1659147the sub or the suicide booth? bc the idiot who owned the sub ignored and fired everyone who worked on it that dared tell him it was fucked up and dangerous and whoever was left prolly said fuck it i'll take your thousands of dollars and built your oceanic coffin to your rarted specs if you want idgaf
>>1659151that's completely insane
tf do you need a damn suicide booth for anyway just get a hose, put it in your car's exhaust pipe, feed the other end through the cracked driver's side window, get in turn it on, and voila your forever nap is ready to go
>>1659224both tbh
>>1659225ew exhaust is gross, dirty, and environemntally unfriendly
i trust the science, and want something clean, futuristic, and green
>>1659213yeem keep the job or not i wasnt paying attention
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>>1659209if they deny just say that's not feasible for me, simple as
"i'd like to continue contributing to this company, as my record shows, but i'm sure i could find employment that values my skillset enough to accomdate a reasonable request that's already on offer if need be, and wish you the best in my absence" or sum shit
you wagies are in a mental prison of your own creation
>>1659173dups got a grudge against bib and he's prolly mad enough to pull some strings and get nuttin yoohoo thrown in jew jail in return for expediting a refill for the iron dumb for whoever is next in line if he doesn't comply. dup may be a good goy for piss hell but that doesn't mean he can't get revenge against individual rats
>>1659231pretty much, 10 months should be more than enough for me to get another remote job. might even try freelance on the side and see how that goes. problem is all the decent ones need certs n shit and i don't have any of that even though i know everything they talk about, but the hr golems don't know that and they're the ones that hire and fire
>>1659248holy fuck these people are insufferable
>>1659229ya it never came up again 🤷🏿♀️
but it makes sense my boss would just bury it because it would take anywhere from 3-5 people to match my work output
.>we are hiring on another person and if they don't work out i might actually look for a different job im putting in hundreds of hours a year for free at this point and getting nothing out of it except stress and rapid aging
>>1659182Spro you're gonna have to go find a new job you shoulda known this wouldn't last forever. Sorry man I know it sucks when the well runs dry since it ran dry for me about a year ago.
>>1659231Pretty much this but imply you already have a job lined up if they tell you to fuck off.
>>1659248>Hi avengersNormalfags stopped giving a fuck about capeshit like three movies ago.
Black Panther 2 was unironically the last good movie to come out of Marvel, and it's about Mexicans illegally crossing the border and having to have their backs dried because they are wet.
>>1659250Build. A. Portfolio.
A portfolio of shit you've worked on >>>>>>>>>> work experience. Getting the certs would help too obviously.
I'll give Rogan credit. It took him 2 hours and 55 minutes before he started shilling MDMA to our next vice presidente
>>1659270prolly, was enjoying it so much it almost felt too good to be true. talkin with another guy and apparently every hueg corp is banning work from home simultaneously like some order 66 shit
>>1659300because that's what is happening. that saying about hard times creating hard men who create easy times which creates weak men who create hard times is borderline universal truth, and in terms of the ruling elite the hardasses that created the easy times for the past two/three generations have almost all died off. their faggot offspring are largely spoiled weak disconnected idiots that are a mix of genuinely incompetent and outright malicious which is the perfect combination for creating hard times as you can see their machinations crumbling in real time making it readily apparent there's no backup plan for most of their fuckups
>>1659305his producers might be telling him to chill with that shit too, weren't his views starting to dip bc he wouldn't stfu about drugs?
>>1659300pipo don't realize how much leaded guzzoline
FUCKED UP the American population
we livin' in a reality where our current agriculture methods prop up the human population but realistically it's not properly nutritioning the population so we're living on borrowed time because organic can't keep up with our food requirements and organic itself is plagued with copper pesticides
the world is
BRAIN DRAINED AS ALL SHIT and we gonna fucking die without major reforms, but those major reforms cost corporations too much money so they don't give a flying fuck about malnutrition
as a result, everyone is becoming rarted an' we gonna get
FUCKED globally
these cases of CEOs rather facing jail time than admit fault and face lolsuits are just symptoms of the greater problem and our medical fields just cover up these underlying mitochondrial issues
>>1659309prolly I barely paid attention to him but I stopped giving a fuck when he shilled drugs to major political pipo
>>1659306>like some order 66 shit well considering how many businesses are owned by a tiny handful of assholes that may actually be p accurate
>>1659027surviving assassination is hands down the best
trump proved he has a warrior spirit and libtards are the most pissed about it
they wanted him to die begging, screaming and in fear, instead he got back up blood dripping from his head and pumped his fist and told the crowd to FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT
libtards dont have this, all their "heroes" are giant pretend tough guy pussies who in the same situation would have soiled themselves and ran away
>>1659310it's not just lead, its replacement MTBE too. MTBE is still being used in about half the states despite various health issues attributed to it. it is also very water soluble so it contaminates groundwater very easily. ethanol is being used to replace it as an anti-knock agent.
good supplements can make up for the lack of nutritional value in food, but the problem is most people don't know this. most seem to think it is only necessary during early childhood, if at all. it was all done by design so
da joos can sell supplements instead of getting nutritional value out of food itself. not enough people grow their own shit, although good luck protecting it from government aerial spraying operations and mosquito fogging they do in summer in a lot of places.
thats not even mentioning all of the mind control shit the government has done to the population as a whole.
>>1659328this is a great tragedy for sportschan
🇺🇸 🦁 👩🏾 — New law makes dueling presidential transitions possible
🔶 The Presidential Transition Improvement Act now mandates that the transition process begin five days after the election, even if more than one candidate hasn’t conceded.
🔶 But the new law also effectively mandates federal support and cooperation for both candidates to begin a transition. It states that such support should continue until “significant legal challenges” that could alter electoral outcomes have been “substantially resolved,” or when electors from each state meet in December to formally choose an Electoral College winner.
🔶 That means the government potentially bestowing enough backing that both sides can prepare an administration until mid-December — only about a month before Inauguration Day on Jan. 20.
>>1659340Do you have any facts to back that up?
>>1659248vary cool budy now i know who the REAL heros are voting for!
>>1659348I hope my daughter has an open relantionship with him.
>>1659348lel whoops
you werent supposed to make a fuckin tiktok out of it
see ya back in port-au-prince homie
>>1659353claims to be a citizen
can a nigger get his citizenship revoked for being an absolute nigger?
>>1659365well youre def not allowed to vote twice, regardless of citizenship
man i just want this dumbass election to be over with so i can go back to not seeing fuckin signs everywhere
idk wtf happened but niggers out here decided to put like 5 hair ass signs in their yard per household. if you didn't realize this you'd think she'd have like 500 votes from the road omw to work instead of 50 or whatever tf
>dup falling in polymarket odds
fuckin knew it lel c'mon baby gib returns i want more ammo
>>1659416idc about who does what deranged shit afterward the fuckin signs are obnoxious
>>1659417it rubs the signs on its skin or else it gets the hose again
>>1659319Happy November my dude.
>>1659417get rid of nigrs, fats, and hoa while you're at it chief
>>1659423wat, i'm complaining about signs not making a statement about any of that
i'd genuinely rather see garbage all over the place than political signs
>>1659416that guy seems to be really determined to look rarted
>>1659327>Waaaaah we can't live lavish lives getting fat and fucking random strangersMan I love the sheer asshurt when the guy hasn't even assumed office yet.
the best they got is
>muh illegals>muh climate change>muh abortionsthe part where Florida sank into the gulf got a hearty chuckle out of me
>>1659425that kids gonna be a spoiled rotten little faggot with zero appreciation of the natural world later in life
>>1659434>muhlegals>climuht change>muhbortions>>1659436>rick and morty backpackdis nigga gay
>>1659453im surprised a new law of any kind was able to pass, but its somethin lik that and that sketches me out about it big time
>>1659342>Look we have to be objective<I dOn'T aPpReCiAtE bEiNg LeCtUrEdThese fucking tools lmao, I'd have walked out too after that smug look when he was clearly ignoring him. That nigger looked like he lost his mind when the childless cat lady's connection dropped lmao
>>1659455It was passed by the 2022 lame duck neocuck congress before freedom faction replaced several of them. IIRC Trump has never bothered with the transition process and fired the guy in charge of his transition when he was originally elected in 2016, so basically this gives the Democrats a head-start to form their own government while Trump is left in the dark even if he wins.
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>>1659342fuck is this dumb shit painting
>>1659461>“In the past, it was neither candidate gets the funding. Now it’s both,”>Trump’s team has signed no transition agreements, missing deadlines to agree with GSA on logistical matters like office space and tech support and with the White House on access to agencies, including documents, employees and facilitiesdafug so do they both get funding and cabinet appointments, or just kommieblah?
>>1659552>they killed the most famous squirrel in the worldthey euthanized secret squirrel?
jokes aside fuck the sauna government nuke the sauna government erase the sauna government from history
>>1659552>muh skwerll>muh coonjesus look at that botox old lady crying like a toddler for a critter. go have kids instead
yeh they should be happy their government will raid their house over vague anonymous tips and kill their pets, it frees up time for them to make babies that will be taken away over vague anonymous tips to be thrown into the molestation pipeline known as foster care and be used for blackmail, hell maybe the fedophile will even spam them on sportschan! i love the government soooooooo much!
>>1659564you fag I was talking about the overreaction. I'd be upset about the govt trespassing my home over a vague tip not kiling a squirrel
>>1659571guess i laid it on a little too thick but i was imitating what some twatter fag would say about it since apparently dup mentioned this
>>1659575don't talk to me about that orange mussolini wannabe dicatator until ive had my coffee and resting bitch face applied
>>1659562do they not have kids?
i'd be distraught if my pet got deded. pets are cool af
plus the shock of the situation. one thing to read that they heem dogs, whole other to experience it
>>1659327>we had the best parties>the most beautiful friendswhy are cunts so superficial lmao
also this shit is insanely cringe, triply so for terrible AI shit.. they didn't have 5 minutes to generate images that didn't look like ass
>>1659342holy fucking shit lmfao
this could have been an SNL skit when the world was sane
the funniest shit is the dude leaves but doesn't disconnect so its even more jarring just having an empty square there
then the old cunts connection drops g*d its just peak
>>1659410deep blue california and i've literally only seen maybe 4 kabala harris signs/stickers this entire election lmao
hell ive seen more bernie and hillary ones
>>1659416>words softest man strugles to do the most basic demo task everlel
this world is so fuckin gay
>>1659436>shoot someone in the middle of a massive panicking crowd of other niggers that look just like you>somehow manage NOT to escape and immediately get caughtdumbass nigger
so dotz had to kill a /sp/animal just because judge fudged in da fifth?
>>1659587>that look just like youi sincerely doubt there was anyone else in that crowd with a rick and morty backpack
>>1659583the area i'm at hasn't gone blue in decades it's just that the niggers always buy 20 signs each to stuff in their yards like it's somehow gonna magically offset the fact they're surrounded by ultrapatriot hicks with confederate flags in their yards
>>1659552meanwhile they allowed a feral ape to stab a 5 year old white kid to death and gave them a "mental health evaluation"
honestly, i would sacrifice the entire human population in Africa to bring peanut back
>>1659597There are no humans in Africa.
>>1659552>my wifes immigration statusan understandable suspicion
looks fresh off the boat from botox island
amerigay keeps finding new ways to be gay
hybrid souf africa and brasil favela nation SOON
>>1659632bet that squirrel takes it in the ass 😏
>>1659633that's enough spartschan for you today spartman
reminder to kill all jerkops and judges and politicians
curry pie
>>1659549Only Kommieblah unless Trump plays ball, but Trump won't reveal his staff until he's in-office so that they can't prosecute them.
first they came for tails the cat, and I said nothing because I am not a tail
Then they came for peanut the squirrel and I said nothing because I am not a squirrel
>>1659713vid is where ppl get they social groups
>>1659716the korean nail salon lady accent does most of the heavy lifting
>granite statethought it was the live free or die state?
>>1659751you just know she's a
nigger lover with those earrings
>>1659713>church declining ever since the end of ww1 and accelerates after ww2bleak
>>1659713what an incredible cunt
>vidhow do you even get that kinda data?
leftypol won
>>1659778all of academia is full into fraud lmao
its juts an industry for them to get grants and keep doing whatever useless shit they're doing, while jacking off to their savior complex. that fake publications graph is way higher than that for USA in reality
generally speaking, ofc.
>>1659751wonder if she takes it in the ass
>>1659757i thought i recognized it
>>1659751>violence is never the answer<but instead lets just BOMB BOMB BOMBjesus dude these peoples brains are buck broken
say what you want but at least your average retard cuckservative doesn't trust just ANYTHING the talking head propagandists on the TV says
granted they might trust whatever random twitter person says, but at least thats more like a 50/50 on whether they're a state sponsored entity or a schitzo No.1659797
>>1659795i mean im p sure its a parody m8
>>1659797fuck think so?
retards so unhinged these days i actually can't tell anymore
its way too well-designed to piss literally everyone off for it to be an accident. look at the song its over ffs
most of the lyrics are a piss shot a neolib doublethink towards israel. chuds think its legit and start screaming. liberals start singing along and then the lines about bombs and they start literally shaking
til the bitter fucking end budys
>parents showing pictures of random shit regarding landscaping
>hand me phone and tell me to scroll through
>scroll back to far to Halloween pictures
>my literally autistic nephew idk how old he is now.. maybe 12?
>he's dressed as a girl
so i guess they're gonna make him troon out, huh?
boomers are fucking weak and evil.
>>1659821you never know
maybe theyll give him electroshock therapy instead and hell be lou reed
maybe get a couple gud songs out of it
>>1659827still blows my mind how much the idea guys mindfucked him
lik if it wasn't them it prolly would've been someone else but heem really staying attached to all the retardation they pumped him full of
>>1659832leave sheem alone, sheem thrivin
in herm lane
interdimensionally prosperin
>>1659826anything better than turning him into a faggot and destroying his life.
>>1659853>we will be moving a family of "2" from "nicaragua" into your houselel
>>1659853but….immigrants aren't unsafe !
thats a dongle gromplf clementine hitler propaganda
there is NOTHING wrong with taking in south american people and having them live with you, i mean think about how racist it is for you as a white person to own land and a house and have food while they have so little !!!!
>>1659959Ah yeah. I better get on that after work tomorrow.
>>1659827Remember kids, this is what happens after you rape your mother.
>>1659968heem was crazy long before that
>>1659970yeah but now he is like a dangerous crazy
if you had a psychologist that was serious, you could probably get him deemed as clinically insane
also, how the FUCK is he even allowed to vote ?
i fucking hate democracy, ive seen enough
im not sure i raised my conjuration level enough in time
there are a LOT of people who are going in the crystals
>>1659973kinda amazed he wasn't committed, va is completely fucked
his lawyer also defended one of the dc snipers, bet heem thought that'd be the hardest case of his life
>>1659973its near impossible to get your right to vote stripped away. most w*men are clinically insane and are still allowed to vote. niggers have an iq so low they are clinically retarded and can still vote. criminals in prisons can still vote. illegal spics who aren't even citizens can vote. karen's 20 cats can vote. hell you don't even have to be alive to vote anymore.
the only ones who aren't allowed to vote are children
directly at least, see also karen's cats No.1659981
>>1659974well that's your problem raising conjuration instead of mysticism
>>1659968imma be honest
i actually dont think he raped his mum
i think kiwifags are unbelievably gullible, and have a tendency to believe literally every screencap or whatever scrap is shown to them as absolute fact, instead of what it actually is lik 99% of the time when dealing with internet retards:
some sperg saying make-believe bullshit on the internet for attentionchris can be explained very simply. he wants attention. everything hes ever done has been for that alone.
heem was hanging with some demented discord legbeard at the time and sheem was always asking him about weird sexual stuff cuz sheem was a porn addicted retard who used discord. so chris did what hes always done and tried to keep her attention via his usual shtick. ie by being a massive fucking sperg
i dont think that chick boiled hamsters or whatever. that was an obv shitpost. i dont think she collected cat turds. i dont think she was spiking her roommates food with her birth control. i think she was an attentionwhorb. she was a sperg who desperately wanted attention and saw chris as a vessel for obtaining that attention. attention she knew she would get if she got the worlds most spectated sperg to say something insane. and so she spent months b8ing him into it and recording their convos till she got what she wanted.
chris shit his pants and did nothing
>>1659989yah if they had actual proof that chris fucked his mum then he'd be in prison and also prolly be ordered to stay away from anything that can connect to the internet considering his history. or he'd have been judged incompetent to stand trial and disappeared into a mental hospital
>>1659981Mysticism ?
Whats that ? Must have been some sort of dragonbreak, friend, I think you should sit down.
But for your troubles, here have a 10% off discount for Skyrim: Anniversary 2 Game of the Decade Edition: Gold Version avaiable for only $79.99
You never saw me.
>>1659989>mum rapist apologist sheesh i gotta get outta here
File: 1730746770380.jpg (57.47 KB, 474x610, 237:305, ae154709d7bc854c85c44d6f57….jpg)

>>1660010skyrim is a shitty game that is only playable at all thanks to the modding community.
>>1660020woah get a load of captain hot take here
settle down, we might all get burnt
>Pentagon Fails to Send Absentee Ballots to Active Military Service Members
>the absentee ballot stockpile has been “depleted and had not been replenished.”
>>1660024ummmm thats because we need them to go to venzuleans, nigggeraquans and el salvadorians to protect democracy ! idiot
>>1660020How can you say something so controversial and brave at the same time?
>>1659987/sp/bros, the salt from demos and reps will never be the same ever again.
>>1660019>kiwinigger apologist ur right leave and go read and believe every screenshot you see
>>1659989or maybe and here's a crazy thought
maybe our society is completely fucked and lets people like chris get away with their shit scott free
and the only reason laws exist is to punish citizens who might in any way stand up the the anarcho tyranny
idk man all i was saying is they had a whole fucking trial. if any of the kiwifags evidence was worth anything, im sure it got brought up in court. it prolly wasnt tho, cuz it was some fucking screencaps of a discord and some shitty phone convo recording, and that was basically the whole of it.
theyre generally not very lenient on ppl who abuse the elderly. nvm when its their own mom. if they had any real proof whatsoever, he wouldnt be free and walking around and making fucking crayon drawings for kammy rn.
also kiwis are gullible faggots. that was kinda just a complimentary point, but its nonetheless important in the broader picture.
>>1660036no dude prisons and jails are littered with weird trannys and sex pests. they get charged all the fucking time.
hes not in jail/psychward cause they couldnt charge him with anything cuz there wasnt any proof.
some poor fucking bastard presumably had to
inspect barb, and they didnt find shit.
>>1659989this tbh.
although the circumstantial shit is kinda ehhhhhhhhhh but id say its like a 50/50 chance either way. certainly not slam dunk like fucking kiwiniggers won't stfu about
truth be told i don't even care whether cwc fucked his mom or not