beer fingers w/e. come on mike
all that showboating and paul is struggling to fight a geriatric lmao
lel rubbed his booger rag on his head
>>1663768fags going for points
>stram borked again
fuck it i'll see who the winner is when i wake up
that was depressing, cant fight hospice
unanimous with paul ahead at least 2 rounds all
necrophilia ass match, pissing on graves man
well that was gay as shit
old man barely threw any punches but Paul didn't get many hits on him either
congrats the jewtube faggot beat an old man
post the official winr whenever thats announced pls
mike doesn't even look hurt
he didn't seem to mobile on his feet really
making this big of a spectacle and fighting one of the best knockout artists in history and drubbin him for points is some bullshit
>>1663777MBS is the real winner prolly
>>1663778heem was old and could barely move,
278 to 97 thrown punches
fuck jewtube fuck kikeflix
>>1663780fr. dance on boomers graves that deserve it not icons
>>1663780paul was stickin and moving pretty well and mike couldn't keep up
smart gameplan by paul I guess but he's not selling himself as a fighter or a showman doing this shit
>I have a biting fixation
have they killed eachother yet?
is george foreman next?
>>1663785foreman would
beat tyson with a grill No.1663813
>had to win by points >by continually jabbing then running away from a slowed down old man he actually was super afraid of getting knocked tf out by tyson lel
>>1663796i'm just gonna believe this without looking it up bc even if it's fake he's at least spiritually jewish as shit
>>1663813ya dude very first thing he(♀) did was to in for a hug lel dudes(♀) a fkn sissy nancy boy(♀) wussy pussy bitch tyson should have just killed him(♀) right there just run him(♀) over in his(♀) own faggy faggot car
>>1663835 shit won't embed
>>1663837try this
i literally didnt even know this was happening
who tf watches jake paul?
i didn't know ut was happening until last night and only watched a bit bc i wanted to see mike knock tf out of some faggot eceleb and it didn't happen
>>1663845chilluns must be fucking faggots then
i wouldve thought that guy was an insufferable douche when i was lik 10
p disrespectful in all honesty
not that thats anything new for some douchetuber faggot. but propping up your fake and gay ecelebrity boxing career by stepping on an actual legend, 30+ yrs after his prime, is prolly the most embarassing shit ive ever heard in my entire life. im shocked anyone paid to watch this shit
i hope mike got his moneys-worth out of it at least, cuz he mustve been p strapped for cash to even agree, but i rly doubt it
>>1663846considering how popular he is there's prolly a lotta poos and spics that watch him
>>1663847yah the paul brothers are psychopath grifter faggots so respect doesn't mean much to them
>>1663849thats actually prolly it
turdworlders love douchey faggots
thats their american dream
>>1663846its mostly zoomer teenagers.
they see a wannabe "chad" jewtuber being a wannabe chad who's not much older than them and do the dick worship thing. every generation has that.
its similar to how boomers worship
big black buck nigger handegg players and illegal spic beanerball players only gayer.
the india fight was p gud though
>>1663857i liked the bitchfight due to them legit hating each other it made for a good fight, too bad
the judges and referee rigged it. the other matches just looked like two friends fisting each other for laughs by comparison.
boxing is fake, gay, and predetermined just like ufc and pro wrestling.
stats dont matter when the judges can just determine the winner by who they like more.
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desart.[d] Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
No thing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
File: 1731792118069.jpg (492.89 KB, 1303x763, 1303:763, Screenshot_20241116_132131….jpg)

Why'd they wet his pants?
>>1663908i need to know the names of those two dark and slightly chinky whorbs in the background
NOWI SAID NOW!!!!! DO IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!! No.1663937
>>1663934Urmom and Ursister
honestly when jake did that retarded bow at the end mike should've just fukn clobbered him right there and nobody would've complained
I paused my goon sesh with daddy over Discord just to be here this better be worth it.
>>1663937ok i got pics of both of em. is it weird that they kinda look like me lol?
>>1663942yeah Ursister's hair looks like mine too lmaooo how'd that happen shit's crazy
>>1663297this is so fucking funny
its like frank from always sunny
>>1664057ppl are making fun of him for it, or acting lik hes suicidal
mikes a wild guy, and hes been on a wilder ride
i honestly think its for the gud of him, and anyone within striking distance of him, that hes learned to let some of that ego go. he used to get himself into all kindsa fucking trouble cuz hed get all fired up and go do something retarded, or say some shit thatd end up costing him literal millions of dollars
>>1663297he's right tbh
its hilarious that he granted a fucking child an interview and dropped such a big blackpill on their head tho lmfao
>>1664076theyre the ones that need it tho
a lot of narcissists and wannabe psychopaths out there rn, and thats who all these kids look up to and wanna be like when they get older.
then you got ol iron mike, the man who used to threaten to eat ppls children and rape random journo whorbs on live television, and instead hes all lik, "nah man dont get stuck on that stupid shit"
>>1664073I know I actually like what he said.
Its a great way of kind of destroying that cringe sports talk meme of "What will X do to [Person]'s LEGACY" and then they all gaggle on for 20 minutes about utter nonsense.
But what makes it funny is that he is giving this nihilist ego destuction answer to a fucking 10 year old.