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its a tampa kinda day
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 No.1673823[View All]

hatsu basho starts today, budys!
still don't know if i can get any source for the videos
so stay tuned i till update you budys
generally can reach me here or not: https://cytu.be/r/endcorner

65 posts and 20 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


hahhh! young Tamawashi at 3:24!
"young" he was 27 back then
as for Takanoyama, all he does in the video are used in sumo, granted most of the wrestlers to that level he was at (#12M) aren't that skilled
the difference between him and the top guys that those have the size too,
comparison with just the leaner rikishis from the top:
- Takanoyama, 185cm / 98 kg (from wikipee)
- Hoshoryu, 188 cm / 148 kg
- Wakamotoharu 187 cm / 150 kg
- Waka Unnamable kage 182 cm / 136 kg
- Kirishima 186 cm / 150 kg
- Takerufuji 184 cm / 148 kg - he ranks at #11M, but he already won a championship (yusho) in the topmost division, makuuchi
perhaps if Takanoyama had eaten more, he could have risen higher.


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>11:00 AM CT
sumo starts in less than 2 hours


cool i have time for ERRANDS


50 mintues budys!


25 mins

image well generated budy


>thought i could install nobara updates real quick
>it's taking forever
guess i'm goyphone watching again


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last day of the tournament the fate of the championship is still undecided!
Winbozan has a good chance to gain the title and bag his first makuuchi yusho.
we have an exciting two weeks behind us, come and watch the fights with us!


5 mins and starting, budys!


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mongolian hoshoryu won the tournament with a 12-3 record and 2-0 in the playoffs


does this mean the mongols finally successfully invaded japan?


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couldnt catch it but saw hosh ended up on top or somethin like that


wew hosh was FEELIN IT


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hey ho budys!
we are after a great basho, many interesting, unexpected events and results, and we have a new yokozuna to celebrate, congrats Hoshoryu!
one of the sad news was the retirement of yokozuna Terunofuji, his health, strength and performance deteriorated to the point he decided to end his career as a wrestler, he will continue as oyakata, an elder, a coach. he'll stay at his sable Isegahama, and will retain his ring name. he will be missed from the dohyo, im sure i will
beyond these im really glad for Oho's great performance and amazed on WINbozan's too

he did well and kept it together for the playoffs
essentially he won 14 times during the tournament even if the score does not reflects it

they have mongolian yokozunas continuously from 2003 continuously when Hoshoryu's uncle Asashoryu was awarded with the title


that's a big sippy cup


Damn, that's awesome! I'm sure Kirishima is stoked that he got the title, good on you Hoshoryu


is he officially yokozuna now, or are they still deliberating over it?


today was the day
congrats to hosh!


it's official that he'll get promoted. they still have to hold ceremony to make him yokozuna, by the announcement of the banzuke (toplist essentially) before the next tournament, he'll be on it as yokozuna
this is the official banzuke, still reflects the situation prior to the january basho:

here's two articles that says he got promoted:
https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2025/01/28/sumo/hoshoryu-yokozuna-promotion/ - this one is paywalled but says enough:
>Sumo avoided having a hole at the top for the first time in over 30 years Monday when the Mongolian Hoshoryu was recommended for promotion to the highest rank of yokozuna.
https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXZQODH270B60X20C25A1000000/ - this one is jap but says they were very lenient since in theory an ozeki needs two consequent yushos to win. the article summarizes his recent record
i have to add the rule has a clause: "or similar performance" which can be applied flexibly


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gud for him


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it's official now. not unanimous as judging divison was split


so whens the next tournament gonna happen?


The next major sumo tournament is the March Grand Sumo Tournament (Haru Basho), scheduled from March 9 to March 23, 2025, at the EDION Arena Osaka in Osaka. 

Tickets for this tournament will be available for purchase starting February 8, 2025.


oh not too terribly far away, thanks. wish i could go in person and wave at the stram tbh but i don't know much nippongorilla speak and i'm poor af


what a surprise


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find a way spigger
the exchange rate is great for ameridollars right now


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>not posting the whole thing


yah i guess you're right. how fast do you think an idiot can learn enough nipplese to get by as a tourist?


you don't need to know shit
just use google translate and know the complete basics
thank you
sorry (you will be apologizing a lot for being a baka gaijin)


also gud to know how to ask where the shitter is


i actually wanna learn some of the language tho, i don't need goygle's help looking like an idiot i'll do that in their language tyvm. plus using google translate for basic stuff is annoying surely bare minimum conversation in jappins isn't that hard?


i'm more afraid of getting on planes


his stable has a yt channel for anyone who wants to see how the daily life looks like. has more like a gamerhouse feel like a sparts team feel to it


You need minimum 6 months to do anything beyond
>Ikura desu ka? (how much?)
>Wakarimasen (I don't get it)
>Itadakimasu (rubba dub dub thanks for the grub)
>Gochusousama deshita (damn that was good food)
>Niku (Meat)
>Yasai (Vegetable)
>Sake (booze, generic term for all booze)
>Kuso (shit)
>Toire desu ka (where's the shitter)
>Sumimasen (light apology/excuse me)
>Shinee fuzakeru na (hello nice to meet you)
>Uzai, damare konoyarou (see you later)
>Yamero! Atama ni kuru (Please elaborate)
>Nametenja ne zo omae no sei daro (I'm a gaijin plz help)


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>Here is the article "Mongolian sumo wrestler to present his film in Cannes" and here is a quote from it, "today Mongolian sumo wrestler Ichinojo, also known as A. Ichinnorov, is preparing to present his film "Wide West" at the Cannes Film Festival (…) the film tells the story of Japanese sumo wrestlers traveling to America in the 1900s".



oh shit i'm gonna check that out, i love "azn meets wild western" stuff


dang that tiny jappo woman has a manly voice

he is young, 25, healthy, he can have a decade long reign as yokozuna
problem with Teru was that he became yokozuna fairly late, when he was 30, after a miraculous recovery from a combination of injuries and illnesses, and all this take their toll
hopefully others will join to Hoshoryu, Onosato is 25 as well
I have my doubts that Oho will get to be a top rikishi, but I continue to root for him


>On the day before his expected promotion it was reported that Hōshōryū would be adopting the Unryū style, like his uncle Asashōryū did, for ring-entering ceremonies.
he looks very serious and dignified
the "angry dad stare" is for the ring
good for Hiradoumi and Meisei to be his assitants

just scream
to everyone and you are good to go



dang, i'd watch the Ichinojo movie! he was one big lad!
Teru and him were pals as far as i know


when sumo again?


March 9 in Osaka


will it be the same general schedule? now that i know it's held on saturdays and sundays i can watch it regularly and learn more about it. it's crazy how fun two fat guys slapping and throwing each other out of a tiny ring is


yes we intend to stream from March 9 to 23 each day at the same time (about noon east coast time)


neato can't wait for the weekend strams


>fatslap in one more week




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if slov can provide sauce on sunday we'll watch sumo in the usual time - about noon EST.
should we open new threddy for it?


sure why not, it'll help balance out the bolidigs threds


vary simple, new basho, new thread


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i cant am getting error

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