this is the real today thread do not believe their lies
>>1681568you know that would be just burmas luck, wouldnt it
they finally finish up with their perma civil war by 2032, then they get glassed by a fucking asteroid
innit like the size of a large building? That will fuck up a city but it's not gonna destroy the earth or anything
GHOSTPeace pls
>>1681537>>1681547not saying for sure, but europe is completely fucked rn and shit usually gets furry after an economic disaster
tism: bank of england stopped delivering gold after picrel and dup is going to continue ass raping them
yuro banks have been projecting defaults and bankruptcy for years anyway
funnily yellen was brought in as treasury secretary right as coof hit stride and immediately gave fink's blackcock prime status allowing them to not only borrow at fed rates, but also put them in charge of a lot of the handouts (blackcock would not typically qualify for prime status btw)
almost as if globohomo were planning on a debt jubilee or "great reset"
mostly repeating shit from a smarter dude than me but it tracks. can find full ep of his if anyone's interested
>>1681581yah i doubt i'd understand shit but post it anyway
wish i coulda gotten my hands on a full oz of gold before the prices went crazy
>>1681583wew it's 4 hours to budy, had some in my cart a few times too. did snag 20 grams and some krugers before it started to rip i guess
>>1681580cr why do you have such a big panhandle?
>>1681577it also depends what its made of and how fast its going
big chunk of iron coming in fast? thats still gonna fucking HURT, and prolly wipe out the immediately surrounding area
>>1681595we also have seven years before we know where it's really gonna hit so that path will prolly change and include more cities that deserve it
>>1681597if its not even that big theyll prolly just nuke it and call it a day. if it gets blasted into a buncha small bits, then itll mostly burn up entering the atmosphere. and whatevers left will have lost most of it potential for kinetic destruction
>>1681600iunno prolly garbage to keep perpetuating bullshit like most other things relating to hortler and ww2 only in kiddie game form
>>1681600>heem never played sekrit hortleri could write it all up but it's basically mafia on steroids and not very fun cuz it's just everybody arguing and yelling at each other then you lose, just like the real weimar republic No.1681608
evrythin evry1 sayin bout the asteroid true but
if the potential is apocalypse how much does that skew the calculus?
if you roll a d100 how much do you care if nat 1 roll you get shot?
>>1681581its been weeks of this bullion shortage shenanigan
i posted about it last month
>europedo notice that the ones scrapping for gold bullions are the financial jews in wallstreet
ie, the thing they seemingly fear is the stability of the usd as the new tariff regime takes effect
>>1681617guy in that stram does monies for a living
and spoke at wef heem got a diff take
dollar milkshake theory is another one that makes sense to wave at a 4 hour stream budy, rethinking a lot of shit i've viewed as fact for a decade+ and lik when you first redbull about 9/11 or smth it takes awhile to ingest and make the top down view coherent again
>>1681580shaddap CR. fucking reddit coon
>>1681628how is bolivia's so small? i thought it was a turbocommie shithole
>>1681608is like rolling a D100 and a nat 1 means you take 3 points of falling damage at level 16 tho'
>>1681639They have a fixed exchange rate to the US dollar so as long as they can meet demand for US dollars they can keep up with inflation. They couldn't in 2024 and their inflation was estimated at 10% last year. Bolivia also subsidizes certain sundry costs like price of oil so they are actively spending/losing money in order to keep oil prices artificially low.
ok dup killing dei but what about esg what can be done
>>1681649dupf is killing everything but negers and its making me rally hongry
>>1681651heem deporting haitians back to haiti which is a death sentence anyways
is putler the patron saint of manlets????
>>1681654thats actually a gud point
the moment they step back on the island theyre gonna get spawnkilled by bandits immediately
>>1681661yah you seen the lifts that guy wears?
>>1681661Only the lawful ones. The Neutral/Chaotic ones prefer Erdogan
>>1681655lel he's going rogue
including uke, thats what, 4 cunts that openly just dgaf about erections now? yuropoors on a fucking mad one
>>1681728lel keir thinkin his cunt has a say in anything
heem still feels in charge
>>1681691no I need a pic of him in his lifts
then I need a pic of him in a matching afro dancing to jamiroquai
>>1681728appears that dup told euros that they need to make peace and they said no and now euros are going to try and do natto without the U.S.
i'd guess when dup puts a peace plan together and euro's reject/don't accept it he'll wash his hands of the whole affair
and if euro's get uke in natto, putler by law can say that russia is at war with all euro's
looks like alois predictions may be right after all
>>1681737tbh NATO rly only makes sense from a yuro perspective in the first place. its literally just a west vs east alliance. theres no real reason US needs to be involved, at least from a US PoV. theyre not coming for us.
obv we DID need to be involved, cuz other than lik pooland, very few of them were actually bothering to keep their defense spending up. but if yurops gonna actually re-militarize, then fuck it, were not needed to prop it up anymore
we got plenty of shit to work on in this hemisphere already. we never shouldve been the fucking guardian angel for eastern yurop in the first place. if western yurop is so much of a pushover that ruskies can just go into eastern yurop and take shit, then thats prolly whats gonna happen regardless of what anyone else does. they have the weapons, and they have the meatwaves, and they have a leader whos not afraid to go full retard and get lik half a million killed. wect doesnt have that, so they lose
>>1681728>>1681729yeah it's tit for tat dup said Europe should STFU about Jewkraine so the UK is waving their dick to remind everyone that NATO is an alliance not realizing dup is damn close to snapping and shutting down gayto as well, that barely survived his first term
>>1681737uwu whats this?
conversely article 5 of natblow too. i dont see eurofags being THAT suicidal tbh
them're not world war capable right now (prob wouldnt be limited to yurofags v vlad). they kneecapped themselves on the energy front alone
>>1681740arguably pointless since the cold war. ya yuropoors are a junkie cousin that keeps asking for bail money and a pickup but wont leave the whorb that keeps filing fake DV charges
its getting to be that time where they either remind the rest of the world why everyone used to unironically fear yuropeans, or accept eventually being run over by foreigners, both from the east as well as within
>>1681746realistically, if yurop were to get sucked into WWIII, wed prolly back em up anyways, NATO or not
>>1681737yee I think dup was trying to settle the Ukraine/Russia thing fast and now Europe are sticking their cheese-sniffing noses where they don't belong reminding dup that Europe is in alliances with 'Murrica
tbh I expect dup to drop natto like a hot turd
I think Euros are playing a dangerous game tho' only reason they can afford their social welfare (aside from Sweden IIRC) is because of America funding their defense
so if they suddenly have to fund defense while already taxing the shit outta erryone and realize nobody wants their protectionist heritage garbage because Japan/America/Persians are back, then suddenly we get fun times in Europe when they continue to fund migration and social programs while also trying to juggle defense when protectionism changes to decadence, right after JD defended their ass recently too and declared "migration to Europe" the biggest world threat currently
>>1681748leaders seem intent on passing the torch
lik jd's speech was great but idk what effect it'll have or what'll get the sudoku tanto outta their hands outside mass citizen revolt
>>1681749prob but tbh i'm not 100% on that right now
do wonder what dup would ask in return, assuming he doesnt pull strings to stop it outright
>>1681749this is true too, he's
>>1681747 but he's that cousin that's still a genius at fixing cars quick or some utility/novelty shit for cheap so heem gud to couch surf another month so long as the chevy/ford is running good
that is, if American women lose their novelty/expensive European shit they will have shitfits and pick up rifles themselves at that point if they can't nag the men into doing it for them
gud times, Euros safe unless they start shit and they won't start shit without America win-win
unless you're the UK but London needs to get carpet bombed/nuked anyways. No.1681760
>>1681754ruskies will not be ready for a real fight until after dups out, at least, so i wouldnt worry about that. that was an absolutely retarded fucking war they just fought. theyre not gonna be ready to do jack shit for several years at least.
and thats being optimistic, frankly. unless they asspull some postwar economic miracle, they might not
ever be able to field another massive offensive lik that in our lifetime. imo at least. theyre beat tf up and the list of allies is even shorter than it was.
i mean, rly, how many times can you phone in favors from north korea and iran? china is the only real """ally""" worth a damn, but theyre also inherently bound to US trade. plus, xi already had vlad signing sketchy IOUs for after the war. cant do that too much or all the streetsigns will be in mandarin
>>1681753the leaders might wanna be a caliphate for some reason, but that doesnt seem to reflect the will of its people
the ppl are getting rly fatigued by this shit. were already seeing fringe populist movements gain bigly in several cunts. so thats prolly whats gonna happen next: yurops gonna monkey see what were doing and follow
which, unfortunately for yurop, prolly wont end well. historically speaking, yuropean populism usually just leads to many many smaller wars, rather than singular raly big ones
>>1681760spruh, I ain't sayin' the russkies is gonna be roses and shit but slavs are used to living in relative squalor making much of very little. Putler is paying the vatniks Russian-equivalent to 3x the salary of American oil riggers plus bonuses for reported kills and other measures to incentivize joining/wanting to be on the front lines (death benefits, retirement benefits with full honors if permanently wounded, veterans/wounded get to move to the top of hiring lists by federation law, etc.) they're setting up for a baby boom to move into their lebensraum west (Mariupol) and east (thawing Siberia for warm water ports/steppes for agriculture)
like this is some manifest destiny shit if the snownigger can pull it off before he croaks because it would calm the war hawks the fuck down if they suddenly have to focus on domestic issues post-war to prevent another veteran revolution
>>1681760man i know where you're coming form and it's logically sound, but russia has a history of being in total shambles and then absolutely wrecking ass anyway when push comes to shove. not saying they'd necessarily win any (non-nuclear) conventional engagements from yurup but underestimating them is generally a bad idea. vodkaniggers are notorious for not giving the slightest shit about wasting over half their population against a technologically superior opponent, and yurup isn't exactly overwhelmingly technologically superior rn. plus unlike ukraine western yurup isn't full of turbonationalists, their governments telling their populations to go die while shitskins that said governments invited in sit back and rape and murder their women and children probably isn't going to go over particularly well nowadays since immigrant fatigue seems to be finally settling in. and then there's other eastern yuropeens besides ukraine/russia who are more likely to spend time settling scores with one another over clay than giving the slightest shit about whatever slapfight gaytoe or russia get involved with
yurup is a full on powder keg for the third time in a little over a century
>>1681765im just way wayyy less optimistic on russia actually continuing to exist as it does rn for too much longer
and its not without reason. their banking system is functionally paralyzed, theyre prolly still gonna be sanctioned by nearly everywhere in the world, and by even the cope-est of metrics they MASSIVELY overpaid for this war.
its a beeeeeg fuckin country, and this war has not been the grand re-unification good ol soviet days kinda thang putler was hoping it would be
chechnya is already acting prank-y, and theres dozens of random oblasts that have been basically rotting since the 50s-60s. them each getting $40k-$80k
depending on how many limbs got btfo is certainly gonna go a long way out in the fucking steppe or in dagestan or whatever. but a lot of these places never rly had much loyalty to the federation in the first place. they were just caught up in the downfall of the previous one.
if i were a betting man, id say the next spot >we see srs russian military action will be
within russia itself
prolly somewhere down in the muzzie parts imo
>>1681771oh hey it's dakar
also wdym are the french talkers getting btfo or something?
>>1681777Nice slots there budy
anyway those were places between 2022 and
TODAY that Frenchies were at and making the cunts dump 50% of their bank reserves into France (which France loaned out) that dumped France (several of the largest colonies telling them to GTFO immediately), and France is taking it like a salty ex gf, doubly so since now France has very little fucking Uranium. to add insult to injury most of them asked Russia to step in in exchange for some gold mines because Russia was salty about French weapons in Jewkraine and gave out some sweet deals in Africa
only saving grace for France was that East Africa/Middle East is starting to open up lucrative contracts to them as MIC trading partners with a few outta-the-way ports attached to keep them from mingling too much with the locals and becoming hated again
>>1681764ya that's already happening, the gubmints just ignore erections. germoney, france, romania are the big ones i remember rn
prob gonna take open armed conflicts which is gonna suck. then ya gud point what follows is gonna suck too
imagine medieval times but with drones, 25% browns, and lik half your fellow country men will turn you in for a working fork
makes me ongry for euro"""bro"""s tbh
>>1681790the browns are more likely to fuck off back to their deserts if shit actually pops off, after all at the end of the day they're mostly there for gibs not to fight with the exception of the true believer plants that wind up blowing themselves up anyway
i mean just look at amerigay, the spics are already self-deporting bc the gravy tren has departed. all that talk of viva muh raza and reconquista suddenly got
a lot quieter outside of california
>>1681793yeah that's assuming the government stops backing them, as they've been doing during rapeapalooza
apparently lotta offices are infiltrated over there on top of the gay race communism. idk whats gonna happen obv but def looks lik choppy waters over there innit
>>1681790i actually think the changes will
prolly happen peacefully tbph. well, a lotta kicking and screaming from status quotards, but democratically at least. essentially what happened in the states. lotta yuros are prolly seeing that and thinkin they want some too.
but im talking in the following years/decades. multiple different populist cunts within EU is bound to eventually tear the EU itself apart
see: how hard orban triggers brusselsnow imagine a dozen different orbans. given yuros history, that usually means some minor conflicts at some point
but thats where all the decades of slowburn marxist nonsense theyve been building up over the years in EU comes from. its the only real way to keep EU together: by trying to bury any sense of natl or ethnic identity. ironically, its also THE way to end up with massive voting blocs of reactionary populists. as with most commie nonsense, the entire idea is doomed to cause exactly the opposite of what they wanted
GG gommies
peacefully and
legally is more realistic, hard to shuck doomer magick i guess. in my defense its way more grim over there than it was here
zero pretense of legality w/some shit they're pulling, and frogs already been at it for i forget how many years
idk if its GG
just yet. pinkos still hold most the cards and do some wilding out on the back foot
also postan these bc i was going to anyway
>>1681813the odds arent gr8 but i hope he's alright
it'd be some shit if it turned out he was the guy that got stabbed to death in that knife fight with the mongolian dude No.1681848
Apparently some big hubbub because Kendrick Lamar was chosen for the halftime show instead of lil Wayne who actually lives in New Orleans and washes foosball.
Leafs still boo at burgers as their jimmies are rustled in the breeze by a 3-1 loss in crikstik, brawls ensue
hello sirs
h1 wisa reneal denied by trumping
self deporting to india sirs by doing the needful
>>1681848just nog things
once dei starts going out we'll get our long-overdue megadeth halftime show
>>1681853lel guess bannon talked some sense into him
>>1681893>not in common anymore your voters have been saying otherwise you faggot crybabby
it's like they actually
want yuros to fuckin kill them
>>1681870>long-overdue megadeth halftime showi still dont rly lik megadeath, but dave and the boys deserve that imo
finally a certifiable win over metallica
>>1681870>lel guess bannon talked some sense into himdup was always 3x less likely to accept visas, as per his first terms data
that entire shit was always fake and gay
>>1681848prolly cuz nigs think lil wayne is an uncle tom cracka, him and dup are actually p close and he's called out niggers for being niggers a lot
>>1681909hes crying cuz he knows its ogre
he lost. him and his frens were wrong. about everything. their experiment failed. and some guy with a beard and eyeliner just delivered the bad news to them. some literally who
until lik 6mos ago at least vice president just came in, pissed in all their champagne glasses, then did a 360flip and walked out
yurop is, in fact, healing; and so he weeps
problem is, its yurop, so its gonna be raly long, raly gay, and prolly raly expensive too
>>1681893>applauding a grown man for crying over words>emotional support whorb hugholy fuckaroni PU needs the opposite of therapy
meth fueled liftingbig dick jd called vidrel out after that, then went in on the hoes
luv my vice president
>>1681917>that replyholy rekt
>germs said nah to troops in uke, starmer doing a pikachu
>macron hostin a pretend meet up in his tree house now that euros got booted from uke talks
>gilf appreciator got a call from dup prior
>czechs and romania got snubbed
>russian nebenzya reaffirmed at UN that euros are “incapable of reaching agreements & can’t be allowed to take part in any future negotiations on Ukraine”
>rubio meeting with russia's lavrov tomorrow in saudi arabia
lavrov's same dude who (understandably) said can't trust any lying capitalist piggus so that ones gonna be interesting
its in saudi arabia too. vodkas prob needed a guarantor and an oil deal in the mix wouldnt surprise me. saudis donated more to dup than yids iirc
>>1681920the un meme arrest warrant for putler is still out too, wonder how that will come into play
so are euros really gonna do this "yvropeon army with blackjack and hookers" thang
i'd love to see that
Jews trying to make Luigi's mark anathema, apparently CNN shared his donation page and then backtracked/punished the reporter lmao
>>1681924>yvropeon army with blackjack and hookersidgi
where do blackjack and hookers go in da military?
da front or da back?
Muskettaman, Paul, and Lee are getting ready to raid Fort Knox and find out where's the fuckin' money
>>1681945yah i do wish theyd do some other alphabet soup agencies first cuz auditing the fed is prolly where ppl start getting lik actually fucking killed an shieeet
>>1681941Blackjack inna front, hookers inna back. Duhh
>>1681922same way the one for bib will, ie not at all
israel No.1681972
>>1681967>under investigationno need. i already know
winds are fucking crazy rn. prolly got hit with a big ass gust of wind and got knocked over at the last second
>>1681961nice but are you sure it's not a potemkin village?
>>1681982It's a literal potemkin village in terms of how Bukele is showing the difference in treatment between regular criminals and the gang members in max security, but there were several comments throughout like the 8 hour shifts, warden's reaction to the prisoners having access to blades, and how they were halving the prisoners' time served for each day worked (along with having seen interviews with Bukele) that convinced me that it's not that kind
>>1682017damn that lady was hardcore
she had two sons that were below mobilization age and none of them were conscripted
suicide bombing was carried against miners, not conscription officers
three died and not six.
>>1681988>it's not that kindlel i mean its a forced labor camp. even US prisons, which SUCK, give
extremely shit wages. it isnt kind, its simply punishment. relative to CECOT
the ultra-max one tho its a cozy adult daycare.
but look at them: no tats. they literally are not gang affiliated. or if they are its the lowest of the low, blackmailed/forced drug mule kind of gang affiliate. if you murder someone for the gangs, you get that teardrop next to your eye at the very least. the back tat is the first one you get, which marks your gang. only once you are a local leader or above are you allowed to get more elaborate face tats. which rly goes to show how fucking out of control el salvadors gang problem was when you see that footage from CECOT with literal thousands of them all right next to each other
>>1682033>muh currently under investigation for briberyi mean hes the mayor of da sauna
of course heem taking bribes. thats literally the job. difference is hes taking dups/ICEs bribes, not DNC funnymunny stolen US taxpayer money bribes
thats the only reason theyre all salty
and gud for him.
he gets to have lik the easiest, most autopilot, free political win in NYC history. just immediately fix one of his citys larger problems overnight, simply by letting feds come in to do fed thangs. he doesnt even have to do anything other than not grandstand about muh
illegal sanctuary shitty yim. just sit back and reap the free Ws. plus winning free brownie pts with the current WH administration never hurts. thats literally how you kickflip into a career in congress
their incredulousness over him not going along w their death cult is exactly why their party is in the process of going extinct rn
>>1682033>2wait is this that one tranny cult?
they all look lik trannys
>>1682040yah it's the transon family that killed a border patrol agent and also murdered their landlord to sabotage an attempted murder trial after he defended himself from them trying to kill him for demanding payment after months of them not giving him any
also iirc that michelle lady(?) murdered her(his?) parents on behalf of the cult
shits sick bud
>>1682036Lots of places define prisoners working as a human right. It is paid, 8 year sentence becomes ~4 if you work it all and they get reimbursed at minimum wage rate when released, and it's 8 hour days. They learn and eat and shit during the rest of wakeful hours. Sounds incredibly structured so you don't think too hard about the fact that you are in prison while acclimating yourself to a normal life post-release
>>1682045id heard of some tranny death cult but didnt realize it was actually lik ongoing or related to current events or anything lik that
>>1682067yah it's actually p crazy even by tranny standards. i'm willing to bet there's members out there murdering people that no one knows about, these sorts if death cults usually have some of those and they don't always get caught or at least not immediately
yuromaidan was 11 years ago
funy how that turned out
>these United States and Russia have put forward a three-phase peace plan to resolve the war in Ukraine:
<1) Implementing a ceasefire
<2) Holding elections in Ukraine
<3) Signing a final agreement
>zelenskie has unexpectedly called off his trip to Saudi Arabia after positive peace talks between the US and Russia.
lel death to somebody this is funny
>>1682078arctic shipping lanes, fuck chinesiusm hit me w that vodkanese bb
xinnie the shit gotta be keister kerfuffled. heem gonna be making some plays right quick
>>1682089thats the plen equivalent of landing primo and rolling ur ankle
>>1682097idk why any one pays t*xes tbh
>>1682099>its realwew lad
>>1682100bc your shit will get taken away and you might go to prison if you don't?
doesn't mean much if you already have nothing tho, so i guess it's a valid question for zoomies and "alpha"s
>>1682109>jew keeps demanding himself into a corner until he has zero alliesalways winds up at this point don't it? just a shame that it took hundreds of thousands of ded slavs to get here, but then again it's not like slavs aren't used to being mass slaughtered on behalf of kike interests either i guess
>>1682053difference between right to work and forced labor
one is within handshake difference of slave labor
that said putting your willing prisoners to work is a good thing so long as you're actually paying that minimum wage and not some tiny fraction of it b/c lol what are they gonna do quit and work for the competition?
>>1682089>kick flipMore like failed barrel roll amirite?
>>1682131an extra $5k would cover the cost of fixing my driveway
>>1682132eh i could believe it going either way considering the fuckload of cash
everyone was handed during covid, but yah it could also just be more political rusing
>>1682132eron talkin to t-man about it. idk why he wouldn't tbh
right before primaries or '28 depending on how much he liks jd
DOGE is also trying to get access to Social Security but errors
>>1682141>you can't take back history oh cool so youre ok with the confederate statues going back up then
>>1682136Hire gypsies they will hook you up for about tree fiddy
>>1682142>but errorstell enron to hold the dang space bar for a few seconds jeeze what a maroon
>>1682152lel all the comments about how GenXers are SO MAD that this has been happening while the reporters don't even give a shit when he pulls receipts
nah mad time was years ago, now is glad time that it be fixin
>>1682131now thats gonna win him some frens
>>1682171hope rep. brandon gill wins and sheem gets deported
>>1682221>second vidlmao heem mad about dup's 4% approval comment
>>1682171She criticized Israel. She's an antisemite.
>>1682221which one is midget tho both wear heels
>>1682240gee i dunno which midge, smart guy, do you think putler would say something is russian disinfo?
>>1682237lel rly cozying up to putler for the peace talks
but if it gets people to stop blowing each other up in a retarded war then sure go for it
5K$ is nice but like is anyone worrying about the inflation?
>>1682237Never really noticed his beak until now.
>>1682243the fact ppl are just now waking up to the severity of this shit is wild. were lik 2 or 3 successive bad days away from literal WWIII with this shit going on, and its been that way for yrs.
now theyre staring down the barrel of all-but-guaranteed 4yrs
min of peace, but its a fucking problem. no, you gotta fake cry about it on-stage lik a lizard. as if guns will suddenly rain from the sky and theyll have an actual military and a population jingoistic enough to wanna go finish out THEIR OWN DAMN WAR
lel fuck this shit makes me so rabid dude
i cant even how ppls heads are this in the sand rn
>>1682243It's prolly not even that. Ukie boy has been asshurt about dup not rolling out the red carpet and has been trying to sabotage dup at every step for the last two weeks. Trump's had it up to here with the midget and asked him to just hold erections and shut up so he can work out a deal, while Zelensky is refusing to shut up and put up
>>1682221 in response so dup's done but has to save face and not just hand his roasted ass to Poutine.
lik imagine if yurop actually had a bunch of militaries and could go intl coalition style lik the gud ol days and blitz st pidorsburg or moscow or whatever. russia is riding around on fucking dirtbikes rn. itd be ogre. they could broom putin live on BBC and annex moscow, and thatd be it
but nope
they were too busy trying to cause food shortages on their own ppl and taxing cow farts. 2% in GDP for military spending? nah how about we let pooland or greece of all fucking places subsidize it. we got our priorities, and thats to make the first fully islamic gay bar
>>1682255>russia is riding around on fucking dirtbikes rnlolwhat i wanna see that
i figured vatniks weren't doing too hot either but i didn't think it was that bad
i just want this gay war to end so i can post on /k/ in peace again
>>1682257They've been at that almost as long as that bunker buster tonk with the tiny peephole, IIRC NATO taught the Ukrainians how to do it to disrupt offensive operations and Russians played the ol' monkey see monkey do game
>>1682257i mean theyre both riding around on dirtbikes tbh. both sides have had most of their shit btfo since a long time ago at this point. and tbpf dirtbikes are kinda a fantastic idea against the drones. cuz you can actually gtfo away from drones, you can easily get on/off to disarm mines, or get in a fight, cheap on gas, dont need no roads etc
its just flat over there, holhols never invented hills they needed grorious ivans to show them how.
its honestly just perfect for dirtbikes over there, they shouldve been doin it the whole time lik some kinda MX mechanized cavalry shieeeet
>>1682251ya they tried a few times to escalate it too, bonkers
spro its a damn zombie movie. average bleeding fart lefty is certifiably retarded. not hyperbolic, the ssri/dup/st floyd/memeflu/DIE dummy-ray skill rotation nailed a megacrit
startin to wonder if it isnt permanent for some of emlik they endlessly prattle about "trauma processing" & fag therapey terms but cant take even half a step back? spruh. roasted, toasted, GHOSTed
glad wars gonna be done but that timebomb of manufactured "consent" is just sitting there still
Kansas GOP overrides veto, passing a ban on gender-affirming care for minors
>Kansas Republicans have passed a bill to ban gender-affirming care for transgender minors. The vote overrode the Democratic governor’s veto.
>Under Senate Bill 63, minors cannot get puberty blockers, hormone treatments or gender-affirming surgeries.
>The bill also prohibits state funds from being used for the health care practice.
>they had to override a veto on injecting kids with hormones
>>1682274>there was a veto on that in the first placewat
>>1682275Governor got pissy because some DEI corpos threatened to pull out (they won't) if trannying kids got banned, in general Kelly spent last year telling Kansas legislature to eat shit so now that they have a supermajority they will pass all the veto'd bills they want and the only people they have to discuss it with is their own party.
Opposition is seething, apparently they voted on bypassing the veto during a session where several of the Dems were out on lunch. No review, no arguing, straight to the vote they even told one Republicuck to shut the fuck up and either vote or put his mic down when he was trying to buy time for the missing Democrats to get back
>>1682278such a normal and well adjusted human bean
>>1682247if it's $5k being divvied up as a result of unnecessary bullshit elsewhere being cut then wouldn't that have zero negative impact on inflation? it's when it's magicked out of nowhere (like covidbux) that inflation gets noticeable enough that it gives dobson a raging hardon
>>1682258/k/ has been gay trash for retards since corona broke their minds
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>Space agencies have upped the chance once again that a “city-killing” asteroid will strike Earth in 2032. >According to NASA and the European Space Agency, the asteroid known as YR4 currently has a roughly 3% chance of hitting Earth.
>The latest risk assessment is up from a 2.6% chance NASA gave the asteroid of striking Earth earlier this week, and a 1% chance both agencies gave the asteroid when it was initially spotted.
While scientists still say the odds are that the asteroid won’t hit the Earth, it’s still the highest probability ever assigned to an asteroid, according to NASA and the ESA.
>>1682278do people like this actually think theyre intimidating? lik how do you record that, watch it, and go "yep i'm soopah skery and not just coming off as embarrassingly spastic"
Reuters just won a lawsuit against gay eye for copying their legal shit.
tl;dr Judge ruled that if AI is used for producing a market competitor than it can't legally use copyright works in its training algorithm.
>>1682285It'll have an inflationary effect but it should be quite small since it's effectively a tax return. Drop in the bucket compared to tripling the money supply a few years ago and reclassifying savings accounts as checking accounts.
>>1682291so how does it cause more inflation? if you're taking billions that were already going to be wasted on stupid shit like DIE or trannified soldiers and simply giving it to average citizens isn't that basically a 1:1 exchange? fuck i hat economics
because i'm bad at it No.1682300
>>1682285youre forgetting that its only 20% of it
80% of it is presumably going to be used to balance the books, and/or to be invested into other less fucktarded endeavors
>>1682292So long story short, that money being sent abroad actually has a deflationary effect. Foreign cunts use it, using it props up the petrodollar, and propping up the petrodollar prevents hyperinflation while you burn the cash you are taking in as "taxes" from the citizens to deflate the money supply.
The best use for that money being brought back from all these scams and laundering is literally just burning it to decrease the money supply without printing more. When you give the money back to the citizens without any fancy hat tricks instead of burning it, the money is no longer in circulation abroad to bump its value and only a portion of it ends up re-taxed.
All that being said the "payoff" in the form of heightened income should stimulate the economy, and the economic stimulus is expected to be larger than the inflationary effects of putting money back in circulation.
>>1682298Final confirmation is later this week and (((anonymous))) they just did a procedural vote to confirm that it wasn't an auto-veto first.
>>1682302is that the specifics? i just saw the news that hes confirmed.
still. kash is the fucking man. hes gonna turn this shit up to 11 and keep it there
think of every crazy conspiracy theory youve ever learned about on IBs. now think of the fact that a guy whos also read all of those same conspiracy theories is now gonna be the director of the FBI
>>16822921682301 sounds like he knows more than me but your critical fault is assuming that every dollar = one dollar of utility. spending a dollar one way provides more than a dollar of utility, spending it another way provides less. inflation can also to a certain extent be localized, geographically and by economic sector. if there's a sudden influx of money being spent on consumer goods that's going to have an outsized effect on consumer prices. so bringing back these dollars will likely an effect on the utility of dollars in consumers pockets, and my hunch is that it will ultimately lower their purchasing power altogether. but I would love to be wrong
i member when my econ teacher flat out told us that economics is all bullshit and all the money could disappear tomorrow since it's all arbitrary numbers on a server somewhere
>>1682311Yeah more or less same
>>1682315More or less as well. Economics is supply and demand where we use intermediaries (money, precious metals, crypto, etc.) to gauge the health of the system. Fiat/Crypto are numbers on a server somewhere but they represent real world value because of agreed collective use, and you can derive the health of the economy from the purchasing power of your intermediary much like how a physicist derives acceleration from velocity.
so dup is FINALLY calling out zelensky ?
>>1682311>sudden influx of money being spent on consumer goodsthe eggheads call it velocity, and use it in some bullshit algo that i cant explain so dont ask
20B velocity at murrican consoomer habits would likely be used as an excuse to increase interest rates, which would be good right now
>that's going to have an outsized effect on consumer pricesnot rally as fast as people spend
5k to cement for driveway, cement guy fixes his ford, mechanic buys one rtx5090, scalper loses in a memecoin all in a week. depending on the ford
>>1682304fuckin hope so. he's the one i'm most worried about, especially after they brought up the stew peters interviews lel
either way its an anon occupied government now, deal with it snowflakes
>>1682322wew nineties were wild, gotta love them internets basically duplicating the world
>>1682321>>1682322>the eggheads call it velocity, and use it in some bullshit algo that i cant explain so dont askit should be the first derivative of the money flow. so its showing the change in rate of money flowing
>>1682311>>1682300>>1682301oh ok that clears it up a little. at least enough that i get the gist of it, thanks budys
>>1682321>videofirst time i've rooted for a s8r faggot since i was a teenager, i bet that was one hell of an adrenaline rush
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>>1681600Its a game were there are two groups playing against each other.
The bad guys and the good guys, the bad guys are trying to kill hitler or pass pozz laws to destroy the country, the good guys are trying to elect hitler while hiding from the bad guys that want to kill them.
You can play as hitler, but the twist here, is that you don't know who is good or bad. The goods don't know who are bad or hitler, but the good know who is hitler and who are the bads.
It is fun, I played with some normalfags and a friend of my, in my game I was Hitler, so I did my very best to win, I won the game and I told the bad guys to go to the kitchen with me.
seriously, what guarantee is there that putler won't just sign an agreement of convenience and invade again once he's rearmed and licked his wounds?
>>1682349big dick dup being back for one. they've also been beaten to shit over the last 3 years now and lost a gorillion slavs over a piece of land that's 1/3 the size of texas. but most importantly he sent the message that heem not gonna take gato sword rattling sitting down, which also shouldn't be a problem anymore with the retarded neocons and libshits out of power
>>1682331Wait, do they really just use a PID loop derivative to calculate that? FFS an AI could do that lol
>>1682349Mostly that that would be retarded. The second the trainways are safe Ukraine can import a lot more defenses for round 2 than Putler can amass troops at the border.
>>1682349it's going to take a decade or two to replenish their numbers is the biggest reason. you don't lose hundreds of thousands of soldiers for not that much gain and just go "lolk lets do it again" a year or two later, then there's the equipment losses to think about. russia probably has enough to defend what it has rn but i don't think they've got anywhere near enough for another full on offensive, otherwise they most likely would've pulled something big in order to grab as much of ukraine as possible right before dup came back
>>1682352people that don't like being invaded, mostly
>>1682356how do they afford that?
>>1682366the only people invading us are fucking mexico, retard
and the people inviting them are the dual loyalties in congress
>>1682368you didn't say "us", you said "who"
being one of only two words in that post I would expect better reading comprehension
>>1682375DC is run like a state gov, if feds take over then all the leftist crap gets thrown out with the bathwater.
>>1682368>wut stop putler from invade ukraine<hu care?>pipo who dont lik get invad<FUCKIN MEHICANS FUCK YOU RETARD BLODY BICH?
>>1682385can't even escape english (tech support) when you're the pres lel
>>1682395hope he abolishes them with bullets and rope
>>1682407i honestly usually cant understand modi and his entourage either
>🇺🇸 According to the Washington Post, U.S. Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth has signed a memo, ordering senior leaders at the Pentagon and across the U.S. Military to develop plans to cut roughly 40% of the defense budget by 2030, in increments of 8% per year for the next five years. The United States’ defense budget in 2025 was nearly $850 billion, having drastically grown since the mid-2010s due to threats from both China and Russia, who also both continue to increase their annual defense spending. The memo ordered that the proposed cuts be drawn up by February 24th, with only 17 categories of defense spending being prohibited from the cuts by the Trump Administration, which include operations at the U.S-Mexico Border, the modernization of nuclear weapons and missile defense system, and the acquisition of submarines, one-way attack drones and other munitions.https
:// No.1682416
:// nice to see how meny states end up doin this. is a gud idea
i got sum stuff this mornin huh
>Discussions about the withdrawal of US troops from all NATO states that joined the alliance after 1990 are one of the goals of the talks between Russia and the US, an Eastern European security official tells BILDhttps
:// No.1682420
>>1682418might as well, >we've been saving euro ass for the past century at this point so it's time they defend it themselves
if putler decides to steamroll yurope fuckin let them, he'll prolly be easier to deal with anyways
how many fucking bases do >we have in germoney? lik 30? tf is the point?
>>1682385As bad as it looks I'd rather have an interpreter than try to guess what the currynigger was saying about the EU and shit lol
>after 1990
nvm then
germoney gets to host all >our jarheads 4eva
>>1682418Honestly Europe would be better off all around if they were in charge of their own defense and America only acted as an arms dealer
let the Eastern Euros/Baltics form their own defense bloc and saber rattle on their own dime/men
>>1682423Culturally enriching the population
no seriously you ask any army/navy dude where they get stationed and there's like a 70% chance they got stationed in Europe if they are black/middle eastern and Middle East/Pacific if they are white or messican
>>1682426lel ikr?
wtf man
from memes to dreams to literally irl
>>1682428the single-mom-ification of der fatherland
sickening stuff
and yea all the dudes ive known since after the wars have been one or the other. about half have some random kid that theyve never met too lmao
apparently in gookland its lik a big thang where all the korean whorbs wanna get preggo with a white dude and dgaf if he fucks off forever. presumably so they can wear their hapa infant as a status symbol. i swear raceplay is literally the most cucked out fetish imaginable
>>1682433yah but duh
you sue the govt for the big buks
but the diesel mechanic stationed in seoul? free of charge, happy to have him
diplocucks cant stop takin Ls
>>1682355part of it. lot of "proprietary" calculations goin on
read:political favors n fuckeryfedbuck automation's interesting, but i think ppl can still trick wallstreet algos if them got the $$$ afaik
>>1682436wall street can be fucked if you can convince enough people to fuck over their shorts/puts, i.e. the gamestop shenanigans
problem is something like that is rly random and takes a lot of other factors, and (You) won't be in on it
>>1682388*geraldo opens the door*
wonder how much of them planes of shiny from bongland is headin there. E6+ guys on base always said it was hogwash
>>1682437lel holy shit this guys great
ya stonks r fake n gay. theres those m.i.t.m. guys hardwired in that buy and resell your buys back in a millisecond, scraping lik a penny every time
>>1682441lmao i love ai retardation, let it all burn cuz of their own incompetence
>>1682444just joo thangs
and check'd
kash hearing at 145 sauna standard time
>>1682441tbf running the market lik that is kinda necessary to facilitate the stupid amount of orders
the (((gud ones))) are how you even have single cent spreads on stonks/indexes with massive volume, and/or in a crash
its the sketchy bucketshops on literal who stonks that you need to watch out for. theyll let the spread get way bigger and then theyre basically just mugging erryone
>Before peace talks, Western oil companies hit by alleged Ukrainian strike
>A drone strike hit a Russian oil pipeline facility, disrupting the flow of fossil fuel from Kazakhstan to global markets. A Ukrainian security official anonymously claimed responsibility for the attack, stating that drones also targeted a nearby oil refinery supplying Russia’s military.
>The Caspian Pipeline Consortium, which includes major Western oil firms, said the strike involved seven drones, and called the incident an act of terrorism.
>The attack, which occurred ahead of U.S.-Russia talks in Saudi Arabia regarding Moscow’s war with Ukraine, also caused an increase in global oil prices.
hohols can't stop losing
>>1682453theyve been btfoening ruskie oil memes for a while now
where you been?
>>1682444 (checked)
Never relax around the juden.
>>1682454>>1682455i know they've been doing it i just find it raly funny that it's hurting them more than it helps them and they keep doing it anyways
>those desperate attempts to jam it by the workersfailed qte
wake up babe new sportschan software release just dropped
to use:
< go to and hit play< drag and drop picrel< type "run" and hit enter No.1682465
>>1682450the fags that paid 200 mil for a building next door to shave 0.01 ping to scalp can eat me from teh back tbh
ballstreet can obv handle it during normal operations or middlemen wouldnt exist
forget the exact amount but the skimmed pennies are millions, just that office space prank but w/e i'm just jealous now i think about it
>>1682468how tf did kenfucky keep electing thus traitor turtle in the first place surely there were better options?
i guess bitch mcconnel isnt seeking re-erection
>>1682469he got the state a bunch of money and stuff for horseys iirc
>>1682415i admire the chutzpah, but that's not gonna stop the boeing contracts for invisible troop carriers and flying submarines
all it's gonna do is weaker our defense posture on the eve of WWIII
>>1682479shiffs talkin tall shit for a guy on death row
so basially theyre fuked, right?
they got all the redumblicans voting in a bloc now so its ogre, no?
>>1682486p much, dems doing nothing but seething and crying and shitting their pants in rage rn and that's all they're gonna be doin the next four years
>most dems abstained
lmao good save us the time
>>1682493oh boy
now the fun rly starts
What is quite funny about all of this, is that if they hadnt had the "most secure and fair and free" election in 2020, Trunp would have still had to deal with a cabinent that was against him and a Democrat majority in the Senate.
But now he got all his own people in and has the house and senate. Lelmao. Imagine the meltdown if he gets another Supreme Court appointment ???
>>1682469The Kentucky Derby sees more money exchanged under-the-table than basically any sporting event in the world to the point where the IRS tends to hang out next to the betting booths to get their cut. Plus p sure he cheats i rember some economist running against him so the GOP changed the election rules to keep him from running against turtleman
>>1682492>>1682493wew it's on like donkey kong now boys, the glowniggers flew too close to the sun and now they're gonna feel the miasma of incandescent plasma
>>1682500it's like that other guy side after the erection, if based darkie decides to retire and sotomayor kicks the bucket then >we get two freebies for the next 40 years minimum
>>1682500writing glucose on my vision board
focus on her insulin spros, we can end it
>>1682500Unless that fat bitch Sotomayor dies of diabetes the only ones likely to croak are based nigger unless Alito retires early for dup
>>1682493>51-49lel turtle ended up vooting for him bcuz jd wouldve got him in off the tie
fuck i'm plan trusting so hard rn
>>1682503Most judges retire after 15-20 yars
Oh wow it was the date triggering error-chan wtf lmao
anyways yeah RGB was the exception to the rule she used child blood transfusions and satan magic to keep herself alive
>>1682506the lideral patriots may or may not be in control rn
stay tuned
>>1682510isnt sheem the one who started up overturning roe v wade?
a real chaos candidate
>>1682512sheem also said not allowing fag counselers in boy scouts was discriminatory, right after that their sexual assault allegations increased 10x what they were prior. now scouts is bankrupt and lost all their credibility
it's not even boy scouts anymore ffs it's just "scouting america"
i will not shed a single tear over her, rip in fucking piss
>>1682513yea lel i was just saying sheem was a bit of a wildcard
Truth Social & Rumble are suing the Brazilian Supreme Court (specifically the guy who kept Bolsonaro from getting reelected by censoring him, Moraes I think), but they are suing them in American court so I guess they are going for sanctions?
>>1682515doesnt BR already tariff tf out of basially everything already? im p sure sanctions wouldnt do shit to them
Oh they sued him in Florida because he indicted Bolsonaro lmao they are gonna sanction the FUCK outta him
>>1682517Sanctions on individuals are a p big deal Americans can essentially debank him
>>1682517>im p sure sanctions wouldnt do shit to themyah how do you sanction a trash heap? brazil sucks hard lmao waht're tariffs and anctions gonna do? make the already massive favelas biggers?
>>1682520BR actually makes very intelligent use of tariffs that completely btfos the whole meme argument youve been hearing about muh tariffs bad
the reason theyve been able to develop actual industry in the first place is entirely on the backs of tariffs. companies either have to agree to produce in BR and hire huezilians, or they get functionally stonewalled out of the entire market. a BEEEG market too, were not talkin about fuckin canada or whatever
the common ex on IBs is tectoy, the guys who made genesis/master systems until recently in BR. sega came to an agreement where they allowed the BR company tectoy to produce licensed sega shit. nintendumb didnt, so they got cockblocked completely. hence why all huezilians had a master system, but the only nintendos they had were all knockoff/dendy type deals and bootleg games
BRs entire economy is based on this same kind of principal, and its arguably worked extremely well for them. the only ppl that end up rly paying for the tariffs are richfags importing fancy shit, and theyre gud for it anyways. the rest just go for the inevitable bootleg alternative
>national garden of american heroes to feature statue of kobe "helicopter" bryant
gonna need price check on dem kicks mil
>>1682523well it's a shame they apparently suck at everything else
>>1682539I thought all those polls that the "average American" condemns Mangione were far fetched
>>1682542What those polls do is ask something partially unrelated like "do you think murder is wrong?" or "do you think it was morally right for Luigi to commit murder?" and then extrapolate "people condemn murder so they must also condemn Luigi" when the reality is people don't like that he murdered but they have no love for the CEO either
>>1682544yah i can see why they'd have to try p hard to twist it that way considering the fag he killed deliberately made automated denials of claims go up to something like 90% or whatever
killing a psychopath is only a benefit for the planet and all the other cunts like that badly need to have the fear of god put into them
>>1682539no way he didn't do this on purpose
>>1682546lel its literally always the gay dude, on a gay date, bragging about being unabashedly corrupt to try and look cool
>>1682552why do they peacock so much to get laid idgi
just go to the barnes & noble bathroom like i do
>>1682548dawww thas nice of him
enron rly is just copying mileis homework, isnt he?
im raly interested, after seeing what argentina did by DELETing half of their govt, what exactly it means when you free up lik a trillion dollars of capital and finally get the govt tf outta the way
>Labor unions try to sue in the wrong court again for the mass layoffs
>Judge tells them to talk to the federal labor board if they wanna fuck around and find out
<Federal labor board is controlled by the president
>>1682597Glad he's outta prison
also now that the cartels are designated FTOs >we can just drone strike spixoco whenever we want, jewess is seething over it obv
>>1682669its funny because she prolly promised xem a bunch of shit she now cant deliver on and has to take it up the ass, won't be surprised if she gets heemed and replaced
>>1682462pico8 > vichan
dudr make this the new bard software
>>1682597lmao they're
seething over it just like he wanted
>>1682687500k no longer eligible for meals on wheels
enjoy that tasty mud back home fellas
>>1682668fukn hell. have fam near there & they had no idea and thought i was being crazy bc da gub was hiding it
wild to think how bad this shit wouldve gotten in brat era
>>1682684didnt the cartlels already behead her opponent?
>>1682695the cartels murdered something like 40 of her enemies during that election year iirc
and yah prolly at least one was beheaded. i know fairly recently some mayor got his head sawed off like the day after he got elected
>>1682668>How badSpudy that's easily top 30% of earners when it comes to Colorado Apartments.
Boomer news:
>DOGE shuts down government building in Ohio, Ohio rep responds by asking congress to impede dup
>Cuckdeau vows to back Ukraine after dup goes to peace talks
>One of Diddy's five lawyers quit after meeting with the head lawyer
>Border crossings down 94% since this time last year
>New EO that states can't offer public benefits to illegals
>Price of bidup illegals calculated: >20 million and a little short of 200 billion dollars lost
>dup moving to disband postal service council and move it to the department of commerce
>DOJ investigating UnitedHealth because affiliated doctors were diagnosing people with medicare advantage with chronic disease at a substantially higher rate than other doctors
>>1682716it'd be rly lulzy if he got off but srsly that's not gonna happen
they're gonna stack the jury with a bunch of old boomers that live in caves (the same ones that didn't know bidup didn't drop out until they went to vote) who refuse to understand that everyone that isn't them is suffering rn and find him guilty for a gorillion years in prison
>>16827211 person on the jury is enough. that would be amazing
>>1682717>>Cuckdeau vows to back Ukraine after dup goes to peace talkswith what? isn't cuckada broke as shit right now?
>>1682716looks like no cameras in the courtroom. bummer
>Agnifilo says that the two theories of prosecution in the state and fed cases “are opposite and inconsistent with each other.”lel
>>1682732just glass china
im over this stupid shit
they think theyre a superpower, but not only do they have no fucking water, but no arable land. they think they can just export cheap garbage forever, but its already fucked and they done middle-income trapped themselves.
the worst part is that they THINK theyre a super-power anyways, so they start doin superpower thangs lik making sketchy seekrit bioweapons and intl agitprop, and other assorted gay shit. problem is, theyre chinese, so its an endless string of cut corners and gud enuffs until OOPS we broke teh world again cuz our bioweapon got out again
just glass it
im over even pretending that theyre human
>>1682736>its sitting on my desk rnpam
pam pls
get inside and keep your fucking head down until that shit is out
>>1682737oh yah and dont get me started on their nuclear energy sector
if there was ever a place too fucktarded to be allowed to invest heavily in nuclear energy, its fucking china. i know the reactors nowadays have negative heating coefficients, so another chernobyl is functionally impossible. but were also talking about a cunt thats not only known for cutting every corner imaginable, but also one literally DOES NOT HAVE WATER. imagine a scenario where chinks are no longer able to import water, either due to tradewar yims, or real war yims. suddenly you got lik 100s of nuclear reactors that are gonna melt into a giant chunk of irradiated hatred. and you just KNOW theyd try to hide it/cover it up and end up making it into even more of a mess
>>1682739spruh imagine the calls theyre getting right now
>hey so uhh was lookin at '24 results map and haha just curious here, how many jobs you wanna create? >ya no. just thinking i'm sick of all these illegals man No.1682748
>>1682745dudder is azn enough
probly make a better chink dick tater than xi or any other full chink too
>>1682746i cant wait to see gommies bitching about how raising wages is actually a bad thing mmkay
>>1682748who tf
cant make a stirfry?
i mean cmon man
>>1682732this is what you'd do if you wanted to try to backstop your "it wasn't from a lab I swear!" claim right?
>>1682737>>1682741literally just keep taiwan free and independent
that's all you have to do
then the chinks can't expand and they collapse under their own incompetence
as an added bonus the whole time they seethe intensely over their own personal west berlin
it's really amazing: all TW needs is guns and it's chinese heaven on earth
PRC mainland is hell on earth
>>1682769how are ppl this helpless against dups madd negotiation skillz? it doesnt seem that complicated. he just goes in hard at first, then gets all reasonable and golfs with you and makes a deal. just always take the first pitch, its literally bullshit 100% of the time
>>1682769lel he saw turdeau's offer for help and knew it meant suicide so russia could "lose" and took the dup deal instead
>>1682776i'm p sure it's a combo of people worldwide (including a lot of leaders) getting tired of the retarded insanity of the past 15 years and the fact dup is charisma incarnate and love him or hate him the dude can talk with anyone
>>1682773this pic always gets me
yuro elites rly are the slimiest of slime.
spending hundreds of bajillions to fund the war, cant even be arsed to talk to the guy. a stranger at his own party
>>1682779the "always in a soldier uniform" style reeks so hard of commie bullshit it's prolly extremely off putting on its own tbh. like wear a suit dumbass the battle dress doesn't fool anyone they all know you're just as pussy as the rest of them
>>1682781nah its punk af id do the same shit
prolly get raly drunk too
>>1682782igwym but that doesn't fly with these champagne socialist parties. ffs he should've known better considering he's was a crossdressing "comedian" at one point and was prolly regularly schmoozing with these types at one point
or maybe he really just sucks to talk to idk either way appearances
do matter to the elites
you know, at one point (x2)
ngl im p excited to see every plausible conspiracy theory ive ever heard of and invariably several i havent as well get followed up on with the full force of the federal bureau of investigations
>>1682737>GlassThey're already effectively blockaded just ram their ports with shipping containers and starve them out overnight instead they import 70% of their food most of it by sea
>>1682736i wonder if we'll ever find put about the glownigger plot against TempleOS and Terry?
>>1682801every time I see kc ALL I CAN THINK OF is bernd
Bakery owners arrested for harboring 8 illegals at their worksite, looks like the lawfare is starting in earnest so Autumn is gonna be a doozy
>>1682746theres nothing wrong with rimjobs anon
>>1682821whenever i see southern texas im always struck with how much of an endless desert shithole it rly is
just scratchy lookin brambles and fucking dirt, going forever in every direction
>>1682848whats "feet" slang for?
>>1682881fuckin do it kash
redeem all over those fucking lizards
and remember, 911 was fuckin personal for dup. he had budys who got killed in that shit
rest in piss US-israeli intl relations
more of a hinckley guy myself tho
any /sp/ros know of a gud buk about the haitians and their gay ass revolution? smething informative that's not trying to lecture me
read some book summaries and it's all writers deepthroating the dumbasses for shooting themselves in the foot and muh clonealsum
>>1682893been wondering if you spartmen have compiled a list of all maladjusted faggots who ever tried to do something.
do you have a fetish for madmen? or maybe it's that the history of america is written by the insane
>>1682908fetish? it's just recordings of a suicidal sadboy if that gives you a boner then that's your problem bud
>>1682908no i have never seen a book about post-revolution haiti that wasn't dindu-ified to hell and back, idk if that exists. at least online, you might actually have to go hunt down a physical book in a library or used bookstore for that
>>1682913>Rethinking the Haitian Revolution : slavery, independence, and the struggle for recognition>Avengers of the New World: The Story of the Haitian Revolution>A secret among the Blacks: slave resistance before the Haitian Revolution>You are all free : the Haitian revolution and the abolition of slavery>The Haitian Revolution: Capitalism, Slavery and Counter-Modernity>Black Crown : Henry Christophe, the Haitian Revolution and the Caribbean's Forgotten Kingdom>Stella : A Novel of the Haitian Revolution>Marie-Jeanne: Inspirational Freedom Fighter and Heroine of the Haitian Revolutionnext two don't seem that bad, but mostly because it focus on burger reaction to haiti
>Dangerous Neighbors: Making the Haitian Revolution in Early America>Toussaint's Clause: The Founding Fathers and the Haitian Revolution>>1682918how come there are these paintings of jury cases? never understood it, is there a guy with a brush and a canvas alongside the jury?
>>1682918>lieywerthat own is more tortured than the gitmo detainees
>>1682908haiti was never that big on books an shieeeet
kind of a shame too since i cant think of any other literal voodoo dictatorships. papa doc was a fucking wild dude, and his deathsquads, the tonotn macoute, were on a whole other level from most state deathsquads. its rumored he purposefully didnt pay them anything, he just gave them free reign to rape and pillage and rob. not even for any clear goal, just fear. haitians used to believe he was an avatar of baron samedi
a voodoo death god, so he played into it and started to dress like him to make them even more freaked out
>>1682920>how come there are these paintings of jury cases? unless the court, and the ppl involved with the case, allow for it, youre not allowed to bring cameras into the courtroom. or rly most electronics for that matter. thus: courtroom sketches
and diddy obv didnt want his dirty laundry aired out live on tv, so all we get are courtroom sketches
>>1682920yes actually, for cases where cameras aren't allowed there's an artist sitting off to the side drawing and painting
it sounds fuckin retarded but it's real lmao
>>1682923>double pneumonia one of my uncles is the same age and had that along with covid and lived and he didn't even have great healthcare, if pope blasphemy can't pull through that with blood transfusions and whatever blood rituals the catholics do behind closed doors then my uncle is probably immortal and i'm nominating him as the next pope
>>1682928>mexidykery is literally the reason the ISS is falling out of the skythats too fucking funny
also how tf do you puncture the side of the ISS and not just fucking die?
>>1682928>search this>first result is wikipedo entry that doesn't mention any of this (i just skimmed it tho)>second article is snopes saying nuh uh because russiasnooes is a reliable truth detector but not in the way they intend
>>1682929why dont you come torture my cock n balls mr opinion?
>>1682934you have an 88 yr old uncle? nice to know i'm not senior hospice since GHOST left to raise a step family
God's proly not real happy with poop francis. he caught sick right after some dumbass statements iir
>>1682935>proofs?cameras were sleepy and nasa refused the typical polygraph or inspection of the tools
she came back got treated for DVT in her jugular, now has a management position bc ofc
rooskie article on it, #7: No.1682948
>>1682945thats some fuckin runglish if ive ever read it tho
>>1682954krauts certainly have more tolerance for abdul than burgers do but clearly their patience is running thin too
>>1682907ongry cop on gud guys side for once
>>1682939he's 20 years older than my mother
>>1682961dam spudy ur gparents FUCKED
>>1682957germans are the autistic kid that other kids would poke and prod at for years causing him to eventually go on a school shooting, if anything actually pops off in yurup it's probably going to start there when the kraut rage bottle finally bursts
>>1682962yah grandpa was an insane pussy hound, apparently he was fuckin 20-30 year old pussy into his late 70s. just last year i found out about 4 other aunts and uncles i had no idea existed and they're younger than my mom by about a decade
being a traveling salesman back before the internet must've been fuckin awesome
>>1682957apparently even CDU
the party that let em all in in the first place has started to pretend to wanna limit mass immigration. im sure they WONT, since thats their whole scam, but thats just how bad things are rn
tbh AfD kinda seem lik a gaggle of randoms and wannabe grifters themselves, but theres also a few that seem legit. and at least theyre not literal marxist deathcultists, so its a step in the right direction.
an outsider party like that winning in germoney will radically shift kraut politics going forward. and undoubtedly, due to its importance in the EU, shift overall yuro politics rightward
and theyre rly in desperate need of something to pull them out of lefty lala land
all that said, their politicians were considering banning AfD from running in the race at all. so as far as stamps of approval go, id say thas def gud enuff
>>1682735>nd enjoy ur life after governr cuz i dont think youll be stayin in elected politicsshit lel
kash headin atf now too
>>1682983does this mean We're Back™?
>>1682983hell ya ruby ridge those faggots
>>1682985>>1682998idk about this, is he as adamant about criminalizing "antisemitism" as dup is? you ''rally' don't want someone like that in charge of the gun grab group
unless they're ultimately just gonna get disbanded which would be nice
>let my wife plan vacation she's been bawing me about non-stop
>typical 'experiences' travelgirl desire bullshit
>yea whtever fine i'll take time off work that i can't really support, just plan it all please
>she makes it a car driving nightmare
wtf got two gud vids and cant post just gonna have to use your imagination
>>1683006>not enjoying drivinggay
where are you fags going? No.1683018
>>1682932It was the judge who cleared the cameras not Diddy
>>1683006Travelbro has a wife?
>>1682945good find. i knew that if horsley was talking about it there must be something to it
>>1683028post pictures so we can geo guess
is spee have life again
>>1683078>jews entering west bank after blatant false flag bus bombingwhy even try to pretend you hav an actual justification for your actions at that point lmao
>>1683051It's a good place that has told both EU and US to fuck off
I went there last year and confirmed kosovo is serbia
>>1683078>Trump admin aims to protect trafficking victims with deportation orderwhat is he deporting them to a different country than the traffickers?
>DOJ removes database tracking police misconductok this is rally bad
do I join LAPD and get in for Rampart CRASH 2 Electric Boogaloo?
>>1683098>just straight up admitting you lied to get votesincredible lmao, even most burger politicians aren't this obvious with it. wonder how high afd's numbers are gonna go in the future
>>1683098niggas got dat strelok hairline
>>1683115POLL TIME
SPARTMEN, if you had a hairy taint island on top of your head would you keep it or shave it?
and WOULD YOU complement it with Politburo-chic librarian glasses?
>>1683098With all the shit happening in America you'd think these fucks would realize that the only thing the citizenry hate more than corrupt kikes in charge is blatant liars.
>>1683119tbf ever since burger hell became western hegemony most other countries in that sphere of influence are usually a couple years behind the US when it comes to these things. by the end of dup's term i'm willing to bet money that yurup is going to be dealing with some really crazy shit and hopefully they'll actually be fed up enough to have the balls to bring back impromptu firing squads for these types
doubtful tho, nukes made everything too gay for real retribution No.1683124
>>1683116weve been over this
no-hawk is always the solution
gotta be at least a bit gregarious tho, otherwise ppl will assume youre homeless
>>1683119this is kinda what i was saying with populism in yurop going forward
the status quo fags are all pushing their luck way too hard. doing basically everything they can to assure that AfD and other populist parties will continue to grow, while their support dwindles.
theyre gonna get themselves voooted out, prolly sooner than later
>>1683126all the other parties have agreed to not form a coalition with afd either, even though they're now the second largest party in da bundastag
so obv they're not gonna agree on anything, da gubmit will collapse again and then >we see another snap erection where afd wins 1488% of the vote and decides to annex austria again
>>1683127tbh AfD is kind of a clown show. you got mostly literal ruskie stooges, a lot of low-tier grifters, with some actual legit nationalists to round it out.
but AfD was never gonna save deutschland anyways. its more just a stepping stone for krauts to get themselves out of lefty lala land. a big cunt lik germoney swinging back the other way politically would have massive impact on the overton window, not just for them, but for all of EU too.
they rly need their own dup to go in and turn everything upside-down and cut all the gay red
green? tape strangling their industries. i saw a chart the other day showing the value of various american companies vs EU. home depot, alone, is worth more than the EU combined.
if they stopped strangling themselves to death for muh green energy yims, and other assorted bureaucratic nonsense, they could easily be a world power again. as it is now theyre on the spiral staircase to diet-communism and irrelevance
>>1683129europe will never succeed as long as it's owned by old money
>>1683134well old money is fucking up bigly then
their ppl are simply not going to eat ze bugs no matter what they try. they might end up sleeping in the pod, but ze bugs is a bridge too far. they think they can just keep pushing
I'm not sure why anyone is surprised. The EU is essentially a protectionist trade union that used to be a manufacturing powerhouse but no longer produces anything of value outside of their local circle of dwindling customers. They're like the longshoremen complaining about automatic cranes but entire cunts complaining instead. France is the worst since they have all the unutilized farmland and functional military even if Germany is the loudest tard in the room.
Only two things that fix a shitter-shattered trade union are becoming even more insular/nationalist/communist (and irrelevant) in a death spiral, war, or collapsing from private competition (America/Russia primarily) producing a better product/workaround.
>>1683191I hope it's a repeat of last time and people get stuck on the island again.
>>1683193it's in mexico this time which will arguably be even funnier once agua train shows up and demands gringo cough up dobsons
mcfarland is such a massive con artist without any of the skill, dude did four years hard time for scamming tards out of millions and the second he gets out he decides he's gonna do it again and end up right back where he started. the netflix documentary really shows how retarded he was to begin with.
fool me once you were a fucking retard that couldn't read the writing on the wall, fool me twice you should be studied in a fucking lab to see what genes made you such a fucking retard so we can edit them out of the rest of the population
❗️🇷🇸🇧🇦 "The Trial of the Century": Milorad Dodik's Case Could Trigger the Collapse of Bosnia and Herzegovina
On Wednesday, a verdict will be announced in Sarajevo in the case against the President of Republika Srpska. The Bosnian prosecution is seeking a five-year prison sentence and a ten-year ban on political activity.
>Dodik was charged in 2023 for ignoring decisions made by the High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina.
>However, in recent years, this position has been held by Christian Schmidt, an illegitimate German representative whose appointment was not approved by the UN Security Council and was vetoed by Russia and China. Schmidt’s legislative initiatives, whom Dodik has often referred to as a "German tourist," were openly anti-Serb in nature.
>On February 26, the Bosnian court will deliver its first-instance verdict against the President.
The situation in Republika Srpska is becoming increasingly tense, and here’s why:
▪️ A conviction for Dodik would effectively mean that the laws of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina take precedence over those of Republika Srpska.
This would strip the Serb entity of its constitutional powers and autonomous status.
▪️ A dangerous precedent is being set: any decision made by the National Assembly of Republika Srpska could now be challenged in the courts of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Essentially, this represents an attempt to place the governmental institutions of Republika Srpska under legal control, despite their adherence to the entity’s Constitution.
📌 A similar situation has been unfolding in northern Kosovo and Metohija in recent years, where the Serbian population has been gradually stripped of its institutions and rights through what is being called a "silent occupation."
🔻 The situation in Republika Srpska is deteriorating. After an emergency leadership meeting, Milorad Dodik announced that he is prepared to take "radical measures" to preserve and defend the interests of the Serb people.
One such measure could be declaring the independence of Republika Srpska and its secession from Bosnia and Herzegovina, citing violations of the Dayton Agreement by Bosnian Muslims, which had guaranteed the republic’s autonomy.
watch stupid retards still fall for it and wind up starring in gore videos
>>1683206Man a new Serbian war would effectively mean the end of Jewkraine and the EU, I wish a nigga would.
>>1683206nothing ever happens
>>1683191The less trustafarians the better :D
>>1683142sisters friend texted her "neo nahtzees lost in germany1!! xD"
gud sign. more eyes on the gay racers the better, their whole narratives falling apart
>>1683279>lostyou can tell when some whorb is a burgernigger when they can't comprehend more than 2 parties participating in a government
☢️ 🇺🇸 🏫 Texas Wants To Be King Of Nuclear Power As Next AI Trade Unfolds
🔶️ Amid a flurry of nuclear startups around the country, Abilene-based Natura Resources is one of just two companies with permits from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to construct a so-called "advanced" reactor. It will build its small, one megawatt molten salt reactor beneath a newly-completed laboratory at Abilene Christian University, in an underground trench 25 feet deep and 80 feet long, covered by a concrete lid and serviced by a 40-ton construction crane.
🔶️ The other company, California-based Kairos Power, is building its 35 megawatt test reactor in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, the 80-year capital of American nuclear power science. Both target completion in 2027 and hope to usher in a new chapter of the energy age.
🔶️ The U.S. Department of Energy has been working for years to resuscitate the American nuclear sector, advancing the development of new reactors to meet the enormous incoming electrical demands of big new industrial facilities, from data centers and Bitcoin mines to chemical plants and desalination facilities.
:// No.1683284
lel did you hear about the goldcard?
its like a greencard, but it costs $5M
brokies in shambles
Couple sits next to woman who died during Qatar Airways flight
>A couple flying to Qatar’s capital was forced to sit next to a deceased woman after she collapsed during their flight. Despite attempts to revive her, the woman died.
>Qatar Airways apologized for the situation and said it was working to contact passengers according to company policies.
>The International Air Transport Association’s safety guidelines recommend moving the deceased to an empty seat, using a body bag, or covering them with a blanket if no body bag is available.
>>1683291i don't see in any way how this is going to help >us
>>1683294idk who would even buy those, if someone is that rich in their own country then odds are they're running things fine where they're at and probably don't wanna move anyway
>>1683282Gulf of America renamed
>>1683296gub sponsored, so spies
dup increasing cap on em too. fucking retarded
>>1683291very cool, grumpf! we want to sell our titles LEGALLY
>>1683344Cool they got her
now lock her up.
wtf I can type shorter posts than that but I have to split that on two lines?
dudder your error posting has gone too far I demand more whiskey to fuel my alcoholism
>>1683294>1M richfags x $5M a pop>+$5T>10M richfags means the natl debt is literally already paid off with a surplus of $14Ti get what hes trying to do, at least
its basically the opposite of the "import shitskins for pseudo-slave labor" idea
you import bajillionaires who are stuck in economically regressive shitholes lik EU. all the ppl who wanna start something overseas, but cant cuz of gay regulations or bureaucratic bullshittery
its def a better idea than just handing em out to spics who come up to pick fruit seasonally, or paint houses
prolly a lot of this
>>1683296 tho.
but never underestimate richfags greed for moar profits. if US gets lower interest rates, big corpo tax breaks etc, that can mean a big difference from richfags perspective.
would you rather wait lik 5yrs to even start breaking ground on your biz, while EU bureaucrats hmm and haw over how many cow farts need to be taxed; only to finally open and get strangled by EU tax rates, maybe even catching tariffs along the way that cut out the whole US market?
or would you rather come here and get
functionally free money for your start-up immediately, while having access to all of US markets
buying/investing AND selling without any risk of tariffs ever, and getting taxed WAY less
or maybe even credited?
$5M is honestly prolly low-balling how much youd be saving in all that
lik yah, it sounds goofy as hell. but it def makes more sense when you zoom out and think about the rest of the shit that hes been trying to push through
>>1683348I'm terrified of 2 things:
another step toward society becoming even more p2w
chinks and islamists coming in and working all the harder to shit over the constitution
it really is a wild ride even right now to go on to any chink-adjacent soytube video and see tankies and wumao shitting over the the bill of rights and when they have to use vpns to get over the firewall to diarrhea post in the first place
it might bring some pro-freedom HKers but they're gonna be the minority
>>1683362$5M a pop is a p hefty pricetag for one saboteur tho
its def a big step up from where its at now, where you got most ppl coming in literally illegally, and half of them are indebted to cartels who smuggled them in
the point is obv to try and poach all the ppl w any ambition, and get them to actually
stay here
rather than the usual of just getting their degree and fucking off and make shit here. its just now they
also need capital too. a
lot of it
>>1683362also that clip above cut out one very important part
theres still gonna be actual vetting
its not just pay $5M and you get in. lik if some crazy terroristbro from iran shows up w $5M, a quran, and an explosive vest, theyre not gonna just let him in
moreover, its like a greencard in that its not technically citizenship
yetso if someone causes actual problems, no doubt theyd just fuckin deport em. and wed prolly keep their $5M too, so let em try imo. thatd be hilarious having chinks seethe cuz they spent $50M out front for 10 spies to come over and conduct industrial/corporate espionage, only to have to eat it when all their assets get deported to gitmo
>>1683366i raly don't think many richfags are gonna take the opportunity, like if ur rich in a foreign cunt odds are you got it through lying and cheating and fucking over everyone around you, which you can't really do here to the extent you can in elbonia. so they'll prolly say "nah i'm good" and continue bribing politicians for contracts
>>1683368these people are already paying millions in malta or cyprus to get a eu citizenship. i think there will be a huge run on the gold card. even if they don't get citizenship their offspring will and that'll be good enough
>>1683368i bet they will if he does the massive tax cuts
thats yuge numbers of % less per year, and when ur rich thats literally the only thing that matters
plus de-regging all the shit for starting new biz up is even bigger of a deal. if youre some mid-rich schmuck in EU or russia and you get cockblocked/priced out by all the old money that wont let you become full-rich, now you can be burgerized for the low low price of just $5M and experience
FREEDOM™its obv w the tariffs and everything else he wants to go more isolationist as a way to force a re-industrialization of the states. bringing in as much money as possible before closing the gates fits in exactly with that plan
>>1683372>even if they don't get citizenship their offspring will and that'll be good enoughdup wants that big, dumb af money in his cunt. and hell prolly get it too w stupid shit lik this. fuckin goldcard lol.
lik, imagine america, but full of insane stupid dumb money flying around absolutely everywhere. so much of it that its just weather now, no one even bothers to pick it up, it just blows around when a coldfront comes thru. also no trannies cuz theyre b&
i get what heem goin for
>>1683372not that guy but ye theres already a gorillion in investments announced
goldcard doesnt address the other visas tho. without a complete hold on em (dup and musk both said >we need more) and some hire bubba initiative (EEOC anti-discrimination move is a gud start) the spiritual jeets can keep zerg rushing
legally &
safelyidgaf if the debts paid down a little if >we gotta wack-a-mole shit lik picrel and the jerbs keep going to stinkies
>>1683364>>1683366I'm talking about california-esque subversion
>let people with no appreciation of freedom into free country>they use that freedom to restrict and ultimately undermine freedomusually using salami slicing tactics
think the kind of eurocucks that think hate speech laws aren't violations of freedom of speech, only 1000x worse
>rather than the usual of just getting their degree and fucking off and make shit here.we make it rally easy to go to school in the US and rally hard to stay after
yours is an argument to raise the green card quota or provide some other pathway to residency for US school grads
>>1683368>elboniaI understood that reference
>>1683372more businesses competing is good, but what I really want to see is more small business
small biz > big biz but the deck is stacked so hard against small biz
>>1683373>compared himself to Jesus then dropped the gamer wordi wish I was that powerful
>>1683392spro that is arma gameplay
>>1683402Considering the last CDC created this mess by culling millions of healthy birds for having a virus that doesn't even exist, this is the least I'd expect to fix their own fuckup.
>>1683402>>1683403whats the likelihood of even catching a live influenza virus off of an unfertilized chicken egg anyways? its not even alive. am i missing something here?
lik i could see if youre eating the bird, and the bird was sick af, yea sure that makes some sense
provided the flu can jump to humans. but eggs are basically just large single cells. large single cells covered in a protective shell. how long could a flu virus actually live in such a condition?
unless youre lik grinding up and sucking down the dirty unwashed shell parts, or eating broken eggs or something retarded, its gotta be a real longshot for you to catch it off eggs in the first place
whole thing sounds rly fake and gay to me
>>1683406Much like Salmonella viruses can live inside the yolk undetected, but the culling was 100% intentional to try and encourage people to eat less meat. It happened right as meat prices were skyrocketing and people were swapping to eggs.
>>1683406doesnt the birb yim cook off at regular cooking temps anyway?
>>1683293>>International Air Transport Association>IATAwew
Boomer news:
>Staffing agency in Pennsylvania pleads guilty to owing 3 million in back taxes from hiring illegals under the table
>FCC chair scaled a cell tower for shits and giggles
>IRS leak of dup's data also included records for 400,000 other people with about 90% of them being businesses
>Rhode Island senator being investigated for conflict of interest, funding his wife's environmental sanctuary on tax dollars
>Whitehouse press pool no longer controlled by Jews
>Colleges around America slash graduate admissions as USAID funding dries up
>Washington rep says she wants more niggers to pick cotton unironically
>NSA staffers in the LGBT chatroom to all be fired and have clearances revoked after discussing wanting intersex babies
>Obamacare web designers resign to avoid working for DOGE
>Clinton-era judge says you can't give the president advice unless you're confirmed by the senate
>Worker who put up the HUD feet-sucking vids escorted off the property, department is pursuing legal action against him
>Seattle judge orders that president, in charge of the refugee programs, does not have the authority to temporarily suspend the refugee programs
>Groups forming in Los Angeles to cockblock ICE, where they are getting funding to patrol the streets of LA full time? It's a mystery~
>Trump admin replaces EB-5 with "gold card" due to blatant money-lending fraud being used by Israelis to get citizenship under EB-5, now the Jews have to pay up instead of laundering around $800k in "loans" for a year
>Dup signs EO that health insurance companies and hospitals are required by law to give you an itemized list of healthcare costs
>They must provide PRICES and not estimates
>House passes budget resolution that includes no tax on tips no tax on overtime no tax on SS
>DHS to enforce the 1940 Alien Registration Act
>Any illegal who doesn't comply with registration will automatically be labeled a criminal in 30 days
>Jeff Bezos sent an email requiring the Washington Post to dedicate opinion pieces to civil liberties and free market economics
>Elensky to sign mineral deal on Friday
>Maine is having a little civil war in local congress
>NBC fires Rachel Maddow's staff day after she said Joy Reid's cancellation was raycist
>Actress from Buffy the Vampire Slayer dies of botched liver transplant
>Newscum to host his own podcast
>dup to rescind Beniszuelan concessions after cunt fails to take back their niggers
>dup expresses he's likely to resume tariffs on April 2nd after big oil in Canada told him to fuck off
>Tranny arrested in Texas for planning mass shooting at a police station
>GenZ men report mass cases of erectile dysfunction after getting off SSRIs
>FBI caught with their pants down accessing DNA databases they don't legally have access to, several murderers could be released or have their sentences reduced as a result
>SCOTUS currently hearing a workplace discrimination case from a white woman for being straight
>Philly to copy Maine and let trannies play in sparts
>USDA moves to withhold food stamps from illegals
>>1683419Yes, but we live in a cunt where people (niggers) think eating "medium rare" poultry is safe.
TSA no longer allowing migrants without ID to fly using CBP One app
>The Transportation Security Administration has discontinued the use of the CBP One app as a means of identification for migrants to board domestic flights. Only migrants traveling for self-deportation are exempt.
>Homeland Security officials raised concerns about the security risks posed by allowing migrants illegally in the U.S. to fly without formal identification.
>Immigration advocates warn that the policy change will place added pressure on border communities, forcing more migrants to rely on ground transportation.
ok so beans could just walk right through tsa while i had to get randomly selected every time
>Gold Card yim
On paper I understand spartman's complaints but I read up on it and they're replacing an existing visa where you get a loan to "start a business worth $800k" and then as soon as you get the visa you shut down the business in favor of just paying 5 million upfront.
Allegedly pajeets and kikes are PISSED because it closed a loophole for them to bring their buddies from overseas "for free."
That AI lady at 15 has a beard
>>1683430>>FCC chair scaled a cell tower for shits and gigglesbased and giggles'd pilled.
>>1683434sounds gud if ur right budy. fuk yid fuk poojeets. dsrael. dindia. lerica.
>⚡️🇺🇸🇷🇺 Donald Trump: US is ready to lift sanctions on Russia
>The US is ready to lift sanctions on Russia, but only after a solution to the conflict in Ukraine is reached, the US President said.
The US will try to raise the issue of returning some of the territories that Ukraine has lost, but achieving such a thing will be difficult, Trump added.
>>1683432Yeah I had to stop washing the vids back in 2023, it legit made me tear up when I realized that tens if not hundreds of thousands of children were being sold into sex slavery through TSA
i dint fuck that up.. YOU fucked that up!
>>1683434yah for such a retarded, abusable sounding idea, its substantially less fucktarded and abusable than what >weve already had going on for ages now
>>1683438>The US will try to raise the issue of returning some of the territories that Ukraine has lostlel i'd love to see that conversation
>plz give back land<no blyat>o-okukrops gonna be assblasted about this whole ordeal for generations, relations never gonna be the same
>>1683445they might be able to get a Kosovo thing going on where Kherson/Nikolaev/Mariupol are considered a special economic zone/autonomous zone
actually Poutine has discussed in the past that he'd accept Ukraine adopting a federation-style government like Russia's where all the regions are basically their own autonomous regions but Kiev turned it down because it would strip them of the ability to tax the big cities like Kharkiv/Odessa and give them too much bargaining power to work out economic deals w/Russia
>>1683438thats a decent deal actually for russia, but putins in a spot where he cant take it without looking like a total fuckup.
lifting sanctions is WAAAAAYYYYYYY bigger of a deal for russia rn than whatever sliver of donbabwe hes managed to carve out for himself over the last 3yrs. doubly so now that >were getting most of da minerals. but again, if he gives back the land, the avg ivans gonna be fucking pissed
wouldnt that just be the craziest shit tho?
everyone calls dup a dictator and says that hes rarted. then he gets voted in democratically, and in ~2 months basically reverses the entire consequences of the war without a single shot fired. AND >we get reimbursed from selling da minerals
>>1683430>>Colleges around America slash graduate admissions as USAID funding dries uprly stretching the definition of
foreign aid, huh?
tho i suppose 100% of it prolly went to giving foreigners a free ride
>>1683430>>NSA staffers in the LGBT chatroom to all be fired and have clearances revoked after discussing wanting intersex babiesi heard about that. does anyone have those actual chatlogs? i wanna see that shit. glowies are always such insane deranged faggots
>>1683406not high
like at all, i member back when i was in high school
fuck that was over a decade ago they tried to hype up both birb and pig flu as if they were gonna wreck the USA and iirc only a couple thousand people caught either one and even fewer died, and this recent bout of crying over it is just one of dozens of attempts since to make everyone afraid of it
>>1683452I don't think the whole logs were published but this is the original sauce: [insert-nitter-instance]/realchrisrufo/status/1894064757142937904
>>1683445i mean it's not lik ukrops loved russia to begin with. they now just hate russia with a couple hundred thousand fewer lives. hard to sympathize with them tho, people tend to forget ukraine was
the most corrupt (non-russian) eastern yuro cunt and also a tremendous hub for child trafficking and sea pea which ofc means glowniggers were all over the place, but just bc russia attacked >we're supposed to forget all of that and chest thump about ukrop nationalism? lmao no gtfo my face with that shit i'm more likely to sad face over piss hell getting wiped out bc at least they kill shittons of muslims
>>1683455dude look into the specifics of that tax bill hes tryna push. its srsly yuge
cant wait to hear how getting ppl paid for once in their godforsaken lives is actually a bad thang
>>1683456actual cuckchan tier literal tranny janny faggots running this shit
dont worry NSAfags, ill def call you all faggots. you wont even need to remind me
its funny too cuz >we already had swingers, and that was lik an established deviant thing that ppl knew about and, if not involved with themselves, were at least aware of it and not actively against it/trying to stop it. leddit didnt have to involve themselves and throw neovaginas and polyamory into the mix and make literally everything else in the world have to suck more for some reason to accommodate their literal gay orgies. but they did do that. leddit did get involved, and now it looks like its gearing up for a purge of, if nothing else, federal employees
nevar 4get the time a bunch of literal gay discord geeks crybullied their way into running some of the most powerful intelligence agencies in the world
>>1683466>>1683467do oyu think the previous generation of glowniggers would've reconsidered some of their actions if you showed them this? there's no way any of those guys would look at this and think "yeah, this is exactly what i want my legacy to be". hell even the worst communist retards of the 70s might've seen this and gone "alright maybe capitalism isn't so bad"
>>1683459so corruption is your threshhold where indiscriminate murder becomes OK?
>>1683491given what i know of lik lenin and trotsky, no nod rly
i mean they lik prolly wouldntve been down with it specifically, but the idea of turning literally all of society upside-down at
whatever the cost was kinda the bolsheviks trademark. atrocity was
always excusable in pursuit of the """utopia""".
this shit
is everything
society, religion, family, values, morals, thought, biology etc after its already fallen apart. so i think they prolly wouldve been down, overall. theyd see that and think, "yeah, theyll fit in the pod nicely"
>>1683494sure put words in my mouth. i said i don't sympathize not that i'm ok with wanton murder. for instance i don't sympathize with the spics being tossed back over the border because of their collective behavior but i wouldn't genocide all of them either
>>1683496communist logic really is fucking stupid chaos worship horseshit if that's what they actually wanted, even animals have some sort of discernible order to them
oh you meant the muslim bit
fuck muslims idgaf about any of them it's a death cult and they should get what they demand
>>1683499its not chaos, its misguided tism tier order imposed on a chaos
they see humans as these perfectly malleable things that if they can just tweak the right settings through twisting the right knobs and pressing the right buttons then individuality will cease to exist everything will fucking work all of a sudden, and everyone else in the world will suddenly work perfectly too, doing their exact perfect thing, then everythings perfect, forever, the end.
its craziness
its fairytale bullshit with the capacity to starve 10s of millions irl. the fact anyone even speaks of it nowadays outside of as a joke is genuinely depressing. last centurys greatest joke
>>1683459it was the biggest corrupt backwater shithole in yurope, until it was suddenly a hecking MARVEL movie IRL with REAL AVENGER ZELINKSI fighting DA RUSSIANS
>>1683494its actually really funny because in reality the russians have actually been waging a fairly clean war– meanwhile for most of the war you couldnt take a fucking picture of the ukies without having some flavor of SS symbol in it lel
>>1683506you FSBers are all candyass queers
>>1683514you cuc/k/s and your false dichotomies have been a disaster for the imagebort race
>>1683542this guy gets it
>>1683506this has been the bloodiest most savage war in >our lifetimes and its not even fucking close
absolutely nothing on any side has been "clean", from the funding to the fighting to the civilian collateral to the trench-side sodomy
just a bunch of kids getting shot or blown tf up by flying ghettorigged IEDs
idk how many brooming sessions one needs to undergo to come out the far side saying such a stupid statement so confidently. your asshole must be more splinters than asshole at this point
US Attorney General hopes to release Epstein-related flight logs, names on Thursday
>>1683568travelbro fleeing the country
>>1683548dichotomy nigs gonna dichotomy nig, some people
have to break this kinda shit down into le gud vs le ebil bc they don't wanna admit their favorite side has to do savage shit to win a savage conflict
it's part of why talking about world war 2 at all is so frustrating
>>1683568if it dont strain international relations i wont belieb it
>>1683470>nevar 4get the time a bunch of literal gay discord geeks crybullied their way into running some of the most powerful intelligence agencies in the worldi forgor
halp me member
>>1683578o i thot heem was talkin about somethin from before
>>1683583please delete this photo of me
Explosive devices found on woman arrested at Tesla dealership: Police
>Colorado authorities said they arrested a woman after catching her with explosives at a Tesla dealership on Monday. Law enforcement said 40-year-old Lucy Grace Nelson was arrested after the Loveland Police Department launched an investigation on Jan. 29 into a series of vandalisms using incendiary devices at a local Tesla dealership.
>Police report that Nelson returned to the Loveland Tesla dealership with “additional incendiary devices, along with material attributed to vandalism.”
>Nelson is currently in jail and faces charges including explosives or incendiary devices use during felony, criminal mischief and criminal attempt to commit a class three felony, according to a statement from authorities on Wednesday.
cybertruk hater has gone too far
total canada death on march 4
tariffs will start
go on a murderous rampage of all canadians
>>1683602tugboat has been sunk
>>1683603at least dup knows to hire actual thots and not 60yo cat lady jews, or sheboons with shaved heads and a penchant for screaming in congress
pam bondi, for ex, needs to be permanently mounted on muh dick
>>1683611ya budy pams lik 51 too, her and leavitt can depose this gock
psaki was hot for a month but guinness world record walled
>>1683502Friendly reminder that more people died to violence in the 1900s than all of known history combined (outside of China). The rate of death via violence was so obscene that it spawned most of those end-times cults because people legit thought the antichrist was coming.
>>1683548Trust me, this war IS clean by slav standards. Both sides could be
a lot more brutal if they actually wanted to be.
>>1683595I'll probably wash it, but I rally don't want to…
>>1683622Budy I've been at werk all night with a cocaine-riddled messican fixing robots and just finished building a bookshelf when I got home I'm naked in bed getting ready to sleep but I'm not your guy.
>>1683597I for one welcome the 51st state of Alberta
>>1683611The press secretary is rally hot, it's a shame she's married to some old fart in his 60s.
>>1683621this war was on pace to roughly double the amount of casualties in the iraq-iran war. you know, that one war that even by ayyyrab standards was considered to be a pointless mass slaughter? you have no fucking clue what youre talking about. if you
ever see another war lik that again, itll prolly be the big one™. were frankly kinda lucky it didnt turn into that in the first place
King Charles putting aside his rothschild agenda to pay homage to the king despite insisting he wanted nothing to do with dup lol
RFK Jr ceases and desists a half billion dollar chink flu vaccine contract
dup admin to deny all 2028 olympic visas involving trannies
Christianity is no longer in decline, numbers stabilize for the first time since studies began in 2007
dup to treat protesting Israel as a hate crime
SCOTUS pauses lower court injunction on dup's cuts to USAID
IRS to close half their offices
Gene Hackman and wife found dead in Santa Fe home, from the descriptions it sounds like the wife killed him and then OD'd on meds.
>>1683630>dup to treat protesting Israel as a hate crimecan't wait for soup cream court to tell him to fuck off on that one
>>1683629You little shit you have no idea what real war looks like, every war has mass atrocities but we haven't even begun to approach that point. You don't get trench-clearing operations where they take survivors/white flaggers as PoWs and you certainly don't get half the cunt being left alone from civilian air strikes for 9 months out of the year.
Has there been torture? Yes I've seen more shit from animals on both sides than I'd ever want to see. Have there been civilian casualties? Of course, all these little commie-bloc cunts intentionally integrated their military and civilian centers in hybridized ways specifically for wars like this. Is this war brutal? Nobody said it wasn't. Is the death count high? Slav slapfights always destroy an entire generation of men.
But both sides have been incredibly reserved in their war crimes up until this point. Both Putler and Jewlensky could have gone total war long ago and both are expressly avoiding it to prevent the civilian casualty rate from jumping into the millions. Both sides have intentionally been using older men to fight this war too when possible.
Young men are dying and the death count is high, but they just barely passed the threshold of the Syrian civil war and haven't even made tookie numbers compared to the entire Arab Spring.
gotta agree with clean guy on the point of slavs being capable of unimaginably worse, the shit they got up to under stalin was probably the best evidence of demonic entities being real
>>1683604where IS chrischan these days? we need a VH1 Behind the music for him
>>1683637mostly streams vidya, art, and singalongs. also dating some finnish cabbage patch doll
>>1683636yah idgi either
this war is a fucking mess by literally every metric.
and the fact that its putting up iraq-iran or syrian civil war #s in just barely 3yrs, as opposed to 8 and 12 respectively shows how fucking insane that buzzsaw actually is. to say nothing of the literal hrs of footy of slavs on both sides being turned into hamburger helper. eat ur heart out iraq war vets, for the next 40yrs slavs are gonna be going into PTSD psychotic rages from hearing their neighbors vacuum cleaner and thinking theyre about to get droned
>>1683636>>1683641his point is it coulda been a whole lot worse idg what the confusion is
>>1683639not in prison? they couldn't plan for the chan?
>>1683619shouldn't this be measured as a % of total population rather than absolute numbers?
killing 10 in a population of 100 is a much bigger deal than killing a thousand in a population of a billion
>>1683647courts determined he was basically too retarded to stand trial and prolly lack of any real evidence. and his lawyer was the guy that defended the fukn DC sniper. imagine thinkin that was gonna be the hardest case of your life and then some rainbow haired fatty waltzes in claiming he raped his mom in the name of jesus
>>1683652RALLY hope this becoms an 8p miniseries
but who would play chrischan?
>>1683645i just rly dont see where or how it couldve been worse given the circumstances. short of it spiraling out into
actual WWIII, of course. and/or it continuing uninterrupted for another 3-4yrs
which it def wouldve under bidup/kammyin terms of modern wars fought with modern militaries armed with modern equipment, this war was on a completely diff level than anything thats happened since ive been alive. and it rly is not close.
syrian civil war was a legendary shitshow with lik a dozen diff sides killing each other for over a decade. all while civvies were trapped directly in the middle of it. even that has nowhere near these numbers.
and in slavlands you can hardly even fight for lik a third of the year, cuz its cold af. didnt matter here tho, cuz drones. still hundreds on each side dying every week, even in the absolute doldrums of winter. you got 100s of thousands of kids coming back home as paraplegics, if they were even lucky enough to come back at all. the mass dismemberment is what rly sets it apart from other wars imo. its lik the IED casualties from iraq war, but multiplied by a gorillion
ill say it again, cuz it bears repeating: this war was absolutely fucking retarded
>>1683647more lik it turns out kiwinigger rumors aren't actually evidence and anyone can tell at a glance that chris can be tricked into saying and believing p much anything if you word it to him right bc he's a literal autist
>>1683650the world population was collectively less than 2.5 billion in the 40s and ww1 and ww2 combined killed about 100 million people so those two conflicts alone btfo like 4% of the global population and then there was all the smaller wars and commie genocides that took place outside of the scope of either world war. then post-ww2 the korean war and vietnam war piled on another couple million bodies, prolly millions dedded in apefrican and south american conflicts bc >cold war, then the iran-iraq shitfest and yugoslavia breaking up
i'm not gonna do all these calculations rn but that's a couple hundred million ded in a century even %-wise that btfos the vast majority of past centuries save for shit like the black plague and golden horde days and maybe a couple of
ancient chink dynasties
>>1683625she hit the wall