>>7381Those were for physical games, and it wasn't to one entity.
The cut is the same for digital game storefronts on console iirc (30-ish%)
What ever happened? I hope that faggot gets bankrupted.
>>7451Nothing happened
yet No.7453
>>7451gay buh is a multibillionaire nothing is going to happen to him regardless
ther case is actually prety fukn bad
theyre trying to say theyre abusing their monopoly position with the 30% cut and not allowing devs to sell the game for a lower price on another storefront, but theyre making some argument where it only applies to keys or something like that. and ya steam is a behemoth but its not a monopoly, you have epic and gog and gmg and a bunch of other storefronts. just that steam was the first big one and none of the other storefronts have done anything good enough to through gay ban off his throne so everyone still uses it
lik there are a lot of things to hate valve for and prolly some better reasons to sue them but this isnt one of them
now theyre trying to argue they bought WON int he 2000s and that counts as unfair competition but thats not what happened at all, they just updated the games using won to use steam instead when it was redy
>>7491Its pretty close to a monopoly, last I remember they had 70+% market share, which is a massive market concentration.
Valve is actually shrewd in the sense that they tried to stop releasing direct numbers that would make them look like a monopoly so you can't find anything new and up to date, but I can't imagine things have gotten better since then.
I mean it makes sense but Steam is a monopoly vy virtue of everyone else being shit, not a monopoly from underhanded dealings (I'm sure those exist too)
I hope Gaben deep dicks every rarted gaymer on this planet
>>8272Having easily pirated software doesn't make a service better. Besides apples and oranges, that's like comparing GOG to
>>8287>Having easily pirated software doesn't make a service better>implyingHonestly tho I just like being able to load up some vidya gaems without having some bloated client in the background all the time like the other services. Plus being able to back your games up, no fear that you'll lose them if the company just decides to remove a game, no auto-updates that more often fuck shit up rather than fixing anything etc. But yeah I guess the selection is pretty limited compared to Steam.
>>8288>limited selectionfeature not bug lol
>>8289yah i'd be willing to bet something like 2/3 of steam's "big selection" is either streamerb8 trash or deliberately low effort shovelware garbage pumped out by scammers hoping to scrape a couple bux out of idiots and children
>>8290About right. 1/3rd is AAA/Multiplayer shovelware, 1/3rd is popular slop of the streamer season, and 1/3rd is indies that are sellin' gud
t. steam user
However a nice thing I like is they introduced family sharing so each account can play offline so long as they are inside a family group, and steam's definition of "family" is incredibly nebulous
>>8292oh shit that's actually a decent option to have if you're gonna paypig for them
>>8293it actually rules. bought my niece a nice rig and gave her my good goy access
only for her to play sims free ;_; No.8296
>>8295grils luv sims, my sister and all of my sister-in-laws play the hell out of the sims. it's just playing house on a computer after all
too bad some of them let their actual houses go to shit No.8298
>>8297>many years ago pretty big difference
>>8298This was probably like 10 years ago so they were still considered old games at the time. But even back then I guess social media and streamerfags didn't hold as much influence over the zoomies as they do for gen alpha kids
I sent this whorb I had the hots for a sims lot where our sims were smashing and I never heard from her again
where did I go wrong /v/ros?
>>8300if it was sims 4 you went wrong by playing sims 4
>using the faggot-word
where do YOU live?
>>8310another gud decision
still not paying tho No.8335
but is it still jewgle infested spyware?
>>8335Is there anything that isn't jewgle infested spyware these days? (besides chink stuff)
last I checked gog is still p good
honorable mention to moddb for working perfectly even on nojs
never used itch b/c there's too much vidya already but they might be ok?
>>8341itch doesnt have drm either i think
oh yeah you have to sandbox anything made in unity because the engine's spyware
>>8347>the Jews know that I have the bigger cocks mod installed for Daggerfall Unityit's over…
>>8347Unity in general is a shit system. It's meant for learning principals of game design not for developing commercial games.
>>8349why are you telling me this
>>8352Every Becky has a Patricia/Katie reinforcing their point.